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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  August 11, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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to do as much... or as little as you want. make your getaway now and cache in at cache creek casino resort. >> good evening and welcome to politicsnation. tonight's -- selling the ticket. vice president harrison her running mate, minnesota governor tim walz just completed a week long
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barnstorming tour of battleground states ending with a massive weeklong rally in las vegas and d'amato last night. -- say she must win. vp harris is headed back to washington tonight. after raising money -- nancy pelosi today in san francisco and another very strong fundraising week after revealing her vp choice. speaking of numbers, she will make her first policy pitch to voters this week on the economy as she prepares to lay out her wider agenda ahead of the democratic national convention. we start tonight with the chairman of the congressional caucus, congressman steven horsford, democrat of nevada. the vp and the governor just wrapped the week long swing state tore up with a rally last
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night in las vegas that drew more than 12,000 people, according to the harris campaign. congressman, you are there with the speakers last night. what stands out to you about voter response to the harris- walz campaign? >> well, reverend sharpton, it's great to be with you. i am here at nevada for black women's for harris event. this is the excitement. this is the energy, this is the excitement that we are seeing all over the country right here in nevada. we've had tens of thousands of people that are excited about turning out for this election. we know that all roads lead to nevada and not only with black voters, but latino, asian voters , labor voters who are giving -- and i'm here with the group of nevadans, black women for harris. these women, they are making
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sure their voices are heard. we are not going back. we are moving forward with kamala harris at the -- >> now congressman, most polls show president biden trailing trump in nevada before he exited the race last month. since then, a late july bloomberg poll showed vice president harris two points ahead of trump in nevada after a candidacy was announced. although the result is well within the margin of error, but what is the state of play in the civil state right now in your judgment? >> in my judgment, this is not only an election, this is -- this is a people powered movement. this is a movement that is going to censor the people in the policy to move our country forward.
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there's no one better prepared, no one more qualified to do that then our vice president, kamala harris, and her running mate, governor tim walz. it's because they understand the importance of advancing work wages and wealth for all americans, but especially for black americans. i'm proud of the congressional black caucus has in working alongside the vice president before she was named our nominee. and she's going to continue to advance these issues. here in nevada, those issues resonate with the people. they are excited, there's energy, there's enthusiasm and, in fact, the rally last night was electrifying. that's how i felt about it and that is why we are going to do everything that we can to turn out votes. go into the doors, talking to voters, getting on the phones. we have 86 days to make history and to make kamala harris the 47th president of the united states. >> vice president harris has the support of the culinary union, representing 60,000 workers in las vegas and reno
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and last night, she said she would support eliminating taxes on tips, i plan former president trump has also endorsed. take a listen. >> it's my promise to everyone here. when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families. including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> now trump took to truth social to complain that harris had copied his plan and has no idea of her own. what are your thoughts on eliminating taxes on tips and what are you hoping to see in the vice president -- economic platform that she's expected to release this week
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>> reverend sharpton, as you know, donald trump only cares about one thing and that is his himself. he doesn't care about workers. that's why the vice president outlined her plan to give workers a raise to make sure that we raise the federal minimum wage and to eliminate the tax on tips, which disproportionately affects women and women of color. in fact, we've got states overwhelming we paying us as little as $2.13 an hour. those are poverty wages. you cannot pay the rent on those wages and you can't pay the rent on a tip. a tip is nothing more than a gift. it is not a guarantee and i'm proud that the vice president is standing with workers who are making sure that our economy works for everyone and that means linking up
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hospitality workers, tip workers, and non-tip workers who deserve a raise. >> now trump has struggled to find an attack line on the vice president that doesn't lean on race and gender. this morning, his running mate, senator j.d. vance made the rounds on the sunday morning show and while he criticized white supremacist for verbally attacking his indian american wife, he also defended trump's disparaging comments about the vice president's racial identity. the trump campaign has claimed it wants black support , but between trump's hostility and vance's self-service on this issue, how can black voters believe that? >> listen, we live in a multiracial, multigenerational society. unfortunately, donald trump and his project 2025 wants to roll back all of these
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protections and, in fact, when they attack the vice president's racial identity, they are really attacking all of us as americans, because we are the multiracial society that he is against. but guess what? we are not moving back. we are not going back. we are going forward. we are going forward, led by kamala harris as our nominee with governor walz as her running mate and it's the american people who will ensure that, as we move forward, we do it in a way that lifts up everybody. building up communities rather than tearing them down. building collaboration and coalition, rather than dividing us. that is what the vice president stands for and i'm proud to be supporting her as our next president of the united states. >> voting rights will come into focus as we face in the next couple of days the 59th
