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tv   Jose Diaz- Balart Reports  MSNBC  August 16, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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stonehenge may be solved. a new study concludes the massive altar stone at the center of the monument in england came from way up in northeastern scotland. so how did stone age humans transport a 13,000 pound slab roughly 500 miles, some 5,000 years ago before the invention of the wheel even made it to that part of the world? well, slowly. it may have taken about a decade, probably transported by sea. as for why this huge blue stone slab made this long journey, researchers say that's a question for the next generation of archaeologists. that does it for us this busy week. have a wonderful weekend. i'll see you back here monday, same time, same place. for now i'm ana cabrera reporting from new york. jose diaz-balart picks up our coverage right now.
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♪♪ >> good morning. it is 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific. i'm jose diaz-balart. we begin with the intensifying 2024 race for the white house. in just a couple of minutes vice president harris will head to battleground north carolina where she is set to unveil a new tax relief plan for american families. this as former president trump doubles down on his personal attacks on the vice president. >> i think i'm entitled to personal attacks. i don't have a lot of respect for her. i don't have a lot of respect for her intelligence. and i think she will be a terrible president. i just want to win for the country. some people say, oh, why don't you be nice? be but they're not nice to me. they want to put me in prison. >> joining us now is garrett haake. aaron, first to you, we are set to hear from the vice president in just a couple of hours on our economic plan. what can we expect? >> yeah, jose.
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vice president harris will leave a little later this hour. this afternoon, we expect to hear her layout some details of her economic plans and really for the last several weeks now she's been saying that lowering costs for families and building up the middle class would be a defining goal for a harris presidency. today we expect to hear the vice president talk about tax credits for middle class families and for lower income workers. she will explain that federal ban on corporate price gauging we have heard about, specifically in the grocery and food industries. we have also been told that harris will roll out some housing policy proposals designed to lower costs for renters by targeting corporate landlords and wall street entities. she also plans to address the housing supply shortage by calling for the construction of three million new housing units over four years. of course, there's already been some criticism for republicans about some of these ideas. at the same time, this is what people have been calling for, this sort of transition, right? i covered the harris-walz get to
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know you tour they were on last week. i was in arizona and nevada with them. there was this tremendous excitement we saw. now people really want to hear the substance of what she wants to do if she wins the election. we expect, jose, to hear more of that substance potentially at the democratic convention when that gets started on monday. jose? >> aaron, meanwhile we're learning new details about how the vice president is already preparing to debate trump next month? >> yes. that is set for september 10th. a source familiar with the planning is telling our team that the vice president has already started some of the run throughs, including a session on monday at howard university here in washington which, by the way, is where harris went to college. long-time democratic strategist felipe rhinus stepped in to play trump in these prep sessions. he did the same thing for hillary clinton back in 2016. a source pointed out that harris and trump have never actually
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met in person. so there is this real effort now to help her get familiar with how he speaks and behaves beyond what we all see on tv, rather in a face to face setting, they want to make sure she's ready for that, jose. >> garrett, you were at trump's event yesterday. what did he have to say about the vice president and the economy? >> what didn't he have to say, jose? this is another one of these lengthy sort of combo speech and press conference events yesterday. donald trump really trying to make sure that harris cannot separate herself from joe biden's record on economy, from the rising prices we have seen across the last three and a half years. and he defended the way in which he continued to personally attack her, arguing that's something that's his way of campaigning and he doesn't feel like he has to be, as he says it, nice against a candidate whose party is trying to put him in jail. you see all the groceries mind him. this was meant to be an event
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majority focused on rising prices and on inflation. trump was all over the map on these various different topics. i think this is part of the challenge for he and his team as they want to use rising prices on groceries and on housing specifically as two big vulnerabilities they believe the democratic ticket has that they want to exploit over the next couple of weeks. it only gets harder when the convention gets underway next week. >> and this as we learn more details about trump's investments and income after he filed his financial disclosure form. what does it show? >> yeah. this can be useful, but it is not as specific as anyone out there would like. it lists income in ranges. so we could see he brought in millions of dollars from his properties around the world. we can see things like the fact he owns more than a million dollar in crypto assets, but it is hard to look at the profitability of those various enterprises and ventures that he has. a couple interesting notes,
