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tv   MSNBC Breaking News  MSNBC  July 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. welcome back to msnbc's continuing coverage of president biden's historic decision to end his re-election
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campaign. 106 days before voters head to the polls. i'm in new york. >> i'm john harwood in washington, d.c. on sunday president biden announced he will exit the race for the white house and endorse vice president kamala harris to replace him as the democratic nominee. a short time ago the association of state democratic committee confirmed they will be overwhelming vote for harris. >> and as harris for president, dozens of democratic lawmakers have thrown their support behind harris. >> the time is short. we do not have time to go back and look at the rear-view mirror and talk about who said what and who is call if it. we have got behind the ticket
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with kamala harris at the hell does what h the to bring in a whopping $47 million from small dollar donors. >> harris will be speak later this morning at a previously scheduled white house event. after picking up president biden's endorsement, she plans to earn and win the nomination before the dnc convention in august. joining us now from delaware is nwc white house correspondent allie raffa. how did the president come to this decision? >> we're told as the president is here recovering from the covid-19 diagnosis, he huddled with his closest advisers as well as members of his family. we're told he really thought very long and hard about the decision. it wasn't until saturday night that he really made the
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decision to drop out of the presidential race. obviously the hardest decision of his more than five decade long political career. that is when the outreach started. so the president reached out to some of his closest aides and advisers. also informing his campaign just one minute before the letter he released yesterday announcing the decision to drop out was released to the public. that was obviously in an effort to prevent any leaks from happening. this news obviously coming from a huge shock to his staffers, not only at his headquarters, but across the country. remember up until that announcement had remained defiant, saying the president was staying in this race to win it, and they had even announced as recently as yesterday and previewed some campaign travel for the president over the
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coming weeks, guys? >> what does next week look like especially vice president harris? >> well unsurprisingly there is a lot still to be determined as far as both of their schedules given this major news. as far as the president, the white house had released his schedule for this week earlier. it says there are no public events on his schedule tomorrow, and that is expected for tomorrow and covid and believe. at this point we are waiting for him to test negative for covid for those symptoms to clear up for him to return to the white house. remember in that letter that he released earlier today, he says that he will speak to the nation later this week in more detail about his decisions, so we expect more details about that. we are also waiting for more details on when he, as well as vice president harris, are expected to meet, both of them with israeli prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu this week as he's in town to address congress on wednesday. as far as harris' schedule specifically, we expect to see her as soon as tomorrow morning when she's going to deliver remarks at the white house at an ncaa event. guys? >> that is usually andtown this morning. >> that's right. a long 24 hours. thank you. all right, joining us now nbc news politics reporter, josh allen. thank you for staying up late for us as well. it has been a historic day, but i want to pick up on a point that allie was talking about right now. that's the events of this weekend and one of the questions that many people would have is whether or not the vice president now at the top of the ticket for the biden administration. which ones to show you the
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backstop of this well. moving, casting a large shadow over the presidency over the last several months. will that be an area the vice president will seek to differentiate herself from the president? >> this is always an issue for vice presidents that are running for president. they supported the policies that their boss has. they're on record supporting those policies. and it is difficult for them to distance themselves without looking disloyal to the administration that is still intact. regard to harris and the middle east, her rhetoric at times has been different than bidens. it has been, you know, perhaps a little less definitively pro israel for lack of a better term. but we will have to see whether or not she will have any
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differences. he has been out there with not only the basic position, but through the twists and turns has made no and what they're doing with gaza. when he feels one side or the other it's wrong. >> and let me ask you, i'll still. on one hand challenging the validity of whether or not kamala harris could be on the nominee or joe biden taken off ballots. mike johnson suggesting that at the same time you have donald trump that's claiming he should be reimbursed for fraud for running commercials against joe biden who dropped out and now questioning as to whether or not he's going to participate in the upcoming debate saying he wants it on fox news instead of abc news. anybody following republican leaders over the past 12 hours or so will see they are in disarray and not exactly sure what to throw at the wall to
