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tv   MSNBC Breaking News  MSNBC  July 14, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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gotten underway about 6:00 in the afternoon. he started speaking around 6:05. at 6:11 is when the gun shots rang out. i want you to see this and listen to it. >> if you want to really see something sad, take a look at what happened --
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>> and there they start lifting the former president and you can hear them saying, my shoe and you can see the secret service around the president and essentially they just jumped on him moments after the gunshots started and there you see him lifting up his fist and saying, fight, fight, fight. the former president was hit in the right year. today, he is actually on his way to milwaukee for the republican national convention. there you see his plane moments ago and he posted this
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afternoon he would let a shooter change of plans. tragically one rally go are was killed with two more injured. the suspected shooter killed by the secret service and the fbi has identified that suspect as thomas matthew crooks of bethel park, pennsylvania. he was a 20-year-old with not very much social media presence and a registered republican and donated to a group that donates democratic causes. law enforcement officials say he used a rifle to carry out the act but no word on the motive. the former president turn to social media to thank the public for their support writing, it is important than ever that we stand united ensure to character as americans remaining strong and determined and not allowing evil to win. we actually spoke with the former president on the phone today and here is what he shared from that conversation. >> he is on the mend and was in good cheer and said and you
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know how he talks, this problem in my ear but other than that he said you probably heard about it and i said, yes, but he said other than that everything was great and he was glad he turned his head at the last minute. >> starting off this hour, our justice and intelligence correspondent joins us. we just played a pretty much the majority of the entire scene as it was unfolding and about 24 hours to the minute and what's the latest on the investigation?'s >> we have learned a lot in the last 24 hours but some of the biggest questions are unanswered. senior fbi officials held a telephone briefing this afternoon and revealed a little bit more information and said they still don't have a handle on the deceased shooters motive. they say his phone and a rifle he used and rudimentary
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explosive device, their words, found in the car have been sent to the fbi lab for more analysis and they did rule out he was part of a larger plot and believe he acted alone and we know from our own reporting that there were accounts he was bullied at school and do show he was a registered republican but had given $15 to a democratic group. it is a bit of a puzzle. he doesn't have any public profile to glean his political leanings or where he was coming from. that really remains a mystery into something the fbi is working very hard to determine what was he thinking and what his motive was. they are interviewing his parents who are cooperating. the public records show they worked as a license professional -- license professional. he worked about an hour from the rally site and they know he had no military training but
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somehow he was able to get in this sniper position with a clear line of sight to the president, the former president. that brings up another separate and distinct investigation which is into the security failures that happened. president biden announced today that he was ordering an independent inquiry outside of the secret service and what happened. i've been talking to experts that say it is unimaginable to them that the rooftop at 150 yards from where the president was speaking wasn't secured and this shooter was able to get up on the roof and take those shots and it is something experts say was a major security failure and somebody has to account for how that happened. >> just thinking about speaking in the last hour and saying the person who owns the plot of land adjacent to where the factory is and where the former
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president was speaking and we have this graphic to show you. if you are listening to us, it is a graphic that shows a photograph of where the rally was taking place and about 148 yards away, there was an area where the suspected gunman shot from and tom was telling us there was a fence there between the two areas that had been closed with zip ties. as of an hour ago, the lady who owns the land there said nobody in secret service or local police had come to see her, talk to her before the rally or even after the rally. >> that is extraordinarily puzzling. we covered these kinds of rallies and activities but the secret service has a habit of securing everything around where a president or former president will be and especially they secure the high ground to prevent exactly what
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happened, a sniper taking up an advantageous position. they could have secured the building from the ground to make sure nobody could have gone up there or stationed officers on the roof. it appears they did neither thing. the experts i have talked to say they don't have an explanation for that and they question whether there was a manpower issue or somebody dropped a ball or did the secret service tell the police to do it and they didn't and those are the questions that investigators are trying to answer. >> i want to bring in adrian in butler, pennsylvania. what is the latest where you are? >> reporter: good evening. it is still an active crime scene and if you look behind me you will see police are still here and the road closed signs are here in place. it isn't just in this area but a vast perimeter. some who attended the rally returned to the scene and also
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telling us that the shooter was elevated on the building adjacent to those cranes you see. we also have been learning more about the people who were injured with two of them initially in critical condition and now listed in stable condition with a 74-year-old and also a 57-year-old. we learned earlier father died trying to protect his family throwing his wife and children to the ground using his body to shield them from the bullets fired. this was corey comperatore, who is remembered as somebody who was at church every sunday. you can imagine that where he sat at church was empty and the dinner seat where he sat is empty and described as a girl dad and firefighter who loved
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his community and so excited according to his wife and told the state governor that he was excited to attend the rally here yesterday. and i am thinking about the children at that rally with their families yesterday and if you have ever been to a trump campaign stop or any of his rallies, they are almost like a celebratory event and the crowd is always typically energized and something that was supposed to be fun ended in fear for so many people. i did speak with a woman by the name of renie white and if you look at some of the video, she was wearing bright blue and a bright blue make america great again hat and she was sitting behind the former president. she said she supports him now more than ever. >> thank you both so very much. joining me now is the former fbi assistant director for counterintelligence and also an nbc news national security analyst and retired atf specialist and gym kavanagh a
