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tv   The Beat Weekend  MSNBC  July 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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strike in the field, filled with tridentine teenagers, comes hours after hezbollah says israeli air strike on south lebanon killed three members of the militant group. israel blames hezbollah for the attack, which is the iranian group denies. the strike of the deadliest attack in the region since fighting escalated between israeli military and hezbollah during the israel gaza war. the disasters cut short, benjamin netanyahu's travels to the united states, his office says he is returning to israel as soon as possible. a short time ago, the prime minister express condolences to the families and said that hezbollah will pay a heavy price. quick update developing in the u.s., out-of-control wildfire burning through northern california, it grew again today becoming the eighth largest in state history, windy conditions and dry thunderstorms can spark more fires and fire alerts in place across the west, evacuations are underway, multiple parts of
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california. that will do it from a this edition of alex witt reports. see you tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow. up next, the beat weekend edition. welcome to the beat weekend. i'm trying it, let's get to the headlines . >> i cannot have this phone call without saying to my girl, kamala, i am proud of you. this is going to be historic to >> we call to say, michelle and i could not be proud to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through the selection and into the oval office. >> oh my goodness, michelle, iraq, this means so much to me, i'm looking forward to doing this with the two of you, doug and i both. getting out there, being on the road. >> the vice president is busy as a democratic nominee for president she is busy but that is a call you obviously take. the obamas are the most popular
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national figures, not just the democratic party, as a factual matter, in our politics these days. consider both barack and michelle obama have higher approval than current president biden and former president donald trump and higher than most nationally known candidates, whether you pick mcconnell or schumer. i'm not saying it is to draw attention to it or complement them or anything like that, i'm giving you the new and a reminder we have fractured politics, divided politics but kamala harris is ending the week not only with these big democrats but two of the most popular people in american politics, period. that means they could be key on the road in the campaign trail in the 100 or so days ahead, obama was a skilled campaigner when he was the nominee, he also credited, harris' rise, tenacity, and fortitude. he has been it up close, a little context as we cover the news, kamala harris was out there helping his campaign in 2007.
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captured by this photo, whoever took it did not know they were looking at the future vice president and democratic presidential nominee, that was iowa new year's eve. in politics, you work new year's eve, close to the iowa caucus and a presidential year. she was among the volunteers celebrating a win at the iowa caucus, you can see that captured in the documentary because she is caught on film one point. it is easy to forget how many people would doubt that the then first-term senator, you can see her excited, we freeze it, how then first-term senator obama was doubted whether he could win overwhelmingly white population of the iowa caucus competition. but he did and that catapulted his march to the democratic nomination, later he served as a sounding board to, harris dating back to her days as california's attorney general. barack obama himself has spoken about something these two figures have in common, how harris faced the challenges and the second-guessing that comes
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with being a first in any field, especially in politics. >> with profound gratitude and great humility, i accept your nomination for presidency of the united states. >> the one thing we've learned over the last several years is that the challenges women face as women are profound just as race is a profound issue in our society. >> america, we cannot turn back , not with so much work to be done, not with so many children educated, so many veterans took care for, not with an economy to fix. >> and women of color have to deal with both. the good news is, kamala is accustomed to it, she has been a first before. >> kamala has been a first
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before, quote unquote. let's be clear, something barack obama and kamala harris have noted, history lives on and you don't get there overnight. much of this, the big news we are discussing tonight, the actual fact of america's first black president endorsing america's first black president of any party, comes on the work of so many trail wishes from obama himself, jesse jackson, congressman shirley anita chisholm and barbara jordan, senator moseley braun, tamir lilia foley. the nation is sharing something this week. it is worth noting on this first draft is history as we call journalism, the nation is experiencing the reality of another carrier falling, at least for major party nomination . some of the excitement for different people that bring different experiences to it might be something so real, so
