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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  August 3, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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see the four people on top of him that was ultimately ruled strangulation, is fixation. as you mentioned, there were toxic levels of cocaine cocaine and methamphetamine and so we are waiting for more details on how officials are reviewing that. i want you to hear more about from the mitchell family attorney who laid out his take. >> all of this is designed to cause physical pain. there is no other extra nation. i will pause the video here. i want folks to understand, in our state, only police officers can make arrests. we do have citizens arrest, but you have to have ongoing observed felony. there is not. just spoke with pointed out to
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me, excessive force comes with reasoning, justification whether it is a police officer or civilian or anyone we saw from that video. it has become clear with the information we have looking at this video, it does not appear to be justified. that is why we are seeing so many questions about who will be charged, the attorney has ha four homicide charges but also arguing potentially for more in that situation. comparisons to the george floyd case we saw four years ago given justification of use of excessive force, how we saw that play out. we are waiting to hear how that district attorney will respond to this new information. it is something we are seeing exceedingly more criticism over and outrage from mitchell's wife that we heard from the first time last night who expressed her disappointment, she was ticked off watching the video because from her vantage point, she says these people took her husband's life for no reason.
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>> i use the word sobering, tragic, any number of things can fit on this. thank you. with more election coverage, you may have forgotten about them but he sure hasn't, how donald trump's legal problems are revving up back to life. good day to you from the tom brokaw center in los angeles. welcome to alex witt reports and we begin with decision 2024, 90 days until election day with a flurry of activity at vp harris campaign, she is with advisers including former attorney general eric holder, she enters the home stretch for the search for her own vice presidential running mate to >> any of those gentlemen that you put on the screen can do something very important, which is continue to get inside the head of the republican ticket because kamala harris is clearly
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causing donald trump to go into meltdown mode, he has been spinning the last couple weeks. j.d. vance is probably the worst vp pick of my lifetime. >> harris campaign officials say that she secured enough elegance to become the democratic nominee but the results will not be official until monday. the companion is having new staffers and strategists enclosing the manager of barack obama's first white house run. officials tell nbc news they are preparing for intense 90 days. about two hours, donald trump joined by his running mate j.d. vance with a rally in atlanta. debate debate, trump is claiming he terminated his agreement with abc for debate em he previously agreed to and now favors a september 4th debate to be hosted by fox. the harris campaign says that he is running scared and needs to stick to the planned debate on september 10th. several reporters in place to ra go over all of today's new developments. we get a allie raffa in wilmington, delaware with the
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latest on the harris campaign. the veep stakes, the whole thing is heating up, how much closer is kamala harris to making a final decision? >> reporter: the eyes of the political world on the naval observatory, the official residence of vice president harris, we are told from sources familiar, she is meeting face-to-face with some of the top contenders on her vp shortlist, these are people like her own administration transportation secretary pete buttigieg, arizona senator mark kelly, governors tim walz of minnesota, josh shapiro of pennsylvaniair, j.b. pritzker of illinois, andy beshear of kentucky. it is unclear who is meeting with her in person but we have seen activity outside of her residence today, we did see a motorcade leave and return, it is unclear who was in the motorcade. as you mentioned, we saw former attorney general eric holder arrived at the home. holder overseeing the formal
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vetting process of these contenders that we know has now ended. harris is preparing to make this critical decision, making this announcement in the wake of another milestone that she hit yesterday when she officially clinched the democratic nomination and her campaign held a call with supporters after marking that milestone that the vice president herself joined, listen to some of her comments. >> here is the bottom line, i say it to all the friends on the call, we are going to win this election and it is going to take all of us, let's let folks know that our campaign is about the future and it is about expansion of rights and freedoms and for the opportunity of everyone to not just get by but to get ahead. >> reporter: we expect harris to announce this decision by tuesday, the 6th, that is when we expect her to hit the
