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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  July 20, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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welcome back. you are watching "the weekend." the nihilism was front and center at the rnc. republicans who served as a collectors and 2020 served as convention delegates in 2024. senators spread lies about noncitizen voting and donald trump repeatedly alluded to a stolen election in his rambling address. obtained by the peril that his election denial ushered in nearly four years ago, the message from the mag folks this time was unmistakable. bring it. they want more. day the election results will never happen again. >> they use covid. >> joining us now is democratic senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts. welcome. >> senator, donald trump went on display this weekend they
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said they promised a new trumpet it seemed like the same old trump' to me. given that, you still have members of congress, additional members of congress since those comments from donald trump have come out saying they think president biden should step down. i count right now is 35. do you have any thoughts about president biden and his candidacy? are you going to be 36 or are you still writing with joe biden? >> joe biden is our nominee and he has a really big decision to make. joe biden has been a transformational president. somebody who gets up every day fighting for working people. he has been out there for $35 insulin and a $2000 capital at senior spent out-of-pocket on drugs. canceling student loan debt for 5 million people. and going after junk fees and going after those giant corporations that are price
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gouging people at the grocery store and at the pump. i am deeply grateful to joe biden for all that he has accomplished. >> senator, i want you to take a listen to what representative alexandria ocasio-cortez had to say about vice president harris replacing president biden. >> if you think that there is consensus among the people who want joe biden to leave that they will support vice president harris, you would be mistaken. i see what they say in conversations. a lot of them are not just interested in removing the president, they are interested in removing the whole ticket. >> senator, are you hearing the same? what would you say to those who
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seek to leapfrog vice president harris? >> so, look. joe biden is our nominee and as i said before he has a really big decision to make. but what gives me a lot of hope right now is that if president biden decides to step back, we have vice president kamala harris who is ready to step up and unite the party and take on donald trump and to win in november. remember, 80 million people voted for joe biden and kamala harris in 2020. knowing that kamala harris would be ready to step up if needed. i have known, love for nearly 15 years now and when i was setting up the consumer financial protection bureau and maga was a attorney general of california, we worked side-by- side to fight against giant
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banks that were cheating people and kamala has led the charge in order to fight back against the republicans that want to nationwide abortion ban. and look. if you're running against convicted felon, then a prosecutor like kamala is really a good person to make that case. no matter what happens, i will be out there fighting for democrats. i believe we will come together and win in november. >> senator, you need to encourage that come together part pretty quickly. we had a conversation with congressman clyburn and he made it clear that you have a four week window. i would say it is two, but it is what it is. i want to change it up a little bit because moving from one vice president to someone who
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wants to be vice president and that is jd vance. you had the chance to work with him over the years. in fact, you were and sent up you and he were part of a bipartisan group of senators to renew a push for legislation to clawback big banks and the failure to pull that executive pay back in line. talk to us about that bipartisan effort but even more specifically about your sediment -- sense of jd vance given what we are now learning more and more about him with respect to his views on women, his views on immigration, et cetera. >> look, i am willing to work with anyone who is wanting to partner up to rein in big banks. in this case, it was to clawback executive compensation when these executives take on too much risk and caused their banks to fail. but understanding that jd vance is, it wasn't very long ago that he referred to donald trump as america's hitler.
