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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  July 23, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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and remember, we are just days away from the olympic games opening ceremony. you can watch this friday on nbc and streaming on peacock. i know i will be. so we better rest up. for now, i wish you all a very good night and from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. i'll see you at the end of tomorrow. so, this is what the crowds look like. when vice president kamala harris rolled into milwaukee as the de facto presidential
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nominee. more than 3,000 people packed in to hear her speak. there were so many rvsps they had to move it to accommodate the crowd. you can see, can you see? there you go. there are lots of freshly printed kamala signs. there were people holding signs saying yes we kam. and there was a candidate ready to take the fight directly to donald trump. >> before i was elected vice president, before i was elected united states senator, i was elected attorney general of the state of california and i was a courtroom prosecutor before then. and in those roles, i took on perpetrators of all kinds. predators who abused women. fraudsters who ripped off consumers.
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cheaters who broke the rules for their own game. so hear me when i say i know donald trump's type. >> just to underscore how historic and surreal this is, this is the first campaign speech kamala has given as a presidential candidate in the 2024 race and she is already the de facto nominee. the speed at which this is all happening is just astounding. a little more than 48 hours ago, president biden withdrew from the race and endorsed his runs mate. the democratic party instantly
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coalesced around kamala harris and then thousands of delegates announced their support for her. and now, kamala harris is laying out a vision for what her administration might do. >> we believe in a future where every person has the opportunity to not just get by, but to get ahead. a future where no child has to grow up in poverty. where every worker has the freedom to join a union. where every person has affordable health care. affordable child care, and paid family leave.
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ours is a fight for the future. >> if all of this isn't enough evidence that we are in an historic moment for american politics, that's not enough. vice president harris had another data point on offer. >> are running a people-powered campaign. and we just had some breaking news. we just had the best 24 hours of grass root fund raising in presidential campaign history. >> the harris campaign says it has raised more than $100
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million since sunday. this is what momentum, the big mo as they say, in is what that looks like. now this week three new national polls were released. all of them show kamala harris and donald trump in a dead heat. one of those shows harris leading trump by two points. that same poll found joe biden trailing trump by two points. when robert f. kennedy jr. is included, harris lead over trump jump to four points. trump announced he open to more than one debate with vice president harris. a sign that trump may be concerned about harris' viability here. that concern likely increased with this new data about her grass roots support. sunday night hours after president biden made hi announcement, an estimated 90,000 black women and allies
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logged onto a call organized to build support for harris. a number so big that 50,000 of those attenkeys had to watch on a separate stream. four years ago, a similar organizing call for harris as biden's vice presidential nominee had 90 participants so literally 8,000 fold increase. this campaign has been a series of unprecedented moments from the criminal conviction of the republican front runner to a career ending presidential debate to an attempted assassination. but up until now, none of those historic moments have appeared to move the needle with american voters. question now, is that finally starting to change? joining us now, the founder of win with black women which organized that call of harris supporters with 90,000
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attendee. also with me are angela rye, cohost of the native land podcast. and alexis miguel johnson, president of planned parenthood federation of america and the action fund. both alexis and angela attended that fall. but you organized it. so i would love to start with you. first of all, who even knew 90,000 people could do anything all at the same time on the internet without something crashing but talk to me about how it came together and what it was like to get the number of rsvps , the interest that electrified a real part of the american electorate. >> there's just two words. it is kamala harris and it was quite historic to be in unity and coalition with so many black women and some of our ally that's joined that call as
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well. that night we had a powerful moment of unity around one goal. our commitment to seeing and ensuring that vice president kamala harris is the next president of the united states. it was great to be there with alexis and angela who have been a part of the win with black women collective for the last four years so we have been meeting on most sunday nights for the last four years. we came together four years ago around our collective outrage against the racism and sexism that we were seeing in the narrative as it related to vice president kamala harris when he was being discussed as a nominee for vice president on the 2020 presidential ticket. and we kept the meetings going. we had a standing call. black women had been organizing a beautiful letter that melanie campbell penned where black women were speaking very boldly about our support of the biden harris ticket. and when we got the new we knew that our agenda was going to
