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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  August 12, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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overnight. check out this picture taken by twitch streamer pk this morning in butler, pennsylvania. it's the northern lights making a colorful appearance in the middle of the perseid meteor shower that runs from mid-july through august another picture of that show from connecticut perseid me tors can travel 132 miles an hour. nasa says least a good chance you can see the me tteors tonig. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart reach me on social media at jd balart and watch clips online at youtube and thank you for the privilege of your time. andrea mitchell picks up with more news right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," vice president harris gaining in key battleground polls, riding a wave of enthusiasm, while former president trump lashes out on
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social media, falsely challenging her crowd size, as his running mate jd vance makes the rounds on the sunday shows trying to defend trump's comments on the vice president's race. >> i believe that kamala harris is whatever she says she is, but i believe importantly that president trump is right that she's a chameleon. >> also show of force. the u.s. moving a submarine to the middle east in anticipation of a major strike from iran against israel our leaders around the world condemn the high civilian casualties from israel's weekend attack on a school in gaza the idf claiming it was a hamas stronghold and jordan chiles, olympic dream turns into a nightmare after the ioc forces her to return a bronze medal in floor exercises. will the u.s. appeal succeed good day, everyone
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i'm andrea mitchell in washington as donald trump is falsely claiming ai manufactured the huge crowds showing up for kamala harris and tim walz on their battleground blitz as harris now leads donald trump in the all-important swing states of michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. pointing to new polling from "the new york times" and siena college. but within the margin of error according it all reports, the momentum on the democratic side has the frp rattled. the harris campaign making fun of his taunts and adding trump has still not campaigned in a battleground state in more than a week asking, quote, low energy? harris was interrupted by pro-pales pro-palestinian protesters and she stopped to talk to reporters calling for a cease-fire. >> yet again, far too many civilians who have been killed israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are hamas, but as i have said many, many
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times, they also have, i believe, an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties >> and over the weekend the trump campaign said it was hacked, claiming it was from an iranian group in june and that documents were obtained illegally from foreign sources u.s. intelligence has not confirmed whether the suspected hack was foreign and if so from. joining me correspondent gabe gutierrez. the democrats are riding big momentum but they're also fighting an action from donald trump's attacks on running mate tim walz's resume. >> reporter: the harris campaign feels tim walz is a fantastic messenger and point to his 24 years of service in the army national guard over the weekend they did respond to those attacks, namely from senator jd vance and others, that governor tim walz had previously said that he
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handled weapons in war well the harris campaign says that he misspoke, that he would never mean to insult veterans and undermine america's -- american service in this country. in fact, he -- the walz thanked senator vance for putting his life on the line for our country. that's according to the statement over the weekend but this week they are deploying him across the country to fund raise. they feel that so far he's been a fantastic messenger when it comes to that, and they feel that his midwestern values will play well in those battleground states. >> thanks to you, gabe gutierrez. now "the new york times" battleground poll we mentioned earlier showing that kamala harris is polling much better than joe biden on popularity big change is that among likely voters in pennsylvania, joe biden has a 39% favorability rating last month. harris is at 50% favorability
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against donald trump this month. joining me senior political editor mark murray and nbc news correspondent garrett haake, covering the trump campaign. mark, what are weseeing in these numbers? is favorability the big differential there's an overall, you know, feeling of momentum and excitement on her side compared to joe biden. >> we've seen the horse race numbers change, but they're still within the margin of error and show a very competitive race and we've seen independents that harris is doing better than joe biden did in previous "new york times" siena polling the biggest change are the numbers you mentioned where joe biden was a minus 20 favorability net rating in pennsylvania right after that july debate. now it's harris plus 2 that's a 22-point shift. that is a humongous and very important shift in all of our polling because we've ended up seeing the totality of the biden-trump race both candidates