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anniversary of the voting rights act. you have been a champion of black caucuses, have championed the cause of voting rights on voting rights and civil rights issues nationally, as well as in your district, you worked very closely with the las vegas chapter of the action network. what do you see as the threats to voting rights 59 years later? >> the threats to voting rights and civil rights are laid out in trump's project 2025 plan. they are talking about not only eliminating the department of education, they're talking about taking away fundamental civil rights. they are talking about weakening protections under federal law. that is the blueprint that donald trump, trump's project 2025 has laid out, and that is why this election is so consequential. not only for us to win the white house and the presidency, but to make sure that we take back the majority of the house. electing hakeem jeffries as our next speaker, which will also make history and protecting the senate so that we can continue
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to nominate and confirm judges, because the next president of the united states will likely appoint not just one, but more than one supreme court justice. this is very important to all of our rights, from voting rights to civil rights to a woman's right to protect her own healthcare. this is the issue that is on the ballot this november, and that is why we are going to turn out like never before in 86 days and win for the people because when we fight, we win. >> thank you for being with us, the chair of the congressional black caucus. congressman steve hoffman -- horseman. joining me is stated tendering -- state attorney general keith ellison. nice to have you back on, mr. ellison. >> thank you for having me. >> i want to start with -- now the running mate of kamala
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harris, he joined last night in the las vegas rally, take a listen to some of what governor walz had to say. >> donald trump knows nothing about service. it's -- it is pretty hard to provide service to others when you are looking out for yourself. again and again and again. to strengthen his own hand. he mocked our laws, he so division and chaos against our citizens, and that is to say nothing of his record as president. >> what are your impressions of governor walz, and what do you think he brings to the ticket with vice president harris? >> he's very relatable. i mean, the guy you see on that stage that's who tim walz is.
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whether he is wearing a camo hat or wearing his signature, you know, buffalo plaid jacket, he is who he is all the time so he's authentic and highly relatable. he also does well no matter who he is talking to. you can bring them into north or south minneapolis where there's a large number, a large percentage of people of color or you can take into a rural community or a suburban community. he seems to just get along with everybody and he has a certain sense of joy, a certain sense of fun and he delivers a line well. he's pretty funny and so i think that some people would want to pick one candidate or the other because they think
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they can deliver a state here or there, but i think tim walz can help deliver a lot of states. he could help deliver the entire midwest and a guarantee you, they are going to love tim walz in texas, pennsylvania, north carolina, wherever he goes. >> now one of the trump campaign criticisms on governor walz focuses on his response to the demonstration, the demonstrations after the police killing of george floyd in 2020. some republicans claimed he did not moving quick enough to bring in the national guard, even though trump himself told the governor he was very happy with his response at the time. the attorney general the time, i want to get into that, but what is your assessment of how governor walz handled the situation? >> governor walz move as quickly as the law would allow and as the chief law officer of the state, i can tell you that that is true. he moved as quickly as he could and he had to work with local authorities and work with the communication sent to him. but he moves quickly and as he said, the president said so. now we want to change a different -- but at the time,
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there were no complaints. in fact, there was praise. and i could tell you that the people who committed crimes were very small in number and they had been criminally prosecuted but the overwhelming number of people who were protesting peacefully, raising their voices to make sure that there was accountability for derek shelton -- sheldon. he moved in with the national guard on time and in a way that would protect people and property in an expeditious way. that is just another one of the stories -- that republicans primary way of campaigning is character assassination. that is what they do. they don't want to talk about their plans for improving the public good, they just try to make up stories -- that's the whole story. >> i was on the ground and i
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did the eulogy for george floyd and i saw the peaceful protest absolutely was the overwhelming majority. friday, talking about police cases. friday mark 10 years since michael brown jr. was shot by a police officer in ferguson missouri, which launched protest nationwide. -- still coping with the pain while searching for progress. now, in 2024, we are still seeing the same tragedies unfold. four felony murder charges filed on tuesday against four hotel employees responsible for devante mitchell's death in springfield, illinois. i did that funeral, as well. the charges should be upgraded from felony murder to reckless homicide. a decade after michael brown's death and four years since george floyd. you were the prosecutor that handled that case. it was
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governor walz that i called at others that said that there was no confidence in the minneapolis and asked that he bring you in and he did. in fact, you called me and said i just got a call from the governor and you didn't know i called him. are you seeing progress in how these cases are being handled? >> i'm seeing progress and i'm seeing regress. i'm seeing both. prosecutors do get together and talk about how to make these cases stick. i know i've been in many conversations advising prosecutors across the country on how to build a good case where you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt, and yet if you look at the numbers, we are still seeing far too many people die at the hands of the guardians, whose job it is to protect them and serve them. it's, some things are improving
