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tv   The Rachel Maddow Show  MSNBC  July 20, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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we are coming up on 9:00 local time in milwaukee, which will mark the start of the final hour of the first night of the republican national convention. you see the crowd going wild paris have a lot of images of donald trump onscreen over the course of the day but this is donald trump at the arena of first view we have had of him with a bandage on his ear after the assassination attempt on saturday, which injured him. it is good to see he is well and able to be participating in things unaided. we did see a shot of him coming down the stairs from his airplane, when he left pennsylvania and went back to new jersey after the shooting the first time we have seen him sense and the first time we have seen the bandage on his ear. i don't think we are expecting to hear anything from donald trump tonight but he is at the venue and you are hearing the crowd in milwaukee react to that fact the final hour of the night of the convention is
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typically where we see the largest speakers of the night. tonight, one of them, i am telling you, i am expecting is someone who i should describe as a model and and only fan entrepreneur. she is the ex-girlfriend of anti-semitic wrapper kanye west. she was once anti-trump but she made a reversal on that in recent months. she will be speaking tonight in this final hour. it is an unusual choice. i am just listening to see you what they are hearing on the floor as this awkward shot of trump standing in a hallway is being broadcast on the screen and he is looking from side to side. it is kind of an inspirational voice over here.
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i should mention it is always possible there will be a surprise of some sort before the night is through. donald trump is known for his love of dramatic moments, especially on television. i would not expect something unexpected in the next hour. something beyond him just standing your in a hallway not speaking. i don't really understand what is happening in terms of programming. control room, this screen that we are looking at, the people in the hall can see this as well? okay. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next president of the united states, donald j. trump. >> [ cheers and applause ]
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>> this is donald trump in the hall. he is going up to the box seats . that is his son don jr., who is emotional at this moment. oddly, it must've been scary for the trump family, it was narrowly avoided on saturday night in pennsylvania. ♪ ♪
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>> president trump creating creating tucker carlson and now members of his family. and soon his new running mate, j.d. vance standing next to j.d. vance, who in turn is standing next to the speaker of the house mike johnson. >> he has courage and strength and he will be the next president of the united states. >> the man with the certified pitched voice that you hear off- camera is lee greenwood, who is singing the song and doing commentary along with it.
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>> ladies and gentlemen the 45th president of the united states and soon to be the 47th president of the united states, please welcome donald j. it trump. >> ♪ ♪ >> lawrence o'donnell is back with us. joy reed, this is stuff with the theme tonight of the rnc is make america wealthy again.
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it is make america blank again every night, this is approach to the theme this week. were you able to see president biden's interview with lester holt earlier? it does seem like the campaign is back on it i don't know whether that means president biden's campaign will up the ads that they have taken over the last couple days since the shooting. they have canceled a bunch of campaign events. as president biden does appear to be giving back to normal campaign tactics and normal campaign messaging around his opponent. do you think it has been sharpening at all with the economic message? that is what the republicans are leaving their convention with. >> democrats need to . they need to fact check republican and the tree say, show me the money.
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this first day of the rnc is the economy day. this message is, we will wipe out inflation. we will clean it up and get prices down but we will get fiscal spending under control. but democrats need to say to republicans is, where? the platform so far, he is saying i want to put 10% tariffs on everything that will balloon inflation. donald trump wants to extend corporate tax cuts permanently and how is he going to do that? have used heard a single rebellion articulate how that will happen. would like to say that democrats do all the spending bring but when you stop collecting taxes and the coffers are empty, that is a problem. these corporate taxes they want to extend will be huge problems because it will expand our deficit. the issue for democrats, they have a good economic message. inflation is a problem but there is a lot of positive economic messages and they need to call donald trump out to say what you will actually do.
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>> we should point out to first- time convention watchers and it is unusual for the nominee to be there on monday night of an dimension. this is donald trump coming back from the saturday assassination attempt to make it clear how strong he is physically at this point as a candidate. >> they were just yelling fight, fight, fight. >> for those who are not too familiar, the way that that open was done to be very familiar to people who are familiar with evangelical church but you had lee greenwood think this is a trump song that he uses at his campaign rallies. this is a very focused message to evangelical voters. battle open was in that style. in the thing donald trump up, essentially, as god blessed brent god saved him. he was touched by god in order to be saved over the weekend. that was a very specific and
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focused message to evangelicals. >> conventions deal in images . this is a rather remarkable image of the bandaged nominee appearing for the first time with his new running mate. there is j.d. vance to his left. you see the bandage on trump's right ear. you see tucker carlson up there. it is a deliberate choice not only to see the return of this candidate ends thank goodness that he is safe but also at deliberate bit of casting to show him seen but not heard. we do not usually see donald trump in this mode or any nominee at the convention listening, on stage and proof of life he is okay. as you were commenting earlier, they were just showing him waiting him come out and sit down to watch.
