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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  August 9, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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it is good to be back with you on this second hour of "chris jansing reports." at this hour, the storm that just won't stop. debby pommels the northeast with rain, flooding, and tornadoes. the new images coming in as water spills into the neighborhoods. we've got the latest. plus, kamala harris tries to redraw the map. her big play for the sun belt with an army of volunteers and piles of cash. and a terror plot thickens. the new arrest in the foiled
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plot to kill taylor swift fans overseas, plus, what the city of london has decided about the star's upcoming shows there. and in the middle east, the u.s. calls for urgently needed cease fire talks just as israel launches a new attack in gaza with fighter jets and paratroopers. our nbc news reporters are following all of the latest developments. let's begin with nbc's george solis, live in pennsylvania, tracking the damage from debby, and oh, my goodness, looking behind you, that place is trash. where exactly are you, and what happened there? >> yeah, chris, we just found this location. this is harrisburg brother in christ church. as you pointed out, the damage here, absolutely remarkable. i'm going to step out of the shot so you can see. the roof here completely ripped off of this church. it was actually on the other side of the street. fortunately, no one was here. this happened in the overnight hours, according to the staff and the pastor here. about two miles from where i'm
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standing. we saw similar damage at an elevator company. that building also completely decimated, the front of it, pushed in by what appears to be very strong winds in the back of the building, completely ripped away. they had 500 pound picnic tables there, lifted like they were toys and just tossed around the parking lot. the national weather service teams are in the process to survey whether or not this may have been the result of a tornado, but a lot of folks out here believe it was, given the magnitude of this damage and what they have seen out here. again, just the sheer fact that we have seen trees snap like twigs and we have seen some of the steel beams, buildings benlt -- bent over and decimated. i did speak with the partial owner. two miles from the church where i'm standing. take a listen to him assess some
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of the damage there. >> straight through the building, pressed in the building from this side, and then went blowing through the backside, and pulled out the back of the building also. >> everything in there totalled? >> i wouldn't say it's totalled. however, there is a substantial amount of damage to the roof and the front is basically right now just being held up by the parts inside the building. >> yeah, chris, as far as some of the rain event that was happening out here, that was all in the morning. so now a lot of people are actually getting their first glimpse at what debby has done in this area. we're seeing pockets of rain here and there and winds picking up. it does appear the worst has moved out of the region. again, when you assess some of the damage here, you know the clean up and the story just beginning for many of these folks dealing with the aftermath. they were told that this particular church feeds about 100 families a month. that's something they're not going to be able to do when the doors are closed and the building condemned. >> tragedy compounding tragedy. george solis, thank you.
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we want to go back to the breaking news, a plane crash in southern brazil that we're following. nbc's tom costello is following this for us. i have never heard of voepass, perhaps a small regional airline within brazil. what can you tell us about this? >> this is developing as we speak, and the video, which we have seen circulating that we're trying to get verified is really horrific. the bottom line is this was a flight called voepass, flight number 2283. that's a regional carrier inside brazil. 58 passengers on board. four crew members. it left the town of cascoval, 62 people in total on board. the video seems to show this plane literally in some sort of a very serious and rapid decent. it's not nose diving, it's not
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going tail first, it's falling flat out of the sky and spinning at the same time. this was an atr 72, which is a twin engine turbo prop plane made jointly by the french and italian conglomerate. it is flown widely as a regional plane in several areas of the world, including brazil. this happened within the past hour and a half or so, and it appears that this plane went down into a neighborhood, a residential neighborhood in brazil. the airline is confirming that, in fact, this plane has gone down. they're coordinating with local fire, rescue and police authorities, but the video on the ground, if verified would suggest surviving this plane crash may have been very challenging indeed. we are continuing to reach out, as you would expect, to brazilian authorities, to the local fire, hospital authorities as well, and the airline is confirming that this flight, again, voepass, flight 2283 has
