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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  July 15, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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and get in the picture. learn how abbvie can help you save. happening right now, the republican national convention has just kicked off, but of course it's in the shadow of an assassination attempt and a major legal victory for their standard bearer. good day, i'm chris jansing in new york, katy tur is live in milwaukee. there is a prayer going on, so it is quiet on the floor of the convention, and then we are standing by for the start of the rnc roll call, later this hour when 2,000 plus delegates will pledge their support for donald trump and make him the official republican presidential nominee. we will also see speeches today from house speaker mike johnson, senator tim scott and governor kristi noem. that comes after the director of the secret service expressed confidence in the security plans for the event saying they have been reviewed and strengthened
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after a bullet grazed donald trump's ear on saturday. trump tells fox he's moving forward with plans to reveal his vp pick today, and he has another reason to celebrate, today a judge surprised even the former president by throwing out the entire classified documents case after ruling the appointment of special counsel jack smith was improper. we have so much to get to. nbc's jacob soboroff is reporting from inside the rnc where the roll call will be held. also with us gop strategist and former senior advisers and communications director for marco rubio. sabrina rodriguez, and former presidential campaign spokesman for doug burgum, and katie will join us as soon as she is able to from the floor. sabrina, if i can start with you, i wonder in your conversations how the delegates are feeling heading into this convention. i mean, it's an exciting time. we were talking about it in the last hour.
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it's a lot of fun for these folks, many of whom only get to see each other every four years. but now you've got the assassination attempt, but also the very positive news for donald trump about the classified documents case being dismissed. what are you hearing? >> reporter: i mean right now what we're hearing from the delegates and attendees as they arrived today and started arriving yesterday and saturday is a tone of defiance. it's a tone of while people are saying, you know, expressing their sympathy for the former president, i mean, people are obviously overwhelmingly happy that he is okay. they are overwhelmingly happy to see the rnc continue going as planned. but there is certainly that feeling of this just has built momentum for them, this has raised the stakes. they want to show their support for the former president as they head into the days of the convention. >> there's been a lot of talk about the seriousness of what happened on saturday, and that it potentially raises the stakes and the seriousness of the
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selection that donald trump has to make that we expect he may be making later today. who do you think lines up best with this unified message that donald trump now says he wants to center on in this convention. >> well, i think there's two names and you've heard a lot about in the last 72 hours. one is my former boss, marco rubio, the sender from florida who i think really would appeal to a really widespread of americans, obviously he ran for president before he's thoroughly well vetted and is now in his third term in the senate where he deals with a lot of foreign policy intel areas where he's respected on both sides of the aisle. and then the other name, of course, is j.d. advance, senator from ohio i think would be a historic pick in his own right, first millennial on a presidential ticket. i believe he'd be the first person from appalachia on a presidential ticket since andrew jackson going back quite a ways. and somebody whose life story, i think would be really inspiring to a lot of americans. he's somebody who came from, you
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know, from not a lot of means and was successful in business, wrote a best selling book and got elected to the senate. really the embodiment of the american dream. there are two good choices, i think whichever one trump goes to will add to this message of unity that he wants to put forth in the convention. >> we have a couple of pieces, at least small pieces of breaking news. first of all, a source familiar with the president's plans say that in less than two and a half hours at 4:30 eastern time, president trump will announce his decision on who he will pick for a vice president, but before that, after they get through the preliminaries and start the roll call, the person who will put him over the top who will announce the florida delegation now donald trump's home state will be his son eric, and that will be the votes that put him over the top and move him from presumptive nominee to nominee. with all of that happening, lance, and knowing your affiliation with doug burgum, i
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want to play for you what mr. trump said about the decision in an interview that he gave before saturday's rally. it just aired today, i should say. >> does it matter who you choose as your vp? >> you have people that are very smart people. they say it does. i say it doesn't. they say, oh, it depends on what's going to happen, who you're going to pick. i don't think so. you're going to pick a great person. you're going to run. the other thing i noticed, if you look -- i don't want to belittle it because it's a very important position, especially if something bad should happen, but if that's the most important if something bad should happen. >> do you think that the assassination attempt has changed his calculation at all? has had an impact on his final decision? >> i think it's impacted him in multiple ways, the same way it's impacted this entire country, frankly. but look, the vice presidential pick is about one person and one person only, and that's donald trump and the direction that he means to take this party and also the country, and that's about unifying everybody.
