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tv   Alex Wagner Tonight  MSNBC  August 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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everyday since president biden dropped out of the election race and endorsed vice president kamala harris to take
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over the ticket, donald trump has had more and more reason to be nervous. averages compiled by elections expert nate silver show that since biden dropped out, down four points, two ahead of trump by two. up six points among registered voters, that is beyond the margin of error. among likely voters, harris is up by nine points. that could be an anomaly but it is pointing out that things are changing and polling is not the only thing looking good for kamala harris. her fundraising is off the charts, her crowd sizes are massive and people are volunteering to work for her campaign in droves. she has enthusiasm on her side right now, she has momentum. the washington post reports in the case of harris' new momentum, trump has, quote, grown increasingly upset about harris increasing numbers in media coverage since replacing biden on the ticket,".
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trump is complaining relentlessly and asking friends about how his campaign is performing, end quote. donald trump invited members of the press for a press conference. for the new cycle. >> enthusiasm, let me tell you, we have the enthusiasm, the republican party and meet as a candidate. the republican party has the enthusiasm. >> we have to tell people you have the enthusiasm, that is an issue. clearly nervous about harris' 12,000 and 15,000 person crowd in michigan and wisconsin yesterday. trump spent disproportionately large part of the press conference hyperfocus on you guessed it, crowd size. first, he claimed he had people come up to see him in south carolina. 88,000 people, that is a very, very big crowd.
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it turns out, the 88,000 people were not there to see him, the event he was talking about was not a trump rally, it was the state's biggest college football game of the year, the palmetto bowl and trump did not make any remarks. by that logic, i should ask msnbc pr to talk about how big a crowd i pulled and when i went to my last yankee game, they were all there for ali velshi. the stupid football game example is not the most outrageous claim about crowd size trump made today. the most outrageous claim he may today was not comparing one of his rallies with any of harris' rallies. it was trump comparing the crowd at his speech before the attack on a capitol on january 6th. rolled the tape. >> no one has book and the crowds bigger than me. if you look at martin luther king, when he did his speech, his great speech, and you look at hours, the same real estate, same everything, same number of people, if not we had more,
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they said that he had 1 million people but i had 25,000 people. when you look at the exact same picture and everything is the same in the fountains, the whole way back from lincoln to washington, you look at it, you look at the picture of his crowd, my crowd, we actually had more people. >> martin luther king. not only estimates put the credit martin luther king junior's i have a dream speech during the 1963 march on washington at about five times bigger than trump's january 6th crowd but the crowds were there for very different reasons. i think that is pretty important context. the other thing trump try to do to seize the news cycle today was to ship the goal posts around potential upcoming presidential debates. you might robert trump originally agreed to two debates with president biden, one was the debate moderated by cnn earlier this summer, which ultimately led to biden dropping out of the race.
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yet the debate was still on the horizon, set to be moderated by abc news on september 10th. once vice president kamala harris took biden's spot at the top of the democratic ticket, trump tried to renege on the whole thing, backout of the abc debate thing that abc was fake news and biased. his whole pitch was the debate should be held on fox news instead. but harris did not take the bait. she said she would see trump as the campaigns previously agreed on september 10th on abc. lastly, trump doubled down, he would be the debate harris on fox news or not at all. again, harris did not take the bait. today, trump came out with yet another alternative pitch. >> it is very important to have debates. we have agreed with fox on a date of september 4th, we have agreed with nbc, fairly full
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agreement, subject to them, on september 10th. and we have agreed with abc on september 25th. >> don't put anything in your diary yet because you have trump come he got abc and nbc backwards, mixed up. regardless of trump's flubs, it is easy to see what he is doing, trying to make the fox news debate , a debate on the family's terms for him happened and happened first. once again, kamala harris did not take the bait. >> i'm glad he finally agreed to debate on september 10th, i'm looking forward to it. i hope he shows up. >> reporter: are you open to more debates? >> i'm happy to have that conversation about additional debate after september 10th area two more debates, happy to have that conversation. >> reporter: why did he pull out ? >> i'm beyond trying to
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speculate how he thinks. >> reporter: could you comment on other criticisms, he made a whole litany today? >> i did not hear them. >> i was too busy talking to voters, something trump is doing with decreasing frequency. while vice president harris and her new running mate warn storm through swing states, tomorrow, donald trump holds his first rally since last weekend. he is going to the reliably red state of montana. joining us now is national columnist from the washington post and msnbc contributor and columnist. good evening to both of you and thank you for being here. don't know where to start, quite the adventure with donald trump today. the rambling mess that donald trump has become, charlie, what do you make of what he is trying to do here? >> after it was over, that hour- long ramble, i thought to myself, what did we just watch, what just happened, is he okay? clearly he is suffering from severe case of debilitating case of crowd envy.
