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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  August 10, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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good day from msnbc's washington bureau and welcome to alex witt reports. i am in for alex. we missed -- we begin with decision 2024. we have time-lapse video of lines outside vice president harris' rally yesterday in arizona. among the topics harris addressed, there was the crisis of the southern border. >> earlier this year, everybody here knows, earlier this year we had a chance to pass the toughest bipartisan border security bill in decades. but, donald trump tank to the deal. because, he thought by doing that, it would help him win an election.
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but when i am president, i will sign the bill. >> trump, meanwhile,'s book last night in bozeman, montana after a two-hour drive from the city of billings. his plane made an emergency landing there following mechanical issues. on his mind during that rally, democratic attack line that uses the word, weird, to branches campaign. >> i think we are actually the opposite of weird. they are weird. tim walz is the man who was very freakish. if comrade walz and comrade harris win this november the people cheering will be the looters, the perverts, the flag burners. >> and new york times asiana poll released just hours ago and conducted this week shows harris leading trump in key battleground states of michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania.
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she is up, but the new numbers remain within the margin of error within all three states. we are 86 days out from election day with a number of reporters and analysts recovering all the latest developments on this saturday. we begin with aaron gilchrist traveling with the harris campaign. yesterday you were in phoenix. today you are in vain -- vegas. >> reporter: there are some differences here. i think there were multiple purposes of this multistate -swing state where the democratic ticket has been on. a part of it was to let voters get to see kamala harris and tim walz together in front of them, to learn more about him, to learn more about them as a ticket together obviously but there are also the issues. you talked about some of the things that have been addressed on this tour. they've been talking about the economy, talking about the threat they believe
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>> poses to democracy in this country. those are things that we heard from the biden administration, the biden campaign before. with this new campaign i think in some ways vice president harris does not have to worry about some of the baggage president biden did have to worry about. she is able to talk freely about some of her ideas and we got to actually hear a little bit of that last night as she addressed the economy, she talked about reproductive freedom. that was a big issue in arizona. it will likely be a ballot measure come november but she also talked about immigration. we were not so certain about how far she would go in that part of the conversation yesterday but i want to have your hair a little bit what she said about immigration policy. >> i was attorney general of the border state. i went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and human traffickers. i prosecuted them in case after case, and i won.
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we know our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it. comprehensive reform that includes strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship. >> you know, in the southwest, what the vice president said there last night is something that people in this part of the country are really listening to and listening for. they want to know what is going to be done to help him deal with the border security issues and what's going to be done to help these families that we know exists in arizona and nevada for example. there was also a tv ad released in these two states addressing the same topic, a topic that democrats haven't had a ton of success with, but when the vice president brought up here. she did not bring up that issue in the same way in michigan, wisconsin and philadelphia
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where she was earlier this week so we will be watching to see what sort of reaction he gets today if she uses the same line in her conversation here in las vegas. >> this is certainly an issue we are watching the vice president tried to turn from a negative into a positive, touting her prosecutors record there. thank you for your coverage. now to jake the trailer in jackson hole, wyoming. tough assignment, beautiful back drop but like montana, wyoming is not a swing state, so what brings trump to the west? >> a couple things. we've been talking about this. it is important to note the contrast we've been seeing from vice president kamala harris and right -- former president trump. donald trump, the first time we've seen him in a public campaign event stop all week
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long was yesterday in bozeman, montana. montana is a historically red- leaning state so from an electoral map strategy that's not necessarily the play here. donald trump though came to campaign for a republican senate candidate who is running against the democratic incumbent. it is an important seat that republicans believe if they flip it here they can potentially flip the entire senate come november so one, trump was here not to campaign just for himself. secondly, he is here to fund raise. yesterday he held a fundraiser in montana and in just a couple of hours he will hold another fundraiser for the cheapest ticket is $5000, the most expensive, about a quarter million. >> that is for the presidential fundraising circuit tends to look like. trump seems to be missing his former rival, president biden, so much so that he seems to have created this fiction biden is somehow coming back in the race. he is not, but what did the former president say? >> it's really interesting because what we have to remember is that donald trump has effectively been running against president biden for
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over a year now, even in his primary. when his actual opponents were desantis or nikki haley, donald trump still root served most of his speech for president biden so we've really seen them kind of create this greatest hits of attacks against president biden. obviously he has a completely different opponent now in vice president harris. he has struggled to let that go and find his footing, find them with a specific criticism to hit harris with. we saw him go back to the old biden attacks last night and we've also seen a new one over the last couple of weeks that somehow president biden is upset that he's dropped out of the race. he wants to instead crash the dnc and steal back the nomination. take a listen to that yourself. >> we spent $100 million fighting crooked joe biden and then all of a sudden they decide to take him out and put somebody else in.
