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tv   Katy Tur Reports  MSNBC  August 5, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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good to be with you. i'm ana cabrera in for katy tur today. the countdown is on. 24 hours from now, we should know the democratic ticket, with kamala harris and her running mate appearing in their first rally together tomorrow in philadelphia. and this will be the most
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consequential decision she will have made so far in her short whirlwind campaign for president. with just 92 days until the election, and 14 days until the democratic national convention. so who is on the even shorter short list? we have learned vice president harris met face to face with at least three top contenders over the weekend. arizona senator mark kelly, pennsylvania governor josh shapiro, and minnesota governor, tim walz all sat down for interviews at her d.c. home. who's the best fit chemistry wise. how would each square up to j.d. vance, and arguably, most importantly, what could voters see in harris's right hand man that they don't necessarily see in harris herself. a former astronaut and combat veteran, strong on the border and immigration, a popular governor of a must win battle ground state who has proven to be great at riling up crowds on the campaign trail or a second term mid western governor with a proven record of progressive
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policy wins. they all have strengths and potential pitfalls. let's get to the reporting. joining us now, senior white house correspondent, gabe gutierrez, and nbc news national political correspondent, steve kornacki. gabe, take us inside these final few hours for the harris campaign, and what do we know about the planned rollout. >> reporter: certainly a lot of suspense in the last few hours. right now, the vice president is having to weigh other decisions. she's actually scheduled to be here at the white house in the situation room along with president biden talking for a meeting about the situation in the middle east. all of this as her campaign is entering those last crucial hours. you mentioned the high stakes meeting face-to-face over the weekend, with tom contenders, tim walz, josh shapiro. this all comes as the vice president making this huge decision, really, and two
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sources tell nbc news that tomorrow she's expected to make her announcement with al digital video and social media components at some point tomorrow, before that evening rally which is set for philadelphia. we understand that the campaign is postponed another rally later in the week. she was supposed to head to seven key battle ground states. we understand that one of those states, the stop in georgia is being postponed due to weather. due to that tropical storm that's churning in the southeastern u.s. all of this comes, ana, again, as the campaign is nearing that self-imposed deadline to choose a running mate. >> as we take a look at the short list, gabe, how much of the focus is on balancing the ticket, filling in any gaps harris might have, as opposed to bringing someone on board who's more similar to her? >> reporter: that is a consideration and all of those factors are playing into the decision. sources tell us one of the key
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factors is personal chemistry. that's part of the reason you have been seeing the vice president take these meetings, and over the last few days, last minute meetings with top contenders. the consideration will be someone wo perhaps won't undermine her in a harris administration, and also there are other considerations, as you suggested, josh shapiro in pennsylvania, a critical swing state. could he help her get over the top in that swing state. mark kelly, a swing state of arizona. could he fill in gaps democrats have had when it comes to immigration, and also tim walz, he can help in the midwest, wisconsin, also a key battle ground state as well. all of those considerations come into play as the vice president is weighing her decision, again, expected in the next 24 hours or so. >> there's a lot of chatter about home state advantage.
