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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  July 26, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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i would like to remind you that tomorrow, the olympic games return live from paris, and remember, you can watch the opening ceremony at 7:30 p.m. eastern on nbc and streaming on peacock. it's going to be fantastic and on that fantastic note, i wish you a good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thanks for staying up late. i will see you at the end of tomorrow. at the end of tomorrow. it's jen psaki. i will dive into it. there is a lot going on. i don't know if you heard with the new kamala harris candidacy. what you are about to hear is
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sexist and racist and gross and it pains me to even have to listen to it. but i'm going to play it because it is also important for you to know what is coming. >> the deliciousness of it all is this woman who is literally a dei hire. >> her whole history is dei. diversity inclusion and equity. >> what about white females? what about any other group? when you go down that route, you get mediocrity. >> you are suggesting she is a dei hire? >> 100%. >> i think she was a dei hire. i don't think they have anybody else. >> how are you going to skip over her because she is female and her skin color is the correct dei color? >> let's spend a moment op the fact that was sebastian gorga
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calling someone else unqualified so just digest that for a second. on one level, everything you just heard an there is plenty more, is just old fashioned racism, sexism. it is totally cross. for a few years how, republicans led by donald trump have blasted anything that doesn't benefit straight white men as diversity, equity, and inclusion. that is just a racist sexist dog whistle which even republican leaders seem to realize is in a closer meeting this week on capitol hill, house speaker mike johnson urged members to stop making bigoted comments about vice president harris and stick to the issues. but of course they won't if the campaigns of 2020 and 2026 are any indication. maga will come back to it as many times and as many ways as they can so it deserves unpacking. first of all, the idea that the
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vice president of the united states, kamala harris, is unqualified to be president on her own merits independent of her race and gender, is misinformation. she was a prosecutor two decades before being elected the attorney general of california. she won the election to the senate in 2016 and gained notoriety for being a tough questioner of judicial nomineesi and corporate witnesses and at hearings and for the last three- and-a-half years she has been vice president of the united states for goodness sake. what are we even talking about here? contrast that with the other guy. she is running against. donald trump who as you know is 20 years older and his only relevant experience before he was elected was reality tv and failed businesses. the point is the goal of all of this disinformation is to get you to believe that vice ie president kamala harris isn't qualified for this job. which she very much is. also, this isn't new.
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in the last presidential election, nobody endured as much sexist misinformation as kamala harris. if more than 300,000 pieces of disinformation targeting more than a dozen candidates in 2020, a whopping 78% targeted harris. all lies to undermine her decades of public service because of her gender, her ethnic background and skin color. but there is another aspect to the attacks on vice president harris. one that doesn't just aim to rally racist and sexist and that is part of the strategy. but to disillusion her would be supporters to suppress their hope of what's possible. to suppress their engagement in this election. and their vote. by making it seem like we just are not ready for this. like the woman of color who told the new york times this week woke america is just not ready for for a woman president. especially not a black woman president.
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it is not her fault at all. that's what people are telling her on television every day. the thing about firsts is they are firsts because they have never halved before. believe me. when i joined the obama campaign in 2007, many people thought i would be off in a couple of months. because the country wasn't ready to elect a black man to the presidency. and he is far from the only one who has experienced the challenge of being the first. you know who else has experience with that sort of thing? hillary clinton. in a new op ed out in the times yesterday, clinton herself laid out the challenge for harris writing quote while it still pains me i couldn't break the highest hardest glass ceiling i'm proud my two presidential campaigns made it seem normal to have a woman at the top of the ticket. ms. harris will face unique additional challenges as the first black and south asian woman at the top of a major party's ticket. that's real. but we shouldn't be afraid. it is a trap to believe that
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progress is impossible. and she's right. it is a trap. and it is a trap the democrat haves to avoid and that requires calling it out. i don't mean wallowing or hiding. i mean punching back the bully who is telling you what is and isn't possible. even if mike johnson and republican leaders really wanted to, or could get their caucus to stop saying the quiet parts outside and attack with bigoted attacks, right wing is not going to get the memo. neither is the guy at the top of the ticket. trump lead this campaign. so we are ready for him call her a dei hire by biden. so they are ready and democrats should be too. not only is she incredibly qualified but the historic nature of her candidacy is something to be celebrated, not demonized. in a piece i couldn't stop
