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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  July 27, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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we've seen since wednesday, starting at 40,000 acres than 140,000 acres and 170,000 acres, now more than 300,000 acres. the eighth largest fire in california history, burning across multiple counties. it's just incredibly scary for residents with fresh evacuations overnight. now the entire town of paradise has been evacuated once again. if that sounds familiar, it's because six years ago that was the site of the deadliest and most destructive fire in california history. 85 people dead. so the trauma is quite fresh and firefighters are dealing with incredibly poor conditions, incredibly tough terrain, trying to do all they can to put some containment on it. they were successful for a short period of time but in that containment, it all but disappeared as a fire continues to grow north but every front north. we got a briefing. listen to this. >> the fire quickly began to outpace our resources because
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of the dry fuels, the hot weather, low humidity and the wind. over 1000 personnel are assigned to this fire. over 120 fire engines are on the line, 12 caretakers including our -- large air tankers. we've had to minor injuries, numerous structures that have been destroyed. >> reporter: and so, all of this speaks to the amount of resources that firefighters have now sort of, pushed toward trying to slow this down on any sort of front. there is good news, it's certainly a lot cooler than it was, humidity has increased, the winds have died down. conditions are much more favorable to firefighters getting in there, the problem is that a few minutes ago, the fire is so huge, it is burning in areas with little to no fire history which mean there's fresh, bone dry fuel sitting on
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the ground. it's almost like a runway to push into new communities. and that is the immediate worry. firefighters are doing all they can, working 24 hours a day on this thing to try and push it back. >> one thing i will say, that guy, he pushes his car down the ravine. i mean, i can't even. steve patterson, thank you. what a difference a day or two makes, incredible poll results you have to see, in just a moment. good day to all of you from msnbc world headquarters. we begin with decision 2024. 101 days until the election. first gentleman doug emhoff is on the trail in wisconsin as our democratic governors josh
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shapiro and andy beshear and in the next hour, former president donald trump will speak in tennessee and his running mate will join him tonight in minnesota. trump, still working on lines of attack against his new likely opponent so here's what he said friday at a gathering of religious conservatives in florida. >> she was a bum three weeks ago, she was a bum , a failed vice president and a failed administration. >> new reaction to trump's other comments at that event when he told voters they will not have to vote again in four years. >> this guy has flirted with things such as tierney when he said things like i will only be a dictator on day one. we know that they tried to pull a coup on us, even though they are trying to make sure that they rewrite history and say no, this was just some sort of
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good patriots that were on a tour through the capital. >> i don't want to get into donald trump's head, i think there's a lot going on in a very small space there. but i will say, to have him say, you're not going to vote again, this election really is about democracy. >> we have reporters ready, we will go to allie at the white house. this is the vice presidents first full week on the campaign trail. >> reporter: the vice president is using the infrastructure and the reach of the campaign that she has now inherited from president biden to keep the momentum that she's been able to build over the last six days going for the next 101 until election day and the harris campaign is announcing what they call, the weekend of action, encouraging people to get out, to donate, make phone calls, door knock, trying to keep the momentum going. here's a video that the campaign posted to get that word out about this effort.
