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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  July 19, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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want to thank you so much. i know these are not easy decisions. they are not easy discussions, but we appreciate that you came on the program. thank you. that's going to do it for us this hour. our coverage continues with jose diaz-balart who's hosting "katy tur reports" next. aty tur reports" next. good afternoon, 3:00 p.m. eastern, noon pacific, i'm jose diaz-balart in for katy tur. we have been following weeks of pressure from democrats, for president biden to drop out of the 2024 race, and his defiance against that pressure. but today, nbc news is reporting that the president's family is now discussing an exit strategy. two people familiar with the discussions tell nbc news that members of president biden's family have talked about how he would want to end his reelection bid on his own timing and with a carefully calculated plan in
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place. should the president choose to bow out, with the pressure building among his party. now, recent ap polling finds that 65% of democrats do not believe the president should withdraw, undermining his assistance that only party elites and insiders are the ones that want him out. the official word from the campaign is there is no update to report. here's what the president's campaign manager had to say today on "morning joe." >> we know that we've slipped a bit from the debate, and we know that the president has to prove to the american people exactly what he believe, that he's in this to win this. he can do this. >> the mounting pressure from democratic lawmakers is showing no signs of subsiding as new mexico senator martin heinrich and nine more house democrats joined the public call for biden to step aside today. nbc news has just learned at this hour, as we speak, vice
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president harris is going to be holding a call with major democratic donors to address urgent, emerging needs. joining us now, nbc news senior white house correspondent mike memoli, nbc news capitol hill correspondent ryan nobles, and political analyst, phil rucker. what more do we know about this donor call, which is kind of about to get underway? >> yeah, jose. this is interesting. as nbc news was reporting yesterday. we're not just seeing a defection in terms of lawmakers. that new list includes ten who have said they want the president to step aside. we have also seen a major slippage in terms of the amount of money the campaign has been raising, in terms of the awful debate performance, as much as 25% of what they were expecting to raise over the course of this time period, and so what this invitation that was sent to key donors, donors supportive of the
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president and his reelection effort, the vice president would be joining so they can discuss the urgent needs of the campaign at this point. they're going to be hearing not just from the vice president but other leaders in the field, trying to speak to what is the path forward. now of course the president and his closest advisers are insisting he has not swayed one bit from his intention to see this race through, and you saw the memo i thought was so interesting, jose, from the campaign about another dynamic maybe we haven't talked about, this idea that there is no alternative plan for the nomination. the president has made clear his support for vice president harris throughout this time period as well, and there have been a number of people who have insisted that if the president were to step aside, it needs to be the vice president who fills in. that is not a given. some of the mechanics are messy and complicated as campaign leadership has said in the past. this speaks to the fact that while donors and a lot of the presidents, you know, fellow democrats might want to see a
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change here. it's not nearly as easy as it seems, and the president, of course, insists he's moving forward. >> and so we know that the president is planning to return to the campaign trail next week. can you also give us an update on his health? >> yeah, we saw that statement from the president today, talking about what the campaign wants to be talking about today which was former president donald trump's very long acceptance speech at the nomination last night. the president saying in a statement today that he saw no agenda for the future laid out by the former president, and did include in that statement, the idea that he would be out on the campaign trail next week. we don't have any specifics, the campaign saying nothing has been locked down just yet. for the president to get back out on the campaign trail, he needs to kick covid that he contracted earlier this week. we got an update from the president's physician just in the last hour. he says the president continues to show signs of improvement. his vitals are all very good, very normal, and that the president has some of those
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lingering symptoms but that he's much improved today, jose. >> ryan, meanwhile, there are growing number of democrats calling for the president to step aside. what's the latest tally on that? >> yeah, jose, i feel like every time i check my e-mail, another democratic member of congress is calling on president biden to exit the race, the most recent being congresswoman zoe lofgren of california. she of course a prominent member in the democratic house of representatives. she is a powerful member of that committee. someone who's also pretty closely aligned with the former speaker, nancy pelosi. this is what she said in her statement, simply put, your candidacy, and this is a letter she sent to president biden is on a trajectory to lose the white house and potentially impact crucial house and senate races down ballot. it's for these reasons that i urge you to step aside from our party's nomination. and that is very similar to the statements and the calls that we've seen from many of these democrats in the house and
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senate, respect and admiration, even for president biden, but also grappling with the reality that the polls are heading in the wrong direction and that they view donald trump as an existential threat, and that joe biden is not up to the task of taking him on in november. but within all of these statements, jose, there is a clear understanding that there is really no power that these democratic house and senate members have to push president biden out of the race. he has to make the decision on his own. they are trying to make it as uncomfortable for him as possible, to stay in this race by showing that lack of support from the party's most important players, whether or not it has an impact on president biden as he makes these conversations while recovering from covid, remains to be seen. jose. >> and ryan, you know, one of the strongest bases of support for president biden have been like the congressional black caucus and certainly the congressional hispanic caucus. today, as far as the congressional hispanic caucus, i was speaking to on my program.
