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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  July 13, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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to check on more of our banned books, head to and check out "velshi" banned book low. for those of you in chicago, i am here now. join me tomorrow for a public discussion about my new book, small acts of courage, the fight for democracy. it will be held at the washington library center at the chicago public library at 2:00 p.m. central. the event is free, but you need to rsvp at looking glass theater not a word. i hope we get a chance to meet while i am in chicago. thanks for watching. catch you back here tomorrow at noon p.m. eastern. and tomorrow night i will be hosting the msnbc "velshi" cast of the rnc. i will be giving live commentary with your favorite analysts. head to at tuesday, wednesday, and thursday.
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wow, i got my weeks out of other. stay right where you are. my good friend, katie vang starts now. starts now. msnbc headquarters in new york city and here is the week that was. a plot twist no one saw coming, the involuntary manslaughter charges against alec baldwin dismissed. articles of impeachment against associate justices of the supreme court clarence thomas and samuel alito. someone who stokes hate, e, should never again have the chance to stand behind a microphone and the seal of the president of the united states. >> do you think it is okay to our president where there was his open question about whetherp or not he is in cognitive decline? >> was it --
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>> worldliness descending on washington as the nato summit mi gets underway. >> i think i am the most qualified person to run for president and i beat him once and i will beat him again. i am in this to complete the job i started. ♪ we may be in the dog days of summer but ballots are on my mind as election day gets closer. as joe biden continues to surge forward with the goal of keeping the oval office, he repeatedly told his supporters during a fiery rally last night in detroit that he is not going anywhere. re >> for the longest time, i was too young because i was the second youngest man ever elected to the united states senate. anyway, and, now i am too old. hopefully, with age comes wisdom.
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hopefully, in this moment, the alternative is not much of an alternative. i do think ethics matter, i do think decency matters, i do k think we should -- we are decent and honorable country. >> joining me is jennifer mcclellan, a member of the congressional black caucus. thank you for the honor of joining me. you had president biden handle a critically important nato summit, handled that but we just saw in the town hall, but the huge fiery rally we saw in detroit. 40,000 donations came in during0 the press conference on thursday night. is there any doubt remaining that the presidential nominee for the democratic party's president joe biden? >> he has made clear he is running and he said , after the debate, which we all know was terrible, when you get knocked down, you get back up and keep
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fighting. that is what he is doing and a lot of us in the black caucus have his back because he is not ours and we will do everything we can to ensure that, in november, we are reelecting joe biden and vice president nurse and sending donald trump into retirement. >> i posted on twitter yesterday that the credit card r is known as the big tent party, supposed to be room for os everybody. the recent naysayers don't represent the entirety of the party and the shared values that apply to the voters, is what counts. when it comes down to the wire, it has to be joe biden in that office when it comes to the values that will be a reflection of the democratic party. >> that is right, 14 millions democrats voted for him to be our nominee. i have been speaking with a wide variety of voters in my district, virginia, michigan, new orleans, in new york, and
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the base is with him. particularly, in the black community, we have our eyes on the prize. e. the fact that joe biden and vice president harris, as a team , brought this country from the brink of disaster donald trump put us in. they need to finish the job and build the economy that leaves il no one behind, they need to protect our freedoms, which are under attack. the alternative is clear, we have former president who has made clear he will be a dictator on day one. he has a playbook exactly what he will do and how he is going to do it. the heritage foundation has projectn 2025 created by peopl who worked for donald trump, the rnc adopted a platform that mirrors what is it project 2025 . now, we have a supreme court that has said we will give you the leeway to do whatever you want, even if it breaks the
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law, to achieve your goals. that is in america i don't want to live it and i don't want my children or my grandchildren tor live in. ch we know what is at stake and we will do everything we can to make sure that joe biden and kamala harris are reelected and we take back the house and keep the senate. president biden laid out his second term agenda, en including restoring roe, raising minimum wage, banning assault weapons, leading the world in clean energy, $35 d insulin cap for all, i can go on and on and the most important is the signing of the john lewis voting rights act. these are feasible goals for a second administration? >> they are , but they will require we have to have some -- we have to keep the senate, na right now, maga republicans in the house who have thwarted every opportunity to make progress in achieving those goals and they are trying to rollback the progress that we
