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tv   The Weekend  MSNBC  July 28, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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freedom. of value and the theme that as you know for years in my own campaign, it frustrated me that conservatives try to monopolize the language around freedom. i think they have lost any claim to talk about freedom when they got into banning books. she spoke powerfully, as she did yesterday, when she was talking to america's teachers. if you believe in protecting our kids, it should not be against toni morrison, it should be against assault weapons. >> that is it for us. see us tomorrow morning for a new morning of the weekend joe. we started after the break. good morning. it is sunday, july 28.
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today we are just 100 days from the 2024 election. the chairs of the dnc and the campaign arm for democrats in the senate will join the conversation. plus, the eye-popping fundraising numbers for the vice president. we are going to discuss the harrison campaign. and caught flat footed. donald trump struggles to research his strategy in this critical final stretch. grab your coffee and settle in. welcome to the weekend. [ music ] breaking this morning as we hit 100 days from the 2024 election the harris campaign just announced it raised $200 million since president biden endorsed vice president harris last sunday. the campaign says about two thirds of those donors are
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giving for the first time. they have also seen a spike in volunteers with more than 170,000 signing up in the last week. last night harris spoke at a fundraiser in massachusetts. >> we are the underdogs in this race. this is a people powered campaign. we have momentum. the day after i announced my candidacy we saw the best 24 hours of grassroots fundraising in presidential campaign history. in battleground states people have been letting our offices around the country to volunteer. >> joining us now with the former deputy communications director and associate counsel to vice president harris. and stuart stevens, he served estimate romney sheet strategist in 2012. just someone that i love listening to. >> welcome to everybody.
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rachel, that is a lot right out of the gate. 170,000 volunteers in a week? $200 million in a week. those are crazy numbers. but how'd if it translating in terms of the campaign, the shift from biden to vice president harris, how is is beginning to look on the ground in terms of organization? have any of that change? where are we with the campaign 100 days out? >> it means there is a lot of excitement. it has truly felt electric. people have been excited for vice president harris. she really draws the contrast between donald trump and her candidacy. people are really excited to vote in november. >> it feels like that, alecia. >> it does. i want you to take a listen. the vice president giving a speech in wisconsin this
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tuesday. i think you will find her frame very interesting. >> do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion and rule of law? or a country of chaos, fear and hate? here is the beauty of this moment. we each have the power to answer that question. the power is with the people. >> stuart, the reason i wanted to play that found is because it reminded me of an argument that you had been making, which is there is a clear contrast between the candidates. you have argued part of what the campaign needs to do is draw a clear contrast in the vision these two candidates have for the future of this country. with 100 days left, how do they articulate that contrast about the america that voters want to live in?
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>> this is really maybe the starkest contrast we have had. trump is the darkest candidacy now under three times he has run for president. i think usually the most optimistic candidate wins the presidential race. if you just look at what they are saying, you hear harris talking a lot about the future. i have always felt this race is going to hinge on two factors: can the biden-harris campaign, now harris campaign, be the candidacy of the future and can they be the safe choice? i think they are navigating to get there. what is interesting to me is their use of freedom. there are a lot of more conservative than not, more white than not voters out there who voted for clinton in '16 at the last minutes and came back to bite them.
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the way to get them back is talk about an intrusive government that wants to take away their freedoms. it is most clearly differentiated with the dobbs decision. maybe 40% having 50% of these voters call themselves antiabortion, what has happened is dobbs absolutely appalls them. they think it is too far. it resonates that government should not have this heavy hand and be intrusive in your life. i think the harris campaign is doing a very smart job of appealing to these people. >> i think stuart is right. it is a smart strategy. as someone said to me recently, you know, it takes 90 days to make or break a habit. you can do anything for 90 days and tack on 10 extra, 100 days isn't that difficult. rachel, i'm wondering what your take is. it has been a week of the
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harris campaign. what is your take on how the vice president has emerged on the campaign trail? i think a week ago or two weeks ago no one had this on their bingo card. it seems as though a groundswell happened and it feels like for people overnight this happened, but my sense is what we are seeing today, the groundwork was laid back in the transition, for the vice president and the president took office. >> i think that is exactly right. the vice president have been hitting the campaign trail for about a year. she had been galvanizing crowd of thousands even then. what i have been excited to see if how people over the last week have been able to see what those of us who have been with her have been able to see directly. that is that excitement and her belief in her vision for this country. that is a believe that she is the person to take on donald trump. she is a career prosecutor and he is an convicted felon. >> stuart, i want to pick up on a point you were just making in the context of two things.