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once again, i'm struck by the asymmetry of our politics because if joe biden or kamala harris had, and given a performance like that, there would be serious discussion about, do we need to make a change at the top of the ticket, do we need an intervention? it really was interesting watching this low energy, rambling, shrunken donald trump. this is what donald trump looks like when he is losing. the contrast, the split screen with kamala harris and tim walz is inescapable because there was no joy in mar-a-lago today. >> philip, charlie said that it is low energy, rambling, all of his rallies are rambling now and it is kind of weird, he goes from sharks to batteries, whatever he wants to talk about. you published a piece in which he said trump is not campaigning as hard as he used to, not keeping up the pace.
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some will argue because he thought he had this thing wrapped up. is there more to it? >> we don't really know. to paraphrase the vice president, it is hard to read trump's mind at any point. i look back at what he was doing in 2016 and 2020, 2016 , especially starting august, he had this battery of rallies, rally after rally, multiple rallies on single days, multiple times during the course of the month. in 2020 with covid restriction, telephone rallies and doing other presidential things, going to south dakota july 4th and doing a huge event there. there are all these manifestations of him as a candidate that we don't see now, j.d. vance traveling behind kamala harris and walz traveling across the country, it is not the same thing. he insisted in the press conference today, he was waiting for the democrats have their convention or whatever, does not make a lot of sense but that is what he said. we will see if it picks up once
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the convention is out of the way. there is no obvious explanation for, what is he doing? sitting at mar-a-lago, he does not have a job, he should not be out there campaigning. >> the crowd size thing is interesting because it is a go to for him, people forget this was the first press conference ever gave about alternative facts and crowd sizes. he is talking about enthusiasm, we have to tell people you have more enthusiasm than they have, you are getting yourself into trouble. initially, with the enthusiasm behind kamala harris, some conservative critics said that it is manufactured, turns out it is a lot more organic than people thought that said, we are still some distance away from the election. what has to happen now? there is enthusiasm, there was in 2000 bump with tim walz, the convention, that will be a natural bump or force, what happens after that? >> you have to execute, we will see whether or not this translates into the ground game
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. at this point, nobody knows whether we are talking about a sugar high or talking about fundamental reset of this campaign. i can't help thinking again and again of what it was like in milwaukee three weeks ago. the mood the republicans had, the optimism that they had this thing, they were riding high. donald trump in dominant position and he is clearly having a difficult time coping with this change of fortune. and really with the departure of joe biden, he has lost a foil that he was counting on because with joe biden in the race, he could run a low-energy campaign like this, play the what about card. what i think a lot of people were looking at today was, who is the old guy in the race now? 78-year-old man rambling, you can't say, what about joe biden
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, you are watching somebody who clearly has lost the fastball. certainly a very, very different candidate from 2016, even 2020. and yet, once again, now the focus because joe biden not a spoil, the focus on what is going on with donald trump, is he unwell, does it get any better than this? i wonder how many americans are watching it because a lot of the media coverage does not capture how genuinely strange it is, are asking themselves, do we really want four more years of this? do we really want 82-year-old trump with control of the nuclear button? because this was not an impressive performance by any means. >> as people said last week, i don't want a world where i have to worry about hannibal lector and being eaten by sharks and
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things like that. that said, the trump campaign not landing a lot of punches yet, they tried a lot, including calling her -- harris, none of us figured it out. the old adage was nobody watches the news and summer, nobody follows that, nobody watches into presidential campaigns until the conventions and sometimes not even until the day. i think the calculus has changed in the world has changed. out in america, there are people not fully dialed into the story just yet, which gives the trump/vance campaign time to recalibrate, can they, in your opinion? >> yeah, they certainly can from the standpoint of all things equal and objective assessment of what politcal campaign is capable of doing, they can. their dentist by the fact people have general sense of kamala harris, we have seen on the left, that has changed since she became the candidate, her status among democrats improved dramatically. suggesting they're squishing us about how people felt about