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obviously i'm partial to doug burgum. as alex noted earlier, there are a lot of good choices he has out there to help him. whoever that will be will help him unify not just this party but the country and strengthen this nation moving forward for sure. >> so alex, one of the things that's been talked about repeatedly throughout this is the age of both of the candidates. it's focused a lot more, i think, on obviously the president but the former president is 78 years old. he will be 82 if he is -- or 83 if he is reelected and serves out his full term. and that has led a lot of people to speculate that they need to look at this in a different way. do you think that they are looking at this in a different way, the role, the voters are looking at the role of the vice president differently, and that that has impacted donald trump's decision. >> obviously don't, and obviously, you know, after the events over the weekend, i think everyone thought, my god, what
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if the unthinkable had actually happened, and you know, clearly that's what the vice president is there for. however, presidential elections are about the top of the ticket, and i don't think the candidate's age necessarily changes that at all. now, obviously, you know, whoever donald trump does pick will, i think, overnight become the front runner for 2028. this is an unprecedented election. regardless of who wins, biden or trump, they're only going to serve one term. i think if the presidential campaign of 2028 starts on january 2025 and the front runner for that unquestionably will be whoever donald trump picks as the vice president in the next 24 hours. >> and now i want to go to the floor of the convention center where katy tur is standing by. we just learned as you probably have heard that at 4:30 we're going to learn who donald trump's selection is for vice president, just one of many things happening today. tell us what's happening on the floor, katie. >> yeah, 4:30 we're going to
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learn about the vice president. we're also just learning that eric trump, donald trump's son will be announcing the state of florida nominates him, and that's a point when we believe donald trump will be put over the edge and will become the official nominee or the presumptive nominee before he's the official nominee for the republican party. so they're playing proud to be american right now, everybody's singing along. i want to talk to the state of florida for a second. there is a chance you could be not only electing a nominee for president from florida but a nominee for vice president from florida. how do you feel about marco rubio's prospects? >> i'm not here to speculate. i'm here just to enjoy. whatever president trump thinks is best. >> you're going to take it in no matter what. >> what do you think about marco rubio? do you want him to be vp? >> we love marco rubio. it would make a really good open seat for ron desantis to slip in. >> what do you think? >> marco rubio was the mayor of miami, he's very well loved in miami-dade county, he's a family man.
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he's christian. he's got good morals, good character, conservative platform so we love him regardless of who president trump chooses, but i have my pick. >> it's a very tense moment, and the former president donald trump is calling for the country to be more united. do you think it's important for him to choose a running mate who embodies that, and do you think marco rubio is that choice? >> i love marco rubio. my personal preference would be elise stefanik. she's a woman. she could get the women vote. she's one of the more powerful leaders in congress. she's conservative, she's got a great platform herself, great voting record with regard to the republican platform. i think she would be a better choice. that's as a woman my personal preference. >> it's a good choice, it's your choice, she's not one of the three finalists, though. we'll see what happens. it could always be a surprise. >> thank you so much. i appreciate it. this is the state of florida. i'm going to take you to the state of ohio, which is just down the convention floor because they have the other big
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vp nominee prospect, and that is j.d. vance, and j.d. vance has been so vocal since what happened on saturday. you guys are from ohio, right? >> north carolina. >> where is ohio? you're right here, okay. >> i'm ohio. >> how are you? >> my wife fran. >> nice to meet you. >> governor, how do you feel about potentially having a vice president pick from your fine state? >> well, if my math is correct, this hasn't happened for, what, about 80 years, so we're very excited about it, but we'll see. we don't know whether this will happen or not. >> do you have a choice for who you might replace him with if j.d. vance is the vice presidential nominee? >> i've learned to take one election at a time. >> oh, come on, you've got to have a list. you've got to be prepared. >> look, we always think about things like this, but particularly in the last few days, but look, we have to win an election, and we're going to do that. we also have to get bernie
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marino elected to the united states senate. a lot's going on in ohio. >> do you think ohio is a solid lock for republicans this year? are you concerned about losing any seats? >> do you think sherrod brown has a good chance to keep his seat? i know he's not a republican but he's a long-time ohio senator. >> sure, brown is always very tough. he's a very, very tough candidate. i don't think anyone on our side of the aisle is taking anything for granted and thinking that it's going to be easy. bernie is a good candidate. he's going to win, but it's going to be very close. >> this is such a tense moment, after what happened on saturday. as an executive, how are you talking about this moment, and what are you calling for in terms of how we go forward, how we talk about this election? >> i think both president trump and president biden have set the right tone. they both have said let's tone this down a little bit. let's talk about the issues. we've got plenty of things to