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have made, not just in the first two years of the administration but we have one colleague who said he wanted to roll us back to the 1960s. we need to make sure this is a team effort, not just are we reelecting joe biden and kamala harris, they have gone as far as they can do with the administrative authority they have, but we need to understand that we need control of the legislative branch. when we take back the house, when we keep the senate, we will be in a position to do the things he laid out that are incredibly popular with the american people. >> with all the r american peop. thank you again for the honor of joining me on my show. thank you for being here. k joining me now is for the congressman jared moskowitz, a member of the house oversight and foreign affairs committees. you just heard from jennifer talking about how important it is you have the house and the senate, not just the oval office , to get the second term agenda done. considering project 2025 is the blueprint for the next
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republican administration, how is this not a binary choice between a democracy with joe ee biden and a dictatorship with donald trump? >> project 2025 is a 920 page manifesto, looks like it was written by the unabomber or maybe hannibal lector, which is why donald trump keeps bringing him up, coming for women's m rights and birth control, coming for social security and medicare, gay marriage. trump is distancing himself from it but 140 people associated with them have been part of drafting this i am willing to bet donald trump has not read it at all because he is not a reader. they are trying to ban porn, for someone who opened up the first strip club in donald trump i find fascinating. that is what is on the ballot in all of your rights, society as you know it is on the ballot
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and the reason he is distancing himself from it is because he knows how toxic it is. this is the guy, the ministry of truth, he said i never slept with stormy daniels, project 2025, never heard of it. >> congressman, we have spent a lot of time talking about, in the media, president biden stumbling. i would actually hazard the statement that there is people within your own party that have stumbled along the way. it appears very clearly, we have heard it from president biden, he is not going away but the down ballot races are important, why is there not now a coalition -- excuse me, a coalescence of all interests in making sure that decision 2024 is not just a referendum on donald trump a referendum on all other gop candidates or
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opponents of democratic candidates? >> that is right. you have seen a shift over the last couple of weeks since the terrible, awful debate, this is becoming a referendum on joe biden and democrats have to n turn this back into a referendum on donald trump. i am not calling for president biden to get out of the race. you are talking about someone with 50 years of public service , i would put his public service record against any living politician right now. in the country. look, if you lose the presidency and the house and the senate, you lose the entire country to donald trump. not only is the country never going to give you but that is what you will be remembered for. the stakes are high for the country and president biden. i don't know that he has been well served by his inner circle. there has been no accountability since the debate. i saw in detroit, at the rally the other day, that gives me
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some optimism because, i think democrats have to improve on the economy game, as a party, we have not understood how you communicate, we have been out communicated by donald trump and he proved that during his trial that is what you have seen the oversight committee, which i serve on with dan goldman and robert garcia and maxwell frost, you have seen as communicating, the republicans, that committee and the fake biden impeachment has not worked . last night, joe biden started doing that, taking it to donald trump and being sarcastic, using humor. we have to make the slightly more entertaining. 24 million people tuned in to his press conference, almost 50% of the people who watched the debate. this is just the times we live in. look, right now, the biden campaign is like the boeing star liner come in a stranded
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and maybe leaving people behind. the question is whether it is fixable. we will see that over the next couple of weeks as we get into the convention. >> i will note the following, people like you and jamie raskin, when you serve on the oversight committee, you are uniquely positioned to see what happens when you have the weaponization of committees on behalf of donald trump. let's be perfectly clear, jim jordan, they are doing it for donald trump, i have also seen people who have had divisions and interest with joe biden come together and say that they are going to support his candidacy. how important is it to make sure that the right man is in the oval office back >> look, if the republicans do not just that the executive branch, they wind up having the house as well, and potentially the senate, there will be no breaks on donald trump. these people are scared of donald trump and him sending a tweet. it will be whatever donald trump wants an even worse, whatever the people he puts in power in these positions want
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let's be clear, this is not going to be like the first administration we have some people you disagree with but they were qualified people. these are going to be the most loyal, the most extreme people trying to get into the administration. the quality of the person you al have matters, especially now with the new supreme court giving additional power to the presidency. >> absolutely. it is good to see you as always thank you for being here. coming up on the katie phang show, case dismissed, the stunning turning of events and the involuntary manslaughter case against alec baldwin and a why the judge agreed to throw it out entirely. donald trump's hail mary, how the felon is trying to use the recent supreme court community ruling to suppress any damning evidence against him from coming out to you before november. keep it right here. e inte from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next...