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footnotes in here, $300,000 trump made for the branded bibles that he's been selling. and melania trump brought in more than $200,000 for an appearance she made. it is a peek under the hood of donald trump's financial situation, which as a lot of folks know, is very complex as we have learn over the last couple of years. >> thank you both so much. and joining us for more on this conversation is ser leah max well, host on sirius xm and the former house speakers. there is polling this week that shows a majority of voters trusting trump over the vice president when it comes to the economy. what do you think the vice president has to do to close that gap? >> i think she has to talk more about the economy and you will
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see that today when she's talking about the specifics. i think she needs to lay out a vision for how she is planning to tackle some of the most important issues top of mind for american voters like housing and grocery costs. but also the cost of child care and supporting paid family leave, things that parents and families are thinking about every sungle day as they go through their bank books and their bills and try to make ends meet. i think that, you know, it is about setting out a vision that is in stark contrast to donald trump and his vision, when he can talk specifics, which is rare. and i think that once she does that, i think these numbers will shift a bit. a lot of folks are unfamiliar with what the vice president has been doing for the last four years. and while the big picture and some of the economic indicators obviously have improved since the crash during covid, i think people are slow to feel that every single day. and, so, it is on her to lay out
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her vision so that people understand how her policies will help them on the day-to-day basis. >> and how does she either separate herself or join these last four years of the biden administration's economic record? >> well, i think that she needs to remind folks where we were when biden and harris went into the white house. i think that one of the disturbing things donald trump does is try to change history and erase our memories of where the economy actually was when he left the white house. well, when he was forced to leave the white house because, as we know, he did not want to leave. the economy crashed at the end of covid. now, the pandemic is not donald trump's fault, but he did not address many of the things that needed to be done in terms of keeping americans safe so that the economy does not crash. biden and harris inherited that flailing economy, and they built
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it back up step by step. and i think it is important to remind persons that, as donald trump tries to re-write that history and say that he gave biden a great economy. no, he did not. that is flatly untrue, and every single person knows that. >> and, brendan, this as the former president is trying to, i guess, sharpen his attacks on vice president harris' economic record. here's some of what he had to say yesterday. >> she's running on the maduro plan. we call it the maduro plan like something straight out of the venezuela or the soviet union. people don't respect her in the economy. economists are laughing. they can't even believe this is happening to our country, and she wants to change a free enterprise-type country into a communist-type country. that's what she knows. she's considered far more radical than bernie sanders. that's all you have to know.
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>> how effective do you think this line of attack is going to be? >> so that event yesterday could have been really good. they started off really focused on the price increases that people have shown in polls over and over again they're really concerned about. i don't know that kamala harris has a great answer for inflation. she's putting out some poliies to address that, i guess, this week. but that is a good issue for donald trump, and he started off focused on it. but donald trump gets bored and deviates and starts talking about all these crazy things, and it gets lost. it would not be hard being a republican candidate right now to put a lot of pressure on kamala harris about the economy, make her respond, make her feel the heat. but he's so self-indulgent that he doesn't breakthrough. it is another missed opportunity. it is why a lot of republicans are frustrated with his lack of discipline. i don't know that it will change any time soon.
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this is who he is. but it is a perfect symbol of how a campaign that has so many opportunities keep blowing them. >> a new op-ed in "the washington post" reads in part, quote, if your opponent claims you are a economist, maybe don't start with an accurate agenda that can be labeled as price control. so did this plan backfire for the vice president? >> i don't think this plan is going to backfire on the vice president. i think that a lot of americans are concerned with prices, and they are -- they do understand viscerally that price gouging is a real thing that is happening. and, so, implementing the power of the federal government to control the gouging and ripping off of the american public as they go to the grocery store every day, i think that's something that will resonate with plenty of american families. i would also say that american families are concerned about housing and grocery prices, as you will hear the vice president talk about. but as i said, they're also
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concerned with the care economy. so i think that as she lays out this economic vision later today, she will also begin to talk about the care economy like affordable child care, paid family leave and also the type of care that so many folks who have kids and also aging parents have to deal with and really create a care economy that helps support american families who are feeling that pinch and don't have enough resources. >> and, brendan, you know, earlier this week i was just thinking about your comments about just how he is not able to focus on specific issues and keep that message as a focused one. earlier this week, nikki haley warned that trump can't win by attacking harris personally and urged him to focus on issues. here is how he responded to that. >> i think i'm doing a very calm campaign. i mean, we're here. there is no shouting. i appreciate her advice.
