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tv   Republican National Convention  MSNBC  July 17, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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greetings everyone. i am here with menendez in new york and michael steele from milwaukee. welcome to msnbc's special coverage of the republican national convention. the theme for the third night, american strength and apparently it is defined as a 39-year-old venture capitalist and election denier who once said he would like abortion to be illegal nationally. that begin of strength is jd
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vance, trumps new running mate. >> i stand here humbled and i am overwhelmed with gratitude to say i officially accept your nomination to be bites president of the united states. she raised me as my mother struggled with addiction. she once told me when she found out i was spending too much time with a local kid, if i ever hung out with that kid again she would run him over with her car. biden has been a politician for longer than i have been a life.
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no more free rides for nations that portrayed the generosity of the american taxpayer. citizens deserve leaders that put their interest first. eventually on that cemetery, my children will need to rest, when they do i would like them to know thanks to the word work of the republican party, the u.s. is as strong and as great as ever. the only thing we need to do right now, the most important thing we can do for those people, for that nation we love is to reelect donald trump as president of the united states. >> meanwhile in washington a few hours ago there is major news out of the white house. biden has tested positive for covid-19. he would not be forced to continue the campaign from isolation as he recovers. michael, how was it in the hall? >> i have to tell you both, i was really surprised. there was not the kind of energy i thought there would
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be. i thought the speech was a lot letter. i have seen jd give speeches before and i think a lot of what took the air out of it was the fact you had the shooting on saturday, the word went out, just redo speeches but i did not think that meant to come in at a low-key level and there were moments in the speech where you thought there would be a larger bravado from the crowd and it was not there. i am not saying it to be critical, it is just a observation of how this played in the hall. the narrative around his personal story resonated with a lot of folks but when he slipped into the policy positions, that is where it got more quiet in the room. >> i will throw this out for you, i was more struck by what jd vance did not say than what he chose to say, this is
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someone who is against abortion rights even in cases of sexual assault and incest. he is a leading proponent in the u.s. playing a role in russia's war of aggression. this is someone that has going out there and defended trumps comments about immigrants poisoning the blood of the nation so none of that was in the speech, instead they got what they wanted to become a run of the mill faux populace. >> yes it struck me that way as well. you have a record of words on a number of hot button targets. >> including trump. >> thank you, including trump. the reality is, they are trying to package -- this is his first
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moment with the american people so they are packaging this in a way that is less scary but there is a campaign to come and all of these words and positions particularly around the issues of abortion will come back and have to be addressed. i think the other thing, to be honest is i do not think they wanted to have this narrative were he will lean hard into abortion when trump tomorrow night will kill them softly on abortion. >> i was struck by what you said about the energy. i have been watching the convention throughout the week and it felt like there were moments other nights where people were very fired up. things that my democratic friends are not fired up about but there was music and dancing and it came across on television that maybe there was a lack of energy but sometimes that happens. for you to say it in the room i am not crazy. i have worked conventions in
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2016 and advised the biden campaign in 2020 for the virtual convention. when you pick the running mate there are big moments the campaign it, selecting the running mate is a huge moment for the campaign and to your point it is the first foray out if you're introducing a running mate to the american people. why they are such a good person for the ticket. we heard some revisionist history on the bayou. i had gone back and was skimming through hillbilly lg and the premise on the stage vance put forward about what his book was an hillbilly culture is not what he said in the book. in the book he blamed people where he is from for their circumstances. they said they lost their work ethic.
