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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  July 26, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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race then there was a week ago? >> oh, absolutely. it seems to me -- you were just discussing it a moment ago -- getting 160,000 people on a zoom call? that is, to say the least, pretty crazy. that is a way up. yes, i think there is a lot of energy and i hope it can be maintained. >> senator, good to see you, as always. we have much more to talk about. we will have to book another apartment to do it. saturday bernie sanders from vermont. that is "all in" for tonight. you can catch me tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. sunday, i will host a special episode of "velshi", where i will break down 2025, the heritage foundation's blueprint for the next presidency. on sunday, you can also catch me 7:00 p.m. for a special prime time hours digging into the issues, and stakes heading into the final 100 days of the 2024 campaign season. but, before all of that, before we can get into our weekend, you have at least one more obligation and that is to watch "alex wagner tonight" -- which starts right now. good evening, friend.
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thank you for that, kamala harris'. i mean, first of all, burning the sunday oil, and also reading 900 pages of project 2025 -- you are doing yeoman's work for this democracy. >> as donald trump would say, "i will read it so you don't have to." because it is not an easy read, let me put it that way, but we have to get through it and we have to talk about it, so we shall point >> we sure do point >> nice to see you. >> thank you, thank you. have a good weekend. earlier this week, we brought you the news of how on sunday night after president biden dropped out of the race, the activist group, win with black women, literally almost broke zoom, organizing a call with 40,000 people to make sure kamala harris wins the white house this november. in 24 hours, that one zoom call raised more than $1.5 million for the harris campaign. and at 44,000 people, the call was only about 1000 people short of the world record for the biggest zoom call, ever.
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that world record held for another four days, but it was broken last night. last night, an event called "white women answer the call" held their own zoom to organize for kamala harris, inspired by sunday's win with black women call. that zoom took the previous world record for biggest zoom call, and blew it out of the water. more than 160,000 people attended that zoom call and even more people watched the zoom simulcast on other platforms. as of today, that zoom has raised 8 1/2 million dollars for the harris campaign. and those two calls were not the only ones for kamala harris this week. on monday, more than 20,000 people joined a "win with black men" zoom call with harris, that raised more than $1.3 million. on wednesday, more than 10,000
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people joined a "south asian women for harris" zoom, raising more than $50,000. and on thursday, another 20,000 people joined the human rights campaigns out for, harris lgbtq call. they raised more than $300,000. and remember, this week started with the news that kamala harris had raised a record $81 million in her first 24 hours as a candidate. so, the fact that these zooms were still getting people to donate even after that surge of cash, is not nothing. but, maybe, more importantly, these calls all encourage people to get active, to volunteer. that message seems to be working. yesterday, the harris campaign reported that in just the past week, the campaign has seen 170,000 people volunteer. those are just incredible numbers. and while this huge show of support and surge of cash may
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be making the trump campaign nervous, it is a good bet that the celebrity names involved in all of this are probably annoying donald trump, himself. mindy kaling, john legend, george to kay, megan rubino, connie britton, pink, bona fide celebrities showed up on zoom calls to support kamala harris. not to mention, vice president harris is also making a cameo on the season finale of "rupaul's drag race" tonight. and also, remember, beyonce lent her campaign one of her beyonce songs, which has already been used in the first harris campaign video. as a reminder, trump's faces at the rnc were hulk hogan and kid rock. speaking of a listers, today, vice president harris got perhaps the most important endorsement of them all. >> kamala! >> hello! >> hey, there. >> oh, you are both together! it is good to hear you, both.
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>> i can't have this phone call without saying to micro, kamala, i am proud of you. this is going to be historic. >> we called to say michelle and i couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the oval office. >> oh, my goodness. >> we are not even a week -- not even a week -- into the harris for president campaign. already, the vice president has effectively cleared the field of any potential challengers. she has begun vetting possible running mates, and she has launched an incredibly successful digital and rapid response campaign that has basically made her queen of the internet. a week ago, the biggest discussion in politics revolved around the idea of the double haters. double haters, who didn't like trump and didn't like biden, and how nearly 1 in 5 americans didn't want either man. today, the double hater phenomenon appears to have just disappeared.