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were below water now all of a sudden, we have for the first time see one that is above water and i think that is important, but andrea, it's important to note does this sustain? is this durable? we don't know the answer to that question. >> what about with young people? is there any data on that? >> what's interesting is young voters and black voters didn't change all that much between where biden was in pennsylvania in july and where harris is now. independents didn't move in harris' trdirection, but harriss still more popular than joe biden ever was. >> the trump campaign will tell you by the time the election is over they don't think either candidate is popular they will make certain this is a negative fall for kamala harris. they've been waiting to drop a lot of their attacks on her until after the democratic convention one thing donald trump knows how to to do is tear down the other person and bring the popularity numbers down fast after the convention. >> jd vance had a bad rollout
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after the convention, but he's the attack dog and went on three of the networks yesterday and on the sunday talk shows, really going into, you know, not only her, of course, tim walz >> look trump campaign likes the issue of military service something for vance to talk about, as he's a veteran they like this role not just as an attack dog but on the sunday shows where donald trump has never been particularly comfortable. vance can speak that language to a degree that trump couldn't and hope they can use him in this way more going forward he seems to have knocked off some of the cobb webs in his own performance the way the trump campaign looks at it they're satisfied with how he's been conducting himself on the trail. >> on cbs vance tried to walk back the abortion pill ambiguity or comment he gave to your question let me play that. >> you, of course, want to make sure any medicine is safe, it's prescribed in the right way and so forth, but the president wants individual states to make
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these decisions. >> so from your question to donald trump at that news conference last week at mar-a-lago, it seemed as though he was saying he would regulate or potentially ban abortion pill. >> you say seems because i think you had to interpret what donald trump meant in his answer to my question which was all over the place. from vance the idea we want to make sure it's properly prescribed could mean a lot of different things depending on who decides what's proper. that was a substantive attempt to answer the question and that donald trump didn't hear my question i'm a very clear speaker, especially up close. donald trump stopped that news conference several times to get clarification of questions when he wasn't sure he heard the question. the answer was the answer. now you see vance trying to mold it more into what has been the campaign's position on this issue. >> the big difference, briefly, as we have a horse race, where democrats feared they didn't have one with joe biden after that debate. >> yeah. this race is still within the margin of error and still very competitive, but it's a re-set
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contest where you end up looking at joe biden this was almost turning into a referendum on joe biden despite all of democrats saying this is a referendum on donald trump can't let mim back in the white house, all the numbers we were saying including the favorable numbers this was shaping up to be a referendum on joe biden take joe biden out of the equation and you have a different race. >> mark murray and gabe -- garrett haake. looking right at you thanks in 90 seconds the fight for battleground michigan heats up joined by veteran congresswoman debbie dingell fresh from the harris-walz rally in detroit you're watching "andrea mitchell reports. we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. you think those two have any idea? that they can
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are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. kamala harris says 15,000 people showed up for her rally in detroit last week former president trump says the number was zero. quote, nobody was there. in a string of social media posts trump claimed the photos were doctored on ai calling her a cheater. contradicting that are scores of images captured by attendees and members of the media including from our networks who were all there and witnessed last week's harris-walz events in person i watched it live on television. that includes michigan congresswoman debbie dingell who not only attended the rally, she was a speaker there. congressman debbie dingell joins me now were you really there, debbie?
