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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  July 28, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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the next full hour, we will give you a taste of what america will look like if donald trump enters the presidency. he signed an executive order during his first week as president that banned people from eight predominantly muslim countries from traveling into the united states. it was hastily planned, poorly executed, and caused chaos around the world. four years later, his presidency culminated with a violent insurrection of the
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capital, working the first time in this country's history that an outgoing president failed participate in the peaceful transfer of power. the conservative super majority on the supreme court, which he radically transformed during his presidency, overturned roe v wade and helped him evade criminal prosecution. it is shocking how much john got away with during his one term in office, and it has left many people wondering, how much antidemocratic could he get? and then people discovered this. project 2025. it's an ambitious 920 page blueprint for a possible second trump administration spearheaded by the conservative think tank called the heritage foundation. this is filled with brazen policy proposals that seek to advance many ultraconservative goals, including detailed plans on how to overhaul the federal government. the special hour of velshi, we will take a closer look at what
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exactly is insight project 2025, because it is important that we all understand the direction in which the movement wants to take the country. one chapter in this massive tome, for example, is solely dedicated to furthering restrictions on reproductive rights, including abortion medication and contraception that relies on a long dormant law from 1983 that is still on the books. it also shows how he could direct the agency to do its bidding, including perhaps exacting retribution against his perceived enemies. project 2025 also seeks to achieve one of the conservative movement's longtime goals -- the dismantling of the administrative state which could involve elimination of many federal agents these, tens of thousands of federal workers losing their jobs, and a massive shift in the balance of power in washington. the concept between 2025 originated from the late 19th 70s when the heritage foundation
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started collecting proposals from conservative minds across the country. those ideas were published as part of the book called mandate for leadership. in late 1980, it was presented to the newly elected president, ronald reagan. the heritage foundation boasts that reagan gave each member of his cabinet a copy of mandate for leadership, and that, quote, nearly two thirds of the 2000 recommendations contained in the mandate were adopted by the reagan administration. since then, the heritage foundation is host a new version of the mandate for leadership roughly every presidential cycle. but make no mistake. this latest version of mandate for leadership, project 2025, was written for this specific moment. it was tailored to this specific brand of ultra conservatism that trump has now come to represent. in an interview with the new york times earlier this year, this man, kevin roberts, says that he believes the
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organizations role today is, quote, institutionalizing trumpism. as more people learned about project 2025 in the ciccone and ideas it contains, it has become a political liability for trump in his bid to return to the white house. he has tried to distance himself from it, posting untruths social, i know nothing about project 2025. i have no idea who is behind it.". that claim is patently absurd and provably false. >> such an incredible job. going to lay the groundwork and detailed plans for exactly what our movement will you and what you are movement will do, and the american people give us a colossal mandate to save america. >> colossal mandate indeed. it's taken me two just to buy that together. it includes contributions from
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many trump allies. by one count, at least 140 people who contributed worked in the trump administration. one chapter written by former secretary of housing and human development, ben carson, and peter navarro, who was recently released from prison. meanwhile, among the groups listed as project 2025's coalition partners are america first legal, which is led by trump's former senior adviser, even miller, and the conservative partnership institute, which lists mark meadows as a senior partner. plus, jd vance recently wrote the foreword for an upcoming book authored by heritage president kevin roberts. and then there is the former director of the office of management and budget. not only did he write a key chapter in project 2025 about the executive office of the president, he is also the president of the center of renewing america, another coalition partner. and he was chosen by the republican
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national committee to, get this -- serve as the policy director in charge of crafting the gop's official platform this year. despite donald trump's attempts to distance himself from project 2025, his fingerprints are all over it. project 2025 is a set of ideals that ekes to galvanize his movement. he is just waiting for the opportunity to do so. joining me now are melissa murray, a professor of law at new york university, and an msnbc legal analyst. also joining me, david pepper, the former chairman of the ohio democratic party and on some stack, where he writes about all things politics, including project 2025. melissa, let's talk about one of your many specialties. this most recent term, which included some big decisions that struck down the so-called chevron doctrine and granted the president's broad immunity from criminal prosecution.
