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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  August 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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again, i want to thank all of the trail blazers who have joined us in our special tonight. we're posting that whole conversation at we have taken what you just saw, we're going to put that online tonight. i think within the next hour or two it will be at, which is our youtube playlist. you can bookmark that for all of our latest pieces. this will go up there tonight. we had so much to learn from those people who have certainly walked the walk. we thank them. i hope you check it out. you can watch and share from that link. i'll see you back here tomorrow night, 6:00 p.m. eastern right now, it's "the reidout" with joy reid. >> tonight on "the reidout" --
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>> what kind of country do we want to live in? a country of chaos, fear, and hate or a country of freedom, compassion, and rule of law. >> a tale of two campaigns, excitement and engagement from vice president kamala harris, versus a lazy, low-energy trump campaign filled with conspiracy theories including one really delusional and embarrassing new one. >> also tonight, trump once reveled in the foreign hacking of a rival's presidential campaign, but he doesn't think it's quite so funny now that it's happened to him plus, isaac hayes iii joins me as he fights to stop trump from stealing a song written by his legendary father, the late great isaac hayes.
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>> but we begin tonight with this scene from the wiz. anybody who knows me knows it is my favorite musical, including the movie with diana ross, michael jackson, nipsey russell, and lena horn or the og musical starring stephanie mills or the broadway version i recently got to see with the great deborah cox, as glenda the good witch. this final scene from the 1978 movie shows the yellow brick road celebrating with the winkies, the former henchman, when they were under her spell, but who are now free because dorothy threw water on her and made her melt, breaking the spell and allowing them to feel an emotion they had been denied, joy. and it's this celebration of freedom from fear and hate that is the high point of the film. at least until dorothy and then find out the wiz is a fraud.
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the song that goes with the scene, a brand-new day, has really great lyrics. listen ♪ the hope we have been waiting for ♪ ♪ freedom you see ♪ ♪ just look around ♪ ♪ can't you feel a brand-new day ♪ ♪ can't you feel a brand-new day ♪ >> okay, this song has been on my mind a lot lately not just because i love the musical, but because the last three weeks have absolutely felt like a brand-new day the kamala harris/coach walz campaign has an energy to it and a sheer joy that even the most cynical media folks have had to acknowledge. check this out this is the harris/walz rally in las vegas, nev never, over the weekend. djd. nice entertained the crowd.
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it was not carried live on cable news but people found it anyway, watching on c-span or online, on olympic closing weekend, no less the crowds at these rallies are so huge, they appear to be breaking donald trump's brain. he posted a lengthy stream of consciousness on his personal fake twitter picking up on a conspiracy theory floated by some right-wing tiktokers that the crowds at this harris/walz rally where the crowds were so massive they had to move it to an airline hangar, were fake and created with ai. yeah, no no, donald here's another angle of that crowd in detroit the people are real. and it's your belief system about crowds and election results that are the thing that are pretend. trump appears to be cracking under the pressure of harris' popularity and her crowd sizes "the new york times" reports his campaign staffers are concerned about his raging and he's called vice president harris the b-word in private conversations, which
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should really help with suburban women voters he's also publicly whining about being called weird as is his running mate jd vance who tried this gambit during a cnn interview and got shut down by dana bash >> you do criticize, as you just did, the democratic party for being anti-family. you called outkast kst and pete buttigieg in particular. kamala harris has two step children pete buttigieg and his husband have adopted twins >> i never, dana, criticize people for not having kids i criticize people for being anti-child >> you're saying tim walz doesn't have affection for his wife i don't even understand that >> well, buddy, listen your boss' wife won't even let him hold her hand and you made weird excuses for your wife not being white. but the bottom line is what's destabilizing these guys is the sheer popularity and joy of the campaign it's becoming like a rolling party and the number of affinity groups holding fund-raising
