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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  August 3, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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good evening and welcome to "politicsnation." tonight's lead, going for gold. flawless and in the moment, that's how i'd describe vice president kamala harris'
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performance over these whirlwind last two weeks. in the last 24 hours, she secured the democratic nomination for president and is spending the weekend meeting with potential running mates before she unveils her 2024 ticket to the nation on tuesday. whole harris was vetting vps today, donald trump was on social media calling her crazy and claiming he'd agreed to debate her one month from tomorrow, which neither nbc or the harris campaign has confirmed. but what the campaign did confirm this weekend is a record shattering fundraising hole raising more than $300 million over the last ten days of july, calling it the fastest a campaign has crossed that threshold in presidential history. and more than double what donors gave all last month to trump, who's only doubled down on the
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racist attacks on the vice president's identity that tanked his interview at the nabj conference this week. he'll probably do more of the same when he takes the stage any minute in heavily black atlanta, of all places, in the exact same venue that harris packed earlier this week. you note, the current contrast in audience. very busy show tonight. here we go. joining me now, senator bob casey, democrat of pennsylvania who's currently seeking re-election. senator, thank you for being with us tonight. the vice president is off the campaign trail this weekend, and she meets with a list of six potential running mates ahead of tuesday's rally in philadelphia where she'll campaign with her vp pick for the first time. and at least one of the front-runners for the job is
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your pennsylvania governor josh shapiro. regardless of who gets the job, what are you hoping the vice president's running mate will bring to the ticket? >> reverend al, great to be with you, first of all. thanks for having me on. and look, tuesday night is going to be an exciting not just for our commonwealth but for the country. we're going to be able to see kamala harris in the early stages of her campaign as we've seen just over the last 12 or 13 days. and she'll be in philadelphia, which is one of the places where we have to get a great vote. so i think it's a get place to start not just for pennsylvania but also for the so-called battleground states. look, she's got a number of folks that she's reviewing to be vice president, to be her running mate, and that's her decision first and foremost. i obviously favor governor
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shapiro. i think he'd give us a big lift in pennsylvania. i think he'd be a really strong running mate. but that's her decision. i think in the end regardless of who's chosen we're going to have to work night and day to win the race for president in pennsylvania, and i've got a tough race myself. we're going to have a closely -- a close race and a very tough race because of the resources on the other side. >> let me stay right there, because -- let me stay right in pennsylvania. you're locked in one of the most competitive senate races in the country, and conservative mega donors have flooded the state with super pac money for your opponent, former hedge fund ceo dave mccormick. this week new polling in the state showed you ahead of mccormick 47% to 42% if the election were held today. that same poll also showed vice
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president harris leading donald trump in pennsylvania 47% to 43%, within the margin of error. describe the 2024 race in pennsylvania now versus about a month ago. >> there's no question, i think that vice president harris has made a lot of progress in a short time frame. so she's got an awful lot of early momentum, but it's momentum we have to maintain. in the race i'm in, it's going to remain close and it'll get closer because -- mostly because of those billionaire-funded super pacs. there's a super pac in our state that's advertising -- has been advertising against me for weeks -- where one guy, a billionaire, gave $10 million and that's just the beginning. this is someone who's worth probably more than $30 billion. so they're going to continue to attack me. and the reason they're going to attack me is not just to try to boost my opponent, they're
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attacking me because they know i voted against their billionaire tax cuts and the big tax cuts for corporations that republicans rammed through in 01. and if i get reelected, i'm going to vote against those billionaire and corporate tax breaks again in 2025 when we have another tax vote. so they know that i'm going to be voting that way, and they're angry at me for that. and they're also angry that i took on corporate america's greed-flation. and then i want to pass a price gouging bill to go after them. i'd say to folks out there listening, if you're with us in taking on this fight against big corporations and billionaires, go to >> now, senator, you and i are old enough to remember trump's political career beginning in large part with his birth attacks on barack obama. and now trump has retooled that attack to the vice president over her identity, suggesting
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that her blackness is in question because she's publicly claimed her south asian roots. that message got him in trouble this week at the national association of black journalists convention. so naturally he tripled down on it on the campaign trail and on social media. can he amplify his identity-based attacks, which i believe he will, without it costing him support? and if so, what does that say about the republican party that's backing him? >> well, it's an ugly practice, and it's insulting. it's also contrary to the american spirit. the american tradition where we should be celebrating when someone becomes the nominee of a major party who is unlike anyone who came, in this case, before her. and that should be something we celebrate. if the former president or any candidate wants to litigate the
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issues, that's one thing, but to attack someone's very identity i think is contrary to the american spirit, and i got news for republicans, it's not going to work. and i think it demonstrates -- i think it's proof positive that they don't really know how to make the case against kamala harris because they're resorting to the most ugly and mean spirited tactics. and it's not going to work this time. people can see through it. they know that major rights are on the line in this race, like voting rights and women's rights and worker's rights. and they're going to see right through it. >> and it also happens to not be true. i've known kamala harris 30 years, and she's always stood as a black who also has asian roots. i mean, her whole campaign for district attorney she was the first black district attorney in san francisco, first black attorney general state of california, first black u.s. senator that was a black woman.