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every electoral vote counts. what does history suggest? >> there is, it seems, some kind of advantage of having a vp, from a particular state. these are recent democratic vice presidential picks and basically trying to find a home state effect. tim kaine, hillary clinton's running mate in 2016. the popular vote nationally moved two points in the republicans' direction from the previous election in 2012. it did not move two points toward the republicans in tim kaine's state of virginia. it that all a tim kaine effect, there's demographic sectors, a swift movement to sections of virginia getting bluer. it's hard to pinpoint. you see on the list a trend. even when the vp state is not a
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battleground. connecticut joe lieberman, 2000, you see the democratic ticket performing better in those states than they did relative to the national trend. one exception, california with kamala harris in 2020, national trend was two points in the democrats favor. california became a point more republican, but overall, you do see it in these other four cases on here. i would say it's a point, two points of a home state to a boost, but if there is and you're talking about pennsylvania. margin of error, mark kelly, 3/10 of one point for biden in 2020. small, but in that case would be potentially significant, and the other one to mention quickly, you were mentioning tim walz in minnesota. his results from 2022, now, look, minnesota not a core battleground state. if this thing is closed on election night, democrats probably have problems in many places. does walz appeal to a
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constituency that can help in multiple states michigan, blue collar voters in the midwest big ten states. the reality is this, though, when you look at -- i'm sorry, this is biden and trump in minnesota. i'm trying to call it the governor's race, taking way too long. and i apologize too much. this is walz reelection in 2022, and the headline is walz did really well exactly where joe biden did well. he did poorly where joe biden did poorly. you do not look at tim walz performance and say, wow, he found voters in places that joe biden didn't reach in 2020. this looks almost identical to what he did. you never take too long my friend. you are the expert, we are hanging on every word. gabe gutierrez always good to see you. thank you, sir. democratic strategist, former
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obama campaign adviser, give us a look behind the curtain, if you will, take us behind the scenes. what do you think is happening in these final hours before the vice president has to make a decision? >> well, if rumor is to be quoted as true, she has always made that decision. we're waiting to see what that addition happens to be tomorrow in the rollout. i think what it looks like, a video likely to be released across social media. we're going to see? a lead up to the rally, a lot of excitement from demographicic sur rates who are going to tout the new vp kmois, and we're going to see a coalescing around the person, the game way we saw two weeks ago with kamala harris. i think that's going to be a huge thing for the party. it's going to be a huge thing for, i think, multiple demographics. we also recognize that kamala harris has ushered in a wave of
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fundraising, volunteer support unlike anything we have seen in presidential history in the united states. we're going to see that continue with the announcement of who her vice presidential selection will be. >> and just to be clear, nbc doesn't have any reporting that she has made her decision just yet. we know she was still meeting with people as recent as yesterday. who do you think her strongest vp will be? >> i think it's going to be josh shapiro. he definitely brings along with him a record of not only knowing her but being a former ag, also being someone who's in a must win state, also being someone who can represent among multiple demographics of voters, in various areas across the country. i believe that shapiro is someone that she can work well with as the vp because we also have to remember this isn't about a run-up to november.
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it's about post-november. who's going to be the collaborative partner, the person, who like her to joe biden was able to offer that level of support, able to be ready on day one. all of these things matter. >> any concerns about how quickly she has had to make this very important decision. look what's happened with j.d. vance? >> the bench for the democratic party does not look anything like the bench for republicans. i would argue that every person listed on the vp list is someone with a stellar record, brought something to the table, and someone who has been proof positive in their states. what they can actually offer to a national audience. i don't think we're going to see some of the same trauma and drama that came from a j.d. vance pick because quite frankly, democrats are smart enough to not push for a candidate that's going to be problematic. we don't have anybody within our bench that looks like j.d. vance, so we are clear on that.
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>> good to have you here. thank you so much for joining us. still ahead, what vice president harris is doing on the rally circuit that seems to be getting under donald trump's skin. skpncht what rfk junior has to do with a dead bear cub discovered in central park in 2014. what israeling is bracing for as iran and hezbollah warns retaliation is coming for recent strikes. we're back in 90 seconds. n 90 ss platinum plus gives you the highest standard of clean, retaliation is coming for recent strikes. we're back in 90 seconds. ion ist strikes. we're back in 90 seconds clean enough for you? yeah! scrape. load. done. cascade platinum plus. (vo) if you have graves' disease... ...gritty eyes could be more than a rough patch.. people with graves' could also get thyroid eye disease, or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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even before vice president kamala harris announces her running mate, trump's allies are going on the attack wan e-mail blast from a pro trump super pac casting a wide net going after six potential vp contenders, jb pritzker, josh shapiro, tim walz, tan di beshear, mark kelly, and pete buttigieg. let's discuss the trump campaign strategy with nbc news correspondent garrett haake. garrett, in the last couple of weeks, since harris stepped in, democrats' poll numbers and chances of holding the white house seem to have rebounded. is former president trump rattled by this changeup? >> ana, on the one hand, the trump campaign said the minute harris got in in a memo they knew her numbers were going to be better than joe biden's, and they predicted a honeymoon with the press. they did expect the race would tighten to a degree. i also think the person of donald trump, not the campaign
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of donald trump, his behavior over the last couple of weeks suggested that he is a little bit rattled. he's complained about having to start over in his campaign, complained about the coverage harris gets in the media, and complained about her crowd sizes relative to his. i think this moment, whether it's a significant, long-lasting change in the momentum of this race or a boomlet for the vice president is ruffling the feathers of donald trump the person so far. we will see whether his campaign has the tools to respond in the longer term or not. >> i couldn't help but notice the harris campaign taking a page from the trump playbook this week and hitting him on crowd size. specifically comparing her crowd this atlanta to his at the same venue there. this was their post, with these videos here. garrett, what are we seeing when it comes to changes in voter enthusiasm at all.