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the chair of the congressional caucus, she says they are all on board for president biden. today, however, chewy garcia, representative of illinois, joined, was it the congressman from arizona as the two -- only two members of the congressional hispanic caucus that are asking for the president to set aside. >> yeah, and that's right. you know, those key constituencies, there's a number of caucuses, who have deep connections to president biden and had relied on him and been an ally of his, the hispanic caucus being one, the congressional black caucus being another. some of his strongest supporters represented, alexandria ocasio-cortez, bernie sanders in the senate, have been encouraging him to stay in the race the most. it's important to point out, jose, while the chairs of the committee, the congressional black caucus, the chair of the hispanic caucus have come out strongly in favor of president
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biden staying in the race. they are speaking for themselves. they have not put out statements on behalf of the entire caucus which shows that there's still lingering doubt within the caucus infrastructure about president biden moving forward, and while their leadership has demonstrated a support that does not necessarily reflect the caucus as a whole. >> true. even though in the congressional caucus side, their pac did today at least it was released today that the hispanic caucus pac was supporting the president. meanwhile, the president is isolating in his delaware beach home as all of this is happening, at the ideas festival, one of biden's closest confidants seemed to be leaving the door more open than before about the president deciding to leave the race. listen to this. >> i think our president is
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weighing what he should weigh, which is who is the best candidate to win in november and to carry forward the democratic party's values and priorities in this campaign. i am confident he is hearing what he needs to hear from colleagues, from the public. >> how do you think this pressure campaign, and these different affecting the campaign. >> that was an interesting statement from senator coons, probably closest to president biden, seemed to be breaking character a tad and acknowledging that the president is deliberating in rehoboth beach and taking stock of his situation, where he stands, listening to people, including people with concerns. that is not what the white house or his campaign is saying. they are saying he is in it, not wavering. our reporting lines up with reporting from nbc and others, that this is a very fluid situation. while the president and some of his closest and longest tenured aids are dug in, are convinced
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that he has a path to victory, they are starting to hear the critique. they are starting to understand that, you know, it's been three weeks here. they have not been able to stop this drip of democratic defections, and, you know, in addition to that, we don't know where this is going. the democrats, the people who have come out against him, they have not succeeded in getting joe biden out of the race at this moment. you have the standoff. people on all sides of this, democrats who want to beat donald trump in november, they know this cannot continue, that donors cannot sit on their money, the biggest democratic super pacs cannot continue to not be on tv, and they cannot waste more time focusing on joe biden and his candidacy and viability rather than donald trump and his weaknesses. this is where they are for a third and a fourth straight week of this since the debate. and so there are conversations, tough conversations taking place in that inner circle with the president and his family members about, you know, can we really
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stay in this, and if we get out, how do we do it, what is the path forward? those conversations, we know, to be taking place, how serious they are, how far along, still trying to get more information on that. >> phil, what do you think this is all about? i mean, is this all about polls? is this about people looking at their districts and taking polls in their district? it just seems like, you know, and let's remember the responsibility the polls have on getting it right in 2016, and the results of the polling there, and let's think of the polling that was showing us that in 2022 there was going to be a huge red wave that didn't even end up being a puddle. but is this all about members looking at polls? is this what they're asking the president of the united states who just went through a primary season where he got millions of votes from people who looked at
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him and said this is who we want representing the democratic party? >> well, and during the primary season, you're right, that biden did win overwhelmingly, but it was not a very strongly contested primary. there was not a strong credible challenger to biden who stepped forward in those democratic primaries. you're right, lawmakers, donors, they're all looking at polls. they're doing their own private polling in addition to analyzing the public polling that all of us can see, and they're homing in on biden standing, vis-a-vis trump in the key battleground states and they're drawing a conclusion here, not just that trump would beat biden for president, but biden could perform so poorly as of now that he could take down a number of senators, a number of house districts and really have effectively a disastrous election day for the democratic party. and that's a cause for alarm. and the back drop to all of this, by the way, is the