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see what sticks. >> for the first time in three plus weeks about 25 days since that debate. you have a democratic party that will be around vice president harris as the nominee as the potential nominee. we this huge grassroots fundraising on this bay and the. obviously for vice president harris as far as the republicans, they're a little bit all over the place. i think at least in their minds, some were prepared to have kamala harris running. we heard nikki haley saying during the primaries she thought kamala harris would be on the ballot. we heard other americans say it as well. there was an indication that joe biden might leave the presidential race and harris might step up. we're hearing a lot of
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different things. one thing that's consistent is that they will point to kamala harris and say she should have known that biden was not, you know, that he might have been if decline. obviously president biden did not say that today. continuing to hold on to his job. there are certainly democrats as well as republicans who believe they will push for that and ask what to do and when. >> all right, jonathan allen. thank you so much for getting us early for us, staying up late for us. appreciate it, my friend. >> definitely staying up late. joining us now is california congresswoman barbara lee. great to see you. you have known vice president harris for a long time. how does it feel to see her poise to be at the top of the democratic ticket especially who you campaign for.
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who was that? >> that was the honorable shirley. and she was the first african american woman to run for congress. as a candidate for the united states presidency. that's how i got involved in politics, and shirley made me register to vote because i was so much like so many young people now who didn't believe that the system and the government was working for me as a young single mother on public assistance. well, she took me to task and turned me around and the rest is history. let me just say thank you for having e me tonight. i want to reflect quickly on president biden. i think we are all that and even though there are many issues that they disagree on. we have to honor his legacy and
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show a deep sense of gratitude. first of all for putting country over self, but sectly for the work that he has done to deliver for the american people. >> congresswoman, you know more than anyone that it is a risk. what is your response about harris' elect ability in. she knows the world in which she understands the fact that so much of our forward movement in terms of our rights are being rolled back. she's been out there talking to people and she knows how to fight. she. she understands the rights of the lgbtq+ community and the
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disabled, people of color. she really fights for people, ordinary people each and every day. just telling people who don't know her, she's experienced. she knows what and to make sure everyone will connect with her in one way or another, so they know her record and she has been a part of the administration, which has delivered enormously for the american people. she's ready to take that baton and move forward. >> congresswoman, i want to be as direct as possible. if the vice president pick bees up the phone and asks you who should i pick as a running mate. who are you going to tell her? >> you know what i would say to her? look, president biden, listen to people. he decided who he wanted to be his vice president for a variety of reasons.
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he selected our great vice president. and i would want her to have that same right. what her thinking is, what my thinking is. i certainly would not urge her to appoint or to ask one person verses another to be her vice presidential candidate. it's all up to her. she's really smart and she knows how to build alliances as she brings people together and knows how to unify this party and this party. i would rely on this good judgment. >> yeah, we talked about how she was able to bring back that coalition that brought biden into the presidency three and a half years ago. she might be able to revitalize that to some extent. you're the co-chair, of course, of the pro choice caucus. what will it mean to have them
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leave the campaign and in order to change the electoral map for her than what it might have been for president bide p. >> well, she has been very clear on her productive from day one. she understands that it is a person's right to make their own healthcare decisions over their own body. i think she'll continue with that and that is a very important decision as we've got to codify into federal law of a woman's right to an abortion. and she supports that. and also i think it is important that she connect with young people as she's doing because that will add a new dimension to this campaign. as i said earlier, i see myself in so many of these young people who didn't believe or see their candidates or government relating to them. so i think that she has the opportunity now to galvanize young people and people of color and people shut out for
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so long. and who have not felt an infinity to a candidate. so this is a big deal and again, we still have to remember how president biden has moved this country forward. i'll finally say ayman and jonathan, people were dying by the thousands of covid. they saved lives and livelihoods. for that we're deeply grateful, and we always have to remember that about president biden and vice president mike pence b. you've got to make sure everybody will get to the polls in november. we've got to protect our democracy because we know donald trump is there to dismantle it and to attempt to set up dictatorship in this country. >> yeah, joe biden will certainly go down in history as one of the greatest defenders in american democracy for what he has done both in 2016, 2022, now in 2024. thank you so much congresswoman barbara lee. it's always a pleasure. >> nice being with you both. >> all right. and stay with us as we continue our breaking news coverage on president biden
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withdrawing from the 2024 race.
