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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  July 20, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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to the bookstore every week. >> we went to the library. it was what you are reading the new addition of our book. we read about the importance of libraries to us personally when we were growing up. i can tell you which books really excited me and they continue to. books that were picture books that i was able to take out of the library and read again and again or have my mom read to me again and again. >> you are wonderful. thank you for joining us and thanks for what you are doing and thank you for using your power and strength to challenge these book bans. peter parnell and justin richardson are co-authors of the award-winning children's book and tango makes three and >> that does it. i am charles coleman jr. and i will be back here tomorrow. do not go anywhere. the katie phang show starts right now. right now.
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telemundo studios in miami florida and here's the week that was. the stunning decision in florida, federal judge throwing out the classified documents case against the former president. >> senator bob menendez left federal court today a convicted criminal. >> a white house official tells nbc news president biden tested positive for covid this afternoon. massive computer outage wreaking havoc worldwide, grounding flights across the globe. e g casetiveht mr. president, i will never take for granted the trust you have put in me. >> i probably accept your nomination for president of the united states. >> the former president kissing
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the helmet of the firefighter who died defending his family. >> last time i put up that chart i never really got to look at it but without that chart i would not be here today. >> so, what a year this week has been following the attempted assassination of donald trump that shocked the nation last weekend, the republican national convention was a chance for the gop to reinvent themselves in the pirit of quote, unity. they were allegedly calling for ski. instead the divisive 39-year- old ohio senator jd vance was selected as trump's running mate and then there is trumps acceptance speech, more than 90 minutes of misogynistic and
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racist rambling that mentioned a fictional serial killer in hannibal lector but did not once mention the very real topic of abortion. meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle more than 30 congressional democrats have called for president biden to end his re-election campaign, but despite the growing pressure in the case of covid, joe biden says he is still in it to win it. joining me know as california congressman robert garcia, member of the house oversight of homeland security committees. it's a pleasure to have you on the show. before we begin talking about the rnc, i would like to acknowledge that your dear colleague, texas congressman sheila jackson lee diedri th last night after a battle with cancer. she left her long career in 1995 to represent her community in houston city council then
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served in the house of representatives in a career that spans more than 30 years. she was a huge supporter of civil rights legislative action and instrumental in the establishment of juneteenth as a national holiday. i'd like to get your thoughts on her passing and its impact. >> well, i asthink the entire congress and everyone that has known her throughout the years is incredibly saddened today. she has left such a legacy on civil rights, uplifting particularly working-class communities. i know she is not just a legend in texas. she is a legend across the country. she is a force of nature so all of a sudden over in congress the amount of respect we have for her, especially those of us like myself that her freshman going into the congress, you know the amount of credibility, strength and power she has always held and so i think all of us are saddened at this moment and all wishing her
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family and her team the absolute best and i expect in the weeks and months ahead, there will be many ways to honor her legacy and celebrate her life. >> truly made her many manyis a memory be a blessing. you and i have seen a lot of republican national convention's but this one really was a doozy. your thoughts about what happened in milwaukee this past week. >> republicans and donald trump doubled down on project 2025pp and their extreme radical agenda. let's start with donald trump. what a bizarre speech. not only was it rambling and full of lies and totally strange for a presidential nominee speech, he doubled down on his most radical ideas. this is a person that is committed to a horrific agenda for immigrants in his community. he talked about mass
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deportations. it was one of his most anti- immigrant speeches he has made and he talked about again the election.ris he could not for the life of him except he lost the election, and one thing especially jarring for a lot of us is he somehow took credit for his work during the pandemic. this is the person that helped crash the economy, had no real response, was telling people to get not vaccinated but instead inject bleach into themselves, as a person by the way who lost two parents to the pandemic,lp his actions are reprehensible. he caused the death of so many americans across this country by being so irresponsible, so his speech was insulting as it was >> you know, congressman, one of the biggest things that the rnc was the anti-immigration rhetoric. he talked about how trunk doubled down on it. mass deportation. now, it is not a secret what he did during his first term.
