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tv   Ana Cabrera Reports  MSNBC  August 12, 2024 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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inherent in the dna of this experience isa sense of humor and not a parody, but certainly a satire that i think is often kind of missing in post apocalyptic shows. they've been around. they're cyclical they've been around for 80 years. people are interested in that topic, the world is a pretty scary place right now and a lot of this is kind of on people's minds and maybe that plays into the success of this experience but ultimately it comes down to, i think you can give more and teach more with honey, you know. and so, yeah, i think that's one of the main reasons why people are attracted to it. >> really fun, entertaining. there's this cool retro vibe to it all episodes are streaming now on prime video emmy nominated actor walton goggins, thank you so much greatly appreciate it. >> thank you so much for having
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me. >> mika, you're my favorite, too. i wish it was my birthday. >> exactly come back on your birthday, walton and i will tell you, proving that anybody can forget anything, i actually forgot the name of a movie that i've seen about 47 times "book of eli" and next i'll be forgetting "you've got mail". >> you can actually do that for me. that does it for us this morning. ana cabrera picks up the coverage right now. right now on "ana cabrera reports," breaking news, donald trump plans to sue the justice department over the raid on mar-a-lago plus, a new reality in the race for the white house kamala harris now leading donald trump in key battleground states we'll dig into the new polling as both sides gear up for a busy week. also ahead, the u.s. sending some serious fire power to the middle east. a missile-guided submarine is on the way as israel braces for
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retaliatory strikes from iran. and what an ending, the paris olympics closing out with, who else but tom cruise, helping to hand over hosting duties to hollywood. good morning, it is 10:00 eastern. a busy start to the week i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york we're going to begin with breaking news in donald trump's legal fights trump serving the doj with notice that he intends to sue the justice department for $100 million over the fbi's 2022 search of mar-a-lago let's get right to msnbc legal correspondent, lisa rubin. trump says he intends to sue the doj. what is he claiming and what happens now? >> let's start, ana, with the fact that he intends to sue. that actually is a really pivotal point here trump is letting the department of justice know that he intends to sue under a law called the
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federal tort claims act. that's where the federal government says, you can sue us and we'll waive our immunity under certain circumstances, but only if certain conditions are fulfilled. one of those conditions is you have to give the agency an opportunity to respond short answer, trump won't be able to file suit, i expect, for another six months >> could this have any impact, lisa, on the doj's appeal of the case that was dismissed by judge cannon last month? >> technically, no, the case was dismissed on totally separate grounds, the question of whether jack smith under the constitution had authority to bring the suit in the first place as special counsel is this an attempt by trump to take the narrative back and putting the justice department on its heels by claiming the raid was unjustified in the first place. as you noted, he's not only suing for $100 million in punitive damages, he's saying the government owes him $15 million that he sustained in
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attorneys' fees just in defending the mar-a-lago suit. >> again, that suit has not been filed yet, just this notice saying trump intends to sue. lisa rubin, thanks for bringing us that breaking news. turning to the race for the white house, with a week of rallies under their belt, the harris/walz ticket is ramping up to the democratic national convention once viewed as a hail mary, next week's gathering will serve as a show of force for vice president harris and will include speeches from former presidents clinton and obama, as well as president biden. with democrats driving the headlines for weeks now, former president trump is off message and off the trail. for the second straight week, he has just one rally scheduled trump is set to do an interview on x tonight with the social media site's owner, billionaire, trump backer elon musk aaron gilchrist joins us and amy
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parns, former clinton adviser richard goodstein, and former adviser to two republican house speakers, brendan buck aaron, vice president harris is back in d.c. today what does her week ahead look like >> reporter: this week is going to look different from the week we saw last week for the harris campaign we know the vice president is expected to only have a videotaped appearance that will air at a conference of government employees, a union representing government employees later this week. and then she will appear with president biden on thursday in maryland that's an official event as opposed to a campaign event, where we understand they are going to talk about the work that the administration has done to try to lower costs for americans. and at this point that's all we expect to see from vice president harris this week of course, we lead into the dnc, it's going to be happening starting next monday, and we're coming off of a week of the vice president and her new running mate, the minnesota governor, tim walz, crisscrossing the country, hitting five
