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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  July 28, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost.
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good evening and welcome to politics nation, tonight's lead, 100 days. americans will go to the polls in just 100 days, as an already eventful but dour 2024 presidential race has been reinvigorated for one
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week by the vice presidents entry into the race and her supporters have given their time and their campaign donations at a record pace. the harris campaign announcing a $200 million fundraising total and more than 170,000 volunteers signing on since her entry just last sunday, and while excitement is running high, time is running short. the harris campaign has just over three months to push back on a flood of race and gender based attacks, from donald trump and the right, while engaging with lack voters and laying out a vision for the future on issues that matter to the community like the economy, police reform, and the fight over inclusion. it's time to get to work. joining me now, michael tyler, communications director for the harris for president campaign.
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we are counting down 100 days till the election, talking about issues that matter to black voters, the harris campaign announcing today, a $200 million fundraising hall, barely a full week into the vice president's candidacy with two thirds coming from first time 2024 donors. early polling suggests, she has narrowed if not erased, donald trump's national lead and we've seen renewed enthusiasm from some black voters over the potentially the first black woman president, the first woman president, for that matter. how would you describe the campaign's first week as it heads into its second . >> thank you so much for having me, it's a pleasure to be here. we are excited about the way that the first week of the campaign has go, you mentioned the record fundraising, $200
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million in less than a week. two thirds of those, giving for the first time. we had 170,000 volunteers sign up to volunteer for this campaign. but the fact of the matter is we know it's going to be a very close and competitive race so we are not waiting around, we are taking the volunteers and getting to work. this weekend we had over 2300 and that's across all the battleground states. those are people who are fired up and understand the stakes and understand that vice president harris is the person who can leave this patient over the course of the next four years. while we've had a very successful launch of this campaign over the course of the first week. we are not going to take our foot off the gas as we approach the final 100 days of the campaign. the american people have a stark choice between vice president harris, who has lived her entire life fighting for the american people whether it's as a prosecutor, attorney general, as a center, vice
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president of the united states, whiting to expand opportunities, standing up for fundamental rights of women, she will be running against trump, who every day, he has returned to the same, dark and dangerous vision that we've seen since 2016 and now he's out here with jd vance talking about enacting their 2025 agenda. that is the choice we will communicate to the american people. >> i call it the prosecutor against the felon but trump has been testing out his attacks on vice president harris. i want to play a new ad that just came out. it was posted to his truth social account this morning titled, minnesota, summer of 2020, take a listen. >> harris, sending this out on x, if you are able to chip and now to the minnesota freedom fund to help bill out the protesters. >> the group reportedly rates -- raised $35 million.
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>> a twice convicted currently charged with kidnapping and sexual assault and he walked out to. >> the freedom fund raked in donations when it was promoted by many including vice president harris. >> that is just a clip but i can tell you and you know i was involved in minnesota, i did the eulogy for george floyd. i'm looking at that every mug shot shown in the ad is a person of color, overwhelmingly black, and i firmly believe these kinds of race and gender based attacks from trump and the right will only get uglier in the next 100 days. this is going to be a street fight, it's not a prizefight. there will be no three-minute rounds, no referee, it'll be a street fight. how is the campaign preparing for that? >> absolutely, look, these false attacks are unsurprising, i think the vice president is ready and the campaign is
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ready, we should talk about the facts, let's talk about crime, donald trump oversaw the single largest spike, the murder rate in a single year, crime has fallen under this administration, and as you pointed out, this race will be a choice between vice president harris who is a prosecutor versus trump, who is a convicted felon running to serve himself. so we are prepared for these attacks that we've already seen from the campaign and we will continue to see. but we are going to not be bothered by their nonsense and the american people are going to see, somebody who whether they were a prosecutor, standing up for women and girls, or taking on the big banks or as vice president, has taken on the gun lobby to establishing the first officer gun violence prevention and on the other side you have donald