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republican national convention. they sat through four days of television programming every night, a display of unity and strength by trump in the republican party. that's an intimidating thing politically for the democrats to grapple with when they have a president who has struggled so much on the debate stage and in some of these public appearances. >> nbc news white house correspondent mike memoli, nbc capitol hill correspondent, eli stokols and rucker, thank you for being with us today. >> if president biden steps aside, what's plan b for the democrats, and what will the campaign do if biden leaves the race? from grounded flights to shuttered businesses, the massive microsoft outage that brought chaos around the world. >> and later, reactions pour in after "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich was found guilty in a russian court. what we're learning about his sentence, and what's next? we're back in 90 seconds.
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made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪♪ that grimy film on your teeth? dr. g? ♪♪ it's actually the buildup of plaque bacteria which can cause cavities. most toothpastes quit working in minutes. but crest pro-health's antibacterial fluoride protects all day. so it stops cavities before they start... crest. 14 past the hour, the rnc had said we would be seeing a different donald trump last night. he started with the dramatic retelling of the shooting last saturday, but then he at times went back to what he's been saying for years now. >> we had that horrible, horrible result that we'll never let happen again. the election result, we're never going to let that happen again. they used covid to cheat.
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>> no hope or dream we have for america can succeed unless we stop the illegal immigrant invasion. tonight, america, this is my vow, i will not let these killers and criminals into our country. if you took the ten worst presidents in the history of the united states, think of it, the ten worst. added them up, they will not have done the damage that biden has done. only going to use the term once. biden. i'm not going to use the name anymore. just one time. >> but while so many eyes were on the former president last night, republican delegates have been focused on what's happening across the aisle. joining us now, former senior gop congressional aisle rina shah, and former congresswoman donna edwards, an msnbc political analyst. did you see a different donald trump last night?
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>> i saw the same person who's got the same inner core, but with a perhaps little bit of a different shell this time. more subdued, more calm, and seemingly more even but rambling in a way that lost me at some point. i was ready to listen, and the detailing of the assassination attempt, i felt like -- i just felt like i was listening to my uncle after a heavy thanksgiving dinner, when are you going to stop, buddy, what is going on here. it was too much. it was too much to hang on to, and then i saw the old donald trump come out, and there you have it. he's the same person. unchanged. >> and so, donna, sources meanwhile say that the president, president biden, is furious at efforts to force him out of the presidential race. how do you see that being, you know, going forward, and it struck me as though a lot of these efforts are going on precisely when the republicans
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are holding their convention, and the president, you know, is in his house with covid. it just seems as though these efforts continue regardless of what is happening outside of the political bubble in washington. >> well, i have to say, i mean, listening to the former president last night and his rambling, his continued lies, his election denying, his vitriol, his divisiveness, that's the sort of thing that democrats really should be focused in right now. in really challenging and showing the contrast with the president, and i have to tell you, i can understand president biden's fury because he's earned the nomination. he's been a successful president. and i think that but for all of the media attention and otherwise, continuing this conversation for the last 3 1/2 weeks has actually been even more damaging. and frankly, i think the
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president is mirroring some of the fury that i hear from democrats on on the ground, organizers, people who are trying to get work done who are having money withheld from them in this kind of state of inertia. i understand the president's fury, but for democrats, they needed to see last night to keep their eye on the prize. and the prize is going after donald trump for his lies and vitriol. >> so, donna, you talk about how the media attention, there's no doubt there's been a lot of media attention on this, you know, these efforts. but a lot of this media attention is based on, you know, press releases that members of congress put out saying that -- and letters, you know, zoe lofgren just sent a letter to the president of the united states, you know, asking him to step aside. in other words, these are real efforts going on, and they have been going on for some time.