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that was the first coup in the history of our country and it was very successful he said okay, i'll leave if that's what you want i'll leave and now he is seeing what the competition is. i hear he's going to make a comeback at the democratic convention. he's going to walk into the room and is going to say, i want my presidency back. i want another chance to debate trump. i want another chance. >> so, ali, and unconventionally, and unconventional speech for former president trump especially as his opponent is swinging across the country in battleground states. >> pressure campaign against biden, yes. coup? absolutely not. thanks for joining us. let's bring in peter baker, co- author of "the divider, trump in the white house, 2017 to 2021." why is trump still so insistent in his focus on biden to the point where he is clearly just wish casting biden's return to this race? >> yeah, he really is.
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he said it. i spend all this money. i was prepared to run against biden. i don't know how to run against kamala harris i'm going to keep talking about biden. that is what you hear him saying because they had not strategized with this eventuality. he clearly in his own mind would still rather be running against biden. why not? he was winning against biden. he was several points ahead anyway of biden in the key battleground states in the poll we published this morning with siena college. he is behind by four points in wisconsin, pennsylvania and michigan so of course he wants to run against biden. he was winning then, he is losing now. not very complicated in that sense. i don't know how successful it's going to be though, because by taking over the standardbearer position from biden, she makes it more a future versus past kind of argument. she's arguing don't go back and that she represents the future as a new generation candidate even though she is the
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incumbent vice president and that is something he is struggling to respond to. >> you mentioned the siena college poll where harris is ahead in all three critical battleground states. of course that is within the margin of error but how do you think those numbers are landing at mar-a-lago and how do you think they are lending over it harris hq? >> the important part of this poll does not mean she's going to win. you cannot tell in august with a margin of error being what it is but i think what it says is that she can win and that is something a lot of democrats were not sure about. a lot of democrats were worried if they placed her on the ticket instead of biden that she wouldn't be able to carry the battle forward and i think a lot of republicans assume that, too, that she would be a weaker candidate in some ways than biden are certainly weaker than she has turned out to be, so this polling helps her in terms of demonstrating that she has a possibility of winning.
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it demonstrates it to mar-a- lago, as well, and is not going to energize republicans to take up their game if they want to keep in this race. >> we have seen this film before because the washington post is reporting that trump is complaining about the stakes of his campaign as harris enjoys this polling bump and media coverage. this is a moment where the strategy of discipline that trumps advisers want comes into direct collision with trump's need to be at the center of attention. we have seen this tension point play out so many times. i think i have a guess, but which do you think wins out here ultimately? >> if you look in the dictionary under trump you're not going to see discipline there. there are moments when he can obviously. he did demonstrate some discipline at the debate when biden was hurting himself, trump stood out of the way. he didn't actually get in the way of biden self-destructing, in effect and in the weeks that followed, he kept relatively quiet while democrats were fighting with each other because that was obviously beneficial to him. he showed some discipline in the final weeks of the 2019 campaign and the staff wanted to let the momentum you starting to get carry him so he does help the short term if he
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wants to but for 85 days that doesn't seem likely. he's going to run the campaign he wants to run. he follows his instincts. he thinks he knows better than the staff and his instincts have proved right at times but at other times they are self- destructive. >> that is the back-and-forth between the adage we used to here in 2015 and 2016, let trump be trump, but to what extent and how much? at various points this week we have seen vp harris interrupted by pro-palestinian protesters. here was wednesday in michigan for you. watch. >> if he is elected -- i'm here because we believe in democracy. everyone's voice matters but i am speaking now.
