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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  July 21, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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we both started laughing historically. the next morning, i was laughing at the president of the united states. what is wrong with this guy? finally, i started reading the psychological literature. once i started reading about personality disorders, in particular, narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder, pathological system and sociology, everything became clear. became clear. that is all the time we have heard of this weekend, we are back tomorrow morning for what looks to be a consequential week in the news.o things for watching, enjoy the rest of your sunday. your sunda.
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good morning, it is sunday, july 21st, i am betty c menendez. today, so much for unity, donald trump already ditching that softer tone he promised, attacking democrats and another meandering speech. plus, more republicans trying to distance themselves from trump's project 2025, but jd vance? well, he just made that a lot harder. we will get an update on president biden's health and the state of his campaign from principal deputy campaign manager. we are with you for the next three hours. so, grab your coffee unsettling, welcome to a supersized edition of the weekend. unity. it lasted less than a week actually, by my count on saturday, donald trump return to the campaign trail for his first rally since last weekend's assassination attempt. this was a stir after a gunman
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tried to take his life. republicans claimed a new, gentler trump would emerge, but exactly one week later, the ex- president delivered his same old speech, delivered with lies and divisive rhetoric that his political rivals. >> the radical left democrats read rigged the presidential election in 2020 and we are not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024. >> we talk about biden, like he is a feeble old guy and he is, he is. but it is the people that surround him, i mean, he is perfect for them. this is the fascist and communist and some bad people surround him. >> and as you are seeing, the democrat party is not the party of democracy, they are really the enemies of democracy. >> every time the radical left democrats marxists, communists, and fascists indict me, i consider it a great badge of honor. >> joining us now, brenda,
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former press secretary to republican vice presidential nominee, ryan, a democratic poster, both msnbc political analysts. >> welcome. so, brenda, let's start with this idea. at least it sounded good on paper. this concept of unity. even though there were elements of that not necessarily playing out during the convention, because a lot of the hotter rhetoric was in the pre- primetime hour. how-- how does the campaign now pivot back into this hot rhetoric that we are just hearing from the president? when they just told the country on the heels of the butler shooting, biot, y'all, goodbye off. >> donald trump's version of unity is everyone supports him. that is what he said. >> compliance. and that is unity in his mind.
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this is of course we will go back to having a campaign. having a contrast is fine could that is what we should do in a campaign. the question is, can he stop being unhinged and that is what i think actually did a really good job. it was not as scary as it sometimes can be at was not as angry and dark as it sometimes can be. now, if you just does what he did in this rally i don't think that's problematic going to i think we all know donald trump is right now, he says weird things, he's kind of a weird guy in the watches over all of us. now, if you-- if you can't maintain that with discipline, that is a problem, but what is so different this time around is there has been some so much more disciplined than they usually are. some of that i contribute to the campaign. this is a campaign that is much more than the people running it, much more disciplined than the candidate's. so that is the question, this campaign will be ran in a smart way, the campaign was running a relatively smart way, can the candidate do him that. can he stop scaring people? there's a lot of people who say i can't run for joe biden, but perhaps the open question, if
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you are an undecided voter, by nature you are open to voting for donald trump, can he do what he needs to do to not make them so afraid of him? >> i would argue that there is another open question, which is whether or not donald trump and jade events will be able to distance themselves from some of the most extreme policies that they have already, in the past rest wrap their arms around. are normally don't pay donald trump sounds so early in the morning, because i think it is a lot to take in with your morning coffee, but i think it is important to hear him talk about project 2025, this is just yesterday in grand rapids, michigan. >> like some on the right, severe right, came up with this project 25 and i don't even know. i mean some of them i know who they are, but they are very, very conservative, just like you have they are sort of the opposite of the radical left okay? you have the radical left that you have the radical right and they come up with this part i don't know what this project 25. >> he doesn't know what it is and yet there is video of him
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speaking before the heritage foundation wrapping his arms around this, a number of members of his former administration our advisors on this. there were people at the republican national convention that might not have spoken in primetime but they spoke on that stage and they too were he knows none of this is popular with the general election audience, but it is too late for him and he already i-- >> he owns this? he owns this record going forward, frankly i am still a little stuck on the questions brandon asked earlier can donald trump not be unhinged? can donald trump be disciplined going forward? hello? have we been watching donald trump for the last 10 years are you kidding me? in that clip, that unfortunately we have to walk watch, which is actually a little bit fortunate, his convention speech was fortunate, why? because donald trump can't help himself donald trump did every