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he has definitely not made it a secret, especially when you look at project 2025 which is a blueprint for no a second term, detention camps, the separation of children from their parents and mass deportation. talk about the real implications of what his concepts t >> first, i think it is very clear to latinos, immigrants, to folks that just believe good humanity across the country that donald trump is the most anti-immigrant person to run for president and be a nominee of the modern era. the kind of rhetoric thatit he said not just in his speech but somehow that we are poisoning
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the blood of this country, that we are nonhuman is not only disgusting but it is anti- american. i am an immigrant. i came to this country as a young child. my family worked hard to earn citizenship in the way he treats people that i grew up with, people like my family, he should be ashamed and disgusted. immigrants, those that are earning citizenship, when we raise our right hand to this country and pledge enough we are also patriots. he is continuously dehumanizing us every single chance he gets. jd vance believes the exact same thing so i think that this kind of rhetoric needs to be denounced by all folks across this country and project 2025 will rollback any shoud.cihah p have made.inby not just on immigration but so many other issues that are important to us is just good human beings and does middle- class working-class family so i think it is really important to continue to highlight project 2025, especially for those of us that are latinos, that are immigrants, that this community. he keeps attacking us with his racist comments every day and he did it again in his convention speech. >> you've made it clear you are writing with biden. why is the biden-harris ticket the way to win?
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>> have been with the president and the vice president from day one. i know for a fact that president biden, besides being a good man, has been a very successful president. look at the record of the last 3 1/2 years. it is an unprecedented record, the most progressive record of any modern president, the most successful record probably since fdr lowering the price of insulin, infrastructure across this country, fighting for a woman's right to choose, the work he's done around student loan debt relief. climate change. this is someone who has delivered so for me, i'm going to stand with the president who has delivered for this country and the only person in this country that has ever defeated donald trump isat the ballot boxes named joe biden so for me, standing with the president and the vice president is not a hard choice. i am with them. they are in this race. i was on a call just last night with some of the top campaign folks.
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they knocked on the hundred thousand doorsed in the last we in battleground states, these activists on the ground, the campaign workers, volunteers, hundred thousand of the response they're gettingnt door- to-door is folks are telling the campaign folks that they support the president and they're ready to work. people are fired up so i understand that people have different perspectives and i respect my colleaguesff who may have a different perspective because we all want to defeat donald trump, but my position is that i'm standing with the president and our vice president and we need to do everything we can every single day to defeat donald trump. >> i will tell you you're not standing alone. the latest is former president bill clinton and secretary of state hillary clinton have put their backing to joe biden. congressman robert garcia, thanks for being here. this morning we have new details about the attempt to assassinate former president trump. nbc news is learning from a source familiar with the
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incident that the shooter flew a drone over the venue just hours before trump was set to speak. kimberly cheadle will make an appearance before the house oversight committee to answer questions about what went wrong. joining me now is george solis. what more have we learned about the shooter and his plans? >> reporter: good afternoon, katie. one of the first questions you can expect the director devices about that drone itself. as you know, covering many of these events, this is usually a no fly zone. it is really restricted airspace or how the shooter was able to fly the drone mere hours before the former president took the stage of the rally is going to be a big question and again, really signaling about the lapse and security. the other thing we have learned is that the fbi has been able to get into?' phone, dozens of searches.
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14,000 links or so, some related to conditions with depressive disorders. we know he was searching the dnc. we know he was looking at photos of the site here in butler. we also know he was lookingks d l at explosive materials. they found drone and drum material in his car. they also found some of those materials also send over to quantico for further analysis. they are coming through every aspect of this accused chooses life from the emails to game attacks trying to piece anything together and here we are a week later no closer to a motive but we are starting to get a clear picture. we've had conversations with former classmates, teachers who described matthew? as a loner, an outsider but a good student overall so it is really baffling to this community who just recently said goodbye to the hero, corey comperatore, at a funeral yesterday. we also heard from people who
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are winded but expected to survive. we are trying to piece together a motive even though the questions about this ielapse in security continue. >> thank you so much for joining us live from pennsylvania. still to come, scotus shakeup. we are going inside president biden's plans for huge changes to the supreme court and how those reforms could restore the separation of powers our democracy needs to survive. keep it right here. t right her , oral-b electric cleans better with one simple touch. oral-b's dentist inspired round brush head hugs em, cleans em, and gets in between em, for 100% cleaner teeth. your perfect clean starts with oral-b. after careful review of medical guidance and research on pain relief, my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive.