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battleground states, wrapping up over the weekend in las vegas after the stop in arizona, and rallying thousands upon thousands of supporters there. i can tell you i was at both events and these arenas were really packed with people who were there to see this new democratic ticket, to lend their voices in support of the new democratic ticket, which we heard in very boisterous ways while we were there in those arenas and this week we did hear from the vice president on saturday that this week she expects to be laying out her economic policy platform we know, obviously, this was a get to know you tour that the vice president was on last week, really for people to see her and her new running mate, for them to get to know each other as well and now it's the question of what would a president harris do and so we expect to see that economic policy platform laid out at some point this week. next week during the dnc, that's when people will be looking to see all of what a harris administration would do, how it might be different from what president biden has done already, and looking to see
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exactly what they can expect if they were to go out and vote for vice president harris in november to be the next president of the united states. >> aaron gilchrist, thank you. richard, the swing state rollout last week, the democratic national convention kicking off on monday, a week from today how can the harris campaign sort of capitalize, keep the momentum going in this week in between? >> certainly all the buzz has been incredibly positive when you think about where she was three weeks ago today, when everybody was coalescing around her. she was down in the polls against trump. with each passing day that spread that she's ahead is slightly more and more we saw "the new york times" story having her four points up in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. it seems like what these tapped into is this feeling that when it was biden, he was too old trump was obnoxious and criminal now she's young and has ideas and she's appealing to the middle class i just think she's got a good
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pick with walz i think she has to keep it going. and typically your party's convention gives you a boost bill clinton went into the '92 convention behind george w. bush and ross perot and never looked back i think she will end this time next week with a head of steam. >> we'll see what she does at this point she does have that momentum we mentioned the polling in the meantime, we have the trump campaign going through a turbulent time, i think it's fair to say, amy you had these kind of o off-the-rails press events his campaign said they were hacked you have this new polling from "the new york times. i do want to put it up there it shows harris up by four points in likely voters in michigan, pennsylvania and wisconsin. still within the margin of error, but a clear shift since president biden dropped out. what are you hearing from gop insiders >> they are frustrated they feel like the former president could be doing a lot more specifically he could be staying
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on message and not going off message and talking about issues of race. if he came out and talked about the economy and inflation and the border and other issues that they feel like would really rally these independents, they think that that would be serving him. but everything else that he's doing right now, it shows that he's flailing and he's not doing the things that he should be doing to kind of gain that momentum that harris is getting right now. >> he's trying to steal back the spotlight, brendan trump has this one-on-one with elon musk tonight. he's touting it as the interview of the century could this venue offer the type of reset he wants? what are you expecting from this >> well, if you're looking to be disciplined, which i completely agree, it's not that he's not talking about the economy, it's not that he's not talking about the border, he's talking about all these other crazy things as well that distract you as we know, elon musk tends to increasingly delve into conspiracy theories, promote things that are simply not true, and if you're looking to have a disciplined campaign, which this
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was for a little while, i don't know that talking to elon musk is how you do that i imagine it will be all over the place again, and rather than talking about the choice that they want to frame up, which is the country is heading in the wrong direction, do you want to send the country further to the left, all of the record of the biden administration, instead i'm sure they're going to end up talking about crowd sizing and ai and all kinds of things that don't help him in any meaningful way. >> he does really care about crowd size in fact, richard, he's now falsely claiming that the pictures the harris campaign is putting out from their events are fake when it comes to how big the crowds are, claiming they're ai generated false claims we have journalists covering those events and can confirm the crowds are quite large i guess, what do you make of his obsession and this new strategy to say it's all fake >> so it raises questions about whether trump has gone from being merely dishonest to
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delde delusional does he believe the story about willie brown and the helicopter? it's embarrassing. and i think trump people are standing by it because they don't want to stand up to him. once he says something, that's gospel for them. so i just think from the harris standpoint, she looks modulated, she looks level-headed and trump, with each passing public comment, looks crazier and crazier. is this somebody you want to put in charge of the nuclear codes i think that's not an unfair question to ask -- for her to ask the american voters, when he says just absolutely crazy, crazy stuff, like about the attendance at that rally for her. >> let's talk about policy for a minute we're anticipating an economic policy platform to be revealed soon from the harris campaign. she did bring up one economic proposal at an event this weekend. let's listen >> it is my promise to everyone
