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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  August 4, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> that does it for me today. a quick reminder to grab your tickets to see me and all of my colleagues at msn be live democracy 2024. our premier fan event in brooklyn, new york, on saturday september 7th. you can scan the qr code on your screen to buy your tickets today. if the recent new cycle is any indication, will have a lot to talk about. we will be right back here tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern when we might have a running mate, i hope for kamala harris to talk all about. stay right where you are because there's much more coming up on msnbc. this is it, kamala harris
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trying to find a running mate, it all comes down to chemistry. donald trump's nephew has a new book out. the worldview on race and what the president will never forget. a very good day to all of you. welcome, everyone. we begin with breaking news on the search for a running mate. posting three big meetings today. minnesota governor, tim walsh, josh shapiro and mark kelly. we will have more on that in just a few minutes. cooper who withdrew from the vetting process said that he believes that the state is in
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play for democrats in november. >> we will be in north carolina on thursday of next week. with a big rally. putting forward that positive vision for the future and donald trump shows that he wants to drag the country back. into some previous century.
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>> the harris campaign is also launching republicans for harris. to mobilize republican voters. going to a rally in atlanta last night, launching a new attack against the georgia governor and secretary and state over the election loss there in 2020. more attacks on vp harris. one of his allies has been summoned by. >> every day we are talking about her heritage and not her terrible dangerous liberal record through her entire political life. it is a bad day for us. i want former president trump to prosecute the case against harris is bad judgment. >> new developments of the day. we will start with allie who is covering the campaign. welcome, allie, what are we learning about these meetings of the potential running mate
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today? we knew that vice president harris was going to use this weekend with no events on her schedule to me with the top contenders to be her running mate. allies have been on her home in washington for any comings and goings there. a source familiar with her plans so that she will meet separately in person with three of her top contenders. mark kelly, you see him on the screen there, and pennsylvania governor josh schapiro. a two car motorcade with pennsylvania license plates has been seen driving across the vice president's home. these are three of the six top contenders that we knew that her team had been vetting for the last two weeks. since president biden dropped out of this race. in person meetings will allow her to get the opportunity to get a sense of the attitudes, personalities and character of these men. seeing if she can connect to
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them on a working level. a position that the vice president is familiar with considering that she was in their shoes four years ago. she is really in the home stretch. the first time with clever she chooses to be her running mate on tuesday of this week. with a rally in philadelphia. a massive battleground state tour. michigan, wisconsin, nevada, north carolina. at this point, this could come at any moment now. a tight timeline to get to this decision. i just love that you notice the blackout suv license plates. good job there, not much gets
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by you. we will bring in alan smith. welcome to you. your article does a deep dive into the way that the candidate could balance the ticket or offer drawbacks. who can give the campaign the biggest boost and who would be too big of a risk? >> it is interesting that today the meeting with governors kelly and schapiro, the three front runners to get the nomination. the governor has had support from house democrats, progressives that have been advocating, they see him as someone who will maintain party unity and has come out of the ascension to the top of the ticket. schapiro is seen by republicans as the strongest person who is known as effective on the stump.
