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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  July 28, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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we came from atlanta, georgia, in the u.s. and we are so excited to see simone biles on the comeback she is about to make. >> and winning the first match of the olympics in straight sets . and potentially taking her first olympic gold here. >> you cannot go too far. there is more to share and thanks so much, my friend. >> and donald trump and how and why he threw that out the unity window. what is to come only 100 days before the election. >> of a crazy liberal like kamala harris gets in, the american dream is dead. i believe it is dead.
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top of the hour, a very good day to all of you. welcome everyone to alex witt reports. 100 days to go until election day. 43% of respondents see her in a favorable light, compared to 36% of you vice president. trump had a higher on favorability rating compared to 42 for harris. the latest battleground state poll shows are tied with trump in michigan, 1 point behind in wisconsin, and she leaves white 6 points in minnesota. one congresswoman who accompanied vice president harris described to me just a short time ago the energy levels that she is seeing among voters. >> women got up at 4:00 in the morning to make sure they could get through security to be in the convention hall to hear her. and when they did, she raised the roof. i got on the plane to go back
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to washington, d.c. to vote on those crazy bills put up by the republicans, and there was an older white man who fist pumped me in the plane and said, were you excited to see kamala harris? are you fired up? are you ready to go? i am. i thought, yes. this is what we need to hear. >> the latest poll shows arizona mark kelly leading the field with a 22% favorability rating. that is followed by michigan governor gretchen whitmer who has withdrawn from contention, according to her. also, josh shapiro and some on the shortlist are out this weekend making the case against donald trump. >> america went into a manufacturing recession, which really hurt places like i came from. my point is, he broke his promise for that kind of economic growth. he broke his promise to pass the infrastructure bill. he said he would do that, he
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failed to do it. the biden/harris administration got it done. even broke his promise to the january 6 crowd when he said i will be at your side when you marched out of the capital. >> meanwhile, at his rally in minnesota last night, trump continue searching for lines of attack against the vice president. >> we have a new victim now. we have a brand-new victim. and honestly, she is a radical left lunatic, and she is -- when you find out about her, all i have to say is, defund the police. that was her big thing. let's defund the police. >> we have reporters in place across this country covering all of the swing states. they are hearing from voters and candidates, 100 days to the election, and we begin with allie rother at the white house. what are we hearing from the
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white house on the growing list of campaign surrogates? >> we are seeing the shift from vice president harris as this race enters this critical new phase with just 100 days until election day. and harris is adopting this much fresher, much sharper approach to these attack lines against former president trump then we saw from president biden when he was a candidate in this race. we heard her at a fundraiser yesterday in massachusetts, and among her normal speech, she had mentions of what we have been seeing, this trend from democrats and people on her campaign, in which they call former president trump and maga republicans , quote, weird. that is now being echoed by some of her surrogates on the campaign trail who we know she is actively can entering as her running mate in this race. >> you may not know this. donald trump has been resorting
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to some wild lies about my care there, and some of what he is saying, it is just plain weird. i mean, that is the box you put that in, right? >> there's talk about terminating the constitution, and having somebody wants to be president of the united states rambling about electrocuting start and hannibal lector -- >> to see her in battleground states and around the country, and her message is one i think resonates with people. one of those things is pointing out the differences between these two candidates. on the other side, they are just weird. >> harris at that event acknowledging that despite all of the excitement, all of the momentum built over the last week, that she is, quote, being clear eyed, and she is acknowledging that there is still an uphill battle ahead.