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>> so if we want to live up to the promise of america, the promise of freedom, opportunity and justice, we have to organize. your enthusiasm and grassroots support has made history. that's why we are kicking off a weekend of action. >> the vice president, hitting the ground running this weekend, as you mentioned, making up for lost time on the campaign trail and trying to get the word out and again the momentum building. she's fundraising in massachusetts today while her husband, the second gentleman, doug emhoff, campaigns in battleground wisconsin and we are also starting to see some of the contenders that we know she's considering for her running mate. they are acting as surrogates on the campaign trail. these are people from critical battleground states that could be extremely useful to her and her path to victory in november, these are people like pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, minnesota governor tim
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waltz, kentucky governor andy beshear, governor whitmer, one of five contenders that has received vending -- vetting materials from the harris campaign and we are told that we expect her to take up all the time she can, up until the august 7th deadline set by the dnc to be able to get her and her running mate on ballots across the country and use all of that time to make her decision. so this is really a jampacked time for the vice president, obviously, as she hits the campaign trail but also remember, balancing all the responsibilities and her normal day job as vice president, alex. >> when you think about the length of time it takes under normal circumstances, the vetting process alone, weeks and months, she doesn't have that, so thank you very much. let's go to catherine, who
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is in nashville and that's where trump will speak at a bitcoin conference. welcome, trump also has rallies in minnesota tonight. generally, how is he reacting to all the developments on the democratic side? >> reporter: yeah, so busy day on the campaign trail for former president trump. he's making a stop in nashville at the bitcoin conference. it's his first official week running against vice president harris, since president biden exited the race, one of his aides posted that he is wheels down, he spoke at a turning point conference in west palm beach, down the street from his mar-a-lago club telling those attendees they wanted me to vote in four years if they vote in november encouraging them that he will fix everything if elected in four years. let's take a listen to what he said last night, alex. >> and again, christians, get out and vote, just this time. you won't have to do it anymore, four more years, you know what, it'll be fixed, it'll be fine.
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you won't have to vote anymore my beautiful christians, i love you, christians, i'm a christian, get out and vote, in four years, you don't have to vote again. we will have it fixed so good, you don't have to vote again. >> reporter: alex, as you heard, he's really trying to encourage people to get out and vote this november like i said, it's his first week on the trail going against vice president harris who has hit the trail running. it'll be interesting to see how the events pick up, we are 100 days away until election day. >> i've got to say i'm flabbergasted at that last soundbite, you won't have to vote again in four years. okay, thank you. we have the harris campaign moving full steam and to pick a vp taking advantage of a major momentum shift and joining me now, former advisor to the obama campaign,, good to see
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you guys again, i'm loving the regularity of our meetings. what do you make of this pretty astounding past six days for the harris campaign, has it been as close to a flawless roll out as they could have hoped for? >> absolutely, we knew within the first couple of hours that the team had already put together several polls, we saw the black women's call then we saw the black man's after then we saw the latino call then we saw the white women's call and we are talking millions of dollars in addition to that, hundreds of thousands of people and on the ground were, in the battleground states, they think that what needs to be recognized as not only was she record-breaking in terms of fundraising calls in the first 48 hours, beat any residential
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campaign in history but in addition to that, she's been able to create a sizable mass of not only excitement on the ground particularly among younger voters, you see what's happening on tiktok but in terms of organizing power and potential, the level of people who have signed up to volunteer in less than three days, it's something we have not seen and i worked on the obama campaign. we didn't see it then, either, this is something that is seismic, historic and i think it'll last us through election day. >> brandon, has the trump campaign lost control of the narrative now? how caught offguard were they by this enthusiasm? >> to a remarkable degree. this obviously was coming or at least there was the potential for it coming, for several weeks, people trying to push out joe biden, so it's a little stunning they didn't have their act together. to some degree, there's not much you can do about a honeymoon like this. she is getting the best news coverage and the enthusiasm is incredible, that's great for her but that doesn't last forever and i imagine at some
