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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart Reports  MSNBC  July 11, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning. 11:00 eastern, 8:00 pacific on the west coast. we are just hours away from a crucial test for president biden and his political future as he faces pressure from some in his own party to withdraw from the 2024 race. the president will hold his first solo press conference in eight months. he will also sit down for a one- on-one interview with lester holt. it all comes has more democrats call for the president's exit. peter welch became the first senator to call on the president to drop from the race joining nearly a dozen house members. despite the pressure coming from all sides, the president is remaining steadfast. the campaign now firing back at george clooney for calling for a new nominee just weeks after the hollywood star hosted a major fundraiser for the president. the campaign saying, quote, the president stayed for over three
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hours while clooney took a photo quickly and left. joining me now is senior correspondent gabe gutierrez, alan catelli, ashley parker, senior correspondent at the washington post and hans nichols . the president has told us -- his critics, watch me. now all eyes will be on his press conference this afternoon. what is the mood at the white house? >> reporter: white house officials are not looking that this is a singularly high- stakes moment that dreaming it as part of a series of engagements over the next couple of days with media and voters. he's headed toward battle ground, michigan am sitting down with lester holt. he will head out to las vegas next week to speak at several conferences. this is what we see getting out in front of voters and public.
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this all comes amid the backdrop of the nato summit which is underway here in dc. you see the president speaking to world leaders at the white house. they see this news conference as a way to frame it as a contrast between president biden and his opponent former president trump. of course, all eyes in washington and across the country will be watching to see how president biden does considering there are so many doubts especially on capitol hill. >> let's talk about those doubts on capitol hill. these public appearances by the president seem to not have much impact on some democrats in the house and senate. with the last 24 hours been like? >> i just took a brisk walk down the hallway with one of the doubters, the only person in the senate democratic ranked that said he thinks biden should step down.
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that is vermont senator peter welch we caught up with as he was leaving this hearing. he was very brief in his words trying to say he has spoken to constituents and her their concerns and for that reason it is his opinion biden should no longer be the nominee of the party. he echoed those comments to me when i asked him if at the end of all of this biden remains the nominee as he seems at this point inclined to stay, doesn't that hurt the party overall to have come out and said he's not strong enough to go up against trump in november? welch said, i'm just saying my opinion and relaying concerns of constituents. i have heard from other lawmakers in the senate and house who say they have heard from plenty of concerned constituents as well as those that want them to remain steadfast and support. that is the tension point we are seeing from lawmakers right now.
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i think yesterday when former speaker nancy pelosi went on the air and gave an opening to have died and make a different decision than the decision he's already made, that was something that perked a lot of years up and a lot of house members as well. she is a leader in the party and widely seen as somebody who could actually be persuasive to biden if leaders wanted to make a case to him that stepping down as the only option. the fact that this was a week were nato and world leaders were in town is certainly something i've heard from lawmakers that were concerned and might want to voice their opinion did not want to necessarily do so while he was meeting with world leaders and well all eyes of the world were in washington. the nato summit ends today. we might hear from lawmakers before then. i have had a few lawmakers say there will be more people coming forward to say he should step down. >> meanwhile you have reporting about what chuck schumer is
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signaling to donors behind closed doors? >> he is privately telling donors and indicating that he is open to somebody not named joe biden being at the top of the ticket. we will be very careful for what he is indicating and how far he goes. it is easiest to see what he is not saying. we don't have chuck schumer actively entertaining or pressing for joe biden to be kicked off the ticket. that would be entirely different and one that would be more significant. what we do have is he is open to the idea and listening. he and other senate democrats have been listening to constituents and donors. they will have to make a difficult decision in the next 24 to 48 hours, maybe even longer to get up the central challenge. that is that if you call for the president to step down it makes it exceedingly difficult to campaign on the same ticket you and him will be on in november.