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trump, a convicted felon who is fighting for himself. >> staying with that, we learned that president biden will be in houston tomorrow to pay respects to the late shirley jackson-lee who will lay in state at city hall. i'll be attending as well and i'll come back on thursday at the invitation of the family to speak at a funeral. vice president harris will also attend the funeral on thursday as they were close friends and sorority sisters. i don't think it's unreasonable to ask if the vice president is impacted at all by the history that her victory could represent to millions of black women, black or otherwise, for that matter. i was 17 going on 18, for shirley chisholm's campaign and i know the impact this is having on a lot of women including those that never
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lived to see it like shirley jackson-lee. i will be going as a guest to the president down to lbj library and then the civil rights record of both the president and kamala harris, it is something that absolutely trump has been on the other side of. >> it absolutely has. look no further than the types of nominees that these administrations have put up and confirmed the federal judiciary. the biden/harris administration, has seen a record number of black women at the federal appellate court and on the other side you have donald trump's nominees, he proudly talks about it every day, he is the one who appointed the nominees who overturned roe v wade and have
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led these attacks on affirmative action and dei, so people will have a stark choice when it comes to the type of leadership we are going to have and the impacts that it has for the judiciary, voting rights, and everything else that's in steak. >> on that point, i'll be joining others, senator warnock, congressman clyburn and others, we will go with the president to austin, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the voting rights act at the lyndon johnson library and this weekend, trump told the crowd at a conservative christian summit that his success in november with mean they wouldn't have to vote again in four years. given his frequent statements suggesting he will do away with democratic norms if elected. do you think the statements are being taken seriously enough? >> i think they should be taken seriously. this is a man who yesterday was
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talking about the fact that we wouldn't need more elections if he wins. the same guy said there would be a bloodbath if he loses and talks about ruling as a dictator on day one. i think we should take him very seriously so that's what this election will be about, you've got the vice president is running to expand opportunities so people cannot just get by but get ahead, she's running to restore women's reproductive rights, stand up for the rights of all americans and she's running to strengthen and protect our democracy and running against a guy in trump who's threatening to tear it all down. he is telling us to our face what he is planning to do if he regains the power. we are charged up about the enthusiasm but we remain laser focused on what the stakes of this election are. >> i might say a lot of the things like the president going to austin tomorrow, a lot of
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this i want to remind you is not just campaign stuff. i remember for years, working with kamala harris on civil rights issues and i remember last august, i interviewed her for this show and she took me in her private office in the white house, she never let a camera in there and showed me how she works privately there and showed me a picture of thurgood marshall overlooking her desk and she says every day she sits down and goes to work, she looks up and sees thurgood marshall looking down over her. in this was last august, way before she thought -- we thought she would be the candidate. thank you michael tyler for being with us, joining me now is california democratic congresswoman barbara lee.
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thank you for being with us. last sunday, you endorsed vice president harris, you've been working with her for decades, as you both have a long history in california politics. you were there with her when she initially announced her candidacy for the presidency in the last election. can you start by sharing your experiences working with kamala harris? >> thanks so much, reverend now, for inviting me to be with you. a couple of things, first of all, vice president harris is very smart, secondly, she is authentic, thirdly, she is very strategic. she's also a very kind woman. and she sees people as she hears people who don't think that they have had a shot at
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the american dream. she is also someone who is a fighter. look at what she has done in the past in terms of what she has fought for, reproductive freedom, voting rights, she has fought for affordable housing, she comes from california as the attorney general, u.s. senate her, she's smart, prepared, she's ready, and i just have to say, on a personal note, she is very clear about her personal relationships and what the struggles that people go through. i will always remember when my mother passed away, i was backstage, introducing her, this was i believe, it was in her attorney general race, and she came in and hugged me and her mother passed away from breast cancer. and she told me how much she was feeling for me in terms of condolences in terms of her sympathy and i just started crying, it was very raw and she hugs me and said i probably shouldn't have said that because i know it's too soon but barbara, just know, i know what you are going through and you know what reverend now, that helped me get through