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>> michigan, specifically, peter, and i know you know this, is home to a large group of uncommitted voters. it was a concern for the biden harris campaign. it is still a concern for the harris-walz ticket but what can she bring to this debate while still being a member of the administration? it's a tough spot. >> she has to stay close to president biden's approach, his policy toward israel and the gaza war and so far she has. she has emphasized this different aspects of the policy. she manages to convey more empathy toward palestinian suffering and i think that has been noticed by at least some voters but she is still going to have to own the biden record and in some cases with some voters on the left, that is a liability. the polls indicate obviously that it has not hurt her in michigan because she has the same four-pointspread there that she has in pennsylvania and wisconsin but it is a concern they have to worry about. they would like to find a way
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to address those voices she just talked about that disagree with biden's policy. >> peter baker, always a pleasure. have a good saturday. coming up, donald trump story about a near-death helicopter ride. barbara res says she was there on the chopper and remembers things quite differently. meanwhile, an attack on a school in gaza that has killed almost 100 people and a deadly plane crash were fate intervened. plane crash were fate intervened. get nfl sunday ticket from youtube tv on us... and a great deal on galaxy z fold6... for a total value of twelve hundred and fifty dollars. only on verizon. (jalen hurts) see you sunday! meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday.
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breaking news out of the middle east where an israeli airstrike in gaza city struck a school turned shelter. the strike killed about 100 people according to gaza civil defense. that would make this one of the deadliest attack since the war began more than 10 months ago. ellison barbara's on the ground in israel. talk about the accounts we are getting about what happened here. >> reporter: very different stories from both of them but i was glancing down at my phone because our white house team is just gotten a brand-new statement and from the white house, a spokesperson commenting on the strike inside of gaza. they are saying this in part quote, we are deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties in gaza following a strike by the israel defense
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forces on a compound that included the school. they go on to say we are in touch with israeli counterparts who have said they targeted senior hamas officials and we are asking to further details. they go on to say that they mourn every palestinian civilian lost in this conflict including children and far too many civilians continue to be killed and wounded, saying the strike underscores the urgency of the cease-fire and hostage deal, and that they continue to work tirelessly to try to achieve that. the conflicting stories rather, the white house alluding to some of it there. this is a strike that occurred this morning at a school in gaza city according to gaza civil defense, a little over 4000 displaced people have been sheltering their. within the
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school there was also a mosque, and they say three strikes happened this morning in the middle of morning prayers, so people were inside of the mosque, gathered from the strikes hit. according to a spokesperson for palestinian civil defense, 11 children and six women are among those dead. they say right now they believe at least 90 people have been killed, but one caveat, an official with the civil defense gave nbc news, they say they are still searching. they say rescuers were having difficulty digging through the debris in part because they were finding body parts, not entire people, and rescuers as well as civilians were having difficulty identifying who had been killed here. the videos of this, there is no other word for it than horrific, but israel is claiming that while they acknowledge they carried out the straits -- strikes, there
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claiming they are targeting these area because jihad militants were working out of this command center and they say they were using it to orchestrate terror attacks and used what they were now describing as precise munitions to target this area and claim they don't believe their munitions could've caused the damage we see in the video. very different story then we are hearing from inside of gaza and the images are telling a very different story. >> thanks for joining us. stay safe. more breaking news now, officials in brazil are one step closer to finding out what caused the passenger plane to spiral out of the sky, crashing and killing all 62 people on board. black boxes from the plane have been recovered at the crash site. marissa, what are officials saying about what may have caused this crash? >> you mentioned a key part of this, the black box, which in many cases, when we see a plane crash, sometimes it can be difficult to even locate where the black box might be, especially if the plane crashes into the water, but here, it was recovered very quickly and of course we are waiting to find out more details but i want to warn our viewers who are tuning in here, as we show some of these images they might