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thinking about, rebecca tracer talks about quote the thrill of taking a huge risk on kamala harris. as she points out, quote, our at version to uncertainty is how we got to this precipice. too unwilling to take risks on people, ideas, and platforms in the next generation of leadership. democrats have remained changed in the past. but not anymore. we have never been here before. we don't know if we can do this. precisely because the stakes are so high, we are at last going to act like it by taking unprecedented, underpolled at a pitch that meets the gravity of the urgent task in front of us. that's what the task is ahead with just over 100 days to go. nina who wrote that piece is here with me. she was the founding director of the disinformation
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governance board. she joins me at the table along with the former senior adviser of kamala harris. and host of the weekend. thank you both so much for being here. nina, i talked about your research and what you found. and it is stunning. it is an alarming number. tell us a little bit more about what you found in that research and what it tells us about what we should expect in the campaign ahead. >> you summed it up. over 336,000 pieces of abuse ,0 and disinformation that we looked at across 13 candidates and again, 78% targeting then candidate harris. what is important is to note there were three key narratives we are seeing recycled again. they were sexualized narratives claiming she slept her way to the top. there were narratives claiming she is secretly a man because she couldn't have gotten into ai position of power without
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secretly being a man. and racist and racialized narratives claiming she wasn't black or indian enough to claim the heritages or the dei hire thing. at the time we were not quite calling it that. another important point is our adversaries look at this disinformation, this abuse, and they echo it. in my own research i have seen how russia has echoed these narratives for years and is doing it again as we head to 100 days before the election. >> such an interesting part of your piece you wrote from msnbc. they take the things happening here and push it into the system. so simone, you know president biden well. vice president harris well. none of this is new. it is important for people to understand. this has been coming at her for years.
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>> since before that, you talk about being the first generation. because you were the first, whether you are the first woman, first person of color, folks don't know how to deal with you. they result, resort to racist and sexist tropes and means and stereo types. the vice president because she has been the first in literally almost everything she has done, my experience had been, it was new for me when i worked for her because i had never worked for a high profile woman before. i had only ever worked for men. and there was one day at work where i was like you might be the last woman i work for because this is a lot. but she was always aware of the criticism of her. we didn't hide it from her. but it did not deter her. it was something i think any candidate needs to be aware of.
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the last thing you want is your candidate. your principle, the vice president of the united states of america to be out there. someone says something and whati is that about? we just got that this morning at 10:00 a.m. >> it is important for them to be aware. which is an interesting thing. it is how they respond to it. obviously it depends on the person so i want to hear from simone on that. is there anything in your research that shows what is effective against pushing back on these attacks? batting them down? >> when we were watching the crazy clips from right wing commenters. we were laughing about it. we are making e light of it and calling it out for how ridiculous it is. and that's what i love about quo conut kamala. the memes. brat kamala. it is owning it and it is also pointing to these ridiculous criticisms saying you know what? we can reclaim those from you
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and that's what's happening. >> it also goes to show how out of touch and it is a generational thing. because the folks who are, the coconut thing, i have seen that in right wing media for a while. and then, when the tiktokers got ahold of it, it became it's cool. but right wing media made it ad outer to be something that was detrimental. something that seemed like oh, she is unserious. she is not smart. because that is what they are trying to say. it has been a daily onslaught since she was a candidate for if the. the reality is, there are people that might not watch our network. but they watch fox news all day. they believe what they are seeing. so the best counter to that is for them to see for themselves. they say the same things about
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the president. there is this narrative that the president is somehow not well and he has had a health care crisis. that is why he is off the campaign trail. that is why he is not the candidate anymore. he is speaking from the resolute desk yesterday was important so people could see for themselves that this narrative trying to be painted out there what they are telling you is not true. believe what you see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears. >> one of the things i mentioned about in the opening that people should be worried about, you want people to participate is people hearing this and thinking i don't think she can be, i don't think this will happen in our country. people who might support her. what should be done about that? >> look. you know you talk to voters on the campaign trail. the worst thing is when voters want to be pundents, analysts. you know who will win?