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a stunning turn of events in the alec baldwin rust trial , the judge dismissing with prejudice the involuntary manslaughter case against the actor. citing the prosecution's efforts to suppress the evidence in the trial. he was facing up to 18 months in prison openly emotional after the judge announced her ruling. alec baldwin still faces civil lawsuits from the family of cinematographer halyna hutchins and from crewmembers . >> the supreme court came out with an incredible decision, i
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have great respect for the courage they have shown. they have great intellect and great insight. incredible insight. >> the twice impeached and convicted for 34 fellows and found liable for injuries of his peers for sexual abuse, and out on bail for donald trump rambling at a rally in miami this week after the super conservative majority at the supreme court granted him immunity for official acts. he is arming himself with that decision and his many legal battles in a new filing on thursday, he argued his guilty verdict and the election interference hush money case should be tossed out after the immunity decision. there is no exclusive reporting on the guardian indicating he is planning on using that community ruling to try to block evidentiary hearings in his federal election interference case. a former federal prosecutor joins me and reporter from the guardian.
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i will hijack this to talk about rust, i want people to understand why he got dismissed the way it did >> a few months ago in march, a witness came into the sheriff's office and says, we have live ammunition, ammunition related to that rust shooting that alec baldwin is on trial for. what did the prosecutor do? what they should have done was turn that over to the defense, let them know this with this existent and let them know about this ammunition so they can inspect it. but they buried it in a case filed with a different number and never told the defense. it is critical evidence, evidence that could have been and apparently was favorable to the defense. so, the fact that the prosecutors did not disclose that evidence until the middle of the trial witness came out was enough for the judge to say, this was in bad faith, there is no way for the court to correct this prejudice, and i am dismissing the case with
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prejudice which means they cannot go back and charge him again. >> because the jury had already been sworn in and double the jeopardy was attached. we will go to the immunity, you had reporting in the guardian about the plan for donald trump legal to weaponize the community ruling, to use it to make sure that americans do not hear the evidence that would be presented at jury trial, but what is the grand scheme going on? >> the grand scheme is that the evidence that could come out of an evidentiary hearing, a fact- finding analysis, with potential live witnesses on the stand could be politically damaging. it would be reported in the way that january 6 committee hearings were reported and there is a sense inside the trump legal team that they want to foreclose this at the outset i want to do everything they can to not have any hearings at all. they will argue to the judge that this can be resolved on a legal argument and they do not
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need witnesses to say this was candidate trump acting versus president trump acting. if the judge does order hearings with witnesses, they have a plan to say anyone that was close to donald trump in the white house, we will assert executive privilege, it has been litigated. as for people on the fringes who were a part of the federal government, they will say some have been charged in foreign counties and other jurisdiction, fifth amendment concerns, they will shut down any notion of these guys testifying about the conduct of donald trump about january 6th. >> did they do that when they presented their bricks to the supreme court who said we need to have a hearing so they can decide what is official or not? >> about this opinion, the supreme court was lambasting the lower court for not doing more fact-finding. there were various points, they were saying you sped this up and did not develop the factual record and we need more facts.
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multiple times, you need fact specific analysis. this idea that we are just going to submit briefs and that will be the end of it, no, the judge has marching orders, she has to hold hearings. that is what the supreme court directed her to do and i think she will roll up her sleeves and do it quickly, she will have some breathing in advance and i imagine there will be some fights of who is available but, if all of this has been litigated before, issues of executive privilege have been litigated and i expect those hearings will happen before the election. >> executive privilege is not new territory, it is established law but the supreme court does that differently these days with president. the mar-a-lago case, we were in for peace, as predicted, we saw the immunity decision being deployed by trump legal to say, we need to be able to have some breathing on this. jack smith yesterday filing a response to the trump notice of supplemental authority, the
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authority being this clarence thomas concurrence talking about the appointment of special counsel jack smith and relying upon the concurrence jack smith said, no, you should disregard it. what about this filing? >> the light from the special counsel is biting, just because a single justice has opined on something, that was not an issue in this case is not binding on you, judge, that is what they set forth, that is the smartest way to go about it because of donald trump's lawyers have fixated on that clarence thomas line as an offramp for the judge. they want the judge to say, if clarence thomas used the 11th circuit, her circuit, saying, maybe there are questions over the appointment of the special counsel, that would give her an out. for the special counsel to focus on that line was the
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smartest way they could've proceeded. >> what they also say jack smith says, single justice concurrence addressing an issue that donald trump did not raise , that the parties did not breathe, and was not relevant to the question presented to or decided by the court, neither binds the court provides a basis to deviate. but, this is judge cannon, this is totally what she was waiting for. >> i think it was, but, taking a step back, this is so unusual. you do not typically find the supreme court justices where there is not an issue squarely before the comment has not been briefed by the parties, not raised by either party, deciding , riding a concurring opinion on something that nobody has argued or raised. that is highly unusual. it does seem like he was doing it for purpose. he knows this issue is live before judge cannon and it seems clear to me he wanted her to look at it and see what he had to say. yes, cut and paste. >> another issue, do you think
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that cannon will order evidentiary hearings to occur based upon the immunity decision? is there something official about the reporting, stealing, and refusal to turn back over classified documents? >> interesting thought because, if there was one judge who is dead set on holding hearings, she loves having nonparties brief, we had amicus briefs in a recent hearing and she was regretting i think allowing so many people to testify before her. if there is one judge who will be so amenable to evidentiary hearings, it is judge cannon , ironically, if that is the undoing of the case because the cages are testifying and saying this is not official conduct for a president after his term to abscond with classified documents and that gets reported, that will be the greatest irony. >> she is a hearing happy judge but an offramp is granting the motion to dismiss on the special counsel appointment and
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letting that one wind down. thank you for being here on the set. coming up, convention countdown, looking ahead to the start to the republican national convention in milwaukee. and the unusual legal risk donald trump may have to navigate if he is in attendance. that is coming up next.