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she always said that, always was proud of that. went to a historically black college and was pledged to a black sorority. so donald trump is lying again. oh well, that's not exactly a news flash. thank you, pennsylvania governor -- pennsylvania senator bob casey, thank you for being with us tonight. we want to get some breaking news this evening, it involves the admission from the husband of vice president kamala harris involving his first marriage. let's get to nbc news white house correspondent al allie rafah for the latest. >> in the last few minutes we received this statement from the second gentlemen himself, doug emhoff, who is acknowledging this affair that he had during his first marriage that was first revealed in a british tabloid report that had reported that the second gentlemen years ago had had a relationship with
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his daughter's then teacher which resulted in the end of his first marriage in 2009. this statement from doug emhoff saying, quote, during my first marriage, kerstin and i went through some tough times on account of my actions. i took responsibility and in the years since we worked through things as a family and have come out on the other side. also have a statement from his first wife herself, who he shares two children with. she is saying in this statement, quote, doug and i decided to end our marriage for a variety of reasons many years ago. he is a great father to our kids, continues to be a great friend to me, and i am really proud of the warm and supportive blended family doug, kamala, and i have built together. and we have seen in recent weeks the second gentleman's first wife come out and even defend vice president harris against
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recent attacks against her from the trump campaign. the first wife saying that they are a very close family unit, and of course, this is also coming as the vice president herself faces this extremely critical and important decision to pick a running mate. we know that she is right now at the naval observatory, the official residence of the vice president meeting with some of the con tenders on her vp short list. and we expect that announcement to be made by tuesday when she is expected to hit the campaign trail with that running mate. so obviously, a distraction from the campaign that's really just beginning, but as i mentioned, this response today from the second gentlemen himself and his first wife to those reports of that affair. >> all right, nbc's allie raffa, thank you for that breaking news. now let's go to arizona, joining me is the secretary of state adrian, thank you for being on "politicsnation."
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i want to start with congressman ruben gallego who won the democratic primary senate race this week, as did staunch trump ally kari lake on the republican side. it's officially setting up a critical matchup for the seat being vacated by independent senator kyrsten sinema. lake has avidly pushed the election fraud lie in 2020 and 2022 so much that even trump has reportedly regularly mocked her over how fervently she advances it. back in 2022 lake notably ran against and refused to accept her loss to democratic governor katie hobbs, whose administration you're currently part of. there haven't been many cries of election fraud after these primaries, even though arizona is using the same election process and equipment in 2024 as
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in 2022. why do you think that is? >> well first, thanks for having me, and second, you know, here's the bottom line. kari lake barely squeaked by in her primary. and i'm speaking as an elected democrat now, not as the chief election officer in arizona. i can separate my opinions from my duties. but kari lake got 54% of the total republican vote in that primary. that's a paltry showing for someone who was the ostensible leader and in her own mind is the actual governor of the state of arizona right now. really a poor showing on her part. and as for congressman gallego, he is a marine corps veteran who was honorably discharged. this guy has served our nation and our state. he's been in congress for years. he served in the legislature in arizona. he's a smart guy. he's a tough fighter. and he's going to take it straight to kari lake.
