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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  July 13, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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ukraine. if you look at ukraine, which really is the first drone that were received, there are incredible dramatic developments happening that tell us everything in war is changing. one of them just happened last month. last month, the ukrainians had to pull back from the front lines, all 31 of the m1 a1 a battle think the u.s. provided ukrainian military. this is the most advanced take in the world and u.s. arsenal and the arsenal were adversaries. a quarter of them were destroyed by russian kamikaze drones. that tells people like raj at me, that a centralized mechanized worker had began in the first war were coming to a close, this very dramatic shift. we are back here tomorrow morning at 6:00 a.m. eastern. until then, have a great day. good morning. it is saturday, july 13th. i am alysia menendez with simone sanders townsend and michael steele. today, president biden
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rallying his supporters and taking a fight to donald trump. his message to democratic elites and news media. project 2025 and the republican platform, they are one in the same. brooke alliance is the table. the fallout from the supreme court's community ruling. it is far from over. team trump was to block evidence against him amid the election interference case. grab your coffee, settle in, welcome to "the weekend." and a fiery detroit rally last night, president biden had one message to critic calling for him to step aside. he's not going anywhere. >> i am writing and we are going to win. i'm a nominee from 14 million democrats like you voting for me
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. you made me the nominee, not the press, not the insiders, not donors, you, the voters. you decided, no one else and i am not going anywhere. >> is comes as 19 of the 260 democratic members of the house and the senate are publicly urging the president to end his reelection bid. biden continues to meet with congressional caucuses to sure up his support on the hill, including meeting with the campaign arms of congressional progressive caucus and new democrat volition expected today. actually, he is meeting with caucuses today. he met with campaign arms of others just yesterday. joining us now is nbc news capitol hill correspondent, julie, greetings. >> hey, symone. thanks for having me. >> thanks for being here. it was my understanding i know michael still had something he wanted to say. [ laughter ] >> i am just following the lead of the ladies. good morning to you, julie. this joe biden is the joe biden
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that a lot of us have seen over the years with all of the issues that royal around him, the gaps and all of that, but when it is crunch time for him, he knows how to tap into his game. do you sense from your reporting among those democrats who are out here, of waiving the white flag on his presidential bid, that there is any doubt about that, or are they leaning a little bit more into trying to get him out? where is the state now that they are seeing this guy, literally since this whole thing started to fall apart around him, piecing it back together? >> michael, i think that is a great question. i think honestly going into that press conference we saw from president biden thursday and the conclusion of the nato summit, there are a lot of democrats on capitol hill, maybe thought it would be easier if biden bombed, if you did really poorly, it would be
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easier for them to make a decision and it would be more clear-cut and they can convalesce around the decision of the pulling him out. he took a lot of questions. it was nearly an hour on every single session subject. he was really strong and you could see had a lot of energy, especially when it came to the foreign policy questions. that is exactly what i was hearing from sources. they said, look you can see him shining in this. is where the debate performance, we would not be having this conversation. they thought he was doing better, he was energetic. he was getting very complex answers , especially his answers on china. all the while, i don't think that moved the needle or change the minds. you saw five democrats come out after that press conference, including yes today, you had two that came out that caldwell invited to exit the race. i think this will be equally as challenging work all of those democrats. i couple of blocks away from here, they really don't know what to do and they don't want to box himself and for the
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future. >> julie, what is the end game for the democrats if the president says, you think in the race, are they as content on continuing the call for his removal, even if it means their own detriment potentially at the end of the day? it is a great person and exactly what i keep asking all of them and myself and my colleague, what is the timeline on all of this? they all saying, we are here for our achievements, this is not there opinions, this is the voters. i think the really critical week to watch is this one after the are in see, the week after next. this can't go on forever. biden is saying, he is running and staying in. by all accounts, you saying, he's not going anywhere. democrats i to say, the week after the rnc, if biden is still in, they will have to stand behind him and that is exactly what leadership is saying too. >> thank you for getting up early and joining us.