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gone down with a total of 62 people on board in brazil. chris. >> so two things that sound like didn't happen, one is you said that it didn't go into a nose dive. doesn't appear, again, we have not verified this video, but doesn't appear to have broken up, so what are the possibilities if there is a plane that literally just flat drops out of the sky? >> that's exactly the way. it appears to have gone literally like this, coming flat down like that. the talk, the informed speculation from our own aviation sources is that it may have involved some sort of an aerodynamic stall. how that would happen on that particular model, we simply don't have enough information to even venture a guess right now. but this is a highly unusual type of scenario, where the plane comes down almost like a pancake, although in a very slow spinning like that, that's why
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they call it a flat spin, and then literally landing on belly. the video and photos i have seen, we're efforting to verify that, shows the nose of the plane seems to be in tact. again, not nose diving down, but literally coming down flat in brazil. again, voepass, regional carrier in brazil, flight 2283 with 62 people on board. >> tom, i know you'll get back to us if we learn more or verify the video. thank you so much, tom costello. let's go to arizona now, where kamala harris is campaigning tonight as part of her western swing through battle ground states. nbc's aaron gilchrist is live in glendale, arizona. i know you have been talking to voters, what are they telling you about the harris campaign? >> reporter: you talk to some voters here, chris, in the phoenix area. the new democratic ticket is
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certainly getting people's attention. they're wondering if this is a ticket that could be a winning ticket. the harris campaign feels there's momentum here to capitalize on. they feel like there's been a ground swell of support, evidenced by a significant increase in the number of volunteers that have signed up. the campaign says since vice president harris became the candidate, the eventual nominee, that 20,000 plus people have signed up to volunteer for the campaign. at the same time, when you talk to voters here, there are issues that are specific in some ways to arizona, to nevada, to the southwest that we hear in other parts of the country. there's such a large, a significant number of independent voters here in arizona that the campaign has to target that group. they represent about 1/3 of registered voters in arizona. it is not just enough to rally support around the democratic base. there's definitely a need here to speak to independent voters as well.
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i think tonight when vice president harris addresses the crowd here that's in the arena where she's going to be speaking, there's also going to be a need to address the larger population in this area about issues around economics. people have talked about being concerned about being able to afford their expenses. i want you to hear what independent voters they told us they want to hear from vice president harris today. >> two big things with her right now and immigration and the economy. obviously, like, i said the economy is not in a great spot. some kind of a plan. i mean, when you're borderline in a recession like we are right now, it's not easy to swing yourself out of. >> to me, the most benefit i can get from whoever party it is, so i pay attention how it affects me directly, who is going to put money back in my pocket, as far as making if more affordable. >> reporter: we have also heard from political strategists in this area that the issue of immigration and border security
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is one that's very important to people here. it's one that democrats haven't done extremely well with. a lot of talk we have heard from democrats has been around former president trump tanking the bipartisan border security bill that came through the senate earlier this year. we know that vice president harris is not sort of shying away from the topic, there's a new ad that's been released in this area, in arizona and nevada today as a matter of fact, that addresses border security. it's different from previous ads we have seen from the campaign in that it doesn't mention former president trump directly. it doesn't sort of compare him and vice president harris. it does take a more proactive stance on trying to say what a president harris would do with the issue of immigration and border security. i want you to see a little piece of the ad that's running here. >> as president she will hire thousands of border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking. fixing the border is tough, so is kamala harris. >> reporter: and so we'll be watching to see if we hear that
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part of the message when vice president harris and her running mate, tim walz, the governor of minnesota speak here tonight, how much they will address immigration. they will talk about economic issues, chris, and they will also talk about the reproductive freedom issue we have heard them talk about so often, there's an abortion measure on the ballot here in november. chris. >> aaron gilchrist, thank you. there's been another arrest linked to the foiled plot involving taylor swift concert in vienna. ken dilanian joins me now. tell us the latest on this arrest and the security going forward. >> good afternoon, chris, that's right, the austrian home secretary announced an 18-year-old iraqi national has been taken into custody after allegedly being in contact with the 19-year-old main suspect. authorities say the 18-year-old was not directly involved in the planning but may have been aware of what was going on, and like the main suspect had pledged allegiance to isis. officials say the main suspect