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but, he has figured out where the power is in the republican party. now, he has become trump doubled. that is just who jd vance is. think about this. today in america, 30% of all women live in states that block access to abortion. if donald trump and jd vance are in, they want to make it 100% of women. there is no place in america where a woman would have access to abortion. either way, access to i.d.s. -- i bf and can't just touch them. he says no exceptions for raped or incest. that is the kind of person that jd vance is. he is someone who is willing to say whatever donald trump wants and then take it even further. that means he is not someone who should be anyplace close to
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the white house. >> senator, do you think jd vance is a true believer, if you will? there are a lot of republicans, some of whom which you see on a regular basis in the united states senate that personally do not believe all of the things that donald trump is doing but they fall in my because he is, you know, at this point the parties nominee and has a hold on a large swath of the republican party base. they are not true believers but it seems to me that jd vance is a convert and a true believer. i wonder what your assessment is. >> i believe that jd vance believes in jd vance. and do keep in mind, some of the things he talks about are deeply disturbing. think about childcare. he talks about having available childcare, affordable high quality childcare for all of
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our babies as a class war on normal people. in other words, his version of what constitutes normal means people who don't use childcare. who don't have access. look, i get a peer for well-to- do families where they can have a stay-at-home parent, that's great. but there are a lot of folks for whom it takes to pay checks or there is only one person who is able to earn that paycheck. jd vance doesn't conceive these folks as normal. that is a real problem. >> senator, i want to live back to your answer on vice president harris to make sure i understand. you are saying president biden currently the nominee, if he were to bow out of this race, is it your position that it must be vice president harris at the top of the ticket? >> look, like i said earlier, joe biden is our nominee and
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has a very big decision to make. but we are very lucky to have vice president kamala harris, 80 million people voted for her, to step up if she is needed and i have known kamala for a long time and i think highly of her but i want to underscore, democrats are going to come together. i will be fighting for this ticket and so are many others. we are going to pull together and win in november. because what donald trump and jd vance are offering as an alternative would undermine everything in this country. it is everything that touches people individually. we talked about abortion. they also want to cut social security and medicare and get rid of the affordable care act. that would touch everyone who has a pre-existing condition. these are the people who want to do more tax cuts for billionaires.
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3 1/2 million dollar annual tax cut for every billionaire in this country paid for by hard- working families. these are the people who are saying, they plan to win this election and when they do, they are never letting go of power. donald trump wants to be dictator on day one and he's not going to turn that loose. democrats will pull together and fight back against that and win. >> senator, part of that power grab is very well detailed. we were just talking about it in the last segment. in the project 2025 effort and in respect to the can -- consumer protection bureau. something near and dear to you. they have noted a couple things. one, that the consumer financial protection bureau has been a shakedown mechanism to provide unaccountable funding to leftist nonprofit
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politically aligned with those who spearheaded its creation. also, the next conservative president to order the immediate dissolution of the agency, pull down its rules and regulations and guidance and return it staff to their prior agencies and its building to the general services administration. talk about deconstructing a program that arguably has been a bulwark for consumers and moms and pops out there. in dealing with their banks and et cetera. what is your take on that specific more broadly, project 2025? >> so, let's talk a minute about the consumer agency remember life before the consumer agency. lots of individual consumer protection laws but nobody really to enforce the nobody responsible for that. what was the consequence? thanks figured out that they
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could use their profit by just squeezing and cheating american consumers all over this country. the result was the crash of 2008. the biggest crash since the great depression. remember, we were somewhere around 6 million people who lost their homes. part of what came out of it as we passed the consumer financial protection bureau into law. it gathered up all of those different consumer protection laws and now somebody that actually understood them and enforce them on a regular basis. what is the consumer agency done since then? it has returned $20 billion directly to people who have been cheated. it has managed over 1 million complaints and helped consumers get relief. from banks and other lending institutions that have cheated them. so, that is what project 2025
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says. you've got to get rid of it. it is not fair for banks not to be able to cut sheet people. that is the basic idea here. the second thing about the language you cited, you need to underscore, is it just the president should shut it down? declare it is gone? i am sorry. congress had a role in this. congress is the one that establish the agency and it is now law. unless we have a dictator in the white house, the president cannot just say, off with your head, and it's gone. that is not how this works. we have laws in this country and i think this is one more example exposed in project 2025 that they are planning for a trump presidency. it is a lawless presidency. that one man will make all the decisions in this country and
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having done that, a lot of play golf. that is not how our democracy works in we cannot let that meant make it to the white house. >> senator elizabeth warren. massachusetts. thank you very much. next, vice president harris's message to republican women. this is "the weekend." we've always loved taking care of our home, from the gardening to any repairs that come up. but last year,
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you cannot claim you stand for unity if you are intent on taking reproductive freedoms from the people of america and the women of america. you cannot claim to be for unity if you try to overturn a free and fair election. and threaten and threaten to terminate the united states constitution.