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one that has occurred organically. the other you have written about recently. the organic part is a week ago last sunday there was a gathering of 40,000+ african american women and in another 20-30,000 african american men on a conference call. this week you had a conference call organically created again. this time with white voters- white females and man coming together to support the harris campaign. there is some interesting shifts that we have seen from '16 to now in that space. you write in politico it cannot be underemphasized what trump has been gutting the rnc. there is no trump organization out there of any magnitude. they are just not going to create it. i just don't know where he gets more white voters.
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talk to us about what you are seeing in this space as the ground is literally shifting politically beneath the feet of these two candidates in a way that i think dramatically sets up not just an interesting race, but an historic one. >> if we were sitting there and we want once that to predict the race it was going to be the pursuance of though white vote that trump is getting. i was looking back and i was so shocked by this. i have somehow forgotten it. trump did better with white women in 20 than he did in 16. he went from 2% winning them to winning them by 7%. at the same time he dropped white man from 30% in '16 to seven -- to 17% in '20. i think that is where this battleground is going to be.
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i think harris has increased a percentage of nonwhite adults who are going to be in this race. i have never been worried that trump was taking more african americans. in 1964 gore got 7%. '20 of african american vote trump got 8%, that is one point every 56 years. that is not going to change. what will the percentage of the white vote be? overall in the electorate what will trump's share be? trump needs to be north of 57% of the white vote to win this race, probably more like 58%. i think it is going to be very interesting to see their increasingly desperate ways to
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try to get that vote. >> i am curious, rachel, just to tie some concepts together. this freedom frame is clearly a friend that works really well straight out the gate for harris. i am curious, speaking of white man how do you take that freedom frame and apply it to an economic message? >> when i think about the vice president's message there are three things she is focused on. there is opportunity, there is freedom, there is also justice. with the freedom frame in particular i think an important thing is fundamental freedoms and the right to make decisions about your own body. one of the messages that i think is most compelling to any boater no matter who you are or where you live is the democracy piece of that. the rule of law piece of that. i think there is a lot on the ballot this fall in the price -- vice president has talked about that. that question of who'd we want to be a country of chaos and fear or a country of compassion
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and rule of law that she has been delivering is really effective. >> thank you so much for joining us. stuart, stick around. we have more pressure to put on you. donald trump cannot stop talking about president biden, even though he has a new opponent to worry about and her name is harris. later we will be joined by the dnc chair jamie harrison and the chairs of the house and senate democratic campaign arms. you are watching the weekend on msnbc. th dow topables, you just toss, wash, wow. for all-day freshness. moving forward with node- positive breast cancer... fear of recurrence could've held me back. but i'm staying focused. and doing more to prevent recurrence. verzenio is specifically for hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive early breast cancer...
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the trump campaign is struggling to adjust to the reality of vice president harris at the top of the democratic ticket. donald trump spent much of his rally in minnesota last night attacking president biden. as noted, biden dropping out was the trump campaign's biggest fear. now they are confronting the reality of reimagining a campaign. one that has been optimized in every way to defeat biden against a new and unknown challenger. joining me now is sophia nelson, stuart stevens is back with us. >> sophia, what is your take on this strategy or the lack thereof? i say this, 100 days out. the race has been appended not
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just for the harris campaign but also the trump operation. i don't know. we have talked a lot about speeches. what he is saying is insane and not connected to the reality of the race. but also there is the infrastructure piece of this. i am wondering how you see it all? >> listen, i've known chris a long time. he is a smart guy, but the republican party does not know how to talk to black and brown people. they do not know how to relate the black and brown people-two women. there can be no starker contrast than what you see. all of these coalitions. trump is struggling. he is calling names and attacking. j. d. vance is a hot mess. when you get down to the infrastructure of the campaign if i were giving chris advise i would say you had better get someone in really quick to
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teacher candidate how to speak to women and how to stay on message and focus. i think that is the problem. >> stuart, picking up on that idea of a hot mess, i want you to take a listen to what donald trump had to say about all things, electricity. >> all right, let me read it to you because the nuttiness will come through. we will be creating so much electricity you will be saying please, please, president. we don't want anymore electricity. we can't stand it. you will be begging me. no more electrician, sir. we have enough. the guy is a disaster, stuart. i know there has been a lot of stuff about he wishes they could have replaced j. d. vance. it would've chosen another contender had they known they would have to run against harris. if this was a party that was
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not a cult of personality with a be having a serious conversation about replacing donald trump? >> yes, but that is a time far away. that party doesn't exist anymore. it was clear donald trump is a couple tall boys short of a sixpack. [ laughter ] >> there is no policy here. think about it, if michael and i were running a campaign for republican you will put together a platform. that platform would be what you wanted to do when you got elected governor. it is not very complicated. whoever you are running against, it really shouldn't matter. this is what i want to do. i am saying vote for me because i have these ideas. i am excited. we can get this done. the other person wants to do something else, maybe we should talk about contrast. you should be able to talk about what you want to do. they cannot do that.