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here, when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families of america. including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> that last part, trump previously announced a similar plan when it comes to taxing hospitality workers and their tips specifically. are you surprised to hear her following suit >> no, i mean, i think that she has to talk more about minimum wage, and she has to talk about inflation and the economy. and that's one thing i've been hearing from democrats they're a little bit scared that she hasn't come out -- and of course she is going to do that this week, but she really needs to come out with a strong economic plan if she wants to win over voters who are skeptical about where the economy is, specifically higher prices right now i heard from a lot of people who are trying to help her form that
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messaging, and of course she's brought gene sperling in and i think you're going to hear her talk more about that in the days to come. they know this is the key issue. now that things have settled, the party has kind of rallied around her and there's a surge, she has to turn more to the economy and other policy issues. >> obviously that one policy that trump had put out there was pretty popular, brendan. and trump still leads on the economy. but a series of recent polls show that gap is narrowing what do you think is behind that >> she's had a great three weeks and that's going to show up everywhere, i think. but i do think this week is really important for her to put a little more meat on the bone, a little more substance out there. if you watch the coverage, you would think she is trouncing trump, but she's not she's a slight favorite, but this is still going to be a close race and i think you owe it to voters to tell them what you're going to do. that sounds like a nice quaint
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principle of democracy, but it's important politically. there are a lot of people who will never vote for donald trump under any circumstance, but there are still some people, probably people who are going to decide this election, who care about the substance. once you know what each candidate is going to do for them donald trump has not done a good job laying out his plan, which should be an opportunity for harris to lay out hers if she doesn't, it is also, i think, a risk for her. donald trump is going to continue to try to define her in a certain way and she needs to fill that space before he solidifies what people think about her. we know a lot about her, but most voters are still learning. >> we all are learning still to see what a harris presidency could look like. richard, trump's running mate, j.d. vance, is still having to defend himself from controversial comments he made in the past relating to parents and people without children. here he was on abc yesterday >> you advocated giving extra votes to people with children, which seems a little --
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>> john, it's not a policy proposal it's a thought experiment. again, john, it's a thought experiment i've been a senator for two years. have i proposed any legislation to the effect? of course not. sometimes people make remarks in response to something that somebody else has said if it was a policy proposal, i would have made the policy proposal in my two years in the united states senate >> so he keeps on saying it was a thought experiment you're a coms guy. what do you think about that message? >> it sounds like his version of when they would say that trump was joking about saying, russia, hack hillary's emails. whenever trump would say something absolutely stupid, that his people knew the public didn't accept, it was a joke i think thought experiment is now their fall back. this is a guy who said that trump was america's hitler what he's been saying about childless cat ladies, what he's been saying about abortion pills, go down the line, are wildly unpopular even his criticism of tim walz
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on his military service. the leader of his ticket got out because of bone spurs. he said that stds were his vietnam, donald trump said do they really want to be fighting that fight with tim walz, who was in the military for 24 years i just think that vance is struggling to kind of get past the very, very bad reviews early on, and as the interview showed yesterday, he's having a hard time getting kind of on the other side of that. >> he is putting himself out there, though. he is the one representing the trump ticket out there with the media, answering questions, out there on the trail, while trump isn't. guys, we've got to leave it there today. thank you all. up next, the trump campaign says it was hacked who they allege is behind it, and could it indicate more election season disruptions to come overseas, the u.s. is sending more fire power to the middle east. the new moves by the pentagon as israel braces for iranian retaliation. plus, the chilling moment a
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plane fell from the sky in brazil, killing everyone onboard. where the investigation stands this morning and psychedelic setback? what the fda is saying about using therapy for pst. and i also have a non-profit. but no matter what business i'm in... my network and my tech need to keep up. thank you, verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (woman) all with the security features we need. (aaron) because my businesses are my life. (kevin) man, the fish tacos are blowing up! (aaron) so whatever's next we're cooking with fire. let's make it happen! (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. if you have to cut, pack, drive, scout, weld, stack, feed, pull, load, tow! drop, and haul, all in a single day, then you just have to get in the seat of the new john deere gator™ xuv. learn more at your john deere dealer.