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as you saw across the airwaves this morning, these contenders she is vetting to be her running mate are helping her in that effort, echoing this message across the country as they follow her on the campaign trail. we expect her to make that decision and announced her pick for vice president by august 7th. that's a deadline set by the dnc, so obviously a very, very tight timeline left. >> a week and a half. my goodness. let's go from there to melissa bharata, joining us from miami with a look at harris's campaign efforts there. how is the campaign trying to rally a state that is been a republican stronghold for the last several elections? >> i can tell you right now, living here in miami-dade county, covering this, looking very closely at lorna, the election coming up, i can tell you it is night and day when it comes to how democrats in florida are feeling right now. covering it over the last year in comparison with this last week. when we spoke to the harris campaign about some numbers, they said that they have -- and
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this is a direct quote -- over 11,000 people have contacted the harris campaign asking how they can sign up to volunteer. and the campaign headquarters and said that that is the highest number of any state in the country, and that is pretty remarkable when you think about the state of politics here in florida. over the last year, a lot of conversations i've been having on both sides of the aisle about how florida has lost its wings eight status, a lot of people just have felt like this is a place that republicans have kind of had in the bag, if you will. we know how the state went in favor of former president trump. so i spoke to democrats, particularly those who work for the campaign, i can tell you that off-camera, off the record, there was sort of this feeling of fatigue. there was a feeling of frustration. when we talk about florida losing swing state status, that impact the donations, the funds toward florida. this last week, we are seeing a
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night and day change when it comes to energy and enthusiasm. not just among the people working for the harris campaign, formerly the biden campaign, but now we're seeing the best from voters. take a listen. >> there is a new sense of joy and a hope for something different. >> we are part of a larger movement throughout florida. the energy is there. florida is in play. >> i see a lot more enthusiasm. i love biden. i think he did an excellent job, but i deviant is he has them for harris. >> now, the reason we are where we are right now, alex, this was the site of what the harris campaign is calling the mobilization blitz -- that's a direct quote, 36 different events throughout the state this inquire weekend. and this is grassroots efforts.
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we saw doorknocking, we saw a lot of people rallying around the state. you can see the doorknocking happening on your screen right now. something else i wanted to show you is a golf cart rally in a place called the villages. this is an unincorporated community just north of orlando. you'll see a video from a congressional candidate that shared this on her x, formerly twitter page. according to her estimation, there were 500 golf carts. this is a solidly republican community. we have seen previous demonstrations in support of former president trump, so this is all really interesting, especially those numbers. no telling. 11,000 people and counting contacting the harris campaign in an effort asking how they can help and how they can sign up. this energy is something that nobody here has seen among the democrats in quite some time. just a reminder, how much can change, so different even this time last week. and so just a reminder of how quickly things can change.
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it never stays boring, alex. >> i am so glad that you brought that video from the villages, because when i read yesterday that the campaign was going to go there, i got 10 people will show up because there is such from country. we remember for years during the trump campaigns and also during his administration, you would get people all dressed up, red white and blue to the nines in the villages. this is stunning that you have 500 golf carts there. all in support of kamala harris. anyway, yeah. you just brought the proof. let's go now to trailer in minneapolis. i know you spoke to some trump supporters last night. how are they feeling about trump's chances in november? i don't think they got a whiff of what was happening there in the villages yet. good grief. >> i have been speaking with donald trump supporters across the country, and last night, that was here in minnesota. senator jd vance, the two took
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the stage for the first time in minnesota. a democrat leaning state that the democratic campaign says is very much in play for them in this upcoming election. donald trump did something that he has been doing over the course of this entire election. that is sowing doubt into the legitimacy of the 2020 election results while also stoking fear in the upcoming november election. i've been speaking with donald trump supporters about how they feel about the cautious rhetoric that there candidate has about absentee voting and how that are going to vote come november. take a look at what some of them have to say. >> i think we should just have day of voting. paper ballots. that's the only way to do it. >> if it works for some people, i believe the ones that can't get out, for me, it is going to the polls. >> i prefer same-day voting. less chance to read it. but i'm afraid that the
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machines might go down again, so i am concerned about not a rigged election. >> i prefer a same-day beaver ballot. i believe there are some exceptions, especially for military people, and if there is actual physical reasons that you are not able to get to the ballot box, i think that makes sense. but otherwise, everyone should be going in same-day ballot voting. >> alex, as you notice, they sound a lot like the candidate they support. but absentee voting, these are crucial components of a successful campaign. right now, donald trump supporters are very wary about that alongside the candidate himself. >> they are crucial components for a free and fair elections so that everybody can have their voice heard in this country. thank you, jake. we go to atlanta, georgia. welcome back. how do voters there feel about kamala harris taking on donald trump?