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>> well, look in terms of the change from biden events to harris events, voter enthusiasm has been dramatically increased. my colleagues have talked about it a great deal. just night and day between the smaller scale types of events that biden would hold to the larger rallies harris has been able to hold to capture the enthusiasm in the democratic base. comparing crowd sizes with trump is a dangerous game. while they are in the same venue for this event. they have an apples to apples comparison. trump has been holding the mega rallies with thousands upon thousands of people, for years going back. he loves it as a political measurement. i'm not sure it's useful in terms of actually figuring out where enthusiasm is in a campaign. and i think it gets under trump's skin a little bit to make these comparisons. whether it really tells you anything about the state of the race between trump and harris, i'm not so sure. >> we know he cares about it, as you pointed out. garrett haake, thank you so much. joining us now, former rnc
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executive committee member, and cofounder of the lincoln project, jennifer horn. trump's attacks against harris seem to be all over the place. here's a sample of what we heard at his rally in atlanta this week. let's listen. >> there's 19 ways of saying it, she only likes three. she wants the government to stop eating red meat, no cows. she doesn't want anybody saying merry christmas. now she's denying it. you go to the store, i want to buy a loaf of bread, darling, ma'am, i'm sorry, but your husband has been killed. if kamala wins, it will be crime, chaos and death all across our country. >> not exactly a focused message there. what did you make of that? are these attacks effective? >> absolutely not. to your point, they're all over the place. isn't it interesting to see how donald trump has reacted to kamala harris becoming the democratic nominee here, the
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democratic candidate. he is out of his mind. he doesn't know what to say. he doesn't know how to go after her. he has always been -- he has always been afraid of women. afraid of articulate, powerful, strong women, and i think that's what's coming through. the entire tone of the trump campaign has changed. they don't know what to do with themselves in the face of a candidate like kamala harris. and i think it's going to be something they struggle with, frankly, right up until the end. trump can't handle strong, successful women. >> a growing number of republicans are just now coming out in support of the harris campaign, including former georgia lieutenant governor, jeff duncan who referred to trump as a felonious thug, he's never seen a human being more self-destructive than donald
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trump in the last two weeks. i spoke with olivia troy, a former aide to vice president pence, she was at the trump white house, now part of this group, republicans for harris, and she told me that she's actually drawn not necessarily just away from trump but she is drawn to harris, in part because of the reproductive rights issue. do you see the vice president attracting more republican voters, and how much could her vp pick impact that? >> absolutely, she has the power to attract more republican voters, and in particular, republican women. moderate gop women, right leaning independent women, and she brings a greater depth of authenticity to the issues, i think, that move a lot of these women voters. there's no question that that's going to be a strength for her, a power for her. as far as the vice president choice goes, you know, i'm really -- it's great to be
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kamala harris today. she's got three strong choices that we're told she's narrowed it down to. none of them are bad choices. from my perspective, it's kind of hard to imagine a path to victory for the democrats. that doesn't include pennsylvania, and if you've got a strong energetic popular pennsylvania governor, it seems like that would be a pretty tempting choice right there. but everything, you know, i just said that the tone of the trump campaign has changed. the tone on the democrat side, the energy on the side of the democrats, kamala harris has brought something to the race that i did not anticipate, that i did not expect her to, and it's this enthusiasm and likability and approachability that a lot of people said she doesn't have, and she clearly does. >> a lot of people are still getting to know the vice president as she hits the trail with a more forceful throttle here this week with her running mate. jennifer horn, thank you for joining us. and now to what is perhaps