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campaign trail for the first time with whoever she chooses w as her running mate. our first opportunity to see them on the campaign trail em together will be in philadelphia and they will embark on this massive battleground state tour hitting states like wisconsin, michigan, wisconsin, nevada all through next week. >> allie raffa, thank you so much. joining me from washington, d.c., julia chester. you're in the byline of nbc article that weighs the strengths and weaknesses of vice president harris' contenders for her running mate. to the six candidates and what they each offer balancing the ticket. >> reporter: there's a lot to keep in mind if you are vice president kamala harris. first, i will go with governor j.b. pritzker of illinois, he is , from illinois, notably not a swing state so that sort of works against him. what he does bring is a slate of progressive policies and accomplishments, he also has business acumen, the billionaire
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could be a boost for that fundraising for her. i have to talk about governor andy beshear of kentucky as well, i spent the week there on the ground learning more about him, another knock on him is kentucky not a swing state. however, his allies argue the way he communicates with his community in kentucky, democratic governor in that red state could translate, especially to the southern states. you saw him on the campaign trail last week and for harris in georgia, that was no accident. with governor beshear, the strengths that he brings in addition to that, he is very , supported by teachers unions, especially, which proves to be a little bit of a foil for someone like governor josh shapiro of pennsylvania, who has sparred with some teacher unions over his support of school vouchers. moving on to shapiro, he has faced criticism for his stances
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on the israel gaza war, he is jewish. a lot of progressives are speaking out against him but he hails from pennsylvania, which is a swing state and could be huge for the harris campaign. i want to play a bit of sound from the governor highlighting his communication skills and on the back end we hear from another contender and speak to one of his strengths as well. >> i want a future with more freedom, not less, and i want to future where i can look the 47th president of the united states in the eye and say, hello, madam president. >> kamala harris is about solving problems, donald trump once to take us, drag us back a decade. the work she did in honduras, el salvador, guatemala is now paying dividends. you combine that with the executive actions that kamala harris, president biden took, we now have a much more stable
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situation. >> that was senator mark kelly of arizona, a border state to really showcasing his strength on helping harris on that critical issue of immigration. he has a compelling personal back story as well, there are other contenders on the list, pete buttigieg, transportation secretary, also a strong communicator. closing of the list is governor tim walz of minnesota. his strength is he is a favorite among progressives, he can speak to rural voters, he has a slate of progressive policies. harris has a lot to weigh in the decision, pros and con's of each contender at the end of the day, important factor, who does she live with, who can she have a relationship and be that governing partner in a potential administration? >> that is what you have done, you offered the compelling reasons for why each one is on the list for consideration. thank you.
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let's go to atlanta, jake traylor, donald trump and j.d. vance due to speak wear your in the next couple hours, what are you expecting to hear from them? >> reporter: where i'm standing right now, magda hats and merchandise adorned by many supporters looks different from four days ago in vice president kamala harris was the one la hosting a rally here, she took the stage on tuesday and donald -- challenge donald trump to the debate. donald trump said he would debate vice president harris change in the roles, he would no longer participate with abc original sanctioned debate with president biden they originally plan and would only do a debate with fox news. e harris was quick to defuse that, saying that donald trump p was squared -- there and running to fox to bail him out. very much anticipate him to speak about that today. in terms of criticism and attacks on vice president harris, the same ones hit over and over again at trump stump speech's the last few weeks,
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continues to go after her on the border, called her of failed borders are. criticize her energy policy and she is not a trusted or respected world leader. on the subject of vice president, this debate about the debate we have been speaking today, do they want to see donald trump take the debate stage? what they consider watching on another network, do they want to see trump and harris take the debate stage like they said, yes. take a listen no more of that. >> absolutely. do it regardless of which network hosted it? >> yeah, i think so. >> reporter: why? >> everybody wants to hear contradicting opinions, we all know trump is not the best in debates, ultimately, i would like to see it because i would like to know what both parties have to say to each other face- to-face. >> is going to go down in flames, she is the border car, then she's not, come on now.