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single remark every time he has an opportunity to go before voters at the cameras he gives the game away. you see the projection there, where he accuses democrats of being fascist, democrats of being the enemies of democracy, when what he is saying there alicia is i am suffering from that charge, it is a problem and in my week, feeble, undisciplined, unhinged attempt, which is what he is and who he is, he will try it weekly say no, it is not me stick a box of glue back on you. project 2025 is literally the trump authoritarian plan to end american democracy and of and our civil system, our system of government as we have now known it, for over 248 years and solve what trump himself calls a day when dictatorship. and and a lot of the individual freedoms and government protections we have enjoyed in this country over two centuries. and that is fundamentally what the selection is about. donald trump is not running against joe biden or kamala
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harris, or any other democrat. joe biden is running against himself. he is the opponent and the choice that voters are going to make, alicia, coming soon in the next couple of months is whether they want to pursue that path, that future question of going down the pathway to day one dictatorship, or maintaining ourselves as a free and democratic democracy with individual freedoms and rights for all americans >> can i just note on this point that i think that what for and on just laid out is actually what's democrats would like the race to be? because, if, in fact it is donald trump-- like you are-- you are looking at donald trump himself, then, yeah, voters are like, well, i remember what this was last time this man is a little unhinged, sounds a little crazy on some of these things, i don't necessarily love it dictatorship, everything i have heard about it, it does not sound good, but the problem is, currently, well a number of reasons, when
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people don't hear donald trump in his own words, if they are not-- if people are not playing the sound if we are not playing the sound of donald trump at his rallies, folks are not hearing him, so to bring this point he sounds-- he seems like maybe he's a little more sanitized maybe the assassination attempt did meet him a little bit if people are not closely paying attention. we are all closely paying attention, but i wonder sometimes, michael, maybe if the voters are paying is closely attention right now as we are and if they are not seeing trump then they-- i don't want to say they have got amnesia, but they could have a different view of what he really is right now. >> i think that is such an important point, brenda and i were talking a little bit of before about how these narratives kind of set themselves up and how they-- i mean, the democrats have talked about the democrats a little bit, and how their problems are just they are in a whole bucket by themselves. but i think brenda, you make a very important point about how- - the campaign is different this time, and i think that through people at the beginning
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of this campaign season that this was organized, it was disciplined, it was structured and then all of the sudden the whole thing got offended, when laura trump comes in. they fire all of the field operators, all of the fee people who have done the planning for the last 18 months and from what i am hearing on the ground that is suffering right now. there's not a lot of ground gained, and you have got a few weeks to get that in place. so, there is that aspect of it. how-- is that going to be a detriment for this campaign going forward? or does it matter? because they are looking at joe biden's old on one side to your point, i don't know if i want to do old, maybe i will do this sanitized version of trump, but then there is no real ground game to get that boat out. >> and i went to just -- because i am like if you are here, i want to know. we all stay organized, we talk about how the campaign
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apparatus is organized and how donald trump is still unhinged. >> the campaign matters for sure. but you could look at the fact that joe biden has been the only one running ads for months now. donald trump hasn't spent a lot of money he's been raising, and joe biden is still losing, given that the campaign has been the trump campaign has been pretty quiet for and maybe that is by design or they didn't have the money, because they are spending it elsewhere? one thing we do need to stress though, the trump campaign is the only one really out there campaigning right now. obviously the president has covid, but because of the dysfunction on the democratic side you need a really vigorous campaign right now to take on donald trump. he is winning, he is out there with all of the momentum on his side and you need somebody who can do it. now, i am a little skeptical on this project 2025 stuff. i have been around washington republican politics for a long time i have rolled my eyes a lot, because the heritage foundation put a plant like this every the years and i am not going to say that this kind of stuff won't get-- have a big place in a trump administration, of course it
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will. these are the same people running it, but if you are going to try to convince the public that this document is really scary you have got to do a lot of work. nobody has heard of the heritage foundation, you need a very vigorous campaign to educate people about this and right now i doubt that is really breaking through. >> i just know the president got covid, because he was campaigning like -- the vice president was out campaigning, like what? >> stick around, we have got more for you, because we are going to talk about where things stand with president biden and his campaign at the moment. also be sure to follow our show on social media, everywhere, that is everywhere at the weekend msnbc. this summer. snacking. just. got. serious. introducing new $3 footlong dippers. the world might not be ready for them... ...but at $3 a pop? your wallet definitely is.