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palpable, so organic, if you want to use that word, people don't know exactly how they feel about it until it happened. it is happening. that is the nomination part. whether this barrier or glass ceiling is crushed in november at the white house is yet to be seen, that is up to the voters. there are signs of momentum, women for harris smashing records for the largest zoom call ever, over 160,000 people on it. soon had plenty of pandemic practice to get going, at one point, the load was so intense, the call froze up, some joke it was a moment kamala harris broke them -- zoom. this is largely unscripted, people are making the internet manes and posts. if you're not a big mean coat maker or superhit to brat, that's okay. what i'm showing you on the screen is like virtual yard signs because people make their own videos, put their own text on it and share how they want
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and it can be re-shared. it is a fun or funny weight to join in the momentum in a year were so many people, especially young people, did not feel there were great political choices for them. the excitement is palpable, it is a contrast exactly where the campaign was say seven days ago, when it ended a rough week. many people felt they were caught with a choice between two candidates that they viewed as a sign of the past, contrast to what i'm showing you here, that is the senior, pink, who has done a lot of good things, including acrobatic performances, i want to remind you of her work and fan base because she just leapt back in, if you will, into politics bringing her energy to that same record-breaking zoom that i mentioned. >> i thought what good can win, love can win, i felt like the first time in a while, okay, we can do this. >> for the first time in a while. democrats are hoping that kind of feeling, that can do it energy will power them and obama
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embrace, the big news tonight, politically could propel harris to obama's winning coalition where the political math comes back when obama first ran, he did not just persuade the existing pool of voters to come toward him, he and his campaign changed and expended the electorate with new voters, young and first-time voters excited by obama for all the many reasons you might remember we are here in week one, i will tell you because we're counting, there are not obama level registration voter numbers yet, why would there be, it is just a couple days. there is already a surge of new voter registrations, 100,000 new voters registered in the past week and most importantly, the majority of them that you see, over 80%, are under 35 years old. that matters. this is the outlines, if you replicate that in the right state, it will come down to the
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key states, that kind of thing that can change the math. if you have gotten tired of hearing about the persuadable voters or the double haters, can anyone change their mind, how do you recruit back a trump voter's still isn't so concerned he staged a coup in public? you might like this news because it is not about all those previous voters, new voters are new and some of them, anecdotally, based on the first week, i will always give you the numbers, we are not there yet, not the obama level, not months into this, the first week, their new voters who appear to be motivated to register to vote because of kamala harris this week. will they come back 15 weeks from today and vote? which matters more than the registration and the campaign? i don't know but we will be following that. this is what the democrats see as the big upside right now. there are also fundamentals that go beyond this week, these are the reasons, if you recall, biden was seen as on track to likely lose and buy any tenet replacing him, harris or whoever it might be, harris
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with a clenched delegate, why any such delegates would have ground to make up because many voters are in a sour mood. they're concerned about the same things they were concerned about a week ago, even amidst the excitement and telling you about in the long-running concerns, perceptions, even feelings about rising prices and inflation and how hard it is to get by, even if the macro inflation numbers are good and they are, president biden mentioned that with his goodbye speech about handing off to a new generation, people still feel that way. there's also anti-incumbent sentiment, that was hurting biden, it is hurting incumbents in many countries, not just american democrats. harris is in the incumbent administration, she is tied to biden, she will be running on some of these achievements, she goes against the headwinds against incumbents. as she gets started, republicans have also already been going, outspending cuts not by trouble -- double or triple, believe it or not, 25 to 1 on the otherwise.
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a&p reports drop $68 million on the airwaves if you compare in the recent run. it is a mismatch that top democratic pact to send even up with a whopping $15 million ad plant slated to be much news here and ruckus democratic convention. the news is not going to stop, the politics are not going to stop. here's a thing, so often people say that, they are talking about bad news or divisive politics or negative politics. we may see some of that in this campaign too, i'm not here to take anything changed all of a sudden, we are ending the week with a transformed presidential race were heck of a lot of people in ways that we can measure, seemed excited about registering to vote, getting on the zoom calls, going out to campaign rallies, talking to each other about what we are going to do in the next hundred days. there are other things i want to share, there is a surge
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online that suggests an interest in harris and two other coalition that could upend this whole race i will show you those numbers and bring a very special guest when we are back after our shortest break. k. for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married. gum problems could be the start of a domino effect parodontax active gum repair breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the 4 signs of early gum disease a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts.
