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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  July 27, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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and spectacles in the cities so no one will counterprotest them and then they can film it because the real audience is not nashville. it's everyone on the internet. >> is there anything you see that can be done to stop the spread or is this an irreversible trend? >> i think if you have especially young male relative who may be going a little fascist, engage with them but don't insult his intelligence. but you have to keep the conversation going because the biggest problem is being in this bubble and not breaking out of it. >> the important new book titled "black pill: how i witnessed the darkest corners of the internet come to life, poison society, and capture american politics" . it's on sale now. journalist, elle reeve. take you for joining us. that's it for us today. we appreciate you spending part of your saturday morning with us. we're back tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. eastern for more of our best conversations from the week. until then, enjoy the rest of your day. good morning, it is saturday, july 27th.
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here with michael steel, alecia is off and we miss her. >> today, as she can. vice president harris blitzes the country as she unites the democratic party. new york attorney general letitia james twins the conversation. plus, new details on the search for the vp pick. we will speak with one of the alleged contenders, illinois governor j. b. pritzker. the crazy was on display in florida last night and donald trump place defense for the first time this election cycle. grab your coffee, settle in, folks. welcome to "the weekend." weeke vice president, led harris is hitting the ground not just running but literally sprinting. it is just 100 days she has to make her case to the people.
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the kamala harris coalition is hosting 2300 events to motivate voters in key swing states. the campaign has more than 250 battleground offices to organize in the months ahead. since sunday, 170,000 new volunteers. these numbers are insane, have joined the campaign effort be joining us now, msnbc political contributor and white house correspondent, eugene daniels, and former republican, indications director, tara setmeyer. she is smart. and, mr. daniels is now the president of the white house correspondents association. >> he is happy to. >> it has been a busy time. >> tara, you and i have been having a lot of fun over the last week watching the politics evolve around the vice president and how she has been able to transition from behind the curtain, if you will, you know, to the main stage. what is your assessment of this
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transitional week for her? at some unmentioned, 170,000 people. think about that. volunteered within a three or four day span to work on her campaign, raised over, well over $100 million, and seemingly has started to get under donald trump's skin. >> there is one word and it is reinvigorated. the country, the voters, the democratic base is reinvigorated. that is evidenced by what we have seen since last sunday. it hasn't even been a week, people, it hasn't even been a week. in this time frame, we've got donald trump and maga and j.d. vance playing defense. they are talking about couches and cat ladies and we are talking about kamala harris and record-breaking activity, whether it is fundraising, whether it is the grassroots organizing. i say it is a pretty great
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week for the democrats. they need to maintain this, right? we talk about the it is only 100 days. it is a sprint at this point, it is not a marathon. we are in the final days of this 2024 election, which feels like it never ended, it has been going on for years. this truncated time frame is advantageous to kamala harris and her campaign because i think the energy that has been injected into this race, people are realizing there is a chance. it is not a company that we will seat our country to maga and the extremists. women are fired up and ready to go. the audacity of j.d. vance to call women "miserable cat ladies." women aren't miserable, they are motivated and look out and that is what we are doing at the seneca projects, we are galvanizing women, we are motivating them, explaining
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what is at stake. with kamala harris now at the top of the ticket, it becomes even more apparent the difference, the contrast between the vision donald trump, j.d. vance, and maga has versus the forward thinking , positive, empowering vision that kamala harris has and women have had enough and i think that we are going to be the ones that save democracy. plain and simple. >> the split screen that tara points out is stark. one of upper senior producers, evan, who was texting me last night because that is what evan does. i've got a thought here. yes, given all the thoughts. evan made a good point. he said that it has almost been 25 years since we have seen a sitting vice president run for president. al gore was the last one, obviously. and, there is this, this interesting balance that vice president harris will have to do on this campaign trail for the next almost 100 days, it will be 100 days on monday because you do have to differentiate yourself, your own vision. you are also still the sitting vice president for a president that is not yet finished and still has a lot of work to do.