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that. i understood that she as a woman, as the daughter of a mother who had passed away, that she understood what i was going through, she understands what people go through every day. and she can relate to the struggles and the grief and the aspirations of everyone. >> vice president harris, is poised to be the first black female democratic nominee in america's history. if she defeats trump in november, she would not only be the first woman to serve as president but also the first black woman and south asian woman . what are your reflections on her historic career and the potential to break through many glass ceilings come november. we often talk about shirley chisholm but i can't help but think of shirley chisholm and
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others, that tried to break through this glass ceiling including hillary clinton. >> you know, reverand al, you mentioned eating at the convention in 1972. that was the first time i registered to vote and i did that because there was shirley chisholm, who insisted that i register to vote and get involved with her campaign and i'm so glad i did. i didn't think anyone saw the issues that i thought were important. i was a single mother on public assistance struggling, shirley chisholm embraced me and she saw something in me that i did not know i had an fast-forward, she became a mentor, she was my friend, she came out and help me run for the california state senate and the united states congress. vice president harris, when she ran for president, we were in downtown oakland and she looked up the legacy of shirley chisholm and she use the colors of the shirley chisholm
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campaign to remind people she didn't get there just by herself, she got there through the struggles and the leadership of shirley chisholm and so many other black women who paved the way. i'm at benefit also of those struggles and the hardships but the challenges that were always met by shirley chisholm and so many black women. this is a good day and we have to fight hard to make sure that every voter gets to the polls and that we win. >> even before president biden dropped out of the race, vice president harris was on the campaign trail attacking former president trump on the issue of abortion. the overturning of roe was a motivating issue for democrats in the 2022 midterms. do you think it will once again prove to be decisive in 2024, with a woman at the top of the ticket? >> absolutely, this is about our freedom. our reproductive
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freedom, our freedom to vote, our freedoms that, this supreme court is trying to take away and it's so important that we have our vice president running for president with reproductive freedom and all of our freedoms, it's central to her campaign, and there's been so many people who have been sitting on the fence and who are not quite sure but let me tell you, many of the red states, majority of women that have been affected by this horrible decision that repealed and took away our rights to reproductive care, you know, these are black women and women of color and low income women. i think this is going to show the public and show people who have been sitting on the fence, the power of the presidency, the appointing authority. a lot of young women and men vote, and they don't understand how in the world is happened. that's because donald trump won
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and he appointed three supreme court justices who took away our reproductive rights, so i think now the connection is very clear and our vice president is making those connections very clear in terms of our freedoms and so it's extremely important that she keep talking about this and also the cost of living, housing, the economic issues which are so important and she's putting together allies, coalitions, people who are going to work together, the money, the volunteers and we all have what is it, 100 days? >> 100 days, 100 days. we are at 100 days. we are out of time but i have to ask about trump's running mate, jd vance, who is doubling down on remarks he made in 2021, referring to vice president harris and other democrats as child us -- childless cat ladies. take out look at what he had to say last friday . >> obviously it was a sarcastic
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comment, i have nothing against cats or dogs. i love them. people are focusing so much on the sarcasm and not on the substance of what i actually said and the substance of what i said, i'm sorry, it's true. >> it is true, sarcasm, calling people childless cat women, what do you think female voters in particular will make up his comments? >> i know female voters know that this is insulting, degrading, can you imagine having a vice president with this attitude, with these values in the white house as a vice president, no. this shows who he is and shows who donald trump is, for him to select somebody who is this low life, that says to me more people are going to see donald trump for who he is and understand very well that if he
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has jd vance as his vice president, that's about as low as you can go. >> we are out of time but before we let you go, i hear that congratulations are in order, this weekend, in germany, you received the political leadership award from the international aids society for your extraordinary contributions and commitment in the fight against hiv and aids. the award was named in your honor, as its first recipient. so congratulations again and thank you congresswoman barbara lee, for all that you do. coming up, our interviewer vice president kamala harris, how she plans to capture the black mail vote and uplift black families on the campaign trail. that's up next, after the break. . text glass to 45277 to schedule today. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable