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you know, i think kamala harris has been a strong vice president, she's been a strong advocate for reproductive justice. i supported her when she was named vice president for joe biden in 2020 and i support her now. >> after biden dropped out of the 2024 race endorsing kamala harris, she issued a statement saying, "i am honored to have the president's endorsement. my intention is to earn and win this nomination. harris also added she will do everything in her power to unite the democratic power and to defeat donald trump and
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extreme project 2025 agenda. let's bring in to the conversation now, dr. cortelli, professor at pepperdine university, and author of the motherland and me out this tuesday. and melanie campbell the chair of the ballot action fund. great to have both of you with us. you have traveled with the vice president to africa on air force two. you had a chance to see her up close and personal in terms of how she operates. what did you learn about her on that historic trip? >> well, i learned the vice president is so forward thinking. she is competent. she is cutting edge. and the trip to africa was so extraordinary that i didn't expect to write a book. i came back and looked through my notes. i knew it was my duty to tell the story and to take people on
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the journey. to help folks red about the candidate. and this trip was packed full of interesting moments and, you know, leaders on the ground. when we were in ghana, there were 8,000, mostly young people who came out to hear her speak. then we were in tanzania. e shah met with president hasan who was the first black woman, black president of tanzania that became the first black woman president of tanzania when that president passed away. and then we were in zambia when the first trump indictment, if you can believe it, when the
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first trump indictment came down. so there were so many moments there on how she engages other world leaders and how she is perceived on the world stage. >> melanie, 2010, harris was elected into the general, and second black woman ever elected to the u.s. senate. now she's vice president. talk about why she's the strongest person to defeat donald trump. >> you laid it out, jonathan. thank you for the invitation to join you all in this historic moment. she has all the credentials before as you mentioned of what she had done. she's had three and a half years to what a fake president
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biden for if he couldn't run the race to the end, then he knew he would have a vice president harris. so today it was hearting. at the same moment, he met the moment of truth and calling for the democratic party to unite around this candidate. to get herren that finish line. i just got a call about 40,000 black women and him who named that. this is not a moment in history. a movement that's taking place in this country. i believe she'll be fully nominated and able to unite the democratic party and this country and get across the finish line and have the first woman president of the united states of america.