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the most bizarre story of the day, independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. admitting to putting the body of a dead bear cub in central park a decade ago, back in 2014. it made headlines at the time when the body was discovered. police were called, they did an investigation. well, now, in a short video published on social media, rfk jr. said he abandoned the bear after driving it from new york city to up state new york. for more on this, let's bring in nbc news correspondent, yasmin vossoughian. how did this all go down, and what's the fallout now that he has come out and said i did it. >> he was driving up state ten years ago, as detailed in this video and also in this new yorker piece that came out this morning. one of the reasons he put the video on social media to get ahead of the piece. it profiles the entire life from
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the suicide of his second wife, mary richardson, to his drug addictions to the story. ten years ago, he was driving up state, going falconing, he finds this dead baby cub on the ground. it's been hit by a car. he decided to put it in his car because he's going to skin it and freeze the meat. he then gets caught up in the falconing of the day. makes his way back to new york city. then has a dinner at peter luger steak house in brooklyn, and has to go to the airport, realizes he has a baby club in the back of his car. he says what am i going to do with the baby cup. i can't leave it in my car if i'm flying. he concocts this idea. he has an old bicycle, going to make it seem as if the bicycle hits the cub. he buries the cub along with the bicycle on the side later. a day later, it is discovered, this baby cub is discovered by two women walking their dogs, and up until this point, ana,
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this was completely unsolved for the last ten years, until robert kennedy jr. revealed on social media. we reached out to the d.a.'s office, there were reports they were going to file charges because of the baby bear. >> it required police resources and they did not return a request for comment, but it is incredibly bizarre. it was laid out in the new yorker piece, along with so many other things, and he's polling at about 5% right now, and some pretty key states, by the way, we're looking at arizona, nevada, georgia, wisconsin, as well. polling well amongst young latino voters, none the less, we'll see how this plays out, especially with the revelations in the new yorker. >> thanks for bringing us the details, yasmin vossoughian. still ahead, debby has been downgraded now to a tropical storm. don't let your guard down. forecasters say the worst is yet to come. we'll explain. israel bracing for retaliation, what the nation is doing now to prepare for potential attacks from
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welcome back, this afternoon, president biden, the vice president and the national security team are convening in the situation room as israel braces for a strike against iran and its proxies, retaliation for hezbollah and senior leaders. "axios" reports secretary of state anthony blinken told g7
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leaders the attack could happen in the next 24 hours. the pentagon has additional forces to the middle east to support security and defense. the u.s. central command general landed in israel for joint preparations in this region. joining us now from tel aviv is nbc news correspondent ellison barber, we have reporting this retaliation could be a multiday attack. ellison, what are officials there expecting. >> reporter: yeah, one thing everyone is looking at to try and get a sense of what this one might be like is what happened back in april, when iran fired missiles and drones at israel, after iranian military figures were killed inside of syria in damascus. this one, israeli officials say, they expect it to be different, and bigger and also possibly to extend over a longer period of time. as you mentioned, an israeli official telling our colleague raf sanchez that they think this is something that could take place over the course of days,
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and it could be waves of both missile and drone attacks. they say they expect this time around for hezbollah in lebanon to be involved and to fire across the northern border into israel, and then they said they are expecting israel or expecting iran, rather, to fire their longer range missiles from the east, but again, they're thinking this could actually take place over the course of days, and be bigger in scale long term than what we saw take place in april. a big question outstanding is what if anything will some of the neighboring countries do to try and stop this attack, whether or not they will do anything at all. remember in april you had countries like jordan and saudi arabia that intersected some of the missiles and drones that were fired at israel. it's not clear if they're going to be willing to do that this time. there's been notices sent in jordan to airline carriers, to pilots saying hey, make sure you're keeping extra fuel, if you're traveling into this area