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>> alex, i have to tell you. i spoke to some republican organizers and voters to get a sense of how they are feeling, and they don't think these will change the race this much. it remains to make it about the issues and they are optimistic that will do enough to hopefully have georgia flip read. i have to tell you, being on the ground here over the last week, democrats are galvanized. you let 6000 new volunteers here, 170+ events this weekend alone, and you have voters they just feel motivated, not only because this is an election they are framing as his doric, seeing as vice president harris could be the first woman elected president, but she's more of a positive figure that could really contrast against donald trump. take a listen to some of my conversations with voters, and you will see what i am getting at here. >> i feel great. i feel like it is history for us.
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we can become whatever we want to become if we put our hearts to it. it's great for the women, it's great for the black community. it is just great. and i think she is going to give trump what he needs. he ain't ready for this one. >> i been around for little while. i believe she is the best candidate. it's a shame that america got to the point that, when i grew up, it was sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you, but america now is using names -- they are using childish ideas to try to win people over when it is all about love. kamala harris is showing the love of the people, the love of america. >> alex, earlier today, kentucky governor andy beshear was rallying voters in hopes of perhaps closing in on the margin in the county that trump won by 60%. the vice president herself is
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going to be in georgia on tuesday, and based on what i'm healing, they could expect very large crowds of that upcoming event. >> i would not be surprised based on that. what voters in wisconsin are thinking 100 days after the election. here with a focus group said about the candidates when we are back in a week 92nd. 92nd. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. subway is offering 20% off any sub, any size whooo! 20% off subs is fun to say 20% off subs are fun to eat you'll love 20% off subs the point is, any sub any size. 20% off at subway when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief? r-o-l-a-i-d-s rolaids' dual-active formula begins to neutralize acid on contact. r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief.
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>> an eye-opening conversation with voters in battleground wisconsin where vice president kamala harris kickoff her campaign last week after a narrow trump victory in 2016. wisconsin went back to blue for biden in 2020, and with 100 days today until the election, wisconsin is still anyone's game. joining now, former aide to the white house and former state department and msnbc political analyst, elyse jordan. we had some pretty interesting conversations with wisconsin voters this week. we are going to start with the more progressive voting block, and to take a listen -- there it is. >> i want to hear what you all think vice president harris, as the nominee. are you excited? >> i am. >> i am too. >> i am fine with her. i feel like i don't know a lot about her, and i agree that biden had come to this decision sooner, but now that we are where we are, i think that is the best option for the party. >> you feel more activated?
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>> i feel activated. i don't like the process either. this whole, we started the conversation where there are people behind closed doors and curtains making the decisions for us and it is supposed to be a process. so that part, i don't like on principle. >> he whispered to me a very different thing there. >> that is just a quick sample of what was a 90 minute conversation. i feel like almost the real enthusiasm doesn't come out. it was such a change, alex, from when i was in wisconsin six weeks ago. this was in madison where, if kamala harris lips as if she's going to win, she has to really have great turnout. and the voters, they feel like they have a chance. and they are so happy that this change was made. they might resent the way it came about and had wished that they could've been earlier, but they are fine and they are ready to move on and they are activated. >> what about the reactions you got to benjamin netanyahu's address to congress? we have some reaction to that.