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confessed to a plan to kill himself and as many others as possible, and had explosives and a machete at his home. taylor swift is slated to perform five shows at wemley's london stadium next week, and british officials say there are no plans to cancel the shows, and they are taking every precaution to make sewer they are safe, including possibly placing metal detectors at every entrance. they are mindful of the attack outside of an ariana grande concert. many lessons were learned after that attack, and he said authorities will not be complacent, chris. >> ken dilanian, thank you. israel is sending a team to qatar to discuss what's being described as a final proposal for a cease fire in gaza. nbc's ellison barber is reporting for us from israel. it was, of course, president biden and the leaders of egypt and qatar who used that word. he said there's no more time for excuses or delays. what do we know, where might
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this go from here? >> reporter: when i've talked to experts in the region watching in closely, especially when it comes to the cease fire and hostage negotiations, both on the palestinian side and the israeli side, the general take and the sense i get from speaking with those people is that they see this letter, this joint statement, as a strongly worded invitation, essentially saying to israel and hamas, saying come back to the negotiating table, let's do the final round of talks, and sort of pick up where we left off. it appears at some point when they're making reference to a framework agreement that's still on the table, that they're talking about a framework agreement that president biden actually spoke about in the white house in a speech on may 31st. and saying we still have some implementation details to finish, but don't have time to waste. come meet us august 15th in do ha and cairo, and sort the whole thing out.
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they say in the letter or statement, as mediators, if necessary, we're prepared to present a final bridging proposal that resolves the issues in a manner that meets the expectations of the involved parties. one person we have been speak to go is a guy named gershon baskin. chris, he is a long time hostage negotiator here in israel. he helped negotiate the 2011 release of israeli soldier, gilead. there is a point that seems to have been reached in his view that hamas and israel have two different takes, and little bits of things that are immovable on both sides. the mediators know this. they need to bring forward what he described as a bridging proposal and put it on the table, and say, hey, this is what we know you want. we think this is the best compromise, we have done this long enough. take it or leave it, and we're done negotiating and force their
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hand that way. we know that israel has agreed to send negotiators on august 15th in cairo or doha. it's been widely reported that particularly now that yahya sinwar is the political chief of hamas and he has not been seen since the days after october 7th. he's believed to be in the tunnels in gaza, it takes a while to get to and from him. in the past, the issues that have come up after they reached the framework in negotiations, hamas made what was described by some as a concession. they said they didn't want to go into the first phase of a cease fire agreement unless there was an agreement that it was going to be a permanent cease fire. they backed off, as long as we agree to talk about it, we could go through the first bit. then netanyahu and his office released a couple of different contingencies and holdups, where they said that they didn't want to be considering a permanent cease fire at that time, and also that they wanted to talk
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more about having israeli forces stay behind in the buffer zone, kind of between gaza and egypt and that was another issue. when we talked to sources on both sides, they are not entirely optimistic that this could get done, but they say this is a better step in a direction where mediators are taking a little more control here and saying we're doing with this game, let's get a deal and move on. >> coming up in 90 seconds, debate set, match. donald trump and kamala harris agree to a september face-off. will it be the one and only? (vo) they're back! verizon small business days are here. august 5th to the 11th. get a free tech check. and special offers. like a free 5g phone, when you switch. don't miss out. get started today. growing old is part of the journey, even when you have heart failure. but when he had shortness of breath, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lower back pain, we wondered, could these be warning signs
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don't miss out. get started today. we are getting our first live pictures from southeastern brazil. if you were with us a little earlier, this is the area where a plane went down. the airline is voepass, a reginald airline within brazil. people who saw it and some people took video of it, which we have not been able to confirm, show that it literally just seemed to drop out of the sky into that residential area. tom costello, our aviation reporter has talked to experts who say it was in what's called a flat spin. in other words, instead of nose diving it really fell flat. though it was slowly spinning. emergency response teams are there. you can see some smoke. we don't know if that's from the crash itself. there were 58 passengers and four crew members on board.