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shift a bit. and we were going to have increased interest in the call. my goodness, the fire that was lit. we had 44,000 on the actual zoom. and 50,000 on other zooms. we want today be unite and in sister hood and we knew we had to get to work. that's what that call was about. celebrating this historic moment. but it was just as much about getting the work. you saw the $1.5 million raised led by star jones. you saw 10,000 women sign up to organize. we are seeing black men and other allies are following suit. and organizing calls. because we are all just excited about vice president kamala harris. not only what she represents
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but the incredible record she hads had. >> of course it was a standing call. black women are organizing even when no one is watching. the work goes on, the fight continues. alexis, i take to heart what she is saying about it was not just celebration but marching orders. in the just about protecting kamala harris but beginning on the offense of what they might try to do to her in the coming months. >> we have been clear that donald trump is an existential threat to the black community and to all of the rights and freedoms we care about. what felt so powerful on sunday night, we are used to being called in to lead. that was the leadership and the
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work and the brilliance of all of our sisters who have been meeting for so long. but this felt like we were in a moment where we had the power to dream. it hits different when you see that. and i think that inspiration and that moment when 44,000 black women were on a call and we are taking those marching orders and talking about knowing in this moment amount of sexism and racism and violence that can be coming at our leaders. at many leaders who will be on that call and how we have to take the helm and ensure that she knows our hands are on her back supporting her so she can do what she needs to do out there. so taking that work and continuing on, that's a most incredible moment. >> can you talk about how you came away from that call, angela and where you think the greatest amount of work needs to be done as it concerns vice president harris, the de facto
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nominee? >> absolutely. first i want to take this time to honor the work, the toil, when we don't see it she is not just this way on organizing calls. she is this way about protecting our interests at all times. to bringing brittany griner back home. all of those things are tied to the legacy of kamala harris. that is what this call is about. i was on the call and got off. i was right there. what we have to be mindful of. we had a celebratory sunday. and the same time, there were marching orders flying so while
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we can have relief and celebrate, we also know that the work is just beginning. now, what kamala harris is up against is folks talking about her sleeping her way to the top. now what she is up against is folks lying about her border record. now she is up against folks questioning her ethnicity. questioning her fidelity to black culture. to the people. this is a woman who pledged aka at howard university. it is ridiculous. so we know already. we are black women who have been passed over for promotions in our jobs and underpaid and overworked. we know we are under attack from the womb to the tomb. to that end, there is no better fighter in this particular moment than kamala harris. it was a divine appointment sunday. it will be the 100 plus days until the election. i don't even endorse candidates. this ain't even about that. this is about doing the right thing to protect the democracy this country says it stands on and believes in.
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and there is no better champion for that than kamala harris. nobody better to prosecute the case against donald trump. than kamala harris. so we are ready to go. >> it is such a point well taken about the bigness of this moment. the fact the anti-fascist coalition is big. i wonder if you think this moment up ends is traditional play book. ron brownstein of the atlantic brings the shadow of obama to this moment and suggests some people think the gains that kamala harris could generate over biden among the key elements of the old obama coalition. young people, minorities, college educated whites could exceed any erosion she might experience with working class
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and older voters. nominating a black woman challenges the belief that they have to appease older white voters. can the country evolve? >> i think we are in a moment of a new realignment. a coalition that she will capture. what are the conditions that have gotten us to this moment right now? we have gone through, lost a historic election with our first female nominee. we have been through me too. we lost dobbs. in the moment where we understand that fascism feels like. it is happening every day on the ground in communities when our light rights are being stripped away from us and people are traveling hundreds of miles just to get access to basic health care. she has been a voice of that helping us to articulate the real stakes on the ground and the community and she will be doing with that with her economic message helps us to understand the global trends