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i have to do it my way. you know, i ran against her, and i did it my way. >> so doesn't seem like, brendan, he's even considering that anything he says is not focused. >> he is convinced that his political success is all from his own genius, as a political operator. he -- my personal view is he won in 2016 because a lot of people didn't like hillary clinton. and then, of course, he lost the second time that he ran. the -- as much as he was defeating joe biden recently, he was mostly a function of the fact that people didn't think joe biden was up for it. it wasn't that donald trump was actually that great. his numbers have never been all that great. he's never going to change that if he doesn't think more attention for himself, playing the old hits is always going to work because he surrounds himself for people for whom that's great. he loves going to those rallies and throwing those lines out and
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having everybody laugh at him. that's what feeds him. he's not going to change that. when you never get out of your bubble, you never realize there are people that react differently to the different things you say. talking about your crowd sizes may rile up the people in front of you, but it does nothing for the people who will decide this election. i don't know that he can change who he is, though. >> i thank you both so very much for being with us today. soon president biden set to recognize a horrific and long forgotten moment in history. a deadly attack by a white mob on a black community in springfield, illinois in 1908. and coming up, we're tracking hurricane ernesto. we will go live to where the storm is heading next. later, opposition leader maria corina machado galvanized
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voters three weeks ago and is believed to have won in a landslide. we'll talk to her about why she's rejecting calls to hold a new election amid her plans of fraud by the regime. we'll be back in 90 seconds. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. why use 10 buckets of water when you can use 1 fire extinguisher. and to fight heartburn, why take 10 antacids throughout the day when you can take 1 prilosec. for easier heartburn relief, one beats ten. prilosec otc. one pill. 24 hours. zero heartburn. ugh, when is my allergy spray going to kick in?
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residents there bracing for a dangerous storm surge after ernesto was upgraded to a category two hurricane overnight. the island is closing roads, airports tonight. ernesto forecast to pass over or near bermuda tomorrow. guad venegas is there this hour. we see you by the beach. how is it looking? >> reporter: jose, well, we had the last brave tourist here going in the water before the storm makes its way. we have gotten rain and some wind, but it is sort of the calm before the storm. a lot of tourists had vacations planned in bermuda. many of them tried changing their flights, but all of those flights were, of course, booked. i just spoke with a family from germany. their original night leaves on monday. they did try to change that flight to leave today, but, of course, they say everything was sold out.
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so they will ride out the storm here. and that's the story with many others that we're visiting the island and we're just going to stay during the storm. the forecast indicates it will get close to bermuda off to the west. so this is where we will be getting the worst impact. we did speak to the minister of national security here, who is overlooking the response. he tells us they're not as worried about the flooding as much as the wind and that rain, of course, because of the topography here, there is only certain areas that flood. it is not only the wind but the damage that it could cause to the power infrastructure, which happened with fiona two years ago. another storm didn't directly hit bermuda, but it did affect the power infrastructure. thousands were left without power with that damage. so these are the final hours were residents to get food, water, batteries, charge their phones. and authorities here are asking people to shelter in place here tonight and ride it out
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overnight and into saturday. the last night is taking off from the airport this afternoon. that's the expectation. cruise ships have left the dock yard yesterday, so essentially these are the final hours to prepare for the storm, jose. >> guad, take good care of yourself and, of course, all the best to the crew that's with you. i will see you soon. up next, venezuelan opposition leader is in hiding after almost three weeks after the presidential election there. all indications are that the opposition won in a landslide. what is next for her candidate? and what is next for venezuela as the maduro regime refuses to release any election results, officially announing that they do not recognize that they lost that election. plus, an update on negotiations to end the war in gaza. details on the proposal that just came out. you are watching "jose
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27 passed the hour. nearly three weeks after the contested election in venezuela, which seemed to show the opposition winning in a landslide, maduro continuing to insist he won without presenting any evidence for the results of the election. more than 2,000 people, meanwhile, have been arrested, more than 20 killed through
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oppression and the detentions continue. and with us now is venezuelan opposition leader maria machado. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> we are coming up on three weeks since the presidential election. all indications are that your candidate won in a landslide. maduro says he's not going anywhere. more than 25 people killed by the regime. he's called you a terrorist. he wants to see you arrested. what is your reality right now? >> well, first of all, i feel absolutely proud of the venezuelan people, how we overcame all obstacles against the cruelty of the regime and were able to have massive participation and, in fact, we won by a landslide. 67% of the vote. also, we were able to gather original tally sheets.