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terrorism analyst. i have been looking forward to speaking with you because of your unique perspective and knowledge on these issues. it is unfortunate that we have to talk over and over again about incidents like this and this one being the most unusual. if i could, let's start and we will play some of the moments when the gunfire breaks out. and at least let's listen into what we hear in the speed and what we hear. >> if you want to really see something this sad, take a look at what happened --
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>> i want to start with you, frank. it seems there were two segments or incidents of gunfire and the first one broke out with four or five and maybe another five or six and that is what i heard. what did you hear? what is at the timing and sounds tell you? >> even with eyewitness accounts and us listening, it is somewhere between eight and 10 and we have to be careful about the echo effect that happens in very open areas you get that. the distinct breaks sound like initial shots from the shooter and then return fire from the sniper and secret service agents and it's clear at least one of the secret service agent snipers had a clear line of sight thankfully on the roof to respond once the shooting started. >> i wonder, 149 yards may seem like a long distance to some
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people but with that rifle, 149 yards isn't that much. >> exactly. it isn't very far at all. the rifle is very technically proficient. there were some blurry photographs of the killer on the roof and i tried to look at it closely and i didn't see evidence of a giant scope and he may have had a holographic site. but he did pretty good because he did hit the presidents ear from 150 yards. an inch to the right he would've killed the former president. he was good enough. the father reportedly only bought the gun six months ago. so how many times could hear from just shooting this weapon?'s probably not that many times, if at all. the weapon is good and it's designed well for soldiers and they practice normally 100 yards in the military to shoot
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those. it is a shot that can be made. and that is why it is unbelievable that the rooftop wasn't occupied by law enforcement. >> i was just thinking of the tragedy of this father who lost his life and got hit with one of the gunman's bullets in two other people critically injured. the former president getting a bullet on the ear. we are talking about maybe 3 mm or 4 mm from what would have been a totally different outcome. >> right. i was on law enforcement in the early 70s on the heels of two american assassinations with rifles, john kennedy and dr. king both killed with rifles and all of the other assassinations and attempts, ronald reagan and the two on gerald ford and the shooting of
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george wallace when he was running and even the old ones like lincoln, garfield, mckinley, all handguns. but jfk and dr. king or the others and i can tell you that when we were involved in secret service details, hologram was always taken by secret service and those rifle shots were always lingering in the back of everybody's minds because we lived through them. and this is why i was so surprised. because having been assigned to those details many times, when we were treasury agents with secret service, we would be assigned on them and i was on a number of them. they all said agents or swat members or atf agents or somebody on top of buildings and windows and they never gave the high ground away. it is basic police work and you have to get there early and take the high ground. it doesn't take tremendous resources. you showed that aerial picture. maybe there are a half a dozen
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buildings were you have to have somebody armed and maybe you can assess it and only put them on half and the other half you can clearly lock down the barricade. but it can clearly be controlled. it isn't a resource matter. the pennsylvania state police says they have 3000 troopers and you have the sheriff township police, the secret service. you could have done it. it should have been done and that is the failure. i would say to close this part, i would analyze this as we used to call an explosive world left of boom and right of boom and here left of shot and right of shot. everything that happened after the shot was fired by the killer, the secret service did a tremendous job in the sniper team took him out and saved lives and he could have been pumping bullets into the huddle if not killed and they quickly got him down and got him in the
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huddle and got him to the vehicle which was great. but before the shot when they didn't have the people on top of that roof occupying that roof, that is the failure. >> what are your thoughts? what question is top of mind for you? >> if you take what gym said, you have to have the high ground particularly when there is a high ground within easy sniper range. now you asked the question, of course they considered this building and they made a decision to put it outside of the perimeter and this points strongly to this being delegated to local or state law enforcement and clearly we have a colossal failure and either the degree of communication or you understand you have this building top to bottom and you have the entrances locked down. nobody gets up and you have rooftop and you understand that and that broke down. there is another scenario where
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they may have decided to mix responsibilities which in my experience results in another lack of communication i.e. secret service sniper has the rooftop and don't worry about it and we have it and line of sight. you take the doors. make sure nobody gets into this building. that broke down as well. clearly, this independent investigation, and there will be many. congress has called for one and the fbi in -- is investigating the shooter and others sure to get involved. we will get the answers. here is my concern. we don't have a lot of time for answers. we have the rnc starting monday with the democrats and their convention the following month. i concerned the secret service has been stretched too thinly for a long time with too many protect these and family members. you have a sizable percentage of the service in milwaukee on
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the ground and there has been reporting that only two members of the counter assault team were two snipers were present at this rally, you can guarantee they are in milwaukee and on president biden and is that too many? are we asking too much with the limited resources? >> thank you both so much for being with us and we do appreciate it. >> when we come back we will head back to the white house for president biden is set to address the nation at eight a clock -- a: 00 --.