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in theory, neither of these are in project 2025, but in terms of project 2025, both of those things support the goals that this document advances. >> i am so glad you asked. you are exactly right. the supreme court isn't mentioned in to 2025 explicitly, but it has laid the groundwork to make voting relatively easy and seamless for the republicans if there elected in november 2024. the supreme court has granted future presidents sweeping immunity. it is said that when the department of justice acts at the direction of the president, those artificial acts, no matter how outlandish and problematic they are. project 2025 build on that by explaining that the doj should be considered part of the presidency. that there should be a seamless relationship between the president and the doj rather than the doj being an independent agency and enjoying independence from president. that comes directly from the
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supreme court's rulings. not just this year, but earlier rulings on trump versus vance, those earlier rulings around trump's financial records. the supreme court in those cases says that it is very difficult to make a distinction between the office of the president and the man himself. project 2025 absolutely reiterates that. to the extent that they need a runway, the supreme court has given them one. >> david pepper, there are things in these chapters -- it's not a fun read, by the way. it's not meant to be read. i think it is meant to say, we wrote it all down, so don't get mad at us when we do it. there's a lot of stuff in here that is not new to you. you written a book where we see some of the states implement some of these rules. virtually nothing in here is new or novel. it is just all written down in a book that could become federal government policy. >> i think it's a really important point.
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as your prior guest, erik larson, said, i am a big fan. we should take everything they say seriously. as the title even says, i think what they are doing here is creating a mandate if they win, they claim the mandate and say, the people knew about it. so anything in that plan, anything trump says at a rally, is fair game if he wins. that's why he should take it seriously and that's why the wildest eras. i wrote this book to expose these gerrymandered is an extreme state houses. they have just gone bananas with whether it is a crazy universal vouchers, or the lack of a rule of law, or putting into positions as high as the supreme court, completely unqualified people -- it is essentially project 2025 in stages already happening. i'm telling you from ohio, and people from missouri will tell you this, it is terrible. it is turning the states upside down. it's a downward spiral towards
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extremism. there's not much rule of law left in these places. in many ways, what project 2025 will do is nationalized what is already this downward drive spiral. not only should we read the plan and be worried about it, you don't have to look very far in this country to see what it looks like. and ask most people in ohio and these other states -- we are seeing our state look like nothing what it was even just a few years ago under these approaches. >> there's a lot of people that live in california or illinois or massachusetts saying at least i don't have to deal with what he's talking about. under project 2025, you might. the agenda includes eliminating agencies like the department of education, flashing the federal workforce. i think it's important for people to understand, this is a 180 day plan. six months from inauguration. if you don't like it, a lot of the stuff might happen pretty fast. how difficult would so these
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things be to undo if americans vote for trump and then get buyers remorse. >> i think it's time to unring some of these bells. much of project 2025 is restructuring the federal government. if we live in blue states, we don't have that much contact with the federal government. that's not true. the federal government has control over many different areas of our lives. our environment, all of that has real implications for federal governments with the epa. project 2025 is not only eliminating these agencies, they are restructuring how these agencies work. one of the things donald trump did during his administration was in the to what is known as schedule f, which took away career appointees for many of these administrative agencies and replaced them with partisan loyalists that were loyal to the trump administration. it took the biden administration coming in four years later to resend the schedule f. but what project 2025 proposes to do in the
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first 180 days is to reinstate schedule f, and donald trump is fully on board of this. it's part of his agenda to replace those career appointees who do the expert work of agencies and replaced him with party loyalists who are adhering to the republican bottom line. this will have enormous consequences and it will not be easily undone. >> thanks to both of you. cohost of the strict scrutiny podcast, david pepper, former chairman of the ohio democratic party. for perspectives on the project 2025 hearings on subs back and the author of books like saving democracy and laboratory libraries of autocracy. still ahead, devastating plans for the climate and the environment with governor jay inslee of washington. and up next, abortion is mentioned nearly 200 times in the 922 page manifesto, and one thing is very clear. the dobbs decision is just the beginning.