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knowing that they are considering the electoral considerations, a lot of folks have pointed to the victory in 2022 in pennsylvania. as being very helpful there. the most backlash from the left on the possibility that he would be the pick and they have been rallying again. as someone who will not disrupt party unity. the stance on israel and a number of other issues including school vouchers which will insert the divisive issue into the race from here forward. it is interesting who vice president harris will listen to. this is the strongest person. we are afraid of her picking him when progressives are saying not to pick this guy. someone who could be detrimental to the ticket. >> are today's meetings about chemistry? they have analyzed pros and
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cons. you have done so in your reporting as well. does it come down to chemistry? >> i think with today's meeting, a lot will come down to chemistry. vice president harris does not have a history with any of these men, really. you only have two weeks to really do this. it really does have a lot to do with a governing partner for eight years. look, she needs to make sure that this is someone who is comfortable being in the number two role. someone will not try and outshine her. the experience of president biden being the former vice president, they are looking to her example, as the kind of vice president that they want. >> they need a partnership and that is who they are looking
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for. eric holder is the vp vetting process. reporters are looking at license plates on cars. what is his role? how much influence will he have on the final decision, do you think? >> this is interesting. democrats have been very tightlipped. the contenders themselves were on the front lines. holder's role is to vet that background information. get the information that harris needs beforehand. it is a signal that you have the former presidents attorney general leading this process. the continuity that the vice president weeks here. she wants a vice president who was like vice president biden to president obama. someone who has been experienced in being vice president. the holder element shows that
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there is continuity going back 15 years at this point in terms of the kind of vice president they want to be looking for. and the kind of folks that they want leading the vetting process. >> okay, alan smith, thank you so much for that. we will bring in jake trailer, at the rally last night in atlanta with former president trump and jd vance, what did the former president have to say? >> whatever softer or more unifying message we thought we would see going forward, that version has left the room. donald trump has said so in his own words. he said he was working hard to define kamala harris. he was saying the quiet part out loud. over the last few weeks we've seen the campaign attempt to craft and brand this message of vice president harris is. they are calling her a woke far left liberal with far left
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policies. other progressive policies that don't even align with what her policy agenda is. it felt like donald trump was taking these attacks and kind of throwing them against the wall and seeing what sticks. we've seen this with donald trump many times before. interact with the crowd, see what they like and what they don't like. what was interesting was that he did not reserve criticism just for vice president harris or democrats. he went after the republican governor of georgia who did not aid in the attempted overturn of the 2020 election results. a lot of russians to the strategy of attacking a same party republican governor in a swing state like georgia. donald trump did it last night. he went after the republican secretary of state in georgia multiple times about his speech. listen to these criticisms. >> your governor who i got
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elected, by the way, and if it was not for me, he would not be your governor, everybody knows that. a very disc loyal person. these two are doing everything possible and the attorney general would like to see him show up and do something. under the radical left policies, atlanta is a killing field. your governor should get off his -- and do something about it. >> if pulling is telling us anything, this is going to be a close race. coming into a crucial swing state that is legitimately crucial for harris and trump on the electoral path to victory. to criticize the same party republican leader is not a conventional move for a candidate. donald trump is not conventional. >> you took the words right out of my mouth. we will wrap it up with that.
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meanwhile, the waiting and the worrying in israel, something that could happen as early as tomorrow. we are back in 90 seconds. seco. safe step walk-in tub, you'll receive a free shower package. yes, a free shower package! and if you call today, you'll also receive 15% off your entire order. now you can enjoy the best of both worlds! the therapeutic benefits of a warm, soothing bath that can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and even improve sleep! or, if you prefer, you can take a refreshing shower. all-in-one product! call now to receive a free shower package plus 15% off your brand new safe step walk-in tub.
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breaking news out of the middle east. israel is bracing for a multi- day attack by iran and hezbollah including drones over an extended period.
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not the expected major escalation. more u.s. fighter jets are on route to the region. including back to back assassinations last week. here is the national security spokesperson john kirby today. >> we have to take that seriously. i don't know what they are going to do. we have to make sure that we are ready and that we have the capabilities in the region to help israel defend its self and defend our own people and our own facilities. >> international airlines have suspended flights to and from israel. britain, canada, france, among the countries warning citizens to leave lebanon immediately. joining me now, a congressman from massachusetts. always good to see you, my friend. we don't know what they are going to do.
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what is the status on the intelligence on that kind of thing? >> we don't know exactly what they are going to do. israel has a right to defend themselves. israeli citizens are under threat. a bunch of children, 12 children were killed in a rocket attack. israel has to defend itself. this is an issue that can well involve us. we do not want to get dragged into another war in the middle east. that is why we have a stake in what israel does do to defend itself. we want israel to be safe. we also do not want a war in the middle east. >> let's review april. when israel and its allies including the u.s., able to shoot down 300 iranian missiles that were fired. this time, is the expectation different? >> that's right.