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appreciate your time. joining us now is the chair of the dnc caucus, and former executive director of the new york state credit party. can i just start by playing a little sound from joe biden? we talk a lot about how the president should get out there and more, and i think he's even yesterday in michigan really make that case. he had a town hall style event of all things. he answered questions. here is what he had to say about the reach paying their fair share. take a listen. >> work on the longest time i was too young because i was the second youngest be elected to the united states senate. anyway, now i am too old. but i know, hopefully, with a little bit of age comes wisdom. and hopefully, in this moment, i think the alternative is not much of an alternative. i do think ethics matter. i think matters. i think we
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should reflect-- we are a decent and honorable country. >> okay, that was not the rich pay their fair share. we have another one of the president talking about the rich paying their fair share. it is a good dichotomy. he's answering questions about julie just spoke to, frankly, but what is happening in washington, d.c. and people calling him to get out of the race and people asking questions that have to do with his policy platform. this is what he had to say. >> look, if you can go make $1 million, go make $1 million, 500 million, make it. just pay your fair share as you go along. pay your fair share of taxes. pay your fair share. [ applause ] so, i decided i was going to end the trickle- down economics, where it the wealthy do well, everybody else does well. i decided, we would build our
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economy from the middle out. >> the people calling for joe biden to drop out, especially after saying things like that yesterday? >> night members are not calling for joe biden to out. in fact, they are calling and yelling saying, what is wrong with these democrats? stop being teddy bears and the grizzly bears here. we have got to fight. we have got to fight to win, and whoever said life would be easy, they know it is going to be a hard fight. all of my members are calling me saying, okay, what else can i do? what can you all do? where is the roadmap? let's work on that and stop just complaining, and complaining. our democracy is at ache and they have been very adamant about we keep in this fight and
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joe biden is in the fight and we are in the right with him. >> let's put side-by-side what we heard from julie's reporting coming from capitol hill, side- by-side with what you are hearing. i am curious what you think both about julie's timeline laid out as likely the path forward. what's it going to take for this to stop and go away? >> on the timeline, i do think the timeline is important and i have been saying this for a while. this cannot go on another week. it's just can't. we don't have the time. we don't have the resources. joe biden on his worst day his orders of magnitude better than donald trump on his worst day. it annoys me and infuriates me that most immigrants have not come out and said that, even if they want to have this conversation behind the scenes. because the longer that we sort of have this in fighting publicly, it takes away from democrats being able to focus on donald trump. you cannot go another week to two weeks in
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this sort of chaotic period and the showing that to the altar. i would also say, joe biden has it one group-- let me put on my glasses for a second. joe biden right now has 3896 delegates. on thursday night he said, come get them. that level of-- that reason is, if you will, that sign of strength is really what voters are looking for. they see it, and why is there this difficulty in saying, here we are back to square one, let's go? >> that is the thing for me. the president is drawling the line in the sand. he is saying, you want it, come get it. you have seen me on the convention floor. i got 3800, what you got? you have all of these people flapping their lips and not one
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of them have named a replacement who can beat donald trump. and then you have the situation of women they do say joe, stand down, they don't automatically fall back on kamala harris. what do you think this inside washington game-- because folks, let's be clear, that is what this is. this is not the rank and file of democrats. her members are calling for this . even within the hispanic caucus you had access reporting that out of that haywire meeting with hispanic democrats, president biden's meeting with the caucus on friday did not go as planned. really, it didn't? with one, one lawmaker even urging him to drop his reelection bid, according to sources. mark lebanon later makes that public. okay. but where is everybody falling all over him themselves to push him out? what is your assessment of what is going on here? you have been in washington