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>> with president biden sidelined because of coma, vice president harris is taking center stage on the campaign trail. rallying women around the right to a woman's body and warning of the dangers around project 2025. joining us now is olivia troye, a former security adviser to mike pence. she also moderated an event with vice president harris this week. >> olivia, it is always good to see you. take a listen to what vice president harris had to say about reproductive rights and attention some motor may not consider themselves true -- >> most people believe that one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government should not be telling her what to do with her body. right? if she chooses, she will talk
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with their priest or pastor or her rabbi but it should not be the government telling her what to do. >> olivia, i am curious how you think that message about framing this taking away of reproductive rights as government overreach play specifically with republican women? >> i think that was a very powerful moment during that panel. she was on stage with two republican memo to women. i think that is the struggle with conservative women. my thinking about this issue i think at the end of the day, women will standby women. i think that is what it will come down to. she is doing an amazing job at extending grace and bridging that gap between women and bringing us together to talk about this issue that is so personal to each and everyone of us. >> olivia, how do you see the
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vice president's role and not just persuading republican women but making a more expansive persuasive argument to center-right independents, republicans, you know, conservatives like myself who have been sidelined by the republican party, where do they go and how is she a good beacon for them in terms of her appeal and her ability to speak for the next four years on behalf of the administration given all the other drama going on around the president? i think her role could be very important. how do you -- how was it received in that room? >> i think she is a very powerful voice in the space. i have heard from a lot of former republicans and independents and from current republicans you are weighing the selection and i've got note saying they were insured which direction they would go in and i watch the event and they read
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about it and those who attended said they were happy to see that outreach to them and it really made them reflect. i think some of the topics you covered, she was very relatable and very genuine when she was up there. i could see the audience was listening and taking it in. in the aftermath, people walk up and say thank you for doing this, thank you for being out there. >> these were republican women? >> yes. they came up to me after the event in the parking lot and said, hi, olivia. i am a republican and i had another lady say i was a republican but now in the center now. i was touched by the fact that the vice president's made the effort and came out here and was willing to have us here and on stage. i think that is what it will take for this election. i think she is a perfect messenger for that. i walked away from that event
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thinking and credible about the vice president and the way she is and how eloquent and levelheaded she is when it comes to policy. when she was up there on the messaging, she was speaking in a very inclusive tone on how republicans see things >> you didn't feel like it was -- you felt like, you are comfortable being here and i've often heard, you need a permission structure. it seemed to me like this was one of the events designed to give permission for not just republicans at large but specifically republican women to come to the table. you don't have to leave your republican values at the door to vote for joe biden and kamala harris. >> i hope that carries forward. i think it is important to have these conversations and i hope americans across the country,
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women are having these conversations with their family and serves as an example that we can work together. look, when we talk about republican values, we saw what happened at the rnc this week. we sought the republican values on thursday evening. i mean, those are not the values i think most center- right moderate people really identify with the they are anything but that. >> olivia troye, we appreciate you. thank you for your time. actually, stick around. we have another question. we want to discuss how donald trump's new vice president pick solidifies the antiabortion positions.