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but other things aren't, and that is why we've got to have kamala harris as our president and tim walz as our vice president. they understand that if you don't, whatever law enforcement has got to be held accountable, just like anybody else's, then people will not go to wall enforcement -- law enforcement. they will work with law enforcement and that makes for a community that is less safe. so and let me tell you, law enforcement members who want to do the job right, they don't have a problem with holding people who break their oath being held accountable. these problems, unfortunately, our because, you know, we don't have enough support from around the country and the states, local authorities and it would really help to have kamala harris in the white house because she knows that we have to have equal justice under the
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law and that applies to people who swear an oath of -- and everybody else. >> she cosponsored and cowrote the george floyd justice and policing act that every republican in the senate voted against and help to block it. i want to correct. i said d'vontaye mitchell, but he was in milwaukee and the case was in springfield, illinois. >> right, may i add, reverend, that after we did get that conviction against derek chauvin , the first call we got was from president biden and vice president harris. we were coming down the elevator. you are there, you know. and she was compassionate. she was supportive and she, and the world doesn't know that she made that call, but the truth is, it was important to her and president biden to let the floyd family no that the president and the vice president were with them. >> as you know, i was there.
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the brother of attorney, ben crump. the trump-vance campaign has been amplifying false claims about vice president harris' racial identity, falsely suggesting that harris had downplayed her black and south asian heritage in an attempt to raise questions about her authenticity. >> you have also been subject to racially charged -- throughout your career. talking it over your identity as being black and a muslim. what are your reflections on how trump and the republican party are going after harris and how she has been defending herself here >> it's just george wallace tactics over again. we've been seeing this kind of stuff for a long time. politicians know they can -- race. you know, you been around a long time, rev, so you remember
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-- back in the 50s, he would say use the n word, use the letter and word. people would go for that. and then after that, you had to get even more abstract. talk about cutting taxes because everybody knew that blacks would get hurt worse. but that's what he said. it's nothing but the same old playbook and i would submit to everybody listening, rev, that the reason trump went to talk to the national black journalists was not to talk to the national black journalist. he went there to tell off an insult a bunch of black professionals to their face. that is why he was there. he started out talking about how the court records were messed up. how they made him late and how rude they were. that's how he started. that's how he ended, and he wanted his maga audience to know , i don't mind defending these fancy black folks. i'll insult anybody. that's what it was about. it was about another audience. that's really what he was trying to do. but i say to people, just
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remember. this is an old trick. you know, he's not the first one who said america first. that was charles lindbergh who was saying that back when -- you know, he's not the first one to say make america great again. he's not the original on anything, but what he does is pick up an old book to try and facilitate racial division and we can't let him do it. >> that's very true. i said many said why did the black journalist invite him, i said the real question is why did he go? he went to do what he did to play off of them, to say i stand up to black folks and he did. i must say thank you for being on and i always say i do not believe we would've gotten the convictions of those that killed george floyd even with that videotape if keith ellison had not done that case and i will -- >> thank you, rev. >> i will not put you on the spot tonight, but someone wanted me to ask you, and i
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won't ask you, but they wanted me to ask you if governor walz becomes the vice president are you going to run for governor. but i'm not going to ask you that tonight. thank you for being our minnesota attorney general, keith ellison. but if you do decide to run, announce it on this show. up next. >> thank you, rev. >> the fight for fairness when it comes to fairness when it comes to vote is very much alive. why we can't let our foot off the gas. after the break. it's a mouthful. one of the harder things is the little things that i need help with: getting dressed, brushing your teeth, being able to go out with your friends by yourself. those are hard because you don't want help, but you need it. children like jaxon need continued support
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tuesday marked the 59th anniversary of the voting rights act of 1965. for nearly six decades, this act was passed to make sure black americans could exercise their right to vote without fear of racial discrimination. unfortunately, they gap between black and brown voter participation, compared to
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white voters has steadily increased since the supreme court gutted key provisions of the voting rights act, just over 10 years ago. now, we are starting to see some states make it harder to vote or give counties more power to challenge the outcome of a local election. this week, the republican-led georgia state election board set the stage for contentious post election periods after it approved a measure to allow local officials to refuse or delay certification of a counties election results. ever since donald trump's big lie about a stolen election in 2020, efforts to halt certification has popped up in several swing states, like michigan, arizona, nevada, and pennsylvania. those attempts were ultimately squashed one state officials and the courts stepped in. however, the threat is still there.