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we were able to digitalize them. we have them on a web page so that everybody in venezuela and abroad can see the actual official results. nikola madura has denied this and has decided to unleash a campaign of terror, persecution against citizens that are peacefully protesting our right to choose, and he has decided, as well, to detain hundreds of legal leaders. many of them right now are in hiding. >> and yesterday the brazilian president, a close ally of maduro, suggested there should be a power-sharing setup with the opposition. or that there be new presidential elections scheduled and carried out. what do you think of those? >> well, the elections already
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took place, and everybody knows the results. so calling for a second election would mean that he doesn't like that result and he would be asking for a third or a fourth or a fifth. i mean, it already happened. popular sovereignty and the will of the people has to be respected. >> history shows there are very few cases in which dictators or authoritarians leave power or relinquish power voluntarily. what makes you think that in this case history can be changed? >> well, we were told also that there are very few cases in which we could demonstrate our victory against a regime that controls all the electoral process, and we did it. so right now, it is not by his own will that he's standing where he's standing. he -- madura lost total touch with reality.
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he never expected that so many people, this massive participation, would turn out the day of the election, but even less than were ready and prepared to promote victory. so he's in the weakest situation ever. he has no legitimacy whatsoever. and promoting violence only gets him in a tougher position. this is a huge, huge movement of the international community that realizes that the conflict in venezuela is the single most important issue in the western hemisphere. and i have to insist on this, not only because of the ties with russia. but if he decides to stay by force for more months and prolong this tragedy, we could be seeing
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venezuelans in a matter of months crossing our borders. it will go all the way up, central america, many to the southern border of the united states. so this is an issue that is absolutely a priority for all. and our -- and our commitment is to stop this tragedy and have all or many of those venezuelans who have left come back home. >> tomorrow is a day you are calling for people to come out and vote on the streets peacefully. not only in venezuela but throughout the world. the last time you called for people to come out, you actually showed up. you have an arrest parent. they have killed and arrested people that work with you and those who are participating in a democratic process that has been stymied by the regime. how are you doing? and how are you going to
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continue when there is a huge target on your back? >> there is a huge target in the back of many, many venezuelans, and we are not going to let go. we are not about to let people down. we will keep on moving this movement forward and growing and growing every day that goes by. tomorrow is a unique day. i think it will be historic because i know we will, not only see venezuelans around the world getting together with those of us that are here in our country, but know that many citizens, democrats around the world will join us to let madura know that we are not alone and that we won't -- we won't let go. so it is certainly dangerous, and we know the risks we are facing. but we have come a long way.
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and i really trust the venezuelan people. and i am convinced that venezuela will be a free country so that we could have our children and our families back together. that's the force. >> thank you very much for being with us. and i'll have much more of my interview with maria at 1:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc. up next, with just three days to go until the democratic national convention, there is new reporting inside president biden's decision to bow out in the race for a second term. plus, details of the secret service' new plan to protect donald trump at his outdoor rallies. you are watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. c. grab any chair, it doesn't matter if it's your outdoor style or not. [ music stops ] i'm sorry, carl. this is me in chair form.
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35 passed the hour. with less than three months to go until the election, the secret service approved new security plans for former president trump that will allow him to resume outdoor rallies. now, two sources familiar and a campaign official says trump's security detail will now use ballistic glass among other measures. that kind of bulletproof glass has been used for sitting presidents and vice presidents, but never before for presidential candidates. we are just three days away from the start of the democratic national convention in chicago.