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are extreme. you said he supports a national ban on abortion with no exceptions for rape and incest. he has called for the defunding of planned parenthood despite the health services the organization provides. he is compared the procedure to slavery. donald trump's decision to pick vance as his running mate shows us the hackley where the ex- president stands on reproductive freedom. even if he tried those beliefs at the rnc. olivia troye is back with us and join amy at the table as attorney and ms and see host of "the katie phang show," katie phang. >> what do we think. what's going on? let's be honest here. what is going on? >> jd vance. >> jd vance is a type of person that we know who puts on whatever masks this at the time. nobody talks about abortion at the rnc. they pretend like it is a dirty secret but we all know about it. and we are not . that is one of
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the sins of the party. just because you don't talk about it and allude to it, in the platform, it doesn't mean that we are not aware that jd vance not two years ago said i want a national abortion ban. now we pivots and says, whatever the head of our party donald trump once is okay but that is the problem. he is not insistent when it comes to abortion positions. the thing that troubles me is the fact that we know project 2025 is the blueprint for the next trump administration and project 2025 makes it clear they will go as far as not even allowing things like abortion medication to be sent in the mail. they were pursue a national abortion ban. i think it is important for people to always remember what the base means. the gop cannot trade on the idea of getting an evangelical book because they got the supreme court justices as promised by donald trump they
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ripple on the sidelines and don't complain as a ship because we have seen pro-life advocates who are mad that the gop is not including in their platform and explicit national ban but we note once they are in the office, that is what they will do. they will try to put their heel on more americans. >> which makes me chuckle a little bit, katie, at this anger and frustration these folks have because the pro-life plank does not specifically say it once a national ban. and the whole concept around this social conservatism that is emerging within the party, first understand the history of the party that i once like, there was always a balance. our nature dictated that you do you, right? the government has no role between you and the decision you have to make. and when the government does
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make that effort, then we would step in. here is what jd vance had to say on thursday night about how the gop will position itself going forward as a party of social conservatives. >> there has been a lot of grumbling in the past few weeks that the republican party of now and the republican party of the future is not going to be a place that is welcome to social conservatives. on the bottom of my heart i want to say that is not true. social conservatives have a seat at the table and always will so long as i have any implement in this party and president trump, i know, agrees. >> olivia, how does that position everybody else in a party that says it wants to embrace the idea of a big tent with everybody welcome, not really. >> i think that was a nod and a wink and were going to present
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this as a unity platform of the week. this is a message we're giving this week, but we are still going along with the plan. as long as you read the agenda 47 and the transition from project 2025. the fund-raising is through the roof on that one. i think read the details because the details are on these plans and that is the true agenda. i think they are saying, we are pretending to be this republican gop but the reality is no. jd vance is a mini me to trump. he will do whatever he wants him to do and i don't see a difference between the two people which is unfortunate because i don't believe this is who jd vance was in the past. it is amazing how people fall back in line and get pulled into the trumpism circle just to do his bidding. >> we talk about the power of storytelling and women and i
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want to play free all the staff from the biden campaign featuring hadley duvall. she was heavily featured in the kentucky governor's race telling her own personal story of having been raped when she was 12. take a listen. >> when roe v. wade was overturned, i thought about being 12 and the first thing i was told when i saw that positive pregnancy test was, you have options. and you know, if roe v. wade was overturned sooner, i would not have heard that. and it had me thinking there was someone who doesn't get to hear that now. girls like me across the country are suffering. their futures are being ripped away. trump and jd vance don't care about women. they don't care about girls in this situation. >> i don't know if she is a democrat or republican but i
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have heard her speak on a number of different locations and she is someone who is representative of a number of women across this country. that ad, i thought, was so powerful. so powerful. that is what is at stake in this election. is it not? >> yeah, absolutely. the line that got to me and i am putting because every time i hear it or see that ad, i take a pause and think about women like her. the line there, girls like me, girls. young girls. and that is the future and i think that is what is at stake here for everyone and that is why we are all concerned about what this is coming our way. should they win this election. i think there needs to be more voices out there like that but she is one of probably many stories like that where families have faced this really awful type of situation in a personal way and like the vice