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(vo) when the internet said “red lobster's going away...” your boy, flavor flav, said “not today!”e gator™ xuv. crabfest is here, boy. and they got two flavors: roasted garlic and new cajun butter. when you gotta have seafood, you gotta have red lobster. donald trump's presidential campaign says it was hacked. the campaign put out a statement blaming iran after politico
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reported getting emails from an anonymous account with internal documents from the trump campaign, including research on trump's running mate, ohio senator j.d. vance nbc news has not independently verified the hack or where it originated nbc news correspondent dasha burns who covers the trump campaign is joining us now what more do we know about what these apparent hackers obtained? >> the trump campaign is saying that it was hacked by an iranian group in june, coinciding with the timing of when former president trump was looking to announce his running mate. his spokesperson pointed to a microsoft report released saying an iranian group spend a spfishn campaign the trump campaign saying it was theirs politico first reported this, they were sent those emails by someone who remains anonymous, and in those documents was
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essentially what seems to be vetting materials on senator j.d. vance, some of his vulnerabilities, the research the trump campaign was doing as they were deciding who the former president would choose as a running mate it's important to note that nbc news has not verified this reporting independently, ana. >> has anybody confirmed it, the doj, fbi, acknowledging this >> this is the question that's still out there. we've reached out to all of those organizations. the fbi says it's aware of media reports but hasn't commented. >> thank you. let's bring in msnbc analyst clint watts now. we know nbc hasn't confirmed this attack. iran is denying involvement. a spokesperson at the u.n. releasing a statement saying we do not accord any credence to such reports the iranian government neither possesses nor harbors any intent or motive to interfere in the united states presidential election, end quote. do you buy it? >> with iran, the answer is
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definitely not if you go back, ana, to election 2020, some of the most egregious activity came from iran. two instances in particular, one was the spreading of a fake email that looked like a proud boys member, it was threatening people if they went to the polls. the second was another one where they set up a website to essentially look like people in the government were going to be targeted as we've shown in our report last week, really two different lines of effort that we've seen. one, at least from the cyber perspective, we track iranian threats. we've done this through the last two to three years here at microsoft, a couple of key ones, albania, bahrain, and also israel we've tracked to a group that is sending out spear fishing. the second part is influence activity, which has definitely picked up. this is a common tactic for these groups they are iranian groups and we know that. and so this is consistent with what we've always seen from
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iran their statement doesn't make sense to me. >> what would iran have to gain by hacking donald trump's campaign >> a couple of things, ana i'll just note, i don't know in terms of anything about the actual potential victims or any customers. all i know is the iranian threat activity that's what's in the report. the second thing i would say is when you look at the election, it's not always for iran the same as it might be for russia russia, it's all about political influence and political warfare and trying to influence the outcome of the election. for iran, if you look back four years ago, it was a lot about sowing chaos leading up to election day they tend to come in late, right before election day. they often try to sow chaos and confuse people about the conduct of the election. there's is more dynamic and often focuses on stoking fear inside the pop ulus i don't think it's over yet. >> the fbi is simply saying
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they're acknowledging there are media reports. congressman adam schiff is calling on the intelligence community to move quickly, saying transparency is still our best deterrent against foreign influence operations clint, do you agree with that? is transparency important here >> for sure. i think that's why we produced our report we produced threat activity on russia, iran, china. we've done that through three reports. we'll have a fourth one coming out in october, to try to illuminate to everybody and in inoculate the u.s. against any interference from foreign adversaries. at the same point, we're limited to threat activity we're focused on russia, iran and china. that's what we monitor and can see. >> does the intel community need to address this specific situation? should they say, here is what we know as opposed to playing everything close to the vest >> in this case, i don't know what they know so i can't really