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the belief that his grandparents had. that is not what he said on the stage. he said they did this to you so i think going forward, if vance does sit down and does some real interviews and as he is exposed more, not in the bubble of conservative media there to help, those are questions that have to be answered. >> to that point, i would like to as a member of the republican party and cohost on this wonderful show, to personally invite the vice president nominee to come on our show and have this conversation because i think it is a important one to have and i noticed when you said about what was in the book versus what he did not say reminded me of clarence thomas and the attitude he had as well. in terms of how he looked at
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his grandfather who raised him and how those storylines about pulling yourself up by the bootstrap versus blaming other people for the bootstraps you have. >> joining us now for additional reaction is clinton, the principal campaign deputy manager for the biden campaign. we want to get to vance and your reaction to what you have heard so far tonight but i think it is important that we start with the news we are getting, everyone from nancy pelosi to chuck schumer to jeffries have taken the concerns their caucus has to the president directly we are now learning. is the president considering these overtures? >> no. the president has said he is running and that is where the campaign's focus has been. the president is connected to a
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number of local officials to talk about it but biden has been very firm and doubled down on his intentions to continue running. i think we are focused but now i making sure we draw a contrast to what we have been seeing on the rnc stage. the agenda that is out of touch, trying to bring in project 2025 and we just saw vance deliver a boring speech to the american public about his vision and how will continue to be rubberstamp for trump. >> the other big news today, proposed dates for a vp debate. so far the ticket refusing to play ball. what do you do if they continue to refuse to operate in good faith? >> as you all know, we negotiated the debate, we agreed to to debates and a vice
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presidential debate on cbs on august 13 so the vp will be there but again if we see vance deliver a boring speech like tonight i can see why he would not want to show up either but the vp looks forward to debating with senator vance about the issues and it to very different visions for this country in front of the american people so we hope he shows up. >> can i draw out more on the point you were making a moment ago. about the two narratives that have emerged this week with republican convention underway, certainly with the speech we saw tonight and of course the headlines with the president getting covid-19. we know why, he is out here campaigning. here is the deal. you have democrats now, again in my humble estimation stripping the narratives that you should be leaning into,
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away from the campaign by leveling up more decisions they are having among themselves about getting biden out of the ticket. at what point will democrats just start campaigning against republicans instead of biden? >> i agree with you and i think that is exactly what we have to do. we have to come together and start talking about what is at stake. we need to be unified in that approach. our campaign will continue to do outreach to everyone in the democratic party but our focus remains the voters. when it comes to the voters we have seen the energy and enthusiasm the president has been getting throughout the country. so our campaign remains steadfast on focusing on the voters who will be at the ballot box deciding the fate of this country. we know we are running on a popular agenda, one i might add
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that a number of democrats in congress that biden and harris helped usher in and as soon as we get back to talking about the accomplishments and the future agenda that biden and harris and democrats have for american voters we will be in a fine place come november. >> we chuckled when you called the senators speech boring, it was all over the place. i was waiting for a ark narrative that did not manifest. so i see the contrast the campaign is drawing as soon as the senator exited the stage, the campaign was out with a statement from the communications director michael tyler. i see the contrast and the campaign is continuing to soldier forward as though this other conversation is not happening from democrats so i
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am wondering, what is the message or the plan? i hear what the campaign is saying and doing and i spoke to a number of individuals at the naacp conference with the president out in vegas and they are saying we saw the president , we are with joe but you have a groundswell of elected members of congress that seem to be led by nancy pelosi, trying to push the president out of the race. is there anything that will make him go? >> no, biden's mind is made up, he is running for president of the u.s. he is looking forward to accepting the delegates he has earned in chicago but again the focus remains on the voters. i will level with you, you are political operative like i am, our focus has to be the voters. he will continue to have the
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president and vice president out talking about the issues. making sure when republicans get on stage and lie about their agenda, slick project 2025, ushering in a nationwide abortion been, continuing to get rid of government agencies like the department of education, or getting rid of social security and medicare, we need to be on the fence talking about it. those are the things the voters are worried about and that is where our focus remains because biden is the democratic nominee. >> tomorrow night you have the former president coming out and giving his claim for why he should be reelected in november. you also have as we referenced, these other narratives going on out of the democratic caucus on the hill and in the party. the american people are also watching this in the morning pull out this morning showed
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the race, 45-44 trump. so there is a lot of lanes available here for this race to be run, starting with tomorrow night's speech, how aggressive do you plan to be in going after what you hear, laying out a clear narrative despite the other noise that may be coming at you to shake the american people's attention to the fact that the race is not over as some may claim. there is every reason for the president to stay in the race because the american people are telling us this is a 45-44 race in july. >> very aggressive, our entire posture since the beginning of the campaign has been this will be a choice and the number one objective is making sure we are informing as many american voters about the choice and selection, one of trump versus biden. trump siding with judy vance,
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they want to bring project 2025, a divisive agenda that will double down and hurt americans. on the other sign, harrison biden who will continue to get to work and help everyday americans. the ones that come from communities like mine and vance who seems to have forgotten his way but i think that will be the main focus and we will continue to do that. i think the republicans will continue to lie. we will continue to see a revisionist history, when were trump gets on stage and talks about how he created jobs when in fact he left with fewer jobs. one where he moderate his position on reproductive rights, where he has said time and time again he wants a nationwide a portion been and doctors should be punished, that is the republican party in the platform they are standing on. project 2025, written by architects on trump's
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administration that he is distancing himself from. i think the speeches are boring because they are lying and not being themselves when they're talking we will not let them do that and that is our focus. we will continue to draw the contrast and point out that republicans are doubling down on the divisive and extreme agenda that is out of touch from with the american people are and our focus is putting that into their view. >> former trump officials that are now architects of project 20/25 did make it to the stage they were just not on during the prime time. they were whipping up the base. a portrait of trump that seemed like it was written by trump himself which is interesting only because of the things that vance has said in the past about his party's nominee. he compared him to hitler, called him reprehensible.