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zooms is skyrocketing. the money raised has been earth shattering it's enough to pay off trump's debt to the state of new york for his business defrauding taxpayers for years for cheating on his taxes and insurance a slew of new polls show harris leading trump nationally and in swing states here's the coveting "new york times" sienna poll showing harris hitting the magic number, 50, in head-to-head matchups with trump here's the first poll in a long time showing any democrat leading on the issue of the economy. harris is now doing that trump's meltdown continued this weekend when following his float of a plan to end a tax on tips generally which would allow hedge fund managers and other rich people to switch their compensation to tips to avoid taxes, vp harris made this announcement in vegas of a more targeted tax break for tipped income for food service workers. >> and it is my promise to everyone here when i am president, we will continue our fight for working families of
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america. including to raise the minimum wage and eliminate taxes on tips for service and hospitality workers. >> of course, causing trump world to melt down even more you kind of have to feel bad for trump and friends, i guess they literally don't know how to respond to this phenomenon here are their friends on the fox comfy couch whining about, checking my notes, name calling. >> you keep on saying weird as if it's a great thing to describe the other ticket and saying things about jd vance, he's wearing eyeliner. that's the way he looks. he's not wearing eyeliner, number one number two, why are you calling people weird, when you stand on stage with people talking about transgender care and the need to be tolerant and understanding yet you're going out of your way
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to cull a guy who was already the president of the united states who got 70 million votes that he's weird. do you realize for the last time when you call those people weird, it reflects on the 70 million people that voted for him. obviously they're weird. can we stop the name calling >> it's a strange adjective. >> ettu, attackers of every minority and democrat in america? look, the contrast between these two campaigns is striking. weird, creepy, and raging versus inviting, normal, and joyful and to return to my the wiz analogy, note that the people celebrating with dorothy and her friends were her former adversaries. the harris/walz phenomenon is catching on because it's inviting everybody in. no one is excluded, including republicans. here is the republican mayor of mesa, arizona, john giles. >> so i have something to say to those of us who are in the political middle you don't owe a damn thing to
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that political party in particular, you do not owe anything to a party that is out of touch and is hell' bent on taking our country backward. and by all means, you owe no displaced loyalty to a candidate that is morally and ethically bankrupt >> you owe it to yourself to check it out joining me now is matthew dowd, former republican strategist and msnbc senior political analyst antoine c. wright, democratic strategist, and alens yeah johnson, senior adviser to the 2020 biden/harris campaign i'm going to go to you first i definitely have been thinking
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about the wiz a lot, because it is this sort of thing that happened where like, even the winkies are dancing. you know what i mean i have not seen this many smiles even on panels. >> as someone who just saw the wiz on broadway, which your viewers should go see. >> so good >> it's so good. i'm pretty sure donald trump is telling his team, no bad news. like, every single day there's bad news coming out for him. the fact that we are able to make voters understand what is happening on the other side by using something as simple as weird. let's be clear, governor walz said he's not talking about the voters he's talking about the guys running the party and also fox news this is where we are in our election we have got 80-some days and democrats and those who want to defeat donald trump because there's the republicans for harris, there's nikki haley voters and independents who also
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are voting against donald trump, we're in the race to the finish line, galvanizing our supporters, and donald trump and jd vance are literally trying, tripping over themselves trying to land an attack that's not going to work because, again, all of these policies that this ticket of the harris/walz ticket, that they stand for, is what the american people stand for. it's not about progressive values, moderate values. it's american people values. all the issues we're campaigning on are very popular and also all of the jabs and calling them weird and telling them, even the childless cat ladies are going to defeat them in the ballot box. those things are popular too >> i don't know who messes with cat ladies you don't understand cats and cat ladies because they're going to destroy you matt, i do have to come to you on this. you and i, we have spent a lot of time over the past few years, my friend, talking about the horrors that await us if trump comes back to power.