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velshi, inside project 2025, continues after the break . that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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abortion is mentioned 199 times throughout project 2025, not just in one section. the forward reads, the dobbs decision is just the beginning. conservatives in the state, including the next conservative administration could push as much as possible to protect the unborn in every jurisdiction in america. project 2025 suggests that the department of health and human services should instead be known as the department of life, and its recommendations target every single aspect of reproductive healthcare. let's start with medication abortion. the mandate reads, abortion pills represent the single greatest threat in a post-roe world. the fda should therefore reverse its approval of chemical abortion drugs, because the politicized approval process was illegal from the start.".
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it is not just the medication mifepristone thereafter. project 2025 aims to eliminate both the morning-after pill, emergency birth control, and men's contraceptives from affordable care act coverage. the mandate also suggests cracking down on what the document refers to as, wrote, mail order abortion, which would entail using the 1870s era comstock act to prosecute people who send abortion bills or potentially anything affiliated, like other medical supplies, in the mail. page 455, project 2025 aims to curb what they call abortion tourism -- instances where women must travel to other states to get medical care that is banned in their home state. it recommends the cvc mandatory data collection for all abortions nationwide. that means literally tracking and surveilling women who choose to get a worsens while threatening to cut funding to
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any state that resists that surveillance. it also spells out specifics for an emergency intervention, saying emergency rooms have a legal obligation to protect the life of the fetus. the emergency medical treatment and labor act requires no abortions, preempts no life state laws, and explicitly require stabilization of the unborn child. in other words, project 2025 says that in an emergency situation when and abortion would save the life of a pregnant person, medical personnel are not required to perform the lifesaving abortion. i want to be clear to you about this. you may see claims that project 2025 is taking a more moderate stance on abortion. you may hear that project 2025 doesn't call for a national abortion ban, the calls for the differentiation between miscarriage, ectopic pregnancies, and project 2025
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section on the department of health and human services reads in part, wrote, the secretary should pursue a robust agenda to protect the fundamental right of life from the moment of conception. every human life, abortion and euthanasia are not healthcare. underwriting all of the draconian measures that i just listed and littered through the night hundred page project 2025 mandate for leadership is repeated declaration that life begins at conception, an idea also known as fetal personhood. fetal personhood insists that from the moment of conception, a fertilized egg or zygote is a person with the same rights that you and i have. and that is what is at the heart of everything else that i have listed here, like banning abortion bills, banning funding for morning-after pills, prohibiting doctors from performing abortions, even when doing so would protect the lives of a pregnant patient. laws that say the doctors have the legal requirement to treat fetuses, even when the pregnant
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person's life is at risk. in practice, those laws are abortion bans . full stop. any policy that declares life begins at conception is an abortion ban for all intents and purposes, and in miscarriage patients being denied care that is needed to save their lives. and that is not a gas. that is a fact. we are living in a post-tran01 country now, and we have seen it happen over and over again. right now, abortion is and in 21 states. 14 of those have total bans in place. there are various exceptions depending on where you are. mississippi, for instance, claimed to allow exceptions to their abortion bans to save the life of the mother, but not to save the health of the mother. so doctors are put in these impossible positions, legally unable to perform a necessary medical procedure and forced to watch patients become sicker
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and sicker until they reached death's door before they can move forward with an abortion or risk losing their licenses or their liberty. women who are miscarrying very often need abortions to save their lives, their health, and their future fertility. take the case of amanda's or oski, a texas woman who was miscarrying and wanted pregnancy. she had a condition that meant her fee this was not going to survive. the standard medical procedure for her condition was to terminate the pregnant by a dnc . without an abortion, amanda was at risk of developing a serious and potentially fatal infection. the doctors say they couldn't perform an abortion because her nonviable this still had a heart. she was told she wasn't sick enough. she would have to wait. days later, amanda developed the infection she was warned she may get. her doctors finally performed the abortion, but amanda's uterus and fallopian tubes were severely scarred.