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be difficult to watch. that right there is horrifying. we are seeing a plane stalling, literally dropping from the sky. when we spoke to analysts here, you can see some of the data indicating that this plane went from traveling at 250 mph to 45 mph in a matter of seconds, and this is something troubling for so many reasons. we have the loss of lives. the death toll has been updated from 61 to 62. here is what we are learning from authorities on that investigation that does very much continue. they say they're not ruling out any hypothesis. they said it was the night before this flight this plane underwent routine maintenance. there was no indication of anything wrong, technically speaking. they said that so far in the investigation there is no indication that there was any communication from the plane to ground control, that there was any type of emergency. of course, those are things we are waiting to find out from the black box what was being said or what was happening inside of the cockpit inside the plane and hopefully we will get an update on that soon but
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right now, one thing they did say they are looking at are the icy conditions at the altitude this plane was flying in. this is something the aviation community is talking about but again, no hypothesis is being rolled out, no indication of what went wrong at this moment but as they continue this investigation, something that is also taking time is the task of identifying those bodies and they are doing this in a respectful way so it also means that the wreckage here -- remember, this happened in a neighborhood in front of homes, the wreckage is still there because as they are trying to move parts of the plane they are also trying to use the seat map to help them in the identification process, and so we know, and just aside from the technical aspect of this trying to figure out what went wrong from a safety aspect, there is the emotional toll of this. we know the brazilian president just declared three days of national mourning to respect
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those who lost their lives here. >> a lot of questions for a really tragic crash. thank you. donald trump meanwhile doubles down on his helicopter story. my next guest who was also on the chopper said yes, it happened, just not quite how trump said it did. it did. and get $800 off the new galaxy z fold6. only on verizon. subject 1: i love you. [music playing]
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no follow-up from donald trump's claims that he lived through a hard helicopter landing with former san francisco mayor willie brown, the former mayor now 90 years old, refuted the version of the story trump told thursday it is mar-a-lago press conference. joining us now, barbara res, former executive vice president of the trump organization and author of "tower of lies, what my 18 years of working with donald trump reveals about
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him." barbara, what is the real story here? >> we were working on a very big project in california. we were going to redo the ambassador hotel, tear it down and put up a big maybe six million-square-foot project there and we were working with local politicians and state politicians and one very important politician was this man, nate holden. he was the representative of the district on the city council. donald wanted to talk to him and i'm sorry -- donald wanted to talk to him so i tried to set up a meeting and coordinated to the city and donald trump told us the only way he can do it as if he will go with him on a helicopter to atlantic city and they can have the meeting there on the helicopter so we said sure. so, we went on the helicopter. it was not donald's personal. it was a private one and if you
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remember, donald lost three executives in a helicopter crash which she says -- by the way, he was supposed to be on and of course he was not but anyway, we take off and it's kind of bumpy and i don't remember if it was robert or harvey freeman. there were four of us on besides style. somebody said oh, don't worry about that. it's the tied meeting the sound in the hudson river and it causes turbulence in the air. meanwhile, i'm saying you right. i'm looking at the cockpit in the copilot is pumping like crazy and finally they said look, were going to have to make an emergency landing. i mean it wasn't like oh my god are going to crash. just we can't keep going, so we
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found the closest airport and he landed us and everyone was fine. donald was terrified and does the whole thing was over he was joking with nate holden, who happens to be a black man and he said nate, you turned white. let me tell you something donald was really scared. i wasn't really that upset. i was more interested in watching everyone else's reaction, so we did not have much business there. we got to teterboro and got on one of these commuter planes to take us to atlantic city and donald took nathan read to lunch and that was the end of it. >> it seems like the flight itself might've happened in that truck might have a memory of it being a scary moment, but willie brown himself was not on that plane, right? >> no. i'm not sure of the depth of