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the person people vote for. i used to rstell people i don't think so and so can win. they will win if you vote for them. so people should vote for who they want to see in the office. that person will win. it is as simple as that. the campaign has to go out and make that case and you have shorted. the campaign is what, four, five days old? it is very new. >> a week is a year. >> it's been eons. i don't think the harris campaign believes this at all. but i have heard a lot of people say oh, she is woman, a woman of color. obviously those demographics are locked down. no. it doesn't work like that. you have to go out and earn people's votes and my experience with the vice president has been that she has always said okay, how can we connect what is happening to people? i want folks to know what i'm
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talking about. that i hope we see more in the next hundred days from the harris campaign. >> we only have a few seconds left. but you said something so u interesting to me during the break. how the platforms have withheld information. making it harder so we can't get this kidata now. >> i would not be able to do this same study today. because twitter has shut down access to its platform. crowd tangle which was how we listened to facebook and instagram. also doesn't exist anymore. and that means that we can't follow the harm that is being done on these platforms and the way that the platforms are absolutely having a dereliction of duty and responding to ait because of the political situation and how it has become difficult to do content moderation. it is no longer in favor and people are worried if trump is president they will find themselves on capitol hill or worse answering for having done the basic due diligence of democracy. >> where is amy klobuchar when you need her? >> i hope she is listening.
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nina, simone, thank you. you can see simone on the weekend along with her cohosts saturday and sunday mornings. 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on mnbc. coming up next, kamala harris raised millions and narrowed her polling gap only three days in. we have governor tim walz coming up next. or tim walz coming up next.
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agreed upon september 10th debate. he agreed to that previously. now it appears he is back pedaling but i'm ready. and i think the voters deserve to see a split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage. i'm ready. let's go. >> would you do it on fox news? >> can you comment on the protests yesterday? >> let's go. we were days into the new reality of this presidential election. a new poll from the new york times out today has kamala harris down one point from donald trump nationally. we have not seen a ton of state polls but that was an improvement as trump was up six points a few weeks ago. she has raised roughly $130 million. mostly from small donors and tens of thousands of volunteers have signed up. no question the vice president is off to a strong start. but the attacks are getting uglier. i was just talking about this. the race will be close. everybody should prepare
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themselves for that. and we have just over 100 days to go. so where do we do from here? i'm joined now by someone on the short list to be kamala harris' vice president. governor him walz, democrat of minnesota. i will not make you confirm that or ask you to tell me the status but i do want to know, thank you. the role of vice president is about complimenting the talents of the person at the top of the ticket. how would you compliment vice president cam? >> well thanks for having me again. yeah. it's about shared values. there's a wealth of people out there. harris is articulating a positive future for america where everyone belongs and opportunity is out there and we treat each other with dignity. it is just surrounding yourself with those type of people. it is why she was there with
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joe biden. and you see her. i continue to make this case. the contrast is so great that it is stunning right now. and the polling will shake itself where it is going to be. i have done this for a long time. i have not seen the engagement. i have a 23-year-old who told me tiktok is on fire. i see people smiling and there is a much more of a sense of decency around there. so whoever ends up being part of that, we are all on a team to make somebody better. i love joe biden saying it's not about me. it's not about me. it's about you. it's about everybody else. so i think what you got is you are going to see complimentary values. you will see to go out and connect with folks across the country. i hear vice president harris say it. we have far more in common. the idea you need a specific messenger for a specific person, i don't think that is true. you need people willing to lean into values. not willing to think this is normal. you have a former president that thinks calling names and
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spreading lies is the way to get people. they are continuing to shrink the electorate on their side. i don't think it is going anywhere. so i'm just excited. >> you just need to win more votes to win the election. that's what it's all about. >> that's it. >> you have a 23-year-old. your 23-year-old may have told you you have gone a little viral for calling a bunch of republicans weird. now i happen to agree with you when you watch some of these clips but tell us why you settled on that particular description. >> pull back up that clip of sebastian gorca. weird. that guy is central casting of a bond villain and they continue to be obsessed with things. you know something is wrong with them. freedom to be in your bedroom, exam room. freedom to tell you what your kids can read. that stuff is weird. they come across as weird. they are obsessed with this.
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and look, the thing i find the most weird about it is they never do the things they say. i heard one time very early on, you do not need your elected official to give you a sermon but they should try to live one. and they are weird with how they frame it. they are obsessed. the he-man woman hater's club. i don't know where this is coming from. in minnesota, i just appointed sarah henassey. we have majority women on the supreme court and a woman of color as the chief justice. that scared the hell out of these guys then they start being weird. listen to their stories. they think they are connecting with people and they tell things and everyone feels uncomfortable around them so i'm sticking with that. i know it is more cynical and it is deeper and it is hurtful and hateful. but i think one of the things you point out this, they are not offering us anything. they are not going to come with a plan. this is my thing every day.