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there is no governing philosophy. there is no agenda. it is extraordinary how many republicans out there are running ads about bills they voted against. j. d. vance name something in the infrastructure bill as his greatest achievement that he voted against. that is because they haven't done anything. it is really a collapse of any kind of intellectual center of the party. now you have this nutty project 2025, which is filling a vacuum. these people realize they can put together this encyclopedia of radical ideas. they are very radical. they can put them aside the trump campaign because trump himself has no ideas. he has emotions. he has grievances. he does not have governing philosophies or ideas. >> if i may, when he talked
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about former president trump having grievances, he represents a large swath of americans who also have those grievances. you have this fear of dei. this fear of being replaced. vance's selection was a double down on we are going to run the two white man to show you this is the way this country really ought to be handled. they want to go back to the 1950s. vice president harris have framed it about freedom. project 2025 is all about taking away our freedoms, all of us. there is a lot of stuff in there that you should read about. >> i think about stewart's point that he made in the last segment about donald trump and his ceiling with white voters. democrats hasn't won white voters, i do not think included won white voters. i was talking to his posters
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like dig out even win the white vote? they were like no, honey. we did come close. for democrats is going to be about closing the margin and having an expansive conversation where everyone can see themselves. not just the president and the vice president, but presidential candidate vice president harris talks about the advancement. stuart, not only does donald trump not have a policy, house republicans, senators. democrats have defeated 23 seats. i like to say 22 because really west virginia is gone. what are they running on? what is the policy when you have your presidential candidate out here talking about radical abortion. let's play the sound, please.
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>> no person in american politics has been more. come allah -- kamala is a total radical list about abortion. when you compare my position to my opponent kamala harris my position just polled eight points higher. that is because she is a radical. she is an absolute radical on abortion. she wants abortion in the 8th and 9th month of pregnancy. in that. right up until birth and even after birth. >> this is obviously not true. stuart, this is what they are talking about. his position is polling a point higher? what is donald trump's position overturning roe? >> that is what he brags about.
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>> the one thing you can control in a presidential campaign in theory is what you are candidate is talking about. when he is up there talking about abortion he is losing this race. he is just accelerating the rate in which he is losing, because that is an argument they are not going to win. when he frames it up where and overwhelmingly majority of the country was against roe versus wade that is not true. somewhere, maybe in his mind he believes this. if that were the case is he saying that would make sense? there's kind of a crop circle theory to his whole campaign. if you just understand what it is, it's really aliens and everything else doesn't make sense. you are conducting a race in america. they are on the minority view of huge issues from abortion to gun control to what should be done about climate.
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that is is not where america is now, which is why they keep talking about the past. they do not have any policies for the future. i used to have this client haley barbour and he used to say, i thought it was funny and profound, politicians and the view for the future, it's going to happen anyway. republicans have abandoned that principle. i just do not think you are going to be able to stop where the country is going. >> stuart, you talk about abortion. look at what j. d. vance has been alienating and activating women on this childless issues. i am one of those women who wanted children and could not have them. i've never seen something like this on social media, where i started a pack. childless chicks for harris. my point is that women are
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activated. you have taylor swift, you have dolly parton, you have a lot of childless women and that is a big deal. >> lest we forget his slander of stepparents. it is a mess. 100 days, we will see where it takes them. next, folks, suddenly donald trump seems absolutely terrified to debate his opponent. the harris campaign is here, the wrap is mitch andrews. we will discuss. this is the weekend . this is t what makes it possible? 5g advance network solutions from t-mobile for business. from coaches using ai analytics to players using ar data to find the best path to the cup. t-mobile helps pga of america reliably connect with 5g. from the course to the clubhouse, experience game-changing innovation with t-mobile for business.