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this is how the vice president is setting herself up on the campaign trail. i want to play for you her in west allis, wisconsin, talking about trump's type versus who she is. >> as attorney general of california, took on one of our countries largest for-profit colleges that was scamming students. donald trump ran a for profit college that scammed students. as a prosecutor, i specialized in cases involving sexual abuse. well, trump was found liable for committing sexual abuse. as attorney general of california, took on the big wall street banks and held them accountable for fraud. donald trump was just found guilty of fraud on 34 counts. >> eugene, you were at this
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event confirming the vice president. what is your take on this for days, five days since? >> it is head spinning for those of us who have been around a lot or covering her this entire time. standing around with some of the other folks who cover vice president harris, jasmine right, we were just saying this is not how we expect it is to go at all. no one did. the amount of energy that was in there objectively, it was huge compared to what they have been doing. 3000 people at that event. it is perimeter how much of the democratic party, the american people did not battle between president joe biden and former president donald trump. that is something made clear in polling. the democrats chose not to listen and give them that. now you see this reinvigorated world. i will sing the thing that,
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making sure she toes the line between differentiating herself, the way that it was put to me by the chief of staff of al gore this week is she has to distinguish without distancing. that is really important. there can only be one president at a time. when talking about foreign policy, she has to figure out a way to make clear and give signals without changing u.s. policy. she did that this week. her conversation with benjamin netanyahu. i was there at that. when she came and spoke to us, which was already surprising that she was the one who is going to talk after her and president biden met separately with benjamin netanyahu, she didn't change policy, she talked about all of the things that they as a biden harris administration wanted. she also talked about how she sees the protesters, the people that want a spoke fire cease- fire. the time was different. >> the tone was different, the policy is the same. >> it is interesting about the
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tone. whether it is in a foreign policy space or in a domestic space, the one thing i found, and i think her campaign is looking for me, the bumper sticker for me on this campaign is "we choose freedom." i think it is important because it touches on a lot of things, tara, that go to the heart of what this campaign is about. a lot of folks from the big piece sitting in the room is abortion rights. it is also our rights, freedom of association, how we raise our kids, all the things we have now taken for granted over 248 years stands in stark relief as possibly going away in this idea, we choose freedom. let's take a quick listen to how she frames that.
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>> in this election, we each base a question. what kind of country do we want to live in? there are some people who think we should be a country of chaos, of fear, of hate. but us, we choose something different. we choose freedom. >> a little beyonce. >> here we go. tara, you are in the communication space. how does this land in your view? >> i am a former republican. we talk about freedom all the time, at least of the old republican party used to be like this language because that it was it is about. it is about we the people and what we the people means as a country and individual freedom
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and rights and empowerment, equality. that is what this pursuit of happiness is about, this great democracy american experiment we have. it is not that horrible, regressive vision that authoritarian vision that donald trump and maga wants to inflict on this country. it is not about retribution. this message of freedom is brilliant and embracing that it is taking that narrative away from republicans. what they are talking about is not freedom, it is oh passion. it is exclusive, not inclusive. i think starting off this way and also, everyone loves beyonci. bringing that fresh generation, generational change into this, this passing the torch gives her, you know, it is a certain sense of -- it is the barack obama effect almost. we have not seen that in a long time. that is why you seem
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republicans flailing about. they are running around calling her a dei higher, insulting women, women of color, and people are going stop it, that is all you have? you have to have the speaker of the house to tell your members to stop being racist, you're not having a great week. >> maybe being just a little bit racist. >> a little too far when mike johnson has to step in. >> as a side note, we see beyonci and the olympics? >> the bodysuit, i'm going to be beyonci for halloween. >> me too. just wanted to put it on the table. go watch it. eugene, tara, stick around. we want to talk about kamala harris knocking donald trump on his heels. later, we will be joined by illinois governor and vp contender j. b. pritzker because this is "the weekend" on msnbc. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...and itchy eyes, the truth may be even more uncomfortable.