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speak to them. it's also something we've seen prolifically over the last few years, people thinking they should or should not respond remember, if you're the iranians or the russians, you're trying to provoke an action by the u.s. government by simply seeding these things, you could provoke a reaction from the intel community. this happened in the election in 2016 where different disinformation was put out the u.s. government didn't have a perspective. if they respond, they're playing into the campaigns i just don't know what they're aware of at the same point, their decision to respond can be a way of confirming or denying information they don't know the answer to. >> as you mentioned, intel officials have warned that iran is one of several countries, also including russia and china, that will try to sway american voters is there anything specific that voters should be watching out for? >> yeah, i think the specific things they should be looking for is, one, do they know what the actual source of the information is they're
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receiving. especially in social media, people tend to take in a lot of information that they might not otherwise believe if they're scared, or in the middle of a competition like an election second is, just not knowing the source, but also where the source is located. oftentimes we see, particularly with russian disinformation websites, iran as well, people don't realize the information they're reading, they may know the source, the website, they don't realize where it's operated from. and that oftentimes is overseas, trying to influence the u.s. election so those two things, who is the source, what organization or person, and where are they physically located that's the same thing we do at nbc, we announce our names, you're there from the nbc studios. you need that same sort of information and fidelity in the online environment as well. >> you've got to vet there's so many information avenues out there. it's important to know where it comes from thank you very much. up next on "ana cabrera reports," the u.s. is sending more fire power to the middle
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east, as israel braces for retaliation by iran. we're in the region amid the intensifying concerns. plus, the terrifying video of a plane falling from the sky in brazil, killing everyone onboard. what we could learn from the plane's black boxes. type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles.
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show me paris. xfinity internet customers can enjoy the ultimate entertainment experience and save on some of the biggest names in streaming, all for just $15 a month. get the fastest connection to paris with xfinity. i came to bayview hunter's point, where there was only one pediatrician to serve more than 10,000 children. daniel lurie said, i'm going to help. we opened a clinic for our most vulnerable children. i have worked shoulder to shoulder with him as we have brought solutions where people thought the problem was unsolvable. daniel doesn't take excuses. he holds himself accountable. and i know that he can do it for the city of san francisco. welcome back this morning, the u.s. is sending a guided missile submarine to the middle east the deployment is meant to,
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quote, take every possible step to defend israel, which is bracing for a potential retaliatory strike by iran and its proxies. iran has vowed severe punishment after the assassination of senior members of hamas and hezbollah. nbc's raf sanchez is live from tel aviv for us. what exactly is israel expecting from iran? >> reporter: so, ana, israel is bracing for a large-scale military attack involving ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones, like we saw back in april, potentially that attack coming in the coming days it could be as early as tonight. i don't think anyone knows the exact timing, except for the supreme leader of iran and a small circle of advisers around him. but i can tell you people here are on high alert. earlier today the israeli air force told its pilots, nobody is leaving the country, everybody needs to be here in case they are called up in the event of a major escalation now, it's not just israel.