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massachusetts, putting donald trump on notice she is ready to debate. joining us now the national cochair for the harris campaign. good morning, sir. >> hey, you guys. >> all right, mr. mayor. was a mayor, always a mayor, as my mom likes to say. what was the decision to now have cameras at the fundraisers? it had been a long-standing policy, going back since the last campaign that there were not cameras at fundraisers, but there were print reporters. anything to this decision to actually now allow the cameras inside? >> two things. the more you see donald trump unless you like him. the more you see kamala harris the more you like her. let's have more of it. i was watching those clips of president trump. that is an old, tired, grumpy dude who is just cray-cray.
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i think they ought to be concerned about his mental acuity and the choices he has made. last sunday all of a sudden one president biden decided he wasn't going to run again, the vice president stepped into this race. she roared into it. she took off like a rocket ship. she has a pulse of the nation in her hands. she raised $200 million. we have 150,000 new volunteers. we had over 2000 events across the country yesterday. she is ready to go. as you know president trump who was mr. any time-anyplace has looked on his calendar and realized he had something on that day. he cannot debate her, because he is scared now. we will see how it works out. >> that is the question, how will it work out? you've got a number of factors that are evolving. symone and i were talking about the fact that the october
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surprise hasn't even happened. we had a little october surprise in july with the shift in this campaign and the changing of the landscape. it clearly has thrown the the trump campaign off. the reality of it is you are going to be in a spacing out in the next 100 day stretch where you are on the ground and you are organizing. give us a sense what that looks like over the next 100 days for this campaign, which literally, it cannot be lost on folks. even though you are taking on a lot of the body and stuff operationally and some of the infrastructure, you are still having to stand up a presidential campaign with her branding, her name, her people- et cetera. how does that play out for you guys right now and how are you feeling about it? >> thank you for that.
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you've seen the last week was historic. it was almost a perfect transition. we had a better week than almost any other campaign in the last 50 years. due to the incredible ability for the vice president just to really hold the pulse of the nation in her hands. in many ways this campaign, the biting-harris campaign over the last year with her participating and recognizing was built for this moment. we always said it was built for a ground game. we have 1000 offices across the swing states that are still there. we are integrating all of our teams. it seems to be working really well. be clear about this. this is going to be a close race. i think stuart stevens is is a really smart guy. he is a thoughtful conservative- a white man. he understands the language donald trump is using his want to turn off a lot of people and the vice president wants to include everybody. the future is about all of us. every race that winces about the future. of course we are not going back. she is going to be there to
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fight for the middle class. she's going to be there to fight for freedom. donald trump makes it clear every day how important is by for democracy is by continuing to say if he gets elected again we are not going to have any elections in the united states of america. that is a threat to every single american. despite the president is going to stand in the breach to make sure that doesn't happen. she is an underdog. it is one to be a close race. everybody has to put their shoulder to the wheel. the people of america have to make a choice. the choice that we are going to make a call the next 100 days is going to dictate where the united states and the people of america stand and the opportunities they have for the rest of this century. you have a prosecutor versus the perpetrator. you have a person that wants to go forward rather than backwards. you have a person who wants to protect your freedom as opposed to a person saying i want to take everything that you have. and by the way i would like to be a dictator and i really
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meant it. i think the people of america have to be focused in on going out to vote. she is the underdog. we have a pathway to go, but we are doing great but my guess is that we are going to do pretty well on election day. >> it was so interesting to see you layout back concept. it is so much in contrast as to what we are seeing from republicans. this is from politico about the gop struggling to attack vice president harris. the breath of the lack of cohesion and the republican assault on harris reflects the newness of her candidacy. cand as those attacks continue to be launched, racist and misogynistic, to what extent does the campaign fight back and engage on those attacks? in what case is it about pivoting to this bigger message that you were selling. it's not about me or vice
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president harris, it was about the future of this country? >> first of all they are not ready for her. they didn't take her seriously because she is a black woman. that is how donald trump thinks. what they forgot to do is look at the fact that she was a celebrated prosecutor that put away drug dealers and sexual abusers like donald trump. they forgot to look back and find out she was the attorney general and ran the largest law firm in america where she put away business broad like donald trump. they forgot to look at the fact that she was a senator that bought for reproductive freedoms, which donald trump has ripped away from women in america now calls it radical to think women should make choices about their own bodies. they forgot to wash the work she did as vice president when she went to the munich conference and represented the united states around the world. the fact that she is really ready. in fact, he picked the vice president that is only been in office for 600 days and is unreal. he is ready. that goes to donald trump and ability to pick people that can actually run the country. 17 of his cabinet secretaries
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quit and are begging us not to put him back in office. i think that is something reasonable and thoughtful americans who consider themselves in the middle should consider. we are all patriots. you just have to make the right decision in this right moment. history is calling you. let's not let it pass us by. let's grab it and go forward. >> i have to sneak in a quick break. can you stay with us? >> sure. >> we will be right back. stay with us. with us. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust.