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vice president kamala harris is riding a wave of momentum fueled by an energized space ready to close the door on trump. donald trump doesn't know exactly what to do about it. last night at a rally in florida, trump workshop some new lines of attack against harris, i guess you could say, hurling insults and
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misrepresenting her record. about, lost in the mix was another darker message from the ex-president about what he believes is at stake in november. >> and, again, christians get out and vote. just this time. you don't have to do it anymore. four more years. you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine. you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful christians. i love you, christians. anyway. back with us is eugene daniels and tara setmayer. you have something to say? >> this was a reverse for trump event where he was launching believers for trump. in the same breath where he says he is launching believers for trump, he insults the vice president. to michael's point, he misrepresents her record. this line about christians get out and vote and you only have to do it once, he is telling
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us. he is telling us. tara, i don't, i think that we should take donald trump at face value, at his word. when he speaks very clearly and when he slurs them. what did you take away from this? >> i was horrified, horrified when the clip was sent to me this morning, actually. this is exactly what you said, trump tells us every time. believe him. we have done this many times. at the summit project, we have taken publishes of things he has said, things j.d. vance has said, things the project 2025 authors have said. don't believe us, listen to them. this is one of the most alarming parts of this because democracy is under attack. we cannot lose sight of that. if we lose our democracy, we lose our freedoms and, particularly the right to vote,
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this election may be the last one. donald trump has telegraphed this multiple times. it is not a one off anymore. he is becoming more emboldened to say this and this is straight out of the authoritarian playbook. professor and historianputs the sinks in the context of history, she is an expert on authoritarianism and she has been screaming from the rooftops, giving examples were in history we have seen this before. no one wants to go back to those times in history and have that apply here in america. so, the idea of losing our ability to vote is losing the biggest freedom that we have, that so many of us have fought and died for and our ancestors have that we cannot lose sight of that in all of these other things. tax rates and health care policy, all of that is important. but, it is really, really important that we make sure we protect these fundamental e we rights, particularly for those of us who look like all of us on this screen right now. that is a message we have to make sure people understand what is at stake here.
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>> you know, i think, eugene, that is a big part of the narrative. in this underlining, you know, facets of their race. people want to focus on this or that. there is a thread that goes through this about what is really at stake. abortion is a big part of it but so are all of these other pieces. when you connect to what donald trump is telling us, to begin to say oh, they are serious about this is probably the last time we get to vote, right? you have to understand what that means. you have trump last night talking about the vice president, i think recognizing the threat to that. now comes, it starts with the idea of dei hire. i have him last night saying this about her at as believers summit that she is a "bomb." >> she was a bomb three weeks ago. she was a bomb.
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a failed the vice president and a failed administration, with millions of people crossing and she was the border czar. now they are trying to say she had nothing to do with the border. they are trying to take it, they are deleting it all over the place. >> so, it is part of the cascading effect that trump likes to bring to politics. we start, we start with the name-calling, the seemingly innocent, dei hire, cackling kamala harris. you can see where this ultimately goes. how do you, when you are covering this aspect of the story, what are you looking for and trying to level up that people understand the full picture of what this is in the moment? >> in 2016, even during some of his presidency, there was a question of whether or not we as reporters should take him at his word, basically. do we take him seriously or
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not? or literally. that was the whole thing. seriously or literally. i think we have, donald trump has been around for a very long time but as a politician, since 2015 and we kind of know that we should take them both. when he's talking about these things, he means them. i think something that is really important also that talk to some harris folks about is underneath this is a concern that, oh my god, this election has changed. it is also, the race isn't the bomb thing, the dei hire, that was always going to be a part of this, even when she was just as the running mate. you can see is has put them on their foot in a series way. the inability to craft a message that won't turn off voters. if you think about the voters is working on, women voters, women in the suburbs, white women in the suburbs who have been running away from the republican party for a while, this language is not the
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language they will be interested in. that is what, why mike johnson said what he said to his numbers. he knows there are ways to rhetorically attack vice president harris about her policies. what she has said herself, when she was running, what she has done as ag and as a senator, the other stuff turns off voters. we are going to see, it seems, an enormous amount of racism and sexism we haven't seen, even more than 2008. i know you know, people are saying all kinds of wild stuff to people and to us. the amount that is in common, it is going to be important for the harris campaign to figure out how to, one, reintroduce her to the american people as we move forward because she is running it probably should run as running from behind in this race. that is probably better for them. they have to make sure that they figure out how to block these attacks from donald trump and folks, especially the ones based on race and sexism.
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i will say in the white house, the vp team, they did that but there were a lot of people in the white house and democrats with large that weren't sure how to defend her against racism and sexism that was coming. >> they are not going to have to. if donald trump keeps speaking like that, and your for women, look at that, it doesn't matter what side of the aisle you are on, you go how dare he. that is the vice president of the united states pg is the coolest woman. a bomb? it is projection. he's talking about himself. this is coming from a guy who has been bankrupt how many times? daddy had to give him money to start what he was doing, whose daddy had to bail him out when he was bankrupt, who is a 34 account convicted felon under indictment for stealing national security secrets, for, who had to pay half $1 billion because of business fraud. you
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want to talk about a bomb? how dare he speak to her like that. i can tell you know, there are women in this country who are sick and tired of mediocre men like donald trump failing up because of their daddies money. >> here here. we will not stand the disrespect. >> they are tired of it. they are tired of men standing on women's shoulders and taking credit for it. i'm telling you, let trump and maga keep this up. women are looking at this and say enough is enough is enough. we will save this democracy, i'm telling you right now. >> they are telling michael we have to go but i'm with her. >> nothing right here, let me tell you. eugene daniels, tara setmayer. mediocre men , your days are numbered. thank you guys for starting us off. illinois governor j. b. pritzker joins us to talk about the vice president massive week and his own vp buzz on "the weekend."