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her, while sprint is very poorly known, not many people have a strong opinion of him, that gives the trump/vance team advantage. what we are seeing in this moment and the energy behind harris at this moment is a reflection of reflection of a broader field people have on this campaign. [ inaudible ] they have seen better, that dynamic, harris and walz, people feel like that is a choice, i don't see how donald trump can be successful. >> harris and wall street putting together a sunny view of what america can be. in the midwest, there is some appeal, to walz's hokey charm, that said, i will ask the same question i asked phil, when they have to hit the ground
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running, they started, postconvention, more eyes are on them, what has to change, what has to happen to keep the momentum? >> one of the commands will be, obviously the republicans are hammering away on this, she has to have press conferences, sit down for longform interviews, i think republicans are thinking she might fumble those. we don't know, she has exceeded expectations so far. i think what we have seen is a recalibration, this campaign recalibrated on so many different organic growth on social media, the small donors on all of this, someone sitting in the upper midwest, this focus on the upper midwest, the populace themes, the very clear messaging to the white working class, drifting away from the democrats, has been very pointed. i still have a little bit of ptsd thinking about 2016, lower
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member hillary clinton never visited wisconsin, she has already visited wisconsin twice and with her one of our neighbors, who is going to relate to wisconsin voters in a very, very different way. this guy is not a coastal elite, he is a guide we recognize from the hardware store. this focus on places like midwest -- talk about the future, let's work together. it is a completely different vibe. the only campaign i can think of that had the same feel was obama in 2008. republicans remember what that wave was like, there was nothing john mccain could do or say that would change that game. >> this is become very exciting campaign one way or the other,
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thank you for ticking is a, philip bump and charlie sykes. much more to get two including what happens when the billionaire owner of one of the largest social media companies in the world spreads misinformation online. [ inaudible ] swiffer duster traps 4x more dust for a clean even mom approves of. that reach! ♪♪ making hard to reach. so easy! swiffer, [wow!] the mother of all cleans! ♪♪ we realize some home maintenance jobs aren't worth the risk. that's when we call leaffilter to protect our gutters. leaffilter's patented filter technology keeps debris out of your gutters for good, guaranteed. call 833 leaffilter or visit
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spyglass and seeking to hold on to the white house and romney, romney is not the most conservative candidate in the republican party, even back then. he staked out aggressively hard- line position on the issue of immigration, running on a platform of self deportation, making life so hard for immigrants for this country they would have no choice but to leave to given that, it probably surprise a lot of people young undocumented immigrants had chosen to spend their time and energy protesting
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president obama. many of them arrested, many shut of the campaign offices in california with signs that read, obama, stop deporting dreamers to the ended up sitting in obama offices in the den swing state of colorado. issues for so-called dreamers, people brought to the country without legal authorization as children. many of whom lived in the u.s. almost their entire lives. president obama provided protection for dreamers but insisted he could not grant them protections alone. the republican-controlled congress would have to send him a bill. in june 2012, in the middle of the campaign, something remarkable happened, president obama came around and decided to try. he announced he would grant protections to thousands of dreamers through executive
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order. the pressure worked. president obama was re-elected with strong support from the latino community despite the protests. much to the chagrin of the obama administration, the protest did not stop. many of the dreamers were protected but there were still some who weren't the parents of those dreamers can still be deported at any moment. the activist kept pushing, even interrupting the president during speaking events. >> most importantly, we will live up, most important we will live up to our character as a nation. >> separated, i need your help to >> that is exactly what we are talking about it is why we are here. >> you have the power to stop -- >> president obama, again insisted, he did not have the power to take those actions alone but the activist -- by
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the following year, president obama moved again using another executive order to shield more dreamers from deportation and de-prioritize deportation of people without criminal records. there were plenty of people at the time who questioned the strategy of the protesters who asked why they were not protesting mitt romney and the republicans in congress blocking progress on immigration reform. those protesters understood a key part. that is the beauty of what it means, political party that is responsive to social change, to be on the side of what the late john lewis called, good trouble. vice president, harris interrupted by a group of demonstrators protesting the war in gaza. this was how she responded.