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the united states is also very, very closely monitoring what iran is doing. the president was asked about this over the weekend. take a look. >> what's your message to iran mr. president, what's your message to iran? >> don't >> reporter: now, you heard there just that one word answer, don't. that is the same message the president had for iran and its proxies in the immediate aftermath of october 7th he warned them not to try to take advantage of israel's perceived weakness in the wake of the hamas attack. and the president is backing that message up with one of the largest deployments of american forces to the middle east since october 7th, the uss abraham lincoln has been given orders to speed up its arrival in the region as you mentioned, the pentagon says that an american missile submarine is on the way here it is notable they made that
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public because the united states does not normally talk about the location of its submarines so the idea is to try to deter iran from attacking in the first place and have the forces available to intercept those missiles if that attack does come. >> the other part about the timing here is that there's supposed to be potentially a meeting this week related to the hostage and cease-fire deal and the negotiations on that what is the latest there >> reporter: yeah, ana, so thursday in eithercairo or doha, they're trying to get israel and hamas back to the negotiating table. the israelis have indicated they will go to those talks hamas at this point is indicating it is not planning to attend we'll see if that changes in the coming days. but over the weekend the grimly familiar pattern, the israeli air force hitting a school-turned-shelter in gaza. israel says that militants from hamas and islamic jihad were operating out of there
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this is the fourth or fifth school hit in the last month or so, and gaza's civil defense says at least 100 people were killed in that israeli attack. our team on the ground seeing a number of women and children among the dead israel also issuing new evacuation orders for civilians in the area around khan younis, people who have been displaced again and again and again by this war, and they are now being told they need to pack up what little they have and get out of the area >> raf sanchez, thank you for bringing us the latest from the region joining us is retired colonel jack jacobs, an nbc news military analyst good to have you here. could the new assets, the guided missile submarine, could they deter iran at all? >> well, as we heard from raf, they're there to deter they're also there to strike back, if necessary the likelihood is -- not
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essentially correct, but iran will continue to use proxies like hezbollah to attack israel and will try not to get directly involved itself, because the result of doing that will be counterstrikes by american assets in the region, ana. >> so you don't think iran will send off drones and missiles like we saw last time around we saw those 300 drones and missiles that were all pretty much intercepted by the u.s. and other allies of israel but this time, like you said, there's hezbollah, but iran as well, right? so you see it being a different kind of attack >> well, one set of calculus says it depends on what the targets are. if the drones and missiles that come from iran are going to hit large-scale population centers in israel, you can expect an american response. if they're there to attack locations, israeli idf locations
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that are opposite and fighting with hezbollah on northern israel, america is not -- is much less likely to respond. if they hit population centers, things will be very much different. >> is the i ron dome capable of intercepting anything hezbollah throws at it >> you should never say anything or nothing it's very, very capable, but it's not 100% perfect, as we saw last time. some missiles are likely to get through. it depends on the scale of the attack and how many countermeasures inside the dome that israel has. the united states has been plussing up israel's capability with more projectiles, but it's always possible that some will get through. like we said, if it hits
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large-scale population centers like tel aviv, you're likely to see an american response, which will greatly expand the conflict in the region. >> colonel jack jacobs, thank you very much. i always appreciate your expertise. from the middle east now to ukraine, and ukraine's president confirming for the first time that his troops have pushed inside russia's territory. the offensive began with 1,000 troops entering the region last week and called for evacuations, about 70,000 people. russia's president putin calling this attack a major provocation. it's an attack that is changing the dynamics of this war where ukraine has struggled to maintain its control on some of its home turf. president zelenskyy calling it pressure on the aggressor. next on , where a tropical system is rapidly moving as the extreme weather intensifies. plus, what we could learn
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from the black boxes recovered from the site of a deadly plane crash in brazil, captured on camera in this chilling video. but when he had shortness of breath, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lower back pain, we wondered, could these be warning signs of something bigger? thank goodness we called his cardiologist because these were signs of attr-cm, a rare and serious disease... ...that gets worse over time. if you see any of the warning signs, don't wait, ask your cardiologist about attr-cm today. [introspective music] recipes. recipes that are more than their ingredients. ♪ [smoke alarm] recipes written by hand and lost to time... can now be analyzed and restored using the power of dell ai. preserving memories and helping to write new ones.
