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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  July 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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people would like a new prime minister. a large number of people would like to end the war in gaza and bring the hostages home. that yahoo is not going to do that. if that happens, then he will probably be out of power very soon. i think that selfishness of leadership holds true. >> i love doing international news because i think it is important for americans to realize we are not this one offered we are part of the world and that happen can happen to us. you have to look at the international situations because you see yourself in some of these foreign countries. it ain't foreign what it hits home it is such a pleasure. thanks so much for being here. >> good to be with you. we that is tonight's "the reidout" you can probably on tiktok. please follow our show accounts on on instagram tiktok. "inside" with jen psaki starts right now.
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today president joe biden came out fighting and it all started with a letter to congressional democrats that landed in inboxes before 9:00 a.m. which included these lines, quote, i want you to know that despite all the speculation in the press and elsewhere i am firmly committed to stay in the race. running this race to the end and to beating donald trump. the question of how to move forward has been well aired for over a week now. it is time for him to end. less than an hour after the letter was public the president was on the phone with our friends that morning joe. this is part of the interview. >> the bottom line here is that we are not going anywhere. i am not going anywhere. i would not be running if i did not absolutely believe that i am the best candidate to beat donald trump in 2024. i will not explain any more about what i should or should not do. i am running.
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i am getting so frustrated by the elite. i'm not talking about you guys but by the elite in the party. they know so much more. many of these guys don't dig i should run, run against me. announced it and challenge me at the convention. >> challenge me at the convention. if this is a stare down and in many ways it kind of is right now. joe biden deaf not -- definitely not blinking but he went to pennsylvania and attended service at one of the biggest churches. he visited a local campaign office. and he met with the governor josh shapiro. that was just yesterday. tomorrow he will deliver remarks on the 75th anniversary of nato. almost a full day meeting with the nato leaders. thursday, he will hold a major solo press conference. friday he will hold a campaign event in michigan but he have events on the books for next week in texas and nevada.
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this is all happening while donald trump has been virtually out of sight in the 11 days since the debate. we are seeing an incredibly defiant joe biden a silent donald trump. we are not seeing him at all because he is silent. today we are learning more about the terrifying republican platform ahead of the convention next week. i will have much more to say on that later in the show. even with trump largely out of sight the thing is there are daily reminders of the threat that he poses and the importance of defeating him. there is not universal agreement right now on who has the best chance of doing that. so far several members of congress have come out both publicly and privately calling on the president to step aside. two democratic senators and two of the toughest races in the country. they said voters and their states still have questions about whether the president is up to the task. they were not the only senators who said they heard from constituents.
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on the other hand the number of democrats including members of the congressional black caucus came out and supported by member the president is meeting with them over the course of the last hour. late today, hakeem jeffries, one of the major leaders in the party reiterated his support for the president there is some disagreement, no question. the clock is also ticking. that is just a fact. democratic convention is seven weeks away and the election is in less than four months. tonight i will talk to two democratic senators. two senators who have slightly different views on where we stand right now and with the right path forward might be. one of them is john fetterman, who has been the president's fiercest offenders in the debate. he spent the entire day with biden during his campaign swing through pennsylvania. he cannot have been more clear about where he stands. >> there is only one person in this room who kicked -- in an
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election. there is only one person in this state that has kick trump's -- in an election. there is only one person in the country that has ever kicked trump's -- in an election. and that is the president. that is our president, your president, my president. >> well, the senator is right. joe biden is only in the who is kicked trump's -- in the election but is not about whether he did that, whether he can do it again. here is chris murphy who is also joining me later tonight. >> voters to have questions. personally, i love joe biden. i do not know that the interview on friday night did enough to answer those questions. i think this week is going to be absolutely critical. the president needs to do more.