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less than a week into this campaign, it feels like we are living in an entirely different political landscape. yesterday, the new york times and siena college came out with polling, showing kamala harris in a statistical tie with donald trump, trailing him by one point, within the margin of error, among likely voters nationwide. to put that into perspective, trump led biden by six points in that same poll, earlier this month. today, the wall street journal released its own poll, showing effectively the same thing. the poll shows trump ahead of harris by two points, with a margin of error of three points. so, a statistical tie. for context, trump led biden by six points in that same poll, earlier this month. now, this sunday marks one week since president biden officially dropped out of the race.
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it will also be the 100 day mark, 100 days will be left until the election. vice president harris has had an unbelievably good first week, and at the national level, the excitement for her candidacy is just astounding. but, this election is likely to come down to just a few hundred thousand voters in just a few key swing states. chief among them, pennsylvania and michigan. the latest polling we have out of pennsylvania showed joe biden down three points, in the latest polling. we have out of michigan, showed joe biden down by seven points. but, this is kamala harris' race now. so, how is she doing? joining me now, our michigan state senator mallory mc morrow and pennsylvania state representative malcolm kenyatta, a member of the national advisory board for what was the biden-harris campaign. he is also a candidate for statewide office, running to be pennsylvania's auditor general.
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thank you, both, for joining me. i am so eager to get the view from two of the most important states, from two incredibly useful and wise strategists, if you will. mallory, let me just -- you were on the white women for harris, i think it was called, white women answer the call zoom that broke the internet and broke the world record. can you talk a little bit about what that was like, before we get to the nitty-gritty of the chicken? >> you know, it was wild. i think the thing people may not know is that it happened completely organically. you know, you pointed to the first call being the win with black women call, and there has always been just this knock on white women. white women puts donald trump in office. since 2016, and certainly since the fall of roe, a lot of white women have felt that this really. shannon watts tweeted out, maybe it is our turn.
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that tweet took off. she is the founder of mom's demand action. so, she has a history of social media posts taking off and turning into movements. and then it was this "oh, crap" moment, we have to figure out how to make it work. so, shannon partnered with glenn and doyle, indivisible. had to work with zoom behind the scenes to bring engineers on to make sure the call could handle more than 100,000 people -- which, they had never had. and it was just two hours of some of the most uplifting, supportive, energy that i felt in a long time with, you know, 160,000 people, many of whom have never done anything political before but felt that this moment is the moment to come together, that there are no more excuses for white women to sit it out, and that it is on us to change the trajectory of this race, and to put the first woman, the first black woman, and hopefully not the last women, into the white
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house. >> malcolm, i know that you were also on one of the calls that took place this week, i think it was out for kamala harris, which, i think, was driven by the lgbtq+ community. can you talk a little bit about that, and who was on that call? >> yeah, so, there were multiple calls just last night. you had the out for kamala harris call, led by hrc, and victory fund, a landa, and so many in that space. but, you also had a call of black men, as well, launched by rochelle robinson, and alfonso. on both calls, part of what you saw was people being reminded of their own power. yes, there is no question that kamala harris has been a partner in the most successful administration we have seen in living memory. but, what kamala does so well,
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what our vice president does so well, is to remind people of their power. you might remember, she did a tour called "fight for your freedom store" on college campuses, talking to young people, not just about what is at stake in this election -- i think all of us know what is at stake in this election -- but, it is that little reminder that what you do, matters. i love saying this because it is true. candidates don't win elections. you do. the folks watching this show right now, who are asking the question, what is going to happen if we have somebody like donald trump in the white house, whose only economic vision is giving more tax cuts to the people who have memberships to mar-a-lago, versus kamala harris, who wants to give a tax cut to hard- working americans? what is going to happen? if donald trump gets in and rolls back the cap on insulin at $35, the ability for medicare to negotiate drug
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prices, what would happen if we had somebody like donald trump, who said to the nra, he doesn't want any gun laws, versus kamala harris, who in her first speech as a presumptive nominee made it clear she is going to fight for a win in an assault weapons ban. what is so inspired about that call is that people weren't just saying, "hey, kamala, we hope you figure it out." people were saying, "it's on us." >> mallory, the citizen led engagement on this is not something we have seen in politics, to say nothing of just specific democratic party politics, in what feels like a really long time. but, i have to ask, you know, we are talking about national cause right now and the fact of the matter, the race is going to come down to the state level and what is happening on the ground in a state like yours. what can you tell me about michigan? i think the latest polling we have from michigan -- which was from about six months ago, that we use here at msnbc -- had trump up by eight points.
