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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart Reports  MSNBC  July 26, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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watch party here. surely one of the best views in the house. you run out of superlatives to describe how fantastic this is going to be and we're starting i think in two and a half hours. >> wow, you've definitely got the cream of the crop view right there. perfect front row seat. >> reporter: right. >> keir, enjoy every moment of it and thank you for bringing us all of the excitement and highlights for taking us there. good to see you. all right. be sure to tune in tonight for special coverage of the opening ceremony, begins at 7:30 p.m. eastern on nbc and we will be streaming on peacock. that does it for us this week. have a wonderful weekend. for now i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york. jose diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now. ♪♪ good morning, 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific, i'm jose diaz-balart. we're following breaking news out of paris.
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we are getting new information about a coordinated arson attack on france's high speed rail networks, it disrupted service for hundreds of thousands of passengers just hours before the olympic ceremony began. this morning french authorities saying it is an act of sabotage. in just two hours more than 10,000 athletes will take part in a highly anticipated opening share mean along the seine river. joining us from paris is nbc's richard engel. richard, what happened? >> reporter: so we are here at one of the main train stations in paris, the paris that was most badly affected by this outage and people here have been coming all morning, some of them weren't aware of what happened and there are announcements telling them what happened. authorities are starting to explain the events that began around 4:00 in the morning. they are describing a series of
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coordinated assaults, sabotage events. they're calling it an act of vandalism. that's what they just announced here and we are expecting disruptions. so what happened specifically, they are not calling it terrorism, they're calling it coordinated acts of vandalism, is that four electrical stations, communications hubs, were attacked, arson attacked, specifically fiberoptic lines, and they were -- you can tell that it's coordinated because of where they took place, just outside of paris to the north, east and west. so all in a circle around the city. there was a fourth attempted attack in the south, so it seems that whoever carried this out wanted to completely cut down the high speed rail service into and out of paris. the fourth one to the south was thwarted, police say. nonetheless, by carrying out
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these arson attacks, these acts of coordinated vandalism, they have effectively knocked the high speed rail service offline and they are telling people here that there's no trains available, that they should cancel plans or reschedule plans if possible. that the high speed rail service will be up and running, they believe, not until after the weekend on monday. of course, it also impacts other rail service in this country because people now will be looking for alternative routes, the rail service is all interconnected, even the euro star which comes from the uk comes through the -- comes under the english channel, that is reducing service by 25%. so a massive outage, 300,000 people affected today, 800,000 according to authorities going to be affected over the weekend. they haven't named any specific
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suspects or any group. there has been no claim of responsibility, but u.s. officials -- one u.s. official is telling nbc news french officials are telling reuters, french media are all saying that far left groups were responsible, either environmentalists or radical anarchists. they are not describing it as an act of terrorism. nobody was killed. no one was injured and no plans to disrupt the games. >> and so, richard, these were essentially arson, in other words, fires on the rails? do we know what that coordinated attack included? >> reporter: so these were fires on the switchers, fires on the communication system, particularly the fiberoptic lines in these three different locations. not the central command right in the center of paris, but switching stations, communications hubs, they are
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being described as finer optic hubs to the north, to the east, to the west, and they tried to hit one to the south-southeast, but that was thwarted. still disruptive arson attacks that took the system offline temporarily and now they're investigating, working to put it back online and i will say so far people have been quite calm. people have been remarkably resilient about all of this. there have been quite a few disturbances in paris over the last several years, whether they are violent protests or strikes carried out by farmers, activists, so this is something unfortunately that parisians have come to accept and now because of the olympics they think that they might -- they anticipated a bit more of this. >> richard engel in paris, thank you very much, my friend. appreciate it. back here at home we are following a major endorsement in the 2024 presidential race,
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former president obama and former first lady michelle obama announced they are endorsing vice president harris. >> we called to say, michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> oh, my goodness. michelle, barack, this means so much to me. i am looking forward to doing this with the two of you, doug and i both, and getting out there, being on the road. >> with us now nbc news white house correspondent aaron gilchrist. aaron, good morning. we're also getting new details about vice president harris' search for a running mate. >> reporter: josé, good morning. that's really been the big question now, who will be vice president harris' partner in trying to seek the white house over the next several months here, and we just today for the first time got a real public acknowledgment from the harris campaign that it has begun the process of trying to answer that question. we can show you the statement we received from the harris campaign a little bit earlier