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point there will be a lot more scrutiny of her record. what's also confounding for me from the republican and is, there are plenty of issues to talk about with the vice president that she's vulnerable on, they should be talking about that. dave mccormick the senate candidate in pennsylvania, stumbled upon some of the best messages and is going back to the positions that she took in 2019 when she was running for president, she will have to answer for it. maybe she will say she has changed her position on fracking or how to deal with illegal immigration or the green new deal. it goes on and on. there are plenty of things they can hit her on but some of his personality and racial hits, are really working against them. i truly think they will figure it out before too long. >> ameshia, who is your top veep pick ? >> there you come with the tough questions. i think she definitely has a varied and large slate to choose from but in terms of balancing the ticket and to the
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point that brandon just made, addressing some of the policy issues that she will get a tax on in the near future, i think it's going to be helpful for her to have someone who is from a battleground state, if it was me i would be looking at shapiro, or looking at the governor of arizona, the senator from arizona, mark kelly but i think those are among the top two but in addition, she's also looking to find someone who will be a great collaborative partner within a harris administration. so the campaign matters, you've got to get to a presidential administration first but you want to make sure you have a partner who is going to be there with you, day in and out, and have that level of cooperation mike she's been able to have with the current president. i think that's going to matter here. someone who can jell with her, who understands the policy leadership, who will be able to be a stand in, but also someone who can bring some of the tougher areas in the battleground states, to the harris campaign because the
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polls are deal really tight. they were within the margin of error when biden was at the top of the ticket, too. we know this is a tough election cycle and every vote will count in a small amount of states. >> a couple of names that ameshia has mentioned, you posted, appreciate his service but mark kelly for vp is z. why not senator kelly and if not him, you pick? >> i think mark kelly's bio is great but i imagine a lot of people haven't spent a lot of time listening to him talk. if you are kamala harris, you want somebody who can be president on day one but you also want someone who can go out and attack, very effectively, donald trump and i don't think mark kelly really brings the fire. he's not as good of a talker, simply put, as you need. the two obvious choices are josh schapiro and pete buttigieg, have executive experience, both incredibly
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smart and very adept at attacking, being on tv, getting the earned media coverage that is essential. both of those, i think they bring challenges that i'm sure they are wrestling with but to me, those are the obvious ones. >> you mentioned jd vance, and then you mentioned prior to that, brandon, you have to pick someone who on day one can be president of the united states if need be. there's a fair amount of republican remorse around the vp pick. there's a piece in the atlantic that reads the republican choice of jd vance looks less like a master stroke and more like the impulse purchase of a luxury good and expensive handbag bought on a credit card the day before its owner gets fired. trump should have kept the receipt. and i know you are familiar, several weeks ago to report that said that trump was leaning towards or perhaps even
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had chosen doug bergen but his sons, eric and don jr. pushed hard for vans, what does it say that these two are that influential if not the final voices in trump's ear. their careers are rooted in business, >> if there is remorse for vans, i have very little sympathy for that, the things that he's been getting hit on were not secrets. this was the appeal to a lot of trump supporters, why they liked him. that he said outrageous things and he would own the libs. that's what you are looking for, this was a very different election when they chosen, they thought they were running against biden and he could just have somebody go out there and poke fun at biden being old and it really wouldn't matter very much. that's a terrible way to choose your vp and he's been worse than i expected him to be. nobody likes a school and that's what vance has turned
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into. and a lot of people are frankly offended by a 39-year-old man telling people how they should live their lives. i expect him to be smarter than what he has shown but it's been a rough start. >> can you give me a yes or no, is he prepared to be president in case he was called upon to be that, yes or no, brandon? >> yeah, i struggle, he's a smart guy. but he has not shown that he has maturity that you want to see for a president of the united states. >> ameshia, stay with me, we have new polling in the key swing states which is showing the numbers and what a difference a week makes. we will be s back in 90 seconds . -really? -get a quote at
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this week i said the word for the week is hopeful. there were so many people that kept using that word, they said we are hopeful and the last time we talked about hope was in 2008, and i think right now, that's exactly what we need to take down the disastrous and divisiveness that we get out of maga, and so hope will win over haight, every single time. >> democratic representative jasmine crockett commenting on the surge of excitement that democrats have experienced this week. ameshia, a new poll shows harris down just two points nationally against donald trump and she leaves when third- party candidates are included.