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>> reporter: there you have it, even from trump supporters themselves, even if not a fox debate, they want to see trump and harris take the stage, very much more so than likely we will hear donald trump talk ll about the debate and the debate about the debate in a bit longer from now. >> jake traylor, thank you so much. we'll talk to you again. let's talk to julie tsirkin on capitol hill. you got exclusive interview with senate majority leader chuck schumer, what do we hear from him on the back-and-forth on the trump/harris debate? >> reporter: his final interview before the senate left town for a month and a half for recess, got the chance along with my colleague, scott wong, to talk to the majority leader, the top democrat on capitol hill about the prospects of bp harris' vp selection, about four comments former president donald trump tr made prior talking, being interviewed by black journalists at their conference in chicago. he answered me on both that, the vp prospects, with the former president said about
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harris including making cheeky comments, the strongest i have heard from him saying that the former president is afraid to er debate harris and why. also reacting to something trump said about him, saying that he is a member, quote, of hamas. i got chuck schumer on all of this . >> every day, either donald trump or vance makes some sort of crazy statement and it is me catching up to the american people. the tougher, the more his poll numbers go down, the more donald trump is unhinged. he is afraid to even debate kamala harris. he already said that he would not debate, she is a strong, black woman, donald trump may not want to say that but it is true and everyone knows it is true, he is afraid to debate her. >> reporter: schumer saying that trump is afraid to debate harris in that september 10th originally scheduled debate you have talked all day about because she is, quote, a strong, black woman, notable
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comments from schumer. it goes to what we are hearing from democrats all week, a kind of different attack line they are taking against republicans calling them weird, ludicrous, calling them extreme. i asked schumer if this is what we have to look forward to when it comes to what we are prepared to hear from democrats as they prepare to attack and keep the attacks from republicans damaging them in the elections in november. he says that we have to continue to take the high road and point out when they are wrong, when their line, hit them on the extreme rhetoric as well. i thought that was interesting. a little bit on veep stakes, schumer keeps his cards close me to the vest, i asked him about potential vp candidates including josh shapiro, the government pennsylvania, you heard julia jester talk about his vulnerabilities, especially with progressives with the left- leaning part of the base that have been anti-israel in its handling of the war against gaza. schumer again saying, he trusts harris to make the best pick
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possible. a little dated the former president, he wants to make sure she chooses someone can take the mantle nobody wants to see vance as president should something happen to the former president . >> julie tsirkin to thank you for that. breaking news from the middle east and involves the united states, we have a live report. back in 90 seconds. sec onds get a free tech check. and special offers. don't miss out. get started today. higher shipping rates may be “the cost of doing business...” but at what cost? turn shipping to your advantage. with low cost ground shipping from the united states postal service. ♪♪ are you tired of your hair breaking after waiting years for it to grow? new pantene with more pro-vitamins, plus biotin & collagen. repairs as well as the leading luxury bonding brand. stronger, healthier hair, without the $60 price tag.
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hamas war, additional u.s. warships and jets are on the way to the region, the biden administration making the move as israel braces for threatened retaliation from iran for the assassinations of senior hamas and hezbollah leaders. joining me now from tel aviv, israel is ellison barber. what can you tell us about the situation there? >> reporter: alex, it is a moment in time people are sort of holding the breath and waiting to see what the response from iran will look like. iran has been very clear from the supreme leader to the iran revolutionary guard in a statement today that they do plan to take some sort of retaliatory action against israel for the death of hamas political leader ismail haniyeh while he was in tehran inside of iran visiting and was a guest staying at a guesthouse that is supposed to be protected by the iranian revolutionary guard. the statement the released
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again today, they're going into more details about what they claim happened in the lead up to his death, they blame israel for killing ismail haniyeh, israel has not accepted responsibility for that attack , the death, nor have they denied it. it is what is driving iran to say that we will retaliate. people have no doubt that will happen. the question is, how big and how soon? i'm waiting to hear from one person, longtime israeli hostage negotiator here in israel, we spoke to him in jerusalem earlier today about what might come next from iran. take a listen. >> everyone is bracing for this attack from the north, from hezbollah and from the east, from iran, from gaza, they don't have much firepower left to threaten israel, we will see what they have in their arsenal. this will be happening in hours or days, probably. did they get the message? we will see what the results are of the attack. does it