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>> good afternoon, andrea. i was really there, and i haven't seen that large of a crowd in a long time and its of great to feel the energy, the enthusiasm, and sorry, donald trump, you're wrong again. >> so what did you witness in detroit? what do you make of all of these false claims on social media >> i don't know what's going on with him, quite frankly. i mean, i don't know when you have literally hundreds of media there, you had thousands and thousands of people who were there as part of the crowd, you had how many speakers, we were all there. it's a reality i don't think it helps donald trump with any credibility whatsoever for him to say that this was false, that it was ai, or it was anything else. it was, as you recall, governor walz came out and said this is the largest crowd we've had to date and i think donald trump needs to like stop the lying, which unfortunately has been a
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pattern since we've known him, and we need to get back to campaigning on the facts. >> so the polls are slightly more favorable there within the margin of error in battle fwroupdss. you've always been very, very cautious about michigan and how hard a state it is what is your feeling now is it that this is now, you know, a close race but one that you can win, potentially, or is a lot of people thought after that debate, with a lot of democrats thought, certainly, that after that debate that joe biden couldn't carry the ticket? >> i'm cautious. i feel very good and said it that day, that i felt a lot better in august of 2024 than i did in 2016 because nobody believed me when i said we had a problem. i've been out there the last ten days since she's become the candidate and since she has named governor walz as her running mate i've been at farmer's markets,
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union halls, veteran halls, numerous events and there are a lot of complicated feelings. but one thing i want to say is, people are best -- i -- the word joy is a word that i do like they're being nicer right now. it's not to say that it's -- but a car show in flat rock this week traditionally a trump area and two two people wanted to have their picture taken with me and i said sure, we had a great talk, and when i walked away someone said you know those are two trumpers well, four years ago, i might have had to have worried about whether someone was going to yell at me or whether someone was going to -- there's civil conversations going on right now and i hope that continues for the fall i don't take michigan for granted. we are a purple state and going to stay purple until election ta and anybody who takes michigan for granted is making a state. we've got work to do and we're going to roll up the sleeves and do what we have to do. >> one thing that is a big issue
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in michigan, certainly, with a large arab american community there, is the war and gaza got hit this weekend, a school, vice president felt she had to because protesters stopped to chat and talk about it, but wants a cease-fire the chances of a cease-fire are really, really low with these talks, given what's been happening lately and the assassination and the possibility of an attack by iran so how concerned are you that this is going to follow her because of the connection to the biden administration >> look, we have to take this issue very seriously i know this community very well. it's a community that's hurting. i don't think donald trump's going to be any better for this community, and i think that there are people inside this community that know it some of the uncommitted were -- had conversations with the vice president on wednesday they are reaching out and
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talking to different members of the community. one of the highest elected arab american officials in michigan endorsed the vice president last week and, quite frankly, got death threats and a lot of grief for it but feels strongly he did the right thing. look, i'm very worried about this war in the middle east period it's not just palestinians now i still have -- i don't live in deer born anymore but lebanese constituents and lebanese friends and they're scared what are could break out any minute we need to take the situation in the middle east very seriously and understand there are people on both sides who have family, who are very worried about what the future is going to hold. we don't want to see anybody -- any more innocent people die and, andrea, i am not going to accept that we don't stand a chance of a cease-fire we can never stop working towards getting a cease-fire and i hope everybody in this administration will stay focused on that.
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>> and very, very briefly t how concerned you about jd vance's attacks and the campaign's attacks on tim walz's resume >> look, they're going to keep doing what they're going to do, and we have to push back i think jd vance is the gift that keeps on gic. what he has said about women is degrading and so unacceptable, but i take everything that's going to happen this fall very seriously. i know what we've got to do, and i'm working with a whole lot of other people that know what we have to do michigan is competitive. we're going to do the work, the voter engagement and we're going to turn out the votes. we're going to be purple you're going to ask me a week before the election how do you feel and i don't know yet. we'll see. we're going to do the work. >> a close race. congresswoman debbie dingell thanks so very much. up next, we'll dig into new claims from the trump campaign about a hack they say from iran this summer. this is "andrea mitchell