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that is the calculus and that's what everybody is talking about privately. the question is, to what extent to those private conversations come into the public domain. >> it's interesting when we talk about that they have been listening to their constituents. if you listen to the voters in the democratic party, joe biden got through those primaries with thousands of delegates. this reporting -- allie was talking about that the nancy pelosi comments on msnbc. she said it is up to the president to decide if he will run. the president has said he is running. is this all about what happened two weeks ago in a 90 minute debate? >> yes and no. what happened two weeks ago and the debate was that a lot of voters have been saying unprompted. when i talk to voters it does not matter what ostensible story i want to hear their
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opinions on. unprompted loyal democratic voters who voted for biden in 2020 and would never vote for donald trump brought up concerns about his age unprompted. in the debate what we saw was sort of the concerns of the party, the concerns of lawmakers and voters bursting -- first of all being realized in the most extreme way. even reporters myself included who have covered biden for a long time and followed him closely that was the worst and weakest we have all seen him. it was bursting into view what have long been whispered about. it's something he's having a tough time recovering from because as a number of people have said to me to say otherwise is to gaslight the american public. it's like telling them don't believe what you saw with your own eyes. anything that reinforces an existing narrative or concerns,
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has staying power in a way that other lines of attack or other self-inflicted stumbles do not. >> there is another democrat on capitol hill calling for the president to step aside? >> that is right. just in the last minute or so we are getting a statement from a freshman lawmaker from michigan, hillary shelter. i will read part of the statement she just weeded out where she says, joe biden has been the leader to represent our party for so long, but this is not about the past. it's about the future. it's time to pass the torch. at another point in her statement she said, ultimately the choice belongs to the president and president alone. i will respect his decision and still vote for him as a clear and necessary alternative to donald trump the people of michigan third congressional district elected me to represent them with integrity and a congressman that would speak truth. that's what she said she is
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doing now. those that i spoke to this morning told me they were sure from conversations with her colleagues there would be more people coming out to at least voice concerns about his ability to carry the message and at most tell him he's not the person who they think is the best person to be atop the ticket come november. as we talk about the impact that somebody like nancy pelosi, the impact somebody like her can have the reason her comments were so significant is because i have multiple lawmakers on the panel who say that there is nothing she does by accident. she chooses her words carefully and knows their impact but she's also somebody who a lot of front-line democrats look to. they are the ones in the toughest district with the tightest margins who probably have the toughest reelection battles ahead of them. they've been some of the most panicked members here. she has long told people her goal is always to keep control
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of the house. she has long told front liners even when she was a speaker win baby win. sometimes that means taking positions that are out of step with where the party is, but ultimately the front liners may have taken her comments as a green light to do what they have to do to keep their seats, express concerns of their constituents. clearly we have added at least one more house democrat who wants to do that. >> she also said, let's wait. there is a 75th anniversary of nato being celebrated in washington, d.c. it is just like the thing ends today. couldn't people wait? but it is what it is. this comes as the biden campaign hits a slowdown in donations. is the campaign concerned about this? >> the campaign is pushing back saying that the reporting is
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not accurate. a spokesperson points out the first few days of the month according to the campaign have been extremely strong and they do continue to have grassroots support. multiple sources connected to the reelection effort tell us that there is a problem. one of those sources saying it is already disastrous and another saying the money has absolutely shut off. two of them think that fundraising numbers could be down by potentially have or even more by the time all is said and done. at least one of those connected to reelection efforts hopes that some of those big money donors will come around once they realize that president biden is staying in and he would be the best option to be donald trump but very concerning signs according to those sources that fundraising numbers are down and the campaign is pushing back >> thank you all so very much. i really appreciate it.
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a programming note. monday lester holt sits down with president biden in an exclusive one-on-one interview. we will have a preview and then the full an edited interview in a primetime special on nbc and nbc news now. who is in and who is out for the line up at the republican national convention. he has yet to announce his running mate. we will break down the numbers and the inflation report and what it means for the prices you pay. the first full day of testimony in alec baldwin's manslaughter trial. we will be back in 90 seconds. goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term
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the republican national convention kicks off and four days in milwaukee. warmer president trump could announce his running mate any time between now and then. one of the top prospects florida senator marco rubio indicated he would accept if asked. >> at this time in our history given everything we've gone through, if somebody has an opportunity to serve the country in that capacity unless there's some reason you can't do it you'll most -- almost have to say yes especially if you care about public service as i do. >> on hilliard joins us now.