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one fallopian tube is permanently blocked. amanda sued the state of texas and ace to the group to include 20 women, many who experienced threatening complications. earlier this summer, the texas supreme court ruled against amanda and the other women. that is what exceptions look like. that is a reality of extreme abortion bans. that is the reality of living under governments that push fetal personhood, and that is the plan under project 2025. they say so clearly, the dogs decision is just the beginning. joining me now, michelle goodman at the georgetown law school, and host of the podcast on the issue and offer multiple imported books, including invisible women in the criminalization of motherhood. michelle, thank you for being with us. in the chapter on the department of health and human services, project 2025 reads, hhs should return to be known as the apartment of life by
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explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care and by restoring it mission statement under the strategic plan and elsewhere to include furthering the health and well- being of all conception to natural death. tell me what that is meant to mean. what is that code for? what does it mean to the notion of abortion as healthcare ? >> the first thing to understand is that project 2025 is about the deadly democracy. the second thing is to think about it as the dogs decision and abortion being the first and primary wedge of that. this is all about personhood. this is all about dismantling the autonomy of women and their constitutional liberties and instantiating those liberties and embryos and fetuses. it's important to note that that is quite distinct in the united states constitution, which does not mention embryos or fetuses, but does say that citizens of the united dates are people that are born. that's the first sentence of the 14th amendment of the united dates constitution.
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>> one of the things donald trump has tried to do is distance l from this. he says his view of abortion is much simpler. he just wants to hand it back to the states. tell me why -- obviously he is doing that for political reasons, but we just saw that map. it doesn't actually work. >> we know that that is not true, because in the lead up to the 2016 election, he wanted to criminalize women, he wanted to bed abortion. he said he would place judges on the federal bench, including on the supreme court that would carry out his agenda after the appointments of cavanagh and gore stitch and amy coney barrett. he then praised their work and dismantling abortion rights. he took credit for that. he very well knew what would be taking shape with this. he's been in close communication with those who have drafted this, and this has been a playbook. one could say that this is a playbook that could be quite extensively used already by
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those who are legislating at the state level and even potentially by members of the united dates supreme court. >> you can look at a number of states and look at them and say, that is how it's going to turn out, except it is quite a turnout for all of us around the country this way. michelle goodwin is a co- faculty director of the o'neill inns to for public health law at georgetown law and author of policing the womb: invisible women in the criminalization of motherhood. of next, will turn to chapter 17 of project 2025. if you thought donald trump's attacks on the rule of law couldn't get any worse, just wait. velshi, project 2025, continue. ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. when we say it'll be on time, they expect it to be on time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping.
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>> welcome back to special edition of velshi, inside project 2025 . i want to go to project 17, written by jean hamilton. it says, quote, not reforming the department of justice will
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also guarantee the failure of that can riveted administrations agenda in countless other ways. common misconception held by donald trump while he was president was at the department of justice worked for him, not for the american people. this chapter seeks to make the misconception true. kevin roberts, architect of project 2025, is on board with trump's perspective . he told the new york times in january, we just disagree holy that the department of justice is independent of the president or the executive branch. this project 2025 thing is not an easy read. it is 922 pages long. the words and sentences on this page are deliberate confusing. for 2025 calls for the department of justice working in lockstep with a potential trump administration, which means a trump is re-elected, the branch tasked with independently upholding the rule of law will be in the hands of a convicted felon who has promised revenge and retribution against his personal enemies. what could possibly go wrong?