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. the trump campaign says it was hacked by iran after getting calls from several news organizations that received a highly confidential investigate document about vice presidential nominee senator jd vance sent to them nbc news has not independently verified the hack. on friday microsoft released a
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report saying that it had discovered evidence that iranian hackers tried to break into the e-mail account of a high-ranking official on a u.s. presidential campaign back in june. now saying that the two are not necessarily related. joining me now is chris krebs the chief intelligence and public policy officer for centcom one, former director of the cyber security and infrastructure cyber security agency known as cisa it's great to see you. so you, of course, dealt with this in 2016 and this is very different, although not so different. do we think this was a foreign actor and probably iran involved in trying to hack the trump campaign >> i think it's fairly certain that the hacking of the campaign and the accounts of sooerp officials that is most certainly iran and has been confirmed effectively by microsoft in their report from last friday where they said they had seen targeting of a senior official
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and seen a compromise of a former adviser to the campaign again tying the hack of the campaign to iran now the point is that perhaps the leak, this robber from the aol account that has the dossier or vetting file they offered to politico and "washington post," it is very likely or possible rather that it is connected to iran but there's not necessarily affirmative evidence tying that right now. i'm sure that investigation is well under way by law enforcement and others but it does look like a hack and leak operation resembling the russian efforts in 2016. different than iranian techniques in 2020 where they sent e-mails to voters across the country claiming to be the proud boys and threatening they needed to vote for former president trump. >> and the way the trump campaign is handling this is different from the way they handled it in 2016 when donald trump, the candidate, gloried in it saying after the wikileaks, russia, if you're listening,
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find hillary clinton's 30,000 e-mails. >> well, it does go to the point that we've been making for several years and the election security field in that the intelligence community assessment of 2017 detailing that russian hacking effort of the campaign, targeting election voter -- registration databases and broader disinformation campaigns that hack and leak is a real thing and now that the shoe is on the other foot i think there's a coming to grips with reality and this is, obviously, something that we do not want in the middle of american elections let american voters decide american elections we need to be prepared for the fact that hey, this is just august there's a lot more time between now and election day and beyond certification and inauguration i think these are still early days. >> to your point both campaigns need to really up their internal security. >> absolutely. >> to try to protect themselves
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from this. you have china, russia and iran in the game. always in the game, but now even more aggressively and sooner. >> the office director of intelligence titled it 100 days out and talked about those three countries and their security services targeting american elections and did to your point say russia is the apex predator here every campaign, i would suggest this is not just the presidential campaigns, but senate campaigns and even house races as well,ings to do need to increase their security services, their cyber security, insider security, and i think this is something that very likely the biden campaign has been dealing with for quite some time as well and everyone should be taking a hard look at what they're doing on multifactor authentication, the tdevices, what things can be used on a campaign and personal device a moment of reflection. >> new reality. >> absolutely.
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>> thank you so much on alert, israel getting the enforcements from the u.s. in anticipation of iran retaliating for the assassination of a top hamas leader visiting tehran when the targeted assassination happened you're watching "andrea mitchell reports. this is msnbc. with 4 powerful pain-fighting ingredients that start working on contact to target tough pain at the source. for up to 8 hours of powerful relief. new advil targeted relief.
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hezbollah fireds t dozens of rockets into northern israel as
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israel remains on high alert for retaliation from iran, and its proxies after an assassination of a lead in beirut. the pentagon announced it's moving the "uss georgia" to join the american warships and fighter jets there it's unusual for them to announce a submarine's movements. saturday israel bombed a school being used as a shelter in gaza city killing at least 100 people according to the palestinians, injuring dozens more israel says at least 19 hamas militants were hiding there. joining us now nbc news correspondent raf sanchez in tel aviv and ben rhodes former deputy national security adviser for the obama white house. how is israel preparing for this it's unusual we've said, you know, that the u.s. is being so public about what it's sending but there's a lot of dismay in the administration and other