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talk about in this campaign. let's try to calm things down. i think that is the right message. i think that's the message the american people really want to hear, and i think it's a great thing. >> governor dewine, thank you so much for talking to us. nice to meet you, mrs. dewine. i appreciate it. jacob, how are you doing? >> reporter: i'm doing good over here, just about one aisle away from you in the home state delegation, the great state of wisconsin. i'm here with former governor scott walker. we're live on msnbc. before we get into the news of the day, which is that former president trump is going to pick his vice presidential running mate, i want to get your reaction to the attempted assassination on the former president. >> it was horrible. as an american, i think all of us were outraged, horrified. i thought back to when i was a kid and ronald reagan was shot, i remember what i felt that day. i think all americans did. most of us, not just republicans, when we got back up and said he was all right, that was a sign of relief for america and the world. >> you have not only known donald trump for a long time, you have faced him as a
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candidate in 2016. today the conversation is about at least one of the conversations, who will be his running mate. who is he going to pick. do you have any insight into this? do you have a preference in the race? >> i think he's going to pick a proven problem solver. i think that matches well. one of his biggest strengths here is he got things done, no matter what you think about his personality. he's a doer. he's a fighter. i think obviously i'm biased as a governor, peoplelike glenn youngkin, and doug burgum, they're proven business leaders which i think is very appealing to former president trump. >> have you spoken to former president trump since the attempted assassination? >> i have not. i talked to him two weeks ago in racine in an almost identical rally outdoors like that. it was a bit shocking. i was in the front row standing talking to vance and standing in front there. obviously like all of america prayerful, thankful that god spared his life, just like he ared psident reagan's four decades ago. >> people continue to talk about how things are going to change
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since before the attempted assassination and after. what is that change going to look like? >> i think there's a greater sense of unity. you saw that from the statement of the former first lady, melania trump. we are going to have governor desantis here, you're also having nikki haley here. republicans are particularly unified. i also think there's a sense of america wanting to pay more attention, and i think as he said just recently, he's going to change his speech. he tore up a bunch of the speech along the way. not only how to make america more affordable but safe and secure, but how to bring us together again, that's one of those life changing moments. >> katie, i'm going to throw it back to you from over here in the wisconsin delegation. >> jacob, thank you very much. i'm going to toss it back to chris who is in the studio. as we are watching this, the roll call is going to start in just about 45 minutes, we believe. every state is going to say who they nominate, and then at the end of that, donald trump will be the official nominee. then we expect to learn who the
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vice president nominee will be. we just spoke to governor dewine of florida -- i mean, of ohio, excuse me. he says he's been thinking about a list of who he might replace j.d. vance with as the junior senator of that state. we were talking to floridians, it could also be marco rubio. we can go over to north dakota to see what they think about the prospects of governor doug burgum. there are three big names that are out there, and we're going to find out in just about an hour. >> so my question for you is this, katie. we heard the woman you spoke with in the florida delegation dropping the name of elise stefanik. something we haven't heard. there's been widespread speculation, could there be a shock, since she's speaking now, could it be nikki haley, and just now when jacob soboroff talked to scott walker, scott walker said he loves the idea of a governor, not just burgum but he dropped the name of glenn youngkin. are any of the people in trump world suggesting it could be
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someone outside of these three we've been talking about for weeks now? >> the word from trump world is always expect surprises, yeah, of course, but the talk in the past few weeks has been firmly around those three names. governor young kin of virginia is somebody that a lot of republicans have been talking about, even before what happened on saturday as somebody who could help former president trump, if he were to win again tone things down and potentially bring in more moderates to the republican party, moderates who maybe don't feel so comfortable right now with the way things are going and who are thinking about potentially voting for a democrat or not voting at all. they've also concerned about independents. so that's why governor youngkin's name is floated so much. they believe he's someone who can be seen as a mike pence like he did for evangelicals, but he is not one of the names we've heard in this core short list of who the running mate is going to
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be. the short list has been for a while now j.d. vance, marco rubio, and governor doug burgum, and the talk around here is leaning more toward j.d. vance. of course we have no confirmation, nobody's telling us one way or the other, but i mean, i was talking to a republican lawmaker a little bit earlier this morning, and they said they're getting signals that they believe it's going to be j.d. vance. nobody's going to know until later today. when you're talking about donald trump, a surprise is always possible. you can never rule that out. but again, this is only a matter of an hour or two hours before we're going to find out who the person is. >> the long wait will be over. we'll come back to you, katie. sabrina, let me ask you, there is not -- there aren't a lot of examples in history where a vice presidential selection has made a difference. in fact, a lot of experts will tell you the only time the vice president makes a significant difference is when, frankly, for some reason the president can't serve, but having said that,