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and i'm just wondering, donna, you know, there's the dichotomy you're talking about about people on the ground, in the ground, activists and democrats who feel one way, but then it seems like many people in washington and, you know, in other places, see it differently. >> look, i'm not going to disparage my former colleagues. i believe that each of them as they have spoken out have done so out of the deep respect for the president. i just don't happen to agree with them that this is the right course. i will say that, i think, you know, had these conversations privately taken place, you know, three weeks ago or frankly, if they had taken place a year and a half ago, we would be in a completely different position than we're in right now, and i think that what is happened is that putting all of this out in the public, going at the president, sometimes in some gratuitous kinds of ways, from
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some of the statements that i have read, that you can understand that the president will dig his heels in. i mean, he is a fighter from scranton, after all. that doesn't surprise me, but i think it's potentially very damaging no matter who the nominee is. i think democrats are going to rally around the president. they're going to rally around who's at the top of the ticket. but the long-term damage, i think, has been done by a conversation that started out mostly -- obviously from the president's debate performance. but driven by donors, driven by the media. and now joined in by members of congress. >> what do you think the president and his supporters can expect, and what could they do now to, as donna was saying, the need for the democrats to refocus on donald trump? how is that -- how can they do that in this current environment?
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>> well, one thing last night showed me is that donald trump is extremely vulnerable. if i were advising the republicans, which i am not right now, i would just say that the one thing you've got to do between now and november, especially if biden remains at the top of the ticket, after last night, i do not believe, this ticket, the trump/vance ticket is going doing that. j.t. vance is following trump's lead to election day. he's pretty weak if you look at him. they don't want him talking about social issues, he becomes a bigger liability there and will have to answer for his past missteps. to the democrats listening, no matter what's happening on your side, there's one goal here, and for a lot of moderate republicans out there and independents who are all up for grabs, there's also a bigger job, and it's to defeat trumpism writ large, to keep him out of the white house. he would be a disaster for the american public. that's the reason he was kicked out in 2020, and the numbers no
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matter what happens with biden are on the side of the democrats. the reality is the infighting has to stop making itself public. this does tend to give republicans a little bit more gas for their motor. i want to close by leaving folks with a sense of hope. remember, two of our countries best presidents came out of brokered conventions. abe lincoln, and franklin delano roosevelt. fdr was arguably one of the most influential presidents in modern history. do not be scared of the unknown. conventions are made for exciting democracy in action moments. yes, everybody wants to respect people who have done the work, who care about this country, but real leadership sometimes takes making tough decision. for just a moment, if i were advising the republicans, i also have one message to send to them, and it is if you want to win in november, you need to dump trump. he should have spoken on day one so everybody could see what a
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disaster he is in realtime. he doesn't deserve to be at the top of the ticket. he should be replaced. the whole ticket, trump/vance, should be eliminated. i wish the republicans could go back and give the democrats a real race. the republicans are behind right now in the game after the convention. i don't think they're sitting very pretty. they need to replace their ticket as well. >> rena shah and former congresswoman donna edwards, ip thank you both for being with us today. appreciate it. a worldwide outage that hit airlines and businesses. what we know about what happened, and then when is this all going to be fixed. and what authorities do when they track the movements of the shooter who tried to assassinate donald trump. nald trump not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'.
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27 past the hour, we're following the latest developments in the largest it. outage in history.