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and fear about what fascism looks like abroad. so i think we have the ability to create a new alignment. she just energized the base in a way that no other candidate had. that is the excitement. that's the joy. they wanted to understand what team was going to win. they look at who has their shoulders back. they're the believers. because we are sitting taller in this moment and capturing that, it is that belief. that infrastructure put in place four years ago. the infrastructure we rely onto help us make meaning of this moment. that is actually what will capture the momentum and move us forward. >> you mentioned black men in
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terms of their engagement. there has been some narrative and data about trump making inroads among communities of color. specifically with young black men. how much do you think given the short time frame we are talking about, do you think this changes that calculation especially among men of color? >> i think absolutely. we look at last night. there were 20,000 on zoom. they reached capacity very quickly. and overall it was probably more than 40,000 black men organizing for vice president kamala harris last night. they raised over a million dollars. black men are talking. what we know, donald trump has always been about the paper tigers. what we are seeing is i believe not just the real story. we are going to win the election door to door in communities across the country. that is where black men are talking to each other. they are organizing and i believe that we are going to see more momentum from black
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men organizing for kamala harris. working in solidarity with black women and other allies to make sure that as angela outlined we'll get the work. we are all ready to see vice president kamala harris become the next president of this country. we need her. >> how much stock should democrats put in stakes like georgia, nevada, arizona, and north carolina at this stage of the game? is that wish casting or do you think kamala harris has just opened up the map? >> i think she has absolutely opened up the map. if democrats are smart. it is getting back to a 50- state strategy. you cannot leave any stone unturned. you don't know what the impact will be. of voter suppression. of what folks will try to do to steal the election. we lost an election with the female candidate at the top. that was hillary clinton. we actually didn't. it was just the popular vote y'all. we would have been singing a different song. every single vote counts. you have to invest the dollars,
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you can't do the same old consultant. you asked alex about black men in the polls. why haven't tokes falked to terrance woodbury? he is hearing something very different from black men so it is important where you get your data from. i have never been polled. >> thank you for your time tonight. and wisdom. and perspective. i appreciate you. alexis, stick around. i have a little more to talk to you about. we have a lot to get to this hour including how house republican leaders have already reportedly had to tell their members to stop injecting race and racism into the presidential election. plus the harris campaign is reportedly vetting a number of
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so yes, vice president kamala harris' campaign has come together at an incredible pace. meme factory, merchandise shop all at record speed. the dnc plans to start virtual role call voting as soon as august 1st and reports indicate a vice presidential nominee could be chosen by the middle of next week. as in the middle of next week. according to nbc news, the harris campaign has requested vetting materials from north carolina governor roy cooper, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, arizona senator mark kelly. michigan governor gretchen
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whitmer and minnesota governor tim walz. i'm joined by minnesota governor tim walz. the chair of the democratic governor's association and the cochair of the dnc rules committee. he is a very busy man indeed. thanks for taking the time to join me tonight. first i got to ask, about the weirdness, the surreality of being so intimately involved in all of these proceedings and also on the list to be potential vice presidential running mate with kamala harris. how does that feel? >> look, i'm a high school teacher and yes. very surreal. but what i have to say is i would start out by saying more of your previous guests, inject it right into my veins. that's the future we are looking at. so what i saw was and what we all saw this afternoon in milwaukee, an american future that we all want. one we know that can be there. that sense of optimism and joy and hopefulness.
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look, we were laughing with each other, not at someone. just to be a part of this, i'm all in on this positive future. i'm all in we can heal some of these rifts and i think you saw it. you saw soon to be president harris. america is so hungry for it. i can't tell you. i'm just excited. i'm excited to be here. i have never felt this energy in an awful long time. america is smiling again. we are seeing other americans as neighbors. i'll tell you, the smallness of the trump campaign and the smallness of the trump vance vision is in full display. and your previous guests showed that. put anybody up against that and i'll take those odds. >> it feels like the equivalent of a 72-hour emotional balloon drop just cascading over the democratic party. this sense of joy. relief, elation.