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we could potentially see more of these efforts in republican- controlled counties. that is why it's important to continue to push for the john r. lewis voting advancement act and the freedom to vote act. the white house has signaled it still hopes to get those bills passed. meanwhile, president joe biden has passed an executive order to expand voter registration access and democratic presidential nominee vice president kamala harris has promised that if congress passes bills on voter protection, she will sign them if elected. we have a winning democratic ticket, but we have to remain very vigilant about republican efforts to challenge the outcome of this election. we have seen what they have done in the past and they are already laying the groundwork for this election. we have an opportunity to push back on those efforts this november and re-establish our
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>> we are back. as vice president harris wraps up a massive week of engagement in swing states like michigan, what does her momentum mean for senate democrats facing tough races and for the democrats overall goal of keeping the senate in november? joining me now is senator gary peters, democrat of michigan. he is the chair of the democratic senatorial campaign committee. senator, thank you for joining us again. at the polls, they show president biden trolling donald trump before he exited the race. kamala harris appears to have at least close the gap exactly 3 weeks in, the latest new york
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times siena poll of swing states showing her ahead of donald trump in michigan 50% to 46% within a margin of error. you endorse the vice president soon after she entered the 2024 race. she and governor walz were in detroit this week as part of this week's last -- last week's tour around those battleground states. how would you characterize the reception in michigan, senator? >> thank you for having me on, reverend sharpton. i would categorize it as an incredible strong outpouring of support. people all across the state of michigan, democrats in particular are very engaged in this campaign. we are seeing volunteers sign up
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at a rate that we simply did not see. in fact, for our one campaign, which is our ground campaign to make sure we turn out our voters on election day, we've been recruiting folks for about a year and a half, but after vice president harris announced that she was running within that first week alone, we doubled the number of volunteers that had signed up to get out and to canvas. i've been at some of those canvas kickoffs, i've seen more young people than i have seen in the recent past. in fact, one of the recent ones i was at, many of the young people that were there. this is the first time they've ever volunteered on a campaign. they feel it's important to come out. they want make sure that she gets elected. the enthusiasm is there, but we've got to keep that enthusiasm all the way through the election, as you know. we are still 80 plus days away. you can't take anything for granted. this is going to be a battleground. michigan is by definition a battleground state which means it's going to be a close election and that means who can turn out the voters, who can maintain that enthusiasm for knock doors and get people out? >> i've also heard from people
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like reverend charles williams, a man the state chair, saying he seeing a lot of young people in michigan, but staying with this past week swing state tour , this week, president biden campaigned with the vice president for the first time since he left the race. the white house is saying the two will appear in maryland together. biden is saying that they would also campaign for harris in pennsylvania and others and swing states soon. how do you think voters will respond to seeing the two of them together campaigning for the first time. >> i think it's always important to have a president campaign. being in the places in maryland, i think it's very good for him to show up there. we want to make sure voters understand what is at stake and when you look at the senate races, you understand the questions about the senate races, is our candidate to candidate races. we have very strong incumbents and democratic candidates running against seriously flawed republicans.
