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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  July 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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after there have been intelligence about an iranian plot to assassinate donald trump. i'm glad that you stressed earlier, it's important to say that officials are cautioning us. they see no connection between this apparent iranian plot and this shooter in butler county, this 20-year-old thomas crooks. it's a horrific coincidence, but nonetheless the is the case they passed this on to the secret service, which was aware of it, which then surged resources to donald trump's security detail. and as jim was alluding to, there were a number of former officials including former secretary of state mike pompeo, former national security adviser, john bolton, who have taxpayer funded security details to this day because they were under threat of iranian assassination because of the operation. >> ken, jim, thank you for bringing us this breaking news. that does it for this hour. our coverage continues with katy tur live at the rnc in milwaukee
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right now. >> good to be with you. what does the future hold for the republican party? donald trump has had a lock on the gop since 2015, turning them on immigration, the national debt, trade in china. foreign policy and russia. bucking the long standing tenants of what it means to be a republican. but the question has always been what happens after donald trump. now it seems we might have an answer. trump and the gop seem to be mapping out the future of maga and how are they going to do that with jd vance. the campaign has already announced the first joint appearance saturday in grand rapids, michigan. what that tells us about how the campaign envisions his appeal in a moment. there's also his age. vance is 39 years old. and he is entering a
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presidential race that is defined by age. and on that subject, there is news among the democrats, my colleague ali vitali confirming that a letter is being circulated by democrats on the hill asking the dnc to delay the nominating process even as president biden maintains he will stay in the race. >> who do you listen to on decisions like who to stay in the race? >> me. >> me. vaughn hillyard and nbc news and jacob. we talked so much about what donald trump looked like last night and what that could mean for a change in his rhetoric and tone. i'm very curious about policy and donald trump's policy going forward. you've covered immigration regarding the donald trump presidency. his administration. today, the theme is keep america
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safe again. a lot of that has to do with immigration. are you seeing any changes in policy for a potential second trump term? >> we'll be looking closely for that tonight. with regard to last night, we'll talk a lot about policy in the next couple of days but it was particular to be in here and see the former president in the wake of that asassation. if by the grace of god things could have been different. i think that reflected in the mood. tonight, we're going to hear largely about crime and immigration and if you've looked closely at the platform, you have seen that donald trump is proposing a significant increase in immigration enforcement from even the policies of his first term. the largest deportation force in history is one of the platforms. it calls back to the eisenhower administration operation that deported upwards of 1 million
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people. a name so racist i cannot saying on the air. the question is will they continue with those policies as they are laid out in the proposals or will there be a shift. by the way, i just want to bring you into the, i know you're here with me, but on the floor, you can see don jr. who had an exchange about immigration yesterday on the podium starting to get ready for whatever the program will be tonight that they do in one of these walk throughs. again, i think it's unavoidable. donald trump put forward some of the harshest immigration policies and to be sure, they've had deterrence based immigration policies for decades but donald trump took it to a level that no one had seen before. notably with the family separation policy. i'll be looking to see what those policies are that have been brought forward. >> such a good point. vaughn, talking about who's been
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appearing on stage so far today, we've seen ron desantis. we know nikki haley is going to be speaking later tonight as the campaign and party expects to project a sense of unity. what can you tell us about that? >> i think the part about nikki haley is what we anticipate to be about a six-minute speech. is the extent to which she opens up some of the ideological differences between her and the man, her former boss, who she ran against. served at u.n. ambassador and she will on the stage of the process, contrasted herself with mike pence and trump. when it comes to the posture on ukraine and the extent to which the u.s. should continue to provide aid against russian aggression. i think that's heightened by the decision of vance, who has been a front line senator to make the
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case that the republican party is much more than isolationist party as opposed to one that is hawkish in terms of the u.s.'s role overseas. i think when you're looking at vance and the fact she'll be taking that stage and have the platform with frankly a good number of republicans that maintain the same position as her, it will be the question to what extent does she use the microphone to cast a minority position in a republican party and what a second trump administration could, if the ukraine war continues, what the u.s. policy should be toward continuing to back ukraine's efforts. >> what do we know about her invitation? i had been reporting that it came after the shooting on saturday but that's not the case according to our latest. what can you tell us, vaughn? >> there are some discrepancies over how that invite came and the extent to which nikki haley
