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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  August 17, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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good evening, and welcome. tonight's lead is dollars and
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cents. and tonight vice president harris and democrats are gearing up for their convention less than 48 hours away and unveiling a new economic plan aimed at easing the rising costs of living for the middle class and the proposal aims to make housing, groceries and parenting more affordable while cracking down on price gouging. harrises republican opponent, former president trump, is rallying right now in pennsylvania and as polling shows a tossup in many of the battleground states and the trump campaign is still struggling on a consistent line of attack against vice president harris that could
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halt her surgeon popularity. let's start with a live update from the campaign trail in dc. we are at the trump rally in pennsylvania and what can you tell us about the security for this event? >> reporter: we are inside of am arena and they are only allowing into this event and this is one of two events he has had here in pennsylvania with the next 148 hours from now here at the same table and kamala harris and tim walz will be going on here in western pennsylvania beginning tomorrow for the democratic national convention and last month we looked at a trump campaign that had its back up against the wall pulling numbers that have all flipped not just in pennsylvania, wisconsin, michigan but also georgia, north carolina all within a margin of error showing this is a presidential race between
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kamala harris and donald trump and back to the substance around any of these issues so this week the campaign is looking for it to be a change in trajectory mainly by a number of events but i mentioned the two here and then they will be going up to michigan and hitting other battleground states this week with counterprogramming for the democratic national convention because when we talked a few months ago at the convention this is a campaign that was confident about where it is but suddenly donald trump is aware there is an effective communicator who is going on the debate stage with them and somebody over the next week a large introduction for not only vice president harris but tim walz and at the democratic convention. >> thank you and he did say he wasn't going to do a lot of
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things during the democratic convention now that he is moving all over the place but it seems like that is a sign of concern. thank you. joining me now is jonathan jackson, the democrat from illinois. thank you for joining us. let me start with this and it is your hometown and i have known you most of your life and have been there with you and your family many years of my life. chicago is gearing up for the democratic convention starting on monday and it will be a very different affair than many of us were expecting even just a month ago. what can you tell us right now about the mood in your city and in your party? >> the people are very excited. the people have been giving -- given a lot of options when it was either/or or lesser than potentially but this is refreshing with vice president
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harris at the helm of the ticket and we got to see new perspective as people say what has the vice president done and she has done this 31 times and made the decisive vote for all of the things in the 117th congress and then because of the one-vote margin in the house and senate so broken that twice and put unprecedented money and eta the people in chicago can take out service lines for one of the highest in the nation that has led in their service lines and fighting women with reproductive health issues and she has been a tremendous service. but now it is her time. she served number two loyally and faithfully. she will reintroduce herself to america. this is a woman who took the presidential platform stage and exited early so we didn't get a chance to see all of the magnificent ideas but now it is
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her time to blossom because some flowers are late bloomers and here these people that are working during the most vulnerable positions and you will see so many more things. >> and vice president harris is headed into the convention focused on the economy. friday she delivered the first major policy speech unveiling a plan focused on reducing the cost of living for the middle class at bringing down grocery prices and making housing more affordable and expanding child tax credits. what are your thoughts on her economic plan?'s how could impact your constituency, your district right there in chicago? >> first thing i could appreciate about her working
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her vision is that it is so human. she is touching people first, not corporate but profits but putting your money where people are. of the biggest driver of inflation right now is housing with 3 million houses short during the time of covid-19 and construction has gone to the lowest level and interest rates have spiked up so putting the emphasis on housing. you remember when congresswoman maxine waters proposed infrastructure inflation built about $150 billion in the housing and the one senator joe manchin stop that from being passed and we wouldn't have affordable housing problems across the nation and this is the soon to be chair of financial services having that idea, maxing waters. the second part is on child tax credits and childcare, we do see a huge here on people working with the assess ability of affordable childcare and we need more people in the other
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part when we talk about employment the human infrastructure is what i appreciate about her vision and the vision that joe biden has which is unprecedented money being put into people first. >> i think you are correct with the maxine waters bill that would have resolved a lot. the reason it is important to bring that up is because joe manchin was the one vote that didn't make it successful. that every republican voted against it. i think that as they talk about children and the economy, we need to talk about who voted for what. >> when you think about it, people have put hundreds of billions into war and maxing waters had a plan for 150 billion for peacetime and housing. >> and necessary housing. >> i think that is part of what the vice president as the