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>> kind of hard for me to take issue with any of that either. two centers on the show tonight both of them patriots who love their country and love the president. and who just happened to be answering the same question a little differently right now. guess what? that is okay. disagreement is the sign of a healthy democracy. disagreement is what donald trump and the republican party want to get rid of in this country. the ability to dissent and ask hard questions is one of the things that separates our two major political parties right now. good faith actors in the party openly discuss the passport and talk to their constituents. republicans are blindly sending everything the convicted felon at the top of their ticket says and does. that blind loyalty means everything is on the line in this election. women's rights are on the line. the supreme court is on the line for the rule of law is on the line and democracy itself is on the line. the prospect of a criminally immune in the most powerful
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office in the world is on the line. it could happen. guess what? john fetterman knows that and so does chris murphy. joe biden's closet advised noah and the people calling him to drop out of the race know that too. we all know winning has never been more important that it is this november. we know that is not an option. it is because the stakes are high that there is some disagreement and discussion about how we get there. no one in the democratic party is disputing that joe biden is a decent and empathetic human being. he is. when i met with him for the first time about the press secretary job, his biggest focus on was whether i could play a role in returning civility and respect to the briefing room. he did not want shouting matches or accusation. you want to bring the country together and restore dignity to the white house. that is who he is. he asked about your kids and family and always picks up the phone with his grandkids call.
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he is a person who is so relentless when i was there two years ago that he would keep meetings going for hours. to the point where had the time, i have to go to the press briefing now. he cares deeply about the country. he always had a for the decades he has been in public office but he ran not for fame or fortune and not to keep himself out of jail. that is what we are dealing with these days but because he is a person who believes in public service in the lives of others better. he wants to help the little guy from scranton, we talked to after church and feels left behind and forgotten. representing both people is his calling. it is why he is in public office. that is what has driven him to run for office. he was the unifier of the country needed it. that is what he was focused on but he was a comforter and chief during a time when people were mourning their lost loved one string covid. it is in fourth place and i were and still came back to win the nomination and is treat -- defeat trump he was pursuing
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bipartisan legislation for things that people care about. at a time when most people said that was malarkey, as he might say. he did it through hard work and relationship building and compromise. part of governing that has largely been lost in washington. if you are sitting at home watching all of this happen and you feel angry, i get it. if you feel frustrated, i get that too. joe biden is a good man, who has been a great present and has an impressive agenda. that is just the fact that this decision right now is not about that. it is not about whether or not he defied the odds in 2020. he did defied the odds. or whether he did it during his first term. he did. it is not about whether he would end up for democracy. he would. it is whether he is the right person to defeat donald trump. we don't know exactly where voters stand on that question and that is the only thing that matters. there are legitimate questions in this moment. it is not only rich donors and
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elites who are asking that. i work for him and respect him and i care about him deeply. if i sat here every night and told you that every question being asked out there is unfair, i would not be respecting you. i am not going to do that. i will continue to tell you what is happening and what i believe is happening behind the scenes in this moment. that is all we know and what we can talk about. the president and his team came out fighting. he was defiant, no question. that is not his most effective message to voters. this election will not be won by someone who name call strum. but by someone who can articulate clearly to the american people that trump is not fighting for them. he is fighting for himself. president biden has done that effectively and he can do it effectively. the man i saw on that debate stage in the land that was not the person i work work on more than two years ago. of person who switch between calls of members and congress
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and policy people for more answers and spoken acronyms but that was not the person we saw but i don't think we should deny that. maybe it was just one bad night the president will have to continue answering the questions and convincing skeptics. he is up to the job. he started the process and interviews and campaign events and there is more to come. there is a test coming up on thursday with a solo press conference after nato and everything there will be scrutinized out will with the days ahead. defiance is a start. the defiance alone will not win back every supporter he needs. neither will denial about the reality we are facing and he is facing right now. chris murphy and john fetterman are standing by. senator murphy is coming up first and he joins me in 60 seconds. seconds. you'r the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack.