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was accepting it quickly. she made the decision. she's someone that said donald trump would have to win over her and her supporters to gain her support. little is known about whether donald trump went and made overtures to win over her support. she released her delegates. nikki haley is still very young. she could very well have a political future if she desired to seek that. i think there's a recognition this is the republican party of donald trump now and waiting on the sidelines for another crack at it is not necessarily the route of somebody who wants to remain effective and influential. she's well understanding of that but has made the case she would take a trump administration over a biden administration. that this race is a choice between the two and she has made her choice and she's going to do what it takes to help the man who is going to accept the
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nomination on thursday. >> one of the speakers is the former i.c.e. director. what does that signal? >> in a text exchange i had with him today he told me while immigration is the topic for this evening, he will be speaking tomorrow night, which to me indicates the trump vance campaign is going to be placing on immigration. not just tonight, which is scheduled, but over the course of the next several days. tom was the acting director during the family separation policy according to the reporting of kaitlyn dickerson at the atlantic. he was one of the founders. the founding fathers of the family separation policy. he has not disavowed the policy nor has former president trump. he was asked by kaitlan collins in the cnn town hall about that and said he won't bring it back. there's conversation amongst people in the immigration community that he could be a candidate for department of homeland security secretary in a
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future trump administration. but on the night where immigration will be front and center, perhaps the most famous speaker from the trump administration won't be present. he'll be here on the stage tomorrow tonight. >> jacob, thank you. and vaughn hillyard, appreciate it. joining us now, chuck todd, "the washington post" senior national political correspondent, and msnbc political analyst, ashley parker. also staff writer for the atlantic and msnbc political contributor. mark. so happy to have you guys. chuck, last night looking at donald trump, i know we've been talking about this, but i think bears having another conversation. i've never seen him with that look on his face. i've never seen him walk into a room and look overwhelmed in that way. almost seemed emotional. can we honestly ask whether a brush with death has changed him? >> look. you know, you weren't the only one, we were all noticing this and had different conversations. boy, that just looks like a
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different trump. let's, you know, he's a human being. i think sometimes we so cover these presidential candidates as caricatures we forget there's a human being here. and you know, part of me wondered this is the first time he's been in a crowded room. is he going to feel, if you've been shot at in a crowd, are you going to be comfortable no matter what the secret service telling you how safe things are? so i kind of think that, you know, there's a sort of a number of different -- he might have been in some pain still. so i think we're, we forget this is only three days old. >> yeah. >> and you know, this has been one of the more remarkable aspects of this convention. this happened saturday. i think i thought it would feel as if a very, that this would hang over this convention and it doesn't. totally opposite feeling. it's a confidence that's here.
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these are people that are you know, almost as if well, he missed, he doesn't have this pressure because he's going to win. all that's done. >> i've noticed there's a confidence. a jub lens. not as aggressive as some of his campaign events has been, especially sense the last nominating convention i went to in 2015. last night, we got a glimpse into the future. donald trump jr. was saying earlier he could envision vance as president some day. who is jd vance in the future of the maga movement? >> i think right now before we move on to 2028, i mean, donald trump is the immediate future. he is going to dominate certainly the next four years. and whether it's vance or whoever after him, this will still be donald trump's party in many ways.
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last night was interesting, i really, trump really, you get the sense of trump liking to dwarf the person he's with. the running mate. there was a sense, the camera, trump knew the camera was on him. i think his youth and the relative youth of the two of them, 39 is a very, it's a young age. kind of gets your attention. >> younger than me. >> me, too. >> that happened to me. >> shocking feeling. >> when the presidential candidates are younger than you, that's when you realize. >> yeah, no, but i mean, look. also i think it's interesting he went, i hate to be so cosmetic, but a bearded guy. this has not happened before. for a long time. >> no beard. >> george steinbrenner. no, but it's interesting. there was a cinematic element to the two of them together. he cares about images like this. i think that was probably front and center.