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there is a poll of likely michigan voters that has harris up one. but, i wonder if you can just talk about the various constituencies in michigan, and who is most electrified by the harris campaign, and whether you see that really changing the support she has in a critical state. >> certainly. you know, michigan is pretty big. we are a state of 10 million people and we are a very diverse estate, by all metrics. by race, gender, sexual orientation, rural, urban, we have an entire upper peninsula, second peninsula across the bridge, and every challenge in between. there was polling that came out, actually, the day that the president announced he would not seek re-election earlier in the morning that actually showed that he was down in metro detroit, which has never been the case for a democrat and certainly not the democratic incumbent. and if that was the case, the state would be gone. i can tell you, people had been
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stopping me just out in public to let me know that they were scared over the last few weeks, that they felt like momentum was falling away from us. and coming from a place of deep respect for the president, for everything that this administration has accomplished, and fearing that that could all be taken away. and the shift, just in the past few days, is nothing like i have ever seen. there are people organizing, i am getting calls and texts from people who have never donated to a campaign, who are asking me, you know, where do i find out how to do it? what is the real website? what is active blue? how do i tell my friends? and i have never had people proactively reach out to me to ask to donate to a campaign. the energy is very real. every time i walk around, people feel like there is now a clear contrast.
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there is going back with donald trump to a place of grievance, and relitigating 2020, and demonizing people, or there is looking forward at who we can be and what we can be, and it just feels exciting. you know, kamala does it better than anybody else. it feels fun. i don't think we have thought about having fun in politics in a really long time, and we need to. >> yeah. yeah. i mean, listen, i think everybody is acutely aware of the stakes of this election, but to have joy in the battle is something that has been absent from politics for a while. malcolm, i have to ask, as we talk about states that are diverse, like michigan, pennsylvania is certainly one of them. it seems like biden was atrophying some support among communities of color and especially in metro urban areas. i wonder what you can tell us about what is going on in the ground in pennsylvania, in the black community -- and i also want to ask you, your governor,
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josh shapiro, has been mentioned a lot as a potential running mate to harris, what you think that might do for harris' chances in your state. >> let me say this, the vice president certainly has injected a level of energy that is earth shattering into this process. what has been so exciting to me is seeing people not just asking about how to support the vice president's campaign, but who are asking, well, now, how do we flip the senate? we are three seats away from flipping the state senate, how do we expand the margin in the house? as you mentioned, i am running for auditor general statewide here in pennsylvania. i am on a 10 county, five day tour around the commonwealth. just for our own volunteers and our own fundraising, we have seen it go through the roof because people understand that we have a country, a democracy, and a future worth fighting for, and when you have
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candidates -- who lay out like she did at that rally in wisconsin -- a real vision for the future -- i mean, canceling medical debt, continuing the progress on student loan forgiveness. as i mentioned, banning assault weapons. being the type of president that really puts people first -- that is energizing. so, you are going to see, i believe, record turnout in philadelphia. let me just say, i spent two days in erie. erie is the sweetest county in a very swing state. and in erie, we have people who were falling all over themselves, asking, how did they get signs? how did they get registered? how can they start knocking on doors this weekend, for democrats up and down the ballot? and i think that speaks to the vision that she is laying out so effectively and so quickly.