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his relationship with willie brown. i don't know if they even met but willie brown came to our announcement, our press announcement when we had a big tv announcement and he was the speaker of the assembly when i got a little friendly with him because we were doing a lot of lobbying. >> if i can interrupt you, i'm sorry, but i think what is important here is we are trying to parse through what is real, what is not, what is confused, nate holden himself was a former california city councilmember and state senator, he told the new york times that he remembers this near-death experience of trump. it was around 1990, as you were mentioning and he told the new york times, donald turned white as snow. he was shaking. it sounds like that tracks but trump himself is now claiming
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on social media that he has logs and records in an article on this helicopter incident. do you expect them to present this evidence and continue to double down? >> i don't know that you would have logs. it's so long ago and it also is not his helicopter. it was someone else so i don't think you would have any access. and it wouldn't matter. all log was say -- would say is that they took off and landed in teterboro. >> holden joked with politico about the saying willie is a short black guy living in san francisco. i'm a top black guy living in los angeles. i guess we all look alike. barbara, in your years working with trump did trump ever mistake someone's identity? >> i don't remember, it was so long ago but i wouldn't be surprised if trump did not mix them up in his head but i really think nate was a councilmember and willie was a big guy. he was an important guy. once donald let him take his
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airplane i think it was in boston, let them take it to california himself, flew him to california, he wanted to be in with willie because willie was an important guy but yeah. >> barbara res, thank you for helping us try to make sense of a story that i think confused several of us. it helps that you are physically there. barbara, thank you. meanwhile, what to make of this headline? donald trump suggest biden may try to take back the nomination. our next guest is a consultant to the democratic national convention and shares her theory on the theory next. o
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donald trump was back on the campaign trail yesterday in bozeman, montana file bemoaning joe biden's decision to drop out, trump repeated a conspiracy theory suggesting this may not be the end of biden's story. >> i hear he's going to make a comeback at the democrat convention. is going to walk into the room and is going to say i want my presidency back. i want another chance to debate trump. >> joining me and now, mega hayes, former special assistant to president biden. let's get this out of the way really early. is there any chance in the world joe biden is going to crash the convention in a week?
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>> no, that is totally donald trump's wishful thinking because he's so angry it's not joe biden his running against anymore that he's just wishing. the vice president and governor walz are running. they are the people on the ticket. >> making the fetch happen. it's been less than a week since minnesota governor tim walz joined them it democratic ticket and the campaign seems to be seeking to bring a more joyful message to the campaign trail, countering trump starker things and softening on biden's stark warnings about the state of democracy. here is tim walz last night. listen. >> this incredible leader, this incredible woman has brought to this fight -- she has brought back compassion and decency and humor and joy to our politics. >> we both know the grind of a
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campaign. can joy last? >> i'm hopeful that at last. they have a lot of momentum going that will last a couple weeks but once we hit labor day, we know it's going to get extremely challenging. people start to early vote. there is the debate. there is a lot of room here for this is not going to be as joyful. i think people are excited to have a ticket they believe in and have a ticket they are not voting against something. they're voting for something which is really exciting for the democrats. they have a ton of organizing power here. these are incredible events, and incredible rally you are seeing. it's incredible to see all the momentum and i hope this will last for as long as people want to carry it through so as long as voters in the democratic party are engaged they can carry the search to november. >> we have at least one debate scheduled september 10th with abc. harrison trump have agreed to that. trump wants more. what do you think the conversation is around harris hq now? what is the thinking
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around doing more, doing less? who does that help or hurt? >> i think the american people need to see the contrast. i think that only goes in the vice president's favor right now. she can show a contrast to someone who has policies and views in a vision for the future so someone who just looks back and talks about how the election was stolen. i'm not sure you need to do more than one. they are extremely time- consuming. the prep is extremely time- consuming. i think her time is best spent talking to voters in battleground states but i think that debate is good for the american people. >> you've also heard that criticism that she hasn't been is available to reporters. >> she has reporters on the plane, she takes questions from reporters every day. so you know, i do think that is