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>> ashley, the, by the way, vance is on stage right now. there's a lot of attention going on. you can see the cameras on the floor. vance is going to be doing a quick mike test and walk through for his speaking important tomorrow night, wednesday. and this will be the first time we hear directly from him. yesterday he was on the floor but he wasn't taking any questions from reporters. he was up there in the box we've been seeing on the video with donald trump. he's been at a time when the campaign was telling its staffers to not shred into anything inflammatory after the shooting on saturday. vance was pointing the finger directly at democrats and joe biden. >> i assume your referring to his tweet where he said president biden, you caused this. he didn't quite use that language. and that was incredibly stark and certainly countered the
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unity tone. that president trump and others have been saying they want. but i also think the unity tone can mean a number of different things and we'll see it mean a number of different things. first instinct in a moment of political violence can mean unify a nation, but it can also mean unify the republican party against joe biden and the democrats. i think we'll see all different versions of what unity means. >> on the subject of joe biden, this has put a pause in the conversation about his age and whether he should be still running. but the conversation is still being had. ali vitali confirming a letter is being sent around to delay the nominating process. >> it's getting smaller and smaller and the most stark detail to me at least that we have reported was that joe biden seemingly interestly told a group of people he's been up by
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four points in every recent poll, which is just not accurate. so we sort of don't know where exactly that's coming from. if his inner circle is giving him misinformation or not letting the information get to him. that conversation is still ongoing and in certain ways, this is what the republicans want because they want to run against joe biden. doesn't mean they think they could beat harris or whoever else emerges in that contest, but they have prepared for a binary between two old guys. one who is strong and forceful and one who americans believe is weak and they don't want to have to readjust. so the more this pauses the conversation for democrats, the more it helps republicans. >> they have imagery. the guy got shot in ear and stood up and pumped his fist and yelled fight, fight, fight. >> there were a lot of delegates saying not only was that a heroic moment, but such a
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contrast to the kind of feeble opponent foil that he's had over the last few weeks. it's mostly unspoken. like you said. the fact that this conversation that biden is still hanging in the wind here is a terrible look for him. i think it only underscores the weakness and i think it's obviously something his campaign need to resolve quickly. >> what did you make of his interview last night with lester holt? >> still very defensive. he has yet to apologize to democratic voters, to his own staff that he messed up. that he had a bad night. that he understands why they're so anxious about his campaign. he really is, it's pretty clear he's been overly cloistered. he doesn't, and that's normally not him. this was a guy that loved the gossip. always knew what was going on in all sorts of corners of the democratic party, but not during this presidency. the fact is this whole don lynn sort of triangle of protection
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has been in existence for a couple of years and everybody is always figuring out how to breakthrough it. reporters try. staff members. cabinet secretary. elected democrats try to figure it out. i think now it's all starting to come out. i do think my understanding is he is starting to wonder if he has been getting bad information. that would be another step that would be significant. >> and if he's presented with polls that show him behind, there's the battleground state polls out today that show him behind in every one of them. >> we haven't heard from nancy pelosi, have we? to me, this conversation has, it's only paused because we're here. >> nancy pelosi knows how to count the votes and if she goes to him and says you don't have a path? >> and if she thought it's time to move on, she'd say that. nbc news has con firmed
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intelligence about an iranian plot to assassinate donald trump. officials say there's no known connection between the plot and saturday's shooting. ken, what do we know? >> we're told this iranian plot has to do with the fact that donald trump ordered the targeted killing of sulemani in 2020, head of the kut force. and others who are under security protection now because of these ongoing plots. so donald trump's added to the list based on intelligence that came in in recent weeks. what i think is significant is what officials are telling us is that it led the secret service to plus up resources to donald
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trump's security detail. so what we saw at that rally on saturday was the level of resources after they learned about a potential iranian plot to assassinate donald trump. so make of that what you will. that was the plussed up version we saw there. which to me raises a lot of questions about resources and what the secret service is doing. it's important that they see there's no relation between this iranian plot and the butler shooter. just a horrible coincidence. they're saying the secret service surged more resources to donald trump's security detail after learning about this intelligence in recent weeks and those resources were on hand at that rally over the weekend. >> ken, thank you very much. and dozens of lawmakers are asking for senator bob menendez to step down following his kweks on 16 counts of bribery,