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listen, the vice president has been vice president, so she knows a thing or two about picking vice president. josh shapiro is my friend. i think he will make an incredible vice president. we have gotten big things done here in the commonwealth with this leadership. we just passed the largest investment bill in education in history, a bill that i worked on with my friend, jessica benham, to deal with lowering the cost of prescription drugs. the list goes on, and on, and on. she wants a partner who can help her get stuff done, i think josh shapiro certainly rises to the top of the list. but, i will say this, vice president harris really doesn't need any of our advice. she is going to choose a governing partner and i am excited to see who she chooses, but i am just so proud of how she is running this race, and how she is encouraging every single voter to know that this democracy requires something of you, too, and you have a chance to get involved. >> michigan state senator mallory mcmorrow at pennsylvania representative,
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malcolm cannot appear so good to hear from you. please, come back. we have a lot more michigan and pennsylvania on the horizon. i appreciate your time this friday night. coming up, jd vance pours gasoline on the fire, after his childless cat ladies remark lit up the internet this weekend says, "i've got nothing against cats." wrong answer, senator! but, first, what effect will vice president harris at the top of the ticket have on senate and house democrats, down the ticket? senate whisperer, adam ketelsen, joins us, next. xt. i didn't kn. but here i am... being me. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment
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with a new democrat at the top of the presidential ticket, republican house and senate candidates this week have been forced to pit it. mmo from the republican senate campaign on this week advised that candidates should not be shy about aggressively tying their opponents to kamala harris' extreme agenda. meanwhile, nbc news reports democrats down ballot are for the most part sticking with their current strategy of focusing on local issues rather than national politics, while at the same time hoping to benefit from the surge in money and volunteers that harris has brought up and down the ticket. joining me now is adam
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jentleson, former chief of staff for senator john fetterman and harry reid. adam, there is no person i want to talk to more than you about all of this. i will note for people who do not know, the senate democratic campaign arm, sdcc, had back to back million-dollar fundraising days on july 21st, the day biden dropped out, and the following day, which are the two best fundraising days of the election cycle, thus far. adam, do you think that is a short-term halo effect of sort of the excitement of the harris switcheroo, if you will? or, do you think this change at the top of the ticket has the possibility of meaningfully changing more effective democratic chances in the senate, overall? >> i think it is more the letter. i mean, look, money is money. so, if it comes in a rush all at once, and we don't have another major rush like this down the road, that is fine because that money is banked
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and you can use it, you know, as you will. and those days that we have are pretty incredible. i mean, those are historic fundraising days that you rarely see in this business. so, you know, there is that. but, you know, i think there is a real sense that the energy in this race has changed. i was listening to your previous guests discuss their own experiences in michigan and pennsylvania in down ballot races, seeing a renewed enthusiasm among voters and volunteers for democrats -- not just at the top of the ticket -- but up and down ballot. that seems real. i think what we are seeing is, look, as incredible as president biden's record was -- and i think he will go down as one of history's greatest president's -- voters will -- were demanding a different matchup. they just didn't want these --
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to have to choose between these two people again, and they are getting that. not only are they getting a new option, they are getting someone who is young, dynamic, who has got an incredible record of her own to speak on and to advocate for, and who has shown come in just a few days, an incredible ability to inspire people and make them feel a part of this process and make them feel like they have skin in the game here. i think that is what you are seeing up and down the ballot. will it last? i think it probably will. i think this feels genuine. it has got sort of a little bit -- i hesitate to say this, i don't want to jinx it -- but, there are some 2008 vibes in the air right now and that feels very real. >> i just wonder whether you think it is meaningful enough to change dynamics? i mean, i would assume arizona and nevada -- which are more diverse states, democrats in the senate races -- it is going to help them, right? because she is trying to bring those states back into the battleground category. but, what about places like
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ohio, where sherrod brown is in an uphill climb, and in montana? do you think harris changes the race in those states? i will note that i believe in ohio, sharad brown was up five points, trump is up seven points. there is a 12 point spread. so, voters are giving democrats sort of a benefit of the doubt, despite whatever they think about the democratic candidate. this is back when biden was running. >> that's right. i mean, look, the good news when it comes to senate races for democrats, the democrats were performing reasonably well across the board, even before we had a switch at the top of the ticket. you know, even in our toughest races this cycle in montana and ohio, sharad brown is up in ohio, jon tester is up in montana. those are close and they are likely to close and get even closer as november approaches. but, the fact that they were already up suggest to me that the harris effect of what we are seeing of increasing
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enthusiasm, of increasing donations, of increasing volunteer hours, is going to have a real meaningful impact. because what it does, it raises your floor. you know, in this polarized era that we have, it is hard for either side to drop below too low of a floor if there base is engaged and energized. and there were some real questions previously about whether the democratic base was going to turn out in the numbers that we needed to defeat donald trump. i think those questions have gone away. and so, what harris has done is to elevate that floor to the point where democrats will hits -- which is sort of expected -- in a polarized environment. in a state like ohio, in a state like montana, you need to do better than democrats go to vote share, because democrats generally lose in those states. but then, you have incredibly talented and well respected politicians, like sharad brown, like jon tester, who have
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really defined their own profiles as separate, in certain ways, from the national party, in ways that define them that are closer to the voters of their state. so, when you put those two things together, when you put these profiles of people like jon tester and sharad brown, together with massive voter enthusiasm among the democratic base, that is a winning combination. >> do you -- i would assume -- correct me if i am wrong -- that in places like arizona, where ruben is up three points even though trump was up six -- so a nine point spread between the republican and democrat -- jacky rosen in nevada, who is up five points where trump is up three. so, biden is losing, but the democrats on these lower tickets are winning. the entrance of harris into this race is only going to help cement a democratic victory. do you think that is overly confident to say that in
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arizona and nevada, or is that on the money? >> you know, you never want to get too confident. in all of our elections recently, they have been decided by incredibly close margins. arizona is always going to be a tough state. nevada is always going to be a tough state. i know that from long experience there. democrats usually pull it out there, but it always comes down to the wire. and is decided by, you know, 15,000, 20,000 votes in the end. so, look, are these guaranteed victories? absolutely not. have our chances improved? absolutely, yes. i think one thing that vice president harris does for democrats, is she opens up more paths to victory. we were having legitimate issues with base motivation. we were seeing fall off among nonwhite voters who were peeling off either from lack of enthusiasm, or genuine motivation for trump and i think she fixes those problems.