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switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. welcome back. join me now is chris murphy of connecticut. senator, you have race concerns
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a lot of people have raised you love the president and said that yesterday. i just said that. you would like to see him up there doing more with town hall meetings and events. i think what is hard, how do you measure success? we are on a short timeline. the clock is ticking. what are you looking for our next couple days? how we look at on friday and say, i can be with him. my constituents can be with him. >> it does not sell in politics today. i support joe biden. he is my president. i have never seen a more effective commander in chief than joe biden. i have worked with him intimately, as you know. we passed the first anti-gun violence bill in 30 years that is saving thousands of lives as we speak. crime plummets in this nation that would have not happened without joe biden's detailed daily intervention in those negotiations. i know what joe biden can do. i know how successful he has been. i support him in this election.
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it is just true that people have questions having watched his performance on thursday. it is just also true that people want to be with him and support him. they want to see him out in settings that show he is still the old joe biden as he says he is. what i have suggested is that the president be in unscripted settings this week. he did that this morning in the call into the morning show. >> did you like that? >> i think we need to see more of that. i also think it is okay for him to be defiant right now for he really believes in himself and his ability to be donald trump, he should be angry and upset at what has happened over the course of the last week. you are also right that he has to do more than just show that anger about the circumstances. he has to show his ability to deliver and assure voters that the performance on thursday was
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an anomaly. i think he can do that this week. i said the clock is ticking yesterday because we need to get this as a party. we need to get back to the issue at hand which is a contrast between a decent and honorable man, joe biden, and a corrupt felon, who pathologically lies and want to transition with donald trump. that has to be the contrast and i hope that is a contrast next week. we met you and i both know the political cycles. you have been elected to the senate and i have not. donald trump could pick a running mate and the republican convention is next week. does this need to be decide by the end of the week? >> i think we would be well served by having a decision. i think president biden can do things this week to reinstall people's faith in him so that by next week we are back to talking about this contrast.
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i also think this is an opportunity for a comeback story and the press and the immediate in this country loves nothing better than a comeback story. president biden was down thursday night. on friday morning -- if he comes back and shows this week he has the ability to correct from that performance, i think that is a pretty important and compelling narrative as we head into the summer and fall. i think it is incumbent upon the president and his team to do the things they did this morning but get out there and put the president in settings that show thursday night was an anomaly rated >> sounds like you would like to go to the republic convention with knowledge and competence of who the nominee will be. we met the republican convention is going to be an advertisement for the most unpopular agenda that any major party has ever run on the history of the country. they have this document project 2025 that >> trump attends he has nothing to do with. it is ludicrous.
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>> his future cabinet members wrote the document. >> beecher chief of staff, maybe . >> it is unbelievable that tom penn -- trump and his accolades can put down their plan to end american democracy and end a woman's right to choose everywhere in this country and single and persecute people in this country. that is what we should be talking about next week. which is why i hope the president continues what he started this morning and answers people's questions about next week we can talk of this incredibly bright line contrast. >> let me ask you one piece that will impact you a great deal. who controls the senate next year? there are number of college you came out and said their constituents had expressed questions that the president need to do more the could be up to the job at one is jon tester, who is in a close race. present has got to prove to the american people -- including meet -- that he is up for the
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job. you have run close races before. how much did the feelings and views of portable centers and members of congress -- how much does that way in what happens moving forward? >> i think if president biden believes that he can do this job and he convinces the voters across six country that he can do the job, then he has met the moment. i'm not thinking the comments are irrelevant but ultimately this is got to be about what the president believes he can do and it has got to be what the broad american electorate leaves the president is capable of. jon tester is an independent voice. he is a democrat but he does what is right for montana. >> senator brown did. >> i think you will continue to see centers like jon tester, who have always been independent voices auguring with the present many times and disagreeing with the president many times do that is just to jon tester is. that is who bob casey is varied i think that will continue to be what you hear from them from
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now until the election. >> how does this conclude one of your colleagues, my now home senator -- even though you were once my center -- mark warner called a meeting that was canceled. do all the centers need to agree on the path forward? does that matter? how the end whatever the path will be here? >> i suggested the one always the end this is for the president to be informed this week in which he answers those questions. the sooner that the president does that and i think he started doing that today. the quicker that we can come to a collective decision. not everyone will agree with but a broad cross-section of democrats will a group that the president is ready to carry the selection board. i think this can and more quickly if they get into more and scripted settings >> chris murphy, great to see her. thank you so much for joining the onset tonight. democrats are hammering donald trump 2025 agenda.