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and bottom line is this, she doesn't have any issues to run on. that's why it's all election denialism first, election denialism second, and election denialism third with her as a candidate. so you know, i'm not going to be endorsing anyone in this race, but you can guess how i'm going to vote. >> it's interesting to me since you're using the same process, the same machinery that you did when she claimed fraud, she won, though she won by a low, as you say, paltry, margin, she's fine with that process this time. interesting. but another critical election result this past week, republican income stephen richer was ousted by maricopa county recorder after facing criticism from members of his own party for dispelling allegations of election fraud. he lost to the state
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representative justin heap, a critic of past elections who was also endorsed by kari lake. now, this outcome could have a major impact on how elections are administered in the nation's most populous battleground county. are you optimistic that the november election will go without disputes or false narratives of fraud? >> first and foremost, stephen richer, who defeated me for that very same office back in 2020, is a good guy, he served well. i was bummed out he lost his primary. he's a good guy. but tim stringham is going to be the democratic nominee running against him. tim is a veteran of both the army and the navy. he's a real smart guy, and i think i am optimistic because, look, maricopa county, while it is the second largest voting jurisdiction in the country and the largest, as you said, battleground district, is moving
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towards not just purple but a bluer shade of purple. if you look at the numbers, i won maricopa county handily in my election in 2022. i am a democrat. and you know, i won it in 2016 here. the same year that sheriff penzone ousted the mayor. it is critical to the administration of our elections as you indicated, and i am feeling good about tim stringham, and i encourage folks to look him up and support him. >> vice president kamala harris is nearing a final decision in choosing a running mate and is reportedly meeting with some of the top contenders in person over this weekend. among that short list is arizona senator mark kelly. your thoughts on senator kelly as a potential vice president and maybe a vice presidential pick for vice president harris
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to run on her ticket. >> well look, senator kelly is a combat navy aviator. he's flown the space shuttle twice. and he is the husband of former congresswoman gabrielle giffords, whose assassination attempt left her severely injured and disabled. she is still fighting back against gun violence. he's a man of character. he's originally from the east coast. i think he can do very, very well as vice president. he is a smart guy. he's got tons of support. i think he not only brings battleground arizona and nevada but i think he also does very, very well. look, he's an astronaut. he's a leader. he's a solid guy. he is morally upright, and i have no doubt he would be able to serve well in a harris administration not only as vice president but ultimately in the unfortunate circumstance he needed to to take the top spot. full disclosure, he's also a friend, but i don't think
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there's anybody better to serve in a harris administration as the vice president than senator mark kelly. i wish him and his family the best, and i hope personally, really hope that's the decision she maybes. >> a federal appeals court reversed its own ruling that supported parts of an arizona law that would stop some people from voting if they have not provided proof of citizenship. arizona state law requires proof of citizenship to register, but federal law does not. the state senator's intending to send this case to the u.s. supreme court. as the secretary of state of arizona, your re-elections and your reflections on these elections and re-elections and on this reversal, what is your view on this. >> well, first and foremost, arizona has a much higher standard against its voters to
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prove citizenship. every other station in the nation under penalty of perjury you swear and that's enough. and that ought to be enough. but in arizona you've got to show your papers in order to be able to vote. >> and that's not done in most of the country, why in arizona? >> well, it's not done anywhere, but it's done in arizona because we have a legislature that for false reasons without any evidence believes there's a whole bunch of people voting who should not be voting. and we know that's not true. we have facts to show that that's not true. a lot of these folks are trying to suppress the vote by raising the bar and making it harder and harder for eligible u.s. citizens to vote. that's number one problem. but the second problem is now because of that we have a bifurcated system, where some voters can vote on a fed only ballot, because they meet the same standards that everybody else in the country meets, they just don't meet the higher arizona standard of having to show papers in order to be able to vote. we don't just take american citizens at their word in