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where is your health care plan? so yeah, they're weird and i'm not changing that. and the thing is that every day, they give me more proof of that. so it is pretty self-evident. >> i think weird is a very apt. sharks versus being electrocuted. it's a weird thing to keep talking about. let's be real. i want to ask you about jd vance. you have been governor of a state that has a lot of rural small towns. i know you are proud of that. what is jd vance missing about small town rural america and what is he getting wrong? >> pretty much everybody. he misreads this. in hill billy elegy about cultural angst. no, we are angry because rubber barons like him gutted middle america and took our jobs. then they tell you school vouchers are the thing to go on. i went to a high school, 400 people in the town.
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my government teacher did a hell of a good job. you think you are going to have a private school in a small town? they stick it in the private school for people already going there. jd vance knows nothing about that and goes into all of these things. today's ibf day. thank god from ivf, my wife and i have two beautiful children. the thing that makes small towns work is mind your own business. i don't need him to tell me about my family. i don't need to tell him my wife's health care and her reproductive rights. i don't need him telling my children what books to read. i'm not interested in it. and i think rural america is angry. they were gutted but joe biden's policies and now soon to be president harris bringing back manufacturing jobs. bringing back dignity. investing in infrastricture. how are you going to build a water treatment plant in a town of 400 without a collective
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effort? they scream socialism? we just build roads and schools and prosperity into this. their whole plan is to go backwards to give tax cuts to the wealthy and look, so surprising. you know. these super successful donald trump who inherited $400 million and proceeded to fail at everything. middle america, you earn it but you are not on your own. neighbors help neighbors and this one bothers me. i heard you talking about punching back at the bullies. they see people less fortunate as scapegoats and punch lines for their jokes. we see them as neighbors. with my mom, my dad dies. when my little brother is young. we are teenagers. we get social security survivor benefits. i'm all for pulling yourself up by the boot straps. we didn't have any boots. social security was the boots and we pulled ourselves up and we paid that back and i think jd vance gets none of that. it's the aw shucks i'm from here whatever. so my hill billy cousins didn't go to yale, but they contributed to our community and they are proud of it. >> look out for your neighbors.
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stop being weird. the governor tim walz's way of politicking. thank you very much governor. >> thanks jen. coming up, president biden calls for supreme court reforms. what can he get done in the six months he has left in the white house? we'll talk about that next. house? we'll talk about that next.
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i'll keep defending our personal freedoms and our civil rights from the right to vote
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to the right to choose. i will call for supreme court reform because this is critical to our democracy. >> president biden took time out of his 13-minute address. it's a short address. this is significant. to endorse much needed reforms to the supreme court. and we should not understate how big this step is. joe biden is an institutionalist to his core. he was the long time chair of the senate judiciary committee and on the committee of the hearings of john roberts and clarence thomas and samuel alito. they fueled the ethics scandals rocking the court and it is clear in light of those scandals that some change is needed. and in fact, just today, a sitting justice joined calls for new reforms to the court. senatesenator ed markey joins
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me now. so you have been calling for reforms the supreme court for some time. what is interesting to me about president biden using that time in a short speech is he talked about it. what did you think about that? >> i think it is much needed. it can be a major part of his legacy. justice scalia died. then barack obama could not get a confirmed supreme court justice for 11 months because they said you don't confirm them during presidential years. then in 2020 when justice ginsberg passed away from september 26 of 2020 to october 26th of 2020, they were able to confirm amy comey barrett. you can do it in the blink of an eye with the fear joe biden just might win that election so
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they stole two seats. the dobbs decision is the first installment. then the chevron decision. then the gun rights and presidential immunity. so everything that has happened thus far is a preview of coming atrocities from this supreme court. and so, my bill would expand the supreme court. it would say that two supreme court justices must be reclaimed so that it makes up for the two stolen seats and then two additional justices must be given to president harris next year so she can expand the court out to 13. then begin to restore the balance on this court. otherwise, we are going to live for a long time with this illegitimate court that is based on two stolen supreme court seats. >> it is such an important topic. the presidential race is everybody's focus. but the supreme court is a branch. the justice is the branch of the government. that is why it is so important
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to talk about. what about term limits? >> i look forward to president biden's proposal. i would be open to term limits. we know that are constitutional. we know can it happen in a very brief period of time and the court can be rebalanced again. but i look forward to president biden's proposal. how he sees the reform of the supreme court being implemented but something has to happen. it is a court which is out of control and unless it is made accountable, this country will suffer greatly. >> no question. have you talked to president biden or vice president harris about your ideas for this and what you would like to see in the proposals? >> i have communicated my views on obviously the expansion of the court.