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long enough to know the crazy that sometimes consumes it self. in this case, it is trying to consume joe biden as well. what is your assessment of how this thing is actually playing out between the base, and the elites in the democratic party? >> the base is saying, you know, look, we are here. joe biden is our nominee, and we are supporting him, and they are not wavering. i was getting calls even the day after the debate, and the height of the debate saying, where are the democrats out there supporting our own? as they say, the republicans stand out and they are supporting a convicted felon, and here we are, a man of honesty and integrity, and a man who has done an excellent job as president of united states, and we are here wavering. the rank and file, they are sick and tired, truly sick and
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tired of folks not saying, okay, let's get out here and win this race. if our democracy is so important, let's get out here and right for it. joe biden has said to us, he is in the race and he is staying in the race. i don't know what folks are talking about, waiting on him to make a decision. he has made a decision. that is what people are calling and saying to me. i talked with virgil violence, chair of the democratic national committee's black caucus, and she says, her members are all over the map calling and saying, what is wrong? democrats, get some backbone, democrats, get some spine. let's get out here and work. like for us have not been no crystal stair, so why should we expect it now? get out here and fight! >> this point, i think hearing from the members is so important . and i mean you used to be a
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democratic party chair again of new york state. people don't understand the rules! and i think that is what is just perplexed through this entire process. you talk about the number of delegates that the president has, they don't understand the rules. the members of congress calling for the president to get out, they don't even have a vote on the first ballot next to my former, former boss bernie sanders. it is a pledge of delegates like ms. lottie and her members that are going to make this decision here. if the president says he is staying and the pledge delegates says, they are there with him, what are folks doing? >> i talk about this a lot in the public policy conversation. sometimes public policy is almost just as important as the outcome. the process here is that you have these district level pledge delegates who ran for office, campaigning both for themselves and joe biden to say, no, this is our god. number one, millions of voters
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have already cast their ballots . anything that happens now happens within a much smaller group of people. i wonder if voters will end up trusting that process, number one. number two, as you said before, bernie sanders ran on this issue that people who were elites in the party not to avert the will of the voter. the concern is our democrats are in the position to really talk the voter through that process, make them feel comfortable and confident in that? i would also say quickly to michael's point before, even whoever is next, my concern is all of these folks coming out have it in the same breath said joe biden--, layers should replace him, what about the attacks against kamala? are these viewers prepared to defend her in the way she is needs to be defended if she is at the top of the ticket? frankly, i don't think so. this open casting call we seem
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to have, that democrats seem to have for whoever will be next, it seems to just be sort of empty right now because it is trying to lift some people to a platform that they probably should not have now. >> he says politely. [ laughter ] >> michael, look now. thank you. ms. lottie, thank you very, very much. next hour, president biden highlights the dangers of project 2025. prep first, congresswoman joyce beatty asked reacts to democrats on the hill. you are watching "the weekend." weekend." when life spells hear. how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. (woman) i'm so excited. i'm finally here in the city. what. (man) ahhhhh!
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the congressional black caucus is largely sticking by president biden in this moment. as of now, not a single member has called on the president to step aside, which is good. nbc news reports that some members want to see a change in the campaign strategy. this, as vice president kamala harris defends the president in campaign stops across the country, including one this week in north carolina. >> one thing we know about our president, joe biden, is that he is a fighter. he is a fighter. and he is the first to say, when you get knocked down, you get back up!