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>> you know what, if you want donald trump to win, say that otherwise i'm speaking. >> it is a snappy line and makes for good sound bite, it is undeniably true she will be a better president for their cause and donald trump area as the immigration protesters proved back in the obama administration, these issues are more complicated and better for you than the other guys. kamala harris has proven she is the kind of thoughtful leader who listens better, she understands the nuance of this particular issue, even while some continue to insist neither nuance or context mattered in the story. campaign has real opportunity to reset relationship with the community expressing dissatisfaction over the war and america's role in it. can the harris campaign uses
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and can protesters use it as an opportunity to be heard? i will talk with the new york times after the break. lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds. ♪ ♪ and i'm keeping the weight off. wegovy® helps you lose weight and keep it off. i'm reducing my risk. wegovy® is the only fda-approved weight-management medicine that's proven to reduce risk of major cardiovascular events in adults with known heart disease and with either obesity or overweight. wegovy® shouldn't be used with semaglutide or glp-1 medicines. don't take wegovy® if you or your family had medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop wegovy® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. wegovy®
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three months ago before president biden dropped out of the race, journalists asked the congressman alexandria ocasio-
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cortez, could not vote for joe biden because of his handling of the war in gaza. >> for individual palestinian america that have their family killed, there is nothing, i am not here to lecture anyone, i have a vested interest protecting democracy, not just here, domestically but globally. and it isn't, i truly do not believe this a lesser of two evils type of situation, i think about what conditions do i want to be organizing under in the next four years? >> what conditions do i want to be organizing under for the next four years? which of the candidates on the ballot would you prefer to organize and protest under? who will sit, listen, and be moved by the voices of dissent and who will try to silence them? these are the questions important both for voters and the harris campaign as it
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continues to face americans speaking out loudly against the ongoing war in gaza. joining me is michelle goldberg, opinion columnist for the new york times. thank you for joining me. you have understood and try to parse the nuance in this difficult conversation since october 7th, including how it played out on college campuses and it seems to me that kamala harris has a moment and opportunity here to bring that nuance into the conversation, prior to what she said yesterday at the rally, she met with leaders of the uncommitted movement, the group of people who organized going out in the primary and saying, we are voting, we are showing up but telling you about our dissatisfaction. tell me what you think is going on. >> i think it is externally difficult needle for kamala harris to thread. i would also say, i don't necessarily agree it is possible to bring that much nuance to a conversation you're having with protesters at a rally, as opposed to with people
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, what kind of stakeholders you meet with one on one. i was glad to hear that she met with the uncommitted activists and hope she has more and longer meetings with them. to some extent, there is going to be a fundamental difference, i don't even know if it is a difference of opinion but kamala harris is still the vice president and i don't think it is realistic to expect her to go against the policy of the president xi serves while serving him, even if he sent a bunch of signals she is much more sympathetic to the palestinians and much more cognizant of the immense suffering of gaza than biden has been. >> what's listen to that, let's listen to what kamala harris said after her meeting with benjamin netanyahu on july 25th.
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>> images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third, or fourth time, we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies, we cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and i will not be silent. to everyone calling for a cease- fire and to everyone who yearns for peace, i see you and i hear you. let's get the deal done so we can get a cease-fire to in the war. let's bring the hostages home and let's provide much needed relief to the palestinian people. >> in the same set of comments, she reaffirmed america's support for israel, like a lot of u.s. politicians, sort of thing, not really on netanyahu but support israel . she was able to bring both thoughts at
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the same time. to your point, she is still the vice president under joe biden, how does she convey to people she is prepared to try to thread a needle that is difficult to thread? >> certainly, some people are not going to be satisfied with anything but a radical change in u.s. policy that frankly, even if you think it is substantively warranted, would be politically really risky for her to announce right now. i don't think that is going to happen. where she has high hopes, signal a change of biden, she has already succumbed the change, obviously not nearly enough. i heard from a number of palestinians who are beyond being, there is immense grief from what is happening in palestine. there is also dehumanization, biden, who was a man so known
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for his ability to empathize, seemed to not have that ability when it comes to palestinians. i do think it is a start, not enough for most people, it is at least a start that when she speaks about the suffering in gaza, she speaks about it with real pain. she seems to really feel it and find it intolerable. >> your newspaper published an interview that occurred before the rally in michigan that we were showing a tape of. the first arab american mayor dearborn was saying, where the door was closed with president biden, the door has lightly cracked open with kamala harris. i think the cracking of the door really shows an opportunity for meaningful dialogue.