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opportunity to win over undecided voters. back in april when vice president harris was still president biden's running mate, nbc and trymaine lee traveled with her during an economic opportunity tour. and discussed the administration's efforts to reach and uplift black men and black families, take a look. >> as we get closer to the election, one thing is for certain, these candidates will do their best to shore up their base of voters while also expanding the voters on the fence and that means a whole bunch of black men. this year i caught up with kamala harris on her tour to talk about meeting black men where they are. >> the black family can't move unless the black family isn't whole. >> the data is clear, let's just step back for a moment, the data is clear, black man have not benefited
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proportionate to other populations in terms of economic opportunity and economic health much less wealth creation. so we just have to be honest about that and again, this is not to the exclusion of anyone else. we are doing a lot of work across demographics but let's recognize the facts. >> i've been all across the country talking with black men about the issues that matter most to them and one thing emerged, if either of these candidates one their votes, they will have to meet them where they are, recognize the truth that these black men and their families experience the economy different than their counterparts. >> thank you nbc's trymaine lee. governors across the country have come out to support vice president harris. i will talk to one of them, next. them, next t it t time. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪♪
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nation. america's democratic governors are rallying around kamala harris, all 23 of them have endorsed the vice president in just the first week of her presidential campaign. my next guest was among the first to announce his support, governor jared polis of colorado. governor, thanks for joining us tonight. let's start with, why have you and other governors in your party come out so strongly in favor of vice president harris? >> i couldn't be more excited, we have a candidate with proven executive experience, more importantly, somebody who i trust, my fellow governors trust to protect our freedom, whether it's our freedom to choose, whether to we love and who we marry whether it is how we can proceed with the amazing
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economic opportunities, paris is that candidate that can lead us, i couldn't be more excited to support her. >> many governors have been floated as possible running mates for vice president harris, including gretchen whitmer of michigan, josh schapiro of pennsylvania and andy bashir of kentucky, just to name a few. your fellow colorado cog league -- coley has even said you should be considered. what do you think, putting a governor on the ticket might be, do you think it would be a good choice and are you interested in the job? >> look, it's exciting that they're such great talent of democrats across the country that kamala harris can choose and it's important to choose somebody who she can be a governing partner with and that she gets along with, but also help her win, whether it's reaching out to people in
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different parts of the country or winning key states. winning is so important because we want the opportunity to govern and move our country forward rather than backward and the chaos of the donald trump days. >> as a man you have broken very many barriers throughout your career so you can understand opportunities and challenges that kamala harris is facing, running to be the first black female president. some republicans have tried to paint vice president harris as a dei candidate, suggesting that she somehow doesn't deserve to be where she is. what is your response to that attack? >> i don't think donald trump deserves to be where he is, as the late great ann richards would say, he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple. so look, donald trump have the advantage not just of his race, not just race but born to a wealthy family, that's okay, no shame, but it certainly means that you don't have the moral prerogative to say that
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somebody else who worked hard to get everything they did doesn't deserve to be where they are. harris fought hard every day to earn what she earned as district attorney and attorney general of the biggest most populous state in the union, fighting for consumers, protecting people right alongside joe biden as vice president, travel to dozens of countries, built that relationship, there is no one more ready than kamala harris to serve as the next president of the united states. >> you know governor, when you quoted ann richards i thought about donald trump, he was born on third base and after being convicted of 34 families, maybe rot his family back to first base. you represent a western state that was once reliably republican. the harris campaign must show up support in the blue wall
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midwestern states like pennsylvania and michigan but do you believe it should be also seeking to expand the democratic map once again in states like arizona and georgia. has -- as biden did in 2020. are these states within reach, in your opinion? >> i can speak to our regional states, nevada, arizona, new mexico. they are similar to carter, we value freedom, we value, you know, live and let live, these are values that the big government approach of trump and vance do not speak to, they want to control every aspect of our lives, who you live with, how many kids you have, that's just crazy talk in the american west and across the country but yes, enormous opportunities for