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extortion and acting as federal agent. including chuck schumer asking him to step down. he just tweeted the last hour he should do what is right for his constituents. the senator remained defiant following the verdict and vowed to appeal the decision. joining us, ryan nobles and steve kornacki. ryan, first to the hill. if senator menendez does not step aside, what is the likelihood there will be a vote to expel him? >> reporter: i think the chances of that are increases by the second. in fact, we've seen a handful of senators say they are will be to move to expumgs. there's no immediate consequence of being convicted. if menendez were to leave the senate, he'd have to do so on his own accord, but you can tell there are many democratic senators uncomfortable with the idea that he would continue to serve. of course, his term ends at the end of this year.
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that would mean if he's unwilling to go on his own, they would have to move to an expulsion vote. that is rare in the united states. the last time it happened was in 1862 and that was a group of senators that were expelled at the same time because of their connections to the confederacy during the civil war. you saw menendez in the statement he gave as he left the courtroom. he seemed defiant. how it impacts him politically is something we're still waiting to see. chuck schumer among those today calling on him to resign as well as many other felly democrats. >> he's running on independent ticket for it again. there's also the question of if he resigns or is expelled, who will fill that open seat.
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the governor would have that opportunity, phil murphy of new jersey. his wife had run. she lost to andy kim. do we have an idea of who murphy might choose? >> the governor's indicated if he does an appointment, it would be a caretaker appointment. menendez's seat was up any way this year, so the term was set to expire at the start of january. there's an election in november. the democratic party has moved on in terms of that election from menendez. congressman kim winning the democratic nomination in early june but menendez filing to run as an independent. i think that's the question here. whatever happens with his status in the united states senate does mendez continue with an independent candidacy for the senate this year. he can do that regardless of his conviction. regardless of whether the senate expels him or not. he could continue with that campaign if he wants to. now, new jersey obviously is a blue state. the last time it sent a republican to the u.s. senate was back in 1972. and republicans the last time
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they really had a chance at a senate seat, a realistic chance at a senate seat in new jersey, probably tom cane against menendez in 2006. even that didn't end up being close. but if menendez runs as an independent, there's no expectation he'd win or be that competitive. but could he get 10% of the vote? 8%? could he peel off enough votes from that the democrats are counting on that would make this race interesting. there are some indications to new jersey, again, a blue state expected to vote for democrats over trump in november, but there are indications that democratic margin in new jersey may be down this time. we're seeing this in other big blue states like new york. if that margin comes down and if menendez is there as an independent, could it put this seat at play. that's a consideration here. the other thing to keep in mind is menendez and how he's processing this politically. this is the second time he faced
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a federal corruption trial. in 2018, he had a hung jury and won re-election. in 2018, the democratic party stood behind him. it reflects a, the fact he might be able to beat the charges and b, that me might be able to beat the power in new jersey. he wielded incredible county in the state. his home political base. democrats in short feared him if 2018. when he left the courthouse after the hung jury in 2018, he said i will remember who was with me and against me. fast forward to this trial in 2024 and the entire democratic establishment seeing the evidence with the cash and gold bars, they turned against him early. they have not been there with him. i think that shocked menendez that the democratic party did not have his back and given everything i've seen and know about his history, this is a political career that goes back
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40 years in new jersey. his style of politics is bare knuckle. he feels betrayed by the democratic party. and if the democratic party wants him out of the way, i think that's reason a, number one, why he would not get out of the way. so if the possibility in his mind exists here with that independent candidacy to reek havoc for democrats, i suspect given how he feels he's been treated by democrats in the last few years, he'd be very interested in that. he does have campaign funds that could be used for legal expenses here. could that be something that would be a factor for it as well. >> that would be so interesting because the race to gain control of the senate is so tight right now. republicans have an edge. if they're having to look at that new jersey seat as a seat that could lose the democrats, that would put them in a more precarious situation for this november. steve, ryan, thank you very
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much. coming up, there have been more than 100 interviews, a search of the shooter's home and vehicle and a sweep of his mobile device. what have investigators found about the 20 year old? first, we're going to have eric trump and ask him how this changes things. don't go anywhere. n't go anywhe. while i am a paid actor, and this is not a real company, there is no way to fake how upwork can help your business. upwork is half the cost of our old recruiter and they have top-tier talent and everything from pr to project management because this is how we work now.