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>> doctor, listening to congresswoman adam smith earlier this afternoon talking about the vice president's impact on global politics. >> the national security and foreign policy, i would go to the munich security conference every year. vice president harris who has been the spokesperson for the administration has had that event. the importance of protecting ukraine, nato, the role the u.s. should play. and our bringing of everything together. >> it was when she told, when she said hey, the russians are about to invite. so talk about your impact on the world stage and how it is
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being. >> you're absolutely right. and seeing how world leaders in ghana, tanzania. let's zoom out for a second and zero in on the issues that she's tackled. we are talking about reorganizing the debt of some of our allies. we know there are a number of allies in africa that are struggling with investing in the future while also taking care of their debt. so she was working on that. issues related to climate change as we went to a farm in zambia where they are using a.i. powered technology in the fight against climate change. i mean that was absolutely incredible. just last week the new york times reported that there was a
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lot of copper found in zambia. when it comes to our cell phones, ev batteries, when it comes to a.i. powered technologies. when i say vice president harris is cutting edge, she's a forward thinker. she's able to seemlessly able to different interests. that's what i witness from our trip to africa. i can't wait for more people to read about that in my new book, kamala, the mother land and me. >> i just want to say i misspoke. it was the second munich security conference which you delivered that to zelenskyy. go ahead. >> you used a very interesting phrase that i want to elaborate on. you said this is not a moment, but a movement. i think that's such a powerful phrase to capture. because i wanted to get your thoughts on what the electoral political map now looks like
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for kamala harris. there were some states that were not in play. and there are some states where the vice president can have a real clear shot at winning perhaps north carolina and georgia and states that might have been written off. how do you see the politics of her campaign in terms of getting more people to the voting booth or excited or regalvanizing the base that may have waned over the last couple of months? >> you took my breaking news. i'll give you breaking news. i think she will be able to mobilize. and more than 66% of black folks live in the south. the south will be more in play in this 2024 election. i think she'll be able to carry the other states. and i don't think she will just carry herself, but carry the
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ticket up and down the palate and i'm in florida right now and if they want to in florida, florida would be in play. this moment, it feels like when obama was running, everybody was shocked, a little jut set and people did not want to change their ticket. but once biden endorsed her and religiouses her to be the top of the ticket, it is a game changer. i was on the call led by holly holiday with black women and there were 40,000 people on that call. people are fired up and ready to go.
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>> melanie campbell, doctor with the perfect timing of your new book that's coming out on tuesday. the motherland and me and congratulations on the book. still ahead, how the shakeup at the top of the ticket could impact the lgbtq+ community. we'll talk live with the president of the human rights campaign next.
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one of the groups with a huge selection is the lgbtq+ community. joining us now is kelly robinson, president of the human rights campaign, which has endorsed vice president kamala harris for president. >> kelly, great to see you. the hrc was very quick to release their own endorsement of vice president harris. how optimistic are you that she
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will become the democratic nominee? >> i'm ready for kamala. and that thing about what's happening now, there is a momentum, an enthusiasm that we have not seen yet. tina endorsed ham la lives. now the game has changed not only preserving the community. and a future that's more hopeful and bright. >> kelly, house minority leader, hakeem jeffries, said donald trump and the republican party are running scared. with vice president harris at the top of the democratic conversation shifts back to
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project 2025. how harmful do you see project 25 for the lgbtq+ community and how does kamala harris as a nominee prosecute the case to the american people about this issue and the threat of 2025? >> project 2025 is horrific. and i think it is hilarious that donald trump today is tweeting about wanting a refund from the republican party because he spent so much time doing attack ads against joe biden we're about to unify someone that will take us to the other side of the election and they are going to win. i just got back to dc from milwaukee where i was, motivating, engaging folks on the ground after the republican national convention. the scary thing i saw, the opposition is united. around hate, bigotry, sexism, racism.
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you have people cheering when they talked about rounding up immigrants deporting them. you had them going wild with cheers, talking about their attacks on the lgbtq+ community. and what has cleared me right now is we have. this is going to beat our vision of 20152025. we need to give people hope right now. what i love them to do that she is knowing us what it means to move forward. people know what's at stake and they are also starting to see what could be possible with a future of this election and the future of the party. >> and hey, kelly of all the people being discussed as vice president harris' potential vice presidential nominee. who has the better track record on lgbtq+ rights? the governor of pennsylvania, the governor of north carolina, the governor of illinois? the governor of michigan?