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the four-day event will begin on monday with a tribute to president biden, who will speak to the convention that night, along with first lady, jill biden. both the president and his successor at the top of the ticket traveled to maryland yesterday for their first major event since he ended his re-election campaign last month. and they had nothing but kind words for each other. >> few leaders in our nation have done more on so many issues, including to expand access to affordable health care like president joe biden. [ applause ] >> and today we take the next step. thank you, joe. forward in our fight. >> folks, i have an incredible partner. the progress we made. she's going to make one hell of a president. >> with us now is new york times chief white house correspondent
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peter baker. peter, great seeing you always. on monday night, the speech at the democratic national convention could be one of the biggest ones of biden's political career. what do we expect him to talk about? >> yeah. i mean, obviously, he had preferred to speak on thursday night. that's the night, of course, a new nominee talks to the country. he's not going to get that chance. he's been demoted to monday night. monday night, therefore, will be his chance to explain himself. it will be his chance to do two things. one, to frame this legacy as he wants it to be seen. this will probably be the largest audience he has between now and the time he steps down from the presidency in january. therefore, i think he wants to explain how he sees these last four years or what his place will be in history. so he's speaking to the audience at home, but he's also speaking to history and he's speaking to historians who will be writing about this in years to come. the second thing is to pass the torch and explains why he thinks kamala harris will be the great
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president he just talked about yesterday in maryland, to pump her up and to introduce her to the country as his choice. remember, he's the one that put her on the ticket four years ago and essentially set her up for this moment. he now, i think, wants to be gracious in passing it along to her. >> and we're seeing, by the way, peter, pictures of the vice president who is just landing in north carolina where she will be holding that economic speech. and we are just seeing there the time that it's expected, about 2:45 eastern time. but she's just arriving, i understand, in north carolina. meanwhile, peter, what do we know about the president's role -- actually, sorry, this is on the way to north carolina. peter, i want to get back to you on what do we know about how the president will be carrying out campaign duties for the vice
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president in the next couple of months? >> well, of course, he said he will be on the trail for her. certainly wants to promote her candidacy, but he's not going to be doing a lot after the convention in the near term. he will go to chicago on monday. he will deliver a speech and then he will leave and leave the stage to her, in effect, and allow her to demonstrate that it is now her party and her candidacy. he won't really be seen much until labor day. but i think he will plan to be out there and in the fall as she decides it helps her, you know, make the case. in particular, he could be a validator for her with voters in key states like pennsylvania where, of course, he focuses on scranton and other middle class communities, places where she may not have the same connection that he does. and he will be the one to say, look, she's one of us. she gets us. she understands how we see the world. that will be important because,
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obviously, that's where the election will be decided. >> peter baker, i thank you very much. good seeing you always. still ahead, what we're learning about matthew perry's final weeks after the arrests of five people in connection with his death. plus, we'll tell you about the new proposal for peace in the middle east, unveiled just a short time ago. you're watching jose diaz-balart reports on msnbc. hi, my name is damian clark. if you have both medicare and medicaid, i have some really encouraging news that you'll definitely want to hear. depending on the plans available in your area, you may be eligible to get extra benefits with a humana medicare advantage dual-eligible special needs plan. all these plans include a healthy options allowance,
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45 passed the hour. today a new cease-fire proposal was presented in the israel-hamas war. the three countries released a statement just in the last couple of hours reading in part, quote, this proposal builds on the points of agreement achieved over the past week and fills the remaining gaps in a way that allows for rapid implementation of the agreement. meanwhile, "the washington post" reports that qatar's prime minister urged iran to hold off on its assault of israel to avoid coming out of the two-day cease-fire and hostage negotiations taking place. joining us is danielle from tel aviv. great seeing you. what's the latest on the talks? >> well, you mentioned a statement that was put up by the u.s. via the mediators of qatar and egypt. it was presented to both parties. and the proposal, it says, narrows the gaps and is
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consistent with what president biden endorsed. this is a three-phrase plan. we will get to it in just a moment. what stood out in the statement, jose, is he says what needs further discussion or details related to the hostages and detainees, senior officials will meet hoping to reach an agreement based on the terms presented today. now, what was presented by president biden back in may was a three-phase plan. in phase one, we would see the withdrawal of israeli forces from densely populated areas. and the first certain number of hostages would be released. the injured, the elderly and women, including female soldiers in exchange for that would be a number of palestinian prisoners and detainees. who are they, how many are there, that seems to be the sticking point. there are some high-profile
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prisoners being held by israel and hamas want them out. will that come with conditions? we'll see. but i should point out to you as well that hamas is quick to respond to this statement saying -- telling "reuters" news agency that what the group was briefed on regarding results in the doja cease-fire talks does not, quote, commit to what was agreed upon on july 2nd. it is unclear what the differences are here. what remains to be the sticking points, one of the biggest sticking points is how to get from a temporary cease-fire that would occur in phase one to a permanent cease-fire in phase two. another is called the philadelphia corridor, this buffer zone between gaza and egypt. israel's concern is hamas will smuggle in weapons and fighters through that area. >> thank you so very much. appreciate it. up next, olympic gymnast jordan chiles breaking her
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silence over being stripped of her bronze medal. plus, we'll play for you what the dea administrator is revealing in the overdose death of actor matthew perry. you're watching "jose diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk.