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let's start with the fbi, a branch within the department of justice. while president trump was supremely frustrated by his ability to control the ei, he wanted desperately for the fbi to drop its investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. it follows that it would could to place the fbi under moore, quote, politically accountable," , leadership, which are code word for more loyal to the president. it also wants the fbi to stop investigating online misinformation, which feels more important today than ever. the doj wouldn't look into that, just like it wouldn't investigate police misconduct, another hidden detail in the chapter. the call to promptly eliminate all existing consent decrees, and consent decrees -- you have heard the term before -- they are handed down by the
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department of justice to local jurisdictions following an investigation into police wrongdoing. think of it as a court ordered improvement plan. these decrees usually compelled trails to improve their condition or police departments to consider their tactics and report back to the justice department. for 2025 argues that the doj should disclaim its ability to even hand down consent decrees. another target of this chapter, local and state attorneys use their own. project 2025 calls for the department of justice to, quote, initiate legal action against local officials, including district attorneys who deny americans dozens the equal protection of the laws by refusing to prosecute criminal offenses in their jurisdictions. now, these words all sound good, but that would be a radical departure from the norm and goes against the very purpose of local district attorneys, as our friends at the marshall project right.
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choosing which cases to pursue and which to drop is a core responsibility of prosecution. one of the arguments for the local election of district attorneys is that communities may have different priorities on how those choices get made, and. but no such quarter will be given in a second trump term, and if you would prefer a doj that will defend and uphold the voting rights, i have bad news for you on that front. project 2025 would reorient the federal government's role from upholding voter rights to suppressing them and take specific aim at so-called mail- in ballot fraud and other types of voting registration that became targets of the big lie. with respect to the 2020 presidential elections, there were no doj investigations of the appropriateness or lawfulness of state election guidance. the pennsylvania secretary of state should have been and still should be investigated and prosecuted for potential violations, and vote. this paragraph is explicitly targeting officials who trump
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blames first 2020 election loss. what could go wrong? project 2025's new era doj would cement long-standing wedges that donald trump holds against the various legal guardrails that he crashed into during his four years in office and in the years since. it would mutate the doj into nothing more than a crude beatings tip for trump, to use against the perceived allies. i'm joined by justice correspondent for the nation. he is also a former litigator and author of the book, allow me to retort: a black guy's guide to the constitution. there is a lot of disguised language within these pages. this, though, is a recipe book for the weaponization of government against critics or anybody who encounters the justice system. >> yeah. when donald trump process, project 2025 explains how he is going to do it. i want to go back to the top,
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back to where you started with who wrote this particular section of this document. you said the man's name was jean hamilton. jean hamilton is a right-hand man of stephen miller, who is the unreconstructed ghoul who is on donald trump's shortlist to be the attorney general of the united date, and implemented exactly this project, should trump get elected. the idea that trump doesn't know what is going on in this document blidh does not pass first contact with reality when his own advisers and potential for attorney general are the ones writing the attorney general section. what is a section about? if you went and asked trump, even a truth serum, donald trump, show me on the doll where you were hurt -- he would say, the department of justice. he would say jeff sessions, he didn't stop the investigation into russian interference. instead, he recused himself.