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>> -like previous conventions you've had moments where the nominee has been up here so people can applaud. it is a tightly scripted thing and just an appearance and then they are gone again. this is an extended thing. showing him and the holding room was an unusual decision. credit to them for mixing it up a bit and making us wonder what was going on. it is the way you make people watch. von hilliard is in the room and covering the rnc in milwaukee. we have been catching shots here and there as the camera pans around the room every now and again. can you tell us your vantage point from what you have just seen and what the atmosphere is like now that trump is there himself and in person? >> it was eight years ago that they were standing in the arena in cleveland, ohio, with the republican national convention . the first time that donald trump was seen inside of the hall was in the middle of ted cruz's speech.
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ted cruz said vote your conscience to which the arena boomed -- booed loudly. donald trump came walking down the stairs and eight years later he came walking down the stairs with united republican party that was handling him almost as a folk hero type status. at this point donald trump has been impeached twice. he has been indicted four times. donald trump was found in a civil fraud trial and .3 and $50 million and these are not the folks that you would necessarily driving hours to a trump rally. like lisa and pennsylvania, these are the folks are the activists of the party. these are the folks who are the delegates to the republican national convention. when donald trump came in with lien -- lee greenwood singing that brand he let that be the intro song when he walks out to . it is a defining moment aware the republican party
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finds itself. we heard for the first time earlier right when the convention began it was fight, fight, fight. i had to double check to make sure it was what i heard. donald trump was lifted up on the stage after being shot, he listed -- lifted his fist in the air and said fight, fight, fight. this whole convention hall chanting fight, fight, fight. this is 113 days out where american politics finds itself for donald trump is the leader of not just a party but of a movement that is emboldened and grown over the years. one that is fervent and passionate at this moment in time. a great many folks believe the election was stolen here four years ago. they are out for the revenge and to take back the white house. they feel and believe it was owed to them. this is a moment for donald trump and his allies to take the stage and deliver a message that this is a republican party
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that will take back not just the white house but a senate and house because a lot of those folks, liz cheney and like pence, they are not needed in the republican party anymore and they are not here in milwaukee. misses donald trump's republican party in 2024. >> i know you spent a lot of time and a lot of the events. the hallmarks of trump is him and that trump take over that has been the media has been targeted almost as much as the political opposition. reporters, particularly reporters with mainstream's organizations like ours get singled out and targeted. sometimes there put in unsafe situations and made the subject of political commentary by people when you stand out in the middle of the crowd. has that been different at all since you have been in milwaukee? i'm thinking about the aftermath of the events of saturday night but wondering generally what the temperature is like there in people feeling anything about reporters. >> it is not like it was eight
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years ago or more so even 12 years ago. as we stand here in this convention hall, i think there is an acknowledgment that there is a clear disagreement over what realities are. the one thing that i can say is that there is a united front and the agreement that political violence is not a means to the end for this country. there is a belief among delegates that i talk to is that what happened on saturday could easily have been them. they could have been and the rally. there is an acknowledgment that in this country political candidates and supporters should be able to go and hear from the candidate and that is one thing. the press, we are targeted. donald trump has made us a fixture in a way that has propelled other new outlets, right-wing outlets to become popular and have growing regions where they do not necessarily turn into nbc news anymore.
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in a way that they did just eight years ago. i know from conversations is a baseline belief that violence is not the answer. at the same time, i know we have had conversations where others have told us the exact opposite and they have had foreshadowed a civil war and understanding this country is at a very anxious and angry point and that there is a reckoning that this country is currently going through because not only do they feel that their political candidate has been targeted and maybe put in jail but their election has been stolen. this is not the same conversations i have with voters i did eight years ago. with each passing year, it has only got more intense. >> von hilliard for s in milwaukee. nailed it. thank you. we will be back with you. what is happening right now, the final hour of republic in convention knights tends to be the biggest speakers of the night.