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if you have anyone, living or dead, as your perfect running mate, who would it be? >> oh. muhammad ali. >> muhammad ali, that is strong. >> how do you like that? >> i think you can fight, rhetorically, politically, and in the ring. msnbc host of what a day, your thoughts . >> no qualms with muhammad ali being the vp pick for the running mate with kamala harris . he could deliver a line that would leave people flat on their backs and are right hook
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as well, no problems with that. >> i don't know if that is the pick of rumors talking about, that was an interview a few years back, i walked through some of the numbers, measurable ways, there is a's enthusiasm, remind people this is a pitched battle, a lot of battle left, your thoughts as we recap the week with the obama endorsement on how it has been for harris and the wider vibrations of the country? >> the endorsement from former president barack obama and former first lady michelle obama is the cherry on top of a fantastic rollout for the harris campaign. i think we have to recognize the context of this only beginning on sunday afternoon to today, 100 million raise, new voters. the other stuff the campaign released a 170,000 new volunteers on the campaign in key states. with florida sing the highest
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spike in volunteers, 7500 new volunteers, that is the type of grassroots mobilization and engagement that does remind me of barack obama as well. i expect that to continue to grow because the call and video of the obama's endorsing kamala harris that rolled out this morning i think is the start of an even bigger engagement with them, both before and after the convention. hearing whispers about a potential obama engagement in georgia next week, i'm hearing things about how he will be sharing more about their story and their ties in politics on the convention stage. voters better buckle up. >> i have to ask you, does it count as a whisper if you shout it on live national tv? >> it is whispers, it is on the internet, i'm not saying this alone and i'm not breaking news . >> we are not confirming, of course . >> keep an eye out.
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driving energy. >> the rapid pace, you added a perfect scripted campaign plan, they don't have that. what they lack in that organized backing, very untraditional on-ramp and year, everybody understands that, they seem to be making up in incredible enthusiasm, pent- up or held back set of energy and money within a party trying to deal with the biden thing. that is now turned into a lot of salutes for sacrifice, selfless act. first of all, it is rare, we checked. >> 100%. >> very rare to find people in office, other than a law holding them back, and are there early, go back to lbj, as people of said. the whole mood has shifted, i want to show more data, i mentioned before bringing you in, look at the google trends, non-partial data, you can see how low harris was, these are surge
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trends, that flatline is basically zero, in contrast to say taylor swift or other individuals, there is not this interest. you get this incredible spike with her announcement, as in this biden endorsed her last week, then it is very high, those numbers in the middle remain very high all week, much higher than her previous standing. i want to show people what people are searching because we have the data to in the week, the biggest relate to harris was ackley, the democratic super pac. this is not double, triple or whatever the interest between harris and ackley surges, 2800%, record- breaking. the harris donation, which is related, goes up over 1000% and surges for her campaign go up six times, all of that relates to the organic gusher of money, as you know, they've spent a lot of time at events, sometimes we had $5 million
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fundraiser, planning it two weeks.. got 130 million, the times reporting on all that, small dollar donations, regular people, people with not a lot of disposable income when it to chuck and five bucks, 10 bucks, 15 bucks plus the big checks. what does that tell you? >> they are on offense and have the campaign at this moment. this is the context in which the harris campaign is getting this type of engagement online, they are getting this type of engagement, not only on cable news but at local news level, they are also caring the story of obama's endorsement. she is getting the reps, even if the campaign released one at or outspent on the airways, the reality is, republicans are deacons because they are kind of cut through the noise, which is overwhelming and continuously generated by the people. i want to get back to what you mentioned about president biden
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stepping aside. when you talk about the historic nature of this race in this moment, it is something shirley chisholm predicted, she presented 1960 not the first woman would be elected president when men step aside, cue joe biden and his eloquent exit of the race, and when women and young people unite, too win with black women starting a trend that led to hundreds of thousands of women convening online, whether black women, latina women, asian american women, white women, and donating millions of dollars to this campaign. of course, the coconut memes circulating across tiktok, the brat themes and trends circulating across the internet >> i can do it, do you want me to ask you? i can do it, did you fall out of the coconut tree? that is the question. >> here's the thing, i just gave you the context, clearly, i know i exist within the context of my reality. a lot coming up, actual
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reports from republican saying that naga has buyers remorse about trump's running mate, why?