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he would say he didn't launch ridiculous investigations into election interference or argued that trump won an election that he lost. donald trump has an active kind of ptsd over what the department of justice did to him while he was president. and so as president again, if somebody should have a terrible idea of reinstalling him in power, his entire plan is to power the doj and make them jump to his own rules, and he will do that through stephen miller and through many of the ideas that you have outlined in this project. >> some of them have nothing to do with conservative thinking at all. this election denial nonsense and specific reference to the pennsylvania state is simply retribution stuff that you talked about. the beef, the ptsd. there is no conservative thinking that would suggest that a particular secretary of state at a particular point in time should've done a
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particular thing. >> there are two or three paragraphs in there about hunter biden. two things can be true the same time. one, project 2025 is a recipe the blueprint for fascism. also true, it is extremely petty. it is extremely small minded, and it is extremely even the. and you see that throughout the document. one thing you didn't bring up in your opening segment is that as you go further into the document, you start to see a lot of these conservative culture war issues. they wanted to prosecute people who help people get abortions, but they don't want to prosecute people who violate the rights of people to access abortions at clinics in states where it is still legal. they want to give you free rein to parents who intimidate and threaten school board members, and in particular, they want to change the civil rights division of the department of justice into a division that
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sues on behalf of white people claiming that white people have been denied equal protection on whenever a company hires a black or brown person or a woman for a position. their whole dei thing, that is also in this project, where they are going to know sue people for daring to hire a nonwhite, heterosexual male. it is both terrifying and extremely clownish and petty. and we have to be able to understand both of those things at the same time, and we have to hopefully vote appropriately for the kind of country we want to see. do we want to have? or do we want to have vengeful dictators making decisions? >> that's a problem with this document, you have to read so much of it for to make sense. but there's all of that stuff that you mentioned contained
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here. good to see you as always. justice correspondent and author of allow me to retort. up next, washington governor jay inslee joins me to discuss the consequences of project 2025 on climate and the environment. my recommendation is simple: every home should have salonpas. powerful yet non-addictive. targeted and long-lasting. i recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. ♪ hisamitsu ♪
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>> much has been said about project 2025's plan to dismantle civil rights and overhaul the justice system, it also includes a detailed strategy for completely gutting environmental and climate regulations. the heritage foundation, the conservative think tank that produced this print for another trump term receives funding and calls for a, quote, review of all federal science agencies,". project 2025 states, the biden administration's climate fanaticism will need a whole of government unwinding. during trump's first term, hundreds of scientists were
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sidelined or pushed out of government jobs thanks to policies that diminish the role of science. rumor covid? to 2025 would do this on their rights. many sections were in fact authored by oil and gas industry representatives. if you recall, was recently revealed by the washington post the trump arranged a private dinner asking them to donate $1 billion to his campaign. in exchange for which, he would reverse biden's climate policies and offer other quick backs. what might these kickbacks look like? to 2025 lays them out specific and chilling detail. a key aspect is using a cost- benefit analysis to determine if epa regulations is day or go. essentially treating climate science like a series of business transactions. why is this problematic ? any good scientist will tell you you cannot apply a business lens that prioritizes the bottom line over climate safety.
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trying to quantify the long- term effects of environmental pollution is challenging, and that is precisely the point. cost-benefit analysis demands hard numbers, but project 2025 is going to make it more difficult to obtain those numbers by exempting certain companies from reporting this data and banning certain data from being used. by limiting the raw data, and he cost-benefit analysis becomes an exercise in futility. james goodwin, policy director at the center forward progressive reform, compares it to two blades of a scissor. is cost-benefit analysis rules are demanding more information, but the other blade is making it harder to get that information in the first place. you can see how they come together. in addition to adopting, to 2025 seeks to shutter the law enforcement wing of the epa's office of water, which pursues penalties against companies that pollute. withdraw from the international climate agreements including
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the paris climate agreement, which trump already did, a decision reversed by joe biden, removed climate change from foreign aid policy. specifically, project 2025 warns them to cease its war on fossil fuels in the developing world and stop advocating for climate fanaticism. and to eliminate literal restrictions on fossil fuel drilling on public lands. it also wants to block wind and solar power from being added to the electrical grid. it wants to reconsider the designation of toxic substances. it wants to privatize the national weather service, alerting the public when forecast turned dangerous, and dissolve the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. of course, the key agency for tracking climate change over time due to his extensive data repository. scientists from all over the world rely on that data. project 2025 refers to it as
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one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm in this tree. the climate change alarm industry. consider this. for 2025 frequently cited the need for transparency to justify its proposals, including replacing scientist in ranks with trump political appointees. this makes this particularly revealing and ironic. transparency indeed, unless it undercuts big oil's interest. after a quick break, i'm joined by governor jay inslee who has fought for climate policies for his entire career. little bit of tide goes a long way, so you can save your shirt and maybe even a little money. moat the... library.s right... for a better clean with less... it's got to be tide. you didn't live this strong, this long to get put on the shelf like a porcelain doll. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and are at high risk for fracture,
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and stay married. >> before the break, i told you about the plans to dismantle federal science agencies and climate protections. joining me now to discuss what is that state is the governor of washington, jay inslee. he served under the clinton administration and is also the co-industry of apollo's fire, igniting america's clean energy economy. thank you for joining us. i really wanted to talk to you about this, this project 2025 saves them of most caustic language and some of its greatest vitriol for those who would like to fight climate change. it describes fighting global warming as extremist, radical agenda, and says very clearly what it is going to do. i think that is one of the most
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dangerous parts of this document. >> very much so, and i think this personally is an assault on my state and an assault on our families. my state is on fire today because of climate change. this is personal. i flew over my state last week and there's fires left, right, center, all over the state. either way, we should not be surprised by project 2025. it is who donald trump is. a guy who says climate change is a hoax. a guy who is so ignorant he says wind turbines cause cancer. of course he's going to have a project 2025. he's running away from it, saying he has nothing to do with it. he has nothing to do with project 2025 like he has nothing to do with january 6th. and we know we are getting hurt today because of this. by the way, we use the term got, and it does got it, but it is worse than that. it is kind of a laserlike organ by organ removal. he doesn't/it open with a samurai sword.