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the cockpit appears to be in tact. whether or not there are any survivors, whether or not, again, that looks like a heavily populated residential area, whether anybody on the ground was impacted, we just don't know, but at least we are able to see that there are quite a few emergency crews on the ground. we'll keep you posted as we learn more about that plane crash. in the meantime, back to u.s. politics and game on. donald trump and kamala harris will officially go head to head on the debate stage in prime time on september 10th. but right now, donald trump says he's ready to get even more debates on the books. he's agreed to two additional face-offs in the month of september with harris. but will she accept? >> are you open to more debates? i'm happy to have that conversation about an additional debate or after september 10th, for sure. >> you proposed two more. >> happy to have that conversation. >> i want to bring in former democratic congressman from
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ohio, tim ryan, also with me, former adviser to george w. bush and john mccain and the creator of "the circus" mark mckinnon. is wanting more debates and acknowledgment by trump he needs them a strategy believing she'll say no so he's able to brand her as scared? what's your read on this? >> 100%, it's clear that donald trump now recognizes that his campaign is in a free fall, and he's got to do something to get the momentum back. and it's telling that when harris was first announced, he was doing all he could to get out of the debate. he knows what a great debater she is. if you remember, there weren't a lot of high points in the harris 2020 campaign, but the one really high point was when she knocked out joe biden in the debate. just crushed him with a round house. she's really really good. and listen, i think harris is a
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tremendous debater. ton of confidence. and if i were the harris campaign, i would adopt the anywhere, anytime, any place, and debate him every day of the campaign from here to election day. >> congressman, would you do the same? i mean, look, she very carefully worded her answer. she said she would consider it after the september 10th debate. put that in the context of what we know donald trump was proposing. before september 10th, he proposed a fox debate. she's not saying she would consider that. she said she would consider after wards, the debate after the abc, september 10th debate, is scheduled to be on nbc, but does any of that matter. is mark right? any place, any time? she is known as the prosecutor. >> yeah, i agree with mark. i think that she's going to be willing to do it. obviously she doesn't want to get boxed in one way or the other at this point, and let those conversations happen, but
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this is absolutely to her advantage. i think this is a recognize of the trend lines happening in this campaign, the energy, the polling is closer, if not has kamala harris ahead. she's framing up these issues, a little bit earlier on the immigration issue. she's the tough prosecutor, and they got these other dynamics going. not just generational change, versus old and grumpy with trump. but you also have, you know, new ideas that are coming online. you've got the prosecutors. i mean, it is just lining up really well for her, and she's going to want to show everybody her personality, and her intelligence at these debates. i think it will be a big deal for her. >> we've seen her before, right? we've seen her plenty. folks in california saw her in debates there. she was a presidential candidate, so she did those debates. we also saw her when vice president harris took on then vp
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mike pence in their 2020 debate. here's one a lot of people talked about at the time. >> $100,000 a year. >> mr. vice president, i'm speaking. i'm speaking. >> is he only going to repeal part of the trump tax cuts? >> if you don't mind letting me finish, we can then have a conversation. >> please. >> okay? >> mr. vice president, i'm speaking. mark, is that how you can handle, though, a donald trump? >> exactly. and that's why trump is so fun to watch. you know how to deal with joe biden. he doesn't know how to deal with kamala harris, and that's a really good example right there. she is very confident, and she's strong, and having done a lot of presidential campaigns, the perception of strength is the most important asset a candidate can have, and that's why joe biden was in so much trouble, likely because of his age, he was seen as weak. trump despite his age is the old guy. kamala harris is not weak.