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hezbollah has thousands of rockets, many times what we have been in gaza. many times all we saw iran shoot at israel. in the unprecedented attack. the stakes are higher here in terms of israeli citizens on the line and how many can die in a full on assault. if that is coupled with further escalation, it could be enough missiles and drones to overwhelm the defense systems even with our help. we are rushing more carriers and ships to the region in order to provide more defense and try and tamp this down. every rocket that will hit civilians, inspires the other side to respond. this escalates out of control. the mission right now is to prevent that escalation. we want israel to be safe. we need to prevent the
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escalation and ultimately involve u.s. troops. the troops there for 20 years. the focus right now needs to be preventing a war with china in the pacific and not getting dragged into another major conflict in the middle east. >> let me put you on the spot, is there a redline where you think if it is crossed, that is when we see u.s. military involvement? >> we have learned our lesson about redlines. it is such a complex situation right now with multiple actors. iran threatening israel directly. you have them attacking international shipping in the red sea. hezbollah threatening more attacks from the north. a complex situation and you do not want to draw specific redlines. everyone in the middle east needs to understand that the u.s. means business when it is sending in forces in the region. our mission is not to start a war.
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it is to prevent escalation. it has to come through strong and clear from the united dates right now. >> concern about a cease-fire, national security spokesman john kirby said this morning a cease-fire deal is still possible. is there reason for concern about it? does this raise questions? about whether netanyahu is serious about a cease-fire? >> everybody has questions. this deal has been on the table for a couple of months now. i think that the continued -for-tat makes it difficult for netanyahu or anyone else to sit down at the negotiating table and actually make a deal. i was thrilled to see some of these leaders killed in recent days. later that are responsible for the death of thousands of innocent civilians. they have been brought to justice. some of these people are the same boat that i've been
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involved in these negotiations. this makes everything much more complicated. there is more of a status quo and not the potential for escalation. we want a cease-fire because it will stop innocent civilians from being killed on both sides of this conflict and bring and game into clearview. >> i want to pick up on the words both sides. the prisoner swap last week was a major win for president biden's diplomacy skills. to get journalists out of russian prisons. trading them for assassins just rewards putin. take a listen. >> the more thugs like putin get rewarded for doing bad things, the more bad things you will get. the iranians and the chinese are watching making all of our enemies more provocative and
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not last. >> your thoughts on that and what can be done about the americans that are still in detention in russia? >> first of all, if joe biden climbed up a tree to save her cat, she would criticize joe biden. you cannot take what she says all of that seriously these days. the reality is that this was a master stroke of diplomacy. it took months and required deep relationships with our friends and allies and also dialogue with our adversaries. those are two really important components of this field. showing scholz of germany having to make a large compromise of having the deal to go through. he did as a personal favor to biden. he trust joe biden because of the relationship that they developed over years. the cia had to have direct conversations with russian
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counterparts as the same time that we are engaged with a shadow war here over ukraine. this all explains the importance of incredible diplomacy that has been a hallmark of the biden administration. things like the withdrawal from afghanistan i have not been afraid to criticize myself as a democrat. this has been -- has now been on display in bringing home these innocent americans and other dissidents saving them from the fate of dying in a russian prison colony. not only to a great success achieved because of joe biden's personal relationships but also the broader importance of diplomacy. start contrast of what we hear from the trump vance team. we cannot have these kinds of
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conversations that save innocent lives. >> we are all looking ahead to tuesday. philadelphia, the rally with the democratic tip it -- take it there. is there one that jumps out at you that you think, that is the ringer. >> as i have said for a while, there is a democratic bench we have not seen for a while. now we are seeing three of those members, some of the best members of the bench on display for the american public. they are all great, i know mark kelly very well. i have heard wonderful things about governor schapiro. anyone of them would bring strength to this ticket. anyone of them would provide a stark contrast with jd vance who has had a crazy odd rollout of any politician in history with his debut as a candidate. the only thing you can say is
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that he fits in well with trump. he does whatever trump says and that presents an uncertain picture to allies and adversaries around the world and to the american people. does he believe in women or support women or just attack them? we don't know. does he support allies around the world or does he not? he says that he supports ukraine and then says he does not. he praises obama and now he hates obama, he says that he hates trump repeated times that trump is an enemy to democracy. now trump can do nothing wrong. we do not know where he even stands. people don't even know if they agree with him or they don't. this is very dangerous to have in a vice president. that is what we know from trump as well. any of those three will provide a great contrast and provide tremendous strength to the democratic ticket. >> at least he offered an
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apology to cats. with sarcasm in her voice. thank you very much, my friends. florida braces for landfall as a tropical storm get stronger, that is next. next.