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turning back now to the white house where president biden gave brief remarks earlier. he announced an independent review of the assassination attempt against former president trump and said he would deliver an oval office address tonight. >> i am directing an independent review of the national security at yesterday's rally to assess exactly what happened. i will be speaking more about this tonight at greater length from the oval office. >> i will bring in our white house correspondent and congressional correspondent. so what about the remarks today? >> reporter: first off, i think the white house and the presidents reaction and their response time has been
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particularly notable since this attempt against former president trump and you think of the fact that by the end of the day the president will have addressed the nation three times in the wake of that shooting and the president returning to the white house from his rehoboth beach, delaware, home and he was briefed in person on the situation room by homeland security as well as law enforcement officials but i thought it was notable when he talked about the incredibly rare phone call he shared with former president trump last night saying he is so glad that the former president is okay. one thing that did stand out to me was when the president directly addressed these accusations being made by some republicans that the president's rhetoric and democrats rhetoric is to blame for this shooting and the president saying that as the republican presidential nominee and a former president that former president trump enjoys a
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bolstered level of security. he talked about what he has done since last night to make sure that safety continues for the former president and listen to these comments. >> mr. trump is a former president and nominee to the republican party. he already receives a heightened level of security. i have been consistent in my direction to the secret service to provide him with every resource and measure necessary for his continued safety. second, i have directed the head of the secret service to review all security measures for the republican national convention. >> the president announcing also an independent review of the federal security measures being used during that rally yesterday to assess what went wrong vowing to share the results of that independent review with the public. >> i know on capitol hill some lawmakers have been asking for investigations. >> reporter: right. we are 24 hours after the
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assassination attempt of donald trump. i can tell you democrats and republicans, at least in leadership positions at the home of powerful panels that oversee the secret service and oversee the fbi and other law enforcement agencies have been able to talk to at least the director of the u.s. secret service to some fbi officials and cabinet officials like the secretary of homeland security. these are people who are democrats and republicans and for example in the committee i am told that gary peters that chair has reached out and connected with may orchis -- secretary mayorkas and other members will be receiving briefings including tomorrow with the u.s. secret service director but at the same time as you heard from our colleagues, while lawmakers are asking how this happened and how the secret service allowed this to happen to the former president yesterday, there is
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much these agencies don't know and it is why for example they have leader schumer, and the heads of intelligence communities haven't received a briefing but certainly a lot of questions this hour from congress and pressing for answers. >> thank you both so much. >> the breaking news coverage of the attempted assassination attempt continues after the quick break. we will head back to the site of the republican national convention in milwaukee.