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arizona, we have this more ridiculous version of doing things. and we will continue to follow the law as long as i'm the secretary of state. let's not get that wrong. i don't think the law is correct, but we will enforce it. bottom line is this, it's harder to vote in arizona than it is anywhere else in the country. and this overturning of their own order shows that the ninth circuit court of appeals has figured it out. they have made a change just two weeks ago that started confusing things, changed the way we did our elections right in the middle of a primary election, they're going back to the old standard at this stage of the game. and i really hope we just start -- i hope we stop with the nonsense. look, if you cannot take an american citizen at their word, if you cannot take an american citizen at their word, then you're the one with the problem. we should have the same standard every other citizen in the country has, but unfortunately here in arizona we are led by mythologies and conspiracy
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theories, not by logic and data. >> i'm not sure they're not taking them at their word, i think it's to really stifle the vote like they do voter ids in other areas, particularly where there's blacks and people of color that are voting. arizona secretary of state adrian thank you for being with us. trump takes the stage at nabj and makes just the sort of mess you would expect him to. how it unfolded and how the fallout continues, that's just ahead. w th fallout continues, that's just ahead. keep things fresh with febreze small spaces. it's an outlet-free air freshener that fights odors for 45 days. so even after every flush... you know your bathroom smells amazing. ♪ lalalalala ♪
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this week former president donald trump participated in a panel discussion at the national association of black journalists' annual convention in chicago. trump's appearance could have been an opportunity for him to repair relationships with the black reporters as his campaign claims to be reaching out to nonwhite voters and adopting a
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new unifying tone after the assassination attempt last month. of course, that's not what happened. according to axios, the former president and his handlers were combative before the event even began, arguing about ground rules for the discussion. and once trump took the stage, he immediately became rude and hostile toward the black female reporters asking questions and spent a good chunk of his time questioning the blackness of vice president kamala harris. it seemed very clear to me that trump had absolutely no interest in engaging in a meaningful dialogue with the black journalists who graciously invited him to participate in their professional conference. as always, trump was performing to his maga base, offering them a glimpse of how he intends to run his presidential campaign against a black female opponent.
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trump thinks his audience will be giddy over seeing him show up a black journalist convention and do everything short of calling them the n-word. when we come back, i'll speak with nbc news washington correspondent yameesh who was in the room when it happened. be right back. the room when it happened. be right back. so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn. i still love to surf, snowboard, prilosec otc. and, of course, skate. so, i take qunol magnesium to support my muscle and bone health. qunol's extra strength, high absorption magnesium helps me get the full benefits of magnesium. qunol, the brand i trust.
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everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. as we mentioned before the break, former president donald trump appeared at the national association of black journalists annual convention in chicago earlier this week. our own yamiche alcindor witnessed the event in person from the hotel conference room where it all unfolded. yamiche, i must start with all the many falsehoods that trump made during the 35-minute nabj panel. there are so many of them, and unfortunately, we don't have that much time to dive into each one. so here is a list made up with
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the help of "the washington post." and even we couldn't even fit all the lies in one graphic. trump claimed nobody was charged for deaths in the black lives matter protests. not true. he said he saved historically black colleges and universities. not true. he said he is the best president for black americans since abraham lincoln. really? there is an invasion of 15, 16, 17 million people coming across the border. absolutely not true. that harris, kamala harris, has the -- was the border czar. she is not. many migrants are coming from mental institutions, he says. they are not. the crime rate of other countries is going down. it is not. the u.s. is having its worst inflation in 100 years. not true. biden was ruled incompetent in
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his presidential records case. he was not. democrats allowed the killing of babies after being born. come on now, are you for real? and there's more, that everyone wanted roe v. wade overturned. it is, in fact, exactly the opposite. drilling will reduce inflation. how so? grocery bills are up 60%. simply not true. the u.s. has more oil than any other country. based on what data? and last but not least, falsely suggest that maybe kamala harris had decided to turn black. my god, as a reporter, how do you even start with covering this man? >> i think i start, as we all do who are reporters and members of nabj, this illustrious organization where people come to network and mentor black reporters, we start by just trying to take out the things