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powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. is republicans gathered this week in milwaukee, new reports emerge that the biden administration was contemplating proposing major changes to the supreme court, including an enforceable ethics code and term limits. reforming the court would be an uphill battle since the court was established in 1789, the constitution does not stipulate any specifics of the court including how many justices serve. congress does, meaning term limits and an ethics code are both subject to 60 votes in the senate, simply something democrats don't currently have.
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dahlia, it's always so good to see you. i loved reading this news about the idea of finally getting supreme court reform, but i want your honest assessment. is it too little too late for any real reform for scotus? >> i had the same reaction you did. i think my slightly snarky piece about it was that in addition to pushing on ethics reform and term limits, we should also build the delorean to send it back in time right, to do it when it would've made a difference, so i think there is a sense that yes, this should have happened certainly four years ago when president biden took office and so this was a priority, commissioned a panel to study it and then they produced this blue-ribbon report the talked about structural reform and nothing happened so i think at one level it's easy to say this is way too little too late. we cannot close the barn door.
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the horses have already in the meadow. but, i think this is an important piece of signaling and i think for the president to run against the supreme court, to acknowledge that almost every piece of the mess we're in right now is a function of the loss of the court and the loss of the lower courts, i think it is an important message to send that we are not taking seriously, that which we probably should've taken much more seriously 10 years ago. >> you know, your piece noted something i thought was so important, that united states is the only major constitutional democracy in the world that has neither a retirement age nor a fixed term limit for its high court justices. why is the united states such
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an outlier when it comes to things that are kind of fundamental? >> it's so crazy, right? the same blue-ribbon commission that studied this that got every big brain and threw them in a room and they didn't agree on much but they did agree on the thing that you just said, which is that no other constitutional court operates this way, and the report explicitly says the united states is the only major constitutional democracy in the world that has neither retirement age nor a fixed term limit for the high court justices and then it goes on to say that among the world's democracies, 27 have term limits for their constitutional courts and those that don't have term limits have age limits, so i think your question is exactly the right one, which is how did we get enmeshed in this, what i call learned helplessness, that it has to be this way, that this is the highest, best manifestation of constitutional democracy when every other court that has had the option to do this, lifetime tenure
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impossible to remove, no ethics rules, every other court has said no, i don't want that, so can we learn the lesson, which is that other constitutional courts, rigorous constitutional courts have not accepted that they need to live in thrall to lifetime appointments? >> i want to backpedal for a second to the question i had posed to you and your answer about the horse has basically chomped up the meadow and maybe we could go back in time but and maybe i'm being too optimistic here but the supreme court takes up cases that it thinks is important for their legal basis for it to take up cases. that also provides an opportunity to make new law and an opportunity to do things like fix the overturning and removal of stuff like the chevron doctrine that happened this fast -- past term, things like dobbs, things you can see the supreme court just gets wrong so even if these changes may be a little bit later in the game, if they are made, there could be cases that could
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actually reverse the wrongdoings from the prior justices, right? >> right, and i think that if we learn nothing else what we have learned in the last two years is i guess precedent doesn't matter and it's all feeling and the justices can go ahead and reverse chevron after decades, can reverse row after decades, can do what they want so if in fact we are living in a world where everything is reversible, doesn't it make a certain amount of sense to think about structural court reform so it could be reversed again so i think what you're saying and what i fundamentally agree with is that i think we are in this moment of really deep despair. everybody is so paralyzed and i think the point of even floating the idea of supreme court reform is this is a thing as you said, congress can change. there is nothing in the constitution that says that the
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court is monarchic. this is a thing very serious people are working on right now. this is a thing that if we put our shoulders to the wheel here, we can reverse. >> you know, dahlia, one thing we know about donald trump is that he aspires to be an authoritarian, and your piece notes that capturing an independent judiciary is one key step to ensure that an authoritarian stays in power, remains in power and gets in power. how important than his november to all americans if they want to make sure you maintain an independent judiciary and actually give reform a chance? >> i mean again, i think it is so important for viewers to understand the so much of what has happened that has been so discouraging, including judge cannon tossing out the mar-a- lago criminal case on the flimsiest grounds that you and i have probably ever seen, all of that is a function of the judiciary and it is the judiciary and some sensitive given donald trump literally
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what feels like i get out of jail free card so i think that in some sense, the other side has been laser focused on the courts for at least five decades and we have been apt to say like oh, i care about the environment. i care about abortion. i care about voting rights but i don't see where that has to do with structural court reform and prioritizing the court. i think we have now had kind of a bracing wake-up call that it has everything to do with who sits on not just the supreme court but the article three judiciary, and if we vote for no other reason, understanding that if you care about the environment or workers rights or the ability to vote freely and fairly, every one of those things runs right through the judiciary. donald trump has proven that. now, we have to take up the mantle and say that is our fight, too. >> yes, all roads lead back to the judiciary, which is why voting is important. dahlia, thanks for taking the time.