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endanger the lives of the hostages likes every day the hostages remain in gaza endangers their lives. there are 115 of them, it is believed the majority of them are not alive anymore. >> reporter: part of our conversation, the question i asked leading to that answer was whether or not in his view these high profile killings, the assassination inside of iran that appears to have been carried out by israeli forces, whether or not it is a death sentence for the hostages that still remain inside of gaza, he says the negotiations have taken far too long, there is a belief the 100 plus still unaccounted for, a lot of them might not be alive inside of gaza but such a strong desire from the families of those missing and israeli citizens to have all of the hostages returned, even if they are no
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longer still alive. he says the killings, high profile killings, probably did not help to that effect. he believes the message coming from that was that israel can find people anywhere and strike within their own territories. alex. >> okay, ellison barber, thank you for that comprehensive report. right now, three americans receiving medical dilation edit texas hospital after they were freed in historic prison swap with russia the deal is called a major diplomatic win for president biden and his administration. matt bradley in beirut, lebanon. give me a sense of what it means for the remaining american prisoners that were not part of this deal. >> reporter: it is not great news, you can imagine, if you're sitting wasting away in russian prison and hear about the sprawling prison release that does not include you, it is soul crushing news. we heard from joe biden at the white house yesterday saying that the white house, the state department are working on freeing the remaining, but the
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wall street journal estimated to be about 20 americans and american russians still in custody in russian prisons. this is what he said. >> reporter: prisoner marc fogel -- >> we are not giving up on that. >> reporter: what are you going to do? >> you want me to tell you ahead of time so he does not get out? >> reporter: obviously, as he said, they're still working on it, not that simple, not as simple of how much work has to be done. of the americans released from custody, their two crucial things a lot of the people still in jail don't have, one of them is a conviction. when you're convicted by the russian system, only then can you enter into negotiations to be finally freed, we saw that with brittney griner and paul whelan, evan gershkovich of the wall street journal. a conviction is the only thing that allows you to be eligible for some sort of prisoner deal.
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the other thing is you need the state department designation from the united states that you can, quote, wrongfully detained, only a few are wrongfully detained when the state department designates you as such, would you really be considered for these sorts of negotiations. that is something a lot of these people might black they might be guilty. there is a man named marc fogel in his 60s, he is a high school teacher, he is an american, he was convicted and sentenced 14 years in jail for possessing marijuana about the size of my fist, that is almost impossible by u.s. standards to get that kind of sentence but he is guilty. that is the problem, it makes it more difficult to free people like that. >> reporter: matt bradley from beirut, thank you. new talk of debate between donald trump and kamala harris, the key question not being asked, next. come five days a week if we let him. shape is great, the color's nice,
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the acting head of the secret service says that his agency missed a critical one in the moments before gunman tried to assassinate former president donald trump. julia ainsley has more. >> reporter: stunning new admission from the secret service. >> it was so apparent to me that in this incident, in the final 30 seconds, there were clearly radio transmissions that may have happened on that local radio net we did not have. >> reporter: seconds before gunman opened fire on former president donald trump, local police sounded the alarm over their radios that a gunman was on the roof, only the secret service did not get the message. >> this will drive our operations going forward. >> reporter: ronald rowe, the new acting director of the secret service taking questions from reporters today at the first press conference since the july 13th rally. pressed by nbc news as to why
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secret service agents did not know local police were communicating about the shooter, he explained -- >> we had our securing and they had a unified command post, we have to rethink where we put our security rooms. >> reporter: local and federal law enforcement that worked with secret service tell nbc news that this type of coordination is critical. how important is it for secret service and local law enforcement to be together physically during an event? >> it is extremely vital so you have no communication gaps between the agency. >> reporter: today's revelation coming days after rowe fell under sharp scrutiny from senators that demanded more answers. he promised the agency is doing a full review and will disappoint or fire agents that should be held accountable. the corners report obtained by wpxi says that crooks main was killed by a gunshot to the head . >> julia ainsley, thank you for that. did you hear that? what sound? the sound of one of donald trump's stalled cases revving up back to life. the coauthor of the article joins me next.