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i do wonder there's been a lot of talk about how trump is very much doubling down on white working class votes. how jd vance is a direct expression of that. i think you said this morning on morning joe, people like jd vance know nothing about small town america. tell me why you think this is a gross calculation of the trump campaign. >> i grew up in a town of 2400. the things that make small towns work are good public schools. the things that work about being good to your neighbors and helping out. and the golden rule of a small town, mind your own business. he want to be in our exam rooms. they want to come and try to tell us they want to privatize our public schools. you think you will find a private school in a town of 400? these are absolute policies. he gutted middle america. told us it wouldn't work. they are misreading where
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people are at. look. i won't underestimate. you can scare people, you can bring anger and tell them the brown man will steal your job. but these are good folks that just simply want a fair shake and that fear doesn't work. what soon to be president harris building on the biden legacy is bringing back good jobs, bringing back manufacturing jobs, investing in our public schools. treating teachers and nurses with dignity. those are the things that are there. he is totally misreading this. the guy flips on everything. it frustrates me that somehow the denigration that hill billy elegy did, that this is cultural anger? no. we are mad republican policies gutted our schools and communities. and now you have soon to be president harris talks about reinvesting in that. i couldn't be more excited. being from a small town, your previous guest was right. i'm a 50 straight strategy guy. we will win the governorshipdown in north carolina. up in new hampshire, we will
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compete in montana and indiana because our policies work. this is what is good for the middle class. i'm excited about it and i think our messenger in kamala harris today, the joy and the smiles on people's faces look, i got a 23-year-old daughter. she's like it's brat summer. we're back. they're there. everything is just fired up again. it's good. i'm like i don't know what you mean but i'm sure it's a good thing. we are excited. >> i think a lot of people are getting familiar with brat summer governor. the questions around when we will find out as kamala harris is the de facto democratic nominee, when the feasible timetable for finding out who her running mate may be because you are chairs of the roles committee. should people out there
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watching this eager with anticipation believe that the vice presidential nominee will be announced in that same time frame? is there any indication you might give us? >> look, that's a choice that vice president harris will make. i think our rules are the way they have always been. the way we did it in 2020. it is an open process. anybody who wants to run can, if you can get 300 delegates. it will be tough because everyone is lined up behind the vice president because they love the message. they love the hope. but you certainly can do that. we'll go through the process. we'll get a vote. it will then be the vice president's decision. you normally see this on the first day of the convention. the announcement is made. most of this is just to meet the ballot requirements because since january 6th, republicans have tried to destroy our electoral system and there is no sense of protecting the democracy. we want to make sure we don't miss any deadlines. that will be a choice for the vice president. we want to make sure she picks someone who is the right person for her and who can lead us to
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victory. there is one goal. defeat donald trump. and bring america back that we love. >> do you know that donald trump is tweeting about you being on fox news complaining why did fox news put up tim walz? governor of minnesota where i'm leading? they make me fight battles i shouldn't have to fight. do you have thoughts on that? >> well, he has nothing better to do apparently on that. look. you know. >> complaining about fox news governor. >> well here is my thing, too. just to be candid. my relatives are watching fox news. i get it. but i think we can take a message to them. but this idea of being obsessed with this. it will be tight. it will be a tight race. but we are going to win. and you talked about this new collision. the obama coalition. i'll tell you that i believe soon to be president harris will win older white folks like me. like my family. because it is a message that matters to us. she is talking that we matter. that our schools matter. that our jobs matter.
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that our environment matters. these are weird people on the other side. they want to take books away. they want to be in your exam room. that's what it comes down to. don't get sugar coating this. these are weird ideas. listen to them speak. listen to how they talk about things and how your previous guests were right. they told them they shouldn't talk about race. they can't help it. it is built into their dna. there is no health care plan. they want to take away our alliances and leave russia to do whatever they want. look, they are bad on foreign policy, they are bad on the environment. they certainly have no health care plan. and they keep talking about the middle class that as i said, a robber baron real estate guy and venture cap list trying to tell us they know who they are? >> that ain't a brat summer. i barely know what a brat summer is. i just know it's not that. minnesota governor tim walz, thank you very much for joining. >> thanks for having me. still to come tonight, the
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prosecutor versus the perp. how kamala harris is leaning into her career in law enforcement. plus, as soon as biden dropped out of the race, trump supporters trying to attack kamala harris started saying the quiet part out loud. we'll have more on that next. h let's get started. bill, where's your mask? i really tried sleeping with it, everybody. but i'm done struggling. now i sleep with inspire. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with just the click of this button. a button? no mask? no hose? just sleep. yeah but you need the hose, you need the air, you need the whoooooosh... inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more, and view important safety information
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or had a vaccine or plan to. sotyktu is a tyk2 inhibitor. tyk2 is part of the jak family. it's not known if sotyktu has the same risks as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. arexvy is number one in rsv vaccine shots. rsv? make it arexvy.
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in the last 48 hours, a theme has emerged among trump supporters when it comes to vice president kamala harris. >> she would be the queen of dei if she were selected. she is dei. >> are you suggesting she was a dei? >> 100%. >> she does not speak well. she does not work hard. >> all right, so kelly anne. >> she should not be the standard bearer for the party. >> apparently, they feel or a lot of democrats feel they have to stick with her because of her ethnic background. >> not a subtle strategy. now, politico reports house republican leaders told them to stop making race comments about vice president harris. but whether the head of the party will be able to restrain himself is an open question. one i think i know the answer to. this afternoon he gave us a clue. >> there was nobody nastier than her. she play first-degree race card at a level you rarely see.