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>> joining us now is democratic congresswoman joyce beatty of ohio. welcome, congresswoman, good to see you. >> congresswoman beatty, i would just like to know, before the debate, i know you that have been interesting for folks is trying to understand why certain coalitions and caucuses have upheld that certain ones have not. i think you wrote about this, in many ways parallel to this i think gives a part of the answer from this msnbc quote, we do not have the privilege of apathy. the fight for freedom has always been and is once again at our doorstep and we cannot afford apathy when oppression knocks at our door. what is it the president of the
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cdc see and understand that other members may not? >> i think we see what americans see and what the grassroots people see, the voters see. when you see about 40 million people cast their vote for joe biden, and in that article i am specifically talking about black numbers. i am talking about black americans, because this is a president that made a commitment to all of america, but especially black america. he said that he would put a black woman on the supreme court, and he did that. he said, he would pick a female to be his running mate, and he did that. not only did he pick a female, he picked a black american. he also said, he would support those trying to better themselves, whether it was healthcare, education, $16 billion, the most money ever put into hbcus. we can't afford to have a donald trump. and that is what i think people are missing. this is about what we are running against. we are running against someone who is a dictator, someone who said on
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day one, he would get retribution, revenge, someone that has indicted on 34 counts and said, he could come right here on fifth avenue and shoot someone, and no one would be able to do anything about it. he has been anti-people of color, anti-women. he has done some of the most deplorable things, and we are up here debating whether joe biden could be our candidate? joe biden on his worst day is better than donald trump would ever be on his best day. and i don't think he has had a best day. he does not answer questions. he avoids things. that is what i am talking about. it will set us back. we had members of congress who are saying we were better during the era of jim crow. we have m.a.g.a. republicans saying that we should go back to the 1960s. i know my history. if we go back to the 1960s, michael, you know for people who look like you and i, we are talking about civil rights, voters rights, workers rights.
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that is the statement that i want america to know that i stand with joe biden because he understands hardships. he understands jumping over hurdles. he understands people and the people have spoken. you know this. we are the caucus, we are the party of democracy. we believe in that sacred, sacred being able to vote. that is something very sacred to us. people stood in line for 5 and six hours when they were going to have the chance to vote for a black man to be president of the united states. we know joe biden will be able to overcome hurdles. we know that joe biden has told us, he is running. he is not going anywhere. >> congresswoman, you happy caucus pretty much locked in on joe biden and arms around him.
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as i noted in coming into the conversation, there are some who are saying, they'd like to see the campaign change some of its strategy. what are you hearing that change of strategy should be, and have what we have seen the president two weekends ago, the weekend after this very difficult debate, has that been sort of the change in strategy with the president being more out there, more engaged in the community, what are you hearing that change should be, and is it happening? >> i think michael, you are right. we have seen changes. we have heard the president clarifying things. clarified that he is going to spend more time looking at his schedule, and being more protective of it, not that he is not going to the meetings after 8:00. he did an amazing job yesterday in michigan, where you saw him talk about his deliverables, talk about what he has done, what he did in the first 100
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days, talking about the job that has completed. joe biden has come into his own. while he did not admonish his staff. he says, sometimes they give him a little too much. what we saw yesterday, what we saw at nato was joe biden. joe biden being himself, nothing script it, not worrying about donald trump, but delivering for the american people. we are very quick to talk about polls when they had him down. let's talk about them same polls that now have him matched, or even above. >> but more importantly, showing that the of the democratic party is consolidating while the elites are still clutching their pearls and telling him to get out of the race. >> immigrants, or people working with democrats saying, they are going to hold back, whether it is their monetary support, coming out against him without a plan makes no sense. it also makes note to me, they don't know the process of the
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dnc. they don't know the process in the days ahead of us that we are confronted with. we have rules and we have delegates. last time i checked, joe biden had 3000, almost 900 delegates. i think that's the volumes for the people who believe in our democracy. the people who fight for our democracy. i can tell you that the congressional black caucus, under the leadership of stephen horse for, consulting and working with my good friend, jim clyburn, we have not stronger for the american people . you can talk about just about any area that the american people ask you about. let's talk about crime and gun safety. we have put forth more legislation in the past and we have been in the history of congress. healthcare. healthcare for our young folks. healthcare for our seniors. just take insulin alone. people pay 400, 600, close to $800 a month. now, to have that at $35 a
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month. it volumes for the right that joe biden understands. donald trump does not under and this. he is equating picking a running mate this week or next week to the apprentice, a fake show on tv. come on, we should not spending our time talking against joe biden, but saying to the american people how bad this will be if a donald trump prevails. >> she is bringing the fight this morning. congresswoman beatty, thank you for being here with a spear a fight as president and host the nato in d.c. be sure to follow us on social media. our handle everywhere is at the weekend msnbc. febreze has a microchip to control scent release so it smells first-day fresh for 50 days.