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president biden is close to returning the campaign trail once he bounces back from covid. while his campaign remains focused on beating donald trump , a 36th congressional democrat is calling for biden to drop out of the race yesterday, california congressman, mike takano urged biden to pass the torch to vice president, kamala harris. meanwhile, nbc news has learned the clinton's are presently supporting biden's decision to stay in the race and they are actively encouraging donors to stay with him. back with us, brendan buck.
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>> i wonder what you make of the role that the clinton's are reported to be playing here, specifically that emphasis on donors. >> i think it is a very important vote of confidence for the president biden that the clinton's you have relationships really going back decades with almost every one of the major donors in the democratic party think hey, guys, listen and downs, let's take a timeout here and understand what the stakes are. this election cannot be about personalities, it has to be about who we are, as a party, what direction the country represents and will continue to represent if the democrats are able to stay in power and what is going to happen to all of us, including you, fatcat donors if donald trump emerges as a day one dictator or retakes january of 2025. if anyone knows when a campaign also is counted out and is to be kind of put the grave dust on and it's bill clinton in 1992 i
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think several times in that experience he was literally being called to be removed as the nominee where it whether it was new hampshire whether it was even after the convention in july when it looked like he had no chance against the combination of perot and bushy ended up winning comfortably and then winning reelection comfortably. so i think it is a good thing for judge o'brien to know that in their corner he has him backing him up softly. >> you know what? for non-, i have been for the last two weeks like -- this seems a little crazy to me. but you know, maybe this is what happens every, unit 20 years, but in the "new york times" wrote the story from kenny rogers, peter baker and michael scheer that says the friction between a sitting president and leaders of his own party so close to an election is unlike anything seen in washing 10 in generations. especially because the democrats are now working to ease him out with some of the allies most critical to his success over the last dozen years. and that is when i was like oh,
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i am not just crazy. it is-- this is truly, it feels like unprecedented how, yesterday, congressman clyburn was here and he told us in his you this is curable. how is this curable, and when does it get. >> that is a very easy answer. we haven't seen anything like this. but i guess maybe the holiday is because this is the moment we passed of no return, this has either rectified joe biden, or if the democratic party has to go with, harris, there will be a focusing of the mind affect right? and it is likely to come in september when the choice is going-- >> for non--- now, for non-they don't have until september, these people will try to force president off of his ticket right now. i want you to give it to me.
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>> simon, even if they do, they are going to go with a democrat nominee, if that is joe biden than the choice will be joe biden and donald trump, if they end up going with, layers the choice will be, layers and donald trump, but the point of the matter is we are going to get to the actual time of voting and when voters go in that voting booth and they think about the fidel castro like hour and half rambling insane madness that lisa from disciplined-- not unhinged trump, they will think about that, they will think about yeah, there may be some issues on the democratic side, whoever the nominee is, but are we willing to burn it all down and go down the path of fascism, which trump knows it, that is why he is calling it fascism and trying to play the rubber game, that is a choice that will happen simone that is the clarity of the mind and that is where i think people are going to come back to their senses. >> so, brandon?