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capitals, jordan, qatar, really outraged by what happened over the weekend, to say nothing of the assassination of haniyeh in tehran, setting off the likelihood of a retaliation from iran >> yeah, a lot of threats playing out in the middle east as you said. israel is bracing for that long, expected iranian retaliation for the assassination of hamas' political chief in tehran. israelis have been going to bed for the last two weeks wondering if tonight is the night that that wave of expected iranian ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drones, will be heading for israel i can tell you they were on particularly high alert right now because we're heading into the jewish holiday which commemorates the destruction of the jewish temple and there is concern here in israel that the iranian regime and hezbollah, in to symbolism, might choose this night of all nights to attack. earlier today, the israeli air
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force told all of its pilots nobody is leaving the country. everybody needs to be available for duty in the event of escalation and as you said, the united states is trying to send a very public message with this display of military power heading to the middle east, that aircraft carrier, the "uss abraham lincoln," the submarine. the hope of the white house is to defer iran, convince them not to go ahead with this attack at all. i haven't spoken to many israeli or american officials who are confident that is going to work. the fall back is to have enough american forces in the region to help intercept that incoming in the event the iranians do move ahead. so this is another tense day in israel as you said, it has been a very bloody weekend in gaza. the israeli air force, once again, about the fourth or fifth time this month hitting a school where civilians were sheltering. the israeli military says number
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of militants from both hamas and islamic jihad were hiding in the school among the civilian population they say they are confident that they killed several dozen militants but gaza's civil defense says 100 or so were killed and our team on the ground in gaza says there were women and children among the dead there andrea, this is reigniting deeply held concerns that benjamin netanyahu has effectively embarked on a forever war in gaza because we are seeing this pattern again and again. israeli forces moving into areas like the city of khan yunis in southern gaza, they say they cleared hamas out, leave, hamas regroups and israeli forces go back in and it is palestinian civilians who have been displaced again and again and again, who are today once more being told to pack up what few belongs they have and get out of the area andrea. >> raf sanchez, thanks so much for that grim update from tel
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aviv ben rhodes, there's so much anger against israel right now from the white house unspoken, from our allies who say they are outraged, jordan, france, qatar, others, by these repeated attacks which they see as official evidence that israel is not, you know -- is not thinking about the hostage and cease-fire negotiations, which were supposed to have come to a head on thursday when they took out the lead negotiator? >> yeah. i mean i think the -- you know the issue is two fold. first there's the negotiations which every time they kind of reach the decision point, it feels like you have a pullback both from prime minister netanyahu on the israeli side and, obviously, from yahya sinwar, the leader of hamas inside of gaza and i think a lot of frustration that all this time is spent at the negotiating table, getting right to the precipes of an agreement and then like lucy with the football
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it always kind of falls apart at the end. we'll see if that pattern repeats here with the strikes, the thing that kind of bears noting here it doesn't matter if there are hamas militants in that school you can't under international law hit a school with dozens of civilians just because there's some militants there i think the repetition of that, too, eye is grinding down patience. >> another military factor here i'm hearing criticism from the retired u.s., clearing and holding which is what is the lack of success we ended up doing during the surge in iraq again, in khan yunis n gaza city, you know, the fact that they keep moving people out and then going back in >> yeah. i think what that's connected to, andrea, this lack of any clarity about what the medium and long term vision from israel is about gaza. you know, the one thing we've heard from prime minister netanyahu, and he repeated in
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front of congress is an insistence israel have open ended security control over gaza what does that mean? what we're seeing right now is that doesn't mean necessarily a full-scale occupation, but you see this kind of very grim wacamole where the israelis are using a combination of heavy air power and occasional limited ground incursions, to just take a shot at whatever they see popping up oftentimes that is amid civilian populations forced from one to the next because the israeli military objective of destroying hamas is not an achievable objective and that's something that israel's own security forces have suggested as well. netanyahu doesn't have a political objective that meets the kind of security reality on the ground there, and so you need some kind of coalesce sense not just around a cease-fire deal but an understanding of what is gaza going to look like three months from now, six months from now, we haven't had that out of the israeli
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government now >> and that just takes attention away from the fact that hamas keeps rejecting these deals as well and again has ben rhodes thanks very much to you. and trading places, next, president biden is ready to campaign with kamala harris as she runs for president this is "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? even a term policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit