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are voters listening? i will talk to former speechwriter, john favreau. first, skeptical democrats get a spine or grow a set. john fetterman it fresh off the campaign event with president biden is standing by and he joins me after a very quick break. ick break. ♪("baby" by summer walker)♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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in the days after the debate enter all of the fall and calls for the president to step aside, there is one senator who has stood firmly behind president biden. it seems like the president noticed. >> i will not make this a speech, i promised on. by the way, i got john fetterman and do not need much else. >> i am about to point to the only person that has ever kicked trump's -- in an election right now. i hope the media is hearing that.
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humiliated trump, broke him and he had to lie about it. >> joining me is john fetterman of pennsylvania. thank you so much for joining me. we just showed a bunch of it there but you have staunchly defended the president and said he had a great day yesterday. he came out swinging this morning with a letter and an appearance on morning joe. he has made it clear he is not leaving. since then several of your senate colleagues have come out with statements that talk about concerns that have been expressed. they said the president needs to prove he is up for it including two facing a tough re- election fight. you have been through that before. what does the present need to do to keep other colleagues of yours from jumping ship to mark >> it cracks me up. if no one has run for president let alone won and has been the present giving advice, that is a strange place to sit there. i'm going to tell tom brady
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that you really need to hold the harder in the pocket or something. it is strange. it is bizarre when people are saying, he is the best president in my lifetime but -- but. it should stop right after he is the best president of your lifetime but he had a rough day and we know that and we still talk about that i do not think it is helpful. that is going to be our guide. that is our president. i like to keep pointing out again and again there is only one man and person in america that has been trump in an election and that is joe biden. my money is going to be on the guide that kicked his -- and he will win again. we met they are not just speaking from their own point of view bear time but what they have heard from constituents. these are people who were present a range of dates including states in play coming up this election.
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they do say they love joe biden but they're not questioning his record. they are questioning whether he can be donald trump how does he bring them back to the fold? does he need to bring them back you are you tell me that does not matter? >> he keeps running the kind of campaign that he did. my colleague to set unscripted. we did a whole day of it yesterday unscripted. it was a great day for the president as well. the rooms were packed. people were thirsty to have their selfie taken with the president. that was joe biden right there. that is the kind of present that i know and when i am proud to stand with throughout all of this thing. polls are going to be up-and- down. some people will have bad days are good days. joe biden is never going to bribe a star and get convicted for that. it is really strange when you have project 2025 and that is trump's plan.
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why are people more worried about what time it joe biden might go to bed or these other things when it is that we need to get serious and realize what is here. some of these democrats, even before the debate, were willing to walk away from him or to abaddon -- abandoned biden or whatever. that worked out great in 2000. we got two terms of bush. we threw the clothes away with jill stein in 2016. of course that brought trump here. the next time you try to send a message, maybe you are going to send trump back to the white house. >> project 2025, we talked a lot about that and more in the show. i think it is exactly what people are so concerned that it is so existential to take out trump. let me as well pennsylvania. people will be all over pennsylvania over the next couple months including the media and lots of candidate.