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>> it san embarrassment of riches for us because i'm so excited that we have so many pro equality vice president nominee for her to actually consider and to choose from. what i'm thinking right now, i want to make sure we have the next vice president be just as pro equality as kamala harris. remember kamala harris is coming in with some credentials here, right? she was the d.a. that outlined the gay and transpanic defense in california. as ag, she refused to defend prop 8, that infamous ballot measure that outlawed same-sex marriage in the e of california. she refused to defend it. she pushed the equality act when she was a senator. she was one of the people who did the first gay marriages in california. we need somebody who brings that same level of credentials to support her as vice president because we now the issues of equality are critical. voters are looking for a champion on these issues. >> of course, one can't forget secretary pete would be a history with pete buttigieg and
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perhaps kamala harris together. certainly ground breaking on many fronts. but how, kelly, is the human rights campaign works? and talk to us about your strategy going forward and what others could do to help get her across the line. >> it is all about engaging, talking to voters. we have identified 75 million quality voters across the country. and when deciding who to vote for, they could be beating them by 25,000 votes and in that state alone and it is simple if we show up, we'll win. and so i think that's the big race that there are people who have been sitting on the sidelines and now is the time
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to get them engaged with new registered voters and participating in the process that have never seen themselves as a part of it before with incredible opportunity on the table to bring new states into play and make sure we are redefining them as well and they are going to be huge in that. >> all right, thank you very much. i appreciate it as always. great to see you, e kelly. and stay with us as we continue our breaking news coverage on biden withdrawing from the 2024 race. (♪♪) (♪♪)
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and taking his place at the top of the democratic ticket. reporting donald trump's political team has been preparing to run against amount kamala harris for the past several weeks. joining us once again is bill walsh and amisha cross. thank you for the both of you for sticking around. so i want to play the great steve cornacki who had the big board and he is talking about the polls. let's play some of the sound of what he had to say earlier in
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the evening, but more like last night. >> and just tracking this is an average of all the polls that have been conducted since that debate that set all of this in motion. and they had biden running two points behind trump. of course we know that back in 2020 when he defeated trump, never did he ever lead biden in the polling average and this time around, here is trump leading. and frankly we have seen them for a long time now and the end of the summer 2023 and for the first time, he drew level and he has been ahead of him. in some ways just as a lot of
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democrats looked up and said that is not what was expected and that the numbers, they did not change dramatically from that debate. the polling numbers did not change dramatically at least nationally. but i think a lots of democrats would look at them for the first time in a year and started to take them seriously. and so they did get a little worse for biden and we do have swing state polls where biden is down. and so there is that as well and they certainly comply the path. >> and the beat thing on what steve was pointing out, it was unchanged even though donald trump is up by two points. all these polls have been within the margin of error. and steve went on to say harris was averaging about one point
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higher than biden. and why might they be hopeful about that? >> and this is a tight race and they have been running on the grievance politics and anticivil rights. all the things that they were against and all the things that will build up that tore our democracy apart at the very core are the very little things we see living and breathing in kamala harris who is not only fighting for women's reproductive rights, but fighting for the right to learn. the right to be able to have books that are reflective of american history, not just the history that they want to be told. but also someone who believes in the promise of our country and does not continue to castigate it. it is something that we should be moving away from in order to get to a different place. and that it is very important because it shows not only were
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they a snapshot in history, but regardless of the debate did not go well and there is a lot of work to be done on the ground and she has that ability to get that done and it is very smart as she knows thousand have these conversations in the community and she has been doing it for weeks now. she has more of a runway to continue to talk about that race. >> and let's talk about the map for kamala harris. do the campaign staffers that are now working with her, do they throw out that play book and say that there are a few different options for us? that we might need to capture voters when you look at some of those numbers and certainly after the debate, the first debate. how do you see this playing out
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in terms of the electoral politics of where the vice president can go and how she could regalvanize the coalition that brought biden into power? >> and i think the harris campaign will expand beyond what that campaign was working on. and there is nobody i would rather be on tv with than you two. i mean that and good to be with you both. look, i don't think that we are understanding or appreciating the role that enthusiasm is going to play here in this election. post people generally didn't want a biden, trump matchup. most americans rolled their eyes at that. and with biden stepping aside now and kamala harris, i think