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i want to ask you, in the context of the way we set the conversation up, sometimes you protest the people more likely to be movable, more likely to be closer to your cause, how does the democratic party think of this? the democratic party two months ago or a month ago was slightly more disunited organization than it is today around kamala harris, this remains the fissure we could see a lot of in chicago and the next few months. >> right, certainly one reason why a lot of people, not everyone, why significant minority of people very relieved the vice presidential nominee was not josh shapiro. the difficulty is that, that is what makes it so different from the case of the dreamers. it is understandable, to me, why pro-palestinian activists would be protesting, harris and not donald trump because kamala harris is part of the administration in power. she has a level of agency here that donald trump thankfully does not have. at the same time, in the interest of the democratic party to maintain order and unity and i think politically,
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the way she handles the protesters was probably a plus for her. >> michelle, thank you for joining us, we appreciate your insights and reporting, michelle goldberg of the new york times. coming up, jakin agree to tech unit elon musk's overreach of politics in the united states and abroad in worldwide chaos that it sows, that is next. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid
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tech billion elon musk this week posted this, on x, deplatform formerly known as twitter, quote, civil war is inevitable. the world's richest man reacting to a video allegedly showing rioters clashing with british police after days of far right agitated violence and anti-immigrant protest in several towns and cities across the uk inspired by a lie that was spread across social media. his dangerous, and subsequent ones earned him just about admonishment from members of the british government. this is not a problem just in the uk. governments across the globe, including the u.s., grappling with how to stop the cycle of spiteful rhetoric and misinformation and disinformation on social media, a task made monumentally more difficult when the person doing it is elon musk, who owns capital x and has the biggest audience on the platform with a whopping 193 million followers,
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his followers. recent analysis by the nonprofit center for countering digital hate found that his misleading election claims in the u.s. have accrued to 1.2 billion views on x, which includes 50 instances this year when musk posted already debunked election claims. the question is, is there a remedy? joining me is a veteran venture capitalist and early investor in facebook and google, waking up to the facebook catastrophe. roger, it is good to see you but not in circumstances like this. this is a big, big problem, elon musk announced to everybody he wanted twitter to become a town square and be open to everybody and he turned out to be one of the biggest garbage purveyors on the entire platform. >> the sad thing is elon musk is the proof point that vast amounts of wealth do not buy you happiness or wisdom area i
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think what he is doing now is incredibly destructive and i don't think it is an accident. i think this is in fact, not just his goal but the goal of a lot of billionaires who are really trying to disrupt the world order and it is in my mind, both incredibly dangerous and very sad. a lot of it is true because governments around the world have had a policy of being hands-off relative to industry, relative to wealthy people. that leaves us in the precarious situation where they control the most important platforms in our lives. >> we are seeing, you're talking about actual election interference, we have seen this happen all over the world, these platforms can do things that are quite disastrous. in the uk, what happened here, a coastal town in northwest england, the suspect was a 17-
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year-old, he was born in wales, he was a child of immigrants, not an immigrant himself, he wasn't white. it was spread that this was something done by an undocumented immigrant which has led to essentially race riots in the uk. people died as a result of this, police are losing control over things because people are going up and thinking that they will clear uk of undocumented immigrants because of this. elon musk knows better, what is he trying to do here? >> i do believe among billionaires today, there is a sense that liberal democracy is teetering and that they can dislodge it and replace it with something authoritarian that will give them free reign to do what they want to do. you can see this in our own election where there is one group of tech billionaires, in particular, who are supporting trump a second group of tech billionaires who are supporting harris. and yet, the things that they have in common from a policy
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point of view, completely overwhelmed the places where they disagree. their goal, in fact, for all of them, is to be in a situation where their ability to act as unfettered by any kind of regulation and where they are not required to protect the safety of the people who use their products not required to protect privacy, and they are allowed to do things that completely stifle competition. >> how does this dovetail your conversation you will have been having with me for years, a healthy democracy depends on a well-informed electorate? the influence these platforms have now does not make me feel like we are getting more informed electorate as a result of social media. >> i think there is bad news and good news on this front. the bad news is the power of the platform is so great, it has undermined the intellectual honesty of traditional media. we have seen it with the new york times, the washington post, and a lot of other things that historically we have trusted to give us a neutral
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perspective on what is going on. quite clearly, they are playing the game to maximize clicks and attention so they are trying to find ways to undercut the enthusiasm of the harris campaign by suggesting there is an issue here or, oh my gosh, there's a problem with tim walz's military history, which is total baloney. that is the bad news. the good news is that the biden/harris administration has done something essential, they have empowered the federal trade commission and department of justice to pursue any trust remedies, in the case of ftc, consumer protection remedies against the big tech platforms they just won last week, a monster case against google, believe it or not, the first of two, there's a second one started next month. in doing that, winning these cases, they are threatening, if you will, the ability of these
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companies to run the world, if you have 3 billion active users, the way that meta does, the way the google does, you are in a position where you think you are more important that any government so you do not obey the law. that is epidemic in tact. time for a reset in technology, it is my hope the harris administration, should she be elected, will not only maintain extraordinary progress of the biden/harris administration in antitrust, complement with focus on consumer protection and on privacy so we can have much-needed reset we need in silicon valley and get it to focus on important problems like climate change and public health. it is ignoring nonsense like crypto and generative a.i. >> roger, is there a case for, you made the argument, are we thinking again if in terms of what regulation should look like
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with respect to social media? >> the brilliance of lena cott looking at consumer protection, started looking at instagram and kids. she initiated a suit, the purpose of which is to force meta to stop gathering data and stop monetizing people under the age of 18. that is the right way to regulate. you decide what the outcome is you are looking for and decree that is how it is going to be. we can do that all over these places, you look at elon musk, why is there no law that says you cannot create a website that registers people to vote and only register them in red states. that is what he is doing and that kind of stuff should be illegal and we need to look at the use of technology to undermine the basic values of the country, which is epidemic.