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campaign manager said we are enhancing the security presence with 24/7 officers on site and additional security assessments will be in place with the highest priority to keep all of you safe. the memo goes on to instruct staffers not to comment publicly on the occurrence of today and we condemn all forms of violence and won't tolerate dangerous rhetoric on social media. back with us from milwaukee is our news correspondent. they held a press are about security at the rnc. what did they say?'s >> reporter: just about an hour ago, about 20 blocks from where we are standing here at the site of the republican national convention which is starting tomorrow, law enforcement from the fbi and secret service came and spoke with reporters about the security measures in place for this week long convention. i said notably for the united
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states secret service because they outside of official statements and social media haven't answered reporters questions until this press briefing here in milwaukee and notably not with the direct of the u.s. secret service but it is with the official who is overseen -- over seeing. it means the department of homeland security secretary designate such an event and situation where there is concern about criminal activity. at that point the u.s. secret service is put in charge of coordinating all law enforcement agencies to effectively secure an area which is what is happening here in milwaukee. i do want to let you hear my questions to the official in charge of the security here in milwaukee who didn't answer questions about what took place 24 hours ago with the attempted assassination. listen. >> reporter: is the secret
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service currently planning to expand the perimeter? we don't have any changes right now. >> including firearms in the soft perimeter? >> you think of the soft perimeter outside of our federal jurisdiction. >> reporter: why should former president trump and his family and convention goers have confidence in the u.s. secret service to secure the site over the next four days after his life was nearly taken yesterday in pennsylvania? >> this is the highest level of security for an event that could be designated by the government. this is a whole government approach. >> reporter: when i did ask an additional question specifically, is there any concern, or do you have the necessary resources to secure this event, the officials stated yes. that was the take away for law enforcement. they feel they have been planning for this for 18 months and they have done what it take
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to make sure there is security of this. the former president and presumptive republican nominee is en route from his club in new jersey to here in milwaukee. we expect him to land within a matter of minutes. >> what is it, if you can help me translate, what is it that the officials said you when you asked them or asked her that question? what you think she responded? >> reporter: we talked about the perimeter particularly, that is where there is a question marc here . a lot of us are having our own conversations. there is a hard perimeter, a lockdown area with only folks who have credentials like the delegates in the press, the elected officials and those who have been prescreened and approved are the only ones allowed inside the hard perimeter. this is still a soft perimeter. and until this week the soft
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perimeter will be moved further out and the concern by some, including the democratic governor is that the soft perimeter, which expands about 10 blocks beyond the hard perimeter, it means the roads are still shut down but the public can still come and go as they please. they are allowed because wisconsin is an open carry state. they are allowed firearms. the hard perimeter secured by the u.s. secret service has no firearms permitted and there is no intention to expand that hard perimeter for the beyond where it is currently at two bar firearms becoming closer to the arena where the convention will be. >> thank you very much. it is good to see you. >> coming up what we heard from the attorney general merrick garland about the attempt on former president trump's life. we will be right back. right ba. with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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yesterday is an attack on our democracy itself. the justice department has no tolerance for such violence, and as americans, we must have no tolerance for it. this must stop. >> that was attorney general merrick garland during an fbi briefing reiterating that the fbi, atf and u.s. attorney's office for the western district of pennsylvania will continue to work together with the secret service and state and local law enforcement officials on the ground in butler, pennsylvania. we do want to show you a shot of donald trump's plane moments ago, and there you see it in the air but it is just landing in milwaukee for the republican convention and these are images from moments ago as we see and that is his airplane getting very near the airport were it has, i understand, already touched down. anthony coley is a director for the office of foreign affairs
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and he is an msnbc news justice and legal affairs analyst. thank you and it is good seeing you. i am wondering when you see with the attorney general just said, and the coordination that he is announcing, what is it telling you and what is at the attorney general and the department of justice is doing right now? >> you can tell a lot about how any public official, how to seriously they take these moments looking at the language they use in their schedule. this language you just played for your viewers and of the attorney general calling this an attack on our democracy is strong language. it is appropriate language. over the course of the next four or five days the attorney general was supposed to be traveling the country meeting with top law enforcement officials to talk about the drug crisis in efforts to reduce
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violent crime and he is appropriately staying in washington to oversee this independent investigation that the fbi's conduct in which will make one additional observation on this. the field office is in the drivers seat with this tragic event happening in their backyard. their efforts have been supplemented by scores and scores of highly trained technicians and crime scene investigators from the fbi national headquarters and quantico. and all of this approach that we see in front of us. >> i am just thinking the strength and power of the department of justice, how does the department of justice guarantee that things will be transparent? >> that is the million-dollar question and this is a moment for them to meet. the justice department has to
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shine the bright light of transparency on every aspect of this investigation to the extent they don't compromise the integrity of the investigation. i was really glad to see this. i was glad to see the justice department including the fbi brief doj reporters today about the status of the investigation. that typically doesn't happen. what we saw today and learned today was this alleged shooter, he was somebody who apparently acted alone. we now know the fbi has access to his phone and they don't have access yet to the content. there are things we don't know. like his motivation or ideological beliefs but when
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misinformation runs rampant, it's vitally important the justice department, including the fbi, that they fill in the gaps with credible information based on their investigation. that is why i was glad to see them lean forward in a way they don't typically do. >> what you looking for where the convention starts tomorrow and do you think there will be any fbi, atf changes of strategy going forward?'s or as von was saying, has it been planned for over a year now? >> the department of homeland security, which oversees the secret service, they are the lead agency with regard to the security around that designated area and it will be the same for chicago. i would imagine that they are reviewing and re-reviewing at the direction of the president and we heard the president the second time in the last 24 hours this morning announced to the public that they had directed the secret service to review their protocols for
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those events. i do suspect that is going on and i would say an initial thing is that we heard from the president today is that he will ask for an independent investigation here. that is so important. even more important is the details of that investigation will be made public. that is what the country needs right now when we are so bitterly divided and we need to have insight into the investigation and the failures that occurred here because there were failures. >> it is a great to see you and i thank you for being with us. >> are breaking news coverage continues after a quick break. q. ? whoa. alright, c'mon earn big with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec.