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donald trump has openly vowed if reelected, he would be a dictator on day one and i would quote, terminate the united states, the titian. let us be very clear, someone who suggests we should quote, terminate our constitution, should never again have the chance to see and behind a microphone and never again have the chance to stand behind the
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seal of the president of the united states of america. >> that was vice president harris on the campaign trail in greensboro, north carolina this thursday. >> i mean, yeah. >> i like to. [ laughter ] >> when a black woman tells you, let's be clear, your back gets a little straighter. >> symone, it goes back to what we were talking about with dazzle earlier, you all of these people talking about joe biden flapping their lives to me but i don't hear any of them talking about a vice president to replace him. it makes you wonder, what is that all about you mark and i was talking to a couple of democrats who were saying that chatter was, well, we can probably-- we will negotiate that later. negotiate what? how do you negotiate that later? there is no later in this thing. what do you think is going on here, where folks think they
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are just going to still be able to bypass, if they are successful in getting the president out, which it does not look like that will happen, because he has drawn a line in the sand, and no one has met him there so far. let's play it out and say they do, what do they think happens next? >> michael, i think it was really great that basil and lonnie shackleford were here this morning to make plane for people. the reality is, it is the pledged delegates, the only way joe biden is getting out of this race if he does not want to, is 2000 pledge delegates who ran for joe biden revolt against him. that is not my opinion, that is to the facts. i think we talk a lot about people's opinions and we all share hours, but we need to talk about the tech as well. those are the facts weird and i don't think 2000 delegates will vote against him. i'm able to see it, okay? can't find the 2000 pledge delegates. given that, though, vice president harris has attacked even more so in these last
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couple of weeks, i would argue. donald trump is a name checking her. you got democrats thinking in this fantasy land, where they find 2000 read of people that are pledge delegates to keep the president of the ballot, somehow they will skip over the vice residents of the united states of america. if we were talking about vice president gavin newsom, with a b trying to skip over him? i want to be very clear, when i hear people saying, we don't know if he can serve another four years, are you concerned about who comes after him in that respect? if that were the case, i wish people would be honest and say what they are thinking so we can have a very honest conversation about how maybe i they are concerned about the black lady that is effectively prosecuting the case against donald trump and backing up the president, and being effective number two, just again, those are the facts, okay! kamala harris has had joe biden's back better than people who have known that man over 30 years. it is despicable.