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(aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you, verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. in less than two days, republicans will descend upon milwaukee, the city donald trump once called horrible remember that? republicans released a list of more than two dozen speakers they have labeled everyday americans including former democrats and immigration focused speakers. nbc news taken from that former rival ron desantis will be in attendance but there is no speaking slot for the former governor of south carolina who came closest to bruising donald trump in the primary. in fact, a longtime aide to nikki haley acknowledged she
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was not invited to the convention but said she is okay with that joining me now is the former executive director of the new york state democratic party professor of practice at the columbia university school of professional studies and a democratic strategist the host of the fast politics podcast, a special correspondent for mac vanity fair who is an -- msnbc political analyst. we will find out who the vice president will be, jd vance, marco rubio, reluctantly to say tim scott. don jr. is close to jd vance, and he will be introducing him. reading tea leaves? >> good tea leaves to read, names that have been bandied about in the past is a lease the phonic. if donald trump were a strategist, that would be a
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good vice president pick, as a woman, she could mitigate the reproductive rights issues, she is from new york, because new york play so heavily in the democratic -- in the race to get democrats to be back in control of the house, it runs through new york, she is from new york and it is his home state. a lot of potential advances with her and she was very outspoken and shined during the grilling of the university presidents. but he is not that strategic loyalty is all that matters to him. jd vance comes from an important state for republicans . he comes across as someone who will be the wing man for donald trump, the wing man, he likes the persona of a jd vance . my guess is that is the direction he is going. but you never know with donald trump. >> he is also a misogynist. molly, we are two days out from the convention, we don't have a list of all the names that are going to be speaking but we did
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hear nikki haley did not get invited. i feel like this will be, this rnc will be like to see pack on steroids -- like c-pac on steroids, the same story but the only question is the vice presidential pick. >> it will be a lot of craziness and we already know marjorie taylor green, what has been helpful for democrats, that republicans are ruled by the basest aspects of their base with people -- democrats -- it is not the same but they have people who are more lefty and those people do not get to speak at the convention. because they are not running the party. where is on the right, you have people who are not -- you are totally different but far right zealots who have crazy ideas. marjorie taylor green came from the world of qanon, wild
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conspiracy theories, jewish space lasers. she will speak at the convention. what does help democrats, this party is so far right and cannot temper its basest aspects i do think this convention will provide an opportunity to highlight that. >> what is happening, team trump is raising their attacks on kamala harris. it has nothing to do with that joe biden criticisms , it is because she is a very real threat, she is a female candidate, a woman of color. is it coinciding with the idea that donald trump will announce his vice presidential pick as well? >> a couple of things, in all fairness, i have written about it, molly jong-fast has written about it , kamala harris has been under attack from folks
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sadly within her party, and on the right. we have seen a pickup in the last few days. >> they said it was a dei pick. >> there is a wave of criticism coming from the right and i don't think democrats are prepared to withstand that, which is an issue i have paid a lot of attention to. when -- the fact it is coming from the right is a way to sort of suppress the interest in her and continue to pump up joe biden so that we can continue to focus on the negative attention being placed on joe biden right now. it is a way to dismiss and reduce the entire democratic ticket. at the same time. remember, this is a message being sent primarily to independent voters. a lot of suburban voters coming from the right. for his own base, it is built