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one of the big events of the night is the site of trump, the fact that trump is there himself. the big news of the day was the choice of his running mate. because we are in the world we are in the other big news of the day was one of the federal criminal cases against their nominee being dismissed by the judge he appointed in florida. that will be appealed. it is incredible that that is happening on the day his running mate has been announced. we are expecting to hear a speech tonight from a woman named amber rose. she is not been a judicial picture in conservative politics. it is remarkable she has such a high profile speaking slot tonight. she is a model and an only fans entrepreneur. she is a reality tv person known for being the ex- girlfriend of the anti-semitic wrapper kanye west. when trump ran the first time
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in 2016 she was able to cricket -- vocal critic of trump. >> most and partly i am a mother . my whole world revolves around providing for my children and was keeping them safe and giving them an opportunity for a better life that is something that unites all american parents whether we are republicans, democrats, conservatives or liberals, we all want a better country for our children. i am here tonight to tell you no matter your political background that the best chance we have to give our babies a better life is to elect donald trump president of the united states. >> [ cheers and applause ] >> you may be wondering why i am up here telling you best. i am no politician and i do not
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want to be i do care about the truth. the truth is that the media has lied to us about donald trump. >> [ cheers and applause ] >> i know this because for a long time i believe those lies. i am here to set the record straight. the first person i knew who supported donald trump was my father. i was shocked. my entire family is racially diverse. i believe the left wing propaganda that donald trump was a racist. my father said, no he is not, amber. what are you talking about? when i insisted he said, prove it. to prove my father wrong, i did my research and looked into all things donald trump. >> [ cheers and applause ] >> people have to do their research . i watched all of the rallies and i started meeting
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so many of you, his red hat wearing supporters. >> [ cheers and applause ] >> the reason this is awkward is because charlie kirk just spoke just before this. he was one of the other good speakers for the first night. the think about what is going on in the maga movement, particularly the underside of the maga movement which is held in some ways by charlie kirk and his usa thing. they are really embracing the whole idea of biological determinism. it is race science. they talk about being red pell, that is becoming a term that is being a more anodyne way than it deserves. kirk, just this past year, has been arguing the civil rights act of 1964, not like a current
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act, the civil rights act of 1964, was a big mistake. martin luther king jr. was a terrible person. when he gets on a plane if the pilot is black, he assumes the pilot is not going to be flown safely. when there is aviation disaster you should look to see if there are black people who have been involved. ms. rose, i am sure she has done her research but it is awkward to have the eye and check and i'm sure nothing racist right after half after -- they do the charlie kirk speech. >> also, less than two weeks ago donald trump was talking about black jobs. >> let us not also forget he did also say the mayor of baltimore just being black
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caused the -- to crash into the bridge. i have done my research on donald trump. i did write a book about him. among the things i found in my research. amber rose have -- has every right to do her research but i love her haircut. it is similar to mine. i respect her stoic choices. in my research about donald trump what i found is that he was sued by the nixon administration for refusing to rent to blacks and would put c on the application for saying colored. apologies for using old-time language. it was using the in a. he is someone who was called countries that were run by black people s-whole countries. apologies for using that but
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the s stands or something that rhymes with it. we have collins, his longtime attorney. donald trump has essentially also let into biological determinism, essentially said that president obama should not have been present because he could not have been an american because his father is kenyan and said that he was lying about his identity and was not american. also denounced muslims by trying to say president obama was a muslim even though there's nothing wrong with it. he also said he should not be allowed to come into the country. there should be fight club that brown people should be forced to fight in and they should be put into camps and roundups of because they are migrants from countries that are brown. i don't know what research tools amber rose uses to determine who is racist and who has negative attitudes. i am thinking it might not be the google. but google is helpful. >> and i also just say, you muslim, when they said they