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xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. florida already getting slammed with heavy rain as tropical storm debbie approaches. pine island on the gulf coast. president biden roofing lord is state of emergency declaration. debbie will strengthen into a hurricane before making landfall early monday. date officials are warning of catastrophic rain with places expected to see 50-20 inches. joining me from tampa, welcome, what are the conditions like they are? it's raining. >> it is. it is coming down pretty hard on the bay.
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it has been more than a foot in the last 20 minutes. you can see that the water is already on the dock. some of the yacht owners here doing last-minute preparations. we will take a look. we expect this water to come up to the surface where we are standing at the rate we have been seeing it. the state has prepared as best as it can. the governor announced this morning that 3000 members of the national guard are on standby to help with evacuations or anything that might happen in the next few hours. we are under a tornado watch. different parts of this region. for those that have been in the region, to take cover if they have to go to a different area of their house. the governor also alerted that
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there are a lot of power outages expected. the utility company is standing by to make any repairs necessary. this, as we see the storm make its way. it is weston a little south the last time i checked. making its way parallel to the west coast of florida. we do expect a lot of that rain. and a storm surge. we are seeing the water,. the forecast indicated they are expecting 2-4 feet. just one foot of water can cause a lot of damage. we talked to officials yesterday to see how they are making preparations. this is what officials had to say. >> most of the people in this area that we are at, there is a lot of flooding. most people are concerned about water entering in their home. we remind them of the sandbags. you need a water barrier between your door.
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the sandbags are just a wage. >> this is for the residents that live in the area that what easily. not just the water that can come in from the goal for the bay. people that live near creeks and rivers. there is an alert for them because the water might rise with all of this rain and caused some of that flooding. alex? >> if we see you again, you might not be able to stand where you are. the water will be there and it will be too slick for you. be safe, my friend. the debate about the debate. the likelihood of it actually happening ahead. happening ahead. and special offers. don't miss out. get started today. subway is offering 20% off any sub, any size whooo! 20% off subs is fun to say 20% off subs are fun to eat you'll love 20% off subs the point is, any sub any size.
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the and election is a virtual tossup. the likely voters has harris up by one point nationally. all within the margin of error. mark cooper had taken himself
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out of contention warning democrats not to get complacent. >> now we have to take it to the finish line. sometimes people celebrate too early. people are really happy about kamala harris as our candidate. we cannot get overconfident. this race can go either way. it is a 50-50 race. we have to get our people excited and we have to get them to the polls. kamala harris is getting people excited. we have to execute now. >> i'm excited right now. with me, we have don calloway and ceo of pine street strategies and warmer congressman david jolly. all of them are my sunday family. hey, guys, don, i will start with you here. as we look toward the finish line, former president trump saying he will not participate
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in the debate in september. he wants one on fox news instead. can either candidate afford not to debate? >> i think that kamala harris needs the opportunity to debate. donald trump wants nothing to do with handing toe to toe and point for point on policy and substance with kamala harris. no more than i want you play a televised game of basketball. both parties took this out of the realm of the commission because anything that happens out of the governing body is unpredictable. we do not know if it will happen on the 4th or the 10th. he is taking it to the friendly grounds of class notes. i don't think that the vice president is scared of that. it is unbalanced because we all know what this does. she should not have to submit to that as a presidential
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candidate. we do not know if the debate will happen right now. donald trump wants no part of it. >> where do you stand on this, susan? >> i think at least one debate happens. what would normally be a good compromise is to say that she will do the 4th if he does the 10th. he will probably have a warble performance. harris has to debate. we have not seen her in four years. the american public want to the the presidential candidate out there going toe to toe. that will make a huge difference for her in the polls. >> trump wants a debate with a full arena audience. and could harris actually use that to her advantage or with a debate on fox will create an enthusiastic audience leaning