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in the event they may need to divert, we have seen countless flights, almost all of them coming into beirut, canceled, same for tel aviv, a few airlines traveling in and out of here, and we have seen a lot of state departments, different country officials telling citizens to have a plan to get out. that's a difference to israeli and municipalities, reminding citizens to heed the guidance they have for when there's a missile attack to make sure shelters are clear, and they have water and food, in case they are down there for hours or even days, ana. >> ellison barber with the latest from tel aviv. thank you. staying overseas, this morning in bangladesh, the prime minister has fled the country, after a crack down on demonstrations sparked a violent revolt against her. the army chief announcing this resignation, and saying an interim government would be formed. the prime minister's ousting comes one day after nearly 100 people were killed in the deadliest day since protests began in june over a
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controversial job quota system. hundreds had already died in the weeks before with thousands more injured. 76-year-old was accused of becoming increasingly autocratic after ruling the south asian country for more than 15 years. and in venezuela, thousands protesting across that country amid widespread allegations of election fraud against the sitting president, nicolas maduro and his allies. according to "the washington post," tally sheets collected by the opposition, show challenger, gonzalez likely beat maduro by millions, despite the government declaring him the winner. maduro told supporters 2,000 people were arrested and detained and he pledged, quote, maximum punishment. coming up, what to expect now that tropical storm debby has made landfall in florida. and ready to roll, what the judge in donald trump's election
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causing massive flooding and leaving hundreds of thousands without power. let's go to florida and nbc news correspondent marissa parra is there for us. what are you seeing right now? how is recovery in that area going, if it's even able to get underway yet. i would say that here it is night and day difference from what we woke up to this morning. so this is where once hurricane debby made landfall early this morning. we woke up to wind gusts, 80, 90 miles per hour, and of course that steady rainfall that didn't let up until the last hour. so there have been a lot of changes. in terms of what we saw, i'll point out that this is our second location, initially we were reporting live from down the street, and ended up having to evacuate. the water levels were rising so high. so right now, i'm reporting in front of river, just over that way, the gulf of mexico over there, and it was not that long ago, maybe an hour or so ago, where i'm standing right now, i was ankle deep in water.
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and so we have seen a lot of that water recede, but i always caution people, even if you are in the big bend of florida, debby is now making its way elsewhere, even if you are here, the threat isn't over necessarily because you have people without power, and it could start to heat up because it's august in florida, further more, there's still the risk and threat of tornadoes. when it comes to debby's biggest threat. the biggest concern as debby continues on its path towards georgia and south carolina, those low lying areas we have been talking about, prone to the biggest threat there, which is the flood risks and storm surge. people underestimate how deadly and dangerous those things can be. the rising waters can be the most dangerous and deadly of storms like this one, a slow moving one, climate change, warming waters and the slow down makes for a dangerous and catastrophic situation with those historic rainfalls on the way. >> thank you so much for the
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update, marissa parra, nbc news meteorologist bill karins is joining us now, with a lock at what's still to come. you and i spoke earlier. the worst could be days away. >> easily, i would think maybe end of the first quarter, we've got a long ways to go with this storm. may have a couple of tricks up its sleeve. we have to watch this closely, as it remains over or near some of the warm water we'll talk about in a second. the storm made landfall down theory, and now in about eight or nine hours, it's moved toward lake city, that's how slowly it's moving. it's no surprise at all that this area under the bright yellow and red, there's been reports up to 15 inches of rain. that's why we have a flash flood emergency for the area, catastrophic flash flooding, water rescues likely taking place. life threatening conditions, from white springs southward. there's the suwani river, close to its all time record. we're going to have houses that get water in them too.