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today saying that vice president harris has directed her team to begin the process of vetting potential running mates. that process has begun in earnest. we don't expect to have additional updates until the vice president announces who will be serving as her running mate and as the next vice president of the united states. there has been a short list that we've been able to report on over the last several days of governors and other office holders, senators, who we believe are being considered for that position, some of them have received requests for vetting materials, and at this point obviously we don't know who exactly the choice will be, but the list that you see on your screen has sort of been growing and shrinking and there are some top contenders from sources that we've been able to speak to in this list here. so when the answer comes out and we expect to get that final answer on the vice president's choice, josé, before august 7th, which is when the dnc has said they will hold this nominating roll call, virtual roll call, to
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officially nominate a person for the democratic party's nominee, to make that nominee official for the democratic party. we also are tracking the vice president's efforts in terms of making sure a debate happens. this is something that we knew former president trump had agreed to do with president biden when he was running, they had the one debate obviously a couple of weeks ago and that has sort of -- was the moment that turned this election cycle on its ear. the vice president spoke about debating donald trump just yesterday as she was arriving back here in d.c. i want you to hear what she had to say. >> i'm ready to debate donald trump. i have agreed to the previously agreed upon september 10th debate. he agreed to that previously, now it appears he is back peddling, but i'm ready and i think the voters deserve to see the split screen that exists in this race on a debate stage and so i'm ready, let's go.
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>> and in the overnight hours, josé, the vice president tweeted what happened to anytime any place? referencing remarks from the former president several months ago when he wanted to debate president biden. and so we will be waiting to see when exactly the trump campaign officially steps up again and agrees to debate vice president harris. josé? >> aaron gilchrist in washington, thank you very much. and with us now to continue our conversation is south carolina democratic congressman jim clyburn. congressman, it's always a pleasure to see you, i thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you very much for having me. >> thank you, sir. the obamas' recognition and throwing their support behind vice president harris, how significant is that? >> it's very significant. there's no question about that. barack obama and michelle have been great partners. they spent eight years making this country a better place for
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all of us. he is a very skilled politician, a great orator. having them out on behalf of this ticket will prove very, very beneficial. i spoke with the former president several times during the past week and i happen to know that he is very much into this ticket and he is going to be very, very helpful going forward. >> and, congressman, thank you for telling us about those conversations that you had with the former president. is the harris ticket a get -- is harris essentially the person that is going to be representing the democrats for this election? >> oh, absolutely. the process is wide open.
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anybody who gathers 300 signatures from the delegates can have his or her name placed into nomination, but i think i know this process well enough and i know what has happened and i think that the vice president has well beyond the numbers required to secure the nomination on the first ballot. so i think we will go into chicago knowing exactly who our nominee will be, what the team will be, because she will get nominated sometime before august 7th. you don't have the convention until august 19th. >> congressman, any thoughts or suggestions on who she could or should be picking as her vp candidate? >> well, you know, i've seen all the names you have had up today. there are great people, i know all of them. some a little better than
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others. i see walz name is being mentioned a lot, governor walz of minnesota has been a great buddy, we served together in the house of representatives. i went on the campaign with him several times when he was running for congress before the people got to know him very well. he's become a big-time governor now so he doesn't need my help anymore. but then roy cooper from north carolina, josh shapiro from pennsylvania. pete buttigieg, i've been working very closely with pete buttigieg, he's been a fantastic secretary of transportation. he would make an outstanding vp. but, you know, roy cooper is from north carolina, i'm from south carolina, we have worked together a whole lot. i know him about as well as i know any of the others. but these guys are good. she's got a deep bench from which to pick. i think they will do the
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vetting. they will look for what needs to be done in order to balance out the ticket, to energize -- or keep the energy going and she will pick one that will help with that. >> and congressman, in his oval office speech the other night the president talked about passing the torch but didn't detail why he decided to leave the race, after he had insisted for so long that he was going to stay in. why do you think he decided to make this change? >> for the exactly the reasons he said. putting the country above his own personal ambitions. joe biden has been a great president. i used to tease him a lot about not having harry truman more -- let's say pronounced in his office. he had a little bust of truman there in the oval office, but i thought that his candidacy for
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the presidency over the years, his success as president made him more truman-like than any of the other people. he has been a productive president. he brought this country back from the brink. he has made the greatness of this country more accessible and more affordable for its citizens, and he has provided a tremendous platform that i believe kamala harris will be able to run on and she is going to be successful on that platform. and so joe biden can consider himself with a very special place in this nation's history. he served for eight years as vice president to the first african american president. he picked as his running mate the first woman to be vice president of the united states.