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what are the things that you've been hearing from trump world or elsewhere about what should be on donald trump's mind? for example, we just heard from a delegate in florida who said she absolutely loves marco rubio, but she'd love to see a woman. she would love to see someone like elise stefanik. are there ways that you know that team trump is looking and hoping he'll balance the ticket in some way? >> reporter: i mean, i think the key that katie mentioned before is obviously you can expect surprises in trump world. so i feel that when you talk to folks in his orbit, you know, there's assets with each one of the people that have been floated. however, one of the things that has consistently come up in conversations both with operatives in his circle and just when you're talking to folks here at the rnc is they want someone who is going to be loyal to the president. there's obviously still a lot of gripes and tension over mike pence's vice presidency, so there's a lot of talk about
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that. a focus on -- they want somebody who's going to be loyal to the president, who's going to stand by his agenda, but they're really keeping an eye on who that person could be. at times in some of those conversations, that's what's made them lean to saying it could be ohio senator j.d. vance because of the loyalty he's had towards the president. then when you hear folks that are lobbying for marco rubio. it's a lot about the inroads with latino voters, the fact of having a spanish speaking vice presidential nominee would be a huge asset for the republican ticket. and then as was mentioned by that florida delegate, then there's that pick that side of saying, oh, who can do better with women, specifically suburban women that has been an area of focus for trump. it seems like there's different assets each one can bring in terms of coalitions of voters. by and large, you hear everyone saying it's really going to be a question of loyalty when it comes to donald trump's final pick. >> lance, let me ask you, understanding that you were the presidential campaign spokesperson for doug burgum so you have perhaps a particular
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favorite, but do you believe in the idea of balance in a ticket? there are a lot of people who have argued he should have a woman, he should have a person of color. do you believe in balance and that it helps? >> again, i think this is a decision for donald trump that he needs to be comfortable with, somebody that he believes is not only loyal but to help him unify and move the country forward. we have a unified republican party. what donald trump wants to do is unify the country and get it moving forward and moving on to the issues we've talked about, the border and the cost of living and all those foundational issues. so again, i've long argued that it really doesn't matter. he's very strong right now politically and in the polls. i've argued it doesn't really matter who he's picked. it needs to be somebody he's comfortable with and somebody who can stand up in case something were to happen to him god forbid down the road. >> katie. >> alex, i was talking to somebody earlier today, i mentioned it a moment ago, a republican lawmaker who was
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advocating for marco rubio, who you used to work with. and they were saying if donald trump nominates marco rubio, they believe the election will be a loss. moderate voters will respond to a nomination of marco rubio as his running mate. why do you think marco rubio -- what do you think marco rubio could add to a vice presidential ticket for donald trump? >> i mean, i think he would add a lot. obviously the hispanic voters. i don't think anyone's going to vote for marco rubio because he's cuban american, but i think that because he speaks spanish so well, so fluently he's going to be able to go to states like arizona, nevada, really make the case on spanish language media, which is really important. now, that said, he's going to do that regardless. if somebody else is picked for vp, knowing marco he's going to work really hard for trump this fall, just like he worked hard for mitt romney in 2012, just like he worked hard for trump in
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2016 while he was running for his own re-election. i think he's going to be an asset to trump. clearly being able to speak spanish is a useful tool in the toolbox when you look at how diverse the media landscape is and how many swing voters are also spanish language speakers. >> one of the questions i get asked a lot by people who have been watching the world as it's unfolded over the last eight years is what's with marco rubio. and marco rubio was somebody that donald trump really went after so hard in 2016, and you remember this, you were a part of it, and you tried to fight back. you tried to stoop down to his level at one point, but now marco rubio is so solidly behind donald trump, and even when he's asked tough questions about trump he either side steps them or answers them in a very loyal way. i think people scratch their heads and they wonder, this is a guy that diminished him and insulted him and did everything he could to make him look small and weak, why would marco rubio