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that are most important. you listed some of them, talking about january 6th, talking about the idea that vice president kamala harris, who's likely going to be the democratic nominee, the front-runner, the person who has the most delegates to be the democratic nominee, that she turned black. i think if i could tell you that in the room the sort of statements that got the most response were when he was questioning the race of the vice president and claiming that she was some chameleon of sorts. because we know as people who report on her but also any american can go and look at her background. she went to a historically black college, howard university. she also joined a historically black sorority, the first in the nation to be founded, alpha kappa alpha sorority incorporated. and over and over again throughout her life she's noted that she's both black and indian. so there were so many things going on. but i think the thing that really sort of resonated with people was this trump going
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after birthers, 2.0 as one person said it. i was texting people that are close to vice president harris during the talk, and one of them was saying he is completely unhinged. this is also trump, he cannot help himself. another person said it is simply a lot and easily disproved. this is painful. so that also was the reaction both outside of the room too. >> now, just a quick follow-up, trump having issues with race is one thing. but why do you think he goes after kamala's yender? calling her crazy and defending jd vance, who called her a childless cat lady. what is that all about? >> well, i think based on my reporting -- and this is really what people close to the vice president as well as democrats have told me -- they believe that former president trump is going after vice president harris' race and gender because he thinks there's a segment of the population that's going to be riled up by that, that's going to want to vote for him because that is what he's doing.
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and they secretly or overtly believe that that is something that should be criticized and women should not be allowed to lead. just the other day, shaquille brewster, one of our great nbc news correspondents, had a man who told him on the record, on camera, that he does not believe a woman should be president. and i heard that over and over again when i was reporting in 2016 and covering bernie sanders. a segment of the bernie supporter who is said, i'm not voting for hillary clinton because she's a woman. that will look weak. i think even a small sliver of an idea that maybe as he tries to appeal to black men, who by and large are democrats and by and large, based on my reporting, are excited about president harris, he's thinking there's this small sliver of black men who are saying, i don't like her and i don't think she's black. and by the way, i don't like the idea of the country being led by a woman. >> i think that trump is running the same playbook he used
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against obama in terms of questioning his real place of birth and now questioning harris' -- harris chose to be black. your thoughts on that, is this just birtherism with a 0.2? ? >> well, it's interesting to see him go to race, because i honestly as someone who had been covering the campaign and had been covering the harris campaign and biden campaign, i thought he was going to be focussing on her issues and her tasks when it came to her dealing with the root causes of migration. i think he's going to come and talk about her history as a prosecutor and paint her as someone who is extreme, what his advertising has been doing. to hear him talk about her, quote, turn black, and paint her as inauthentic when it comes to race, that's surprising. and it was surprising because we know the former president has had issues with race. when i talk to black people, frankly, when i ask them, could you support former president trump, 99% say, well, he's
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racist, so i could never support president trump. that's the reporting. i think there is some feeling that that works for him. because he did win in 2016 by doing that. he did win and get a segment of the population. one other thing, though, reverend sharpton, there's the idea he wanted to wrestle back the news cycle, for the last few weeks, even when he survived an assassination attempt, that was head line news for the few days. for the most part, he's having to deal with a news cycle where we were talking about the uncertainty around president biden's future, and then we have been talking about the pulsing energy that is going through the democratic party. it's organic energy where you have thousands and thousands of people raising millions of dollars for vice president harris feeling like as an obama 2.0 that's coming from her camp, democrats by and large saying they feel they have the upper hand here. this is now trump having to be back in the news, back in the a block. i think there's also a media calculation there based on my reporting. >> now finally, what do you make of all these new groups forming
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to support vice president harris? just to mention a few, win with black women, white dudes for harris, disabled voters for harris, dads for harris. wouldn't you call this a movement? >> i think it is a movement based on my reporting. one person put it to me this way. they said, some people can say this is division because everyone's in their different camps, and this source said, no, this is like the democratic party getting in formation. there's going to be a coalition formed, and everyone is sort of getting their segment of the coliths ready and waiting to make sure that they are all on board and that they are helping fund this campaign that's coming together in midair. this is the plane being built in midair. you're seeing these millions and millions of dollars -- the majority of them from people who are giving to campaigns for the first time -- so it really is, i think, organic and a movement. the thing i'm hearing from the harris campaign is now as you see all of these new hires come in a lot of the people from the obama administration and other senior advisors are coming in. they want to make sure this is a