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and he has handed the torch to a woman who could very well be the first woman president of the united states. that puts him right at the juncture of significant historical events. i think he would be the proudest man in america if he were to be able to see himself succeeded by the first woman president of the united states of america. that puts him in a special place in history. that ought to make him a very proud guy and i want to help make that so. >> congressman clyburn, i am always grateful for your time. thank you. >> thank you very much for having me. up next, the sinaloa drug cartel, one of the most powerful and bloody cartels in the world. we have new details about how two of its alleged kingpins were arrested here in the united states. and a california man under arrest, suspected of sparking
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the state's largest wildfire this year. what a witness says she saw him do. we're back in 90 seconds. you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ée diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. for people who feel limited by the unpredictability of generalized myasthenia gravis and who are anti-achr antibody positive, season to season, ultomiris is continuous symptom control, with improvement in activities of daily living. it is reduced muscle weakness. and ultomiris is the only long-acting gmg treatment with the freedom of just 6 to 7 infusions per year,
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for a predictable routine i can count on. ultomiris can lower your immune system's ability to fight infections, increasing your chance of serious meningococcal infections, which may become life-threatening or fatal, and other types of infections. complete or update meningococcal vaccines at least 2 weeks before starting ultomiris. if ultomiris is urgent, you should also receive antibiotics with your vaccines. before starting ultomiris, tell your doctor about all of your medical conditions and medications. ultomiris can cause reactions such as back pain, tiredness, dizziness, limb discomfort, or bad taste. ultomiris is moving forward with continuous symptom control. ask your neurologist about starting ultomiris. 16 past the hour, we're following breaking news about one of the most violent drug trafficking organizations in the world, the sinaloa cartel. two of the world's most wanted drug traffickers, mexican drug
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king man ismael el mayo zambada and one of the sons of gentleman queen el chapo guzman were detained after landing in a private plane near the border with mexico. merrick garland said this about the arrests. >> the justice department will not rest until every single cartel leader, member and associate responsible for poisoning our communities is held accountable. >> joining us now is nbc's ken dilanian, also with us the former head of the drug enforcement international operations. ken, let me start with you. what do we know about this? >> law enforcement officials are hailing these arrests as a significant victory because the sinaloa cartel is one of two organizations importing the vast majority of the fentanyl that's killing tens of thousands of americans annually. these men are two of its leaders and two of mexico's most
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powerful drug lords. details are scarce about how the arrests came together but it seems ripped from the pages of a script from the netflix series "nar cos." the main actor joaquin guzman lopez. law enforcement officials tell nbc news they believe guzman lopez decided to surrender as u.s. authorities stepped up pressure on mexico about capturing him. one theory is that he was under the impression he would receive more favorable treatment if he brought with him another major cartel figure. so sources tell us they were guzman lopez contradicted sinaloa cartel co-founder and leader ismael el mayo zambada garcia into boarding a private plane bound for new mexico where the two were arrested and take noon custody. "the new york times" is reporting he thought he was going to look at real estate properties. both men were taken to el paso, texas. officials say guzman lopez waived his right to an appearance and was flown by the fbi to chicago. record shows garcia made a first