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president said in her panel, there should be no business with the government dictating what the family will face and how they make these decisions. that is a decision between a family, with their faith, with god, people that they love, it's a personal decision and i think that is the power of that ad. it is reaching out across the board to so many people and saying, this is real. this is the impact this will have on people like me. >> i don't know how you watch it and don't have that visceral response. i know we were talking about jd vance and how he has shape shifted. i believe you wanted to jump in. >> i wanted to add if there was a red flag for the gop it is this issue. if there was ever one issue that should drive people to the ballot box in november to vote for biden/harris it's the idea that they will make sure that abortion rights and access to reproduction rights is something for all election --
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american what is a social conservative? that's a kinder gentler way of saying a christian nationals. and 2022, jd vance said george soros once upon a whole bunch of, quote, disproportionally black women on 747 so they can get abortions but at the same time he wants to make sure we cannot access abortions and states where it is okay to do so. the hypocrisy has to stop. if this is something people thought came out of the rnc that indicates a unifying factor is bs. it doesn't exist. abortion alone should be a one issue vote for any american to why? because you see the republicans shying away from the idea that they support a national abortion ban. they note it is an achilles' heel for the and if they actually try to it here to the idea that they are supporting a national ban. >> olivia troye thank you for being with us. katie phang is sticking with us
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because we have to talk about the classified documents case somewhat the special counsel is doing now that the charges have been talked out. you are watching "the weekend." $34. and this nintendo switch, sold for less than $20. i got this kitchenaid stand mixer for only $56. i got this bbq smoker for 26 bucks. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save.
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or cheesing because now my teeth are much wither. announcer this offer is not available in stores, so call or click now before the special buy one, get one free offer goes away. it seems like a lifetime ago and it really does, but at the beginning of the week, judge aileen cannon dismissed donald trump's classified
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documents case ruling that the apartment of special counsel jack smith is unconstitutional. the fight is far from over. the special counsel has appealed the decision to the 1130 -- 11 circuit court of appeals. katie phang is back with us. >> talk to me about the timing of this. >> it is so suspect. the indictment or donald trump was less summer. so much work has been done since then. i have been going to fort pierce and donald trump in february of these files a motion to dismiss on the idea that there has been an unconstitutional appointment of jack smith. why does she not hear this in february? it's a critical issue and so important to the actual viability of this prosecution? why not dispose of that issue in february? we hear the oral argument
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including friends of the court which never happens. this is at the end of june, beginning of july and then she sits on a 93 page opinion for that long but the reality is once clarence thomas gave her the green light to file her dismissal, that is when she did it. and for her to drop that on the first day of the rnc stinks. something is rotten in denmark. and i'm going to say it is aileen cannon. >> i am with you on that one because the timing and the process, the level of, you know, coordination is the only word that comes to mind. what does it say, though, that we are at this point and what you think happens next with the appeal by the special counsel to the 11th circuit? >> it is notable that special counsel jack smith had 30 days from the entry of this order dismissing the appointment to be able to file an appeal but
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two days later is when he did it. he was ready. that is a great thing about special counsel jack smith. he anticipates these moves especially like someone from aileen cannon. it starts the clock ticking in the 11th circuit court of appeals for him to be able to file his initial brief donald trump will have a chance to file answer brief and then file his reply brief. what we will expect to see is a lot of doubling down on the existing precedent that allows for jack smith to do his job as special counsel but we will also see an explanation by jack smith, which was already provided in legal filing in the trial court in front of aileen cannon, why statutes allow for jack smith to be appointed by the attorney general. the 11th circuit is an interesting place. the supreme court justice assigned to, if you want to use that verb, is justice clarence thomas. if there were ever a way to
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facilitate this issue being sent to the supreme court upon invitation by clarence thomas will happen by way of the 11th circuit that there is no guarantee that all justices will take this case up. more importantly, the 11th circuit has smacked down aileen cannon on previous occasions on the specific case. we are all checking out to see what happens on that appeal. >> i mean, just what in the world? i was listening to you talk and i'm like, i need something stronger in this cup. because, i mean, justice thomas written that it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the american people given that invitation that you're talking about then, we have donald trump at the rnc on thursday night and this is what he had to say about this prosecution and the
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other prosecutions and aileen cannon. take a listen. >> a major ruling was handled down from a highly respected federal judge in florida aileen cannon. finding that the prosecutor and fake documents case against me were totally unconstitutional and the entire case was thrown out of court. with all of that publicity, thrown out of court. if democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch-hunts which had been happening for eight years. and they should do that without delay and allow an election to proceed that is worthy of our people. we are going to win it anyway. >> judge cannon did not rule on the merits, frankly, of this case.