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in already. these are two independent voters that are going to pick up on this, she will be vice president but she does not really deserve it, that is a troubling line when you add in the race and gender aspects to this. >> less than a minute, i want to stick on this i think he is too elegant, it is because the republican base, because they are racist about kamala harris, and i also think it is because they want to keep the negative attention on joe biden which is not the right attention to be had. the one thing he said i want to follow up with you on, is the democratic party prepared to be able to deal with the onslaught of the kamala harris attacks we know are coming? >> again, that is an impossible question to answer but i would say that this is a woman who was attorney general, she was a senator, she is the second black female senator in the senate. this woman is a
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history maker, she has done incredible stuff, she is also become 10 times better politician than when she started. we have seen, and the last four years, her grow to on the issue of reproductive health. i think she has become quite a gifted or toward which, for this to get, is very useful. i am a big fan of hers. i think she is quite smart and quite adept. i think she will end up being the greatest asset for joe biden. people are racist and sexist in this country, we know that. that is why, it is 10 times harder for her, but she is also very good at this. she has become very good at this. i am looking forward to seeing what she does because i think she really can't do a great job. >> she is fantastic and has proven it, she has done it for four years thank you for being
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here. i appreciate it. coming up, the jeffrey epstein files, we will talk about misleading claims about the documents unsealed last week. keep it right here to learn all about it. and inconvenient, but with a generac home standby generator, your life goes on uninterrupted. because when your generac detects a power outage, it automatically powers up, giving your family the security and peace of mind they deserve. we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. after the hurricane happened, we just want to be prepared for anything. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac, with thousands of satisfied customers. number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. don't make it so hard on yourself, have a generac home standby generator. and owning a generator is easier than ever. special financing and low monthly payment options are available, and if you call now,
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for the connection between donald trump and jeffrey epstein is not new news, donald trump admitted he knew jeffrey epstein for 15 years and he likes beautiful women as much as i do and many of them are on the younger side. in 2021, as part of the trial of ghislaine maxwell, it was revealed that donald trump lied about being on jeffrey epstein airplane but the flight logs do not include the ages of the passengers. donald trump and jeffrey were sued by a woman who would buy a significant katie johnson who alleged that donald trump raped at a party but the case was
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dismissed by a judge and she dropped the lawsuit two more times in 2016. there was another woman who claimed in 2016 that donald trump, bill clinton and others were involved in the sex trafficking scheme of jeffrey epstein but the she canceled those allegations three years later. there are new misleading claims about donald trump and jeffrey epstein and they are circulating on social media after the palm beach county grand jury records from 2006 were unsealed in the nearly 200 pages of grand jury testimony donald trump is not mentioned one time. what is the real story? the real story is the way the prosecutors victim shamed and rated the victims. they were girls as young as 14 years old. we have been sexually said -- who had been sexually assaulted , and the prosecutors turned around two years later and knowing all they did and cut sweetheart deals with jeffrey epstein. joining me is an investigations editor at the palm beach post.
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you have been looking at this for a long time. let's put it to bed. what exactly is this latest round of jeffrey epstein documents? >> like you said, the unveiling of documents from the proceedings in 2006, our state attorney in palm beach county, took the case to, he was the first ever prosecutor to consider criminal charges against jeffrey epstein. the palm beach police, who investigated the case, had recommended five felony charges. that would have put him in prison for life. and had found nearly a dozen victims. but they took it to the grand jury, we learned from an investigation in 2019, sources told us he torpedoed that case
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in front of the grand jury. so we sued to get those documents unsealed under a tenant of florida law that says the veil of secrecy can be pierced in furtherance of justice. after 4.5 years, the documents were released. they were pretty stunning. to sum it up, it was the prosecution of a prosecution case in which the girls were not only made to look like prostitutes but they were called prostitutes. the prosecutors actually said, you know you are committing a crime. there is more than that, too. to sum it up, they basically made the girls look bad.