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we have the flash flooding, that water connects into the rivers and the rivers have to crest and go downstream, that's where you get the additional damage into homes too. that's what we're going to be watching in the days ahead, and we have new flash flood watches that are up. only up to here in savannah and charleston. now they just extended into eastern north carolina. ignore the 12 million. i'll update that. probably up to 20, 25 million, and eventually add the coastal areas to possibly southern new england. the number of people that are going to experience flash flooding is going to be 4, 50 million people. higher if we include new york city. haven't had many reports of tornadoes. doesn't mean it can't happen. extended from savannah to charleston. that will go right through this evening. the storm path, it's slow from the next three days. once we get off the coast, and what i don't like is that the water is very warm. we have record-breaking water temperature, el nino, climate
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change mixed in there. these storms over warm water, the fuel for them, record breaking warm water, temperatures in the gulf. this could strengthen again. the hurricane center has it getting stronger. the longer it's over water, maybe possible, strong thunderstorm or a cat 1 hurricane. and that wouldn't be until we get to thursday. then it heads up the coast. in this part of the forecast, this is where we start getting hillier areas, mountains we start to mix into it, and we talk about tropical rains. squiggly lines show where the storms go, and as far as the rainfall totals, this is really the number one story with this storm, possibility in the next four days, 20 inches and even up in the northeast. there are locations that have a chance for getting 6 to 10 inches of rain. that's why we said, this storm has begun its destruction. >> lots to track. thank you so much. bill. coming up we'll go live to the paris olympics, and today's
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misstep for the u.s. women's gymnastics team. but first, donald trump's federal election interference case is back on the docket in d.c. after a lengthy pause over presidential immunity. what's coming next, and when? en e plaque psoriasis, my skin was no longer mine. my active psoriatic arthritis joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling. it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. ( ♪♪ ) what the biggest companies deliver
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example, 80% of searches were running through google, whereas now in 2020, it was nearly 90% and higher for mobile devices. a lot of searches were going through google, and because they have these exclusive deals, with apple, for example, if the phone provider typically goes through, you know, sets up an automatic search through google when you go to your browser. instead of going to one of the competitors, such as bing or something of that nature. this is really quite a remarkable ruling. the antitrust space is something where the justice department has been working to make breakthroughs for a while. this was a closely watched case involving a lot of money, and really could have implications for other tech companies down the line as the justice department continuing its work in the antitrust space. >> is there a consequence for google? >> there will be. that's all going to be playing out as we go forward. the judge took a close look at this. the judge is a relatively younger guy, a hip hop fan.
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if you ever saw the oath keepers case, so he's well versed in a lot of the tech that was involved here, and bleeds this out in his opinion pretty well, i think. the courts generally have a bad reputation of not being up to speed on tech. this judge in particular i think did have a good grasp of the case here. >> more to come. thank you very much, ryan. ryan reilly. the federal election interference case against former president donald trump is formally back in the hands of the u.s. district judge overseeing the trial, and she's ready to proceed. over the weekend, judge tanya chutkan swept aside two of donald trump's attempts to dismiss his washington, d.c. case. she also set a new hearing date and deadlines to get this case back on track after an eight month pause to resolve the dispute over presidential immunity. let's bring in msnbc legal analyst and criminal defense attorney danny cevallos. so, danny, judge chutkan set
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august 16th for a hearing in this case. will we get a trial date? >> it's going to be a complicated thing to bring the decision in the supreme court immunity case, and decides to what degree there's going to be immunity. much of this is not fleshed out yet. we may get a trial date, we may not. we are on a new frontier here. no other court has ever dealt with implicating what the supreme court has told the lower court to do in terms of immunity, and the motion that she just denied was related to selective prosecution. not really related to immunity at all, but they put it on the record, they preserved it. it's really the immunity question that may leave very little of this case left after judge chutkan is finished with her hearings. >> give us more about that, the presidential immunity decision, will we see this case narrowed? will the charges against trump
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potentially change? >> here's a possibility, it may not change at you will a. maybe judge chutkan gets it, holds hearings, hears evidence and nobody, this is unrelated to official presidential conduct. that is theoretically a possibility. far more likely given the supreme court's order and directive is not only that core presidential powers are absolutely immune, even broader are two additional things that don't get as much attention, number one, the presumption of immunity. anytime trump says this is in the gray area of official conduct, he gets the presumption of immunity, and the government has to overcome that presumption. presumptions are a very powerful thing, of innocence, that's how powerful presumptions are. the authority issue of evidence. the supreme court has not said you can use these official acts even as evidence against the former president.
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what is that going to look like? that's another thing judge chutkan has to deal with. how does she hear evidence if it's not admissible. it's unusual for the supreme court to rule on the admissibility of evidence. we have rules of evidence, so it's very fascinating to see how judge chutkan is going to do this. whatever the outcome, trump will appeal, maybe right back at the supreme court anyway. >> we've got about 30 seconds left. i understand there was an update involving the gag order in trump's hush money case. what can you tell us? >> this is fascinating, the state of missouri sued the state of new york, claiming original jurisdiction. there are some cases involving states versus states that you can file directly in theory with the supreme court. the supreme court rejected moti. they wanted a stay of the gag order and sentencing, arguing that the gag order still in effect on trump was impeding on the rights of missourians who are wanting to vote and get all the information they want about
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the former president. so, in other words, the gag order prevents them from being able to vote properly. that's really it in a nutshell. it's a very curious theory. it's interesting from an academic perspective. but it was never really likely to succeed. >> and the supreme court said no, we're not going to take this one. >> in short order. but the other thing, if it were to go forward, it's scary to think that states could start suing each other if they don't like the outcome of the criminal result in that state. coming up, the highs and lows of today's olympic games. we're live in paris next. just like i was. dryness and frizz could be damaged hair that can't retain moisture. new pantene miracle rescue deep conditioner, with first-of-its-kind melting pro-v pearls... locks in moisture to repair 6 months of damage in one wash, without weigh down.