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>> adam jentleson, please come back. i need to hear more. also, don't let me get too overconfident. i appreciate your time tonight, my friend. thanks for joining me. >> see you soon. we have much more to get to tonight, including new details on the search for a democratic running mate. here is a hint, the list is getting shorter. who is on it? but first, the new york times jamail do we joins me to talk about trump's attempt to defeat kamala harris using immigration and a whole lot of racism. customizes car insurance, so they only pay for what they need. got it? [squawks] did you get that? only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty,♪ ♪liberty, liberty.♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. when you purchase a pair of bombas socks, tees, or underwear,
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republicans have spent the week going after vice president harris using a variety of strategies including racist dog whistles, calling her a "di hire" or mispronouncing her name. they have used weird, sexist comments to go after her, saying that she laughs too much and she is "nasty." and when those haven't worked, they have just gone with "radical left lunatic." none of it is really landing. so, today, the trump campaign upped the ante with its first attack ad about the u.s.-mexico border. >> kamala harris has been put in charge of trying to figure out the root causes, why are these people from central america coming here?
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>> overall, we are seeing progress. >> lincoln riley, her accused killer came to the u.s. illegally. >> he is in the country illegally when he murdered that officer. >> illegal immigrant accused of killing a mother and son while driving drunk. >> an 18-year-old illegal immigrant on a rape charge in ohio -- >> joining me now is jamil bowie for the new york times. thank you for being here. the ad goes on, we are obviously not playing the highlights, just the most xenophobic moments from the ad, but it really ties harris to what happened at the border, her lack of, you know, when she didn't visit the border, her sort of awkward answers about having not visited the border and effectively tries to tie her to all the problems the country faces, really leading to this broken immigration system. and i am wondering, from your vantage point, what is the right way for a democrat to answer an ad like this? >> i think, at this point, the right way for a democrat to answer an ad like this is first to point out that it is disgusting, right?
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even just the clips you showed are just -- it is not only xenophobic, but it is the kind of language and use of political rhetoric that is designed to encourage violence against other people. it is really despicable. i think it is worth saying that, right? you can say there is a problem with the border, you can say that we have to get our immigration system in order, but you can also say, we don't demonize people like this, we don't hire a large group of people with the sins of a few. but, the other thing harris can say here, that the biden administration did, with congress, negotiate a border security bill that would have invested a lot of money into trying to secure the border even more, and donald trump wasn't just opposed to that bill, but essentially whipped republicans to oppose the bill. so, you can just point out that trump, himself, wants to use this more as a political football and less as, you know,
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something to actually solve this problem. that would be my approach. sort of a moral and ethical thing. like, this kind of language is disgusting, and also, this guy doesn't actually care about the problem. >> what you think about the fact that the white house today released official border crossing numbers, and after president biden's executive action in june effectively shutting down the border, we are seeing the lowest amount of border crossings, since the pandemic. is that something? i mean, in one world, one would think that is the rebuttal that kamala harris should offer donald trump. in the other, does that not feed on this idea of, well, the anti-immigrant sentiment -- which has come to -- you know, there is not a lot of talking in the democratic party about the fact that immigrants are the backbone of the american economy. >> right. i think, unfortunately, democrats are in a bit of a tough spot here. the public does believe there is an issue at the border, and
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the harsh, zero-tolerance approach is both rhetorically easier to go for, as trump has demonstrated, and i think actually fits the sentiments of a lot of americans. i think, for democrats, recognizing that they are never going to go that far, right? they are never going to go that far as actively demonizing people. they can just put forth, this is what we have done, this is what republicans have stood in the way of doing, and you know, irrespective of how you feel about the border, you shouldn't demonize people like this. >> jamil, you touch on this sort of broad -- we are talking about, immigration is central to the american project. you have done some beautiful writing about what this moment tells us about the notion of expulsion.