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businesses, banks, everything seemed to come to a standstill. when the cyber security company crowd strike issues a flawed update for microsoft programs. the company says the glitch was fixed. the ripple effects continue. joining us now, guad venegas, and senior business correspondent, christine romans. you're in atlanta, what's that look like? >> reporter: well, jose, things are much better now than they were this morning. it was chaotic here. you had people arriving trying to check into their flights, weren't able to check in because the app they normally used to check into flights wasn't working. neither were the web sites. people were lining up here at the counters behind me. i spoke to some individuals that lined up for four hours, jose, to be able to get to this area, to eventually check into the flights. the issue affected airlines in different ways. what we know here is the airport was not affected. the systems that the airport
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used were not affected. the planes were able to take off and landed. the airlines themselves in many cases here appear to have been unable to check in a lot of the passengers and they had a lot of issues. the last time we checked, there had been 600 delays that is, and about 400 cancellations at this airport. let's hear from one of the travelers we spoke to earlier today. >> i went to security and tried to use my confirmation number, they were like, you need to get a ticket. they're not going to let me get a ticket, and now i'm going to miss my flight because i'm not going to get through security in time. >> click on it, and then it's like -- >> >> reporter: it just won't let you check in? >> it says e-mail, check in now. and it just is no longer an active trip. >> reporter: so that showed us exactly what one of the issues was that people were dealing with. you know, she was trying to do it and she wasn't able to. i saw her a half hour ago.
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she was waiting, hoping to get on that flight. a lot of people were in the same situation. unfortunately for a lot of passengers, their flights were canceled, others were delayed. jose, i should say that now here at atlanta international airport, we do see people checking in. things seem to be flowing much better. we also saw the baggage area slow down. for a while, there weren't any planes landing. i don't know if it was the time of day or if many planes were delayed. now we have seen a lot of planes land. we have seen everything going back to normal. again, we have been told that every airline will deal with this in an individual way, figuring out how the system was affected and making the corrections that were necessary, jose. >> so i love this graphic, take a look at the movement of the planes and how they have been affected. right behind you, i see a ton of people there. is that normal and usual or is that kind of the consequence of things starting to get back to
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normal again. >> jose, this area is always busy. i'm told by authorities that this is an area that usually gets busy, but this was also the craziest area this morning. you have frontier and spirit airlines. spirit had a lot of issues with the check-in. earlier today, what we saw were passengers that had to line up across from the counters. that line went over to the baggage area, and then around, and went around this area area. they would do a full loop. these are the individuals that had to wait four hours. what you're seeing now i'm told is the normal busyness. you can see the passengers that are upset. they have been waiting here for a long time. a lot of these passengers have been waiting for hours, and they finally arrived at the counter. there's a lot of people that are frustrated because of what they have been through throughout the day. >> i can imagine. christine, how big of an effect does this have on not only airports and airplanes but markets and businesses? >> i can't think of a corner of
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american business that hasn't been touched by this. small businesses that use this software and buy crowdstrike to prevent against cyber security strikes, and the good guys, protecting us from the bad guys made a mistake. they have to get their business up and running. you look at hospital systems, all of these people being scheduled for surgery, no, we're going to have to reschedule you. doctors appointments canceled, the social security administration closing its offices, they can't handle the people who are coming in because they don't have the software working yet, so it's really been disruptive. it's interesting, i heard someone compare it with y 2k. remember that, when everyone was preparing for y2k because an extra number was going to throw everything off. this extra bit of code or update is the y2k we were preparing for a couple of decades ago. it's a very big unprecedented kind of deal. in a few days it will work its
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way out. we'll work through it. it will be disruptive in the near term. >> oh, boy, you know, and even christine and guad, and he knows because he spends half of his time in south florida, normally, guad, telemundo center has the latest technology in our studios and everywhere else, and i'm doing the show today from the newsroom because, well, those high-tech studios are still affected by this new y2g, guad venegas and christine romans, thank you both so very much. we appreciate it. >> up next, we're going to take you to battleground, pennsylvania, where one of the president's strongest allies, democratic senator bob casey is on the rail. why he still has the president's back. and what voters there are saying. plus an nbc news exclusive, why some sanctuary cities are changing their approach on immigration.