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the grand jurors started asking questions and they picked up on that tone. >> holly, what struck me about it that was so horrifying, we know that epstein was depraved and he did not operate in a silo, he had help from ghislaine maxwell and others. the prosecutors accuse these 14- year-old girls of being prostitutes and committing crimes and demeaned them in front of the eyes of the grand jurors two years later is when the sweetheart deal was negotiated with epstein and the secretary of labor for donald trump, he was the u.s. attorney in the southern district of florida at the time several others were complicit in the sweetheart deal. it bothered me that the people, the prosecutor supposed to be defending these young victims, they actually victim shamed them
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, they blamed them and turned around and made sure that jeffrey epstein got a cakewalk deal. >> yes, what emerged from that grand jury was one count of solicitation of prostitution. even before the grand jury convened, the palm beach police , both the chief and the investigated detective, were very concerned about the prosecution. in fact, the police chief wrote a letter saying, i think you need to consider stepping away from this. they took it to the federal prosecutors and the fbi. they put together that deal. in which epstein would plead guilty to one more prostitution -related felony, and would go to jail, not prison , and the victims were not
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notified of the court hearing in which he pleaded guilty. they were not able to give an impact statement to the judge to tell her about how this had affected them. so, if krischer had done what the palm beach police had recommended, you would not be talking right now with me. >> i am glad that there is, what do they say, sunlight is the best disinfectant. i am glad the system that failed these poor women, young women, girls, it failed them so badly and there is no maybe some measure of accountability. thank you for joining us and thank you for your tenacity in pursuing this information. i appreciate you being here. thank you. coming up, doctors for
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democracy, with abortion-rights taking center stage ahead of november, there are two doctors running for the chance to become the only ob/gyn's on capitol hill, that support abortion-rights, we will talk to one on how she is running to win in her deep red state.
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republicans doubling down
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on their extreme opposition to abortion-rights by blocking legislation that would provide the protections of roe v. wade as abortion-rights are expected to play a major role in the november election. with the recent gallup poll finding a record high 32% of voters saying they will only vote for a candidate who shares their views on abortion. my next guest is zeroing in on the issue as she runs to be one of the only ob/gyn's on capitol hill, supporting your right to an abortion. joining me now is dr. kristin lyerly, abortion provider and democratic card today -- candidate for congress in wisconsin. let's get out the facts, there are currently no pro-abortion rights ob/gyn's in congress, why is having someone like you so critical in this moment? >> we note the stories. we have the privilege of sitting in examination rooms with our patients hearing their experiences and understanding
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what their lives are like, and helping them solve some of the most intimate, important problems in their lives, not just as it affects them but their families and their entire communities. i have to tell you, everyone has a story. young people, old people, men and women, does not matter, all of our lives have been affected by reproductive healthcare issues, that is why we need a pro-choice ob/gyn doctor in congress. >> you have been on the front lines in your practice but in the court system. in 2022, you join a lawsuit as a plaintiff to try to nullify an 1849 abortion ban that was revived when dobbs overturned roe v. wade. talk about what the status is of that lawsuit and why it was important for you to be a part of it? >> i am so proud of my involvement in this lawsuit because we lost all access to
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abortion care after the dobbs decision. i joined with the attorney general and we were victorious. my name appears on the judgment in the circuit court that brought abortion back to wisconsin. recently, we found out that this case has been taken up by the wisconsin supreme court and we are anticipating oral arguments in october. stay tuned. >> outside of abortion in healthcare, you are focusing on strengthening the economy and investments in rural communities making sure your candidacy is not focused on one issue, not just one issue, what is your message right now to the voters? your state is a pretty red state. >> it is a purple state. wisconsin is someone -- a place you can flip, we are famously independent. in the eighth congressional district, it is an open seat, we don't have representation right now.
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there is not just a general election for my seat but a special election and that is why i will be the first pro- choice ob/gyn elected to congress. not only that, it is me, the ob/gyn doctor who brought wisconsin back to wisconsin, the mother of four sons, born in the district versus a likely extremist opponent. if the person pulling highest happens to win the primary, it will be someone who wants abortion for no reason, not even the life of the mother. >> i wanted to ask you, you are running in wisconsin but your practice temporarily was moved to minnesota. your practice has not been affected by abortion bans, what are you hearing from your colleagues in your home state of wisconsin? >> my colleagues in wisconsin are struggling to provide abortion care. in madison, milwaukee, and cheboygan, there are clinics that provide care. throughout the rest of the state, there is the chilling effect which we are feeling all
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over the country. that is preventing people from getting birth control access, ivf care, and even miscarriage management. this is so profoundly terrible for women, families, and communities and that is why we need a pro-choice ob/gyn in congress. if you want to know more, go to my website. >> running unopposed in the democratic primary but some people running for the republican nomination. thank you for being here. thank you for joining us today, catch me back here next saturday at noon eastern. follow us on social media @katiephangshow, and watch clips on youtube. you can listen as a podcast for free, scan the qr code to follow now. my friend alex went is coming up next -- alex witt is coming
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a very good day to all of you. welcome. we begin with breaking news. in the past our, bernie sanders put out a new op ed in the new york times with an unequivocal endorsement of


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