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we can tell we are living through history, if you have been paying attention at all, you know that and have heard references to it, the president made history over this weekend with his announcement in writing and last night changing the course of election by explaining it through his first actual address the nation on the matter. here's how it first went down. >> rip breaking news, president biden announced he will stand out from the race. >> a sharp turn for history . >> he believes it is a best interest of my party and my country for me to stand down. >> endorsed vice president kamala harris. >> incredibly important and difficult decision he made for the country. >> that decision, for the country, was called for by many but as a practical matter, it
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was the president's own decision to make. and having made it, it garnered almost immediately and overwhelming shout outs, praise, and laudatory reaction, people who follow this understand how extraordinary it is to give up power voluntarily and given the stakes against donald trump, who led unsuccessful coup, some say it saved the soul of america and perhaps democracy itself. then the president did, as i mentioned, take a few days, collect his thoughts, and gives, what you still have to remember, a very unusual and rare and by definition, historic address to the nation. when he spoke last night, it was the first time he spoke to americans since the news broke this weekend. >> i revere this office, i love my country more. i decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. it is the best way to unite our nation. it has been the
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privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years. >> 50 years in office, that had been an asset, it helped the democratic party coalesce around biden in 2020 and he is the only person to beat trump that five decades in office had proven to be something that was, and no away, partly held against him, and he acknowledged that directly. white house staffers gathered for the president in the rose garden after the speech, you can hear some of the applause. this was a very natural set of moments everyone is living through. now, when we think about history, you have to go back over the 50 years of service biden mentioned to a few more decades to find any comparable moment in american history, when lbj left, that was way earlier in the race, during the primaries. there are examples around the world, pope benedict, very different type of office, did something unusual and resigned it in 2013. if you are keeping
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on the pope calendar, that was ever sent anything like that happened in six centuries because hopes in that office, deliberately and customarily serve until their death. the united states, i'm sure you have heard the comparison, some of you may remember from history books or living through, amidst the vietnam war and tumbled outside the democrat party in the nation, incumbent president lyndon b. johnson made an announcement people initially thought was not possible, it only happened because confluence of events including the protest and challenges within the democratic party, when he addressed the nation in a televised speech explaining his new plan. >> i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. >> as you can hear in the
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future, he was speaking before that nomination was resolved, yet seen troubles in the early primaries, that was march of the election year, the washington post noting that lbj re-signed with some echoes biden has been feeling, concerns about lbj's health, discontented handling over the work, competition from fellow democrats. the democrats went onto the emphasis 1968 nomination, they feel -- face other problems, humphrey was picked and he lost to nixon. if you go back to the beginning, biden had this on his mind last night, you have the way america began because holding any type of election was a big deal then and people thought washington, the military experience president, maybe he would serve forever or like a king or pope until his death, there was no rule that created the tradition we have followed for so many years since then the two terms for winning president, george washington set that tradition,
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biden, quoting him, saying that washington showed as, quote, presidents are not kings. that was america's first president. that precedent shows the power of leadership which is different than rules or laws. it was washington's vision, his leadership, democracy would not be something that came every 30 or 40 years or strong-armed generals would rule, rather, he himself trusted this early nation of democracy to figure out its way forward. the ashington -- washington actor, rendition of the award- winning series, john adams. >> the constitution of the united states! >> the constitution of the united states. so help me god.
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♪♪ >> it is done. god bless george washington, president of the united states! >> are we cheering for person, principal, idea, that is a question we have throughout our history, washington set the standard, whatever his other failures or foibles, it was a big deal. when he gave his address leaving, he said, quote, in the present circumstance of our country, you will not disapprove my determination to retire. those simple words from a man that often spoke simply set this tradition, they mattered. they separated america from many other countries not able to find a way to have peaceful transitions of power, which we have almost always had with the exception of what donald trump uncorked on january 6th.
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you can look around the world, in new zealand last year, their prime minister, jacinta carter, shocked the world with the announcement she was going to voluntarily give up power rather than seek re-election, she served five years in the role and gave a candid resignation speech. >> i am leaving because with such a privileged role comes responsibility. the responsibility to know when you are the right person to lead and also when you are not. i'm not leaving because i believe we can't win the election but because i believe we can and will and we need a fresh set of shoulders for that challenge. >> these are the few examples we f when you look across the world and across history and that is a credit and compliment to president biden. this is rare, rare stuff.