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38 past the hour, more than 30 congressional democrats have now publicly called on president biden to pass the torch. the majority of calls come from house democrats, while just a few senators have said the president should exit the race. senator bob casey of pennsylvania is currently polling ahead of the president in his state, but the president's long time ally says he is sticking with them, while also listening to his voters. >> i've heard a lot of people come to me and express real
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concerns about him going forward, and i think that's a concern that i've got to be responsive to and listen to. i don't think there's a specific time line, but i do think it's going to be very soon where we have to begin to move forward. we can't stay in the position right now where there's no definitive information. >> the question is what does moving forward mean for that senator when the president has said until now that he's in it. joining us now, nbc news congressional correspondent, julie tsirkin in pennsylvania, great seeing you. what are we seeing with senator casey today as far as what he said, and is he part of that list of members who say it's time for the president to step aside? >> reporter: well, potentially he can always add to that list and be on that list, but for this moment, jose, here in the suburbs of philadelphia, yesterday about three hours away in a rural county here in
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pennsylvania, bob casey is telling me that he plans to stick by the president. i even pointed out to him today just a couple of moments ago where he was having an event with suburban women here, i said, look, you're one of if not the only vulnerable senate democrats in a battleground state that are still saying biden is our nominee. he should stay in this race. i did notice a little bit of a softening from them today, at least saying that at least talked to voters, heard their concerns. you mentioned that polling as well, he's certainly looking at as he hopes to keep the seat four terms in the senate. certainly this is a big decision for bob casey. he said over and over again, that the only person that could make the determination if he goes or stays is president biden himself. at least for the time being, casey is sticking in his corner. >> julie, what are voters in pennsylvania saying? >> well, this is really interesting, jose, because i talked to a number of them, right? yesterday you got more of an independent republican crowd, today, certainly more democratic when you're outside philadelphia
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here. and they had really mixed opinions. one of them said she would stick with biden, quote, even if he was on a ventilator. another one telling me yesterday is the day she decided joe biden is not the person that can take them to victory in november, and that was the message she was going to share with casey when she attended his event. take a listen here. what are you hoping to hear from senator casey, one of the few democrats up for reelection who are sticking with biden? >> i think he feels a loyalty, and many of us do feel a loyalty, but i think he also will go with the better person to win the election. i feel that we just need to engage some of our younger voters and get people on the same page. >> reporter: now, who is that better person is certainly an open question. casey did not want to engage in hypotheticals with me when i asked him about it, but the bottom line is as you heard from the voter, as you hear from casey and democrats in congress, they do have a loyalty to biden.
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they respect him. this is a really painful moment for the democratic party as a whole. >> julie tsirkin, thank you very much. coming up, secret service director kimberly cheatle testified on capitol hill about what happened in the assassination attempt on donald trump last week. what we can expect, you're watching msnbc. watching msnbc after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪
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47 past the hour, new details this afternoon in the
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investigation into the assassination attempt on donald trump. two senior officials tell nbc news that investigators continue to trace the movements of the suspect through cell phone pings, and that as of now, there is no indication anyone else was involved in the plan. meanwhile, u.s. secret service director kimberly cheatle is set to testify before the house oversight committee on monday. as pressure grows on capitol hill for her agency to account for its security failures last saturday. this as corey comperatore, the firefighter who was fatally shot while shielding his wife and daughter at the rally was laid to rest today during a private funeral at his long time church in pennsylvania. joining us now, nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent, ken dilanian, good afternoon, bring us up to speed on where the investigation stands right now? >> good afternoon, jose, well, the new details that our colleagues jonathan dienst are picking up from law enforcement sources today still don't shed light on this person's motive.
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they do suggest there was a lot of pre-planning. for example, as you alluded to, the fbi has established that his cell phone pinged in the area of the rally days before, and they are now investigating whether that was, in fact, him going to scout out and case, essentially, this place where he would later mount his attack. there's also a lot of internet searches that they found for formulas for bomb making, dhs article on bomb making and even internet searches about the school shooter ethan crumbley in michigan. what's emerging is a portrait of somebody who not necessarily had a political motive but had a typical alienated sort of kind of profile that we have seen in a lot of mass shootings, across this country. that's what we're learning so far. again, very little in the way of direct concrete evidence about motive. >> what are we expecting when the secret service director goes on capitol hill on monday? >> well, that has the potential for some real fireworks, jose, because there are so many questions about the secret
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service response here, and you saw that video of republican senators chasing director cheatle down at the republican national convention, shouting questions at her. she didn't answer. she's going to have to answer before congress, and the time line itself is raising so many questions. it was an hour from the time that police first flagged a suspicious person who ended up being thomas crooks the shooter, an hour between that and the shooting. and at the half hour point, they had sent a picture of him to the secret service. at some point, the secret service knew that he had a magnetometer and was wandering around. we don't know exactly when they flagged that he has a rifle and was on the roof and if there was any time for the secret service to pull donald trump off the stage. that's a big question, as is our reporting rifle and was on the roof. that's a big question. as is our reporting about what the secret service did after the shots were fired to delay getting donald trump off the mark where he was able to pump
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his fist. he slowed the detail down. that's not according to their training. i'm sure she'll be asked about that. >> ken dilanian, thank you so much. next msnbc reporting on what i.c.e. is doing to crack down on illegal migrants with alleged criminal records. iminal records i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk.