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again this time for kamala harris he spoke for the first time since stepping down as the nominee to cbs sunday morning. >> what happened was a number of my democratic colleagues in the house and senate thought that i was going to hurt them in the races an i was concerned itch i stayed in the race, that would be the topic why did nancy pelosi say, why did so and so -- and i thought it would be a real distraction. >> joining me now, "new york times" chief white house correspondent peter baker. it's kind of poignant. it's a legacy interview. but he still remains really bitter about aspects of what happened to him, but he still thinks he could have won but the democratic elected isn't think he could. >> he doesn't actually
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acknowledge that there are any legitimate concerns about whether he could win or age or capacity, race legitimate questions what he said basically said is, he isn't want to be a distraction for the down ballot and that's certainly a concern expressed to him and a way a lot of democrats did frame it to appeal to the larger sense of duty to the party and country whatever he thought about his ability to win or perform the duties of the presidency he owed it to the party to make it as possible as it could be for them to beat donald trump he says that's the goal. the quote was we must beat trump. that was the thing that got to him in the end. >> and "the new york times" is reporting new details from a trump fundraiser in the hamptons last week and some concerns that harris' entry in the race has thrown him off his game. one quote was that mr. trump had planned to take the narrative back from democrats and they didn't have any positive vision,
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that he provided none, instead he criticized kamala harris on a range of fronts before adding, i am who i am. what are you hearing from trump world? >> yeah. i mean look, i think there's some frustration there, obviously, he's not following the script these are people who work for donald trump they must know he doesn't follow the script. he is who he is. that is an honest statement on his part the idea that suddenly he's going to become a different person, positive or unifying candidate, that's not how he rolls and how he has been successful in politics, as he says my wife wrote a book about his first term as president called "the divider" because that's the way he approaches politics it's been about dividing people and been successful for him. he doesn't think he needs to change he's struggling to find a path forward that feels comfortable to him that fits his instincts an that will actually try to turn the momentum around. >> peter baker, thanks so much to you
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and the olympics are over but not the controversy. at least one big controversy over the stunning decision to force jordan chiles to return her bronze medal for the individual nbc's emilie ikeda has the story. >> reporter: new questions over the bombshell ruling to strip usa gymnastics star jordan chiles of her olympic medal. >> jordan chiles for the bronze medal. >> the u.s. appealing the decision citing critical errors in the process and usa gymnastics saying it has new evidence thatter certifies chiles' win. the controversy after chiles' coach challenged her score in the floor routine monday and got her bumped from fifth to third place replacing ana barbosu and leading to a split screen of emotions >> took the shot, and it paid off. >> reporter: chiles celebrating her first individual medal here on today. >> everybody was crying and those are true emotions. >> days later the court of
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arbitration ruled her coach's inquiry came four second too late after the one-minute deadline for appeals and chiles' lower score was reinstated her fans outraged. four seconds four i'm mad. i'm upset. >> reporter: usa gymnastics submitted new video evidence to the court that says it proves the inquiry was filed well before the one-minute deadline unless the court reverses course, chiles will be forced to return her medal and go to barbosu, who posted sunday, jordan my thoughts are with you. we athletes are not to be blamed and the hate directed to us is painful. this isn't the first time an american gymnast took the bronze from a romanian after a coach appealed the court aly raisman placed fourth on the balance beam until judges reviewed her and raised her score to third posted about chiles losing her medal unfair and cruel
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simone biles coming to her defense, keep your chin up olympic champ we love you. chiles reacting in heartbreak posting on instagram i am taking this time and removing myself from social media for my mental health >> they've got to fix that just saying. thanks to emilie ikeda and fort u.s. women's basketball team, pure joy in winning its eighth consecutive gold brittney griner overcome with emotion the tears were just streaming down her face as the national anthem played during the medal ceremony she said during the olympics how meaningful it is to represent the u.s. olympics team after everything she said america did to win her freedom from almost ten months in russian captivity. our congratulations team usa winning a stunning is 126 medals and the great debate donald trump pushing kamala harris to agree to more than one debate, she's already accepted
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this is "andrea mitchell reports. that's next. you're watching msnbc. from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next... we're cooking with fire. (vo) switch to the partner businesses rely on.