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>> it is. and surprising at many levels, at the end of the day, they don't want any of that anyway. trust me, republicans don't want any of either of these two in this election. as the vice residents has already shown, she is ready to come with the game and take it to them. yet, joe biden had a rough beginning, but let's see how he is going to do and he is doing okay and his base dance with him. >> and a reminder of the stakes, president biden's warning to ukraine and nato if donald trump wins in november. you have asked for this, you can listen to every episode of "the weekend" as a podcast. it is completely free. all you need to do is scan the qr code on your screen and all its right now and check back asked week to listen to the full show. we are going to be right back. . so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs,
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why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn. today, i am announcing a historic donation of equipment
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for ukraine. the united states, germany, the netherlands, and italy will provide ukraine with equipment for 5 additional defense systems. in the coming months, the united states and our partners intend to provide ukraine with dozens of tactical air defense systems. the united states will make sure that when we export critical air defense interests of others, ukraine goes to the front of the line. >> that was president biden, renewing his government to ukraine security at this week's nato summit. the 32 member alliance pledged to increase both financial and military assistance to the country. nato members also declared ukraine's path to membership irreversible. msnbc political analyst just got a good view of, joins us now. he is the former secretary of state for public diplomacy and public affairs and a former member of the biden transition
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team. also joining us denise labonte, author on substance. >> i think everybody was kind of thinking, joe biden is probably going to need some help getting across that stage with the nato allies, but he owned that stage this week. really, really locked in the firm message that, not only is this alliance united, but this alliance is prepared to stand up to putin. let's listen to what he has to say at the press conference about his coming to ukraine and nato. >> make no mistake, russia is failing in this war. russia will not prevail. ukraine will prevail. before this war, putin thought nato would break. today, nato is stronger than it has ever been in its history. >> what is your assessment of how this week reset the conversation about nato, and
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certainly about putin and the ukraine? >> michael, i thought it was a master class in foreign policy, not just about nato, which he may be the world's greatest expert, he helped usher in the new nato natives in 1999 when he was chairman of the foreign affairs committee, but he demonstrated an agility, a deep knowledge of events on the world stage, the relationship between russia and china. and you know, michael, as a former diplomat, he walked very high wire act by saying things that were true without alienating people who were adversaries, russia and china. that is a very delicate task. even on his best day, donald trump could not even remotely approach that. >> i mean, i watched everything that was happening this week, elise, with the nato summit.
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and then you saw the president at his press conference me post summit, giving a wrap up and much was made about these conversations from the press. he was up there about an hour. this was a very substantive press conference, and he spoke about how, the united states and nato is not just working to hold russia accountable and supports ukraine, but he also spoke about china's role in all of this and what was discussed this week with his european counterparts about what they happen as it relates to the people's republic of china. i want to play that for you and get your reaction on the other side. >> some of our european friends are going to be curtailing their investment in china, as long as china continues to have his indirect help to russia in terms of being able to help
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their economy, as well as, as well as help them as a consequence for their ability to fight in ukraine. >> well, i mean, i think this is something that the biden administration from the get-go, since taking office, has really try to get china into the discussion in nato. this has been something president biden has done in terms of, for the first time now china is considered an enabler of russia , and really helping russia hold the line with ukraine in terms of its weapons, in terms of its technology. so, this is really the way the biden administration has gotten everyone to talk about china. in the beginning, it was kind of dealing with the larger threats posed by china. now, president biden and his aides are kind of zeroing in on china's support for the war in
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russia, but it is also north korea's supports, really looking at some of these countries that are helping russia fend off ukraine. >> rick, can you help us understand the import of ukraine's membership in nato the irreversible? what does that mean on this dual track where potential you have resident biden, but potentially you have a president from. >> it is super important. president zelenskyy would have liked an actual invitation to join nato. this is the next best thing. the idea of putting ukraine in nato now would force a kind of nato versus russia war, which nobody wants. but their path is irreversible. i want to mention one point about the kind of hypocrisy about the kind of m.a.g.a. republican support for putin and even trump's support for putin. remember, the justification supposedly where donald trump said, yes, of which they
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invaded ukraine, because ukraine has a border with russia and putin does not want that. well, both of the nations that entered nato and this last 75th anniversary summit, finland and sweden share a border with russia., finland has a 820 mile border with russia and for some reason, vladimir putin did not invade finland before finland became a member of nato. that explores the incredible gum rationale that people on the right say, there was a good reason putin invaded ukraine. there is no good reason putin invaded ukraine. it is the largest cross border invasion since 1982. this is what nato was treated to . if ukraine had been in nato, putin would not have invaded. >> we want to continue this conversation. while president biden was hosting leaders, donald trump was with sorbonne.
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putin, because of course. which is raising concerns among european union and nato leaders, and it should, and has been criticized by the biden administration. rick, there is an exclusive reporting out of " politico" revealing if donald trump is elected president, quote, advisors have told allied countries that reduced intel sharing would be part of a broader plan to scale back support with cooperation with the 32 nation alliance according to three european officials and senior nato official. can we talk about weakening nato, much, and yet, in the next breath, he will say, you know, as long as you pay your dues, we will be fine. >> as in pay your dues like money.