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washington had all the glory, two terms, so that tradition and is rightly credited. abroad, you see the occasional example. this cuts against almost all of history what powerful people do, which is within the rules of the law, they seek the maximum amount of power they can perpetuate, some of them, as we all know, go beyond the laws. this is a president, who after listening and engaging with american views and fellow citizens and officeholders, did that rare thing. there's so much going on, it would be easy to forget it or underestimate it or move right past it. it is what he decided this weekend, it is what he explained last night, it is a moment of living history to credit. josh marshall is our special guest tonight, he is the founder and editor of talking points memo, longtime journalist, you're often able to look past the mood and the
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height and the headlines which is why i thought you might join the taking a moment to reflect on what this decision actually means, your thoughts. >> it is complicated, what george washington did was totally voluntary, he was not doing under pressure or anything, obviously biden was under pressure, it went on two or three weeks. it was clearly a great struggle for him, it was a great struggle within the democratic party, by the time you got to his announcement, there were a lot of people in the democratic party who were pretty mad at him for holding on. i think what you saw, when he made that announcement, was one thing, there is immense sense of relief from democratic partisans, that he had done the right thing, he had ended this period of paralysis. the other thing, i think people could step back and see what almost unimaginable as his fellow
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democrats had made of him. you know, he won the presidency , as far as most democrats think, he had a very effective and successful presidency, he won the nomination. he was obviously not in a great electoral position but it was pretty close before that debate. here he is asked to give it all up and retire from public life and that clearly took him a while to get his head around. but it was also, as i said, almost unimaginable ask that no one has ever in american history been asked to do. i think what biden was able to do, the through line of his public career, both sacrifice and embodying suffering and empathy, i think in that speech he gave last night was able to
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somewhat embody that, there's a lot of, as this was going on, a lot of people publicly saying, this is a tragic end to his career, he seems to be declining physically, he is being forced out of office and everything. you don't know the story until it is fully told. i think there is a way his fellow democrats, moving the story, which is one that very unexpected happened but he has kind of done his historic role. >> also, i would not overestimate the push. he is the incumbent president with the backing of his party from the primaries, which puts him in a stronger position than lbj, who was worried about losing to the doves or rfk
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option, their decision, people wish he made the decision two weeks earlier or later, history will not remember the calendar month, he did not have to do it. i can show you how rare it is abroad or donald trump, republicans at the time certain he was going to lose and after access hollywood, they asked him to step down, we have the public remarks, sometimes those are played for the hypocrisy of it all sometime later. you freeze the calendar, you have someone who did not say sacrifice or service or any of that as relevant. thank you, i have a quick rake and will be right back with a real-life succession. on complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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come on, dad, what are you going to do with the five oh, put on your pile with your other [ bleep ] bill? >> probably, yeah . >> what are we supposed to make? >> make your own [ bleep ] file. >> push him out. >> full coup. >> keep it equal. >> really equal. >> hbo's succession inspired famously by the conservative empire of rupert murdoch. art imitating life or vice versa company or times has the scoop about the high-stakes battle playing out with longtime conservative unit rupert murdoch in court. he is in his 90s but not in fighting, he is trying to take special measures to alter his own family trust to preserve the media business as quote, conservative force. the original trust, giving up
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power among his four oldest children. murdoch senior trying to favor the one person aligned with fox news he thinks is more conservatively ideological, his son, loughlin and committing shenanigans that may or not be legal in court at the expense of the other adult children. here's how they put it, he wants to consolidate decision- making power in lachlan's hands. the other three adult children are caught off guard by this secret legal maneuver, maybe they never watched succession. we will be right back. learn how at nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one.
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do you ever go to the store and get something, maybe a jacket, it looks good, you wear out feeling good, the next day you can't believe you bought it, you don't want to put it on? maybe something online, use of the jacket on the mannequin but when it arrives, it did not fit
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the same way. it is called buyer's remorse, we have all had one time or another, their reports donald trump amalga leaders have it in a big way for senator vance, avalanche of criticism greeted him now that he is out there in contrast to the dems big new edition of kamala harris, republican congressman saying that vance is, quote, the worst choice they could've made. the harris campaign is seizing on this, not just attacking donald trump, who they need to defeat, going right after apparently this weak spot and tension between the two of them, they used tough language thing that based on the substance and evidence of what j.d. vance has said about women and child rearing and tax policy, disseminate against people who don't or can't have kids, all of that together they state makes him a "creep.". misogynistic remarks on camera, context for all of this, take a look. >> we are effectively running
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this country via the democrats or corporate oligarchs by childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices they made so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too. >> vance at the time thing about kamala harris, big star democrat but not the nominee , she has two children in her family, they are stepchildren. these comments have drawn all kinds of heat. here's the thing about right- wing republican politics, my might seem to work at the convention stage, we covered that, political interviews, sometimes has a way of completely failing out in the real world, where plenty of people care about family choices and the freedom and liberty to exercise them without being beat up upon by potentially arrogant seemingly male politician. take jennifer aniston, a lot more popular than j.d. vance, discussed how she tried but could ultimately could not have kids to her ivf journey.