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will have a complete and total ban on muslims entering the country, that was a shocking moment in american politics. he had set a lot of terrible things. he had talked about mexican immigrants. he said some really shocking things. to say as a matter of policy -- i river covering at the time being shocked that they pulled from the ether. someone who knows how to operate a printer had assisted him in writing down these words about banning people on the basis of his -- of the muslim faith. but then he got into office. he was sworn in on january 2017 and try to implement it. now i was you running again in 2024, they tore apart the republican party platform. there was one in 2016. it was really progression
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unknown explained that. they abolished it in 2020 brought back and all capital letters version of it. one thing they're pledging to do again is ban people from the united states if they are muslims. the idea you would make an antiracist he is not a big argument, for a candidate who is pledging to ban people from this country on the basis of their religion who just chose as his running mate someone who has not passed legislation of all the only legislation that j.d. vance has been involved in as a center was the bipartisan rail safety legislation he, in ohio after the east palace dean disaster. the thing he has been pushing his anti-diversity initiatives, all diversity initiatives should be banned in federal programs. >> project 2025, which was written for donald trump, it is clear he does not care about policy. the policies being laid out for him are almost insanely
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antiblack. they want to implement the project 1976 which was their answer to the 1619 project. banning any school but received federal funds from teaching black history from any other point of view other than the old-time point of view that says that the founders were saints, essentially. they want to take away federal funding and also ban title one gender equality in schools would be gone. they want to punish parents who have children who are trans-to try to get medical treatment they want to punish them and treat them as crenna moguls -- criminals. everything is hateful. this is the program he would implement if he was president of the united states. and the people around him after this terrible incident happened over the weekend, a member of congress who is a republican came out immediately and blamed
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the incident on dei. and said the fact that there were women and black people in the secret service is the reason this happened. that is a member of congress you went out on the tv and said to the world that dei was the cause of an assassination attempt. this is where the republican party is. it is ironic that they were able to recruit this young woman. she is racially -- i don't want to say she is black because she said she is not. this woman who is whatever ray she has claimed. they brought someone who has a whole career that is based in black culture. she was on a show on b.e.t. she dated one of the most prominent african american rappers in the business and the history of hip-hop. her whole culture came from black culture even though she says she is not a black person herself the fact that she is the person they are using to try to recruit young people of color and to say this is the
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person who is the endorser of donald trump, whom you should dress. when she will even claim the culture that brought her to the table. i am dubious that this will work. i don't know who takes her political cues from amber rose. if you do you might want to duplicate doing your own research because she might not have done it thoroughly. >> with civil rights, he was a president before. we know his record and we have just discussed some of it but he had an anti-civil rights record. he had judges who were anti- voting rights. we have covered 2025, which builds on that. on the politics there is something interesting to observe this is an instagram play at the convention. it is a truth social candidate you will get. with instagram you have the polish photos. amber rose has about 17 million instagram fathers with the
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current president amber rose has 25 million instagram followers but she has a following. >> would you describe her job as an influencer or just a free- floating celebrity? >> i think she predates -- >> it is a 20th century here. >> a great question. she predates the influencer era. she was romantically linked to kanye west, who is trump political figure in terms of what he does with politics been she was also on b.e.t. and has a large following and uses only fans as a model and entrepreneur. 25 million people is about a breach. whether any of those people will choose their candidate or who they vote for based on her or the speech is an open question. i say instagram versus truth social because they are looking for a more polished and certain pitch that may not relate to the actual plans in the past or future that donald trump has on the issues that matter in the
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community. the only other point i will observed is monday night is usually the night of the least important speakers. because of the horrific events of this weekend donald trump is on the floor and it feels larger. i don't know anyone that plan to have donald trump present on camera while amber rose made this pitch. he seemed to enjoy it quite a lot. >> tonight, what i think is one of the most significant plays is elon musk. elon musk tonight announced that he will be giving $45 million a month to a newly formed super pack. that is just cash. think about that you have the man that controls formerly twitter now x, going out there and saying i am openly supporting in a massive way donald trump. it was moments after the assassination attempt used to elon musk, who controls twitter, putting up a photo of donald trump on the platform.