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>> roger, good to see you. thank you for joining us. roger mcnamee is invested in technology and very important thinker on these issues. coming up, new tonight, special counsel jack smith drops surprising new filing in donald trump's january 6th federal election case, that is next. (eth how can you sell your house when we're stuck on a space station for months???!!! (brian) opendoor gives you the flexibility to sell and buy on your timeline. (janet) nice! (intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. it's time to feed the dogs real food in the right amount. a healthy weight can help dogs live a longer and happier life. the farmer's dog makes weight management easy with fresh food pre-portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come.
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but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. suppressing the vote would donald trump january 6th election interference case tonight, both sides expected to submit joint filing tomorrow proposing a timeline for pretrial proceedings. now that the supreme court returned the case to the district court judge, tanya chutkan. in a new filing tonight, it is a special counsel jack smith, not trump's lawyers, seeking a delay for more time. smith considers what impact the supreme court unity ruling
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should have on his case. joining me is former federal prosecutor and senior writer for plutko magazine. good to see you, thank you for being with us. usually trump folks are asking for delays on stuff, what do you think is happening here? >> i think they're thrilled by the development, i think there's a possibility, hard to say for sure, one half ability in place as potentially the department considering whether and what extent there is a boat moving the case forward in the final few months of the election. i think that is somewhat unlikely since the position the government has taken in this case and the case in florida is essentially there should be no pre-election blackout period on pretrial proceedings because the cases are not even charged. other speculation to the effect potentially the government getting ready to file superseding indictment, that too would surprise me because there'd be no reason for the government on that point. another possibility, more likely than not, is that they
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are legitimately as the filing says, consulting internally with other doj components including the office of legal counsel, given the complexity of the vagueness the test of the supreme court with the decision taking it back down to the lower court. >> the supreme court, important for people to remember, they sent this back, judge chutkan, you work out based on what we said, which was unprecedented. what was allowed and not allowed.
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>> the standard is nebulous at the court gave them, difficult to work through given various working parts of the government to i think more likely than not we will see some materialized activity before the election and perhaps a pretrial or evidentiary hearing or two. >> this is a request by jack smith's team, it's not like they said that the trump's team does not disagree with it, is it your view that judge chutkan will grant the delay? >> yeah, she probably will, the consent of the defendant, the sort of request where the judge has a lot of latitude to second guess them, they are not talking about confrontation on some issue where she had insight. she has to take their word and it would be unusual to reject a request like this made in joint capacity. >> is there great deal of conflict between the trump's
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team and jack smith team given everybody's job right now is to figure out what it is the supreme court has said is allowable and what is not? >> i do think we should anticipate some conflict here. if i was the justice department, the lawyer, i would be trying to move this forward even with the delay potential in the form of hearings and live testimony at those hearings. the trump position, i'm quite confident, nothing should happen before november, if anything, it should be as little as possible in the way of any activity including life hearing. i would expect in a matter of weeks, we will see real daylight between them . >> thank you for joining us. that is tonight's show. time for that last word with my friend, lawrence o'donnell. >> thank you for allowing me to take another week of vacation next week by jumping into the seat next week and getting us


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