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towards trump? >> that is a legitimate question for the debate. that if rules are made diagnostically. that is not what donald trump is trying to do. he wants to pack the room, choose the network and the debate. i had an inclination just like susan. okay. let's do two debates. do abc 1st and i will show up for fox. terrified not just because the president going toe to toe. alex, his campaign is in freefall right now. it is a legitimate freefall right now. the candidate donald trump is a disaster. not necessarily his team. he is doing nothing right and he is bleeding support right now. he wants the showmanship polity to come out and the made-for-tv
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moment and a fox news showdown that he believes he can win. be careful what you wish for, mr. president, it not that easy. >> real quickly, you think the reason it is in freefall is because of trump himself and not because the campaign is unorganized or because when kamala harris entered the race, they were planning for biden, you think it is donald trump himself? >> you can knock this down as being not fully prepared. there are professionals there that know what to do in this moment and to aggressively define her with tested themes that should've been in there and they should be in the swing states to define the vice president not allow her to define herself. republicans will create her liabilities. they have not done that yet. donald trump is the reason. he is off message. from a speech to what we saw in atlanta. he is back to the politics that the country does not want and
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it is not working in a race against the vice president. this is his fault. he is in freefall right now. >> susan, is it because he's scared and he sees who he is up against this time? >> yes. it is a whole different ball game for the former president. this is not to knock the current president. going against someone who speaks in complete sentences and brings a lot of energy in her presence at the podium. yes, he is thrown off. he cannot define her so he is going back to his 2016 campaign. the problem is, that the vice president space is all fired up. now he is trying to meet that with his base except there is not enough of those voters. >> john, what we have been watching for, any time now she will announce her running mate.
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we know for certain there could be more. the choice for harris is about less which person and which tactic. what frightens her more? irritating the left or the element of the democratic coalition who she will need to turn out for the center? will she will need to persuade, what is the most important strategy? who is in the lead in your mind? >> i think tim has declared himself incredibly well over the last few weeks. academically we talked over the heads of the american people.look them in the face and said that you are weird. if you do not want women to make decisions about their own bodies, it's weird. if you don't know whether or not use the word women, you are a weird mood.
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the republican party has normalized this by allowing trump to take over the party elements for the last 10 years. it is weird. that benefits him in a significant way. they have fallen off a little bit because of the israel palestine situation in the left does not love that. he is a very strong contender as well. >> okay. susan, you can give me a shot of who you think it is. we have schapiro and kelly meeting with the vice president today. >> she will pick schapiro by she should pick mark kelly out of arizona. that is because i think that he will be great on the campaign trail fighting for her. and be the key attack dog and offender and he can bring a message home of being a navy combat pilot and an astronaut. this is a guy that trump would
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normally want on his side. i want to have you give me this before the justification. >> if you don't overthink it, shapiro. >> love the chat, love you all, thank you very much. >> susan, we will talk to you again. happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in their own way. the unhappiness of the trump family from someone who knows all too well. l too well. welve hundred and fifty dollars. only on verizon. (jalen hurts) see you sunday! why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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more news on donald trump since limitary remarks. the family, the trumps saying
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that he has heard trump say the n word but does not consider him racist. welcome to you, i found this book absolutely illuminating and riveting. i'm curious why you are hesitant to say that your uncle is racist despite what you quoted him as saying. >> thank you for having me, alex, i appreciate it. i think he has the thoughts of someone who is racist. i have seen him use the blast props. people that he deems below him. you can consider that racist or not. it is an uncaring way of treating people. >> if you say people below him, and he is the former president of the united states, does that mean that everyone is under