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in abby ray msnbc aired a special report: black men in america the road to 2024. well, things have changed quite a lot since then. charles coleman jr. checked
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back in with a group of black men about the presidential race now that we are just 100 days from the presidential election. >> how has bided leaving the race impacted the way you are looking at the election? >> to be honest not drastically. with traffic now being the nominee still has not changed my vote or where i was going with it. definitely excited. >> i don't know if we are going to continue to have the right to vote if somebody else is in office after a number of years. i talked to a lot of brothers out there who said i am not voting. you've got to vote. not voting is not an option. >> the harris campaign national cochair is back with us. mr. mayor, i think hearing from real people is always very important. it seems to me those voters that charles spoke to do understand the stakes of this race. it merits things that i am hearing from a lot of folks across the country.
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even still it is 100 days and the campaign does still have to work to earn the votes of folks across the country. what is the strategy for this next 100 days? are going to see some town halls from the vice president? i know there is aggressive barnstorming happening across the country right now. >> when i was listening to that gentleman speak, i thought about john lewis, who i was honored to know really well. i remember him saying we've come a long way, but we have a long way to go. i think he understands and everybody on this panel understands in america the most sacred thing americans can do is to vote so that we can have a peaceful transition of power. there is an effort to restrict people's access to the ballot. when the vice president talks about freedom that is what she's talking about. the john lewis voting rights act and things of that nature which she has championed and will continue to do so. i think what you've seen in the last week is something we haven't seen in a long time, which is why people are energized by her candidacy.
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she is out there. she basically said to donald trump anytime-anyplace. i know that you meant it. i meant it. come on. my expectation is you will see her doing more events. you will see her doing town halls. she is going to do everything and anything. i think she knows obviously what is at stake. history have called her to this moment. she is going to meet the moment. >> i have way too much mascara on for you to be talking about what john lewis would make of this historic moment this early in the morning. yesterday i was at the pool with my kids they were interviewing governor j.b. pritzker about a variety of things including the possibility of joining the ticket as vice president harris's running mate. we have since learned he is in fact part of the formal vetting process. can you give us a sense of timeline on what that process is going to look like? >> yeah.
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i think the campaign is obviously going through a quick vetting process. everybody knows from the media reports who the candidates are. they are all being that it right now. it appears as though the vice president will be prepared to make a decision within the next two weeks, before the convention. i do not want to get ahead of what the date is going to be, because the date is going to change. she will make the decision about who she thinks will best serve with her as vice president. >> as always, thank you so much for taking the time to be with us. >> about, you guys. the fine line vice president harris is walking on the israel-hamas conflict. this is the weekend . [ music ] how can you see me squinting? i can't! i'm just telling everyone!...hey! buy one pair, get one free for back to school. visionworks. see the difference. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies.
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new this morning, the israeli military says it conducted overnight strikes in lebanon, hours after a rocket fired from its northern neighbor killed at least 12 people in an israeli control town. israel blamed hezbollah, the iranian backed group that has been attacking with gaza. hezbollah has denied it is responsible. according to the new york times the israeli strike the peer to stop short of the major escalation amid fears of an all out war. the strike comes days after vice president harris medical private with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who made it forceful call for netanyahu to get it cease-fire deal done to ease the suffering of civilians in gaza.