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it's one of the reasons i love having you on, because they're able to contextualize that i feel like we have all been living so deep in that dread that i feel like the moment that coach walz became the vp nominee, the way he broke through, is when he said that thing about, yeah, these guys are scary, yeah they would destroy the country, but they're also just weird. it's like he cracked the glass and did something we hadn't expected he responded to horror with this kind of just simple hope and it's clear why vp harris was attracted to that and wanted him on her team. but it has fundamentally changed something. she is beating trump on the economy. and nothing has changed about the economy. it's just people's vibe is now more positive and they say hey, that lady used to work at mcdonald's i must trust her more than the billionaire with the golden toilets. >> i'm glad you started this whole conversation off with this, especially the view from the wiz. to me, we're one of those times, and it happens infrequently in
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politics where it's actually a psychic moment this is a psychic moment that happened because prior to what joe biden did, the country was, you know, we were upset. we were fighting we, most people were like, i'm going to vote but i'm not really happy about this it was this whole sort of dread of an election we have to fight for our democracy, but it was a dread of the election that's the election and the environment that the trump people planned their campaign on and then what happened, joe biden detonated a bomb on the fault line of american politics, and he detonated a bomb by not only selflessly dropping out but then endorsing the vice president in the course of this race when he did that on the fault line, the tectonic plates of this election completely shifted. they shifted from a contrast that now is joy versus upset versus sadness in this, and our country, it's interesting when you think about this as individuals. when we go through trauma, the
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places we heal ourself is moments of joy when you're in a trauma space, you're in fight or flight, and then what you have to do to heal it is find moments of joy. what i think has happened is the country realizes the tromy we have been in for the last eight or ten years this harris/walz ticket is like a moment of joy that allows us to heal the trauma and get to a different space. and that's what i think is happening. >> yeah, i totally agree with you. let me play the aforementioned president biden because he sits at the fault line, and i want to welcome you, antoine, to the show and the family. he sits at the fault line in race in such an interesting way. he was the vice president to the first black president. and he has handed the ball to who could be the second black president. he sits between these two presidents in a really interesting space. and he came into the race because of another racialized trauma here he is in an interview he did this past week this is the anniversary of the
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charlottesville riots today. here president biden is talking about that >> think of this every other time the ku klux klan has been involved, they wore hoods so they're not identified under his presidency, they came out of those woods with no hoods. knowing they had an ally that's how i read it they knew they had an ally in the white house. they stepped up for him. >> antoine, your thoughts on that, on biden's consequential place and on this idea trump had coming in that he was going to win specifically because he was going to get black men on his side which that don't seem too likely now. >> well, president biden will always be known as the most consequential president of our day, not just because of what he did to usher in and give kamala harris a chance of a political promotion of her lifetime, but what he did from a legislative standpoint and the promises he kept to the most marginalized
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communities in this country, those left out and left behind and those are communities like mine also, i think what president biden understands like most of us is that old battles have become new again whether it's charlottesville, nine people being killed in a church in charleston, and all the things that come along with the presidency and the empowerment of white nationalism, christian white nationalism, donald trump, jd vance, and trump's project 2025. when you see the tectonic plates shifting the way they have, when you see the kamala momentum experienced the way it is, when you see democrats, independent thinkers start to come together, when you see the politically unhoused start to come home, the politically homeless find a home, it's because people understand what we're up against. and the notion to defeat donald trump has become top priority in this country for a large segment of the population. >> yeah, and i mean, look, this panel to me is a representative of what is happening we have a former republican, we