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sustainable movement, this isn't a honeymoon, this is isn't a sugar high. they want to make sure they have the infrastructure there so they can harnness this organic energy into a movement that gets people to the polls and gets people voting. >> well, it's going to be an interesting race that you'll be covering. on one hand, a proud black, indian female prosecutor against a white felon white orange candidate. nbc news washington correspondent yamiche alcindor, thank you for being with us. coming up, call it momentum change. the harris campaign has raised hundreds of millions of dollars before even announcing a vp. while the trump/vance ticket struggles to hit its stride. my political panel coming next. tstr side. my political panel coming next ve enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren. (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle,
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welcome back. let's check in on some of the other headlines of the day. for that i turn to my political panel. michelle goldberg, columnist for "the new york times", and jennifer ruben, opinion writer for "the washington post." both are msnbc political analysts. michelle, let's go right there. as of right now, who do you think will be harris' running mate and how much do you think it will matter? >> i assume that it's going to
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be josh shapiro just based on -- that's the kind of -- that seems to be the chatter. i know people have said not to read too much into the fact that she's making this announcement in philly, but it would be kind of weird, i think, to make -- to have the announcement in his backyard and have it be someone else when he's kind of considered to be the favorite. i think the political science suggests that vice presidential nominations -- that their ability to deliver their states is somewhat marginal, but this is an election that's going to be won on the margins, right? so if he can deliver, say, an extra percentage point to the vote in pennsylvania, that could be the difference between winning and losing. on the other hand, if he demobilizes voters in, say, michigan who have just started to maybe come back to the democratic ticket after being alienated from joe biden over gaza, that could also be
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decisive. >> yeah. now jennifer, do you think trump is having any regrets about his pick jd vance? especially with all the attention given to project 2025. >> absolutely. when he was asked at the nabj if he thought that jd vance could take the presidency if he needed to, he changed the subject and said vice presidents don't determine elections after all. not exactly a ringing endorsement. he's made a number of stumbles. not only has he cemented this connection to a very radical right wing plan, the 2025 project, but he has also -- i just turned up the volume to the highest screeching level talking about single women with cats, talking about people without children. he is just a walking, talking cultural warrior. and how that is supposed to help him with suburban women, with some of these other groups, i
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don't know. but it's -- it is doing nothing but, right now, pumping up democrats who are, as your previous guest said, in an absolute state of joy having left joe biden, respectfully, behind and now having a dynamic african american, asian american woman. their spirits are pretty high. >> michelle, the harris campaign says it raised $310 million last month alone. more than twice as much as the trump campaign. what is more important, the actual money raised or the enthusiasm that it exhibits? >> i think that's a hard one, because, i mean, the money in some ways is the most tangible sign of the enthusiasm, but you know, money is important. and one thing that we were hearing towards the end of joe biden's candidacy was that the money was starting to dry up, and that's -- and that was
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really concerning. let's remember, this isn't even just money -- you say july, but this is like money that she raised in the two weeks basically that she's been in the race, less than two weeks. i was also really struck by how comparatively little donald trump raised, because this should have been one of his best months. i mean, he was almost assassinated. he had his convention. and yet his numbers were fairly lackluster. >> now, jennifer, the dnc is launching a mobile billboard showcasing some of trump's controversial comments on race. they'rout side the atlanta arena where trump is holding a rally right now. we should note that i'm included on that video. how many votes will the issue of race really cost trump in the general election? >> well, i think it has never been a realistic home hope that he would get large numbers of african americans to vote for