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she is slamming j.d. vance for this attack on what she views as all women, not just liberal women. or actress connie britton and singer pink, engage with the harris campaign, on this 160,000 plus strong women's rally online for harris breaking records, they called it white women for harris, also calls from different constituency groups, black women for harris, blackman for harris, several others, not just a feel-good zoom, it is a way to have people communicate directly about a range of issues, not from people just us in the media or us in politics, they raised millions of dollars . they are fighting for harris, who is now saying this campaign, now that she is taking it over, is about freedom. we talked about the connective tissue, joe biden did talk a lot about roe, when he talked about the predictions were wrong about the midterms, he cited the women's backlash against trump's right-wing justices overturning roe. harris may be a very different type of messenger and leader on these issues. she is certainly
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a contrast to j.d. vance, whose degrading remarks are backed by all kinds of policy plans. >> when you go to the polls in this country as a parent, you should have more power. if you don't have as much of his investment in the future of this country, you should not get nearly the same voice. if you're making $100,000, $400,000 a year and you have three kids, you should pay a different lower tax rate than if you make this an amount of money and you don't have any kids. >> this is something you see on the internet, podcasters, i guess you can see it with the senator who is now in line to be one heartbeat away from the presidency if he won, the kind of political talking style, dena was there ought to be, do you know what would be fair, they won't do it, they won't let you have it, i hear that on podcast a lot. that is fine, everyone has the freedom to talk about what they
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want, we are doing the news here and i will give you some fact checks. americans with children, families within our tax code do get a tax break. they already get it, it is called the child tax credit, over 40 million people get it. if you're really interested, a heck of a lot of democrats and liberal supported it before j.d. vance claimed it did not exist because it is seen as equalizer for middle and lower income families. i'm joined by molly john fadden -- i'm jonathan capehart, i want to take you straight to a presumptive democratic presidential nominee vice president kamala harris played right now at the voters to a summit in atlanta. >> bringing us all together and thank you did incredible leaders in the room for your hard work and dedication. in 2020, it was young voters who turned out in record numbers and elected joe biden president of the united states and me, the first woman elected vice president of the united states.
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because young voters showed up, we have made so much progress, historic progress on everything from gun violence prevention to taking on the climate crisis. this november, we will win again. and we need your support, in this election, we know young voters will be key and we know your vote cannot be taken for granted, it must be earned and that is exactly what we will do to their so much at stake this november, our most fundamental freedoms, the freedom to be safe from gun violence, the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. and the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body without the government telling her what to do. donald trump has an extreme and divisive agenda for a second term, it is called project 2025 and it includes plans to ban abortion nationwide, even without an act of congress, to
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undermine lgbtq rights, to rollback our efforts to fight climate change, and they intend to eliminate the department of education, including head start. but young people have the power to stop that from happening. last year, i convened 15,000 young leaders on my nationwide fight for freedoms college tour, to hear about the issues that matter to that generation at every stop, it was so clear to me your generation is leading on the most important issues of our time. in this moment, we then each face a question, what kind of country do we want to live in? a country of freedom, compassion, and the rule of law or a country of chaos, fear, and hate? here is the thing, we each have the power to answer this question. in this election, we are counting on you to
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energize, organize, and mobilize and to fight for our most fundamental freedoms and we know that when we fight, we win. thank you all. i will see you soon. >> that was vice president presumptive residential nominee kamala harris in taped remarks to the voters of tomorrow's summit in atlanta. more on the harris campaign coming up on trying to at 6:00 p.m. as well as politics nation coming up next. for now, we will rejoin the beat weekend in process. >> i don't think i'm any better than a person who did not have a lot of children. the idea is this christian nationalist idea, that women are on this planet to produce children. >> to be baby makers, quote unquote, also, not everyone can have children. >> the whole thing is completely, these republicans are also trying to regulate ivf . ivf, which is wildly popular, ivf, which is a scientific miracle for many, many women.
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they are also trying to do that . they are overly involved in fertility, it is a misogynistic thing, it is a trope, they want women to be producers of children, which is really an old-fashioned value and really, i think what modern women do not want. again, what harris does so smartly, she talked about freedom, this is about freedom. people do not like having their rights taken away. thanks for watching the beat weekend, join us weekdays at 6:00 p.m. eastern for the beat on msnbc. ♪♪ [ cellphone whooshes ] [ sighs ] that's why progressive makes it easy to save with a commercial auto quote online so you can take on all your others to-dos. already did. see if you could save at meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y.
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