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want to support this guy? why would marco rubio want to be vice president, especially when you consider what happened to donald trump's last vice president? he left office amid chants of hang him, and donald trump didn't argue with that. >> yeah, well, i think it's -- look, i understand the question because everyone saw the 2016 campaign where it was super competitive. you know, trump was leading most of the way, but the rubio campaign, and marco rubio tried everything to try to crack into trump's base of support, and ultimately couldn't. if you look at the first term, though, trump's term, the amount that he worked with marco rubio in a constructive way is really amazing on foreign policy. i mean, marco really had a seat at the table in crafting the trump administration's policies for the western hemisphere, which is very important to rubio given the state he represents, cuban policy, venezuela policy, for example. when the pandemic hit, marco rubio worked closely with trump and trump's team to create the ppp program, probably the most
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important economic relief business certainly for businesses that came out of the pandemic, and scores of other -- you look at tax reform where rubio worked closely not just with trump but with trump's daughter to create the -- to increase the child tax credit. the reason the corporate rate is 21% and not 20% is because of marco rubio working with trump in his administration. sure, the 2016 campaign was rough but once trump got elected, the two of them had a really good working relationship. so frankly, i am not surprised that marco's on the short list for vp. i think it's interesting given that they're from the same state. i think there's potentially some concern over their residency issue, constitutionally you can have two people from the same states. i understand why trump would be interested, at least reportedly interested in choosing my former boss as vp. >> it would be tough. there is talk about marco rubio potentially having to resign his
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senate seat and move to washington, d.c., or somewhere else. alex, thank you so much. i'm going to take a very quick break. we are going to take a very quick break. when we come back after just a moment, we'll go back to the floor of the rnc convention right here in milwaukee. don't go anywhere. lwaukee. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight and keeping it off? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events
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convention where 2,400 delegates and the country are waiting to hear donald trump's selection for his vice presidential running mate, and we have breaking news to tell you about. according to four sources familiar with the conversations senator marco rubio of florida has been told he is not -- he is not donald trump's vice presidential pick, and north dakota governor doug burgum has been told he will not be trump's running mate for vice president. that's according to three sources from nbc news. among the three who for weeks have been the most frequently mentioned, that leaves ohio senator j.d. vance who has been in office for less than three years. he rose to fame after he rose -- after he wrote his 2016 memoir, "hillbilly elegy" about having grown up poor in ohio. he has been seen repeatedly with donald trump. again, there is always the
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possibility that there is a fourth option here, and that would be a surprise. but two of the main candidates doug burgum and marco rubio have been told that they are not donald trump's choice for vice president. i want to go out onto the floor of that convention where jacob soboroff is standing by gathering some reaction, and you're with the north dakota delegation? >> yeah, chris, that's right. i'm at the right place for reaction to this news that's just coming in right now. i'm with josh gallian. we're reporting at nbc news that your governor doug burgum is not going to be the pick for vice president by former president trump. your reaction? >> you know, we're going to wait and see. i think it's still rumors at this point. >> still holding out hope. >> we're still holding out hope. >> what are you hearing from the delegation? why is he in your mind's eye, the most qualified to be the next vice president. >> in north dakota we feed and fuel the world and our importance on the national stage is critical, and so that role alone and the leadership that he's provided has made him
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eligible. >> if it's not governor burgum, who would be your second choice? >> i know there's a great list. j.d. vance is great. >> according to our reporting as well, rubio's out of the mix, but j.d. vance evidently is still in the mix. we'll keep you posted. thank you, enjoy the convention. >> appreciate it. i want to show you a little bit about if placement's any indication, may have been a clue. here's the north dakota delegation. i'll show you where the stage is in relation to north dakota. this is the stage here. come with me, the people in the very furthest back of the entire republican national convention. i want to give them a little bit of air time. this is the very back of the north dakota delegation. ladies and gentlemen, i just want to give you a quick minute here. we're live on television. we're hearing that your governor is not going to be the vice presidential pick. anybody want to react to that? >> you know, i think -- i trust
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donald trump to pick who he feels is the best vp for the u.s. right now. >> diplomatic response, i appreciate you very much, and we'll make our way back, chris, out of the very back here of the rnc. thank you, guys, very much. great state of north dakota, appreciate you very much. i'm going to send it back to you here at the very back of the rnc. >> three sources telling nbc news that north dakota's governor, doug burgum is not the selection. let me send it out to katie who is with the ohio delegation, which of course is the home state for one other person who has been mentioned. we don't know who the pick is. we should make that very clear, but j.d. vance has often been mentioned. >> yeah, so we spoke a moment ago with governor dewine about j.d. vance, and governor, we just hate to come back to you, we're going to pick on you for a second. we just confirmed that it's not marco rubio, and it's not doug burgum, j.d. vance was on the short list. >> we're eliminating them, right? >> we're eliminating them.