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different than sitting down for an interview. i also think she needs to reach the american people where they are in the majority of the people get their news on their phones, so her doing traditional media interviews for and understand why at the media narrative and understand why it's important, i don't think it's the most important thing for her to do right now. does she need to do one? yes, coming up but right now, no. she is really winning on social media and tiktok. you've seen all the statistics behind that. she is out there meeting the american people and the voters where they are. >> you and i have worked together on campaigns before so i know my stance is always more time with the press, or answering questions. at the same time of course i understand the strategy. another piece of this is we are going to see next week president biden and harris doing an event together in maryland then we will see the president speak at the democratic national convention the following monday. what is the role of president biden in this campaign know
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that he is not the nominee but still very much the president. >> absolutely. they're going and doing an official [ inaudible ] for the american people but he is becoming the supporter in chief like he is the person is going to be out campaigning for her and being supportive of her and talking about the things she helped accomplish. his legacy is her legacy right now so he's going to be as supportive as she needs him to be and he also has a lot to do in the foreign-policy space and a lot of other things happening that he really needs to focus on being the president but i do think he will be impactful in the race and helpful and supportive to her. >> the foreign-policy space also is very present in the domestic politics space especially when you see on the campaign trail in michigan and other places kamala harris receiving the same protest around the cease-fire between israel and gaza as president biden did when he was out there on the campaign trail.
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this issue is still very much attention point within the democratic party because she is carrying his legacy as well as her own campaign though, how much room does she have to maneuver here? we talked about this earlier and i know the short answer is she is still in the administration is much as she is her own ticket but what should we expect around this? >> i think the margins are going to be very slim in these battleground states in michigan is one of them. she does need to understand this uncommitted voters and make her policies noted here that she is in a unique position because she is the vice president. i don't think she will stray too far from the policy the administration has because they are trying to get a cease-fire and she has made that very clear. until that is done i'm not sure how far she can move because i don't think they can have daylight right now in those negotiations. >> certainly a lot of people watching to see if and when negotiations bear fruit. thanks for joining us.
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(vo) they're back! verizon small business days are here. august 5th to the 11th. get a free tech check. and special offers. like a free 5g phone, when you switch. don't miss out. get started today. donald trump's federal election interference cases now back in judge tanya chutkin's court. special counsel jack smith requested and was granted a delay until august 30th while smith continues to work on his case, the doj is still working through prosecutions of january 6 insurrectionist, issuing one of its longest sentences yet for trump supporter who prosecutors describe is one of
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the most violent writers. prosecutors say he used flagpoles, crutches, pepper spray and even broken pieces of furniture as weapons against police officers. on friday he was sentenced to 20 years behind bars. joining us now, former federal prosecutor and lead investigator to the house january 6 select committee. in short, why is jack smith asking for this three-week delay especially as we have been saying time is of the essence. >> i have a feeling that the special counsel may want to request -- recraft in their case before it goes to the judge. you might even see a superseding indictment before august the 30th which would potentially streamline the case, special counsel applying the supreme court's immunity
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decision and applying first what they believe survives that decision and what does not, potentially adding other counts or other defendants so it's speculation here but my guesses rather than hearing what judge chutkin considers the current indictment, they may want to put forth a new indictment that in their view comports to the supreme court's ruling on the immunity matter. >> there was one aspect of that immunity rolling that -- ruling that was either the most helpful are concerning to jack smith. >> the conversations the president had about replacing the acting attorney general, heartland official conduct is immunized to that part of the case likely falls away, and then the test they articulated for everything else that is official but could potentially be charged is if the prosecution somehow impairs the functioning of executive authority that is a very big standard, so judge chutkin has to evaluate and apply that standard and apply it to real facts, and the special counsel will need to demonstrate what