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>> i'm not about to have these republicans at this table i'm not about to have these republicans at this table. >> brenda, you can see my friend the problem. you can see the problem in the kingdom right now. they got-- you know they start voting after labor day right? august is next week. i don't-- help us with the clock here. i mean what is the-- what is their problem right now in your estimation? >> yelled did so well. >> well we do-- we are waiting right now. >> i will tell you what republican political people are thinking, they want joe biden to stay, they think that joe biden is very readable and anything that is an own and anything that changes direction is bad. now they still think they can be, layers, they will run the exact same playbook that they are running against joe biden on the issues on, lane harris inflation, border, all of those things you will have to bear the cost of incumbency and they
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are just going to slide in liberal for old and that is basically going to run the same play and they still think that is a winning play and it probably is, now if somebody comes in there i think that is an unlikely scenario if you are talking about a governor that seems likely to me, but they figured out a pretty good playbook. again, donald trump is winning. you need to come back if you are the democrats, you need to get started yesterday. and this doesn't seem like it is going to end anytime soon. >> i think that is the core problem is that you don't have that issue. resolved and elise yet, you have-- you are in florida, you are here in dc we are in various parts of the country, we are hearing that angst that a lot of voters have about the unsettled nature of what they are seeing play out on the democratic side right now. >> well i think-- >> fair, >> the issue is not resolved, because as you said, we still haven't think the process of
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the nomination. that will happen in the convention in just a matter of weeks, but by the end of august, earlier even we are going to know who the democratic nominee is, if it is joe biden great, if it is kamala harris, great, what i'm concerned about hansel and touched on it earlier is that the campaign cannot in any way stop the campaign's to continue building out the physical infrastructure of a campaign especially in the key battleground states. raising the money necessary to remind voters who donald trump is, and it is just a matter, again, putting those images out there, telling them about what projects 2025 is, telling them about how donald trump will wreck our american economy by rounding up millions of those that are working in the united states today that has made our economy the strongest in the world today and imposed a coney and inflation. so, if the democrats fall on that they will have a problem. they are not going to have a
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problem in terms of who is going to be the nominee, because we will know very soon, is it an ideal circumstance now or not? you would like to not see any of this friction, but it is also healthy because democrats are reacting. >> all right. brendan burke thank you both for starting us off this sunday morning. up next as president biden recovers from covid, vice president harris assumes a starring role on the campaign trail and her main target is? jd vance. you are watching the weekend. kidney disease you can reduce c the risk of kidney failure with farxiga. because there are places you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection,
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quote, sometimes interrupted with shouts of we love you and go get them, collective in the meantime, the trump campaign has refused to submit to the debate, but kamala harris is giving us a preview of what that debate with jd vance might actually look like. >> trump look for someone he knew would be a rubberstamp for his extreme agenda and make no mistake, jd vance will be loyal only to trump. not to our country. and i like mike pence, vance said he would have carried out trump foul plan to overturn the 2020 election. >> democratic congresswoman, lynn more, wisconsin, joins us now, good morning. >> good morning. >> good morning, congresswoman before we go any further, i don't know if you heard our last conversation, but we ended on one of our last noting that what is currently unfolding in the democratic party apparatus is healthy. this discourse, and i am wondering what is your take on it? as someone-- you remember congress, at this point you are
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still supporting the president? >> ime biden delegate. totally. and in terms of being healthy i guess that is a positive way to look at it. i am thinking that i was around in 19 88 when our-- in chicago in the election was tuesday, november 5th, and i'm feeling turned about the outcome. i-- you know, what they say is true that you know, democrats fall in love and republican just fall in line you know, they can-- republicans have found it possible to support a sexual assault or, number one you know, a 34 count convicted felon, someone who you know, lies in that same debate that