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let's play that video. here it is, everyone. >> everyone is excited about her, and that scares me, you know? trump has to reconfigure where he is going, and how they are going to outsmart her. >> how do you perceive vice president harris compared to president biden in terms of competency and experience? >> i think she is worse. she doesn't even know what is going on at the border. and that is what -- >> she was supposed to be doing. >> and then charge them. as a schoolteacher, if i did not do what i was supposed to be doing, you'd better believe my job would be in jeopardy. well, it isn't. not only was her job not in jeopardy, she was just handed a promotion. >> so that was -- those were trump voters from green bay,
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wisconsin. and that is the county that they are going to have to win. whoever runs up the vote in dane county, that is where it has to be won for the entire election. what is interesting about the trump supporters is, they are scared now. they think there is a chance that it might not be a layup for donald trump that they were expecting, and you heard that in reflected in what they were telling us. >> are they concerned he won't win ? >> they think that, you know, it's an even shot. they are a little apprehensive. that was from brown county, so i need to correct myself, but they -- you know, when you look for those center-right voters who voted for joe biden in the last election, those voters are the ones that are really going to decide the election. are they going to stick with democrats or come home to the
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republicans? >> we have a sound bite from them. they had some concerns about joe biden's health. >> yes, she is going to be in its, but she also helped keep him where he is at right now, and he really is as bad as what they have been saying. i think if he steps down as president and she steps into the presidency before the end of his term. it almost makes me question a little bit more why it didn't happen sooner. she has worked with him, she has been, to my understanding, with him daily or at least a couple of days a week. why hasn't this been brought to her attention. if she is willing to hide that type of information, once she is in office, what is she willing to hide for herself? >> this was telling, because this is the new line of attack that the trump campaign -- they are already testing, and this is a message that they want to hammer down to define kamala harris.
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this is the month, the week, that everything that kamala harris is being defined. the undecided voters weren't exactly sure who she was, who she was all about. and so both campaigns are going to be fighting each other to fill that void and do it before the other does. >> can you put your finger up and test the way the wind is going? you have any sense of, if the election were held today, where it would go? >> that's a question i always like to ask at the end of the groups. consider we talked to trump supporters, undecided voters. we talked to traditional liberal democrats. they said that now, today, they think that kamala harris will win wisconsin. >> we love the snapshots. thank you so much. so for all of you coming up, kamala harris candidacy has certainly led to a major boost in black voter enthusiasm and that could make a difference in wing states. we have nbc's tremaine lee who spoke with the vice president
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about efforts to lift up black families and striving for economic justice in 2024. take a listen. >> one thing is for certain. these candidates will be doing their best to sure their base of voters while also expanding voters. in this election cycle, that means a whole bunch of black men. this year, i talked with kamala harris and economic justice. >> that's exactly right. and listen, the whole community benefits. i mean, the data is clear. let us just step back for a moment. the data is clear. black men have not benefited proportionate to other populations in terms of economic opportunity and economic health, much less wealth creation. and so we just have to be honest about that. this is not to the exclusion of anyone else. we are doing a lot of work across many demographics, let's recognize
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the facts. >> i been all across the country talking to blackman about the issues that matter most to them, and one thing emerged. they are going to have to come meet them where they are, be honest, and recognize the truth. they experience the economy different than their counterparts. >> thank you for that. an incredible comeback story in women's gymnastics. what is happening at the paris olympics. we will give you an answer next. next. their four—point lift den opens my nose fom air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married.
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>> now to the 2024 paris olympic games, and team usa scoring more golden day two. we give you a live look of the medal count right now that shows team usa jumping into the lead with nine total metals, notching its latest gold and silver metals dust in the last hour in the women's 100 meter butterfly. meanwhile, triathlon practice was's phone today because of this reason -- water quality issues in the said. as promised, he is back, mr. olympics. so all right. let me ask you what you are keeping your eye on for today, because the rain appears to have finally gone away. >> yeah, the goodness, alex. it's been a beautiful day here. you can see the desk now falling here in beautiful paris, and it's been a day of blue skies, and it's been very thankful for that today.