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him. i think his highest aim was to have them stay home. and with joe biden there was a chance that they would, because he wasn't generating the kind of excitement that democrats wanted. that has changed dramatically now with kamala harris as the potential nominee. so i think that hope for him has gone out the window. the question is, how much can democrats capitalize on it, was there a segment of the african american population that has now been energized, but i think for democrats it does something else and it gets suburban voters against women very upset with this kind of language and just reminds the country what a headache he is and what an agony it is when he is on the scene. and now they have someone who they can say, well, i don't have to vote for either biden or trump, we can put all of this nightmare behind us and i have somebody knew and we can be done with him. and that's going to be appealing to a great number of voters. >> now, jennifer, it seems that
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today trump decided to drop out of the abc news debate and propose a news debate. you tweeted that, quote, trump is afraid to debate. he is a coward. he can only operate with a fake news organization that is a partner in election denial. he's running scared, end of quote. what does this tell you about trump's outlook on the election? we're out of time, but i wanted to bring this up. >> i think it does say that she's intimidated him, that she has very good verbal skills. that she's an attractive candidate in so many different ways. and that while he could take down joe biden in his raspy voice and later years, kamala harris is a whole different ball game. and he would have to go running back to his little friends at fox and have them ask softball questions and have a big crowd in an arena. i mean, why doesn't he just have eric trump be the
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moderator and go all in? it conveys to me cowardice. >> don't give him any ideas. michelle, your reaction to this debate. we're out of time but i really want you to address this quickly. >> i think it's a plus for kamala harris either way. donald trump looks cowardly. he looks intimidated. if he agrees to do it, she'll be kind of able to take him down. and if he doesn't, then, as jennifer said, he just looks weak. >> all right, michelle goldberg and jennifer ruben, thank you both for being with us. up next, will we see a major shake-up at the supreme court? stay with us. at the supreme court? stay with us uncertainty. hidden fees, surcharges... who knows what to expect! turn shipping to your advantage. keep it simple...with clear, upfront pricing. with usps ground advantage®. ♪♪ stuck at the dmv, and i think i'm late on my car insurance. good thing the general gives you a break with flexible payment options. let's get you a break while you wait.
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what is this place? this is our dmvip. vending machine charcuterie? for a great low rate, go with the general. (intercom) flight deck we are go for launch! for a great low rate, (ethan) is that the one? (janet) so much space! that open kitchen! (tanya) that a walk in closet? (ethan) i want those tiles! (intercom) boosters engaged. (ethan) wait! we've got a problem! (janet) problem?! (ethan) how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (tanya) no, no! bad timing, janet!!! (janet) but that was the one!!!! (brian) no, no, no... opendoor!! (tanya) don't open the door. (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (all) really? (brian) yea!!! (intercom) we have liftoff. (janet) nice! (janet) houston we have a playroom!
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earlier this week i had the extraordinary honor to travel with president biden on air force one to the linden b. johnson presidential library in austin, texas, in order to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the 1964 civil rights act. after lbj signed the bill, he said democrats would lose the south for a generation, and yet, he pressed on. the voting rights act in 1965 and continuing to broaden his great society before deciding not to seek a second full term in 1968. six decades later, president biden, who is also not seeking re-election, used the
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anniversary to call for sweeping reforms to the supreme court, which republicans had packed with conservatives, intent on rolling back the civil rights lbj and others fought so hard for from anti-discrimination laws to reproductive freedoms. when president biden announced last month he was dropping out of the 2024 race, he said it because he loved this country more than he revered the presidency. this week in texas he reminded us that in this selflessness, in his selflessness, he's following the footsteps of one of the country's most impactful commanders in chief. and speaking of service, i joined vice president harris thursday among others in houston to pay my respects at the funeral of longtime congresswoman sheila jackson lee, who spent 30 years in the
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u.s. house pursuing and promoting civil, human, and voting rights of all americans. a ceremony this week serving as a testament to how many lives she touched and her lasting impact on our nation. that does it for me, thanks for watching. i'll see you back here tomorrow, 5:00 p.m. eastern for another live hour of "politicsnation." the saturday show with jonathan capehart starts after a short break. capehart starts after a shor break. whooo! 20% off subs is fun to say 20% off subs are fun to eat you'll love 20% off subs the point is, any sub any size. 20% off at subway what tractor supply customers experience is personalized service. made possible by t-mobile for business. with t-mobile's reliable 5g business internet. employees get the information they need instantly. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. (♪♪) when life spells heartburn... how do you spell relief?
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