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how is the trump team see in the race? >> reporter: this is the moment where you have joe biden as your opponent. they've been preparing to square off since 2022 when donald trump jumped into the race and the campaign team started building the attack plan. if they were to potentially change their ticket, that changes the dynamic. you saw at his rally on tuesday night he started to go on the attack against kamala harris. in large part, joe biden is the candidate they want to match up with. in a characteristic of strength versus weakness, this is an attribute that he has tried to convey to the american public over the last nine years since he rose to become a political candidate. this is one where he described the debate as a knockout blow to joe biden. he has every intention of wanting another crack at him saying he would like to debate him again at any time he likes. for him having the vp
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announcement this could very well come at the convention he suggested next week. in the meanwhile he has stayed relatively quiet on social media has been a different story. he's had very few public appearances. some radio interviews but he has allowed the democrats to play things out on their end. >> florida governor ron desantis will get a speaking slot at the rnc. nikki haley was not invited. what is the thinking behind this? >> reporter: this is as old as time. those who come back to him who perhaps were one time foes you could say like ted cruz and marco rubio, but ron desantis was the latest one last year going against him in the republican presidential primary, but he bowed out of the presidential race right after losing the iowa caucus to him. now several months later after
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holding a fundraiser for him and audibly suggesting voters should stay behind him he has been invited to speak at the convention, a stark contrast to nikki haley who we are told did not even receive an invite to the convention. >> we also have reporting about how democrats are trying to shift focus away from the president and back towards trump. >> there's a lot of talk about project 2025 and what the administration would look like. there is the actual document that was put together by the heritage foundation and more than 100 other allied groups which the biden campaign and allied democrats are continuing over the course the last two weeks to put a heavy emphasis on. also we should expect six-figure ad purchase in milwaukee that the democrats try to counter
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the programming of the republicans. they will have surrogates on the ground with daily press conferences and they will really try to hone in on the actual policies and repercussions of what a second trump administration with not only through executive actions but potential majorities in the house and senate could bring. while the democrats sort out who will be at the top of the ticket, those working at the campaign level are trying to turn the american public back onto donald trump with the understanding that in less than 120 days this decision would have four years worth of consequences. >> thank you very much. now to breaking news on the state of the economy. inflation is cooling, potentially paving the way for the federal reserve to cut interest rates. joining me now is christine romans. what are we learning from this report? >> it is a situation that is
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improving. 3% is the inflation rate. what is really important is that month over month from may to june prices fell 0.1%. that is the first meaningful decline since may 2020. that was the height of the pandemic. what you are seeing is a cooling in the inflation story overall. this was the terrible peak of 9%. this is what so many remember so vividly. this is one of the reasons people feel so terrible about the economy. you can see two thirds have been improved right now. there are some areas where people are seeing lower prices. airfare fell 5%. gas prices are 3.8% just from may to june. used car prices down slightly as well. we know that over all there are pain points in the economy. homeowners insurance is up, shelter prices are high, all of these reports really show you
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that since 2020, overall prices are up even with the overall inflation rate cooling. still some pain points for the american family but you are seeing some relief. it might allow the fed to be able to lower interest rates potentially later this year. when you look at grocery prices they are basically flat. inflation has been zero so that his improvement for families as well. >> thank you so much. we really appreciate it. a testy exchange in the courtroom at the start of alec baldwin's criminal trial. an update on the federal bribery trial of senator bob menendez that is one step closer to jury deliberations. you are watching jose diaz- balart reports on msnbc. msnbc.
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25 past the are right now. in new mexico alec baldwin is back in court today two of his involuntary manslaughter trial on the rust movie set. jurors heard the 911 call made after the cinematographer halyna hutchins was shot. so what is happening in court today? >> right now witness four is back on the stand. she's the crime scene technician who took photos. she had the initial inkling that the dummy rounds are not rattling which is a telltale
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sign that they are dummies. she had them sent to the fbi lab and they were later confirmed, six of them, to be live on set. how relevant this will be for the state case, i'm not sure. it sounds like they are setting the scene of what happened. we saw the body cam video and heard from the officers that responded. now we are learning what did she discover when she got there. the defense was asking, did you have conversations with baldwin? did he tell you he manipulated the hammer. it sounds like they are trying to establish that he's kept the same narrative of not pulling the trigger. that's what they are trying to establish that he never pulled the trigger and even if he did he was asking -- acting. it wasn't his fault. he did not load the gun. we know that they armor hannah gutierrez-reed did and she is already serving her sentence. the prosecution is not
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releasing the order of witnesses but one will be the armor hannah gutierrez-reed and director joel souza who was also shot. he could testify to what he saw during the shooting. >> thank you so much. it's great to see you in person. the jury in new jersey senator bob menendez's bribery trial could soon get the case. 's attorney wrapped up the hours long closing arguments yesterday urging jurors to acquit and saying it would be a win for the country if they reject the case. he pleaded not guilty to all 18 counts. joining us now is tom winthrop. where do things stand right now? >> reporter: we still have two other defendants on trial with the senator alleged to be part of the bribery scheme. they have also pleaded not guilty. they have to give closing arguments and then after that we have federal prosecutors giving rebuttals.