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she's very strong and very confident. especially so on a debate stage. i expect that when she's on stage, there will be a lot of moments like that, and trump won't know how to deal with it. trump's cognitive ability, that used to be the daily news about bind, now it's the focus on trump, and the debates will only enhance that. >> congressman, abc says the debate will be 90 minutes, moderated by david muir, lindsay davis, but the exact format, the ground rules have not been worked out apparently. from what we saw in the last debate when they had no live audience, no fact checking but also those mic cuts, how important are those, and if you were on harris's team, how would you argue? >> i would keep it wide open. you can have a crowd there, but, you know, you're not running for are raucous seat in congress, where you're at debates and people are screaming and yelling at each other. the american people want to hear a conversation. you can have a crowd there. make sure people are being
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respectful. but i think a format that's wide open and will allow her to show her scope of knowledge on these issues that she's dealt with in the senate. she dealt with the criminal issues and the prosecutorial issues in california. she's been vice president for three and a half years, understands the foreign policy issues. so i say let it rip. you know, let kamala be kamala. let her go out and do her thing. she has a secret weapon, and her secret weapon is in the military, countries try to send missiles, and other countries jam those missiles with devices. just because of who she is, she has a jamming device on trump. like mark said, she scrambles him. he doesn't know how to handle her, and i think the more scope you have in a debate, the more you're going to allow that to show, and you're also going to allow people to understand do you really want to spend the next four years of your life listening to donald trump about
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anything, talk about anything. people are going to get exhausted with him. a wide open format would bring that home as well. >> he's actually done work with her campaign, and is currently, let's all feel sad for him, in paris with the second gentleman, doug emhoff for the olympics. it's good of you to come to us from the city of lights. how do you think kamala harris can and should take on donald trump? >> yeah, i mean, look, i'm from california, almost, chris. but i'm in paris right now, and i think that's really important, being part of this delegation is a reminder of the unity that people have here. i have been talking to folks on the street, and believe it or not, even from all the way out here, people are so excited. americans all across watching the games are excited for kamala harris and governor walz.
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what's really important is what you have seen in the first few weeks is a campaign that's energized, grass roots, it's fired up. historic amounts of fundraising that's being done every single day. and a ticket that speaks to the american people. kamala harris's job is to prosecute the case every single day. not just against donald trump, and his horrific policies. but also talk about what they're going to do in office. talk about the optimism, the hope, about ensuring that health care stays low, that social security is protects that women have a right to abortion and control over their own bodies, you're going to have two actual governing partners doing the work and focusing on the american people every single day, instead of the chaos that donald trump brings to the ticket. it's exciting to see the excitement all the way out here, people are fired up for kamala harris. >> so she is facing some mounting criticism right now, and in fact, attacks from donald trump, from j.d. vance, from republicans generally over what
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they say is her dodging the media. let me play that. >> she's not doing any news conference. you know why she's not doing it, because she can't do a news conference. she doesn't know how to do a news conference, and i'm sorry, we need smart people to lead this country. >> madame vice president, there's questions about when you're going to sit down for the interview being the nominee. >> i talked to my team, i want to get an interview scheduled before the end of the month. >> an interview scheduled before the end of the month doesn't necessarily mean when it's happening. also very different than facing a press conference. that's what you're hearing from her critics on the other side. should she just do it? >> well, she's going to do it, and she said that she's going to do some sit down interviews. she obviously has a lot of press availability that she has been doing. but let's be clear. she just became the nominee. she's about to go into the democratic convention a week from now.
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she's going to be addressing the american people. she just picked a vice president and is barn storming the swing states with him. it will be plenty of time and weeks ahead for her to address the american public in the ways that are important. yes, through the media, but also directly talking to voters, going to rallies, going to small businesses, holding round tables, and making sure that people hear directly from her. kamala harris has always stood up and ensured that people understand what her perspective is for the country and what she wants to do with the american public. i think governor walz is the same kind of person. let's be crystal clear. donald trump didn't want to debate kamala harris. he is scared to do. he couldn't agree to the debate. his poll numbers are dropping, he's finally agreed to debate the vice president. she's going to do that september 10th debate and from there, like she has said, she's happy to have conversations about other debates.