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i'm keeping my eye on nick fink, team usa, the sole representative of team usa in the 100 meters breaststroke. he's up against team great britain's adam pt, eased into the finals. so it is going to be a competition for him in the final. take a listen to what he had to say after semi final. >> good, yeah. i think i put myself in a pretty good spot. yeah, it will be fun to let it all hang out tomorrow. >> good to see family again? >> they were too easy last time. of course they're going to make it harder this time around. >> meanwhile, they will be together in the foil fencing final. both team usa, alex, so it's going to be -- well, it would be a gold medal for team usa, i can confidently predict. as you say, those metals are coming in with team usa beginning to build for a really
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good result at the end of these olympics. >> i love when we can guarantee a gold, and maybe a silver, too. it's all good. enjoy paris. we've enjoyed having you. appreciate that. a scorecard of sorts in the kamala harris sweepstakes. how might the numbers on your screen impact your decision? we've got some numbers ahead. you can trust. text glass to 45277 to schedule today. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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>> the top contenders to be vice president harris's new running mate have been on the
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air and on the campaign trail this weekend making the case for harris. and speaking about new surges of excitement among democrats -- >> the electorate is energized. democrats are ready to go. using hundreds of thousands of people signing up to volunteer. plus, our candidate is the energizer bunny. she has been everywhere all the time. >> i was at a labor rally yesterday and i have not seen anything like this for 15 years. >> so many people ready to support kamala harris, ready for her to defeat donald trump, and it is a level of energy that frankly i haven't been on the campaign trail in a long time. >> joining me now, vice president of political strategy and head of vote save america, and alicia johnson, chief impact officer of 1063 west broad and former senior adviser to the biden 2020 campaign. welcome to both of you. we will start with you. to put this all into
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perspective, when president obama was running in 2008, he raised $150 million in september. that was a record-breaking number. but this week, vice president harris just raised $200 million. actually, less than a week she did that. yes. money and politics has changed a lot since then. but the context around that number, how huge is that? >> it is massive. i think you are just literally feeling the energy that people have. and you know, a lot of these donors were first-time donors. so for someone to say, hey, i've never made it before, but i'm going to take this opportunity to do it now means something really, really big. as you mentioned, i run a vote save america, and the day that all of this happened last sunday, we saw 6000 people sign up for our volunteer program. since that, we have seen about 14,000 people sign up. so we literally double the amount of volunteers that we had coming into the election. because the enthusiasm was there, she has brought it in.
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i don't normally plug this stuff so hard, but it's an all hands on deck moment. so people do want to do something, they can go to vote save >> we got you on, trying to give you the support. we've seen these massive zune calls organizing for harris. this started with a group called win with black women. that had 40,000 women joined out. but guess what? the next one, followed by this call, it was titled white women answer the call. that had more than 100,000 attendees. i mean, it is absolutely stunning. shannon watts, who organized that, set 8 1/2 million dollars was raised during and after that event. what are these numbers telling you, and how does this actually translate to votes for kamala harris? >> well, look. it's been a historic week. money raised, zooms broken, and i have to shout out for starting with black women calling out one of the original
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members of those calls four years ago when vice president harris was announced as biden's running mate and we wanted to bolster her there. we knew attacks would come as the first woman of color in the position, and we were able to organize so quickly because those calls started four years ago. i think that it is showing that there is a groundswell of energy that has learned the lessons of the past. i think white women have been talking about, they learn the lessons from 2016, ac donald trump for who he is. the issues are very clear and critical, and that there is this energy for vice president harris that she was -- it's a special kind of circumstance that was right for this moment. you see everyone organizing, even the white men were feeling left out, and they are organizing their own zoom tomorrow. and so the point that should equal was making about these volunteers, the campaign released, they had 170,000 new
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volunteer sign-up this week, along with a $200 million cash fall, that this is the campaign alone. planned parenthood, all the time, all of these different groups that have endorsed or supported vice president harris, and were also galvanizing their members. so i would almost tripled at 100 20,000 number, because of all of these groups are going to have their numbers out here as well. >> wow. look, you have just both of you validated this surge of energy that we keep hearing everybody talk about. how about this? with regard to republicans, it feels like they have been grasping for any kind of a strategy in the wake of biden exiting the race. is it surprising that they were better prepared? and that you democrats have to be prepared for when the gop strategy is solidified? you know it is coming. >> yeah, of course. they should be ready. i think democrats have had a lot come after them over the last month. i think the fact that we were able to pivot so quickly and show all of this excitement and