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i am just going to read an excerpt from some of your writing in the times earlier this summer. needless to say, you write, the politics of expulsion are still with us, at worst, the renewed vitality of renewed liberalism in american life has renewed space for brought efforts for those americans that don't fit the illiberal vision of the nation. of the largest scale is donald trump's plan, should he win the white house a second time, to remove up to 20 million people suspected of unauthorized entry. if carried out, this would be one of the largest forced displacements of the population in human history, meant to cleanse the united states as people who, the former president says, are poisoning the blood of our country. at the rmc, jamil, there were people in the audience holding up signs that said "mass deportation now." it seems no matter how on the defense the democrats and vice president harris feel they are on immigration, it is incumbent upon them to push back on this -- you know, these politics of expulsion, and the draconian plans that donald trump and his supporters have for a large population of this country. >> i think that is right, and i think that part of pushing back on this is going to have to be
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actually telling in explicit terms what this means. i think that if you were to -- when we poll the typical person, ask them about this, they say, yeah, deporting illegal immigrants seems like a good idea, sure. but, i think you really need to impress upon people, the campaign does, we need to, those of us in the media, have to impress upon people what this actually means in practice. first of all, there are not 20 million unauthorized immigrants in the united states. the highest estimates are 10 million. so, right there, if trump is saying, i want to remove 20 million people from this country, that means 10 million residents, legal citizens, as well. that means his vision of stephen miller is, a, that means border patrol, i.c.e., cooperating with law enforcement agencies, going neighborhood to neighborhood, house to house, door-to-door, looking for people, not really asking questions, right? if you are just trying to round up people, you just toss them in the back of a truck.
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they want to build detention camps near the border. there is another word for that type of detention camp. but, they want to build detention camps so they can get these people they have rounded up, throw them in these detention camps, and deport them with very little or no due process. that is not just a scary vision, that is like a fundamentally anti-american vision. that is what we imagine in movies about dystopian societies. i think making that clear to people is one of the most important steps we have to take, that these plans are serious, and they would mean mass human suffering. >> yeah. i mean, i got to say, "mass deportation now" does not seem like an issue that swing voters and moderate independence are looking to support in the coming election. so, go for it, kamala harris. jamil, thank you again for your time this friday night, my friend. it is great to have you point >> thank you. still ahead tonight, jd
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vance sparked national outrage this week over remarks he made in 2021 about house cats and the women who raise them. today, jd vance got the chance to clarify that actually, he has nothing against cats. that is next. is next. with the scrubbing power of magic eraser and the cleaning power of dawn. watch it make soap scum here... disappear... and sprays can leave grime like that ultra foamy melts it on contact. magic. new ultra foamy magic eraser. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. [floor creaks] (♪♪) (♪♪) (♪♪) relax, you booked a vrbo.