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it is about making that contrast but it's also about making sure your base shows up and understands that there is a clear difference in this election. the more people out there making that case, the better, the more urgency that is expressed and that will allow us to run more robust campaigns. we also have to keep up -- pouring in money -- nasty ads, that's what they focus on, both against vice president harrison against our senate candidates. as you know, as well as anyone, we have to hold the majority in the senate. when we elect kamala harris as the next president of the united states, she needs a democratic majority in the senate. to move judges forward, just members of her cabinet and that is why our races are so key and why we need to raise the funds necessary, which is why i defend the, that's the website, you will know those resources are going to go
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to those senate races that are right on the bubble that are absolutely essential for us to win so we hold the majority so that kamala harris can move the agenda forward that we all want her to move forward. >> on that., you wrote an op-ed for recently. speaking as chair of the dnc see and expressing confidence the democrats will hold onto the senate majority. in large part because of what you say is inferior candidate quality on candidate side. you also mention the midterm success as a guidepost for 2024. why do you think democrats will hold on competitor races, in places like montana, ohio, and arizona? >> certainly, those are all very challenging places, montana is a place where we know they will vote overwhelmingly for donald trump and always has, but we have a candidate there in jon tester who knows how to win and that state
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because he is as authentic as you can possibly imagine. he's many generations in montana. people in montana know they can trust him, he always puts their interest first. he's running against a seriously flawed republican candidate who didn't really, who kind of moved into montana. is not from montana. he's a fake rancher. his business, it's really clear now with information that he's taking money out of his business and stiffing shareholders and bondholders. somebody that people simply cannot trust. you have sheriff brown in ohio who's also running against a flawed republican candidate who clearly his long list of misinformation and lies is coming to forefront and share it is always -- because they can trust him up particularly his champion for -- in particular. it's how they want in the past, is how they are going to win again, but we can't take any of
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it for granted. we are going to have to be working right up until election day. you can't stop running until you run through the tape but when we do that, we need to win those states to make sure we are at 50 senators with vice president then casting the tie- breaking vote for us. we also have opportunities to pick up seats, both in texas and in florida, and i would certainly encourage reviewers to look at those races, as well. or invest in the defend the we are constantly making those decisions as to where we put the resources, because the only metric that matters to me is that we have a majority in the senate. we make sure that kamala harris gets elected president and we can back her up in the senate with a clear majority. >> now senator, your republican colleague j.d. vance, a veteran, has spent the last week attacking governor tim walz come a 20 fear year -- 24 year military record. claiming that he's been campaigning on stolen valor for
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retiring from the national guard months before his unit was deployed to iraq. you are a veteran. having served in the u.s. navy reserve for 15 years. what do you make of this particular attack from senator vance on governor walz? >> i think, senator vance attacks are outrageous and they are terrible, but as you mentioned, i served in the usa reserve. i served with some of the bravest, most patriotic people you have ever had the privilege of getting to know and there are people like tim walz who have spent 24 years in the national guard. we should be celebrating that kind of service. i celebrate anybody who is a veteran. j.d. vance was, he was in the marines for four years. let's celebrate his four years of service, but he should also then celebrate tim walz 24 years of service to his country. that's something we should celebrate and to attack that, i think it's despicable.
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it's really disqualifying, in my mind. if you're going to run for high public office, you should be honoring our veterans. you should be honoring those who wear the uniform and are willing to go into harms way to protect the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy in this country and to level those kinds of attacks against someone , to me, it's outrageous and we should condemn it. >> michigan senator gary peters, thank you for being with us. last night, true rambling presses and downright delusions when it comes to rally numbers. the telltale signs that trump is spiraling are apparent. more on the chaos of his campaign, coming next. ext. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. detect this: you could stay undetectable with fewer medicines. ask your doctor about dovato. welcome back to politicsnation. let's bring in my political panel . democratic strategist, and former obamacare adviser jennifer moran, cofounder of the lincoln project -- -- a week until the autocratic national convention and on saturday, vice president kamala harris and her running mate, governor tim walz concluded a five day campaign tour of key swing states, drawing massive crowds in states like
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pennsylvania, michigan, and arizona. in the coming days, harris says she plans to roll out a more official economic policy platform that's geared towards bringing down costs and also strengthening the economy. meanwhile, reporters are calling on her to do interviews. harris has had strong -- has had a strong initial few weeks as a candidate. what's the best way to keep the momentum alive? >> thank you for having me, reverend. i think there's several things she can do. first and foremost, the momentum is strong and she is best served by meeting the people where they are. the battleground states are living kamala harris. she's brought activation to this party. she's brought strength to the ticket. she's also somebody seen as a unifier. as someone who has brought joy back to american politics. there's a lot of people who are excited about this who previously were disengaged with the upcoming election. she's got to continue talking to those individuals. just got to continue doing
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those venues and events. she's also going to be having conversations with well-known podcasters, influencers, individuals who can break into the narrative but can also help to deliver her her message to reach groups. i think we are also going to see kamala harris identify what those policy goals happen to be in plain and simple terms. we know that americans are suffering from the high cost of living in many areas. we know that the high cost of rent, the cost of groceries, all those are things that people are putting in their pocketbooks. she's going to talk about her plans to combat price gouging. just talk about her plans to combat what we see from these corporations as well as business owners were taking advantage of people who are struggling and we are also going to see her create platforms where she's going to talk about what it means to actually earn a living wage. what that means in today's context. in a post-pandemic era and how to make sure that, you know, individuals can afford to raise children, as well as to work outside the home.