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he called himself never a trump guy. how does your team prosecute that case against vance? >> i think his flip-flopping on the issues and his moral stance and moral compass when it comes to trump is that they are only in this race for themselves. dance is only trying to further his political career. we have seen how he really feels about trump, he has said time and again to anybody that will listen and all of a sudden he has flipped because both him and trump are only in the campaign for themselves. neither of them are interested in doing the job for the american people. simone laid it out clearly, how vance swapped his position on how he feels about the people that come from the communities he comes from that he claims to care about. it is all a lie.
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they will continue to be out of touch so we will prosecute the case against vance, the vp looks forward to doing that in a debate, a lot of questions for him, particularly on his stance on reproductive freedoms. that is who the republican party is have to trump and our campaign will prosecute the case. >> we are holding all three dates your campaign has given. we will see which of them comes to fruition. thank you for taking the time to be with us. our special coverage continues after this quick break. break. heartburn makes you queasy? get fast relief with new tums+ upset stomach & nausea support, and love food back. (♪♪)
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oo this is a good book title.
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we need a leader that is not in the pocket of big business but answers to the working man, union and nonunion alike. a leader that will not sell out to multinational corporations that will stand up for american companies and industries. >> i am looking to see if he is talking about trump because if my notes are correct, my notes say -- the 15% tax rate he said yesterday to bloomberg, maybe it was months ago when trump met with big oil executives and
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he said i will get you guys what you need. let's be real here. okay. >> not in the pocket of big business, how did you think you got the nomination? he called peter teal who funded a lot of big money behind this guy. this is the part that is so incredible. they tell you this stuff and you are sitting here going wait a minute, it says here on page 2, you give me $1 billion and i will give you what you want. >> you do understand, they have two options, one is to not mention the things they know are wildly unpopular with the
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general election electorate which is why we did not hear about abortion from vance or his vision of immigration and the other option to your point michael is just to lie and misdirect. i thought it was interesting that this was the path they chose with jd vance knowing they were not going to have him be the messenger on some of those hot button issues. they had a bunch of other folks do it. let's listen to peter navarro and greg abbott talk about immigration in this country. >> they were there? >> a whole army of illiterate illegal aliens stealing the jobs of blue-collar americans. >> he will arrest the criminal illegal immigrants and put them
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behind bars. or send them back. >> want to be clear, my stomach turns when i see the signs that say mass deportation now. they are talking about people that have lived in their country their entire lives. the talking about people that started families here, who started businesses here. they want to round them up but they may not be brave enough to have their vp contender say that on the main stage but they were certainly committed enough to it to print out the signs and have a variety of other folks delivered the message in a dance including trump's former head of ice.
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one of the architects of the zero tolerance policy that left 5500 families separated get up on that stage, a architect of project 2025's immigration laws -- trying to distance themselves from project 2025 but they have architects of the project up on the stage. >> on the stage they did the fear mongering thing yet again. we heard peter navarro who is fresh out of jail today, i want every formerly incarcerated person in america especially the black and brown people to have the privileges that these formerly incarcerated -- low marinated individuals have because it is astounding. >> we know we have a stage for them to come and perform.