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have a former member of the biden/harris campaign, we have you, antoine, who represents a different region, a new voice, a younger voice. it literally just is, whoever wants to be at the cool table. there isn't a barrier inside of this campaign to say, yeah, no, you're not with us it's like you're all with us if you want to be with us, if you used to be with him, you can be with us i feel like that's breaking down barriers i want to talk about one thing with you there is a conkwconventional primary. this would be the third member of the squad to be defeated if in fact cori bush is defeated in missouri i want to get your quick take on that because there's a lot of money coming at her. cori bush was defeated i mean ilhan omar. >> we're coming off the heels of unfortunately cori bush losing her seat there's something i want to say about the squad and how these moderates are coming after them, and yet, president biden had the ability to work with all corners
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of the democratic party, and the electorate, including the squad to push through legislation, and so it is really frustrating to see that within our own party, and i'll be very clear, it's a handful of folks who have a lot of money who are throwing a lot of money at these races and saying it's more important for money to have their interests versus the people. the polls show that congresswoman omar is ahead. she has faced this challenger before she is likely to win tomorrow. but if we continue to see our own go after our own, what we're bringing together right now at the top of the ticket is going to be hard to maintain so i'm not going to ask a lot of those democrats to get over your personal grievances and actually come together in this moment because we cannot continue to take out some of our tried and true members who have come from the people jamaal bowman, cori bush, and ilhan omar and the entire squad,
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they represent the people. and they're important to stay in congress >> the thing is that the democrats are the democracy party, and it can be messy that means it's a very multi-rational, multi-cultural, multi-age, multi-regional party and has progressives and conservatives and moderates in it you need all of that to be a healthy party and having the progressives kicked out is not a way to be a healthy party. the party is this. we're like this panel. it's the democracy party matthew, antoine, alencia, thank you. don't forget to get out and vote tomorrow primaries are going to be held in minnesota, wisconsin, connecticut, and vermont please vote. up next, oh, the irony the trump campaign says it has been hacked by foreign actors. eight years after he encouraged russia to hack hillary clinton's emails stay with us. i have dry eye... tired, itchy, burning... my symptoms got worse over time. my eye doctor explained the root was inflammation—so he prescribed xiidra.
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i hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing >> to those who claim irony is dead, i'm here to report that it is very much alive and doing well many of you like me are old enough to remember way back in 2016 when donald trump reveled in the hacking of democratic emails from the democratic national committee and the hillary clinton campaign by russian operatives and how they were made public by wikileaks in the final weeks of
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the presidential race. >> this just came out. wikileaks, i love wikileaks. >> boy, that wikileaks has done a job on her >> we love wikileaks boy, they have really -- wiki wikileaks. theyhave revealed a lot. >> i love reading those wikileaks. >> well, it appears that now that trump is on the receiving end of such chicanery, his campaign is claiming over the weekend that it was hacked by an iranian group back in june nbc news has not independently verified the hacking or where it originated politico was first to report it after getting emails from someone only identifying themselves as robert, and using an anonymous aol email account yes, those still exist, with internal documents from the trump campaign including research on trump's running mate, ohio senator jd vance. of course, this time around, trump and his campaign are singing quite a different tune, saying that foreign interference in our election is a bad thing telling nbc news any media or
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news outlet reprinting documents or internal communications are doing the bidding of america's enemies and doing exactly what they want. really do tell. maybe we should get robert mueller on it. joining me now is charlie sykes, msnbc columnist and contributor. if i had a fancy twirling mustache i would twirl it for you there, friend charlie. because it seems that election interference and the hacking of personal emails from a campaign is bad now your thoughts. >> well, it does feel like karma is working overtime here and of course, just disingenuous of the trump campaign to say nobody should publish this, but having said this, we don't fully know what the source of this leak was who the hackers were and quite frankly, this is serious, and it is dangerous when we have malicious foreign actors who are hacking into the campaigns. "washington post" is now reporting that members of the