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you're going to see huge enthusiasm and even though they get the threat that trump is, they looked at biden and they just didn't, you know, they just didn't grab them. kamala harris has the ability to do that. and look, you know i come from the right. i used to engage in some of this. the trump campaign is going to continue to double down and present this mean, ugly kind of america. kamala harris has a great opportunity here to go to places that joe guiden couldn't go to and say we're better than what trump and maga think we are. >> and i want to pick up on the right wing. how do you see trump going after harris? and what i'm asking is how
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racist is this campaign going to get and how quickly? >> oh, jonathan, quickly as in before we all wake up in the morning and it will get really ugly. as a former radio talk show host, this is your bread and butter. it is going to get bigged bigoted and they will try to scare the hell out of people on the right. but jonathan, i also think donald trump has a history here of struggling when it comes to dealing with women, especially strong women. i don't think donald trump himself is going to know how to handle kamala harris. his cheerleaders in the media will get as ugly as you say
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they will. i wouldn't be surprised if trump never ever debates her. >> well, you bring up an important point and that is about the debate. and it was that first debate in some ways that it either just set this in motion or confirmed for what people had known and accelerated. trump and biden were expected to debate again in september on abc. it did not take long for trump to suggest he wants to back out of it. he thinks the debates should be moved to fox news rather than on the very biased abc, his words, not mine. do you think that debate will actually happen? how do you think donald trump would fair against a former prosecutor like kamala harris, somebody who can go toe to toe with him and punch back?
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>> great question, ayman. i do not think that debate has any ability to occur. he does not want her to prosecute the case. he does not want to go toe to toe with her and he recognizes that assault as we have seen him do it with black female journalists, and with black ceos. he has an issue with black women and it will be a striking contract. he would lose whatever potential he would have and he would lose women and he has significant issues with the family vote already. and that is something that he'll try to debate. and she is quick whited and someone who is well learned and very well read. and she is not someone he wants
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to go hard on and paint on. and they will present a level of racism that we have not seen and we need to be ready for that and kamala harris and her campaign will be ready for it. and to be quite frank, the rnc, the republican party as well as donald trump have been ready and willing to go against kamala harris for quite some time when announced vp. they were ready to press in. they have been wanting to attack her for a very long time. i think his proxies will do just that. for kamala harris, we know what that contrast actually happens to be. so for her, it's acknowledging first and foremost the power and the strength that lies within her as a black woman, as a former prosecutor, as someone who has all of these accolades before she even stepped foot in the white house. she is not a candidate. you know what the job was? vice president, and it will be future president of the united states. >> yeah, republicans need to
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understand that she is not afraid of him. real fast. a question to both of you, possible challengers. one of them senator joe manchin. he is considering reregistering as a democrat to compete for the democratic presidential nomination. is there anyone else who will likely throw their hat in the ring? does joe manchin even stand a chance? >> no and no, there will be no other challengers and manchin is getting his one day of fame right now. >> i absolutely agree with that. he wants to have media, news attention, and the only reason why he threw his hat in. and now he wants to jump back in. and he does not stand a snowball chance in hell. everyone who thought they might have been able to do this and
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of multi-million dollars within four hours. they saw those women try to show up to the call at the point where the zoom went out for those people. and they are not willing to challenge her. they know her capacity. >> and so we are just going to have to move on and forget about him for the time being. thank you so much for staying up late with us. we appreciate it. >> and that will do it for us. thanks for watching our breaking news coverage, i'm jonathan capehart. >> i'm ayman mohyeldin. keep it here for special programming next. feel eff. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley
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happy sunday. anything going on? [ laughter ] thank you for joining us for this special coverage tonight. i am rachel maddow joined by my beloved colleagues who i cannot wait to talk to tonight about what has happened today. joy reid is here, nicolle wallace, jen psaki. you do not seek joy on the screen because there's a gremlin with the camera but will have her in a moment. we will be with you throughout the duration of the special coverage tonight. you know, we do special coverage for all sorts of stuff. this is not all sorts of stuff. you will always remember where you were when you heard the news today. what a day in history.


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