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harris, nevada, arizona, of course, new mexico and colorado. colorado is in even state, 50/50, i won it by almost 20 points with a strong message of freedom, hope and opportunity and i think kamala harris is bound is the same values and they will serve her well in the west and also georgia and the midwest as well. >> a lot of, i'm out of time, your opinion of the vice presidential candidate, jd vance, with statements coming out like, and he won't back up, calling people childless cat women and other very divisive, misogynist, bigoted statements. what is your view of him as a vice presidential candidate, even some rapport elegance -- republicans have buyers remorse. >> the guy is an odd duck, he strange, it's the insincerity, he calls donald trump a fraud
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and then he attaches them to him. so who is jd vance, is he just a suit that goes whichever way the wind blows? obviously he's a strange guy but i think being a sycophant and having no internal value structure is what is hurting his standing with the american people. people can respect those they disagree with but we don't even know what he disagrees with because he changes with the wind and doesn't seem to have any core values. >> let me go back to something you said, i know you said i was letting you go. you have the largest win margin of any democratic governor in the united states and according to some data, you received two thirds of the hispanic vote in 2022 and 15% of registered republicans. they voted for you, 15% of republicans. so you had significant crossover in colorado. can it happen elsewhere in this country? >> absolutely, if harris stays on the message of hope and
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opportunity, fighting cost increases in helping families get ahead and providing economic opportunity to support yourself, i am completely confident she will be able to do the same thing nationally that we did in colorado. we are the party and she's the kennedy of protecting freedoms and instead of moving backwards, that will damage our economy. >> colorado governor jared polis, thank you for being with us. we are 100 days until the election, trump is sticking to his old playbook, relying on racism and misogyny and set of policy, to attack vice president harris. >> kamala i call her laughing kamala, do you ever watch her laugh, she's crazy. you can tell a lot by a laugh, she's crazy, she's not. >> my next guest on why this strategy is just going to backfire for republicans. that is straight ahead. straightd i . employees get the information they need instantly.
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welcome back to politics nation, in addition to her historic one week fundraising total, kamala harris, her first week as a 2024 candidate for president saw grassroots engagement search following a pro harris call organized by black women just after she announced. since then, organizers from several demographic groups have followed suit including blackman, joining me now is off on to david, president and ceo
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of the global black economic forum i wanted to talk about how you tweeted that you hosted a black gay streaming event where you were joined by the second gentleman, doug emhoff, tell us about the event and why you and it's participants are supporting the vice president? >> thank you reverand al for having me on your show. we are at a crossroads in this country and our rights are on the ballot and we also know that we have the ability at this specific moment to elect someone into office who can break down the barriers that currently exist, so i work with the head of native son, and we cohosted a call for black, gay
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and queer men and the event was aimed at providing resources for navigating the 2024 election, focusing on mobilizing our community, to defend, support and advocate for our interests and as you said, the second gentleman doug emhoff joined us, we had journalists, and political leaders and commentators and celebrities from all over the country, recognizing the moment we are in and also understanding our ability to inform the future. >> donald trump and his supporters have wasted no time attacking the vice presidents identity, since before she even entered the race, and given the
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legal work that you've done on behalf of of the fearless fund and others, as the head of the black economic forum, as they've been attacked over there diversity efforts for black women, i wonder how you are reacting to this notion, pushed by trump and the right the first black woman vice president is an unintelligent, unqualified so-called, dei higher. i mean this was a major part of what you did in the essence festival, the largest gathering of black women. tell me how you respond to this whole anti-dei, acting like people are not qualified. >> rev, these attacks on the vice president are not only flagrantly racist but they're also intellectually dishonest. let's talk about the basics. the constitutionalist, three qualifications, they must be at least 35 years of age, the president must be a natural born citizen, the president must have lived in the united