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we have a long way to go before the jury gets instructions. as he referenced 18 counts involving these corruption type bribery charges. those instructions can be complicated. it is probably fairly unlikely we see substantial deliberations by the jury by this afternoon. it's more likely it will be tomorrow. they will have to way an enormous amount of evidence of the case. we were able to get a number of photographs from the search, they had to call out extra agents from the field office, the largest in the country to be able to tally and count the cash. they testified at the time they needed one of those cash counters to be able to count up all the money that was found in the home. more pictures of those gold bars and prosecutors really relying not only on physical evidence but also evidence they obtained through the search warrants, text messages, and communications.
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the gold bars and cash was part of his defense saying, that was found in her closet. is there any evidence you the jurors have seen that directly ties the senator to the cash and gold bars in exchange for an official at. that's what this will come down to when the jury determines whether or not they can make that sort of connection beyond a reasonable doubt. >> thank you so very much, tom. now to breaking news from capitol hill. the house just rejecting a contempt resolution against attorney general merrick garland. allie is back with us from capitol hill. what happened? >> reporter: this was a real moment of intrigue. as the house was leaving last night it looked like the resolution to hold the attorney general and contempt until he turned over audiotapes of the special counsel interview with president biden, the attorney general would have had to pay a
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fine of $10,000 per day, a mechanism one conservative house member was trying to use to haste and his ability to give over those audiotapes. you will remember the attorney general and white house are exerting executive privilege over the recordings though the committees on the hill that want to see them already have the transcript of the interview. ultimately the resolution just failed. four republicans fighting with democrats to ensure that the fine was not levied against the attorney general. this is a moment where democrats or republicans could have just allowed the spotlight to continue to shine on democrats and the ongoing situation around whether or not biden should continue as the nominee. instead they had a moment where a republican priority was put on the floor and tanked. that's where we stand. >> thank you so much. up next, how nato members are trying to, quote, trump
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truth. plus the sole survivor of the baltimore bridge collapse speaks out for the first time. we will play what he told tom llamas about falling into the water and surviving. you are watching jose diaz- balart reports. what does a robot know about love? how to translate that leap inside the human heart into something we can see and hold. the fingerprints we leave behind show how determined we are to give the world a piece of ourselves. etsy. ♪♪
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right now president biden is meeting with nato leaders on the final day of the alliance summit in washington, d.c. the
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united states and allies have agreed ukraine should have an irreversible path to membership, but did not lay out a timeline. looming over much of the meeting is the possibility that donald trump could be elected to serve another term as president and what that could mean for nato. the final day coincides with the release of a new biden campaign ad slamming trump for cozying up to vladimir putin and undermined in democracy around the globe. we have richard joining us. always great seeing you. how do you think nato leaders are dealing with preparing, possibly, for a trump returned to the white house? >> in some ways it is difficult. they don't have control over it. you can't really trump proof nato. short of pulling united states out we reduce troop
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levels and have conditionality about commitment. to focus on others. there's nothing they can do to prevent that. what they really need to focus on is what they can do if something like that should happen, putting greater effort into defense, much more european wide collaboration, building up defense industries. i think they need to prepare, trump or not, for a future where the united states do less than europe because we become more isolationist or more focused on china. >> in the last couple years since president biden has been in the white house, nato has been strengthened in so many ways. finland and sweden becoming part of nato is an extraordinary thing that happened. 75 years since the founding of nato being commemorated today in washington, d.c., 80 years since d-day and normandy, those
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who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it. are we not learning from history? >> i wish we started at more. we might learn more from it as a result that we have a new generation in many cases. when you talk about world war ii you might as well be talking about the peloponnesian war for many people. also, a lot of countries have real domestic challenges. even though i would disagree with it a lot of them say the money they are spending on foreign- policy, you are seeing an inward looking this in the united states and france and germany. despite russian aggression in europe, despite the rise in china we are seeing a real mismatch between what is going on out there and the reactions of many. >> also we have learned that the hungarian leader will be meeting with donald trump this