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support for vice president harris speaks to her ability to respond to whoever they vote for. i think they know what they are going to decide. they're going to hurl a bunch of racist and texas attacks at her. they are already calling her the dei candidate and saying she is not qualified, which is crazy. she's had a long crazy record of public service that people can look up pretty easily. it's really rich coming from a ticket that has jd vance, who hasn't even made it to two years in the senate and this is the first public office he has held. and then donald trump. a lot of fraud there. we saw the judgments that came down. he was found liable. he incited an insurrection, and he was a bad president all around. i think if anyone is unqualified, it is him. but they are going to try everything. >> you bring up the vp, so let's go there, as we have some contenders i could help with key states. this is pennsylvania, arizona, north carolina. and then you have secretary
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pete buttigieg who has some very strong name recognition. it has been suggested mark kelly could help on the border issue. in your mind, what is the most important thing when vice president harris is picking her running mate? >> well, i think the most important thing is what was important for president biden. someone that is able to step in day one. that is what she is looking for. art of the reason that we are talking about particularly white men being the number two on the ticket is because it's not that vice president harris can't win the election. hillary clinton won the popular vote. brock obama won the popular vote twice. it is that we have the swing state that we need to speak to certain voters who may or may not, you know, be ready to address their subconscious bias . we need to see someone on the ticket they can hopefully address those. she's also going to look for someone who can campaign. she might have to be posted up
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in pennsylvania, michigan, and wisconsin and georgia the next 100 days to do -- that communication around not only who she is, but exactly what a president harris administration will look like and the issues that they care about. one thing i will also say is that all of these people have been out there staunchly talking about this moment, talking about you she will be as president. no matter who it is, all of them are going to continue to be amazing surrogates. it's not just a race for 2 like i saw on the other side. they're going to be a very strong surrogate third party. >> she has to win before she brings on somebody who could potentially step in if she is elected president and take over, or someone with whom she has great chemistry. how much is this going to focus on who can bring the editorial college account that she needs to take the top spot? >> i think in a perfect world, a vice presidential candidate would determine that.
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i think something we have seen a lot in recent history is vice presidential candidate don't necessarily take you over the top and make the big difference you hope they would, but i think it's important probably show up on the campaign trail. so this person is going to have to debate jd vance. they are going out to be out on the stump. i think what people are seeing throughout the country will matter. as valencia just said, there point have to spend a lot of time in the swing states connecting with voters. i really do think that how they campaign is going to have a bigger impact on just where they are from. and -- yeah, i am excited to see who she chooses. i am from north carolina, so i'm a little biased, but i think she has a lot of great candidates to choose from. >> by the way, i just set his name correctly. he made a comment recently and said, everyone says cooper, but he pronounces it cooper, so there you go. now we know. all right. thank you both. it's good to see you.
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thank you so much. project 2025 and its potential impact on the courts. molly boils it down for us, next. when my doctor gave me breztri for my copd, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing, symptom improvement, and reduced flare—ups. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur.
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can you believe they put that thing in writing? >> i love her face when she said that. project 2025 is now a major talking point as she launches her campaign. the 900+ page document from the heritage foundation, it lays out a plan for america that would upend the very systems this country is built on, including the courts. let's bring in molly, a host of the fast politics podcast and special correspondent for vanity fair. look, you've talked in great detail about how project 2025 would affect the judicial system. you talked it on your podcast just this week. it was a quick run through, the impact this would have. >> so i actually did a youtube series on the dangers of project 2025 because i felt like it was being so undercovered, and it was so important. basically, one of the main pillars of this project is that you will fire every federal employee.