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new today, donald trump's stalled federal election interference case has come back to life one month after the supreme court ruled he is entitled to some level of immunity. less than 24 hours after the d.c. circuit court of appeals returned the case to judge tanya chutkan's court, set a hearing for august 16th. she denied without prejudice to trump motion to dismiss the indictment and advises he can file a renewed motion after the immunity issues have been resolved. joining me now, josh, senior political affairs reporter with politico. it is good to see you. nobody expects trump's trial before november , how soon do you expect judge chutkan to set a new hearing? >> reporter: we have the initial hearing set for august 16th, that won't be one trump
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will be at, probably won't get into evidence in the case or testimony in any detail, that session is where we are looking for her to consider when this hearing that some trump opponents are referring to as potential mini trial in the case would take place, politically, the big question will be, does she try to set the hearing for sometime between now and election day? that seems likely and if so, it would be quite the spectacle to be underway in the midst of the presidential campaign. >> me a sense of who is calling for that mini trial, what would that look like, do you think the judge is likely to consider it? >> reporter: this is an outgrowth of the supreme court immunity decision you referred to earlier, they said for court constitutional responsibility, the president has basically total immunity and some kind of assumptive immunity, a little vague for his other official
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acts. what judge chutkan has to do under the supreme court decision is decide what portion of the charges against trump potentially implicate official acts that there might be immunity for as well as what portion of the evidence prosecutors would want to introduce might implicate official acts or constitutional acts by the president back during the 2020 timeframe. that is a lot for her to wait through, one way it seems to be possible would be for some of the prosecutors evidence and testimony to be presented in court away from a jury, just with the lawyers and possibly trump in the room. she would have to make a decision about how the immunity framework that the supreme court announced would apply in this specific case. >> that is a lot to consider but what about this, what is the extent you would expect the judge to take trump's politcal campaign schedule into account
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as she is planning hearings? >> reporter: both the prosecutors and the judges handling these cases have been very reluctant, i think to grapple with this question whether at any point the justice system should defer to the presidential campaign calendar or as we have now, the situation where we are coming into the final stretch of the presidential campaign i think it will become difficult to ignore there was an earlier hearing where someone referred to trump's day job or his professional activities, that was sort of a euphemism for him being on the campaign trail. i think judge chutkan's has to grapple with that in some way, to an extent she already has a hearing on august 16, she says that trump does not need to show up in person. she has to make a decision not only in the timing of a potential "mini" trial. the critical question is, does
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she require trump be there in person, as she has the power to do? obviously, that would be disruptive to his campaign plans, especially if the hearing takes place in the middle of september or october to >> absolutely. politico's josh gerstein, always good to hear from you. thanks. we're talking deep states -- veep stakes next, big announcement, that is next. with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours. the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. it's lying dormant, waiting...
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are you going to debate her ? >> i want to, i'm leading in the polls, it stands quite a bit still. she is better than he is, ultimately she will be worse, she is more radical. right now, why should i do a debate, i'm leading in the polls? everybody knows her -- >> there you have it, a new clash underway over debates after donald trump set on truth social he agreed to a fox news debate in pennsylvania on september 4th. that is days before the abc news debate he had agreed to against joe biden. harris out with this post earlier today, quote, it is interesting how anytime, anyplace becomes one specific time, one specific safe space. i will be there on september 10th, like he agreed to. i hope to see him there. joining me is democratic
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congressman from texas, jasmine crockett, a favorite for us. thank you. can i ask what kind of games are being played around the trump debates, he is asking, why should i do it debate? isn't the question, don't the american people deserve a debate? >> listen, he is running scared. we know donald trump does not have anything to offer the american people as it relates to policy, telling them something about how he will better their lives because the only plan donald trump amalga has for the american people is project 2025. we know that now that we exposed project 2025, he wants to run away because there's nothing good about it, no, he does not want to answer the hard questions, that is why he had such a hard issue when it came for him to go to nabj, he had actual journalism in his space and he does not know how to deal with that. we all know every time he has to come in front of a prosecutor, it does not go well for him.