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both are though, within the margin of error. biden had been down as much as seven points in the same poll before dropping out so how huge are these numbers in such a short period of time? >> it's a seismic change and i say that because what we are seeing is if some of the focus groups and some of the comments that we are hearing to be believed, there are several people within the battleground states that need to get to know kamala harris, understand her background, policies and who want a introduction to the vice president as a front runner for the craddick party nomination and this speaks to the fact that many people are now engaging with this political cycle who quite frankly weren't necessarily doing it before, we know there were folks who were find sitting at home this election cycle, waiting to see
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what could happen in 2028. i think a reinvigoration of excitement has been ushered in because of kamala harris and people are now selling -- saying, this is gametime and we need to be up and ready. she is promising a hope and a change for the future and she represents the younger version of america. >> brandon, we look at the state level where we've seen large ships as well, biden was seven points down in michigan, harris is now tied. biden was up only in two points in maine and harris is up by seven, the national pours are important but you've got to look at the states. how notable are these numbers? >> this puts the map into a more realistic base. you've got trump and jd vance in minnesota. i think those were reach states. i think it's going to go back to the rustbelt and the sunbelt states that are most important. we have seen harris close the gap. we have not seen harris take the lead and that may be a of a
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moment in time and maybe she does but i think you have to look at, i still think she is probably at this moment, the underdog. she is facing one significant problem and that is overwhelmingly the american people do not like the direction that the country is headed, and it'll be donald trump's job to decide if you want his kind of change or a shift to the left, and i think that's a good argument for him. it is very uncommon to win reelection when this many people don't like the direction they are heading. but those states that you shall, michigan and pennsylvania, she has to win those, she loses pennsylvania and is probably over. you will see all of the candidates in the midwest states . >> ameshia, let's look at the new numbers that show harris has gained a lot of ground that died and was losing among black and hispanic voters. last month biden was up only 1%
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among hispanic voters and harris is up almost 20%. why has she been able to capture this electorate so much better? >> it's excitement, we know kamala harris has this voter latino, she has reached out to several of the caucus members as well who are out here stumping the ground for her. i think it's also because they wanted to see a new vision. i think they wanted to see somebody who was able to carry or at least remain competitive in some of the battleground states, and that they had in many cases they had restarted resorted to someone understanding that this might have been a loss for the democrats. they wanted to have something that was a power player in their minds and i think that for them, harris is the power player. with that being said, i would argue what we knew from polling, national polling around lack and latino voters was that they had an overwhelmingly negative idea around donald trump. so i don't think they were
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going to be in that camp anyway but we would have seen a lot more of those democrats staying home and ultimately that would have proven itself not helpful for the democratic party. >> many attacks on harris are focusing on race and gender and not bearing children. jd vance called her a childless cat lady. the vice president has stepchildren, the second gentleman's ex-wife strongly supports harrison said her kids have three parents. are these attacks that firing and how do democrats combat them while refusing to give them oxygen? >> i don't think you can refuse to give them oxygen in america were over 60% of women under 40 do not have children and many do not plan on it. the other part is that we have a significant segment who are having fertility issues and you
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have a republican party that's also pushing against in vitro. a party who is saying if you do not have children as a woman, you should not even be able to vote because you have no understanding of or no real value in the future of america. that's a problem and that's not only extremely offensive as somebody who does not have children, mind you, i also don't have cats but it's a situation where they've made their bed and they have to lie in it. for harris, for many of the stepmom's across the country they are saying at what point did we -- it's something that is offensive to women. and the fact that the republicans have essentially always had a problem with women, to dig their heels in deeper when women are one of the largest voting blocs in the country, it's a fatal mistake for the republican party. >> a former gop official says if they struggled to find a
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line of attack, they are literally grasping at straws. and there's the republicans and trump purposely mispronouncing her name, are they running out of time to make them something stick? >> i think the reality is most of the people spend their entire time in a needy a conservative bubble, and never have to think about appealing to other people. this stuff plays great back home in your county gop or on fox news. it doesn't play great to the rest of the electorate that will decide the election and they just don't know any other way to go about it. i think they will find out quickly, this is dumb, that's going to backfire on you, i don't know that they have a strategy around it, it's just their instinct and it's really dangerous and the mispronouncing her name drives me insane, i don't know what they are doing other than turning out democratic voters.