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>> because it is always transactional with him. what is your up to hear a former president that wants to be president again thing, with our allies, our european partners, our nato family, you will not get the intel we have? >> michael, that makes me laugh . you know who is going to reduce their intel delivered to the united states? all the nato nations, because if donald trump is elected, you will have a president of the united states who reveals top- secret information to the russian ambassador in the oval office. so, it is actually a two-way street. >> talk about it, rick, talk about it. >> that's it. thank you, rick. >> and the europeans are appalled. they see donald trump as the greatest security risk on the planet. they are not going to be sharing their information with the u.s. this idea of weakening nato, you guys mentioned it, it makes me laugh too when i hear donald
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trump say, those nato nations are delinquent, like they are paying rent. once a slumlord, always a slumlord. he does not understand it is about contributing 2% of the gdp for their military budget. by the way, at last point, under joe biden, the number of nations, nato nations contributing above 2% of gdp to defense has gone from nine, which it was under trump, to 23. of course, vladimir putin has something to do with that too, but joe biden presided over that. >> i was struck by some of the sprawling nation nature of that speech, by definition there is talk of ukraine, russia, talk of china's role. there was also talk about israel and hamas. i know you had a question about that. >> yeah. i want to-- there was also talk about israel and hamas. elyse, i felt like there were
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some people critical of what the president said about israel over his comments. i saw some more conservative policy individuals saying, john bolton singh, the president was too hard on israel. well, there's a lot happening, i can understand what is going on. just yesterday, the president announced a cease-fire agreement has been reached between israel and hamas. weeks ago, i laid out a conference of work for how to achieve a cease-fire and bring the hostages home. there is still work to do and these are complex issues, but the framework is reached by israel and hamas and the team is making progress, determined to get this done. this sounds like a very successful foreign policy agenda and bear success foreign policy. how do you think that translate domestically? >> we have seen this in michigan and other areas where the war in gaza has been very unpopular, particularly u.s. support for israel. i think the president, while there has
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definitely been unequivocal support for israel, kind of leaning more toward this public attitude about humanitarian aid , we talked about how the president is getting a little tougher on netanyahu to actually try and and no more. --end the war i think if he is able to get this deal through, if he is able to get still american hostages there-- >> at least six. >> two be able to and this war and get some kind of, he asked this larger plan for a deal with saudi arabia. i don't know if that will be possible before the election, but certainly, if he can get this deal before the election, it would be a foreign policy win. >> everybody was in the streets, understandably so, about the treatment of palestinian people, it was wall- to-wall coverage on television! now, man allegedly got a deal. where is wall-to-wall coverage? i'm sorry, please miss me with the mess. >> i will wait and get right
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back to you as soon as i find it, i will let you know. because, this is the world we live in. you do not people coming out and saying, thank you president biden for moving the ball, for helping us bring this the type of conclusion that we all want. this is a process, and i think it is important richard, for us to understand that these are always delicate issues, made more difficult when one of our partners in netanyahu does not want to play ball to the right conclusion. >> and to take your larger point, i most of my career as a journalist, and i would always hear people say, people who consume information, why aren't you writing about the good news ? why are you always writing about the bad news? to symone's point, coming to
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an agreement is really a monumental thing. i think what has been so strong about the way biden has handled this, and he has sort of immune to public opinion about, is that the u.s. is really the only country that has any leverage over israel. netanyahu, as they say, the palestinians has every opportunity he has missed. i think biden has held his hand , even while being the recipient of insults to him, that is the thing that enabled us to get to this home will, fingers crossed agreement. >> taking both so much. really appreciate it. we've got a great lineup of in the next hour. you need to around. get the coffee, get refilled, because we have got some juice for you here on "the weekend." weekend"
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