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to the white house over the last four years. they know how i view this because it is constitutional. can't happen quickly. and it does solve the problem. but again, i'm open to any other approach that the president might suggest. >> you have also been politics a long time. and this issue, the supreme court is at the lowest approval rating it has ever been at. they have done it to themselves. is this an issue that you think vice president harris should be talking about? she is only on her fourth day here. would you like to hear her talk about it? >> i think that this supreme court should be on the ballot. to make the decisions about their access to abortion and whether or not talking to their own families and doctors, they wanted to in fact have that
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health care procedure. that's gone. then the chevron decision which is the environmental health care civil rights, labor protections equivalent of the dobbs decision. it will make it difficult going forward to put real protections at administrative agencies. like the epa and the department of labors. all of this will be crystal clear i think through the arguments of vice president harris between now and election day. because she is a lawyer. she was on the judiciary committee. she understands all of these issues in her bones and i think she will need to respond. >> she made them back to 2019. she talked about the need for the supreme court to have reforms. i want to ask you about the ethics scandals because they seem to be piling up. every week there is new
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information. it is a toothless ethics situation they are living under. i know the senate has invited the chief justice to come to the senate. he said no. is there anything else that you can do or the senate can do out there to compel him to come or to hold them more accountable? >> they are doing a great job. i think it is going to be necessary for the congress to act. every other federal judge in america has a code of ethics under which they have to live. a code of ethics is a delusion. it is a hallucination. that's where the supreme court is right now. and i think it is something that kamala harris will be able to run on. because we can see the consequences now are moving
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into the lives of ordinary americans. justice thomas and alito have absolutely demonstrated what happens when there is no code of ethics on the highest court of the land. they now have the lowest ethics in the land. this must change and i think this election is going to absolutely be an educational exercise for the american people through the voice of kamala harris. >> no question they have become the poster children. those two you mentioned on the need for reforms. senator ed markey, thank you so much for joining me. vice president harris is taking over the democratic ticket. it impacts more than just the presidential race. how down ballot races across the country are going to see the impant. we'll talk about that coming up next. bout that coming up next. (man) mm, hey, honey. looks like my to-do list grew. "paint the bathroom, give baxter a bath, get life insurance," hm. i have a few minutes. i can do that now.
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so it turns out the bromance between the world's richest man and the republican presidential nominee may be on the rocks tonight. last week the wall street journal reported musk was going to donate $45 million a month to a trump superpac. that came on the heels of musk's endorsement of trump last weekend. then on saturday, trump confirmed even boasted i think is fair to say about the massive influx of support coming from the world's richest man. >> you know, elon, i love elon musk. do we love him? i love him.
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we have some smart people. we have to make life good for our smart people. and he is as smart as you get. but elon endorsed me the other day and i read. i didn't even know this. he didn't tell me about it. but he gives me $45 million a month. a month. not $45,000,000.45 million a month! >> unfortunately, for the republican nominee, it was simply too good to be true. because musk quickly corrected the record. >> what's been reported in the media is simply not true. >> okay. >> i am not donating $45 million a month to trump. at no point did i say i was going to donate $45 million a month. that was a fiction made up by the wall street journal. >> so trump had to sheepishly
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walk it back calling into fox and friends this morning. >> somebody told me he was going to give me $45 million a month. i said that sounds like a lot. even for elon that's a lot. there was a reporter that wrote it. he never told me he was giving me 45 million. but he said i strongly endorse you. >> that was all pretty awkward. trump may not be raking in $45 million a month though. there is plenty of money flowing into this year's biggest races up and down the ballot. we will talk about how some of those consequential matches are looking. now that kamala harris is in the race. that's coming up next. the race. that's coming up next.