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another colleague facing a tough re-election bid he is running ahead of his opponent, dave mccormick. it is bob casey. i want to ask you if you have any concern that president biden at the top of the ticket will bring bob casey down? >> absolutely not. i was in cycle in '22. it was supposed to be a bloodbath for democrats. i don't know how popular it is. i don't know if you can be seen. i was proud to campaign with him. in the poll have me down two points and lose. we won by five points. and that is why i am right here having this conversation. i stood with him in my cycle and i am definitely going to stand with him in his cycle. bob casey will be that guy from connecticut. we actually have a great team on our running. whether that is in montana or ohio. whether that is in nevada. and kerry lake, she is a
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miracle. she is a democratic asset like she is everyone's favorite. i have a good chance of running the table. and joe biden is on the top. it is strange why republicans seem to embrace of fallon at the top of their ticket and they are proud of that. they dress like him and show up. we have all kinds of anxiety. and we say things and wonder will joe biden be our candidate? we should not be having this conversation at this point. joe biden is our guy. if anyone was better, they have their chance. fair fight. the only guy that did that was the gelato guy. that did not go well for him. where were they? anyone that thinks they could have brought their bad self into the primary but they did not do that. i don't think it is reasonable
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to turn their back on a great president after a rough debate. >> let us talk about pennsylvania. you know pennsylvania incredibly well. you won a race people said she would not win. and you are a senator. there is a bloomberg poll released this weekend that shows donald trump has a seven point lead over joe biden. it is pretty consistent with a lot of the polling. you may tell me that polls are imperfect and i agree with you. they are betting on the electorate. talk to me about what you are seeing on the ground that is inconsistent? is a completely wrong? do you worry that the debate will impact it? what is your take on the ground? >> that is not a seven point race. it will be close. i have been saying the same thing since 2016. we cannot play around. this is going to be close to 2016 and that is what happened. it will be very close in 2020 and that is exactly what it was
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. poll had biden up five points in pennsylvania. if you look up the crowds and you see the energy, this is not a five point race. in 2024 it will be close again. no matter who is in this race. joe biden beat him. and soundly as well. if we are still arguing about this, i don't really understand that. if there is somebody else that is that person, then put their name in it right now. that is what i am suggesting that if somebody thinks that they can be trump, put their hat in the ring. everyone can react on that instead of talking about this for another month. >> he spent the day with him yesterday. he also campaigned with him two years ago. there is a lot of talk out there that he has dramatically changed.
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what did you notice about the day yesterday versus the day two years ago? it is only two moments of time but you spent time with him on both occasions. >> he had a perfect day with me. i don't know if there's any other people on your show that have spent their entire day would joe biden but i did. he had multiple ovens and they were all great. he was interacting in an easy and friendly way. not unscripted kind of away and all of that. that was joe biden. i don't know why people are talking about that. it really has to come back to this idea. who is the one? that person can put their name in the ring right now. otherwise we will talk about this for the next month. i imagine and i think this is personal for you you can relate to some of this on a personal level. you have suffered a stroke and went on to win.
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you were always a much younger than the president. you do know what is like to be doing a job capably and facing questions about your ability. how frustrated have you felt on a personal level two watches over the last week and a half? >> it is personal in a way because joe biden stood with me during my cycle and i will stand with him. this is a great president. look at where we were four years ago. we were all going to be doing zoom, not just this interview, everything. visiting with grandparents and with anybody on zoom. people were courting toilet paper and things. who wants that? who wants to go back and save those great days. who wants that kind of chaos and that kind of thing? the democrats can agree joe biden is a great president and dungeon an -- and done an
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incredible record. there were democrats that had a chance to challenge him back then. i don't think now is the time. just like the president said. this needs to end and we need to go forward. if there are people in our party that thing, i am the one that can be trump, put your name out. i want to hear from them. let us go. >> the president put that challenge up this morning. i don't think anyone will do that unless he were to decide he cannot run. john fetterman, thank you for being candid. i will go on record and hope you always wear hoodies thanks for being on with me tonight. i appreciate it. coming up, donald trump is trying to distract voters from the fact that the policy he believes in are unpopular. i was about the new republican agenda just out today when we come back. come back.