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joining me now, eric trump. so we're competing with the sound check right now. they're practicing home of the brave. >> beautiful. >> i got to talk to you. i've known you a long time, eric, and what happened on saturday was scary. how are you doing? >> beyond scary. should have never been allowed to happen. i was telling you before, but i was there with my 6-year-old son, 4-year-old daughter and my wife and we're watching it on tv and you hear the gun shots. your heart sinks. i've done a lot of competitive shooting. there's no mistakes what those were and you see him on the ground. he got hit, he grabbed the side of his face. they were on the ground for 45, 60 seconds. felt like an eternity. then you see him get up, the blood on the side of his face. we almost witnessed the assassination of a former
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president and probably a future president on live tv. not only would it be devastating to me as a son, there's no one in the world i love more, but think about how that's devastating to a nation. civil wars have broken out over less than that. and our leaders getting executed by man maniacs on the top of roof. the female in the picture, she was with me for a very long time and one of the greatest human beings you'll ever meet. i would do anything for her. i'm telling you, they're the greatest people ever and every one of those people who you have taken a bullet for him that day and they did. they jumped in. i don't put any of this on them. in fact, i laud them for their courageousness that day. those bullets were flying over them just as closely as they were over my father. at the same time, you know, they moved with him to a location. that location is already secure. whatever happened in terms of
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the set up of the location, whoever allowed a rooftop that large to be unsecured, allowed a madman to crawl on top with a rifle, there are real questions to be answered and it hurts my soul because again, i know the dedication of the secret service. i know those people intimately. i know their family. i know their, and these are some of the finest people you'll ever meet and would have taken a bullet for him, but there was a breakdown. >> clearly. i want to show images of last night of your dad coming in. he had a look on his face. i've been around for a while. i know your dad well. i've never seen the look he had last night. looked serene, overwhelmed, emotional. almost like he would cry. he's mentioned this has changed him. necessitated a change to his speech. have you see the keynote speech? is it going to have different
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language? because the language he uses can be pretty tough. >> i think the language used in the political ecosystem of the united states is pretty tough. maybe thest a reminder that everybody's going to tone it down. yes, the language is different. thest a beautiful speech. last night, it was somber. emotional. he was millimeters from having his head blown off on national tv. in front of his grandchildren. in front of 30, 40, 50,000 people who would walk over broken glass for him. i think that puts a life in perspective. when he walked out here yesterday, first of all, a beautiful song, which was just so perfect and reflective of the moment. god bless the usa. and you have that playing, people crying and cheering and chanting usa. people who love the united states of america. the very way he's been demonized over the years, these very people have. i think it's one of the reasons they express themselves the way they do. >> can you give us any previews?