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appearance today in federal court in texas. neither has entered a plea. it's important to remember that the fbi offered a reward of up to $15 million for information leading to zambada garcia's arrest so this is a big deal to law enforcement. >> huge deal. hey, mike, let's talk about this. el mayo zambada and one of the chopitas. explain the importance of this. >> this is a great blow in terms of the rule of law. mayo zambada is the mexican equivalent of carlow gambino. he has been in the drug trade for about 50 years and up until yesterday had never seen a jail cell. he is a very ruthless leader, but very astute and he is the individual that basically grew
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the sinaloa cartel during the incarceration of el chapo guzman. as i mentioned to you in previous interviews, josé, the cartel now operates in six of the seven continents around the world and chapito or joaquin guzman lopez was one of the four brothers that formed the chapitos which is a very powerful cell within the sinaloa cartel. so this is going to be something significant, but, you know, they're going to have to chip away until they really decapitate the infrastructure of the sinaloa cartel and i would assume that this could lead to a bloodbath as we've seen in the past when they take out leaders of cartels in mexico, there is internal conflict and that leads to a lot of blood shed. >> and so, mike, normally that
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is what happens when any major chapo is arrested or detained, but if it is proven or at least if it's said that one of the chapitos turned in mayo zambada that's an extra layer of the violence that could happen within that probably bloodiest cartel in mexico. >> totally because the chapitos have been in conflict already with the sinaloa cartel, the cartel under mayo zambada, especially in the northern state of sonora. i'm sure you have heard of the extreme violence that's taking place there. so, yes, usually it leads to blood shed and a lot of the cartel, sinaloa cartel, are very loyal to mayo zambada and not necessarily to the chapitos because mayo zambada has gotten
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his hands dirty, he's been involved in some very nasty business and the chapitos are looked at within the cartel as being spoiled brats that chapo guzman spoiled, giving them money and what have you. so the ones that may win out in this, josé, is going to be the other most significant cartel that exists in mexico and that is the guadalajara or jalisco generation cartel under an ultra violent leader. >> yeah. boy, just one bloodier than the other, but this is a really significant arrest and detention. always a pleasure to see you, my friend. thank you. >> always good to see you, josé. congratulations. you do a great job. >> i thank you for those words, sir. thank you. and i want to go into
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another bit of news, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is meeting with former president trump at mar-a-lago today after hearing from angry families of americans still held hostage in gaza. plus, which potential harris running mate some republicans are calling, quote, super strong. you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. ée diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. smile! you found it. the feeling of finding psoriasis can't filter out the real you. so go ahead, live unfiltered with the one and only sotyktu, a once-daily pill for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, and the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding you're so ready for your close-up. or finding you don't have to hide your skin just your background.