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they went in and removed every organ that actually keeps our rules protecting americans from this harm, and totally eliminated, removed these whole offices. i don't think we can understate how damaging this project is, or this candidate. >> project 2025 suggest transferring environmental regulatory duties to state officials. we saw how this worked with roe v wade. talk to me about this piecemeal approach. you and i have discussed the fact that fighting climate change has got to be in all of government at every level approach. we are actually talking about making it the opposite of that. >> you can't go into a boxing ring with just one arm tied behind your back. and under this situation, first off, it would eliminate the enormous financial ability to help fight climate change and protect us. and yes, there would be some states like mine that would do all we could do to try to reduce these pollutants and protect us.
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but you know, half the country would be rendered totally unprotected. i mean unprotected -- look, this would turn the epa into every pollutants allowed federal agency. because it would essentially eliminate their ability to classify these toxics getting into our water, and even to identify them. who goes to aaron brockovich movie and roots for the polluting utility company? that is donald trump. because basically, this would give free reign across the united states, independent of any federal regulation. we can't do all the good work federal work can because of the foot financial implications, and obviously we should have national rules in this regard. now, it is climate change. and by the way, climate change actually means people's lives. we are losing people's lives today because of these pollutants. there's 12 communities in my state, and we did some research
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with the department of health, that has premature death to a half years average premature death, because of these pollutants. donald trump would give them a free pass. it would eliminate our ability to move forward with more efficient vehicles. it would eliminate our ability to electrify our transportation fleet. either way, i am happy we have a really common sense efficient leader like kamala harris on this, too. she was here when we were giving the kids electric school buses. she is very excited about that. we are going to have a great president to go the opposite direction, which is to protect american families. that is what government is supposed to do. >> think you for making time for us. governor jay inslee is a co- author of apollo's fire, igniting america's clean energy economy. we will be right back. back. with low cost ground shipping
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>> i want to thank you for watching this special hour of velshi, inside project 2025 . it is available for you to read -- as i said many times, it is not to be read. it is difficult, but it is really important. we are committed to bringing you an in-depth analysis on the dangers of project 2025 right up until election day. come back next week when we dissect another chapter in this 922 page document. stay with msnbc for coverage.
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i will be back tonight at 7:00 p.m. eastern, and of course, velshi airs every saturday and a morning from 10:00 eastern. velshi is available as a podcast, and you can catch the velshi content on youtube. had to our msnbc coverage continues in a moment. >> okay, here we go. we are now 100 days out from the election, and just about a week into a brand-new presidential race. kamala harris rides an incredible wave of momentum as donald trump reminds us once again what is at stake in november. pete buttigieg is often met mentioned as a possible running mate. he is standing by here in studio and he is coming up first. plus, senator lafond of butler has known the senator for decades, and senator butler is going to join us live in just a few minutes. and later, jd vance's comments about childless cat


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