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what that actually means any real context for individuals across this country. that's what we are going to see from kamala harris. >> jennifer, during a rally in las vegas. vice president harris pledged to eliminate taxes on tip wages for service workers. matching a proposal for former president donald trump has been talking about for months now. is it good policy and what do you think about trump's claim that she simply is copying his proposal. >> nobody should listen to anything donald trump is saying about anything. if donald trump thought this was such a great idea or that he wants to claim ownership of this, he was president for four years. he was in the white house, where was he then? he doesn't get the claim ownership of it now. i think kamala harris is in a great position to not just advanced this specific policy, but to make it part of her overarching economic message to the middle class. we know that this is a demographic that people are generally struggling. paycheck to paycheck and the
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vice president has talked about releasing her economic plan in the days ahead and this can become something that is sort of a cornerstone of that economic message to the middle class and i know that you talked a minute ago about enthusiasm and meeting with the press. her enthusiasm is going to continue. it's been very organic. it's related to those of us in politics for a long time. it summing to see but i think this economic plan that she's talking about, and talking to those specific voters, that would be impacted, for example, by no taxes on tips, this is her opportunity to get in for the press. eventually, she's going to have to get to. this is a strong message to take her there. >> alicia, earlier today, said he decided to end his re- election campaign. take a listen.
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>> there is a critical issue for me still, it's not a joke, maintaining this democracy, but i thought it was important because -- it's a great honor. i think i have an obligation to do one of the most important things i can do, and that is, we must, we must defeat trump. >> now -- thursday and he said he would be comparing. josh shapiro. then, he will be at the dnc in a week. as well president's clinton and obama. what role should the democratic president's playing in the campaign, particularly president biden? we are out of time, but i had to ask you that. >> absolutely. i think that the president's going to play a very strong role. they are going to assist in continuing the large fundraising efforts. i think specifically for joe biden, there are specific areas
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that he had when he was president. one of those, hundreds of thousands of jobs, we are talking about reductions in cost of insulin. we are talking about student debt relief. we are talking about infrastructure. this is a president who will go on the campaign trail and speak to all of those spaces, particularly where they are most infamous. you can also make sure that they understand in real time what it means. >> i said we were out of time, but jennifer, just briefly, give me your answer to the same question. >> the president's former president's are always strong campaigners for the current candidate. in this particular case, i think that former democratic president's have an opportunity -- keep her democratic coalition united. you know. they are less important for reaching out to those moderate republicans, she needs help
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keeping that spectrum of democrats together. >> all right, jennifer warm -- horn and ameshia cross. thank you so much for joining us. up next, history in paris . stay with us. our right to reproductive health care is being stolen from us. i can't believe this is the world we live in, where we're losing the freedom to control our own bodies. we need your support now more than ever. go online, call, or scan this code, with your $19 monthly gift. and we'll send you this "care. no matter what" t-shirt. it is your right to have safe health care. that's it. go online, call, or scan right now.
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i truly appreciate how the games encourage fitness, promote teamwork, and provide a platform for people of all nationalities to compete peacefully. the paris games have been a resounding success with enthusiastic crowds at events and strong television ratings for msnbc's parent company, nbc universal. at the closing ceremonies moments ago, -- was presented the olympic flag, the handover that has officially started the countdown to the l.a. games of 2028. it's the first time a black woman has received the banner, given to her by the first woman mayor of paris, france. now that mayor bass has taken the baton, so to speak, she faces the monumental challenge of hosting one of the world's biggest spectacles. i have faith in her leadership, her imagination, and common sense to make los angeles 2028 a great olympic success.
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that does it for me. ask for watching. i will see you back here next weekend at 5:00 p.m. eastern, but before that, i will be on morning joe tomorrow at 6:00 a.m., right here on msnbc. after the break, it is the sunday show with jonathan capehart. n capehart.
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