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coming up, the cult of trump. the gop may have circled the wagons around their ticket, but everything may not be sunshine and roses within the gop. we are going to break that down coming up next. coming up next. now you can with smileactives, the teeth whitening breakthrough that safely gets your teeth white and keeps them white every day just by brushing your teeth. christine i never thought that whitening my teeth could be so easy. i just put the gel on the brush, the toothpaste on it, brush and i can see my white teeth. announcer simply add smileactives to any toothpaste, and our patented polyclean technology activates into a powerful micro foam that penetrates into the enamel surface to safely lift and remove stains. robert you need a simple way to withen your teeth without strips, without trays, without going to the dentist. and it was about time that a product was developed that you would be able to do that with just brushing. announcer and now smileactives is even better. with new pro whitening gel with 33% greater whitening power. clinically shown
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a very new ad from the bipartisan super pac, the seneca project, pinpointing the republican party's key weakness heading into november. that is women. the ad comes after a hyper- masculine display at the republican national convention featuring everything from hulk hogan ridiculously ripping off his shirt to eric trump leading a fight chant to an abysmal kid rock performance but notably absent, and trust me, we were paying attention, even a passing mention of abortion. it is clear republicans are not only ignoring their gender problem but they are doubling down on it. joining me now, cofounder and ceo of the seneca project and former gop comes director. that rnc was something to watch, but if you are paying attention, the gop is mainly interested in appealing to white men. no effort from republicans to close a wide gender gap in most notably, no mention of the word abortion. >> yes, it was really obvious once they made the decision to pick jd vance who we call a mega maga misogynist that this is the direction they're going in. it was a big fu to women in
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this country whose rights are literally under assault like this election is about life or death for women in america and the attacks on our freedoms and today is actually the 176th anniversary of the seneca falls convention which was the birthplace of the women's rights movement which is why we have the seneca project along with my cofounder, michelle kenny, thought it was really important to honor the legacy of those pioneering women and what they were fighting for that convention was a coalition effort. you had everyone from elizabeth cady stanton to frederick douglass, abolition's us -- abolitionists all the way up through the next hundred years and then women in recent modern history who have fought for women's rights. we need to honor their legacy and what they went through to get us where we are today with now having to preserve this war on women coming from the republican party. women have been carrying this country on their backs whenever our country has been in trouble and needed them whether it was in warm or whether it was in
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times of struggle in this country, the women have stepped up and rescued this country and for the seneca project, our mission to galvanize women in this election, explaining what is at stake, we are doing that so we can save democracy and save this country once again in november because the war on women coming from donald trump and the republican party is real and we need to make sure women fully understand the stakes. >> you know, i was on the weekend earlier today and talked about the fact that it is such a huge tell, that the failure to talk about reproductive rights and abortion not only has the gop letdown they're very conservative, evangelical sect of the cult because they didn't make it a pro-life platform, but the tellers they don't talk about it because they know it is their achilles' heel. they know they lost on it in midterms in 2022. they know it is an
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unreasonable, ridiculously draconian stance to take in 2024 but i also mentioned that it is such an insult to the intelligence of the american voter. do they think nobody has been paying attention to what donald trump is said about abortion bans being federal and we haven't been paying attention to what jd vance thinks about abortion? >> right. it is a collective amnesia or their gas lighting us, thinking that women are stupid. we put an ad out during the convention about jd vance, called me jd vance with some of the important things he has said. they want to send this back just like in our ad today that we released. we said we won't go back. and it is voiced by the ami award-winning actress alex borstein on our advisory committee and the passion in her voice about not going back, that is reflective of what we are seeing as women in this country when we see people like jd vance and donald trump and