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all eyes are on illinois. next month, the state will host the democratic national convention and it will be one of the first times vice president harris running mate will take center stage, probably the first time. one of the names on the not so short list of contenders is the governor of illinois and our next guest, j. b. pritzker, who in recent days, has called out republicans on their antiabortion stance. >> abortion is not a dirty word. it is a medical procedure. and when we make something shameful to say, we make it shameful to do. it is none of our business if an abortion is rare as long as it is safe and legal. >> the governor of illinois, j. b. pritzker, joins us now. he's also the founder of the
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abortion rights group "think big america." as we played the clip, i said to michael, he said he has been doing this for a while. i remember you were in virginia speaking to the virginia democratic party when you were in town a couple months ago about this very issue. you have been going across the country and now your name is popping up on these lists, people are paying closer attention. why abortion for you? a lot of folks would say they expect a number of women to speak out but men are speaking out about this issue as well. you are governor of illinois. why is this an important issue you have to raise your voice about? >> thank you very much. it is great to be on "the weekend." i have to say, i have been fighting for abortion rights really my entire life. let me tell you why. my mother was an abortion rights activist. she was an lgbtq+ community in
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the 70s, when it wasn't as widely accepted as it is now. and, i was the youngest child of a law who cared deeply and who would bring me along with her on those marches and and those meetings. i don't know whether it is nature or nurture but, frankly, fighting for reproductive rights, fighting for individual rights comes naturally to me. when i became governor, i made sure we protected reproductive rights in the state of illinois not just for people in the state but also people who are escaping their states and need an oasis that will care for them when they are just seeking to exercise their rights. i care deeply about that and i will continue to do that my entire life. >> governor, it is a real treat. i always love it when i get to hang out with the governors. it is good to see you, sir. welcome. you have been in the news, not just for your very personal and important stance in the
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abortion-rights space but also as a potential vice presidential pick for kamala harris. you have the possibilities, the list of names being considered for vice president harris running mate . you've got those who supposedly received vetting materials, gretchen whitmer, tim walz, roy cooper, josh shapiro, mark kelly. under consideration, but i think it's an interesting category, yourself, pete buttigieg, andy beshear. have you moved from the under consideration list to the received vetting materials list, which is, how we say in the game, stepping up? >> not going to talk about the interactions i've had with the campaign but let's just say i am aware the vetting process is quite an in-depth one, one that takes often weeks and months and they are really only about
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eight days and a decision probably has to be made. putting that aside, i mean, i want to say that no matter what my position is, at the end of this process, i am going to be out there fighting for kamala harris. she cares about the class americans, fighting for workers rights, making sure we are guaranteeing a woman's right to choose. these are hugely important issues. i love how the republicans love to, they like to throw names on people and cast aspersions but they don't have any issues. in fact, they have been hiding their issues. i don't know if you notice j.d. vance wiped away all references to abortion on his website because his positions are so extreme. he is a fraud. he has been avoiding answering questions about that. donald trump is a 34 time convicted fraudster. so, they belong together, j.d. vance being mini me to donald trump. >> it is a match made in heaven, as i have heard a number of democrats say.