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they criticize president biden for lying, every time his mother is moving he was lying. and yes, you know, we can't stand with our president, who is 81, a few years older than donald trump, but this is who people have nominated, they have nominated joe biden, someone with great character, great experience, who is a little bit fragile and a liar, and so, these are binary choices, so they sit at what is going on now is health, and i-- i am hoping that they are correct. >> she is like, well, let me just tell you, let me put on my black mom voice for you all and see what i can do. >> congresswoman, i appreciate everything you just said, in the sense that, yeah, you do have that aspect of this that you can look at it as quote,
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healthy. you are a seasoned politician. you have been in this process and know how washington works. a lot of the chatter and classes and individuals who have their agendas and all of that. i would think right now that democrats would be more focused on the threat that is in front of them, as opposed to creating a threat within their own house in other words you know, trying to take the president out position to go out donald trump effectively. but at the same time, it seems to me they are undermining anyone, if they do replace the president, they are undermining the next person who is coming in, because now you have actually fractured your base even more, because 14 million democrats over the primary season voted for the guy that they knew what they voted for him, he was 81 years old it is one person on twitter tweeted to me he was 81 when i voted
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for him, he was 81 when i voted for him in the primary, he will be 81 when i vote for him in the general, don't pass me off, dc democrats running this risk of effectively prosecuting the case against donald trump, because of everything that is happening right now? >> well, one of the things that really concerns me is you look at the sort of racial divide, with regards to who we ought to stick with, joe biden and who, you know, who thinks that we ought to have, perhaps even an open convention and i have-- you know, i am an uber writer, so i talked to uber drivers who say i will push the wheelchair and get somebody else to push the ivy if we have to. to get joe biden to january the 20th 2025 get >> black women, certainly, they have called me to say, look, i am done with the democratic
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party, and so, i am wondering what the strategy is to get all of us to be unified around whatever happens. and i am not-- you know, i agree with aoc and bernie, there doesn't seem to be any commitment on the part of those who think that this is healthy to make sure that, life is at the top of the ticket and that we have some other vp there. people who really, i think would like to displace the entire ticket and so i don't know what will happen i don't know whether it is healthy or not, i do know-- i do understand i do think that every single voice i've heard in this debate respects joe biden, they let him they see him as uncle joe, he will undoubtedly go down in history as someone who has maybe since lbj, who would have been our nominee in 1968 had they not
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run him out here-- he has been a trance-- transformational president so i don't know anybody who doesn't think that that is the case, but as my sister, brenda, who was an international flight attendant for 28 years would say, i mean people think we were there to serve coffee and tea but our main function was to keep people safe and the main thing that we had to prevent against in an emergency was to prevent people from panicking, because once panic sets in it is irreversible. and i think that we are in some sort of tailspin hoping and praying and crossing our fingers that we've all unified at the end >> especially given the stakes representative, more, you have retweeted this tweet going into
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the republican convention quote, the rnc convention being in milwaukee means one thing, the gop is coming for wisconsin. we need to stop them, what is that going to require from democrats, come summer? >> well, you know, i am convinced that in milwaukee, joe biden can win milwaukee. and, you know donald trump i says i am trying to buy your boat by a convention in milwaukee and i know there were many businesses that were deliberately shut down because they didn't want the rnc business particularly. we have seen and joe biden has come and shown us and demonstrated his commitment to supporting jobs to create bmws, black men working, we have a plumbing company that has a long-term contract with getting rid of all of those lead pipes, we have seen the impact of his
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policies, as he is putting more resources into the electric cars and electric charging stations and black people are very committed, so he can win in milwaukee. i don't-- and i do think, sadly, that the 24-7 assault on joe biden inevitably will have an impact on our ability and if it doesn't stop soon and if it is not resolved soon then i think that you know, no matter who is at the top of the ticket we could lose wisconsin, but right now today i think wisconsin is in play and certainly when i get back i am prepared to spend 24/7 in milwaukee and in wisconsin trying to deliver that message i am a joe-- you know, writing
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with biden to keep democracy sliding to autocracy. >> i have got to tell you, congresswoman, when you refer to yourself as an uber rider i thought you were a right or die for joe biden. congresswoman, so good to see you. ahead, an update on the biden-harris campaign. and we have some excellent news for fans of the weekend. starting this weekend you can listen to every episode of the weekend as a podcast, for free. you can scan the qr code on the screen right now, or you can search for the weekend, wherever you get your podcasts. we will be right back. back. ♪♪ when you're a small business owner, your to-do list can be...a lot. ♪♪