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these maga misogynist constantly try to take us back. it is bigger now than just reproductive health. that is the biggest, most obvious one we've heard about but they are going after no- fault divorce. they are calling us miserable childless cat ladies. that is jd vance's quote, by the way. they're trying to go after birth control. the list is getting longer. they want to subjugate women and women are paying attention and that is why at the seneca project, we are creating these ads and this messaging is women speaking to women, highlighting their stories, highlighting what is at stake in making sure women are out there and vote, take that fear to action because there are more women in this country and despite all the chaos that may be going on, women going to the ballot box in droves will save this country from maga. >> you know, something i witnessed that all of us did when you were tuning in to the rnc this week is kind of a microcosm or micro-example of the dysfunction of the gop, so it is not just us looking at the president and the vice
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president in terms of the ticket. we saw the ongoing feud between matt gaetz and kevin mccarthy play out on the floor of the convention with gates telling former speaker mccarthy that if he took the stage he would get booed off of it. again this kind of dysfunction is a reminder that there are cracks in the unity of the circling of the wagons within the party itself. they may do the bidding of their cult leader donald trump, but they actually don't get that unity that they talk about that they are trying to achieve in america which we know is bs but they don't do it in their own party. >> i mean, matt gaetz and kevin mccarthy, it reminds me of the old days of the mtv death matches. remember those cartoons? it is so absurd and ridiculous and matt gaetz getting up there looking like some kind of cross between a washed up vegas lounge act and beavis and but had giving a speech at the rnc is pretty rich considering his own history and troubles with the law, so they need to just -- the two of them, these are
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not serious people. >> we are going to expect to see trump joined by jd vance at a rally later today in grand rapids, michigan. your thoughts quickly about the idea of finally seen them together at a rally and whether that will resonate in any capacity? >> given that the rnc speech for jd vance is a complete dud, the guy is a fake and a phony, he can't decide which jd vance he is. he called donald trump americas hitler at one point and now look at what he's doing. i think we need to believe jd vance not because what he has been saying, doing, advocating, i wonder what his wife thinks of the positions he has taken, considering they have daughters. it is just remarkable to see two of them together because now, you have a full mega maga misogynist ticket and that is
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what american women are going to see on display every time the two of them are together. it is exponentially worse for women. that is why we have to make sure we support the democratic ticket. we are hoping it is still joe biden and kamala harris but it is imperative whether you are democrat or republican, the threats to women's right transcend party lines right now in this country and we need to make sure that we make the right choice always still have an opportunity in november. >> all women, republican, democrat, independent or otherwise are supposed to be able to vote and i have always said on my show here, republican women get abortions, too, so everybody needs to pay attention. congratulations on that awesome add. you guys are doing so much work here. >> thank you. seneca project .us. please support us. join the fight.
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coming up next, digging into judge cannons upsetting but not shocking decision this week to dismiss the classified documents case against trump and why she could be in for a rude awakening in the 11th circuit court of appeals. keep it right here. of appeals. keep it right here. i'm sam, i have a three and a half-year-old puppy. levi is rambunctious, he's very active. so, levi's had to go to the vet because he was coughing a bit, and he ended up getting x-rays. it would have cost over five hundred dollars, had i not had fetch pet insurance. fetch provides coverage for all of this... and so much more! fetch protects over four hundred thousand pets. get paid back up to ninety percent on unexpected vet bills. fetch.