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu set to meet with former president trump at mar-a-lago. it comes one day after netanyahu met separately with both presidenn and ve president harris. the vice president said she had a, quote, frank and constructive meeting with the israeli prime minister. >> well, i told him that i will always ensure that israel is able to defend itself. i also expressed with the prime minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians. >> joining us now nbc news correspondent garrett haake. good morning. what's behind this trump/netanyahu meeting? >> josé, during the trump administration the former president had a pretty good relationship with bibi netanyahu and he made israel a major focal point of his foreign policy, both through what's known as the abraham accords, his efforts to forge peace deals between israel and some of its arab neighbors in the region, and also by moving the u.s. embassy to
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jerusalem. donald trump believes he should get more credit for those deals, quite frankly, josé, he believes he should get more credit from american jews, he believes he should get more credit from americans who care about israel more generally. i suspect that he wants out this have meeting with benjamin netanyahu is some of that credit and is to show that he's standing close with one of america's most important allies. i can't tell you what's going on behind the scenes there, although we don't believe that this meeting has gotten under way just yet, but i think this is an occasion in which donald trump who never really thought of himself as an ex-president in any capacity wants to continue to be a player on the world stage. he's been somewhat critical of netanyahu and of israel which he suggested has had bad public relations, bad messaging and surrounds water in gaza. i think we could hear some discussion about that perhaps behind the scenes but mostly this is donald trump, i think, trying to stay very close to an important american ally and use that closeness and the images that will perhaps come out of this meeting to remind voters who care about israel as an
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issue upon which they vote that he is in lockstep with netanyahu on just about everything in terms of the war and in terms of the relationship between two the countries. >> garrett haake, thank you very much. and turning now to california where the state's largest wildfire is burning out of control. now a man has been arrested, accused by authorities of starting the park fire by pushing a burning car into a gully, so far at least two people have been injured, thousands are under evacuation orders. the fire has scorched 164,000 acres near the northern city of chico. up next, how nikki haley voters feel about having a new choice in presidential candidates. we will play for you what they are saying. you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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34 past the hour this morning. we are hearing from a group of voters who could be pivotal in the 2024 race for the white house. nbc news spoke with voters who supported former u.n. ambassador nikki haley in the republican primaries. here is what they told us about vice president harris. >> how many of you feel like you don't have enough of an opinion about vice president harris to render an opinion one way or the other? wow, nearly all of you. okay. thank you. theresa, go ahead. >> that's one of the things that i dislike about her is that we don't know enough. she's been vice president for
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almost four years and we still have no idea what her platform is or what she stands for. >> joining us now, jasmine wright a reporter at notus, basal smikle, democratic strategist and professor at columbia university and brendan buck, former top aide to house speakers boehner and ryan. basil, these voters say they don't know enough about vice president harris to have an opinion about her. is that an opportunity or is that a liability for the vice president? >> no, i do think it's an opportunity. look, as vice president she's not going to have the platform that the president of the united states will. so at least for this period of time she's going to have to introduce or in some respects reintroduce herself to voters. her platform is largely going to be the biden platform, maybe after the convention there will be some opportunity to pivot a little bit, but for right now
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she's going to be carrying a lot of the biden agenda and, look, particularly if you are a democrat, you think that's been actually a really good agenda, but there is some -- there is a bit of an introduction -- a new introduction to the voter that she's going to have to undertake, particularly some of the -- as in the clip, some of the nikki haley voters that may be looking for an alternative to donald trump. this is a good opportunity for her to make some inroads there. >> i mean, brendan, a debate could be a place where voters could get to know the vice president better. trump isn't commit to go one with harris as of yet. what opportunity could that create for both sides? >> yeah, i think it's very risky for donald trump not to do a debate. i imagine at this point it's just a little bit of jockeying and their statement was poking fun at the disarray that existed in the democratic party, but i think what they should appreciate is there is no more
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disarray, there is a lot of enthusiasm in the democratic party right now and if there is momentum it is definitely on kamala harris' side. look, at some point -- he was backing away from a debate before with joe biden because joe biden was basically lost and he didn't have to do anything and he could just win. that is not the case here. polls are going to be tightening and people are going to expect somebody to come out and talk about it. now, i think there's a very good reason, substantively, for trump to debate. i think basal is right, there is a lot of introduction that needs to happen with harris. theres a lot of vulnerabilities she has, things she is going to have to answer for. they will run ads that will be defining her in a positive light but if you are on a debate stage you can talk about the positions she took in the 2019 primary, whether it's on health care or getting rid of fracking, defunding the police, lots of stuff that he could go on offense against her. i think both because you're expected to but i also think
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there is an opportunity for trump if he engages in a debate. i think we are going to have one later this year. >> jasmine, you've kofrt vice president harris for years. what's going on in her campaign as far as a calculus as to who they should choose as her running mate? >> yeah, well, those discussions, josé, are ongoing. i know when talking to people around her she's thinking quite seriously about who could be her running mate for the exact reason that she was just in this position really three to four years ago so she understands how the process goes and understands what it means to pick somebody that she's really comfortable with. i was talking to sources around her and they said that they felt that governor shapiro of pennsylvania was in a really, really strong position, as was arizona senator mark kelly, although people have some more concern about what it would mean to open that seat up in arizona because if you lose it the next time that that election comes around it would be very difficult to get back. but i know that they're thinking about this quite seriously.