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they do best for the next five years. that's a lot of bread. you got this. the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. switch today for a limited tim. 54 past the hour. "wall street journal" reporter evan gershkovich has been found guilty in a russian court. "the wall street journal" condemned the trial as illegitimate. gershkovich denies any wrongdoing. the sentence represents the first espionage conviction of any western reporter in russian history, but opens the door for
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a potential swap between the u.s. and russia. with the issue of immigration looming large over the presidential election, some cities are changing their approach when dealing with the influx of migrants, cooperating with i.c.e. officials in a way they haven't done before. joining us now julia ainsley. julia, what is going on? >> reporter: if you listen to the republican national convention this week, you might think the biden administration isn't doing anything about migrant crime. i.c.e. has increased arrests by 59%. they say it's because a lot of cities that were sanctuary and would never tell i.c.e. when they were releasing an immigrant with a criminal background are now cooperating. take a look. 6:00 a.m. in a suburban maryland parking lot and we're joining i.c.e. agents as they head out to arrest two migrant men.
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matt elliston is in charge of the operation. >> first up is a target from columbia. >> reporter: taken into custody in broad daylight. a man has been arrested from this apartment building. he's wanted for murder in colombia, information that became clear after he crossed the border. >> why didn't border patrol know he was convicted at the border? >> the judicial system of colombia didn't enter that enter their system. >> reporter: nearly a dozen agents, part of the operation. this man is wanted in el salvador for attempted murder. more cities and counties are rethinking their sanctuary city policies. last year i.c.e. was able to make 59% more arrests of those who committed crimes than they made the year before, thanks in
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part to what i.c.e. says is improved cooperation with officials. >> is there a shift in thinking? >> there is. baltimore county was previously not very cooperative. they had released a few people that we were looking for. now baltimore county is working with us. >> we heard from our community about public safety issues. >> reporter: this is the top safety official in montgomery county, maryland. while not officially a sanctuary county, they've increased cooperate too. he gives i.c.e. 48 hours before undocumented felons are released after serving time for violent crimes. that makes it easier for i.c.e. to pick them up for possible deportation. >> what are you trying to prevent? >> obviously we don't want a situation where we release someone and they go on to commit a more serious crime. that's the thing we're always concerned about. >> reporter: while he's
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increased his cooperation with i.c.e., he says it's a balancing about. he doesn't want the county's large immigrant population to be afraid to report crimes. >> we need them to be witnesses and communicate with us. we can't be viewed as an agent for immigration enforcement. >> reporter: this is the i.c.e. director. >> why do you think sanctuary cities are starting to come to the table? >> we've seen examples where some individuals unfortunately were encountered by local law enforcement because of the policies put in place and all of a sudden you have people being released and reoffending. >> reporter: with record high border crossings under the biden administration, i.c.e. case loads are way up, far outnumbering the number of officers, 1 officer for every 7,000 migrants. >> we're chronically underresourced and need more
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funding. >> reporter: jose, the director of i.c.e. also told me they need more resources so they can go after migrants like those you saw who cross the border and are later found to have criminal convictions. as for those two men, they're in detention awaiting deportation hearings. >> julia ainsley, thank you. i'm jose diaz-balart. thank you for the privilege of your time. "deadline: white house" starts right now. ♪♪ ♪♪ hi, everyone. it's 4:00 in new york. i'm ayman mohyeldin in for nicolle wallace. we were promised a kinder, gentler donald trump. we were promised for the big finale of the republican national convention, donald trump would debut a new message of unity.
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