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they can do that once they get out of jail. clearly you have a spot on the stage at the rnc. you have all of this conversation, how did they translate this to working-class families? a lot of the folks that are listening tonight and will be listening over the course of this campaign, they are not reflected in this conversation about billion-dollar contributions to get what they want. so it will be interesting to see how trump the billionaire and jd vance the guy from appalachia married these two conversations and i think they will have a hard time doing it. >> to say the least. i know we talk a lot about what working-class people, the working class is absolutely
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diverse. they all need to be spoken to. >> which is why we were wondering about the lack jobs. >> i am still searching, maybe it is in my papers. we will take a break but when we come back, can we please talk more about the theme tonight? make america strong once again, the definition of strong could come with implications to america's place in the world. more coverage after this. after
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in small towns like mine in ohio or next door in pennsylvania or michigan, in states all across the country, jobs were sent overseas and our children were sent to war. we will make sure our allies share in the burden of securing world peace, no more free rides for nations that portrayed the generosity of the american tax payer. >> night three was dedicated to making america strong. jd vance spelled it out, isolationism. trump opposes ukraine aid. that rhetoric has left many worried about his vp pick. one telling politico that he is
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scared to death of trump's choice. with us now is jed bush. >> what did you think about making america strong again? >> we are going to surrender with strength. we are forcing the people of ukraine while vance gets a job on the back of his sugar daddy doing nothing. those people fighting bravely for their country, being attacked and bombed, we will make them surrender and that is how we are strong. i do not exactly understand why but it has been a overwhelming week. >> they went to the whole speech and we did not hear the word ukraine once. >> that is a important point, when you look at the trajectory of the party i am still in and
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the party you left. >> is that a drag? >> i think that was a self hit. >> i am crazy for being in this. >> they are swimming funny over there but here is the deal. the party has changed a lot in the foreign policy space. talk about how you have seen that change evolve from the days of the bush brothers, governor bush and president bush to where we are now. that is literally 15 years. >> it has been a dramatic shift and obviously there was a black clash to the iraq war. there was some reasonable looking at some foreign policies of the bush era, that
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was happening. a measured way in the late 2000s . that has always been the open conversation in the gop. the realists versus the neocons. what we are seeing tonight at this convention with trump and vance is not part of that conversation at all. it is not part of the bipartisan american consensus where we stand by our allies were nato, this is a throwback to limburg, the old isolationist stuff i thought we moved past and that is scary. >> that is interesting to me given what vance was trying to do was create a generational schism. he is the first millennial on a presidential ticket. he made good use of that trying
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to talk about the fact he was in his senior year of high school at the beginning of afghanistan talking about the fact that he was even younger than that during the signing of nafta. interestingly enough he is ideologically out of step with his generation which is the most progressive generation in american history and yet this is clearly part of what they are thinking. you talk about the used but what it is missing is 911 is the turning point of our generation, it is where all of our ideas of america's place in the world begin to solidify and it is the opposite of what he is trying to sell us. what we learned is we cannot go it alone and instead he is trying to tell us that is what we have to do. >> preach my millennial sister. >> it is annoying that he is the first of us. >> he also did not mention that trump is also older.
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he made the case against biden. >> even tried to throw harris in there. she is not as old as the former president. >> he told a authentic story that was similar to the story in the book which was a best seller. we need to rethink some of our more erratic foreign-policy efforts, maybe we went too far, that was appropriate to say he surfed and he had friends that died, that would be appropriate, the thing is, that does not lead into jumping to we need to let russia destroy ukraine. that is the problem, that is the same problem about the phoniness of jd vance. the book was all about how people need to take responsibility for their lives. there was none of that tonight,
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just biden ruined their lives. he is changing his tune to appeal to the audience and i think people see through it. >> michael was there and heard some of this, can we play some of the other republicans on foreign-policy tonight? well we did not hear from jd vance on ukraine we did hear from others. >> ukraine did not vote me into office, they are not my priority. >> trump restored american strength before, trump will restore it again. >> the last person speaking was brian mass, corey mills and the second was john. what is the calculus here? i know you are not a republican to today but what is the calculus here?