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evening. what do you make of this? >> it's not an accident or coincidence. he has become a kind of loot star, almost an alternative both domestically and of what a lot of people call it liberal democracies. if it sounds like trumpets because it is. a lot of the base sees him as a kind of model for what a trump led united states would do at home or abroad. i think the fact that they are meeting is totally consistent with the essence of what would be his platform and if he were to win his presidency. >> richard, it's always a pleasure to see you. thank you for your time. today, july 11 marks three years since the massive protests in cuba that changed history. tens of thousands of cubans took to the streets demanding
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freedom and change. the cuban regime responded to the demonstrators with brutal oppression and criminalization despite protests being peaceful. today there are still up to 1000 people in prison in cuba for participating, witnessing or supporting the protests against the regime that has been in power since 1959. 65 years. coming up, funeral services will begin for a black man in wisconsin his death is being compared to what happened to george floyd. we will have the latest on the investigation. the lone survivor of the baltimore bridge collapse speaks exclusively to tom llamas. how he said he made it out of the water alive.
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one application kills and prevents bugs for 365 days. not in my house you don't. nature is wild. your home doesn't have to be. 45 pass the hour. moments from now funeral services will take place for a black wisconsin man who was killed after being restrained by security guards. emily joins us with the latest. >> reporter: good to be with you. as you mentioned, question still swirling about what led up to the deadly encounter with dvontaye mitchell, whose death has drawn comparisons to george floyd. 11 days since his death he is finally being laid to rest go
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without closure for the family. this morning, the death of a wisconsin man that has drawn outraged out being reviewed by the milwaukee district attorney as a homicide. dvontaye mitchell died following an encounter at a hyatt regency in milwaukee. this cell phone video recorded by a witness showing mitchell pleading for help as he is held facedown by four people identified by police as hotel security. >> to see them beat him repeatedly over and over and over again, they did not stop. they could have stopped and let him go and they didn't. >> reporter: the family said they viewed surveillance video that they say showed him running through the lobby on sunday, june 30, entering a woman's restroom. milwaukee police say he had fought with security guards who detained him until police arrived.
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they say officers found him unresponsive and he later died. the 43-year-old husband and father may have been suffering from a mental health episode according to his family. civil rights attorney ben crump said one of the men who held him down, a front desk employee, said he told security guards that he could not breathe but was ordered to keep holding him. >> it is outrageous. it was inhumane. it was unnecessary. >> reporter: overnight, the managing group for the hyatt in milwaukee announced that they are terminating several associates, releasing a statement that reads in part the conduct we saw from several associates violated policies and procedures and does not reflect our values as an organization. the district attorney's office it is awaiting the full results of the autopsy as they weigh the potential for criminal charges. >> thank you so much. it's been over three months since a cargo ship lost power
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and the francis scott key bridge in baltimore causing a catastrophic collapse that left six construction workers dead. we are hearing from the only member of the crew to survive the fall. he describes the terrifying moments leading up to his rescue. my colleague tom llamas spoke to the man who says that he is thereby miracle. what else did he have to say? >> reporter: we tell a lot of amazing stories. how julio is alive is likely one you will never forget. he was inside his truck when the bridge collapsed. he had no warning, no idea what was going on until he saw his coworkers start to fall from the bridge. as you are about to hear, a series of incredible events saved his life. >> reporter: when police first arrived on the scene of the francis scott key bridge collapse, even they were in shock. >> there is no bridge. >> reporter: looking up from
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the dark waters clinging to a submerged chunk of bridge, julio could not believe he was alive. do you remember what was going into your head as you are falling into the water? >> [ speaking in a global language ] >> reporter: he said when his truck fell he thought he would never get out. he was working that night fixing potholes with his crew. when it hit the bridge they were on their vehicles and break. he said suddenly everything started to shake. he saw his coworkers launch into the water. that is when he started to pray. >> [ speaking in a global care of his wife and kids and asked for forgiveness. his vehicle fell nearly 18 stories to the water below. he was able to roll a window down and escape from his truck. there was another problem. a big one. do you know how to swim? >> no. >> reporter: he managed to float