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ladies, has been generating a lot of chatter, and not good chatter. "handmaid's tale" chatter, according to the new york times. less than two weeks after trump names the first term senator as his running mate, there has been a bunch of reporting this week that republicans have buyers remorse about jd vance, which is perhaps why jd vance appeared on megan kelly's serious xm radio show today, and doubled down on the idea that people who don't have kids -- the whole cat lady thing -- are exactly what is wrong with america. >> obviously, it was a sarcastic comment. i have nothing against cats, i have nothing against dogs. people are focusing so much on the sarcasm and not on the substance of what i actually said and the substance of what i said, megan, i'm sorry, it's true. it is true that we become antifamily -- the relationship you have with your family, that is what i think brings the most meaning to life. weird little accomplishments and degrees. >> jd vance chose not to
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retract his view and he would like to make this cat lady thing part of the republican party platform. >> we can't give up an inch, we are the pro-family party. i want to keep us that way. they are creating an anti- family and anti-child society and i think it's important for republicans to fight back. >> vance and his obsession with democrats being anti-child and anti-family is not going unnoticed by the harris campaign. today the official harris campaign twitter account called vance, weird and creepy. and harris campaign surrogate and vice presidential short list are senator mark kelly believes the cat lady thing is a reason to be concerned. >> you mentioned that comment about childless you know cat lady, which is utterly ridiculous and obnoxious and wrong. what i worry about is what he
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the vice president has a deeply personal decision to make as to who she wants to govern with, she will make that decision when she's ready based on the factors that she thinks are the right ones. >> i've talked with her about winning in november, her process on vice president selection, we have not talked about. >> it's not about me but i've always, always when i've had the chance to serve, i think it's very important to do. >> tonight, nbc reports there are about 12 names under consideration for the democratic vice presidential nomination but according to sources familiar with the campaign, harris has whittled the list of pennsylvania governor shapiro, north carolina governor roy cooper and senator mark kelly of arizona as the top contenders.
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mark, it's great to see you. i know that you are disappointed that there was not an open convention for the top slot on the ticket but perhaps the fierce competition for the second slot is giving you some solace. i do wonder if it's inevitable that this is a white man summer as far as it concerns harris and her running mate. >> i'm happy that there's a bald guy name mark who's on the shortlist. everything is happening in such a condensed timeframe here, and, it's kind of appropriate because these veepstakes stories tend to drag out for months and they don't need to. people operate from the same shortlist and i think kamala harris knows what she is looking for and what the other part of the ticket needs to look like. i think the decision will come close to the convention and it will probably be something that propels her further on the
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initial honeymoon. that she seems to be getting. >> the front runner is josh shapiro, am i right? according to exit polls, he won 15% of voters who went for trump in 2020 and he carried independent voters by 2 to 1, he ran ahead of biden by 10 points or more in over half of the states 67 counties including many traditionally republican areas. they seem vice presidents can't make or break the ticket but in this moment, it seems like that kind of information is very relevant. >> those numbers certainly get your attention and i think in recent cycles, the whole, that running mate can bring you, this model has been deemphasized because i think it's more of a broader holistic message, sometimes you don't know you know what the demographics are, but
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pennsylvania is so utterly important to this election, shapiro is so dominant in those numbers. it obviously gives him a leg up here. but i wouldn't completely sleep on obviously kelly but a guy like tim waltz, the governor of minnesota, who if you've watched him in recent days has given a compelling message about, for small, going after the other side but he has a folksy, adult midwestern bearing about him that i think could couple very well but look, it seems like harris has a pretty good field to choose from and that the first rule of a running mate is do no harm and it looks like jd vance might be violating that first rule. it's certainly an opportunity for kamala harris. >> when you find yourself having to repeatedly explain your comments about childless cat ladies, i think you are
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losing. but market, to the point of vetting, as a political reporter yourself, what is happening behind the scenes here? i mean, there's so little time and so much scrutiny. i would imagine there's a lot of cloak and dagger that is happening right now? >> it's happening quietly but also very quickly. the timeframe is pretty condensed. what's also interesting is you wonder how close jd vance was vetted by the other side. it's not so much getting a team of 30 lawyers and you know, looking back over every single thing in your record. a lot of it is looking at social media, looking at interviews that you've done and people like jd vance, and the cat lady, was made to tucker carlson, you get comfortable in these bubbles, there's not a lot of challenging that goes on and i think people fall into traps where not only do they say things they later regret but they don't apologize for
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them and i heard the megyn kelly comments about nothing against cats and i assumed it was a joke but it was actually something he said. so part of being a good running mate is to know when you screw up and know how to walk it back and that's not really part of the ethic of the donald trump team at this point. >> i feel, mark, the whole harris sort of, the development of the ticket and even the selection of the running mate is the case for having the shorter campaign cycle. she will be able to choose someone who can help her in the areas that she knows from polling our her weakest? >> it's true. i mean, we've heard this over and over since the first debate and since this has been seen as a possibility. we've been reminded that there are elections in a lot of democracies that take a whole lot less time than we do. so this can be done, and look, there's no proof that the decisions were any worse, and i think i would welcome that going forward, sure. >> even though it would mean fewer mark leavitt


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