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. it is day ten of the paris olympics and the u.s. continues to lead with the most medals right now after big wins this weekend, including katie ledecky, who got her ninth gold medal in the 800 meter
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freestyle, broke her own record as the most decorated female olympian. on the track, noah lyles with this gold in the 100 meter sprint, becoming the first gold medalist in the race in 20 years. look how close that was. in gymnastics, the couple of slips on the beam meant no medals or simone biles and suni lee in that event. biles still came back to capture a silver in her floor routine, ending her competition in paris with four new medals. joining us from paris is chief international correspondenkeir . give us more of the details of the big wins and misses. start with gymnastics. >> simone biles, as you said, slipping on the beam there. it seemed to be that there was a kind of, you know, domino effect and that happens in gymnastics, where one gymnast slips, another one does, and it shakes people's
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confidence. and simone suffered from that. remember, they must have been exhausted by today, but as you say, she still emerged today from all of that with three gold medals and a silver medal. pretty extraordinary, the silver medal on the floor. and then some dramatic events around jordan chiles. because on the floor she won bronze, but only after her score was reassessed. so she thought she hadn't medaled, and then she had some minutes later. there were tears from her. it was beautiful to see her and simone biles embrace and the excitement of that moment. so, again, just these fabulous despite the fact there wasn't a gold medal today. there's been a lot of golds and team usa gymnasts have shown their best through these olympics. >> we mentioned what's happening on the track. there's so many different story lines to follow, so much overcoming adversity.
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that's part of what makes these games a great draw, a refreshing thing to be participating in as spectators from afar and you there. thank you very much, keir, for the reporting. back here at moment, global markets and around the world, they've been taking a huge hit, with investors citing fears about the u.s. economy. the dow is down over 1,000 points. joining us, nbc news senior business correspondent, christine romans. we're a few minutes from the closing bell. how big of a deal is this and why is this happening? >> it's a reminder that stocks don't just go straight up, which is what they've been doing for a long time. you've had record after record in the american stock market. this was a global sell-off. you saw the nikkei in japan down 12%, its worst day since black fly, 1987. you had investors in the united states rethinking the jobs report from friday and saying,
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you know what, that weakness in the labor market, the slowing of the labor market, maybe it's a sign the fed is behind the curve. all those fed rate hikes could actually tip the economy into something dangerous. look, the u.s. economy is still quite strong, it is just slowing here. now concerns that maybe it will start to slow more quickly and the fed is behind the curve. if you look at the tech stocks, they were kind of the epicenter here today. for example, nvidia, those shares, that's the computer chip maker, deep into artificial intelligence, a lot of enthusiasm around that stock. it has doubled this year. it lost a lot of ground today, 5% or so. so it might also be that investors are looking at a lot of big gains and saying if the u.s. economy is slowing and the fed doesn't get it exactly right, maybe we need to take some big profits off the table. it will bear watching tomorrow and even later this week to see if there is this feeling the fed is behind the curve and the u.s.
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economy is going to become out of balance. >> i'm just curious as we watch, we're going to take this to the closing bell. could the fed change their mind and make a change sooner? >> they always could, but a lot of people i've talked to today said the fed has very clearly telegraphed that it is heading for a rate cut. the next meeting is in september. they could always have an emergency meeting and cut if they needed to, but that could send a bigger signal to the markets. this is, after all, a 2%, 3% decline in the s&p and dow. it's certainly not like what they saw in japan. so i think the conventional wisdom is the fed will cut rates at the next meeting, but now the debate is will it be 25 points or 50. >> thanks for being with us and explaining that. the bell is closed. the dow closing down more than 1,000 points. we're going to stay


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