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out to a piece of the bridge lodged in the river and started to call out for his co-workers, including miss brother-in-law and nephew but heard anything. at that point, do you realize your friends and family have not made it? he says he knew when they fell in and no one answered, they were gone. >> it was a human tragedy. they each had loved ones who depended upon them. >> reporter: on capitol hill tuesday, maryland senators pressing congress to cover the full $1.7 billion price tag to replace the key bridge. >> a foreign vessel hit an american bridge and killed americans. they have asked the court to not be held responsible. >> reporter: in may, a preliminary ntsb report said the ship had power issues in the
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days ahead of the disaster. the victims' families are planning to file suit against all of the companies involved with the ship. >> they ingested that bad water. he has torn meniscus. >> reporter: the survivor of an unimaginable tragedy. why do you think you survived? saying he doesn't know, but believs there's a bigger plan for him. he happened to have a car with manual windows so he could get out. he couldn't swim, but was able to grab a chunk of the bridge and stay afloat. finally, he actually entered the water with his helmet that had a flashlight, that still worked and was able to turn on when the search boats arrived. >> what an amazing story. thank you, tom. up next, president biden says he is staying in the race. if he were to decide to leave, what would happen? how would that process -- what
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would that process look like? we will look into that next. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. if you have generalized myasthenia gravis, picture what life could look like with... vyvgart hytrulo, a subcutaneous injection that takes about 30 to 90 seconds. for one thing, could it mean more time for you? vyvgart hytrulo can improve daily abilities and reduce muscle weakness with a treatment plan that's personalized to you. do not use vyvgart hytrulo if you have a serious allergy to any of its ingredients. it can cause serious allergic reactions like trouble breathing and decrease in blood pressure leading to fainting and allergic reactions such as rashes, swelling under the skin, shortness of breath, and hives. the most common side effects are respiratory
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get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. 56 past the hour. as a growing number of democratic lawmakers call for president biden to withdraw from the presidential race, questions about how that would work keep coming in. the president said he is staying in. if the president were to step aside, what would that look like? how would democrats choose a new candidate, et cetera? these are questions that i think it's important we answer. joining us now, mark murray. good morning. what are the rules and deadlines that democrats would have to deal with? >> jose, i think the easiest thing to think about is that if democrats decide to swap president biden as their nominee, as long as they do it before their convention or
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before august, they are on pretty solid ground as far as a lot of the state ballots don't start getting printed until september. the first early ballots also don't start getting cast until september. if it comes after that, jose, that's when things get really, really murky. as you have ended up hearing from democrats who think they do need a change at the top of the ticket, they are urging urgency as of now, because in addition to those ballot deadlines, you have to talk about the situation of what do the campaign signs that people have in their yards look like? does it need to be replaced? this is certainly an extraordinary situation that we are in right now. of course, as you ended up mentioning, president biden is vowing to stay on as the democratic nominee. if there's going tobe change, it would be chaotic. it needs to be sooner rather than later. >> all of these people that are
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calling on the president to leave, they are not, for the most part, giving a blueprint as to what should happen if the president decides not to run for re-election. i'm just thinking, so we just heard in the republican side, nikki haley said her delegates should support trump. all of the delegates are in president biden's hands. what would that look like? >> yeah. jose, i think a really interest shorthand is that the party -- yes, the delegates are in biden's hands right now. it's really the party that does get to decide. those delegates, at the end of the day, could end up reaching a different decision. no matter what the contest were like. there's a very broad discretion that the party itself ends up having in these types of matters. of course, jose, before we get
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to the hypothetical, we need to get the hypothetical, as of right now, president joe biden controls the delegates, controls the party. things can always end up changing if there needs to be a different course. >> and he got those delegates because of the vote of millions of democrats. mark murray, thank you so very much. that wraps up the who for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. you can reach me on social media and watch clips from our show on youtube. thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," joe biden's political fate hanging in the balance as democrats hold their breath before the president's first solo news conference tonight in eight months, with the pressure building for him to drop out, including yet another house democrat calling for him to step aside in the last hour. top biden campaign advisors meeting em


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