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with 85days to go until election day and a week until the democratic national convention, vice president kamala harris is building her campaign on the fly, planning a strategy and shaping its message in what has been just weeks since president biden pulled out of the race. joining me now, "washington post" white house reporter, tyler pager, and former alabama democratic senator, doug jones and former republican florida congressman, david jolly so, tyler, who are some of the people that the vice president is bringing in, key strategists? >> yeah, so, before joe biden dropped out of the race, she started to put together a team of advisers to help her prep for what she thought she would be participating in, which is a vice presidential debate with a attend unknown, when donald trump was going through his process, which what he ended up doing was bring back some of the
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people that helped her prepare in 2020. karen dunn, a veteran washington lawyer, a longtime policy adviser to her the two of them were leading that preparation effort. also, with her chief of staff in the white house and her chief of staff on the campaign, sheila knicks, and lorraine fulls, she's also brought in some other longtime advisers, sean clegg, a california-based adviser who worked on her 2020 presidential campaign and this sort of group of people were ostensibly planning -- helping her plan for a debate, but as she took over the campaign and became the nominee, they've done a lot more than that they've helped her with messaging, with policy rollouts. we're expecting to see the vice president roll out some fresh new policy in the weeks ahead, into and out of the convention and then they'll also help her prepare for her debates with donald trump, one of the new pieces of reporting that we have is that filene ryans, who played donald trump in hillary clinton's debate prep, he was
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initially slated to play j.d. vance for president harris, he will now reprise the role he played in 2015, portraying the role of donald trump >> well, phillippe can be a tough debater. and lorraine's been in the white house for quite a while, so she's switching over to the campaign full-time, i guess that is your point. been on her -- >> yeah, she'll be staying in the white house, so she is the chief of staff at the white house, and sheila knicks at the campaign, the two of them are integral to all the political work that she's doing. >> understanding and senator, the harris/trump debate is coming up. how you advise the vice president as she's preparing to debate the former president? >> it would be very simple listen to what he says, know that he's lying, which you know he will be, if his lips are moving, he's not going to be telling the truth, and answer the questions and do what she wants to because she's got a great message. she's got a great enthusiasm
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and she has this opportunity, i think, to really reinforce the contrast that people are seeing right now between someone wanting to move forward instead of backwards and someone who is just simply angry, wants retribution, and will move us backwards. and so i think the contrast there is going to be great but keep it simple don't overprepare, don't get bogged down in the minutia details. off great record talk about it. >> and of course, just watching the debate with joe biden, you don't have to be a strooategisto say, he's going to turn every question into an answer about immigration. and she's just got to be prepared for that, because that's what he did with the president. so, david, what can harris campaign do at the dnc and beyond to attract independent, republican voters? >> look, let's start with immigration. because she has already said,
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she would line the bipartisan immigration enforcement bill and donald trump said he wouldn't. so whether it's the debate or the dnc, lead into that issue. donald trump wants to put her on her heels. but she can play offense on that i think generally speaking for a republicans' independents, whatever persuadable are that are not faithful democrats, they are already moving to harris based on the right direction/wrong direction analysis in fact, i don't think this is a honeymoon for the vice president harris i think the numbers are real and i think the numbers are staying in part because i think she's already won the right direction/wrong direction debate against donald trump and in that case, you simply need to recognize that a lot of the issues that we wrestle with, left, right, and middle, are hard on reproductive freedom, it's a little difficult, but 75% of the country understands that the roe construct is where we are. on immigration, there are a lot of hard questions, but she would sign the bill and donald trump wouldn't on the economy, inflation is
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going down, and real wages are going up more people will go to work tomorrow than ever before. don't let donald trump define vice president harris. vice president harris can define herself and say, look, with me, we're all rowing in the same direction. we're rooting for the country. donald trump wakes up every day and roots against the country and bad mouths the country that contrast is clear, and that's why independents and soft rs are going to harris >> we have less that a minute, but there's another problem for the trump campaign, and that's legal challenges from the family of soul singer isaac hayes, threatening legal action to get the trump campaign to stop using his son and celine dion now issuing a statement criticizing the campaign's use of her hit song, "my thheart will go on." she's not threatening a lawsuit, though >> this is a terrible three weeks for donald trump but i would also say, this is one of the worst presidential campaigns in modern american history. because donald trump is a terrible candidate right now he's in a free fall while vice president harris is doing everything right
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vice president harris just needs to continue to demonstrate her command to the american people donald trump may be incapable of the reset it takes to make this a competitive race against vice president harris we'll see. >> tyler paige, former senator, doug jones, david jolly, thanks to all of you. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." make sure to follow the show on mitchellreports. go to chris jansing reports starts right now. good day i'm chris jansing, live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. curtains up on her second act. after a dynamic and lucrative campaign rollout, kamala harris is now facing the part of running that's tougher to get folks cheering about policy details can lightning strike twice as she takes on the issue that looked