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harris team were also targeted by this. this will not be the only or the last hacking by a hostile foreign power. next time it could be russia, it could be china that's why i do think we ought to point out the incredible hypocrisy and double standards of the trump campaign, but there ought to be bipartisan condemnation of this i do think that media outlets need to be very cautious about how they handle this material, again, keeping in mind these are bad faith actors who are inherently untrustworthy i hope we can hold these thoughts, two thoughts in our head at the same time that yes, you have a little bit of carmy whooping up on donald trump. on the other hand, this is serious and it is dangerous and there ought to be full on condemnation because it is going to happen again and in 2016, it was very consequential and we certainly hope it isn't again in 2024 >> right, and this is the point. this is the point, i'm glad you
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were here to talk about it with me there are two sort of lanes of thought here number one, the media was not shy about using the products of what wikileaks was putting out there, very eager to use that with the democratic nominee. there was no hesitation to use that information there's been a lot of hesitation here we haven't seen any of the juicy details from these emails, like we did when it was hillary clinton. so i think this is a message to our profession, to the media, you need to think differently because, you know, it's weird that y'all did it with her the second piece of it is the part you mentioned this is the new playing field. foreign actors, bad actors, use spearfishing emails where you click on something you shouldn't have clicked on to invade, and they can do that to anyone they did it to the rnc too they just didn't release their information in 2016 because they wanted trump to win and bill barr, donald trump's attorney general, dismissed it as not important. said republicans said who cares if there's foreign interference. here's donald trump when he was
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asked would he accept foreign interference in an election if it happened again. let's listen >> your campaign this time, by foreigners, if russia, china, someone else offers your information, should they accept it or call the fbi >> i think maybe you do both i think you might want to listen there's nothing wrong with listening. if somebody called from a country, norway, we have information on your opponent, oh i think i would want to hear it. >> you want that interference in our elections? >> it's not interference they have information. i think i would take it. if i think there's something wrong, i would go maybe to the fbi. you talk, honestly, to congressmen, they all do it. they always have that's the way it is it's called oppo research. >> charlie, donald trump humiliated our country in 2018 by defending vladimir putin and saying he believes he didn't do it in a lawsuit filed in 2018 alleging privacy violations, he called the use of these hacked
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emails free speech we should change that now, right? but it doesn't change the hypocrisy. >> no, it doesn't change the hypocrisy and of course he's going to call this electction interference this time around. the other reason why i think we're in a very dangerous world is because of artificial intelligence, deep fakes, all kinds of things that can be inserted into all of this if the chinese or russians or iranians are going to hack emails, what's to say they won't put those things out again, you know, donald trump has been looking for dirt. the first impeachment was his attempt to coerce had ukrainian president into giving him dirt after vladimir putin invaded ukraine, he said he was hoping that vladimir putin would give him dirt so we kind of know what his modus operandi is. >> we do, and we're just pointing it out, the whole irony thing. charlie, thank you very much coming up, project 2025 exposed. stay with us
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today, we got even more news about project 2025 from propublica this time, their reporting not only does the heritage foundation have a plan to remake america and a resume base for volunteers but they also have master class style video tutorials on how these folks can outwit bureaucrats, hide
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information from the public, and implement their radical agenda without accountability >> i think you can expect that equity and all of the equity executive orders under biden will be repealed early in the next administration. this is going to require a very detailed plan to execute the eradication of the dictates in the equity orders. >> it's definitely giving those creepy videos from lost. but what kate sullivan, trump's former acting assistant attorney general is talking about is how maga republicans want to get rid of any federal policy that treats minorities communities like the lgbtq community, with respect or equity. the root of this determination is these conservatives' belief that being anything other than straight is oppositional to, quote, families comprised of a married mother, father, and their children, which heritage calls the foundation of a well ordered nation and healthy
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society. kevin roberts, who runs heritage, expands on what it means to root out equity, writing, quote, pornography manifested today in the omnay present transgender ideal and sexuallysation of has no claim to first amendment protection and they're misogynistic exploiters of women. their plans for the community are deeply rooted in christian nationalism and they're cruel and bigoted. they don't respect this chunlt they don't want to see you, they don't want to hear about you, and they certainly do not believe you deserve any special protections. they plan to rescind any regulations prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics including by rescinding moves by the biden administration to extend title ix protections, the civil rights law that prohibits educational institutions