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i think kamala harris has a vulnerable record and i think they will get there eventually, it's how much damage they do to themselves in the meantime. >> it's good to see you both. thank you so much. the harrowing details emerging from the shooting of sonja massey, a black woman shot in the face by a white police officer. what we've learned from body camera video at the scene, that is next. de effects dness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today.
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new details emerging in the death of sonja massey, a black woman fatally shot by a police
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officer and she called for help. vice president harris spoke with the family offering her condolences. some of the family recalled the aftermath of the shooting in a new interview. >> when i get to the kitchen and i saw her blood on the floor, it broke me down. >> the video was horrible enough that to be misled on how things transpired, it's even more hurtful and it just makes the pain a lot deeper. >> joining me now is laura barrett in springfield, illinois. what are we learning about the officer involved in the shooting? >> reporter: alex, it's been about three weeks since sonja massey was shot and killed in her own home after calling for help after suspecting an intruder in her home. the autopsy highlights what we saw in the video. this illustration from the autopsy report indicating the
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bullet trajectory as it hit her below her left eye and went out the base of her neck. if you think about the direction which the light is heading, to go through her head like that, it suggests that she was cowering or crouching below the officer who shot her, john grayson. that sheds new light on the manner in which the interaction was happening. we also are receiving new questions and concerns over recent employment history. we obtained records that indicate that he worked for six different departments in the last four years and the hopscotch and from department to department is what is drawing the new concern. this was their attorney ben crump yesterday. >> because we want to know more about the history of this sheriff's deputy who so frequently -- frequently and sensitively shot and killed sonja massey with no remorse,
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like why did you leave this police department, why did you resign from this, where there red flags missed, should he have been hired in the first place by the sheriff department? >> in terms of the red flags, we have obtained audio recordings from the department that grayson was working at before he came here, and we listened to audio in which a supervising officer is criticizing grayson for lying on reports, for quote, official misconduct and for what he called lack of integrity, so those things exist in his records, i just got off the phone with the director of the board that supervises the training and vetting of officers in the state of illinois and he said basically and other departments they would have taken positive by seeing some of the records and in addition to that, he has multiple duis on his record as
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well, they ultimately set it comes down to an employer to employer basis, there's a huge shortage in officers when it comes to more rural department in central illinois so we are trying to put the pieces together as to why grayson might have been able to hopscotch from department to department but obviously, increasing concerns and questions around why he was able to get hired as a deputy at all. >> i've got to tell you, i've been nothing but writing down notes from everything you are telling me, i'm going to use these in the next hour. i thank you. will have former member of president obama's task force on 20th-century policing. is it an idea whose time has finally come, biden's idea to reform the supreme m the sup court, next.
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justice department alumni are rallying around harris for president. they write the fabric of the nation, the rule of law and the future of the democracy are at stake in this election. and they warned former president trump presents a grave risk to our country, our global alliances and the future of democracy. joining me now is one of our friends and one of the signees, timothy haney, he's also the
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lead investigator on the january 6th committee. how did this idea of this letter come about and why did you join the endorsement? >> it came about quickly, alex, over last weekend when vice president harris kind of stepped in, it was made clear she would be the nominee. a lot of us feel strongly that the integrity of the justice department is at stake in the election. and there was a belief that a statement from a lot of former appointed justice department officials from both parties, this is a bipartisan letter, it might make a difference. lawyers are trained to pay attention to facts, alex, and the facts of how the former president attempted to use the department of justice in the first administration, as revealed in part by our committee investigation with the attempt at potentially selling jeff clark as the attorney general and the statements going forward, what he would intend to do to
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investigate his political enemies, that raises real concerns and that was the impetus for this letter. >> a couple of questions, first of all, how unprecedented is this for members of the doj to publicly back a presidential candidate and how many of those in a bipartisan manner that you mentioned, how many of those are former trump doj officials? >> i'm not sure candidly, how many, what the ratio is. i know that there are some republican former u.s. attorneys and democratic former us attorneys that have signed. it's relatively unprecedented, the department is somewhat isolated from politics. as part of the point and the substance of the letter, that the department enjoys historic independence and people there and often don't get involved in endorsements but here, the real danger is of a retreat from that historic independence and that is what has motivated so many people to step forward. >> according to politico, president biden is going to
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announce his supreme court reform plans next week which will likely include term limits for the justices and enforceable ethics code and a constitutional amendment limiting presidential immunity. what is your reaction to this? >> yeah, candidly, it's more of a political move than it is a practical one. i have a hard time imagining that this congress would take seriously these proposals. in the republican controlled house in particular, unlikely to support or even get any constructive discussion. the -- >> hang on a second, this congress, may not you know, barreling through but what about the op-ed in the washington post that says biden, the supreme court reform plan could actually make it less political, do you agree with that? >> sure, i agree with that.