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safe to say that, if in fact you are offered the role of vice president harris running mate, would you accept that? >> i have so much respect for kamala harris. it would be hard not to consider it seriously. i do love being governor of the state of illinois. we banned assault weapons in the state, protected a woman's right to choose. we have raised wages. i think i am the only governor that has raised the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, certainly in the midwest. i believe strongly that we've got to go out and fight for these things nationwide. we banned book bans in the state of illinois. so much of what we have accomplished here is what is needed for america. i am going to go out and advocate for kamala harris . i'm going to advocate for these issues across america. we have to win in november because donald trump would be a
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disaster for american families. >> governor, let's raise up that part of the conversation a little bit more. we were just talking in the last half hour about the tone that is now emerging from donald trump, just last night in front of a group of christians, of all people. he is name calling the vice president "a bomb." he's making horrible references to her position, as other republicans are, leveling up the misogyny, leveling up the race accusations, the racist accusations. how do you see this election over the next 100 days playing out in that regard? is it really a battle between those who are trying to get in front of the american people with ideas about policy and moving the country forward? at the same time, having to battle those who want to pull us back in the mud of personal vitriol and accusations and name-calling? >> well, when donald trump goes
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on the personal attack against people, it shows he is afraid and he is afraid of kamala harris. facing off against her, and a compost woman, someone who has gotten things done, who is smart, he is afraid to do that and doesn't want to face her in a debate. the fraudulent nature of his own candidacy that he is afraid to face up to, could you imagine the two of them on a debate stage and how she would prosecute the case against him in front of the american public? i think we are going to have to face all of these, you know, these name-calling, you know, the racism, the sexism. i have always said he's homophobic, xenophobic and the reason he is, again, on the attack is because he knows this is all coming home to roost against him. so, we've got to get out there and get the message out about
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fighting for american families, about the fact that we are the ones making more portable, bringing down inflation, that it is kamala harris out of there fighting for the rights of every american and donald trump is just, well, everyday he makes something new up because he doesn't want to enter for his own record of sending jobs overseas and sending manufacturing overseas and failing the american public. >> governor, before we go, i want to ask you about sonya massey. she was a 36-year-old black woman fatally shot by a sheriff's deputy in her home, absolutely brutal, frankly. you put out a statement from july 17th and you said "tran33
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was concerned for her safety and called law enforcement to her home for protection. she deserved that protection. instead, innocent and unarmed, she was gunned down by an officer of the law. may sonya massey's memory be a blessing and make it feel our work to build a system of justice in this country that truly protect all of its citizens." >> this is an issue, frankly, given all of the news that has happened this week, it did not make the front pages of the major papers. this is something i have heard from so many people. when it comes to criminal justice reform, policing in this country, there is still a lot of work to do. i know this is something that is important to the vice president. could you give a bird on criminal justice reform and the vision, the stark contrast between what donald trump's vision of reform and criminal justice in america is and what the harris campaign has set up as that vision? >> i am glad you raised this and i want to say that i was with the family of sonya massey when the vice president reached out to them and with ben crump at the time too. this is a terrible tragedy. what is so sad is we've now seen over and over again the george floyd, the breonna
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taylor incidents of police brutality, murder against innocent black people. this just keeps happening over and over. are we not learning from this? i deeply saddened by it. i am also outraged and believe there is so much more that we have to do. we have done criminal justice reform work here in the state of illinois and i have worked with the black caucus in our legislature to get that done. we have done only with cash bail, which is kept more violent criminals in jail. it has been an important thing. but, we have also led people who have committed nonviolent crimes go back to their jobs so they can appear in court later and afford to be able to get there. i am a big believer that we have a lot of work to do. vice president kamala harris is a believer in that too. i don't think there is any
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state in america that has done more to fight for the rights of black people all across our state. one last thing, you know, sonya massey is not alone in having been the target of the brutality of a police officer. i want to say most police officers are doing the right thing, they are really doing the work that we all want them to do. when you pick up the phone and call 911, you want a police officer to come. you need it. it is an emergency. we have so many great police officers all around the united states. the ones that are doing it wrong, the ones that are committing crimes, they need to be held accountable. this sheriff's deputy in a downstate county, he will be held accountable. within 10 days, the investigation was done. he was charged with murder and he is now in custody. >> illinois governor j. b. pritzker, thank you very much for your time and your work,
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sir. >> thank you. next, folks, presidential historian douglas frankie will join us to weigh in on president biden's big decision and the legacy he is still shaping. you are watching "the weekend."
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leaves behind, much of which depends on what happens in november. joining us now, presidential historian and history professor at rice university, douglas brinkley. he's also the co-author of "the nixon tapes: 1971 to 72." welcome. always great to have a historian at the table. let me tell you. >> it is so good to see you. you know, it seems like eons ago that this speech from the president happened. i frankly was crying as i watched the speech. if you know joe biden, as i know that you doomed, and you know his history of service at this country, this was truly a remarkable moment. in that speech, he said i am not yet done and alluded to talking about all of the things that he wants to do going forward. put this in the context of history for us. i think we are back to using the word that if you like was overused a couple years ago, unprecedented. >> well, it was unprecedented.