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the idea here is, it's not every federal employee, but it's a large group of them. most of them. for example, you get rid of the department of education. that will go away. in red states, in all states, they will have to handle education themselves, and i will hurt red states more, because red states have a lower state tax. so all the sort of federal help that states get in education will go away. and it is like that with the most every branch of government. one of the things that is really strange is, they are going to get rid of national weather. there will be no more of that sort of thing. it just -- all of the sort of useful parts of the federal government will be dissolved. >> that part is just like -- what? all of it is just absurd, but it is not just that, because they also want to go through and replace certain employees in the federal government to they
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deem to be loyalist. so that way, whatever donald trump, whatever policy he wants to implement goes through without a hitch. >> yeah. one of the things you have to realize is they believe the first trump administration was a failure. because they were only able to install three supreme court justices. but weren't able to radically remake the federal government. so the goal here is to install loyalist's, and make every branch of government that survives this transition into an arm of the trump campaign. so you will have, you know, the doj will be under the jurisdiction of the presidency. you will no longer have this effort from the department of justice. it will be really for trump to use. and if you think about what the supreme court did with those last two big decisions, right? immunity and chevron, they gave trump -- if trump is to be elected, they would give him a lot more power, right? chevron says that you do not need experts to run different branches of federal government,
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that judges can in fact make laws, and then his immunity decision makes him as a president much more powerful and makes it so that they are not afraid. if they do something in the service of being president, it is in a crime. and that is a very broad definition. >> oh, yeah. we know that vice president harris, she has been sounding the alarm on project 2025. even before she was the presumptive nominee. democrats should now -- i'm going to guess you think, follow suit and really lean into this message. what is most palpable way to get the message across to people so that it sticks in the understand the enormity of this issue? >> i mean, i think the concrete examples like what happened with the department of education , their plans for the department of education or their plans for the health and human services becoming life and some kind of orwellian phrase, life and living, or something. and you know, there are other broad parts of this.
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for example, you know, the plan is to outlaw abortion federally , to use the comstock act. i want to regulate in vitro fertilization. there are plans -- i mean, there really are -- this is wide-ranging, and it is every bogeyman the democrats could hope for, because they are not even bogeyman. they are real. and so the more this gets out, the better. i also think ultimately, it really is sort of trying to remake the country in this christian nationalist vision. and what i think is the scariest is, our democracy is in such a perilous moment, right? because republicans are not standing up for democracy. they are not saying that these attacks on democracy are wrong. they are pretty much going along with trumpism. we really are in this perilous moment, and we always say this is the most important election of our lifetime, when you see this sort of plan out there, you really see, this actually may be the most important election of our lifetime.
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>> donald trump is trying to distance himself from this project 2025, but it's kind of hard to do with his running mate, senator jd vance, wrote the forward to the heritage foundation president kevin roberts book. so is that the kind of thing that really democrats have to stick this and make donald trump be permanently associated with project 2025? >> yeah. and there's a lot of crossover. the guy who wrote the rnc platform for the convention, he's one of the co-writers of this. i mean, there is trump's body man, he's also one of the writers of this. so there's a lot of the people. and remember, this project is about staffing the trump administration, and trump's name is in project 2025 300+ times. so this is a go ahead for the new trump administration. it's not a plan for the harris administration. it's not even a plan for the haley administration. this is trump's thing. he's told us in 1 million different ways that this is
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what he wants. so i would not take him at his word. >> surprise, surprise. you so much. we will see you again. today's other top stories, the largest wildfire in california spread again today, destroying over 130 buildings and forcing evacuations. firefighters have contained 12% of that blaze. this fire is likely to burn for weeks, if not months. cormack venezuelans turning out in massive numbers for the first presidential election. voters are choosing between the current president and an opposition leader. citizens have been fleeing the country amid an economic collapse. polls close in just hours. right now, three russian warships are in cuban waters. the second this year. the growing show of ties between the two countries. the russian fleet, which arrived with a canons dilute will dock in havana until tuesday. that's going to do it for me on
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this edition of alex witt reports at 1:00 p.m. eastern and i will see you tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. eastern . 100 days, the deciders, with chris jensen is next. next. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪♪ i thought i was sleeping ok... but i was waking up so tired. then i tried new zzzquil sleep nasal strips. their four—point lift design opens my nose for maximum air flow. so, i breathe better. and we both sleep better. and stay married.
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