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i'm going to ask you again, how concrete is your list for replacing j.d. vance, say if it's j.d. vance is vice president. say if you have an open senate seat. >> too early. much too early. >> we go to go win in the fall. we can't look down the plate, down the road that far. look, obviously since the speculation has started, i've been thinking about that, but it's just much too early. >> have you had a conversation with him, with j.d. vance? >> i've had some conversations with j.d., but not about that. >> you haven't talked about what might potentially happen if he has to give up his seat? >> absolutely not. >> have you had a conversation with donald trump, former president about this? >> no, no direct conversation. >> have you talked to him about what happened on saturday? >> no, i have not. >> do you think j.d. vance is going to be somebody that could act as not only a fighter, i mean, he's proven himself to be somebody that can cheerlead donald trump, that can fight for donald trump, but can he act as a unifier in this moment, if he is the vp pick? >> i think it's very important,
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president trump has set right tone. he's been very, you know, conciliatory in the sense of, look, let's all pull together. we're one country. we have disagreements. we'll go fight those disagreements out in the marketplace of ideas, but we need to kind of tone these things down a little bit. i think that's the right tone. >> do you think j.d. vance has that tone? >> sure, he can do that. >> why do you think that? >> i think, again, the president has set the right tone for that, president trump has set the right tone for that, and i have no reason to think that j.d. vance would not do the same thing. >> thank you for letting me pick on you once again. as the news happens, we like to come back over and get the delegations. >> thank you for informing us. >> you're welcome. no marco rubio, no doug burgum per nbc news reporting, and i have just spoken again with the governor of ohio. now confirming he has a list, but confirming that he has thought about it. i'm going to go down to garrett
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haake who is across the convention hall. also speaking to delegates. garrett what are you hearing? >> reporter: that's right, katie, i'm in the back of the convention hall near the arizona delegation obviously an important swing state. i've been talking to a delegate in arizona. we are learning in realtime that it sounds like we know who the pick won't be. it will not be marco rubio of florida, it will not be doug burgum of north dakota. you and i were talking about the idea that marco rubio could be particularly useful perhaps in arizona. what do you think about the fact that it might not be him and all signs are apparently pointing in j.d. vance's direction. >> the vp is just the icing on the cake. it doesn't matter who it is, we're 100% behind them. >> on the one hand, this is the two most well-known candidates for president probably ever with donald trump the former president and joe biden. it's not like there's a lot of novelty there. does the wow factor, the novelty factor of having somebody new on
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the ticket like a j.d. vance help republicans? >> i think so. if you look at his life story, it's very interesting. that's a person, that's the average american. that's what we need. we're all average americans. >> he was a pretty loud trump critic back in the day. how does that play? does that matter? does that open the door to people who are trump skeptics out there to say this guy changed his mind, maybe i should too? >> look at any family, amongst brothers we fight but in the end we come together. >> does anything about the last couple of weeks, whether it's the discussion about president biden's ability to do his job or the assassination attempt on donald trump, make you worry about having somebody who's only 39 years old, barely been a senator for a cup of coffee. >> i think he's capable of doing it? >> capable of doing it right now. >> if you look at barack obama, he was young too.
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>> kennedy was young. >> reporter: we'll throw it back to you, katie. in the swing state of arizona, j.d. vance, not bad. >> garrett haake, thank you. let's go now to gabe gutierrez who broke the story that marco rubio was told that he will not be the vp. gabe. >> reporter: hi there, katie, well, myself and several of my nbc news colleagues and according to five sources familiar with the conversation, senator rubio was told that he would not be the vice presidential selection, and according to my colleague hallie jackson, at least part of the reason was because of the residency requirement. of course, both candidates if it had been marco rubio would have been both from the state of florida, so that was at least part of the decision. something else that we should highlight, katie, donald trump's children, don jr. has been over the last several weeks really backing j.d. vance. of course we have no confirmation of what the vp pick is yet, but senator rubio
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throughout this process had been in that short list the top three, so to speak, and even people that knew him thought up to a couple of days ago that he was still in the running. you'll remember that rally last week that was held in south florida where former president trump, rubio was in attendance to that. the former president teasing a vice presidential announcement, got many in the media worked up that it might have been a possibility. that didn't come to pass. again, katie, as you've been reporting along with garrett, according to five sources now familiar with the conversation, senator rubio was told that he's not it. katie. >> reporter: gabe, thank you very much. i'm going to send it back to chrisjansing. what do you got from new york? >> i still have the two guys who work for the two guys who we have been told have been advised that they are not going to be the vice presidential pick, alex
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conant, who worked for marco rubio, lance trober, republican strategist and former doug burgum campaign spokesperson. i'll start with you, alex, and get your reaction to that news. alex. >> i'm sorry, i was muted there for a second. yeah, i think as gabe just reported, you know, the residency issue i'd heard was also a challenge. you know, they just wanted these things to be airtight. that would have been challenged in court, how they would have dealt with it and that would have been a distraction. i think if it is j.d. vance, obviously i think that's a very strong pick by president trump. historic in the sense you get the first millennial, i think once americans learn more about j.d. vance's life story, growing up poor, growing up in a broken house, having a mom who had substance abuse problems, using that life lesson as he grew up to be a very successful businessman and write a very successful book that shined a
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light on the opioid story in america. he brings that perspective. he'll be the first person on a presidential ticket, if it is j.d. vance, first person from appalachia since andrew jackson, and clearly a part of the country that i think has been overlooked for far too long. i think it's a really interesting choice by president trump. i think as americans get to know j.d. vance and know his story, it will only help president trump as election chances, which obviously are already very strong. >> we should point out that we have not confirmed nor has there been an announcement that is j.d. vance. the two others who are most often named have been eliminated. your old boss is governor of north dakota, there are a lot of people who push for governors because of the experience that they have. if you're going to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, you want to be with somebody potentially who knows what it is to run a state, who knows what it is to make those
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kinds of executive decisions that need to be made. so i wonder what your reaction is to the news that we've gotten from multiple sources that doug burgum is not the selection. >> well, i know something is happening because my phone is blowing up from hundreds of reporters while we've been on this show right now. look, i think as i've said all hour, this is donald trump's decision. this says a lot about donald trump and where he wants to take the country. i think if we're talking about doug burgum and the impact that he's had all along, a year ago many folks in the media and around the country were saying doug who, right? and now today here we are. he has been in the finalist for being picked for vice president of the united states, and i think that says a lot about his character, a lot about his work ethic and a lot about the work that he's done to help donald trump get elected, and doug has said all along since -- if you recall, he was the first of the presidential candidates to endorse donald trump prior to the iowa caucuses.