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atlantic staff writer, mckay coppens wrote vance sharply criticized the culture that he was raised in, and lays much of the blame for his problems. tonight he cast them as purely victims. take a listen to how vance changed his tune. >> america's ruling class wrote the checks. communities like mine pay the price. for decades, that's divide between the few with their power and comfort in washington and the rest of us only widens. from iraq to afghanistan, from the financial crisis to the great recession, from open borders to stagnating wages, the people who govern this country have failed and failed again. >> so an about-face from the book that he wrote, because i retweeted mckay coppens like this is what i'm saying, this is not-- he said that the hillbilly culture, people didn't work hard enough, they lost work and now he is saying oh, the man is blaming you. i am struck by the fact that
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the biden campaign, according to our abc reporting, our colleagues, mike and emily and monica, that donald trump picked jd vance, because he is, you know, going to do what mike pence wouldn't do on january 6th, bend over backwards, that is what they are sing from the biden campaign. the biden campaign wants to paint jd vance as extreme, and i think we've already seen that coming from these statements like this but also with the vice president has been saying and doing out on the campaign trail. so i mean-- >> i think in addition to extreme, i think there's a big question about experience, i mean, this guy is the least experienced individual to hold the office of nominee for the vice president. and yet no one seems to be talking about that he will be a vice president to a guy, who will be 80 years old or 79 years old.
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in a year and over the course of the next four years is he prepared to step in to run the united-- you know, the united dates? >> it feels like i know for me. i don't know. >> to underline that point there was great reporting in political on this by historic standards, vance has shockingly little experience, no experience spelling ace balancing a state budget, or wrestling with the legal and moral dimensions of the death penalty. he hasn't commanded a state national guard or managed a federal agency or cabinet office, and here is the big part. he is less than a third into his first six year senate term. so, it is that combination of willingness to do whatever it is donald trump once that is why he was chosen and and more extreme vision than donald trump himself has and that lack of experience, he put that altogether it is easy to see
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why he appealed to donald trump. it is a little bit more challenging to understand how he is supposed to appeal to a general election electorate. >> yeah. >> and i think people, there are a number of stories that weren't reported about the friction within the republican party about his selection, there was not a uniform or united view that he should be the choice, but donald trump, to your point, alicia, wanted someone that he could control, and he got it. >> well we have got three hours today. so, we have got time to continue this conversation. next we are going to get into some breaking news with the secret service. the organization actually denied request from trump's security detail for additional support at trump rallies. that is on the weekend. weeken the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura
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provided, the agency made modifications to ensure the protect d, including utilizing state and local partners to provide specialized functions for otherwise identifying alternatives to reduce public exposure. joining us is msnbc national security analyst. >> you know, with everything that has been going on, relative to butler and the butler shooting, the secret service has been under an incredible microscope, what is your assessment of this new information that is coming out now that there were requests for additional help on the former president trump's team and the fact that you have got the director coming to congress tomorrow to have a little chat? how does-- how do these narratives play out in your view? >> yeah, michael, it is not surprising to me that they were
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asking for more resources over the last four years, just look at everything that has happened at mar-a-lago with the president it is-- it has been a pretty dynamic time, especially with all of the court cases i'm sure that necessitated some more of those requests. at the same point, going all the way back to what congresswoman gabby giffords was shot more than a decade ago, there has been a call for more resources, more protection resources to protect candidates and elected officials everywhere they go and it has always been one answer, there's just not enough resources to do that, the federal government isn't set up that way. so the answer is to augment with state and local law enforcement. in the case of this rally those rallies are put together very quickly and as we are learning now, it seems like the shooter may agree on the site before the secret service had ever even been there. in terms of the location and that just tells you the pace at which these locations need to be secured how complex it is trying to bring in state and local law enforcement i think the other thing that is not