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states for at least 14 years so by definition, vice president harris meets the basic requirements for the job but if we wanted to shift from the constitutional qualification say, to skill set, harris also destroys those baseless claims, she has experience in crisis management and economic management and moral authority in international relations, administrative skills and she pursues equal justice for all and by contrast, donald trump has none of those things so when they say that she is a dei candidate, what they are really saying is how dare you have the audacity to think that you can be president and that sentiment is to every black and every south asian women in this country and yet vice president harris graduated with a degree in political science and economics, graduated from the university of california law
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school, elected by the people of california to serve as attorney general, elected to serve as their state senator, and yet, she's unqualified? it is racist, it is baseless and offensive. >> now, you have been in this by around these issues, last monday, a federal appeals court ruled against the fearless fund which you represented as legal counsel, following a nearly year-long legal battle over of the grant program targeting black women entrepreneurs and doing a great job at it. we've had the women behind the fund and a woman who is still featured a you and others in essence and we've had her on several times and i've met -- marched with them, they marched with us to defend diversity, what can you tell us about where things stand in the legal battle on the fearless fund? >> i will say to folks the fight for dei remains active, we have majority of companies and ceos that are supporting dei because they know it benefits them. this is not a secret. we have decades of research and experience, showing that the
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more diverse companies do, the are more innovative and that ceos that kowtow to misinformation and pressure from the far right are doing themselves a disservice and undermining shareholder value. with respect to the fearless fund, we are still representing the fearless fund. we won in the trial court where we defeated a preliminary injunction. there was an appeal to a three- judge panel and the court recently ruled they would likely succeed on the merits. now that ruling, should be disturbing to every ceo out there. it should be disturbing to anyone running a philanthropic organization. we are currently evaluating all of our legal options and working on this case to make sure the foundation can
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continue its work of economic empowerment and support but we should all remember as we are engaged in the fight, you cannot beat hope with fear and that is what donald trump and the far right is doing. >> we must fight that. i have to bring this to you because you've done such work with the black economic forum and bringing things out front. they keep calling jd vance the republican vice presidential candidate under donald trump, a self-made man and lifting himself up. when i think of a self-made man or woman, i think of somebody like richard dennis who built a company with his family from nothing, he didn't have a peter teal like jd vance had, giving him a capital fund, he was a venture capitalist, this is not a self-made man, we think about richard dennis and others that started with nothing and built an empire to where they can go now, that is a self man dashed -- self-made man.
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>> how is it that they are fighting against the fearless fund and their ability to empower other women of color? you can't say that you support free enterprise and then restrict the ability of black and brown people to engage in free enterprise. that is intellectually dishonest and that is essentially what they are doing. >> thank you for being with us again. now for a quick bit of happy news, the documentary, loudmouth, the life and rise of reverand al sharpton was just announced as an emmy nominee, the folk -- film chronicled my life as a street activist to a civil rights leader, if you haven't seen it, there are still options to watch, you can catch it on hulu, amazon prime, paramount+ and irregularly airs on showtime and it's also available on dvd. my final stop -- thoughts are next, stay with us. with us
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i'm in washington tomorrow, i will join president biden on
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air force one traveling to austin, texas where the president is scheduled to speak at the johnson library, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the civil rights act of 1964. according to the white house, the president will discuss his administration's progress advancing civil rights and his vision to ensure the promise of america for all communities. it'll be my honor to join in with he and congressman clyburn and senator warnock and others as we go with president biden, who has kept his commitment and the spirit of the civil rights act of 1964 and the inflation reduction act, in his dealing with the infrastructure bill that he passed, and his fighting for voting rights, dealing with things where he
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made sure that communities that have been left out, like climate change and infrastructure were included, he has a civil rights record, he put the first black woman nomination out for the supreme court and got her there. he made the first black woman vice president of the united states, who showed me in her office in the white house, her office has the picture of thurgood marshall looking down on her every day and that is the kind of president, as we see those who are trying to overturn the 1964 voting rights act 60 years later. some of us will stand with joe biden and not let that happen. we will be right back. right ba. n . r-o-l-a-i-d-s spells relief. “the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love.
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