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one of the reasons it is noteworthy, elon musk is close to j.d. vance as is peter tl. i spoke to a major ceo in the a.i. space. elon musk is laserbeam focus on donald trump. why? the next president is going to control the fate of a.i., which will change every bit of how we live. to me, were talking about an instagram play and amber rose. when you have someone like elon musk making it public and giving this kind of money over the next 113 days, that is major. could you have a shadow type president in elon musk getting what he wants from donald trump? that is something to think about. >> if elon musk will put up 150 or $200 million, plus what ever he is put in. and then you have peter thiel who spoke at the last national convention. peter thiel, an incredibly radical and controversial figure in american politics. to the port where women should
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not vote. we should form new countries based on floating shipping containers so we are not constrained by the terrible tyranny. peter thiel is as out there as you get. they give him a speaking spot. and peter thiel almost single- handedly created j.d. vance as a political figure. he funded him becoming a senator. he tried it it whiplike masters in arizona at the same time and with j.d. vance with ohio and he can i get there with like masters but it did not help the like masters he's about the most underappreciated singer was the unabomber. j.d. vance was disciplined enough to not talk about his unit bomber beliefs. that is if he has them. peter thiel created him in a lab. to have peter thiel on the vice president and have elon musk on the president at a time when donald trump has personal financial liabilities in the hundreds of millions of dollars
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that are not going to go away because he is president. we are looking at a situation. >> it is giving harlan crow. >> more than that, think about the government contracts that elon musk is pastor start link. he is so tangled and now he could be in a position where he is sitting behind this the and getting exactly what he wants from a sitting president. >> if you think about the way that these billion years stash my billionaires are purchasing policies that they want and the american government. elon musk as a person to go back to the amber rose, he is someone who is sued by his own employees because they created such a racist environment inside of tesla that people cannot stand to work there. there were parts of the factory called the slave quarters under him. he is someone who said to don lemon when he briefly had the show that the way to get rid of
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racism is to stop talking about it but if you would just shut up, it would go away. his own views, he is open twitter up to some of the most extreme views to the point where a lot of reasonable people have gotten off of it because it is toxic and ugly. of course he would love to own a president but of course peter thiel would love to own the vice president. we are seeing the purchasing of the american experiment. the purchasing of the american government, multiple branches. it is happening right in front of our eyes. >> unless the voters choose otherwise. much more of a coverage of the rnc next. it was more a republican presidential pick j.d. vance. stay with us.
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the hill crawls with lifers. it is the same thing my predecessors did. >> [ cheers and applause ] >> today the teamsters are here to say, we are not beholden to anyone or any party. >> [ cheers and applause ] >> shot o'brien from the teamsters giving a keynote speech tonight. basically trying to say the thing republicans are trying to get organized to say, we don't support donald trump just because they are democrats. we are available to you too. he is not endorsing trump there tonight but is there to say the teamsters are available to the republican party. that is in contrast to the uaw, the most high-profile union in the country whose leadership
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very strongly endorsed joe biden after joe biden made history as the most prounion president in history. he made history when as a sitting president he went out and joined workers who were striking against the big three auto workers in michigan about a successful strike that resulted in record contracts for the uaw. >> i think this one stings a bit. i don't think it matters but i think it stings a bit if you are the democrats and the biden team. there has not been a more prolabor president aside from joe biden. >> shot o'brien has been telegraphing this for a long time. >> there is a difference between being available to republicans and speaking at the convention during prime time. i don't think it changes the support that joe biden has among labor unions across the country. it is certainly democrats never love it when the labor leader
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speaks at a republican convention. >> it is awkward because the republican party is uniformly anti-union. >> that is the corporate >> the whole right to work state thing. they are in wisconsin but the hallmark of the republican party is stripping union rights and stripping the right of unions and union members in the state. that is how the republican party got a hold of state government in wisconsin but for a major leader to say, republicans have a lot to offer our members and we are open to their endorsement given the recent history of the republican party -- >> the teamsters have a bit of history with republicans but they endorse reagan and that is the one big union that has always been looking over there and there is an awful lot of stuff especially around the next area of the teamsters.
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it was the most corrupt union possibly in the country's history at that time. >> i never heard that before. >> you might of heard of a guy named -- >> [ laughter ] >> not everyone has their presence converted. they were so deep in with the mob, jimmy hoffa and all those guys and exit at the same time >> while we were watching this this first night, this closing portion of the first night with milwaukee, we are still getting reaction to the news that j.d. vance has been chosen as donald trump's vice presidential running mate. i believe that we have a guest standing by from j.d. vance's home state of ohio. >> i want to bring into the conversation liz waters, who is chair of the democratic party in ohio. thanks for joining us this evening. i know there is a lot of big news coming out of your state.
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let me start with the big news from tonight. you know j.d. vance and you have followed his record. what should people know who are just tuning into who this guy is? >> in the short time j.d. vance is been here in the political space in ohio, i think that ohioans have learned something we will learn this year. this country will no that j.d. vance is a billionaire and a political shape shifter who has been wronged for a while and wrong for our country and will lie about his record empath. i'm interested to see how the next few days unfold. >> let me ask you one specific piece of his record. he has, in the past and the present been up for an abortion ban pretty is recently said it is up to the states and we know that means a lot of woman will not have access to abortion care. talk to us about his record on women's rights with abortion and his history of that issue.