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and i do think some of what we've seen from the supreme court particularly with respect to ethics, that is primarily i believe, where the reform is needed, so to point out, there is a void, that the current situation is that the court places itself and to be clear, the code of ethics they have agreed upon, requires recusal if there's an actual conflict or the appearance of a conflict and there are so many clear appearance issues that have not prompted recusal that it's understandably causing present biden and others to think that maybe we need an enforcement mechanism, the self policing is not working. we need a committed inspector general or some enforcement mechanism, if the court isn't
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capable of policing itself, maybe we need an outside enforcement mechanism that would apply these ethical standards to the current justices. >> can i ask you this whole self policing thing, who should be doing that, is this john roberts who is dropping the ball as the chief justice? >> chief justice roberts is the person responsible for convening discussion but he can't unilaterally impose anything. my guess is that he is presiding over a relatively fractious group, justice kagan again, she came out pretty strongly and this was clearly intentional by justice kagan, calling for some kind of enforcement mechanism, but i don't think there is consensus on the court and while chief justice roberts can internally control, he can't unilaterally impose that. it might take congressional action in order to impose this. >> let's take a look at the remaining trump trials because it certainly seems that they have taken a back seat. can you give us a quick summary
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on where the georgia case, the classified documents case and the federal election interference case stands right now? >> the one i would start with is the federal election interference case because i think what likely happened in the wake of the supreme court's immunity decision is that the judge will schedule some kind of evidentiary history best my hearing this fall at which jack smith will make arguments as to what survives the immunity ruling in other words, for the judge to apply the supreme court's test, she needs to see the evidence. so i would expect that sometime soon, she will issue a scheduling order that will allow briefing and a hearing to then decide how to apply the immunity decision. i think there will be evidence presented in that matter, the other cases, the georgia case, the mar-a-lago case, those are clearly tied up in appellate
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issues and any litigation will not take place probably until 2025. >> it's always good to have you. thank you. we will check on the first full day of competition at the paris olympic firstgames, next. gum pr the start of a domino effect parodontax active gum repair breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the 4 signs of early gum disease a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts.