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the facts are and make arguments as to how those acts that are alleged in the indictment are either unofficial or even if they are official, the presumption of the immunity is overcome because the prosecution would not impair the executive function. very hard to tell how this all shakes out when judge chutkin and other judges start to apply the supreme court's opinion to real facts. >> yeah, that is the moment where presidents start getting set here. we will look ahead to the end of august for that. i want to turn briefly to the january 6 rioter sentence. this comes as trump reiterated that he would pardon these writers if he wins the election but if you look at this sentence, is it justified in your view? >> absolutely it is justified. any judge, when he or she is imposing a sentence in a criminal case looks at what happened, the counts of
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conviction, the defendant's criminal history, and his or her expressions of remorse. this guy really fails in all three areas. the facts are egregious, as a lead-in just indicated. here's a person with weapons repeatedly assaulting police officers at the capital trying to gain entry at the west front. that was one of the sites of the most violence that we saw horrifically unfold over the course of the day. he also has a prior record of violent crimes. this is not the first time he's been convicted of violence and then finally, he's just not remorseful. he's another one of these defendants who continues to assert that he did nothing wrong, that this was pushing back against tyranny, which is his right as a citizen. judge royce lamberth has been on the years, he is a reagan appointee and has respect in
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washington, d.c. and my guess is that lack of remorse there at the end is what really pushed judge lamberth to go hard and justifiably hard on this defendant. >> i do want to get to one other impact of the immunity rolling, which is that it has led to a delay in another proceeding related to trumps 34 felony count much money conviction. judge juan merchan has pushed back the sentencing but do you think the sentencing is ever going to happen? >> i do think it's going to happen. i think it will happen on september 18th. i think every judge -- they have to apply the supreme court's immunity case, and that requires thoughtful analysis and likely, a written opinion. judge merchan asked for briefs on the issue. he's going to write something where i predict he will say that the conduct at issue in the new york case is not official conduct. most of it took place before trump was president and therefore is unaffected by the
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immunity ruling but given the supreme court's opinion he asked to go through that process of accepting and analyzing the arguments but i think he is going to be sentenced on september 18th. >> everyone is scrambling to make sense of that supreme court decision as it relates to all these avenues. thank you for joining us. it was a gold medal match for the history books in paris. what happened when the u.s. women's soccer team took on brazil. more results from the paris olympics coming up next. oming . only on verizon. [audience laughing] worried you'll laugh so hard you'll leak? well always discreet can hold your biggest gushes with up to zero leaks and odor. so you're not just dry. you're laugh until you cry dry. we've got you, always. always discreet.
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breaking news from the penultimate day of the paris olympic games. team usa wins the gold in women's soccer. >> it is gold, glorious gold for the united states. 12 years to the day since their last. >> a glorious goal it was. the u.s. team's 1-0 victory over brazil is its first title since london in 2012. nbc's stephanie gosk is in paris with the latest. this is the matchup we have been waiting for. fast-paced, both teams so skilled, and just after halftime goal. break it down for us. >> reporter: you know, this really a dream run for this team. as you know, they are super young is a new generation of
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players, and they have won so many games here because of their lightning speed. but i have to say, in that first half, they were struggling against brazil. brazil was making them run ragged, and it looked like it was in doubt whether they were going to be able to pull this off. somehow they came back after halftime with a spring in their step. mallory swanson with an incredible run down the field, and her end goal to make it 1- 0. take a look at how she did it. >> probably offside, but the flag stays down for now, and it is swanson. and the flag still stays down. swanson celebrates, brazil turning, arms upraise, to say how about a check. but as of now, the u.s. leads. >> you see tom cruise in the stands cheering them on. he was there, one of their biggest fans all day today. and there was no offsides. the goal would stand, an


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