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we're back with a new storm system threatening the caribbean this morning what could become tropical storm ernesto is rapidly moving toward the caribbean islands after taking shape over the atlantic this weekend matches and warnings are in effect for puerto rico and the virgin islands, which could start to see rain, wind and high
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surf starting tomorrow if this disturbance becomes ernesto, it would mark the fifth named storm of the 2024 hurricane season so far. the families of 62 people killed in a deadly plane crash are gathering in brazil as they wait for answers about what went wrong. this video captured that turbo prop plane in a flat spin on friday, falling from 17,000 feet, before crashing in a gated community. teams have now recovered the remains of all those killed and the plane's flight data recorders. nbc news senior correspondent, tom costello, is joining us now with more. tom, do investigators have any theories into what happened here >> i think the leading theory, but it is only a theory -- we hasten to at, the leading theory is the possibility that this plane hit severe icing conditions at about 17,000 feet. that's the altitude it was at when suddenly it plunged like a rock we know that there were ice warnings in that area between
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12,000 and 22,000 feet again, it was at 17,000 feet the local airline, the airline involved, said that those ice parameters had been within the normal range, and yet the trouble is, this crash has some eerie similarities to a crash in 1994 in indiana when an american eagle flight going from indianapolis to o'hare ran into severe icing and the plane crashed into a field 68 people died that was 30 years ago. after that, what happened was the faa ordered that the pneumatic boosters on the plane, essentially a series of inflatable boots that you inflate, and when you do that, it breaks the ice off the wings. the faa ordered a more robust anti-icing system on the wings with the pneumatic boosters trying to address this concern
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about icing on the atr-72. we don't know whether those boosters were working properly, the boots were working properly, i should say, on this particular plane on friday. we don't know if icing was the cause, or if there were other issues playing into it when you ask about a leading theory, at the moment it would be the possibility of ice. >> such a tragedy. tom costello, thanks. next on "ana cabrera reports," psychedelic scrutiny is mdma therapy a safe and effective therapy. plus, the first nasal spray treat allergic reactions. help make trading feel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley
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it's that easy! call today and we'll also send this free guide. humana. a more human way to healthcare. a new setback for a potential treatment of one of america's most common mental health issues, posttraumatic stress disorder or ptsd. the food and drug administration has declined to approve the use of mdma as a treatment for ptsd. the fda says that wasn't enough evidence the therapy was safe and effective, and they had concerns about how the clinical studies were designed, as well as misconduct during the trials, and potential health risks the agency had faced months of pressure from veterans groups and lawmakers to approve the treatment for ptsd, which affects roughly 13 million americans every year joining us now with more on all of this is nbc news senior medical correspondent, dr. john
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torres it's good to see you what's your reaction to this how big of a setback do you see it >> i think it's one step forward, two steps back. they made a step forward in that they're looking into it. this is the first time they've tried to seek fda approval and even though the fda said no, it kind of opened the doors for more trials, studying this type of therapy but two steps back because they didn't approve it. they had a few reasons number one, the way the study was conducted, over 100 adults that had ptsd, they had used mdma before, and they're saying they didn't look at health effects and the blind study like they normally do there are concerns >> was it just about how the study was conducted? does the treatment itself look promising? and how does it compare to other treatments that are out there? >> the treatment looks very promising, and there's actually three different things that are out there, ketamine, sill sigh b bin, these are called the
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psychedelics, they basically open the door so people who are reluctant to bring to surface these feelings they have or these past events can do that now safely, but then they have to have therapy associated with that that's where the fda got confused let's try to figure that out moving forward. >> there are 13 million americans who live with ptsd what does it mean for patients what do they speexperience >> it can be very devastating for patients it can be anywhere from minor signs where they just get these are occurring thoughts, reoccurring nightmares, those types of things all the way up to it is completely affecting their life they're incapable of doing anything else. in some cases suicide type situations or at least thoughts, and so it's very important that something comes along that can treat this because right now what we have are antidepressants, we have other treatments that mostly are talk therapy we just need to make sure we do