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oh la la! [cheering] don't panic. gift easy with gift mode, now on etsy. donald trump knows his presidential campaign has a big vulnerability. and it is not that he has been fell -- mother does charges he faces. it is not just that it is actually his own agenda. that is why trump is doing everything he can to keep the agenda from being scrutinized. he said it last week when he bizarrely tried to distance himself from the public and plan known as project 2025.
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that is the blueprint written by trump's own advisers to radically expand executive power. or as the presence of the heritage foundation put it to, quote, institutionalize trumpism. this week trump and his campaign are trying to make agenda more palatable than it actually is. early today for the first time since 2016 the republican party released a draft of their 2024 platform its contents are less like a proposal to govern and more like something you would see untrue social mashed together. including an section outlining vague promises that read like a greatest hits of trump talking points. the platform itself has been cut down to a whole lot since 2016. for more than 60 pages to just 16 in the truck campaign says it has been, quote, streamlined and effectively keeping policy specifics to a bare minimum. and there lies the towel. trump's positions are so extreme he does not want to
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explain them in detail. there is no mention of the republican position on russia's war against ukraine other than the idea of restoring peace in europe. there is no mention of the affordable care act, which trump said he would replace if he wins a second term. what is mentioned is a flashy and strange proposal to, quote, create a robust manufacturing industry in outer space. jobs that probably serve americans better if they were here on earth, i think it is safe to say. and then there are flat-out contradictions but like the promise that republicans, quote, will protect social security and medicare with no cut. that is funny because it comes three months after trump said entitlement cuts are indeed on the table. >> have you change your outlook on how to to hand entitlement social security, medicare and medicaid? something has to be done. >> there is a lot you can do in terms of entitlement and cutting. >> given contradictions like
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that it can be hard to know what the republican agenda actually is. that misdirection is purposeful. trump is trying to hide from his own agenda. nowhere is that more apparent that the platform section on reproductive rights. gone is the human life amendment republicans aback that for decades. in his place are four sentences that pass the buck to the state. allowing them to impose abortion laws while trump shirks responsibility for overturning wroblewski -- something that trump said he would answer in a week or two. good thing we do not hold our breath on that one. in other words, it glosses over the questions that platforms are meant to address. the ambiguity is the point here. trump wants people to think he has softened his stance on abortion this is the same guy who once said women must be punished for the choices they make about their own bodies. he is the guy who promised to
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overturn roe and appointed three justices who did just that. he has no problem with the new laws that republican-led states have passed. >> we gave it back to the states and the states are working brilliantly and not the states are working their way through it. you are having some very, very beautiful harmony to be honest with you. whatever it is it is within the state. it is working out. we have given it to the states and some states have decided and people are satisfied with it. >> here is the thing, trump knows his proposals are deeply unpopular across the board. it is why he is refusing to put them in writing. at least not in any detail but that is the irony here. trump has to disguise his agenda in order to implement it. and that should scare all of us. my friend and cohost of dave america john taber is standing by. immediately after a quick break. o
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over the course of the past few weeks you have probably started here more and more about project 2025 that is not an accident but a lot of groups are working hard to make sure you know about trump's plan for another term. they want you know about the plans about taking weight reproductive rights, weaponizing the justice department and detain immigrants in camps before deporting them en masse. i'm not making that up. it is all online on the heritage foundation website. the washington post reveals that the biden campaign is making those proposals a core element of their campaign. they have issued dozens of releases mentioning the product including five on friday and are asking surrogates, allies and other to talk about project 2025 as often as they can. look at this chart. mentions of project 2025 on podcast have tripled since the beginning of june. thanks to democrats sounding the alarm. joining me now is john, former
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speechwriter for president biden . and some i've been texting with andre over last several weeks. we will talk about what is going on in the democratic party. we have talked about it a lot. i do want to start with project 2025. there is a lot of horrible stuff in that plan. it is 81,000 pages. a lot of people are trying to help voters understand the what of the challenges is what to talk about. is it project 2025? is it the public and platform? is it social attorney and medicare. is it all of it? you have been thinking about messaging worker years. what do you think? >> i think calling it project 2025 is working. i'm getting texts and messages from people who do not follow politics about 2025. we have succeeded in making sure that the -- the right does this well but it seems like something secret and