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it is happening really in a vacuum as all of these vp processes happen, really that sacred process of former attorney general eric holder and his law firm are kind of combing through these receipts, looking at people's past statements, past policies, financial statements, anything that they did in their past that could potentially cause a scandal down the line. so i think that you're going to see that process play out but of course they have a short, short ramp. we know that the official virtual roll call is going to go out to dnc rules members on -- and the larger dnc members -- on august 1st. by august 7th is when they have to have those ballots in. so she has to name a running mate by then. so it's happening quite quickly, quite traung dated versus the process that she went through with president biden in 2023. but i know talking to people around her she's taking it quite, quite seriously. >> basal, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro spoke in front of union leaders in the last hour in philadelphia.
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here is what he had to say about donald trump. >> folks tell you who they are, madam mayor, believe them the first time. >> believe them the first time. >> we don't need to give him the keys to the white house so that he can continue to rip away our freedoms. so he can continue to attack this great nation. i don't know about you, but i'm getting a little sick and tired of this guy going on tv every day [ bleep ] talking america. >> basal, that's a pretty strong kind of statement and way to say things. what do you think of that? >> well, i think that's probably what's needed today. you know, as brendan talked about earlier, the attacks on kamala harris are significant, they will become more intense. i mean, they're calling her everything but a child of god at this point and, you know, there's going to be a need that the voters are going to have and want to see that a push back, a fight back, a sign of strength.
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not to say that it hasn't happened already but as the attacks from the right become far more intense, you know, kamala harris herself is going to need to push back to some extent, but it would be great to have a vice president who, you know, sounds like governor shapiro there who actually could do some of that -- some of that defense and go on offense because, you know, we're seeing it already and we will continue to see the kind of nastiness that's out there. look, if this is a person that can create a kind of synergy and match kamala harris' energy on the campaign trail, i could see why he has emerged as a top tier choice for her for vp. >> jasmine wright, basil smikle and brandon buck, thank you for being with us this morning. and this sunday marks 100 days until the election. we're going to have special coverage all day on sunday beginning at 8:00 a.m. eastern right here on msnbc. up next, sonya massey's
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family getting ready to speak out after authorities released the autopsy report weeks after a deputy shot and killed her in her home. we have new details. plus why this weekend's presidential elections in venezuela could be the country's most consequential election in two decades. you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports." you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports. on chewy, save 35% off your first order with selection for any pet, with any diet, at prices you'll love. delivered fast, right to your door. for low prices and fast shipping. for life with pets, there's chewy with everything.
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47 past the hour. any moment the family of a black woman shot and killed by a sheriff's deputy in illinois earlier this month will be speaking out after an autopsy report was released, prosecutors say sonya massey called 911 on july 6 about a possible intruder in her home only to be shot and killed by a responding deputy. that deputy sean greyson has been charged with first-degree murder. he has pleaded not guilty. the justice department is also investigating massey's death. nbc's maggie vespa joins us from chicago. good morning. what's the latest. >> the latest is we're waiting on this latest press conference from sonya massey's family, they're being represented by ben crump. in the autopsy report for massey was released in the last couple of hours or so with the corner in illinois where the state capital springfield is confirming that her cause of death is a gunshot wound to the head. that report shows that she was
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actually shot through her lower left eyelid and it says that the bullet exited at the base of her neck on her left hand -- or left side. so basically going through the left side of her head. again, that fueling the murder charges against sean greyson, now former deputy and of course the outrage from massey's family. this all started on the 6th when massey according to prosecutors called 911 reporting a possible prouder outsued her home. two sangamon sheriff's deputies showed up. at times massey appeared confused. she appeared a bit confused but let them inside and talked about the prowler she was worried about and that at one point she walked over to her stove where there appeared to be a pot of boiling water, picked it up and said, quote, i rebuke you in the name of jesus, that's when deputy greyson who you see an camera, his partner's body camera we are looking through drew his weapon, ordered her to