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and from day one has said all he wanted to do was turn the country around and get donald trump elected. he's been a terrific surrogate for the former president, and i think he will continue to be a terrific surrogate for him, and so, again, doug burgum doesn't need a job. he's doing this out of love for country. >> katie. >> reporter: thank you so much. i'm with the pennsylvania delegation right now. you know what, actually, we're just waiting and we've now seen speaker mike johnson take the figurative gavel here at the rnc, so let's listen in. [ applause ] >> good afternoon, everybody. it's such aen honor to be here. before we begin, i'd like to remind the delegates of the provisions of the rules, which require that each candidate for a nomination for president of the united states demonstrate sufficient support prior to the presentation of the name of the
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candidate for nomination. the chair wishes to inform the delegates at this time that it has been furnished in a timely manner and with evidence of sufficient support of the candidates who will be presented for president and vice president of the united states in compliance with the rules of the convention. also as prescribed under the rules, the total time for nominating speeches and seconding speeches for any candidate for president or vice president shall not exceed 15 minutes. it has also been the custom at past conventions to permit the chair to recognize non-delegates for the purpose of making nominating speeches and seconding speeches. without objection, the reading of the roll call of states for presenting the name for candidates of nomination is dispensed with and non-delegates shall be permitted to make nominating and seconding speeches. at this time, the chair now recognizes the delegate from iowa and the chairman of the republican party of iowa, jeff kauffman for the purpose of nominating. please give him a warm welcome.
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[ applause ] >> good afternoon. i'm jeff kauffman, and i'm humbled and honored to stand before all of you this afternoon. as you've just heard, i come from iowa, home of the first in the nation caucus where our party's nomination process begins. our caucus is a part of a lengthy democratic process, which everyday americans listen to the candidates, consider what they have to say, and then make a profoundly important choice on who should lead the nation that we love. earlier this year, iowa republicans overwhelmingly voted for donald trump. [ applause ] then the vast majority of republicans in primaries and caucuses across the nation seconded iowa's good judgment in
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a nominee. [ applause ] today is the final step before election day in this venerable and time-honored process. as we all gather here in milwaukee, it's important for us to remember that this is a grass roots party. [ applause ] it's a party of the people, not a party of the bosses. donald trump has earned the trust of the people. he has listened to them and donald trump has kept his word. [ applause ] over the next four days, we will hear about the many failures of the biden/harris administration. the sustained criticism does not proceed from a mean or narrow partisanship, but from the broad and sincere concern for the well-being and safety of our
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fellow americans. it's part of our service to our country. more importantly we will also hear about donald trump's broad and inspiring vision for our country. this is not a program just for republicans but one for all americans. [ applause ] it reflects the value of america. it's a program that acknowledges that our nation has seen better days, and we can and we will blaze a brighter future. we love america, and we want to restore her security, her prosperity, and her excellence. i invite all of you to join me in supporting president donald trump in this great endeavor. this is an endeavor. this is an endeavor that's going to make america wealthy again.
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[ applause ] this is an endeavor to make america safe again. this is an endeavor to make america strong again. and say it with me, fellow republicans, this is an endeavor to make america great again. [ applause ] so here we go, it is my honor to nominate donald j. trump for the office of president of the united states.
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>> amen to that. amen to that. the chair now recognizes the delegate from nevada, and the chairman of the nevada republican party, michael mcdonnell. >> good afternoon. i'm chairman michael j. mcdonnell from the state of
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nevada. it has been the honor of a lifetime to stand by president trump's side since 2015. in nevada we held the first in the west caucus where we blew thedemocrats's narrative apart, you cannot have results of an election on election night. in nevada a state that is resilient on service industry, president trump has proposed to eliminate taxes on tips on day one. [ applause ] unlike the biden/harris administration and the democrats that increase taxes on tips. president trump has transformed our party to the champion of the working men and women. we fight for what's right, not
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for what's easy. we're in a battle for the soul of our nation because we want the best future for our family and for our country. president trump is our fearless leader who stood -- who withstood the persecution of a weaponized lawfare, and who has fought even harder and stronger to represent and fight for all of us. i ask all americans to join me in taking back our nation by supporting president trump as he leads us back to victory once again. [ applause ] it is my honor to second the nomination of donald j. trump for the office of the president of the united states of america.