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>> joining me now is tim miller. cohost of the next level podcast. tim, it's great to see you. i'm taking the under on trump saying on message. what about you? >> is it possible to go lower than the under? he is not going to be able to do it. if you are ever part of an organization, the height of the organization needs to send out a memo. and the memo says guys, don't be racist. >> yeah. >> don't be racist. please don't be racist guys. it might be a sign you are part of an organization with some race relations issues you might want to reflect upon. you know? because if you are part of a healthy organization, a diverse and prosperous organization, you don't need to send out the don't be racist memo. that is the thing people just aren't. >> at this point in time, it shouldn't surprise people that the republican party is looking toward division and racism as a
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way to champion their own fortunes but i'm still stunned by the smallness of trump's own response. he was on truth social saying he should get a refund for the money he spent during this campaign. now we have to start all over again. shouldn't the republican party be reimbursed for fraud in that everyone around joe including his doctors and the fake news media knew he was not capable of running for or being president? just asking. this, though, suggests there is no strategy in the trump campaign. if the first response is i want a refund for the money i spent. the candidate himself. i just noticed that you pointed out, he had a call with
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reporters where he did this attack. the reverse racism attack. and sending out his bleats on the other hand his social media feed. there's a lot of discussion. on where the previous presumptive nominee was. the democratic party. and their campaign schedule. what is trump doing all day? for a while he had court dates. but i guess he has just been golfing? you would think this would be a moment for them to try to counter the kamala momentum you have seen out there. and you would have trump out there trying to deliver a counter message. but they don't have one, and that vacuum has allowed for these racist outbursts to draw the attention. >> i also think there is something about, this kind of showering of hope and good vibes to be just kind of like
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layman's terms is intoxicating. and trump's premise of his existence in american politics is grievance and anger. the thing about hope is people like feeling good. trump says i will debate with her multiple times. do you think that is a good idea? >> i think he'll have to do it. trump's message was very, obviously, there is some lines from the old republican party, one real difference is that trump's message about how america is awful. that there is american carnage. that things are terrible. there is an invasion at the border and all of this nonsense that he has been spewing. that message feels a lot weaker you know. in contrast to the powerful images and messages we have seen from the vice president the last two days and there is
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no doubt it is tough to match. it is tough to beat good vibes with like really negative complaining and grievance and whining and i think that having to change tunes for trump will be challenging. as far as the debate is concerned, he has to. if his whole night is based on machismo. you can't just be a tough guy and hide from a debate with the vice president with your female opponent. i don't think his ego will allow for that. >> i will say i do wonder if there is some, tim alberta says there is some concern about vance. i wonder if there is straight up buyer's remorse in a moment like this. >> how could there not be? have you watched him? i don't think that they ran, they did the presidential apprentice so you would have thought they would have done their more due diligence.
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he has negative charisma. brings a ton of negatives particularly with women's issues. and they say he is supposed to help with working class white folks. but a lot of people that actually come from working class communities have had pretty compelling countermessages to jd vance. if you look at the way he changed his tune since he wrote the book, he doesn't have credibility on those issues. so i definitely if we are going back to betting i would bet a cool $5 that donald trump is asking one person on the golf cart if he made a mistake already. he has already run that by somebody. i feel quite confident. >> tim, i appreciate you my friend. thanks for making the time tonight. still to come this evening kamala harris is leaning in to her history as a former prosecutor running against a man convicted of 34 felonies. but the trump campaign is trying to flip the script.
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we'll have more on that next. w (luke) this will be a gold mine of local intel. just you wait. (marci) right. so, tell us about this corn festival? (stylist 1) oooh you got your corn pudding... you got your corn chowder... (marci) so... is it safe around here? (stylist 2) sometimes. (luke) if a family of eight were to need a cold plunge, where would they find it? (stylist 1) ...and then they dip it in butter, then bam, it goes right in. (stylist 2) ...really cute vampire bar. (stylist 1) the reverend does like a blessing on the corn. (luke) donut shops. how far from here? (marci) no eyebrows? (luke) think of how light it'll feel in the summer. we've got to run. eleven thousand more neighborhoods to go! (vo) ding dong! homes-dot-com. centrum! it's scientifically formulated to help you take charge of your health. centrum gives every body a healthy foundation. supporting your - oops - energy, immunity and metabolism. and yours too! you did it! plus try centrum silver, now clinically proven to support memory in older adults.