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see if you could save at for donald trump, the twice impeached, four-time indicted liable for sexual abuse, defamation and civil prod former ex-president has been convicted of civil filion
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felonies, the name of the game's delay. the delay has been trump's most powerful weapon in any courtroom in any jurisdiction. last year, he was indicted in the southern district of florida by special counsel jack smith and the case was assigned to judge aileen cannon. delay is something canon also does well and often and has only benefited trump, so this week on the first day of the republican national convention, christmas came early for donald trump. judge cannon granted his motion to dismiss based on an alleged violation of the appointments clause. this means the criminal prosecution of trump on allegations of intentionally and illegally keeping in his possession documents containing some of our nation's most classified information and
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military nuclear and intelligence secrets, is at present, over. so, how did canon kill the case? by agreeing with trump that the appointment of special counsel jack smith was unconstitutional. she ruled that the absence of a specific federal statute authorizing special counsel means that smith cannot be appointed by the attorney general alone. she goes on to state that if congress wants the attorney general to have the power to appoint jack smith as special counsel than smith can be appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate or congress can authorize his appointment through the enactment of law. cannons order, however, goes even further. she ignores united states versus nixon, a unanimous decision from the united states supreme court that reinforced that congress has vested in the attorney general the power to appoint subordinate officers to assist him in the discharge of his duties including to detect and prosecute crimes against the united states, cannon suggests that the language i just read to you from the nixon case is just victor, meaning it is just simply words in the opinion, and not actual binding
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precedent. she then egregiously ignores the fact that eight other judges have rejected the same kind of claim the trump advances but she tries to save face by claiming that her ruling is confined to this proceeding only. let's not forgeteat puppeteer, justice clarence thomas and the atrocious presidential immunity decision. thomas alone in his concurrence questioned whether ag merrick garland violated the constitutional separation of powers and added that he did not identify any statute that clearly creates such an office. the issue of the smith appointment was never briefed i the parties. it was never raised by donald trump and was not relevant to the question that was posed to scotus, so thomas' out there concurrence was a thinly veiled invitation to canon to dismiss trump's case and cannon did not miss a queue. she cited to thomas' concurrence three different times in her dismissal order but anticipating this kind of adverse ruling from cannon, jack smith was standing at the ready.
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despite having 30 days from the date of cannons order to do so, just two days later he filed his notice of appeal. this puts cannon on notice that he is appealing her ruling and also begins the process and the 11th circuit court of appeals, the same federal appeals court that has previously bench slapped cannon in this classified documents national security case, telling her on two prior occasions that she abused her discretion. there have been a handful of judges like tanya chutkin, lewis kaplan and arthur ingram who have refused to be bullied by trump. they have weathered the storm and held trump's feet to the judicial fire. all eyes will be on the 11th circuit to see if they will join that group of defenders of the rule of law. to be clear, cannon's ruling does not call into question just special counsel, but a huge range of doj appointments. her decision will have a profound domino effect. will the 11th circuit send another scathing rebuke to cannon for her outrageous judicial activism?
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maybe the third time is the charm. coming up, hillbilly elegy hypocrite. by trump's chosen running mate spells disaster for the future of the republican party. plus, pro publicly -- propublica and earthing the connections between trump and leonard leo coming up next. leonard leo coming up next. is being stolen from us. planned parenthood believes everyone deserves health care. it's a human right. future generations are beginning to lose the rights we fought for. the rights for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids. gone. just like that. i can't believe this is the world we live in, where we're losing the freedom to control our own bodies. last year, politicians in 47 states introduced bills that would block people from getting the sexual and reproductive care they need.
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i pledge to every american a matter your party, i will give you everything i have to serve you and to make this country a place where every dream you have for yourself, your family and your country will be possible once again. >> that was ohio senator and newly minted trump running mate jd vance trying to sell his party's message of unity at the republican national convention but that message doesn't match up with the views we seen from fans over the last few years.