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>> what we learned during this campaign is that j.d. has dangerous stances on women's health and safety. whether it was telling woman that was they should stay in a violent marriage for this sake of their children or how he referenced abortion rights in ohio as a gut punch. he has been antiabortion and antiwoman the entire time he has been involved in politics in ohio. i think ohio voters sent a strong message not only to j.d. vance but any politician looking for our vote that we support abortion rights. we voted to enshrine that in our constitution by 13 points last year. anywhere this issue is on the ballot and candidates who oppose this issue on the ballot, voters have something to say >> one of the things we have been talking about is his evolution. he called himself a never trumper.
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there were many negative things to say about donald trump in the past what do you attribute his evolution to? is that what he believes? what led to this point? >> evolution is a tasteful way to say it. i think he is ruefully -- ambitious. we thought other 2022. frankly, his record, so far leaves a little to go on for most of the 18 months he has been in office. he has been auditioning for this job. i think as the campaign unfolds we will see a clear contrast between vice president biden and vice president harris of the record they have to run on. and j.d. vance is 18 months of nothing in the senate. he has done little to nothing to support the people of ohio to something there to be an advocate. >> if you don't mind if i jump in. sorry to jump in. it is rachel maddow.
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i wanted to ask you, you set up the outside that he is a shape shifter. honestly, he has not been a center for a very long. he has not been a public figure for very long as a person who wrote a well-received autobiography. when you describe him as a shape shifter, do you mean that ohio voters did not get what they were expecting when they got him. that he campaigned for had a public image that was different than what people realize they were getting once he was in office. that is completely right. whether it was, as you know, he is very famous for this about appalachia. in ohio they are still waiting for j.d. to be their advocate and do any of the things that he promised to make their lives better. he has done far more for silken valley been he has for the people of appalachia, ohio. or is a never trumper background or the way he is trying to reshape his stance on
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abortion. he is not honest or sincere and he has continued to try to remake himself to whatever is convenient or politically expedient to serve his ambition. >> liz walters, you have a big job ahead of you. thank you so much for your time this evening. we really appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. >> it is super interesting. hearing the homes they perspective on him. ohio, we have all been in this business long enough we have seen all how go from a purple state to a very red state. sharon brown has been the exception. has a good chance of holding onto a cd. i think the democrats think they have a chance he can hold onto it. to see j.d. vance arrived to the senate on the strength of that auto my argosy -- autobiography and that as energy beat peter thiel's senator once he got there and to hear the state
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party chair say, he is basically just been working for silicon valley ever since he got here. he is not done anything for the people he wrote this book about in terms of his own background. that is hard to run from. that will stick to him, i think. >> here is something that the senator were in 2016 when he was comparing donald trump to hitler. he begins this particular piece saying, a few satyrs a ago my wife and i spent the morning volunteering at a community garden in our san francisco neighborhood. it goes on from there. if that was kamala harris' description of how she spent her san francisco weekends, okay, i get it. it is just stunning. this is a piece in which he compares donald trump not to hitler in this piece but the heroin . the heroin that he says his mother was addicted to at the time and so many people he knew in ohio worker addicted to. and that they were hoping that
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he would somehow, as we just heard, help them and address their lives. and there is j.d. vance think donald trump won't do that. and then he becomes a center and we are told he does not do it either. >> it is a complete loss of empathy that i think some people thought he had better not doing well and people who base addiction and have been dismissed by the elites and here he is doing exactly the opposite of what his book proposes in terms of character and consideration. someone who is in the pocket of silicon valley and on the main site of the conservative aisle when it comes to that empathy that i think is, you know, part of that book. it is a repudiation of a lot of the emotional core of what that book explored. >> if you read, there is and if you see the ron howard movie, i
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think it is up to the empathy piece of it. there was a core piece of hillbilly elegy that had a background contempt. a sort of sense that people of appalachia have pathologies that are ascribed to people of color. that tinge of it, there were some reviews of bid. i did read it. there is part of it that felt, he is saying on the one hand that he comes from these people and he has empathy for these people. it is similar to the way ben carson back slaps the people of detroit he grew up with. and said they have pathologies that i was able to rise out of and why can't they? there is an aspect of that in hillbilly elegy that is detectable when you read it that makes this a little less surprising. this guy went to yale and became a hedge fund guy. rick scott has a little that. he grew up poor and then seems