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we are talking a lot about everything happening in the presidential race. this week for obvious reasons. but the rather really big question is how the change at the top of the democratic presidential ticket could affect down ballot races. democrats are trying to maintain control of the senate and of course take control of the house. and one of the most interesting race ins the country is in texas. where democratic congressman collin alred is running against republican ted cruz. he narrowly won his last election fight by less than three points. one poll showed a tightening race with allred trailing by just three points. that poll taken before president biden left the race showed biden trailing donald trump by a much bigger margin
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of nine points. now given all the energy around the kamala harris candidacy the last four or five days what could it signify for the texas senate race? congressman collin allred of texas joins me now. so let me start there. one i know you know the vice president, your friends, you have worked together in the past. but you are running a very close race in texas. it has only been a couple of days. but how has her candidacy at the top of the ticket impacted your race or has it? >> i want to thank joe biden for his 50 years of service. i support her nomination. even before this whole shakeup happened i was always focused on texas. you'll know this about me. i'm a fourth generation texas. i grew up in dallas. went to baylor. raised by a single mom. it is important we get a senator who cares about all 30
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million of us. we were already locked in a tight race. now this enthusiasm will help us to bring the good news to our fellow texans. they can get a new senator. that's what we will do on november 5th. >> it's so early. she has raised enthusiasm among young people and communities of color. are you sheathing seeing that in texas? >> certainly. i was a voting rights lawyer before i came to congress. we have some laws that make it very difficult to vote. but that's not the only thing. we also have folks deciding they will take themselves out of the process. and that's what having that enthusiasm and folks on the ground who can get their neighbors involved becomes so important. so it is critically important. and i think an election where in the state where we are dealing with a total ban on
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abortion. with horrific consequences. we have a senator too busy podcasting and going on fox news to try to do anything to help our state. and goes off to cancun when the lights go out. we need to have a change. this will help with that. >> i want to play this abortion ad if we have this ready. it is a recent abortion ad that you ran. because you just mentioned it. it is such an important issue in texas across the country. >> let me say at the out set. kamala can't have my gun, gasoline engines and steaks and cheese burgers. >> we will play the ad in a second. let me ask you about that first. there's a lot ted cruz has been saying. a lot we can ask you about. i found it to be so strange. that is part of his schtick. she is going to take my cheese burgers? vice president harris is not taking his burgers or guns.
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>> ted cruz should be more focused on being a senator. something he hasn't been doing 12 years. he is podcasting three five times a week. hundreds of hours he is spending not trying to serve 30 million texans when we have bipartisan efforts to get things done. the chips and science act. the infrastructure bill. we are dealing with an issue at our southern border and we have seen the numbers coming down. we still need to have policy changes and resources committed to it. there was a bipartisan effort to try to address that. ted cruz proudly took that down. he did that in 2013 as well when the gang of eight and president obama tried to reach an agreement. we need a senator who will roll up his leaves and get that done. >> are you hopeful? the vice president, they are already attacking her on this. this was a border bill negotiated by many conservatives.
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are you hopeful the vice president will talk about that more on the trail? >> i think we have to. certainly in texas, i'm talking about a lot. this is an issue for us. my family is from brownsville. i see our border communities as not just places you go on political safari. that is why ted cruz comes on. he puts on his outdoor clothing and looks tough, then goes back to dc and doesn't pass any legislation to help. we need in a senator soonto solve the problems. that's what that bill was an attempt to do. when you take that down and no state would have benefited more from that bill than texas, you should be held accountable for that. >> i want to play that abortion ad. it is important for people to see. >> it has gotten more dangerous to be a woman in texas. >> and it is ted cruz's fault. he fault for an abortion ban that goes too far. >> they didn't just make it illegal to have an abortion. they made it illegal for me to do my job.
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>> so whether you were raped or something went tragically wrong and your life is at risk. >> women are now forced to flee texas for care. >> that message is so powerful. it is health care providers. that is who you are featuring. why was that so important to feature health care providers in that ad? >> this is the reality in texas. my wife and i have had two beautiful boys in dallas in the last five years. you and i know those rooms are too small to have ted cruz in there, too. when you get the news that we all hope we don't get, there there's a problem with the pregnancy and the doctor says there is nothing i can do with you. you'll have to leave the state or the doctor is worried about their license or criminal exposure if they treat you? that's not who we are as texans. if there is one thing i know about us, it is that we believe in freedom. and this is not it. it is fundamentally an issue of freedom and the providers are telling the truth. saying what their experience is. we will see an issue of not
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having enough providers going forward. >> congressman allred, i know you have a tough campaign ahead. great talking about you with so many issues. that does it for me. i'll be back with a special edition of inside with jen psaki. we have a great list of guests including pete buttigieg. that is sunday at noon right here on msnbc. but first, alex wagner tonight starts right now. hi alex. >> you are burning the midnight oil sister,. >> so are you! >> but i'm so grateful to. well, yeah. kind of. i mean i am. i will take that. but i just want to say thank you for focusing on down ballot races because the senate and the house matter very much. >> so important. er very much. >> so important.


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