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we want to make sure we focus on the debate that's been agreed to by both parties and she's going to be sitting down and talking to more members of the media. it's going to be a good few weeks ahead, capping off with the big convention in a week. >> congressman robert garcia, enjoy the rest of the games, thanks for coming on the program. we appreciate it. we want to go back to our breaking news, the plane crash in southern brazil. we just got new information from the president of brazil who says it does appear all the passengers and crew members on board have died. he didn't elaborate on how that information had been obtained, but we have been seeing in the course of the last many minutes, we're finally seeing the scene and how many rescue crews are there, that there could be on the ground verification. again, it was a plane with 62 people on board. there was a fiery wreck in a residential area that you see there, in an area in southeastern brazil.
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you can see that it's heavily populated area. not immediately clear if there were people on the ground who may have been injured or killed. the airline is called voepass. they had confirmed in a statement that the plane headed for sao paulo's international airport did crash, and again, firefighters, military police, civil defense authorities, dispatched crews there. the president of brazil saying it appears all passengers and crew members on board have died. we'll continue to follow this for you as we see that helicopter surveying the scene there in southeastern brazil. still to come, kamala harris picking up a big new endorsement. what it could mean as she brings her battleground blitz out west. . ? same. discover the power of wegovy®. ♪ ♪ with wegovy®, i lost 35 pounds. and some lost over 46 pounds.
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the nation's oldest and largest latino civil rights group just did something it has never done in its nearly 100 years of existence, make a presidential endorsement. in a story reportinged first by nbc news, the 95-year-old league of united latin american citizens has endorsed vice president kamala harris and governor tim walz after the group's ceo said the prospect of another trump presidency created urgency to break precedent. the group's leaders are expected to join harris and walz at a
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rally in las vegas as the harris campaign launches a brand new ad targeting latino voters. >> you're raised by an immigrant mother, you learn what's possible with determination. >> and determination is how kamala harris went from working at mcdonald's to prosecutor, state attorney general. >> u.s. senator. >> and our vice president. in only one generation, and with the same determination, she always defended us. >> joining me now is ceo and founder of arizona pollster, michael noble, victoria defrancesco soto, dean of public service at university of arkansas and msnbc analyst. good to have both of you here. that ad is going to play in english and spanish, the olympic games, major league baseball, game shows, league cup matches, what do you think of both the ad and the placement? >> so it doesn't say it in the ad, chris, but it's basically about the american dream, and i
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think that is what is so powerful, and i think that when we look at our immigrant roots in this country because we are a nation of immigrants, it's about wanting a better life and achieving those goals. i think this ad does such a beautiful job of doing that. i think this is just one piece of the puzzle, chris, because then it's also connecting what she has done over the past four years, what her and the democratic party, and the white house has done in terms of making your day-to-day better. so this is a necessary but not sufficient condition when it comes to connecting and reaching those latino voters. >> michael, she's on her way, kamala harris, to arizona, the cook political report just moved the state from leaning gop to a toss up. you research arizona as well or better than anybody, so what are you seeing? is that reflected in what you are seeing? >> yeah, i think what we're seeing right now is that it's a
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strategic play. arizona was starting to move out of the swing column and leaning towards republicans. now it's back in a fight. depending on which poll you look at, the numbers tell you the same thing. this race is very close in battleground state of arizona, but also there's some ground to be made up right now in arizona because biden carried latino voters by about 24 points, roughly 20% of the voting population, 30% of the total population. when you look at biden polling at plus 10, with the hispanic latino population, i think it's good timing, and frankly, a good strategic play here in the southwest region, especially here in arizona. >> you know, michael, you hear donald trump, j.d. vance frequently mention kamala harris's role as the border czar in a very critical way. here's what he said yesterday. >> now, we have the worst border in the history of the world, millions of people coming in and our country cannot sustain it. our country is going down because of this, because of
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incompetent people. we are going to start the largest mass deportation in the history of our country because we have no choice. it's not sustainable. and we are going to start with violent criminals, and start then with criminals, and our local police is going to work with us. they know everything about the people. >> that's not obviously the first time he's called people coming in over the border criminals, murderers, the worst in our country. does it surprise you that lulac has decided to break with tradition, and how might that swing the votes that are so critically important in states like arizona? >> i think a lot of groups are seeing there's a lot on the line in this election, especially when it comes to immigration, but i think the harris campaign is approaching it the right away, talking about the american dream. the latinos, based on our extensive research on our population, they like it.