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what does a robot know about love? get 50% off your first box it takes a human to translate that leap in our hearts into something we can see and hold. etsy. kamala harris became the de facto democratic nominee less than 24 hours ago, but her plan is in action. she put her record as a
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prosecutor side by side. the new york times offers some context here. she sometimes struggled to discuss her history in law enforcement and matters of criminal justice during her 202 campaign when many democrats were pushing to rein in the powers of the police. the trump campaign meanwhile has already begun using harris' record to accuse her of embracing pro criminal soft on crime policies. joining me now is phillip ativa solomon. professor of psychology at yale university. thank you for being here. i first want to talk about what's happening on the left here. because this moment, 2024 feels different from 2020 in a number of ways. one is the conversation around criminal justice and the reality that kamala harris didn't have to run the gauntlet of the democratic primary. how do you see the conversation being different this time around? >> it obviously feels quite
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secondary to the momentous events from this past weekend. we are not talking about her and her policy positions. but in terms of her and how she stacks up as an existential threat to the guy running on the other side in this moment when all of a sudden there is a ton of energy around a democratic candidate where there wasn't previously. so it is a different conversation. i think that we will see over the course of the next several months hour, that it will be more and more central to her messages and to the attacks against her. >> what do you think about the way in which the trump campaign is trying to weaponnize her as a soft on crime prosecutor by way of example, they cite her 2004 refusal to seek the death penalty for david hill who murdered a san francisco police officer. he got a life sentence. and the decision by her da's office to give provagues to deandre brusard. he was a first time offender so
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probation was the typical punishment in that case. do you think that is effective. >> what's happening is most folks will be leaning into stereotypes about blue controls cities and states. they will be leaning into stereotypes about black people and crime. if that works we have seen that before. but i are to say it seems a risky gambit to say this person is not hard enough on crime when the other candidate has 34 felony convictions. right? it's not clear to me that is what is going to win the day. but also, if we are going to have a conversation about law and order kamala harris is someone i would like to have that conversation. i would like her to make the articulation of why she made
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the decisions she did. you have someone who was able to reduce the number of folks who got incarcerated for simple marijuana possessions. someone who refused to seek the death penalty and trusted science instead of scapegoating when it came to issues of criminal justice. you have someone who understands how the systems work and i have to hope that if we are having conversations about how you actually reduce violent crime is going to look significantly better. >> i'm with you. her ability to speak in a nuanced and experienced way on matters of criminal justice and criminal justice reform is there is no one else like her. the fact of the matter is it is not always one thing or the other. her record is perhaps more conservative in some ways in some areas and more progressive in others and she has had to live that line as a prosecutor and as the attorney general.
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when it comes to trump's own felonious present, i wonder what you make of her current line which is i know donald trump's type. she said it now twice and i wonder how well you think that defuses or gets to the heart of the matter. >> it is really i think a lovely bit of politics because it doesn't just work in terms of her describing all the kinds of malfeasance he has been engaged in from sexual assault to scamming and fraud and self- interest. it is also talking about a dude who is a type and it does a good job of communicating a whole bunch of things with simple messaging so it is incredibly effective and the kind of thing that gets her prepared to define this race as someone who understands how systemming work. and who works for people who are vulnerable.
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it can be an effective piece of messaging. what we will see is after the enthusiasm and the eruption of this week has passed, how easy is it going to be to push back against i saw the last segment, push back against the people you have to send a letter to be all right, racism out loud is not good. sexism out loud is not good. yet it has been effective for generations. if we are able to get past that, i have strong high hopes about what comes next. but that is definitely a hurdle that will be right at the center of it. >> thank you for your wisdom. we'll be right back. >> thanks alex. be right back. >> thanks alex. and with the right help, i can make this place i love even better. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. wealth-changing question -- are you keeping as much of your investment gains as possible? high taxes can erode returns quickly,
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finally, we have a quick programming note. my colleagues and i will be hosting live special coverage of president biden's much anticipated address to the nation. it will be his first since dropping out of the presidential race two days


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