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this morning, the head of the drug enforcement agency leading the investigation addressed the arrests, specifically two doctors in that case. >> doctors are in a position of authority and trust. these two doctors violated that. they saw him as a payday and an opportunity to make a lot of money. >> joining us is steve patterson. what have we learned about the five individuals? >> reporter: for the latest, we have to start in court. there were two primary defendants listed on this criminal complaint. the one is, as you mentioned, the ketamine queen and the second was dr. plasencia. both had court appearances yesterday. both pled not guilty yesterday. both now have august next trial dates. both have a trial date, excuse
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me, set for october. next court appearance is august. to prosecutors, they represent the two pillars of perry spiraling. everybody knew that perry had addiction issues. he made that clear himself. it sounded like he was getting treatment. he was getting sober. he was getting treatment for anxiety and depression with legitimate ketamine injections. that turned into him wanting more. he found this dr. p who gave him 20 viles worth. this is the guy that's quoted as saying as a medical doctor, i wonder how much this moron will pay. it was clear perry wanted more. that's where the ketamine queen comes in. this is a person that sold him 50 viles for $11,000. keep in mind, this is within the same month perry was found dead. all of these viles of ketamine. look on your screen, they found an emporium at her house.
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all of this removed from her house. they found this was in connection to other deaths. at least one other person that died after taking ketamine from this ketamine queen. all of this represents to prosecutors that this was a person that was spiraling with addiction. instead of getting help from two medical doctors and people that were considered his friends, that he was pushed further into the abyss for money. three more people listed in that indictment, all of them called co-conspirators. >> steve patterson, thank you. now to an update in the death of another actor. four suspects have been arrested in the fatal shooting of johnny wactor. he was killed in may after he interrupted three people who authorities say were stealing his car's catalytic converter. turning now to an update in
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the controversy over the bronze medal in women's gymnastics floor exercise. team usa's jordan chiles speaking out about the ioc's decision to strip her of her medal and award it to the romanian gymnast. despite appeals from u.s. gymnastics and olympic officials. chiles calling it one of the most challenging moments of my career. what are we hearing today? >> we know jordan chiles had taken time off of social media to focus on her mental health, understandably so after what has transpired over the last several weeks. she posted to instagram talking about how devastating the news was, learning she was being stripped of her individual event medal. she said --
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it's clear she's gearing up for a fight. while breaking her silence today, romanian gymnastic officials awarded the medal in a ceremony that played out today. the ioc said it's within their right because of the ruling in their favor. the gymnast speaking before the press saying that the medal was heavy, both literally and figuratively, given the controversy that it has been embattled in. this discussion is far from over. u.s. olympic officials vowing to continue to fight for justice for jordan. they are planning to appeal to a higher level international court. we will see what will come in the weeks to come. this all comes as europe's olympic officials tell us that in the background of this, in the days leading up to the critical hearing that happened over the weekend in that sports court, u.s. olympic officials say the court had been
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communicating, sending emails to the wrong addresses. they were not able to appropriately prepare for that critical court hearing. it was after the fact that they had obtained video, they say time stamped that showed the coach made the inquiry within the one-minute deadline. this is something we will absolutely continue to follow. >> is there any other process or processes that she could follow to try to get that medal back? >> we know the court of arbitration for sports said they don't reopen cases even with the presentation of new evidence unless all parties agree. the other option here -- this is the avenue that it seems they are pursuing -- is going to the swiss federal tribunal. one thing they could bring up to leverage their case to get it to a successful appeal is the fact they weren't getting communications in the days leading up to the hearing. therefore, they say that they were not prepared for it.
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>> thank you so very much. that wraps up the hour for me. i'm jose diaz-balart. i will be back today at 1:00 p.m. eastern, 10:00 a.m. pacific. see you tomorrow night on "nbc nightly news." you can reach me on social media. you can watch clips from our show on youtube. thank you for the privilege of your time. "andrea mitchell reports" begins right now. right now on "andrea mitchell reports," it's all about the economy. vice president harris rolls out her plan to rebuild the middle class, taking the baton from president biden. >> today we take the next step -- thank you, joe -- forward in our fight. >> thank you, joe. thank you, joe. thank you, joe. what donald trump's newly released financial papers show ab


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