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[ applause ] god bless you. ♪♪ >> reporter: hey there, we just saw speaker mike johnson and we saw a couple of the first nominating speeches from a couple of the states including iowa to kick things off. i'm going to go now to pennsylvania, and we have my friend charlie. your very first convention was 1976. >> hard to imagine, isn't it? >> no, not at all. no, it is. do you feel like this -- how do you feel the country has been doing? this is your 13th convention, is that what you said? >> the country is much more divided than it was in 1976, our bicentennial year. i sense it's coming back together again after what happened over the weekend. >> why do you sense that? >> when that moment occurred, you see as you do in any of these instances, the true character of the person, and in that moment, that split second,
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donald trump showed his valor, his determination, his strength, and his courage, and that's what unites a country, a leader like that. >> what do you want to hear from him when he makes his speech on thursday? he said he's changing it. what words do you want to hear? >> i think you're going to hear a very different tone than you have from donald trump historically. it's evident he's the leader, the front runner of this campaign. he's never been in that position before. i think you're going to hear a message of his vision for the future, what he wants america to look like over the course of his administration, and administrations after that. >> charlie, are you having just as much fun today as you did back in 1976? >> i really am, 1976 was the last contested republican convention, so a very, very different experience than the unity that you have today, but both a lot of fun for an old man. >> charlie, thank you so much. i'm going to toss it to my friend jacob who is in florida for us.
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>> reporter: hey, katie, these might be the most valuable seats at the convention outside of where ultimately the former president sits. this is the trump family and the florida delegation. you've got eric trump's seat here, kimberly guilfoyle's seat here. donald trump jr.'s wife, tiffany trump right here. doing seat filling is this gentleman right here, alex rizzo, a member of the florida house of representatives, and the chair of the miami-dade republicans. he didn't initially endorse donald trump for president of the united states. he went with ron desantis. he even went with marco rubio before that in 2016. he's here right now and all in for trump. tell me why? >> absolutely. trump is the man. never before has this party seen such unity behind a president. we were all with him in 2016, and thank god he won, but we know that he's a winner and we're all behind him. >> i'm sorry to break this news to you, nbc news is reporting that marco rubio will not be the next vice president of the
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united states. your reaction? >> we thought it was a long shot anyway because of the constitutional issue. it's kind of like a catch 22. we're sad that he's not going to be but we're very happy because he's a fantastic senator and we love him. >> i see you putting your head in here like you're listening. we're reporting at nbc news marco rubio will not be the pick for vice president of the united states. as a member of the florida delegation, your reaction? >> we're kind of sad, marco rubio, he's the man, right? he fits all the criteria. he's been a fantastic leader for florida. >> do you have a second choice? >> marco rubio. >> marco rubio. i'm going to send it back to you, speaker mike johnson is getting back up on the stage. >> let's listen in. >> determined by the secretary of the convention. during the roll call, the chairs of each respective delegation or their designee will announce the vote of each state. during the roll call of the states, the secretary will announce each state and that state's total number of available votes. additionally, the chair would
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like to remind all delegates that the secretary will record delegates' votes in accordance with their obligation under rule 16, state law or state party rules regardless of the delegation's announcement. the official results from each state are those announced by the secretary. lastly, just one reminder, we want to remind all our delegates or alternates and guests that maintaining order during the roll call is extremely important. if the convention is not in order, it's difficult for the presiding officer to hear the announcement. the complete list of vote recorded for president should be considered as announced. to conduct the roll call of the states, i'm pleased to announce our distinguished secretary of the convention. vicky drummond.
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>> delegates and alternates, let us commence with the role -- with the call of the roll of the states. iowa, 40 delegates. >> you got to do it. >> madam secretary, i speak if the delegation from the great state of iowa, the inspiring home of caitlin clark and madam secretary, the great state of iowa proudly casts all of its 40 votes for president donald j. trump. are . >> pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, iowa 40 votes
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president trump. nevada, 26 delegates. >> madam secretary, the great state of nevada proudly casts all of its 26 votes for president donald j. trump. [ applause ] >> pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules of procedures of this convention, nevada 26 votes president trump. [ applause ] oklahoma. 43 delegates. >> madam secretary, i am nathan dom, republican party chairman of the great state of oklahoma, the crossroads of our country and the first state to have a president donald j.


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