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president biden took a lot of bravery and courage. his great move kimberly. it was picking kamala harris as his vice president. he always had somebody that could fill in if he couldn't go further and look at the embrace he is getting from the american people. 90% of democrats are glad that biden stepped out but not because they don't like him, it is because they want to win. president biden convinced the nation democracy is on the ballot. you have a choice of authoritarianism in trump or democracy with biden/harris. i think the president did a noble thing when he gave his 15 minute oval office address. more importantly, he has six months now that he has to guide us through treacherous international waters, particularly how can he get a cease-fire finally in gaza and how do we keep ukraine a life against the terrorist onslaught by vladimir putin's russia. >> we talk about the historic
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aspect of this, and the president even noted the american people will choose the course of america's future. how have presidents in the past set that course, by actions sometimes big, sometimes small, and why what he did is so important to what happens next? >> well, you know, he, we have been talking probably enough already about lbj in march of 1968. maybe when he stepped down and the country was shocked due to the vietnam war. what they don't say is that he put hubert humphrey as vice president in a very difficult position. hubert humphrey had to go around backing a war policy that was unpopular, while at the same time trying to cozy up with the antiwar crowd that was
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part of the democratic coalition it didn't work. he got to the democratic convention and was besieged by all sides. there was teargas going up in the conrad hilton hotel across grant park in chicago. i think president biden needs to do international affairs, try to do supreme court reform, but be a white house, camp david found president and let kamala harris run the campaign she needs to do so she doesn't become a hubert humphrey figure stuffed between two different versions of policy. >> that is interesting. >> douglas, lots of folks have, in the aftermath of president biden's decision to step out of the race, almost a week ago, this was on sunday, i heard folks refer to him prior to wednesday as a "lame duck president." i don't think he is a lame duck president. there is still the war in gaza between hamas and israel is still raging. there is work being done in defense of ukraine with our
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european allies, containing competition but not conflict with china, if you will. so many things are happening across the world and the things domestically, what do you think joe biden's legacy will be that he writes within the next 6 to 7 months? there's so much more to do. >> just imagine what we are going to see, i think, in chicago with kamala harris getting perhaps introduced by joe biden, being on estate. imagine kamala harris and michelle obama, barack obama, bill clinton, all on the stage plus all of these incredible vp candidates. this is the biden coalition. these are people that now are beneficiaries of joe biden's leadership. by that, i mean he defeated, handily, donald trump. he saved our country. we had the whole january 6th
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problem. i would continue doing what joe biden does when he speaks and remind us about january 6th and promote the ideas of democracy. >> douglas brinkley, good to see you. thank you very, very much. coming up in the next hour, new york attorney general letitia james joins us to talk about the work she's doing to support vice president kamala harris. this is "the weekend." kend." i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need...
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having an interesting off-line conversation, which we are going to save for tomorrow. but, i think we have reached a transitional point in this campaign sooner than i thought it would come. what i have witnessed in the last few days is it is not just kamala harris ascending. it is the country has shifted. the ground has shifted beneath the feet of republicans and you have seen that stutter back where they are grabbing, they are grasping at stuff. here is the thing. it settles down pretty quickly and probably beginning in the next few days, it settles down. how do you see this or that it is going to be more of a relentless now we can't figure out where we need to go? >> i think that republicans, they were knocked back on their heels and i think donald trump specifically, his back is against the wall.
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when his back is against the wall, he gets nasty. and, if people think that they have heard terrible things from donald trump before, i mean, what happened to the new tone we were told we were going to be getting them all that unity? it is about to get even worse. and, i do think folks just need to hunker down. democrats, republicans, independents. look at this week that we have had, people talking about that is where folks need to, they need to put this in the memory bank because they will have to go back to that because donald trump will try to take us to an even darker place than we have been before. >> that is why the "we choose freedom" slogan will matter much more as this campaign goes on. refill your mug, folks. we've got another hour of "the weekend" coming up, we will joined by kimberly atkin store, new york attorney general letitia james, and advocate hadley duvall. be sure to follow us on social
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6:00 am
welcome back to the weekend, vice president harris has less than two weeks to reach a decision most candidates way for months. who will be her


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