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where you start to lose them, hey, they're all criminals, but let's say it hits a political wall. they are xenophobic. the majority want to come over and live the american dream. i think they are threading the needle, keep it to border security, and try to stay away from some of the more hard line rhetoric, at least if you're trying to court the hispanic latino population in the southwest. >> one of the things we have been seeing all week from kamala harris is she's bringing along tim walz. that's the whole plan for the week and some have questioned whether tim walz can play a role in attracting latino votes, 60-year-old white enjoy, governor of a state with a comparatively small latino population. there are a bunch of supporters who cite health care, education, driver's license for all program that they say makes him a strong advocate. can he help her with this critical constituency. >> they've got to showcase what
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he has done, his track record. tim walz is really pretty unknown beyond minnesota, beyond the midwest, and folks in the southwest. they have a lot of work to do in introducing tim walz, but to your earlier point, chris, you look at his track record, and he has done a lot of things substantively that connect with the latino voter, and the driver's license is a huge one. we also know that minnesota is a state that allows for daca recipients to go to school with in-state tuition. bringing these things to light in addition to his general scope of policies that are inclusionary, as opposed to exclusionary. so connecting the dots for these latino voters in arizona, nevada, and new mexico, and other places that may know him may not know him as well is making the case for him. and then letting him get on the
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ground and get to know that community. >> michael noble, and victoria, thank you both, hope you have a good weekend. the covid controversy at the olympics. american sprinter, noah lyles collapsing on the track just two days after being diagnosed. should he have raced at all? and special offers. like a free 5g phone, when you switch. don't miss out. get started today. your memory is an amazing thing, but sometimes it can start to slow down. but did you know prevagen can help keep your memory sharp? the secret is the powerful ingredient, apoaequorin, originally discovered in jellyfish and found only in prevagen. in a clinical study, prevagen was shown to improve memory in subgroups of individuals who were cognitively normal or mildly impaired. stay sharp and improve your memory with prevagen.
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6th rioter who prosecutors described as one of the most violent at the capitol that day. he has just been sentenced to 20 years in prison. court documents say david dempsey, you see him here wearing an american flag mask was absolutely relentless. the indictment says, for example, he climbed over fellow rioters like, quote, human scaffolding so that he could continue to attack police officers using his hands, feet, flag poles, crutches, pepper spray, broken pieces of furniture and anything else he could get his hands on as weapons. nbc's ryan reilly joins me now. ryan, that description isn't the half of it, which is probably why he got 20 years. that has to be one of the longest sentences we have seen for january 6th, is it? >> it is. it's right up there, certainly within the top five. enrique tarrio was 22 years in federal prison. what speaks to the seriousness of this case. this is one of the few times i have seen a packed courtroom in
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a recent january 6th case, because there were so many victims in this case. you see them, the officers inside of there, a lot of them had gathered outside and were chatting about january 6th afterwards, including one of the officers hitting the roads soon in support of kamala harris. but, you know, this individual who was known as flag gator, cop hay hater was relentless using any weapon he could find. what put a cap on it, beforehand, he was speaking in front of the noose and naming democratic politicians, mentioning former president barack obama by name, and other members of congress in addition. so he really was one of the most violent. you see him there using various weapons just to get at the officers and a lot of them were in the courtroom to witness one of the longest sentences being imposed in a january 6th case to date, chris. >> ryan reilly, thank you.
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there are big questions today after the world's fastest man competed and then collapsed following an olympic final just two days after being diagnosed with covid. news of noah lyles diagnosed was not revealed until after he competed in the 200 meters. he won bronze, and moments later he fell to the ground in visibl was struggling to breathe. there you see him going down. he ended up having to leave the stadium in a kwheech. >> wheelchair. >> i woke up early, 5:00 a.m. on tuesday morning, and i was feeling horrible. i knew it was more than just being sore from the 100. woke up the doctors, and we tested and unfortunately it came up that i was positive for covid. it's taken its toll, but i've never been more proud of myself being able to come out here and get a bronze medal. >> he believes he's at the end of his 2024 olympic games.