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to name a few, he has said he would not have certified the 2020 election. he supports a national abortion ban, and he said he does not care about what happens to ukraine. jd vance is also a member of the canal network, an invitation- only group of young conservatives led by leonard leo, close friend of supreme court justice clarence thomas. this week they reported on the speech vance gave to the group in 2021 where he said they should stand up for nonconventional people who speak the truth. one of those mentioned, 9/11 trooper, sandy hook denier and info wars founder alex jones. joining me now is andy. you guys are tip of spear on everything that is just shocking. talk to me about this video. i want to play a little bit of it that you have documented and
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obtained a jg event speaking about alex jones. >> if you listen to rachel maddow every night, the basic worldview that you have is that like maga grandmas who have family dinners on sunday and make apple pies for their family are about to start a violent insurrection against this country but if you listen to alex jones every day you would believe that a transnational financial elite controls things in our country, that they hate our society and by the way, a lot of them are probably perverts, too. sorry, ladies and gentlemen, that's a lot more true than rachel maddow's view of society. >> i mean andy, they are stupid enough to put it on video but -- and the internet lives forever, but i want to focus a little bit on this teneo group because it is troubling to me that you have jd vance with all these different masks that he wears, but is speaking to this
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group and its proximity to power is very troubling to me. >> this video is is interesting for the fact that jd vance was there speaking to the teneo network and is, as we reported, still a member of the network almost as what he says in the video. your viewers i'm sure i've heard you talk about leonard leo. they understand that leonard leo is the architect of the conservative supreme court majority. he helped bring judges like aileen cannon along to the federal bench when he was advising them president trump and the engine of leonard leo's efforts is the pipeline for future island cannons and clarence thomas is and so on. he is trying to do for every other part of american society with the federalist society did for the judiciary so we are talking about education, finance, media, entertainment, wall street. you name it, that is what this group is trying to do. trying to take that federalist society model and apply it to everything else in jd vance frankly is a product of that.
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he was a candidate for senate when he gave that speech. he gets elected senate with the help of people who are in this kind of network and then he gets picked over a bunch of other candidates to be donald trump's running mate so in some ways, dance is the perfect case study for what this teneo network group chaired by leonard leo is trying to do. >> you know, during that 2021 speech you were able to obtain exclusively, vance talks about getting truth from crazy people. he says the crazy people are the ones we should be getting the truth from. what does that say about his critical thinking and analytical skills that he wants to serve a second in line to the presidency and is trying to convince american voters this is something that would be good for them? >> it's deeply troubling, to say the least. alex jones is basically america's conspiracy theorist in chief. judges in two different states have issued $1.6 billion in
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judgments against alex jones just for the lies he told about the sandy hook shooting. $1.6 billion. that is 1.6 billion reasons to not trust anything alex jones says and yet, in this speech, which i should say again, behind closed doors to an audience of friendly's, and audience of similarly minded people, so we are getting this rare view into how vance thinks, he says alex jones is someone who should be defended, who speaks truth. in the same video he also invokes congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, herself a conspiracy theorist, and says that this is another kind of nonconventional person that conservatives need to stand up for if they want to take back the country. this guy is now the possible future vice president of the united states. the american public deserves to know that he believed these things in 2021, said these things behind closed doors when they go to the ballot box in november.
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>> you have less than a minute but i want to make sure our viewers understand here the leonard leo-backed federalist society has successfully implemented its plans when it comes to the judiciary so the teneo network, which jd vance is a member of chaired by leonard leo, they want to replicate the success of that blueprint and project 2025, they want to replicate the success of the federal society and judiciary and media, education, business, finance, and words that are inclusive of all americans, not just people who deal with the court system. >> that is right, and you don't have to just take our word for it. you can go to the story that propublica published in 2023 where we read about teneo for the first time and watch a video for leonard leo explains this in his own words. he says there are all these other parts of america that are messed up right now. you know, all kinds of other problems. teneo is the answer to solving those things, to doing across america culture for the federalist society did to the judiciary which we are living through right now.
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your sidebar is the one sterling example of what the federalist society has done, teneo is trying to export that to a bunch of other places. >> i said this time and time again. i've got to go, but you guys are spectacular and i'm so grateful for the work you're doing because americans need to know and i am so grateful for the work you guys are exposing so thanks for being here. appreciate it. thanks for all of you for joining us today. catch me back here next saturday at noon eastern. follow me on social media using the handle, the katie fang show. there is a qr code on your screen. follow it now, but don't go anywhere. msnbc reports is coming up next.
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