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valued at over $500. call or go online now to request your free quote. now to the 2024 paris olympics, steady rain and security concerns and not put a damper on last nights beautiful boat party for the opening ceremony and we are already seeing team usa winning its first metals on day one, and where moments away from american swimming legend casey jumping off for her first shot in the freestyle. let's get a check tom, on how the american athletes are doing so far, what do you know? >> let's start with the weather, it's finally cleared up, and you can't make it out
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but behind the right here and the eiffel tower, a rainbow has formed over paris right now. it's quite beautiful. and that's what the athletes want. it's been so nasty. nobody knows the problem with the rain more than american cyclist, she looked like she would take the medal and then this happened. >> achilles and foot injuries yet here she is oh no! she goes down and hits the deck. >> this is slightly more slick than the regular pavement. this is just before the second time check. >> she slipped and hit the deck but this is the headline, she got right back up, she lost some ground but she was able to muscle through and push through and she ended up winning the bronze medal for team usa. that's the olympic spirit. let's talk about the first ones
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won, it had been in synchronized diving. this team was incredible. i mean they were perfectly in sync, you have cassidy cook, sarah bacon, that's right the team is cooked bacon, they win the silver medal and the best part of the story, they are actually best friends. okay another big story unfolding right now, that doesn't involve team usa, it involves teams pain, they think this is the dream team in men's doubles tennis, rafael is beloved here, and then you have him with carlos alcaraz, the problem is even though they are two of the greatest tennis players on the planet, they've never played together. they are playing an argentinian team that you see here that has played 200 matches together, so everyone was rooting for this dream team, exactly going back and neck right now and a lot of people are watching that so that's interesting, look at the board, we just got this
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information in, this is after two days of competition, look at this, the host country, france, with a total of three right now, team china just behind them, always america's biggest competitor and right now the top four, team usa, not there yet the competition has just started. finally woman to talk about the biggest upset of the day and the great thing about the olympics is it brings all of these great sports and countries together, regardless of what you are into, there's a lane for use of the biggest upset of the day was in mixed doubles table tennis, the japanese, they are the reigning champions, they won the gold medal in tokyo and out of nowhere, north korea's team took over, people who love table tennis including our own lester holt cannot believe this
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because this was such an upset, but that's the olympics, you never know what's going to happen and that makes it great. >> can i just say you are doing such a great job, can you come back every single hour that i'm on the air? online threats and disinformation against female political candidates, you may not be surprised who got the worst of it. of it. is being stolen from us. planned parenthood believes everyone deserves health care. it's a human right. future generations are beginning to lose the rights we fought for. the rights for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids. gone. just like that. i can't believe this is the world we live in, where we're losing the freedom to control our own bodies. last year, politicians in 47 states introduced bills that would block people from getting the sexual and reproductive care they need. where does it end? planned parenthood fights for you every day. but we need your support now more than ever.
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a study investigating online attacks and disinformation against female political candidates in 2019 found nobody got it worse than than senator kamala harris while seeking the democratic presidential nomination and minutes after harris emerged as the presumptive democratic nominee this week, the old vitriolic posts resurfaced. the leader of the study is joining us now. nina is cofounder of the american sunlight project. i want to ask you after looking
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at this five years ago when you started, how bad was it then and how bad is it now? >> you know, that is a really interesting question, alex, because since 2020 when we conducted this study, the social media platforms had largely cut this off, while a couple of years ago i may have been able to give you a comparative sadistic, we are in the dark about how bad this is because ceos like elon musk and mark zuckerberg are letting researchers look at the harms that are happening on their platforms but anecdotally, from the minute that president biden endorsed harris for her run for the presidency, we saw the old narrative that we saw in 2020 again, burgeoning in their discussion online. >> that's extraordinary, you are very much aware of what's going on but no way to access, aggregate ways to analyze it. but do you think we are talking about voters, or about bots, what would be behind these
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disinformation campaigns, what happened back in 2019? >> so sadly, i think a lot of this is american voters, unfortunately misogynist, misogyny is something that is endemic to our society. and that means people are all too happy to engage with it. we see the influencers and even candidates for office and officials themselves are engaging with these misogynistic narratives and that gives the indication to normal people that all of this is okay. i wouldn't say that it's probab some, i can tell you that our foreign adversaries have been amplifying this rhetoric since last weekend and amplified it back in 2020 as well pay >> do you want to name names? >> yeah, certainly russia has been happy to engage in
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misogynistic and racist rhetoric against harris before and i wouldn't be surprised if we saw china doing the same thing. >> the vice presidents online fan base memes and videos, this is not aiming or the most effective way to fight this information? >> it is one of the best ways and it is heartening and hopeful to see women, primarily, retaking the narrative for vice president harris, just like they did for taylor swift when deepfake pornography was trending in january, swiftie slotted social media and twitter to make sure that was depressed in the algorithm. i think it is interesting and savvy to seek kamala harris supporters do the same thing


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