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>> israel has a right to defend itself and how it does so matters. i also expressed with the prime minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in gaza. to everyone who has been calling for a cease-fire, to everyone who yearns for peace, i see you. i hear you. >> joining us now the former state department rentable deputy spokesperson julianna porter. >> i was going to say it is a real pleasure having you at the table this morning. it is an interesting split screen right now between the president who is obvious the president doing his thing and had a meeting with independent yahoo. now the vice president in this new role as she is emerging as a presidential candidate also having that conversation with benjamin
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netanyahu. what people don't know about the vice president abroad is that she is considered someone who has a soft touch but tough talk. how does that work to her advantage in this upcoming campaign against trump, who to be polite is all over the place on foreign policy except for russia and folks like that. with our nato allies and others that contrast between these two candidates for the presidency, i don't think could be more stark. >> i think you make a great point. one of the core tenets of diplomacy is the art of negotiation. as you know with working with the vice president directly she is a master negotiator and has been her entire career. to your point on knowing how to play her soft power, she knows the art of duality. the cause of her upbringing and experience being a black and south asian woman, coming up in
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oakland, walking the halls of power university and pledging the founding chapter of her illustrious sorority. these are all giving her the perspective that she needs to be able to play in that soft power world and to be firm, serious and decisive as a diplomat as well. >> i was reading from the new york times about the soft power and i thought about all the times that i was in a prep with her or for a foreign leader engagement. she would always ask questions like tell me something that is not in the document. what do they like? do they like baseball? give me something they can connect on that is not about the policy. at the end of the day these world leaders are also people. when you make a personal connection it then makes the diplomacy a little easier. even with folks like the former president of mexico. she didn't think he was somebody
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the administration was going to be able to work well with. the vice president helped to broker that relationship. i think about that in the context of prime minister netanyahu. it is prime minister netanyahu and the president who had a long-standing relationship. he said that he has no joe biden for 40 years. lots of talk about how all of this is a policy shift. how did you take the remarks? did you read it at that? how do you think her soft touch but firm conversation is going to play out in the relationship if she is elected president with prime minister netanyahu, if he is still the prime minister? >> she made it very clear that she call for a cease-fire. it is something president biden has called for, secretary blinken has called for. she is in lockstep. she has made it very clear we need to give humanitarian aid to gaza as well and we need to
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end the war. going back to her being a master negotiator, i think she's going to double down. there will be any change in policy from my perspective. >> i want you all to look at these two sets of headlines side by side. to me they expressed some of what the campaign is going to have to contend with in the coming months. the first is from bloomberg. how the harris team is championing her strong foreign policy record. she played an integral role in restoring u.s. global leadership around the world. she offered advice in the white house situation room on the top is decisions to russians and provoked invasion in ukraine. it goes on. this headline from the washington post, which of our democrats i would run an ad with this. russia weary of u.s. and france election surprises, especially kamala harris. kamala harris largely unknown to the russians is viewed with
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alarm. [ laughter ] >> not us laughing at that. y'all have got to get it together. this lady has been vice president for 4 years. the russian mercenaries and the people have dossiers on everyone else. they couldn't find time to take a look at the vice president? they've got to get serious. >> it is giving propaganda to me. they know exactly who vice president harris is and they have known from the beginning. i want to go back to the early days in the administration. it was about two weeks into my time at the state department. one of the first things president biden advised president harris did was they came to my old building, hsd. the harry s truman building to underscore how serious they were about putting diplomacy back in the center of u.s. foreign policy. she was very serious. she was making sure we understood our place in the world and thanked us for what we were doing. she has walked the talk every
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sense. whatever putin is talking about is propaganda. he knows exactly who she is and maybe shaking in his boots right now. he knows she is a fierce contender. >> that part. always a pleasure, my friend. thank you. folks, it is time to refill that mug. we have a whole new hour of the weekend ahead. coming up will be joined by jamie harrison. congresswoman suzan delbene. andy senator gary peters. be sure to follow us on social media. our handle everywhere is @ the weekend msnbc. we will be right back. right b. (♪♪) voltaren... for long lasting arthritis pain relief. (♪♪) life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do.
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welcome back to the weekend, 100 days folks, the urgency is palpable for democrats. with only 100 days left until the election, the dnc is working overtime to recalibrate its convention now that vice president harris is almost certain to be the party's nominee and the candidate at the top of the ticket is also changing landscape for down ballot races because every seat in the house of representatives and 34 seats in the senate are up for grabs in november. a special coverage of


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