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drop the pot. you could see her on the video crouching down saying i'm sorry and that is when we see on video greyson fired. massey's family has been saying she crouched down, said she was sorry, she cleared wasn't a threat and they want those first-degree murder charges pursued and they want this basically sort of pursued to the fullest extent of the law and for him to receive the harshest punishment. we're waiting on the latest presser from ben crump. he revealed that the department of justice was looking into this and also revealed details about the deputy's past including that he had worked for six law enforcement agencies since 2020, after being discharged according to documents from the army for what was was described as a serious offense. we are digging into his background and into this case. in the meantime, a family in agony. jose? >> thank you so very much. why some are saying this weekend's presidential election
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54 past the hour. this sunday voters will head to vote in venezuela. the leader of the opposition party was banned by the regime from running in this election. she brought in a former diplomat to run in her place. much of the country has been mobilized by him. joining us now is guad venegas and an exiled venezuelan opposition leader. guad, let me start with you. there's so much at stake. >> there is. i don't think experts believe
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madura did not expect the surrogate candidate to gain so much support. now you have international pressure coming from countries like columbia and brazil asking him to recognize the results and they are -- >> allies? >> known allies of the government of venezuela. both columbia and brazil also not sending the observers that would be there to watch the elections because they felt like there wasn't enough to keep them safe there. that's also something that is getting a lot of attention. the u.s. had eased off sanctions on venezuela earlier. then they put them back on because venezuela could not commit to what the u.s. wanted them to commit. we have to talk about the fact that 8 million venezuelans have left the country. the opposition wants to win so
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that the venezuelans can come back. we don't know how many are in the u.s. we know -- >> hundreds of thousands. >> exactly. we know that millions have been forced to leave the country because of the issues that they have been facing. >> guad, thank you so very much. thank you for being with us this morning. for people who hadn't hyperfocused on what's going on in venezuela, why are elections on sunday important under a regime that doesn't follow basic human rights? >> thank you for this opportunity. it's a huge opportunity to venezuelans. elections are no free, are not fair. our candidate was banned. millions of people were taken away the possibility for voting. however, we are very optimistic, because this could mean the transition to democracy in venezuela. i want to say why we are optimistic. number one, for the first time,
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the spread between maduro and the democratic candidate, it's huge. all of the polls state there's a 30 to 40 points of different. that's the first reason. the second one is that we have complete unity around the leadership and the candidacy. all political parties, society, everybody united. the third reason is that maduro and his coalition show symptoms of fracture, fragility. there are rallies with empty streets. he is using photoshop and ai in order to fill the streets that he is not filling with the people. the fourth reason that was just mentioned is that even his international allies like brazil, columbia, alberto fernandez from argentina are saying something simple, not being liked by maduro.
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if you lose, you need to prepare to go. this is a huge opportunity for venezuela, the region. i believe it's a huge opportunity for the u.s. my gracious, as mentioned before, is a big concern for the u.s. venezuela pour many to united states and canada, is a political transition to democracy. millions of people will be forced to leave if maduro stays in power. >> what are the lessons learned about holding elections and not controlling them, what lessons were learned when the elections were had and lost and when you have these dictatorships that have sham elections like in cuba for 65 years where they have a parliament that doesn't exist but there's elections for it?
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what are the messages that those taught maduro? do you think he could respect election results? >> i don't think maduro is willing to respect. i think he might be forced to respect the results. the difference is going to be huge. it's going to be -- if maduro pretends to present a fraud, it's going to be very obvious. in the case of venezuela, even though the elections are through an electronic process, every single voter gets a receipt of their vote. it's cast into a physical box. we are preparing to have presence of witnesses for the audits of those boxes in every single one of the 16,000 voting centers in venezuela. maduro could be hoping -- could be planning to steal the election. but there will be pushback.


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