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joining me now is msnbc medical contributor, dr. vin gupta. look, bronze medal, nothing to sneeze at, but there are questions swirling over whether lyles should have been allowed to compete with covid. u.s. track and field said it rig lousily adheres to cdc standards to prevent respiratory illness, but is it safe? >> you know, this is a tough conversation to have with something who's going for history. doctors and his medical providers on the u.s. olympic committee need to sometimes give hard advice, and this is one of those moments. as a pulmonologist that cares for patients who unfortunately have severe illness, i don't like hearing that an athlete, a world class athlete is experiencing lightheadedness for his words, shortness of breath and chest pain. it didn't look good for his own health. not only did he put himself at risk, that's a constellation of
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symptoms that could lead to cardiac arrest or arrhythmia. oxygen derivation in the bodies, his heart is probably beating very fast. that's not good. not only did he put himself at risk, he put others at risk as well. there's lots of people around him. whether or not they are adhering to cdc guidelines, they should be adhering to common sense. i don't think he should be running. >> we hope he's doing well now. i want to talk bigger picture. covid was the tenth leading cause of death in 2023. more than 76,000 covid related deaths last year. it seems like our perspective has shifted to it's not that big of a deal. how should we be framing or thinking? >> high five figure death total.
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that is considered. if we had that number of flu deaths, we would be talking about that as a severe flu season. this is still a very big deal. i think it's been blunted. we have over corrected, to your point, now we don't talk about it in the same terms we did because we were used to far worse. hopefully the winter season ahead is not going to be as bad as the earlier seasons. we know the variance that continue to exist. though we don't talk about it as much, are more contagious, also, i think, critically, this is great news for all of us trying from a science-based communication, anti-vaxxors and misinformers had bad news, showing a large study out of the uk that the vaccines actually protected against heart attacks and strokes versus the risk that covid poses to the body when it comes to causing heart attacks and strokes. so the biggest talking point that anti-vaxxers use against the vaccine has been debunked,
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hopefully all of these things collectively are going to help us. >> we are reporting today that the u.s. may end up being in what is the biggest summer covid wave yet, but, i mean, how do we even know that. i mean, are we tracking covid cases? hasn't that fallen off? what do we know? >> you're right, these are all estimates of the same reporting, that perhaps this is the biggest wave yet. that's anecdotal, chris. we're estimating it on the number of people that are testing, purely those who have symptoms at this point. asymptomatic testing has been gone for years now. we're not seeing thankfully ers and icus filled with covid patients. that's reassuring. it is going to be critical, to make sure we don't see that rear its ugly head. in the winter time, we have to make sure we're doing everything we can to promote vaccination in the fall, especially for those who are medically high risk. that's going to be the key piece there. >> let me ask you one more thing.
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i have 30 seconds left. there are a lot of kids going back to school, little kids, college kids, what's the advice? >> the advice to get your booster shot. so hopefully available, middle of september. i recommend all patients, whether young or old, end of september, start getting them. >> always good to see you, dr. vin gupta. i wish it would be a better topic, but important information. so again, thank you. and that is going to do it for us this hour. make sure to join us for "chris jansing reports" every weekday, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. have a great weekend, but first, our coverage will continue with ali vitali in for "katy tur reports" next, including updates on that plane crash in brazil with the country's president saying 62 people republican feared dead. ng 62 people republ feared dead. get a free tech check. and special offers. like a free 5g phone, when you switch. don't miss out.
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12:00 pm
good to be with you. i'm ali vitali in for katy tur. with 88 days left until election day, vice president kamala harris's battle ground rollout is headed west, and former president donald trump isn't headed far behind. it's her latest stop to introduce her running mate, tim walz and herself to the nation. the vp heads to the grand canyon state with historic endorsement in tow, the league of united latin american citizens has


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