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talked about enough that i would love to know more as this comes up and i think we will in butler, how many local law enforcement officers are there in total when they are trying to secure a location like this. they had to likely bring in local law enforcement for many miles way and jurisdictions to do that. so i think it will be a really bumpy set of hearings coming up and every time we see one of these questions asked the answers are not going to be very good in terms of what we find. >> clint. i mean, you hit on the fact that the secret service and staffing has been an issue. it has consistently been an issue. interviews with former agents, in an nbc news review of documents reports revealed that there is an agency struggling to retain agents and keep pace with the threats. that is what the secret service is. and so what-- what can be mitigated here, what can be done? because i think there's two things on the table. one is what happened in butler and how-- who is going to
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answer for that from the secret service perspective, and how can they prevent that from happening again, and then there is a question of what resources does the secret service needs to adequately do its job, because they are protecting all of the living former presidents, all of the current president and vice president. their families. like this is an extensive apparatus here on top of the other duties that the secret service does. >> yeah, just in terms of staffing it does not explain why that building was not in the perimeter or not secured. it just was-- i think we will find that that is a failure. across the board you are looking at the number of current and former presidents, plus all of the candidates around the country and particularly violent times. if you just rewind the last five years there are more threats likely to any and maybe i'll candidates, nationwide. that is just going to put an increased demand overall on all
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line horsemen to protect these individuals doing activities as part of their campaign. i think the second part of it is the outdoor versus indoor dynamic. you have already heard a lot of discussion from the secret service about how hard it is to secure outdoor locations and keep the principal protected and this all came at the time when the rnc was probably the principal focus of the secret service, during that time leading up to when president trump was shot. so, you add all of that together and it is a perfect storm for something to fall down all the way. and i think that is what we will find out at these hearings is, there are just a lot of priorities and moving pieces and this is a situation where they didn't adequately secure this and probably didn't have the resources to do it. >> i am struck, clint, by the rare bipartisan calls for this hearing, a second statement by "new york times", americans have many serious questions about the historic security failures that occurred at the campaign rally in butler,
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pennsylvania. when you think about that hearing how do you structure when you ask the questions about what happened to make sure that it never happens again but also push the conversation forward i mean, is it a conversation about funding is it a conversation about recruiting, how do you actually account for the gaps? >> i'm sure they will focus, alicia, on the actual event, the because there's plenty to discuss. the other thing is there has just been consistent information come down in terms of what happened. was there a request for resources or not? we have had different answers on that. was it inside the perimeter or not? where were the response teams? sounds like they might have been in the warehouse, that wasn't really clear. at the same time the shooter was on top of the warehouse. so, the most of it in this initial hearing is going to focus on what happened on that day, and i think that is where we should focus. overtime though, you know, the competing demand is we have seen a lot of defunding or real
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pushes to actually make the government smaller. well, in each of these cases when you look across the board for law enforcement, the expectation adds up to, there is no way to go smaller, we have got to go larger in terms of resources. >> clint watts, as always thank you for your expertise and your time. and nbc news digital is taking a close look at the assassination of donald trump, using video and statement to re- create the event. it is called the line of fire analyzing the trump assassination attempt. you can see it now on nbc i want you to stick around, because we have got a lot more to cover on the supersized three-hour edition of the weekend. former congresswoman, jane harman, anthony coley and congressman, adam smith, they are all joining us, coming up. , they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon.
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. billion come back to the weekend. now some feelings of joy are too strong to hide. at that was the case for heritage foundation president kevin roberts when he learned jd vance was donald trump's pick for vice president. roberts called vance an outstanding leader adding, his selection solidifies the reality critical issues president trump highlighted and worked tirelessly to


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