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i find it hard to believe, mitch mcconnell still serves in the u.s. congress. this is not the senate. it is not painting with a broad stroke. this is the platform of the party. >> it is a hostile takeover of the party by the national populace. i do not think there is a genuine ideological shift happening. the other thing i think is happening here with that talking point that ukraine got invaded because biden is not strong, that is a hit on biden's age. they are trying to sell this talking point that because hamas attacked israel, because russia invaded ukraine, because there is uncertainty at the border, all of that is the fault of the president who is supposed to be omnipotent. it is a clear message you are
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seeing from trump and the surrogates. that is the strategic move. >> i want to talk more about populism. bernie sanders is a economic populist. the kind you are matters. when we come back we have heard a lot of speeches at the rnc, next we put more focus on what is not eating said and how it actually speaks volumes. our special coverage continues after the break. r the break. w, where they came from, and who you share them with. discover what makes you legendary with ancestrydna. what causes a curve down there? can it be treated? stop typing, and start talking. it could be a medical condition
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the only thing more important than what republicans are saying at the convention is what they are not saying. no election conspiracies, no information on their plan to limit if not outright ban women to make decisions about their own body. how does the things that are not said play out going forward? they have to know at some point it will come up. jd vance position on abortion alone, let alone where he stands on project 25, these will be some of the first questions out of the gate. how do you think that goes? how do you as a former communications guy work that
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particular needle? >> here is my read on the convention, and i hate to complement it but they feel like they are ahead. it is a four corners office, they said some extreme stuff but compared to the last two it was more muted. today you did have peter navarro straight out of jail screaming about judges which was weird but for the most part i think they tried to tamp that down because they do not want to play it risky. sometimes it is risky to not play it risky. this stuff will come up in a vp debate or another presidential debate assuming they have one and it will come up in advertising. these guys will try to duck it in one way is by ducking interviews. trump used to do more
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interviews but they are not doing it. as long as they think they are ahead that is what you will see from them. if the polls shift and a loose confidence i think folks will be challenged more. d more. he was parroting the claims the january 6 election was stolen and that comes criminal charges are a form of election interferencear.
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>> this is why he got picked, because marco and doug burgum the other ones they danced around all the stuff. they didn't say anything that would make trump mad but jd went whole hog on we already talked about ukraine but only january 6, sadie would've tried to overturn the election, which pens did not do.rcwe he went on the vaccine denial conspiracy. all of the craziest stuff, he went there and so i think that is why he was chosen f, and this is what the campaign is going to be waged over and i think that is a political -- the one thing we've seen this week that's going to be a political risk. >> i heard chris hayes say this earlier. i wholeheartedly agree with this point that jd vance is s ually a true believer. there is a split screen of who he was in the hillbilly lg book when he came out onto the national stage and obviously you just suppose that was when donald trump ran for president inna 2021 but now he has transformed into this true believer that believes what he is saying so is not like -- i don't know if byron donalds believeskn all the things he sa.
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>> i agree, i totally agree. >> i don't know if marco rubio believes all the crazy. the senator has some choice things to say about donald trump way back when but jd vance believes the crazy and he is a true believer and i feel like that makes him even morena and donald trump's mind, and asset because trump is like tripling, quadrupling down on trumpism. like they're not trying to win minnesota. they are trying to triple, ry quadruple down on trumpism. >> yes i do think is a true believer in the policy. does jd vance think that hugo chavez stole the election of the voting machines were rigged? i'm not really sure but i do think chris is right about one
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thingk lele and i was like, he young and fses on the internet unlike some of these older >> you guys and they are anti- internet reactionary anti-will calculate sentiment. >> anti-elite from someone who went to yale law school is really rich. >> yes, that's real rich. >> i mean, they wanted people to know we are ivy league up in here. i know we are wrapping soon, but a lot to talk about. this is going to be unifying but i don't know, michael. you were in the room. >> you know, that is an excellent point to in the conversation on because i know i that was the intent and i don't think it really hit the mark
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the way they think it did. again, the unity message certainly coming off the heels of the shooting on saturday, you need something that is going to pull you into the moment, pull you into the conversation that gives us a reason to feel a little less partisan. i just don't think it hit the marknt and it's going to be interesting tomorrow night with donald trump to see exactly how you square set up for this convention. i suspect he will stay on script but it's the moments when he looks out and he is feeling it you know, and he's just going to drop it. >> tim miller, thank you. we appreciate you for staying up late with this tonight and that does it for us. see all of us every saturday and sunday at 8:00 a.m. sts eastern on the weekend and if you'd like to take us on the go with you, you can listen to
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every episode of the weekend as a podcast for free starting this weekend. scan that qr code on your screen and you can listen wherever you get your podcast. thank you for watching our special coverage. tune in tomorrow night is the rnc wraps up his stay with donald trump speaking to close out the convention. boost. i'm sam, i have a three and a half-year-old puppy. levi is rambunctious, he's very active. so, levi's had to go to the vet because he was coughing a bit, and he ended up getting x-rays. it would have cost over five hundred dollars, had i not had fetch pet insurance. fetch provides coverage for all of this... and so much more!
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