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conspiratorial so people want to find out more about it. donald trump wants to acquire nearly unlimited power. because of his control over his party and the supreme court, he will get if he wins any want to use that power to exert control over every aspect of our lives. life and death decisions pregnancy and healthcare, who we love and are. what our children read and what they learn. i would talk about all of it. i would talk about the fact that he wants to send federal troops into cities and send troops a against american protesters. he wants to send federal agents to investigate people who do not agree with him. he wants to nullify our clothes if we beat him at the ballot box. this is about donald trump trying to gain as much power as he can and exerts control over our lives and punish people who do not agree with him. people have wanted to do -- you
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trying to walk away from it because everyone finds out about it and he knows it is unpopular. even though they are trying to walk away, 16 of his former officials, some of whom have been rumored to be potential white house chief of staff are running project 2025. i don't think he will be able to walk away from it. democrats should talk about it every possible opportunity. >> all of those threats, this is my view, is valid and understandable conversation about the democratic side of the aisle. the threat of donald trump is not the threat of mitt romney. it is a different threat. i have talked to a lot of people on the show and gave the whole overview about my view of the state of this. what is your view of where things it right now? >> i love joe biden. i think he is a fantastic -- he
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has been a fantastic president. we should all be proud of what he has accomplished. i think what we saw at the debate, what 90 million americans saw and then what 8 million americans saw with the interview with george stephanopoulos has a lot of voters concerned who are not with joe biden yet. the challenge is, you know, joe biden was behind heading into that debate. these are not new concerns that happen because of the debate. they're not new concerns that came up because of the reaction to the debate. in the month before the debate when the entire media was talking nonstop about donald trump being a convicted felon, as they should have. the biden campaign was on the air in swing states with tens of millions of dollars in ads and joe biden was out campaigning everywhere. it was right before the debate. 65 or 75% of voters, including half of democrats, most black voters, most latino voters thought that joe biden was too old to be an effective president
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. the reason that the biden campaign asked for the debate was so they could convince those voters that joe biden was up for the job. they asked for the debate that early. the fact that joe biden performed as he did does not matter what we think. we will still vote for joe biden because we understand the threat of donald trump is existential. i think 90% of democrats understand that and he will probably not lose those voters either. i know jon fetterman said he kicked his tragedy for pretty only ones at the last lecture by 40,000 votes. he is now at 36% approval rating. the people he has to win over or not you and me. it is not a lot of the people watching right now. it is a whole bunch of undecided voters who are not sure if they want to back joe biden or donald trump. they were not sure before the debate and now they have more serious doubts.
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i have heard focus groups where people who are undecided. sarah longwell did a focus group of clinton/biden voters. these are democrats. three said they might write in someone else's name now because they were so horrified about the debate. what i am worried about and i hate having this conversation, i hate it. joe biden sent in the letter today. he wrote in the letter that our number one job is to defeat donald trump. i absolutely agree. it is the most important thing in the world to defeat donald trump. i hope that joe biden and the people around him really look inside and look at the data and really think hard about whether joe biden really is the best person in america to be donald trump. even though it is late and we don't have much time left, he could still make a decision to step down. by the way, i think would be an incredibly courageous decision and incredibly graceful, strong
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decision. to step down and pass the torch. and have an open process where we find a nominee who can really take on donald trump and make the case. the most important thing for our nominee to do is make the case against donald trump. we just talked about project 2025. joe biden did not utter the words project 2025, 90 minutes and that debate. not once. he did not do it in front of 8 million people. those are two huge missed opportunities. it is so important to prosecute this case and we need a nominee who can do that. >> jon favreau, always love talking to you. thank you so much for joining me tonight. i have one more thing. we are back after a quick break. . earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. the cockroach. resilient creatures. where there is one, others aren't far behind.
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