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to show contempt for people he came from to be honest, i am not shocked this is what he is really he is ambition who has decided the people he grew up around have too many pathologies to figure what he regret and he is willing to dispose of them for power. >> i love the republican ticket is a real estate adventurer and a capitalist. that is what people think they have a case to make for working class. i also think it is the evolution of the power of donald trump and the rise of the power of donald trump. we have lost a lot of videos of him and introduce him seven or eight years ago. maybe that it is who he was a bit more eight years ago. he could no longer be that person if he wanted to rise in the party and become the vice presidential nominee. he said, i am shutting that person and that any connection to appellation of the working- class people i ran for because i want to be bad. i want to be in the oval office. >> i want to run the guy who i
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think might be america's hitler knew the other piece of it is the families don't want to be a part of it necessarily. this is a man who is married to a woman whose parents immigrated to this country from india and he now represent the party wants to end the 14th amendment birthright citizenship. there is a lot of irony is the same as donald trump's. he is the figure we have seen in politics in a long time. how do those contradictions get explained to mrs. fans and his family? are they a part of this new right that he is the vanguard of? i don't know. >> j.d. vance makes history as the running mate on the presidential ticket who has said the worst things about his running mate. there is nowhere else -- the others that have any kind of conflict points, it was always policy. george bush saying reagan's economics were voodoo economics. he put that away becomes a running mate.
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comparing your running mate to hitler and all these other things that j.d. vance has said is unique. there is donald trump sitting in that row. half of the guys he is sitting with have expressed their hatred of him. he is sitting with four guys, tucker carlson and j.d. vance have expressed their hatred of him and donald trump knows that. that is part of his power. you hate me but look at what i can make you do. >> he like showing you that he can take these people and control them and force them to bend to his well. >> the downside of that, you do that with people who have a supplicant personalities but if you do that with people as ambitious as j.d. vance and tucker carlson, never turn your back on those guys again. we will take a quick break before our coverage continues. much more ahead. new parodontax active gum repair breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs
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make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. in your last tv interviewer asked of you and watch the debate your answer was i don't think so, no. have you sent scenic? you i have seen pieces of it. >> reporter: the question is, are you on the same page? are you seeing what they saw, which was moments, frankly, it appeared that you were confused. >> lester, look. why do you talk about the lies that he told. where are you on this?
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when we talk about that? 28 times, it is confirmed, he biden that debate. i have a bad, bad night. i was not feeling well at all. i screwed up. >> reporter: i asked the question because the idea that you may or may not have seen what some of these other folks have seen. i got to see it, i was there. [ laughter ] i did not need to see it, i was there. you won't answer the question. why is the president of all the lies he told? >> reporter: we have reported the issues. >> no, you haven't. >> reporter: we will provide you with them. >> god love you. >> no, you haven't. kind of a fight between president biden and lester holt in the interview that aired earlier this evening. that interview happened today at the white house. we are talking about the campaign plan. we do not know
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how long the campaign pods is going to last from biden/harris. they have taken all their ads down in the wake of the shooting in pennsylvania. you said that harris has a campaign event back on the schedule? >> she will be doing a moderate conversation on wednesday. she will be doing a moderate conversation with republican women in michigan and that i think another one on thursday in north carolina to talk about abortion and reproductive bright. we know from interviews the president is happy with how she has been the emissary on that. it is certainly a weak spot for j.d. vance. the fact that they see they are putting the vice president out at this moment on this issue as her opponent is making his grand debut. >> it is public and women. >> inkling troy, who we were similar to msnbc viewers.
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that is one things you will watch over the course of this week as a pelican national convention continues through thursday night in milwaukee. it is happening under unusual circumstances in the wake of the attempted assassination of a republican, now nominee, donald trump on saturday night. the democratic campaign has taken down the ads and stopped it's campaigning. it sounds like as of wednesday they will be back to in campaign style event. that is just one of the unusual things that is happening in american politics right now. as our special covering continues of republican national convention. the theme tonight was make america wealthy once again. tomorrow it is make america safe once again, i think? it is a different -- online they fill in there every night. t