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>> this is his big moment so i'll let him do this. i'm proud of it. of him. he's never stopped fighting. when he got off the ground on that stage and he's got blood running down his face and says fight, fight, fight, regardless of political affiliation, this country has real problems. real problems. you need somebody who's willing to fight for it. i want that coach, that winning nfl coach who's going to fight for their team. my father is that guy for the united states of america. he wants to fight for the united states of america. he wants to make america great economically, militarily, in every way, shape, or form. not everybody needs to agree, but no one can say he's not an amazing fighter for this country. that he doesn't have more love for this country than anyone. i think that was on full display as he had blood running down his face. >> today is make america safe
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again, immigration is a huge part of it. if he gets a second term, there's been talk about wanting to deport more immigrants than ever. steven miller said he wants to deport a million in a year. are you going to look at families? look at children who were brought here when they were young and have spent their lives here or is it just going to be a mass deportation, if you don't have paper, you're leaving. >> this argument is crazy to me. my mom was an immigrant to the u.s. she was an amazing woman. she came and made obviously united states her home. she learned the language. when she died, i am a united states citizen. she was proud of that. i don't know why we can't have legal immigration and fight by the rules. we have a branch that can set the rules. set the rules. make the laws. who comes in, who doesn't. who do we want in this country. who do we not want in this
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country. have a pathway for people to come into this country. but we ought to know who those people are and let people in legally and we ought to not let in you know, a lot of bad people. >> what about the people that are already here? what about the kids who were brought here and have been working hard, who have only seen this as their home. who only know the u.s. >> hearts break. i'm a compassionate person. much more compassionate person than you could imagine. what about our citizens? what about the illegal immigrants who are taking up every room in new york city hotels at taxpayer dollars while our taxpayers struggle while veterans in this country are sleeping under underpasses all over the nation. why can't we take care of our veterans? our own? why can't we curb the cost on absolutely everything? >> i hear you. >> i'm compassionate. you know how compassionate i am.
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my whole life has been spent dedicated to saving dying children at st. jude. i've got the biggest heart in the world, but we have to look and say maybe we take care of that veteran who went to war for our nation and give them one of those rooms. >> i hear you on that. my question was nor specifically the dreamers who have been here for a while. nikki haley is on stage right now. she ran a contentious campaign against your father. these are voters that voted for her. that your father needs. does jd vance speak to them? >> i think so. >> why? >> i think the whole party speaks to them and the lunacy in this world speaks to these people. these people are struggling and no one can tell you. no news outlet can cover up the fact that americans are struggling now. everything's unaffordable. people aren't making it. rent's crazy. inflation's crazy. utilities are crazy. the price of food's crazy.
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people are working unthinkable hours. and no one's getting ahead anymore. then you've got real problems where people are coming in, taking jobs. i've had four friends that have lost kids to fentanyl and no one's doing a damn thing. go down the litany of things. i think those people are migrates over the party very quickly. i think the fact people have tried to cover that up is incredibly dangerous. >> one more question on policy. the question of abortion. your father said it's a states issue. disavowed project 2025. says they go way too far. can you say if he gets into office, he will not allow the federal government to use its powers to make abortion even harder from a federal government perspective, to not use the comestock act to make it illegal to send abortion tools or pills. >> i think the answer is yes. >> so the federal government's going to have no say. they're not going to make it harder?