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donald knows every time he has to face a prosecutor, he loses and he knows that right now, he is in a position to get lost listen, i cannot wait until the american people tell him, peace, and pick him out again on november 5th. >> i feel like i should give you a mic and you do a mic drops. let me ask about the veep stakes, one of the hardest prospects is that person will help her beat donald trump, some suspect that means she will lean toward a moderate. as a progressive, are you on board with that? who do you think most helps her win and govern? >> you know what, i trust the vice president she is very smart. listen, she got all the way here and she did it because of hard work and understands the system she is playing in. i think she will make the right decision. as a progressive, i feel as if
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there is an agenda that this president, seemed to be president, will adhere to. we look at the record of joe biden, joe biden was known as a moderate. when we look at his record and history reflect on him, he has one of the most progressive records we have seen in the history of this country to i think progressive policies are winning, things like student loan debt forgiveness, things like we saw happen with the black farmers, the $2 billion settlement taking place, things such as making sure the child tax credit is passed, something that brought 50% of african american children specifically out of poverty. these things are winning issues for the american people. it may not work for those guys at the top who are looking to get donald trump back so we can and up adding another $8 trillion or more to our deficit because they don't want to pay their fair share when that trump tax cuts are up in 2025, we are looking for someone that understands what it means to pay your fair share and what it
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means to have an opportunity to exceed in this country. that is kamala harris so i think the progressive policies are policies that honestly, the majority of americans stand by. do they really like the title, progressive? probably not but i do believe they stand by our policies. >> let me go back to nabj, which you mentioned, some republicans are cringing along with the rest of us, after donald trump told an audience of lack journalists that kamala harris all of a sudden decided to be a black person. senator lindsey graham saying that those comments were inappropriate and prefer trump focus on policy. never deterred, donald trump is doubling down, what is his angle? >> he can't help himself the idea that she turned black. listen, it is like i said before, if kamala harris
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would've gone in to try to get an apartment from him and his father years ago, i'm sure they would put a c by her name for colored and made sure she did not have a place to stay. for the black folk think donald trump really understands what culture or he is fighting for us in any way, i'm here to tell you that he is not. it is the same old donald we have seen from the guy that went after that central park five, to the extent that he wanted them executed. right now, we know one of those amazing young men served his community right now on city council in harlem, new york. listen, this guy does not care about our black lives, especially the same week we saw the slaughter of sonya massey, he is out there on the trail touting about how he wants to make sure there is going to be immunity for these officers. talking about community, he is talking criminal immunity because they have qualified immunity, which gets them out of paying their fair share when it comes to the civil liability, this guy is not
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looking out for black smoke. when he had an opportunity to make sure that he could uplift a black person may be for his vp, he allegedly was looking at some black guys, but guess what, i knew he would never give them a shot. let's not be fooled, the disrespect you saw on the stage to those journalists and the way that he talked to them and the way he talks about our vice president, if you will talk about the most powerful black woman in the world this way, just imagine what he says behind closed doors about the rest of us. >> let me ask you quickly about what you're doing in georgia today for the counter even to the trump's rally and sound the alarm about the heritage foundation project 2025 . the head of the initiative stepped down after donald trump tried to distance himself from that manager 25 transition plan largely led by who, trump current allies and former aide. is it that end up project 2025
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and the people who wrote it, would they become part of the next trump administration? >> listen, he ain't done with this. this is a game, we all know it. it is because we sounded the alarms that they decided to play in our faith because they thought they buried it all in a most 1000 pages that we would ignore it and would not start to read it. here is the deal, people are claiming the information, they understand our democracy is hanging by a thread, they have seen but this radical supreme court has done as it relates to our freedoms and they are scared. i am here to do my part on behalf of vice president kamala harris and the american people. >> desmond crockett, we will see you again soon, we hope. thank you. the new obama hires for the harris campaign, what does that tell us? ll us? l as t ng luxury bonding brand.
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the risk of thunderstorms today in california has many people on edge as the state is doing with historically bad fire season, the park fire in northern california still growing. officials confirmed it has passed staggering 4000 acres -- 400,000 acres, the largest fire in state history. david noriega is following the story in california. what is the latest on this massive fire? >> reporter: yeah, massive. this fire started close to big population centers is thankfully moving away from the publishing centers and threatening recreational areas, campgrounds, cabins, things like that. it is still growing, as you pointed out. cal fire says that it is 27% contained, does not sound like much in terms of the percentage but dealing with the perimeter of a fire that is this massive, 27% is a lot of land and it took a lot of work for the crews to get it up to that
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point. the fear is that adverse weather conditions this weekend might set that progress back in high heat low humidity, high wind and potential lightning from those thunderstorms you pointed out. the bigger fear is that already this year, not even close to the peak of fire season, already the amount of land that has burned in california due to wildfires this year is 30 times greater than the amount that burned all of last year. a lot of that has to do with the extreme heat, record- breaking heat waves we have seen so far this summer in the western united states. that figures for california, not oregon, colorado, western canada, the heat is a big factor. this is one cal fire official working at the park fire had to say about this problem, about the heat specifically. >> this year in northern california, we experienced record heat for the hottest july ever, temperatures well over 100 degrees almost the entire month in the sacramento region. our firefighters are tired.