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him? >> he will pick a group to feed off another group to feed off another group to get what he wants which is power and votes. once that is attained, he will cast all of those people aside. >> you wrote about your grandfather, i never heard my grandfather use the n word. he did sometimes say the yiddish slur for black people. do you think your grandfather's views shaped u are uncles worldview on people of color? >> possibly, yes. you are right. i never heard my grandfather use the n word. there were, as i can remember, i lived in the trump building until i was 18 years old and moved to college, there were no black folks. i remember the lawsuit by the
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justice department saying that blacks who were trying to get into the trump building were not allowed in essence. >> yeah. you'll meant that there were no black folk in that building, in the trump building. we know what you're saying. when your sister, mary wrote the tell-all book, you spoke out against her. you told the washington post that the comments on the disabled lead beat you to your book. you were quoted saying this. i don't know, he does not recognize you. you should just let it die and move down to florida. the campaign reacted to claims in your book calling them fabricated. why did he say this to you? why was that the last straw for you? >> as you may know, my son, william, was the most courageous person who i know,
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has complex disabilities. i took the advantage when donald was elected president and when he was inaugurated, i contacted my cousin and she started setting up meetings with ben carson, the head of housing and urban development, that is a major issue with the disability committee. we went through the executive channels to try and expand the rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. it culminated with a meeting in a group of advocates in 2020. the meeting had dispersed and donald called me back in and a minute into it he said, those people, the expenses, they should just die. going forward to the summer of 2023, i find that had been put together by my family, i would
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like to speak about that in a minute. he said to me when i asked for the fund to be replenished, your son does not recognize you, let him die and move down to derrida. i could not understand how someone could say that about any human being, at least his nephew. i was only necessary because donald hatched a scheme when william was born with a seizure disorder was in hospital for seven weeks, when he got out, we received notice that we were taken out of our grandfather's will. the issue there is, i think everyone should really understand this, after my father died, donald was named my trustee. he is there to protect me and my family. he did the exact opposite.
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if you cannot trust your own uncle to take care of your own needs, what is he going to do with this country? how can you trust he is going to take care of this country and the people in it? >> yeah, i am letting that all sink in. when you say you did the opposite, did he take care of his own needs, is that why he did? >> he was in deep financial trouble. deep, as you may remember. he had to be put on an allowance by the banks. he took advantage of my grandfather's dementia and he prayed on my father's memory and he did something to me and my family when we were in the absolute most vulnerable time of our lives. i hope that people understand that. >> why do you think that people may not get that?
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the way you are putting that, it makes a strong argument for not supporting him. is it a personality? is it his showmanship? what is it about him that you think people support? >> i think it is two things. it is a study that i heard years ago, people like to be lied to. donald feeds into that and he makes people feel great until his goal is obtained and then they are gone. i think you know and you may have heard that i am voting for kamala harris and the campaign for her in the past, she will keep democracy intact. she will advocate on behalf of the disabled community which is very important to my wife and i
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and that is where we are going to be spending our energy for the next 90 days and thereafter. >> can i ask you a quick question? you mentioned your cousins, specifically those three? >> i have heard from her recently. we had some back and forth. very pleasant. eric, i think you know has put out a statement himself and is unresponsive. actually, i take that back. my response is to people, read the book if you want the truth of what is going on in this family for the past two generations. >> okay, we have a graphic as well. the trumps and how we got this way. illuminating, as i said and fascinating. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you.
10:58 am
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11:00 am
♪♪ a very good day to all of u from nbc news here in los angeles. welcome, everyone, to "alex witt reports". we begin with breaking news as vice president kamala harris gets closer to selecting a running mate. nbc news has confirmed she is meeting with three vp contenders today. minnesota governor thomas, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro and arizona senator mark kelly. we have more on that in a moment. the harris campaign says once the process wraps up monday she will hit the road with her new pick tuesday and they will embark on a seven states wing. also new today, new head-to- head cbs poll of likely voters show harris


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