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receiving federal funds from discriminating on the basis of sex or gender to include lgbtq students too they want to create a national version of florida's don't say gay policy they want to criminalize educators who create safe environments for all kids. and finally, while they do not explicit lay say they want to reverse the supreme court ruling that made marriage equality a constitutional right, they do explain how republicans can undermine it by eliminating any federal policies that promote lgbtq equality or policies that exclusively assist single moms joining me now is chase, codirector of the aclu's lgbtq and hiv project. chase, great to see you. tell me, i have given a few of the sort of highlights or lowlights. what about this section of project 2025 keeps you up at night? >> well, thank you, joy. i would say that all of project 2025 keeps me up at night and is very difficult to parse it out
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because it is a fundamental assault on everything we understand to be true about the structures oour government and our ability to advocate for ourselves as communities that have faced discrimination and marginalization. i will say i want to really pull out one of the first things you put on the screen, which is project 2025 is very fixated on trans people, really highlighted the outsized role we have in the far right's imagination. but one of the things that is so chilling about this document is the way in which it talks about equating transness with pornography. this really is the extreme manifestation of the groomer discourse and everything we have seen percolated in the far right media for a long time and implementing that into policy. by then saying that purveyors of pornography which in essence includes trans people existing should be in prison. if we think about what that means it's setting the stage for a whole community of people, my community of people, to be targeted, surveilled, and in prison just for existing i think we have to sit with what
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that means because it's at the core of what project 2025 is saying >> they use this terminology, sexualizing children i see a lot of the marjorie taylor greenes using that. what they mean by that is saying there are gay people or trans people that's what they mean when they say sexualizing children they're using this protecting children motif basically to say we just don't want you to mention that lesbian, gay, bisexual, or trans people exist. >> and they don't want us to be around children. this harkens back to the anita bryant save our children campaign the idea is lgbtq people are inherently sexualizing by existing in proximity to children but of course, we are parents. we are teachers. we are parts of all these communities, so what does that mean when you have a vision of government that situates us as a threat to others and to children specifically it authorizes the power of the government to start to criminalize us, to start to
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target us, and that's what's at the core of this document. >> let me put up, there's a map the aclu put up that tracks 527 anti-lgbtq bills just in the 2024 session legislative sessions around the country. florida showing up there, a lot of southern states, missouri, tennessee, et cetera some of the things they're talking about doing in project 2025 including expelling transgender troops from the military, expelling people living with hiv from had military ending the department of state's lgbtq initiatives in africa where there are really horrific laws against gay people. ending the antidiscrimination rules in the affordable care act, essentially stripping lgbtq people of any protection of law period, and even the ability to serve their country. >> yeah, absolutely. a combination of the worst of what we have seen in the states, federalized where those policies can be federalized, and then exclusively federal policies like reissuing the trans
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military ban and restricting the ability to have foreign aid to entities that even talk about lgbtq people around the world. so it is a really chilling document for what it means for our communities and it does things like suggest that parents who consent to medical treatment on behalf of their children are child abusers and threaten to authorize the removal of those children like we saw in texas, really, the worst of everything that we have seen at the state level. but one thing i want to be sure to say is all of these assaults start with trans people, but they reach - >> absolutely. 100% it never stays in one community. discrimination travels thank you very much. much appreciated and thank you for being here coming up, really, that's all? celine dion slams donald trump for playing the titanic theme song at his rallies, and now the family of the late music legend isaac hayes demands trump stop playing his song suing the campaign for $3 million.