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i am sickened by the shooting of former president trump. it can't be overstated that political and violence is not to be tolerated. the recently elected british prime minister posted a similar message. i am appalled by the shocking scene of president trump's rally and we send them our best wishes. political violence has no place in our society and my thoughts are with all the victims of this attack. from latin america and argentina, they said trump was a victim of a cowardly assassination attempt and i hope for the speedy recovery of president trump and the elections in the united states are held fairly, peacefully and democratically. from el salvador, the presidents office posted a statement saying there is no place for violence in a democracy and the president of chile had a similar message where violence is a threat to democracy and it weakens our
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life together. we must all reject it. from paraguay the president said we strongly condemn all acts of violence and express their solidarity with the former president. the president said violence has no place in the life of any society and just a glimpse of what leaders around the world are saying as they react and i want to bring in the re-fired -- retired four-star general and it's always a pleasure to see you and these are difficult moments. i am thinking and i know you have been tweeting about some thoughts about it. what are your reactions to what we saw a little over 24 hours ago? >> it is one of enormous gratitude that he wasn't killed or badly injured and it wouldn't be just another tragic murder in addition to the civilian life lost but
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catastrophic for the democratic process. there will be an investigation to find out why security failed and it was a bizarre incident to allow a shooter to get that close to the president and 150 yards with high velocity weapons like an ar 15 with a 5.6 round and it is difficult to miss a stationary target at a podium at that range. the shooter apparently got several rounds off so kudos to the secret service for responding. i think we will have to rethink campaign strategies. our country, america, has 22 times the murder rate of the european union. so these multiple venues and direct interaction with crowds and two competing candidates is overloading the system and a trained sniper with a scope can
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hit a stationary target reliably up to 800 yards. we need to rethink the process and not just look at how we protect the candidates. >> i was thinking of him attacked by that rifle but it is true the prevalence here makes it a whole different analysis to deal with and i do wonder, when you say there was a lack of -- and it seems to me from what i saw and there may be more but there were two counter sharpshooters right there on the area where the former president was. it seems those are the ones that responded to the shooting but it just seems like and tom llamas was telling us that the person who owns the land adjacent to where this event
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was held was never approached by anybody still to this day about the fencing around that area and put together with some zip ties and what are some of the glaring things you see as being a problem? >> we have two candidates doing multiple events on the same day. basically they have the capacity to guarantee particularly an open venues including towns and cities where people are shooting from as far as 800 to 1000 yards away so we rethink how do they present themselves with rope lines and plunging into the crowd and this type of thing we have to rethink and we almost lost mr. trump which would have been a blow to american democracy and not just a
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murder. we have to preserve this clinical process and it could mean changing campaign strategies and in addition we have to sort out what happened to the secret service. it does sound like fundamental errors to allow unscreened people to be within 150 yards of an open stage. we do have some work to do. we have to get through this election safely. also, it is a horrendous embarrassment to the international community and we looked like a bunch of bozos with this kind of an attempt on a presidential candidate. we have to rethink this process. >> general, we were reading back to the president of el salvador who tweeted out after that statement that his office put out one word with the question marc , democracy question marc and i think this
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is a horrible message to the whole world. thank you, general and it's a pleasure to see you. >> that does it for this hour of our breaking news coverage. we pick up things after a quick break. [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. so, what are you thinking?
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