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>> reporter: the last point he made is really important, this unprecedented, i don't want to say that i think there have been worse fire seasons in the past, still dramatically bad fire season so far will wear down the people who are tasked with fighting these fires, it will make it harder and harder for them as a summer goes on to get the fires under control. it will be an issue in the event some of the fires come closer to places where a lot of people live. >> 100%, david. i worry about their stamina in a normal fire season. under these circumstances, challenging and brutal. thank you so much, david noriega. right now, vice president harris in the final stages of taking her running mate. a few hours ago, former attorney general eric holder, leading the vetting process was seen arriving at the harris home in washington, d.c. joining me is our friends, selena maxwell, host of mornings with selena on sirius xm, former progressive media
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director for the clinton campaign and the author of the end of white politics, how to heal the divide. we have to focus on this weekend because of vice president is expected to meet in person with some of the top contenders. based on who is left on the shortlist, who do you think makes the best strategic decision? >> reporter: she has a lot of good candidates on the list, not necessarily which menace the right pick but the right pick is the person who will keep the momentum going, the person that will do no harm to the excitement and enthusiasm that you have seen organically the first two weeks of this campaign. i think all of the choices are strong, it will come down to who she gets along with well and who she thinks she can govern the country well with. >> we have the washington post reporting that harris hired several obama campaign veterans to join her 2024 efforts.
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you worked on campaigns in the past, what does this signal to you? >> reporter: she wants experienced hands, people that won two elections for former president barack obama, jen palmieri, who worked on 2016 hillary clinton campaign. i think the combination of these experienced hands, you're not doing anything with your eyes closed, you run against donald trump, that is where jen 's experience comes in handy, she knows what it is like to run against someone like donald trump, who lies so often it can be difficult to gain traction in the mainstream media environment. i think you put everybody on the field who can win and that is what she is doing by hiring all of these different folks. >> interestingly, this new report from axios highlights how vice president harris has deviated from president biden's
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strategy for example, she rarely used the term, democracy. instead, she is focusing on the words, freedom and future. unlike biden, harris mostly shied away from exchanging quips with donald trump. instead, this is how she responds to his many insults, a simple, debate knee, say it to my face. what is your read on this? >> reporter: i love that she is going with the freedom message, on my radio show, i have been talking about the fact that this election is about freedom. in 2016, we were warning about the overturning of roe versus wade if trump was elected. we are talking about roe versus wade being gone and the rights and freedoms we had for generations being gone. those are not the only rights at stake. when you frame it under a message of freedom, that is something that resonates more than talking about democracy, even though that is also true. i think people can understand viscerally what it means when
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you have rights and freedoms taken away from you, particularly when it is taken away by two men like donald trump and j.d. vance. remember that donald trump is adjudicated sexual abuser, someone found liable for fraud, convicted felon. j.d. vance, apparently hates people who like cats. for those two men to be the ones taking away our freedoms, that is something that viscerally, i think people can respond to and it will make them participate and mobilize to stop those two folks from returning to power. >> all of this change we are talking about, it seems to be clearly working because you have the black muslim leadership council fund that endorsed harris after formally withholding and support for biden, largely due to his handling of the war in gaza. how critical is this? the big question, how was she able to establish her own independent stance, position on this issue, as a member of the biden
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administration? >> reporter: i think she has been able to establish independent position, number one, she had to go along with what that administration policy was i think the moment on the bridge commemorating bloody sunday, she called for a cease- fire and the reports she was very vocal behind the scenes in the administration talking about the need to do more to protect palestinian children. i think she has a slightly different viewpoint and perspective on this issue. that will become very important as you try to consolidate your base of support, to mobilize the multiracial, multigenerational coalition that you need to win. i think she is establishing her own position independent of the president. it does not mean that she is disagreeing on everything but i think being independent-minded on this issue is something very
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important. >> cannot ask you quickly to react to what donald trump said, he did not know kamala harris was black, until a short time ago, she is changing it up? i will give you 20 seconds to answer that one. >> reporter: i don't know why anyone is asking what donald trump things about kamala harris ' race? i don't think a white man like donald trump has any right to weigh in on what her identity is. she has been black her whole life, she is also south asian, she is not shied away from both parts of her identity. he has no right to weigh in at all whatsoever. >> okay, duly noted. zerlina maxwell, that does it for me on this edition of alex witt reports. i will see you tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. eastern. up next, the beat weekend. welcome to "the beat:


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