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♪ every night in my dreams i se you i feel you ♪ ♪ that's how i know you ♪ >> okay, okay. that has got to be one of the weirdest moments so far for the
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trump campaign choosing a song from the titanic sound track, a ballad that conjures images of a mazzive sinking ship to play in a campaign rally these decisions are important. that's why it was notable when the harris campaign played one of the most popular songs in the counp in atlanta. ♪ ♪ they not like us ♪ >> okay, that is an animated audience talk about enthusiasm. just look. one side is contemplating a metaphor of trump's campaign sinking into oblivion. the other dancing to a song denouncing sex offenders trump's weird use of celine's oscar winning ballad led to her
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issuing a cease and desist, joining a long list on trump's cannot play list including steven tyler of arrow smith, the estates of prince and tom petty, rihanna, and the estate of isaac hayes who today announced they are taking it one step further, demanding that trump stop playing a song hayes cowrote, hold on, i'm coming. the hayes estate is also seeking $3 million for the 130 times that trump's campaign has used the r&b classic. ♪ hold on i'm coming ♪ ♪ hold on i'm coming ♪ ♪ hold on i'm coming ♪ ♪ hold i'm coming ♪ >> joining me now is the son of music legend isaac hayes isaac hayes iii, and james walker jr., the lawyer representing the hayes estate. thank you both for being here.
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isaac hayes iii, let me start with you the first time that you became aware that this song was being used in trump rallies what was your reaction? did you immediately seek to cease and desist >> immediately, yeah it happened in may of 2022 at the nra convention oddly enough, right after uvalde mass shooting, lost the lives of a lot of young children. i immediately made a post via my father's social media account. they didn't have permission to use the song, we did not want them using the song. we sent a cease and desist but over the course of the last two years donald trump has continued to play the record and at some point, enough becomes a enough and you have to take legal action to stop the use >> and what was thedesist. over the last year, donald trump continued to use the song and at some point you have to say enough is enough. >> what was the response from the trump campaign. >> nothing, i have not heard
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from the trump campaign. i have not heard anything at all. >> is your opposition to them using the music. is it about your politics, his politics or marrying just the music to a campaign? >> i'm the brother to seven sisters. seven women. he continues to be disrespectful to women and has said negative things about kamala harris. i don't want people to hear, hold on i'm coming and think about my father. my father lost a lot of his music. i founded a start up company
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for this very reason. i'm passionate about this because, you know artists get taken advantage of so many times. black artists get taken advantage of so many times. that's while i'm passionate about this. >> i'm going to bring in the family's attorney. what is the status of this demand, normally you're supposed to pay for music if you use it: what is the status of this demand and have you received a response. >> we have not received a response. thank you for having us. and we gave them until friday, but we're going to probably have an injunction tonight. if friday he doesn't pay, as we expect with donald trump. we will continue with with an
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injunction and injunctive relief. we have a man who's trying to protect his family's interest, his father's legacy. you have trump and team trump. we have super packs, the rnc, we have the trump donors. it's a whole bunch of people who are using this music. when you put it in a video that's another whole use. there's the arena. then there's videos then there's you tube, then there's google. so we have over 130 just known counts of infringement but we believe there are many many more. >> and isaac hays iii, for you is it about them paying for the use or as you said, you have sisters. there are women in your life. just as a black man, that you just object it being used at all. >> it's not objective to me
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because donald trump is outside of politics. he says racists things. i don't want my father's legacy attached to him. hold on i'm coming has won awards. >> i feel like i'm looking at isaac hayes when i look at you isaac hayes iii. you look just like your father and he would be very proud of you for defending his legacy and this song. keep us posted. we'll be right back. even this. dupixent is an add-on treatment for specific types of moderate-to-severe asthma that's not for sudden breathing problems. dupixent can cause allergic reactions that can be severe. tell your doctor right away if you have rash, chest pain, worsening shortness of breath,
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cut off the supply of weapons to israel amongst war with gaza. that's why they're demanding a cease-fire despite being targeted for removal from office by staunch supporters. the world is on edge right now and rightly so. the u.s. is sending more troops to the middle east as israel braces for an attack from iran. meanwhile, vice president harris has shown herself better positioned to bring a cease- fire together better than trump. is it anything she can implement now. is it fair for people to ask, why are we


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