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>> my father wants to fix the broken roof in this country. this country has a broken roof and that's immigration. it's economy. it's millions of people. our taxpayer dollars with spurring wars all over the world. my father wants to stop the madness of the world. he wants to stop the wars. he wants our country to be fix. he wants our educational system to be ranked number one in the world and you know, it seems like we always get distracted. yeah, maybe people don't. i can tell you my father, he's a very micro guy. also a very macro guy and he wants to fix the fundamental problems in this country. whether you're on one side of the equation or another, swimming in women's sports. one person can be on one side
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that's not of grave importance of our nation when you just had 300,000 children dead of fentanyl coming from china through the mexican border and poisoning our youth. i think we sometimes have to take the holistic view. we have to zoom out. what's important. let's fix the leaky roof of our house and then we can start tackling those things but we've got to get back to the basics. >> eric trump, thank you so much. on the question of abortion, i heard you say not going to use the federal government's power to curb abortion more than a states rights issue. thank you so much. still ahead, what an ongoing investigation into the shooter who tried to assassinate donald trump has revealed and what president biden is pitching to las vegas voters today. opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley ♪ ♪ have you always had trouble losing weight
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the details surrounding the assassination attempt are still unclear. the fbi is uncovering information about the shooter but who to blame for the security lapse is contested. today, the area's township manager detailed police action in the moments officers converged on the building. >> actually lifted another officer to peer above the roof. >> yes. >> what did this officer see? >> when he was able to pull his head up over the roof, he did in fact see an individual on the
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roof with a weapon. >> saw is shooter. >> he did. >> what did the shooter do? >> turn towards him. had the barrel of his weapon pointed at the officer. >> he pointed his rifle at the officer. >> yes. >> at that point, the officer's hanging on to the side of the roof? >> yes. yes. >> unable to pull a gun out. >> unable to -- >> unable to defend himself. radio. >> any of that. strictly defensive movement for hem to lower his head, duck, lost his grip. fell approximately eight feet to the ground. >> joining us now, nbc news investigative correspondent, tom winter. that is a stunning interview about what happened, what the officer did. it's stunning to watch the videos that show them pointing him out and you can hear donald trump still speaking on stage. i'm struggling to understand the breakdown of communication.
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>> i think a lot of people are. i think you heard it from eric trump about the, you have your agents that are up there on the stage who he spoke very highly of. you have individuals that are armed that are countersnipers that are ready to take somebody out. and clearly what you have is a tremendous failure to communicate from what those officers were seeing in an effort to go up and potentially confront this gunman. and then calling it in or going into a command post and seeing, telling them what they saw, communicating that to somebody who could do something about it. it's that critical communication breakdown, there are questions we've been asking frankly all day. who knew what and when. what was radioed to whom and when and was there an effort to take this person out before they can fire a round at that stage 130 yards away. it's a critical question. it's clear now, it's not just
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eyewitnesses saying they pointed somebody out to police. that was what we heard on the first day. day and a half of this. then we started to develop information that police were aware. that he was acting strangely by the areas where he would go with the check points. we knew about that. and now we know they were directly there underneath him. aware that he was on the roof and aware that he was armed. that is critical. because when it comes to the use of force policy for the justice department and secret service, you've got somebody armed on the roof. they shouldn't be there. they would have had the opportunity to take him out and not ask questions. not a situation where you say stop, freeze, police. it's clear that didn't happen and why is the big question. >> even the fact they were looking for a suspicious person, you would have imagined they would have gotten donald trump
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off the stage. up next, we're live on the ground in nevada where president biden is back on the campaign trail. what he's pitching to las vegas voters in that critical, critical swing state. critical, critical swing state
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that he wasn't going to tax tips. what's president biden expected to say? >> reporter: this is going to be the biggest event the president has spoken to obviously since the assassination attempt and the biggest overall. we are at the convention for the naacp and black support nationwide but even in nevada here is going to be so important for president biden. president biden arriving here with members of the congressional black caucus joining him on air force one as a symbol to the party about some of that stalwart support he's enjoying from this constituency. they're hoping to speak to this important constituency as well as latino voters who he will speak to tomorrow. to lay out that split screen about what the agenda that donald trump is running on through project 2025 and obviously the trump campaign has distanced itself from that versus what president biden would do in the first 100 days of his second term. he laid out some of this in detroit just last week. it's notable that in addition to
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this event today the president will be holding an event with the congressman from nevada who is the chair of the congressional black caucus talking about the economy in particular for the black and brown communities. so this is an economic message in a state where the economy has always been an acute concern. we know that the recession as well as the fallout from covid hit nevada particularly hard. it's one reason why we saw a republican governor elected here in 2022 and why biden has trailed here more than he has in some of the other states. >> mike memoli with president biden, always good to have you. that will do it for me today on this very big news day. "deadline: white house" starts after a really quick break. "deadline: white house" starts after a really quick break liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with all the money i saved
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1:00 pm
♪♪ hi there, everyone. it's 4:00 in new york. we have a lot of news to get to today, it is day two of the republican national convention and a whole host of trump's now


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