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she did a procedural situation i did not say that the documents case was unconstitutional. we saw the documents. katie, when they say unity, i have come to the place that what they are talking about is compliance. >> will, i was a little distracted because that bandage keeps on moving. i wasn't sure what was going on, but what was so fake about the national secrets of our country? what was so fake about the document he legally retained in his possession? there was nothing fake about it. donald trump has turned the idea of the rule of law on its head but i am not naive. i am still a believer and i believe in the rule of law and there is enough of us as americans who want to make sure that the rule of law perseveres and that is the reason why when you think there is some unifying entity that exists, it is certainly not donald trump. >> katie phang, thank you very much. y'all can see katie every saturday at noon right here on msnbc.
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today she will welcome california congressman robert garcia make sure you attend and there's so much more i had but first, it's a very big day for us on "the weekend." writing today you can enjoy the show a brand-new way. as a podcast. every single episode of "the weekend" will be available for free wherever you get your podcasts. pull that phone out, scan the qr code right now and you will have full access on demand at your fingertips. i can't wait. so excited. we'll be right back. smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people
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credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. we were in the break, like, what is this? and they were like, it's been a week. so much has happened. >> how do you see the week?
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how does his plan for you? >> i think every week we think it is potentially the most consequential week in american politics that we have ever seen and i am ready for an inconsequential week in american politics. look, i think the most interesting thing for me that came out of this week was seeing how the republican party is going to try to have a both ways. they are going to try to in private fully embrace the heritage foundation and fully embrace project 2025 but out in public act as though they are a much more moderate governing party than they actually are. so, that to me is a new element. i think we suspected that was where they were going to go, but for me the republican national convention codified that that will be one of the core components of this campaign. >> to that point, i have some maga friends who watch the show and i got a texting, we are
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going to implement project 2025. despite the fact, despite the fact that they went to backstroke away from it, they are actually leaning into it. folks, don't be suckered in and bamboozled to believe that this is not a real thing for them. it is the core foundational aspect of how they deconstruct the american government into the image of donald trump. the unitary executive, the supreme court has set that up and he can say and do whatever he wants because all he has to do is, no, baby, that was an executive act. >> that was an official act. >> i think we need to be mindful of that and have these conversations in an honest way. again, i would invite, you know, the biden campaign to lean in but also invite the american people to do a little bit of homework here. just don't sit back and think
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it is not going to happen because there is a lot around you going on you need to be familiar with. >> i am just, again, the week, the rnc was a lot and i completely agree with you and alecia and i am wondering if my democratic friends will get their house in order and just address the family business and be done with it because there is a campaign that is still being waged while all of the crazies is happening. i continue to believe it is despicable and which they have known the present for years and have treated him and now it feels like the tide is too strong and he cannot continue to swim against the tide. i don't know how long he can continue to say i am still in this race. you've got -- it looks to be speaker pelosi, former speaker pelosi and chuck schumer think
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i want to help it >> every stroke he has to make to defend himself against that incoming from his own is when he has to stroke against trumpy is weaker. >> well, that does it for us today. we will be back tomorrow. we have a three hour show tomorrow so join us. we will be joined by biden/arias -- and get his reaction to the rnc made us back here at 8:00 a.m. eastern for three hours. follow us on social media. (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. (♪♪)
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