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it safely. >> it's something we'll keep watching thank you very much. big news this morning for people with life-threatening food allergies the fda just approved the first needle free treatment for severe allergic reactions neffy is a nasal spray meant as an alternative for epipens it will be sold in a single dose nasal spray applicator the fda expects the drug to be available within eight weeks doctors say this can reduce the amount of people who delay or avoid treatment due to fear of needle injections. next on ana cabrera reports, how the u.s. made medal history at the olympics as the games come to american shores in 2028. plus, the chargellenge for
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jordan jordan chiles with the battle still brewing over her bronze and whether she'll have to return it. ver's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on. here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need, and the flavor you love. so, here's to now... now available: boost max! i was born with wings, but psoriasis swooped in to clip them. it crushed my confidence. but no longer will psoriasis get a piece of me. i can love my skin again. with bimzelx. only bimzelx targets and blocks il-17a plus f to calm inflammation. i can control my plaques, and start getting myself back. bimzelx helps adults with moderate to severe psoriasis control plaques, to deliver clearer skin fast, for results that last. i will give myself back the freedom of shorts. dare to wear black again from head to toe.
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rjs . the olympics are going hollywood. paris wrapped up its olympic hosting duties last night and handed over the reins to los angeles. yes, tom cruise was part of it los angeles will host the 2028 summer games america is still on a high from the 2024 games 126 total medals for team usa. that means 40% of the 600 athletes representing the u.s. won at least one medal, and that
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includes team sports and relays, and six athletes won at least four medals. all women, five swimmers and simone biles however, one athlete may have to return her medal we're talking about gymnast jordan chiles. this after the olympic committee ruled her appeal for the bronze medal on floor was four seconds too late usa gymnastics has now filed an appeal of that nbc's keir simmons has more for us from paris. >> reporter: hey there, a stunning closing ceremony after a spectacular olympics inside a stadium, inside the stade de france, 10,000 athletes on parade, and tom cruise as the handover happened between paris and los angeles. tom cruise leaping from the top of the stade de france down into the crowd of athletes and getting on a motorbike and riding off towards california was what they wanted us to
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believe. he took a flight and jumped off again as he does because he's tom cruise after all it was a spectacular weekend for team usa with more golds in the track and field and in basketball, leading team usa tied with china with 40 gold medals each, but of course with a far greater overall medal count, 126 there was still a little controversy over the weekend jordan chiles losing her bronze medal in an argument over the timing of an appeal that team usa made about the way that she was scored usa gymnastics saying they will fight that decision, but of course very difficult for jordan chiles after an olympics where u.s. gymnasts did so well. president macron celebrating his country's success sitting down with me for an interview i asked him what his favorite moments were. >> obviously the opening ceremony was great i have a lot of memories i feel like we delivered something great for the world,
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and we made it and we make it ic iconic altogether. >> i thought you might say hanging out with jimmy fallon. >> i think it was part of this >> president macron hanging out with jimmy fallon who was a co-host for that closing ceremony, just another iconic image from these olympics. >> thank you i just loved it so much. what a wonderful few weeks that does it for us today, i'll see you back tomorrow, same time, same place you can catch our show online around the clock on youtube and other platforms. for now i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york, josé diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now good morning 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific, i'm josé diaz-balart we start with new developments in the race for the white house. there is just one week until the democratic national convention in chicago


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