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democratic candidate for president has proposed. i was in chicago a few weeks ago on the west side and around this case of a woman shot in her own home and she called because she thought there was an intruder in her springfield, illinois home and the sheriff in the county announced his retirement and the family is calling for new legislation to improve hiring practices amid reports that the deputy who shot and killed sonja massey had red flags on his record and there were several other instances of that and what are your thoughts on the need for new police reform legislation? >> he had six infractions for
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multiple agencies so there should be greater coordination from being able to follow or track if you will officers moving post to post who haven't been honorably released or discharged and with sonja massey, she had the instinct to call police which is what she should have done to be protected and taken care of and then the nightmare unfolded that this is the worst scenario possible and you call with protection needs and you faced execution. she was shot in the face by this officer who is insubordinate and belligerent on multiple times. i think first of all the superintendent and the chief of police should've been fired and shouldn't have been able to retire and work at another firm or another police department because he can't supervise people. this officer shouldn't be on paid administrative leave and
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for the many great officers that we stand with police and that need protection or the benefit of the doubt of somebody like this is so disreputable they will get together at the same time and condemn him in the apartment for their action -- department for their action. >> they always say people like myself are anti-police. we are not. but we do want to see good police sometimes stand up and question what goes on in cases like sonja massey. and let me say this as one who was a director of shirley chisholm's campaign as a teenager and then one involved with your father's campaign, reverend jesse jackson who helped when i was a 12, i take pride in being part of this convention this week to see a black woman, shirley's dream,
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come true, becomes the nominee and possibly, according to the polls, can become president and certainly your father helping to pave the way and it will have great meaning and i am coming into chicago tonight and i will be there all week because it will have a great meaning in chicago. you hold an historic congressional seat and being the son of reverend jackson who helped pave the way for many of us and certainly me. >> first of all, i think god for that and in 1964 it was a drive for the freedom caucus, freedom housing, registering people to vote and i would say my father the, the reverend jesse jackson, he carried the baton around that level for that lap of the field and they started that massive voter
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registration drive and increased our positioning in the party and out of that fruit today you will see the next speaker of the house and he owes a tremendous grad -- debt of gratitude and there were 6600 african americans and they had 31,000 votes or 300,000 people eligible to vote with 59% african american and it was long-term voter disenfranchisement and the same practices exist today which is why there is only one african american in the highest percentage state in america and he fights that fight every day and there is one african american in louisiana and the second most popular state percentagewise and when we come to chicago i think of those two veins of people coming up here from louisiana and mississippi and i am so glad this
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convention is in the midwest and a lot of leadership in the democratic party is on both coasts and people are beginning to see that the action is in the midwest and minnesota, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, and let's not forget that there are dixie highways all over the north and that same spirit that donald trump has awakened and that is all over the north and we have to fight it back and win in minnesota, pennsylvania and michigan. >> and all over the country. we want everybody. >> i am out ofwith us, congressman jonathan jackson and joining me now is the senior advisor to the chair of the democratic national convention committee. we appreciate your joining us ahead of the convention. and it has been a whirlwind
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month since president biden dropped out of the race and the party unified around vice president harris. what message are you hoping to send voters when democrats gather in chicago monday. >> i think we will send a message of contrast. this election is about the future of this country and certainly our message about whether it is economics or people trusted to make their own health care decisions or expanding healthcare opportunities or whether it is about building a family unit as vice president harris laid out in north carolina yesterday. i think that is what the message is about and i think it is a big contrast to what we see from fear messaging on the other side and i am so proud of this and what we have in vice president harris and governor walz. >> the vice president released
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some things ahead of the convention and she pledged to ban grocery price gouging and tackle housing prices by constructing 2 million affordable units and providing tax relief for middle-class families in by boosting the child tax credit. what does the vice president's economic plan tell you about her priorities? >> if you asked a simple question like show you what the priorities are and i will show your values it says having access to the american dream and it has become the american nightmare for many because of access to housing in this country and a number of other things. what we see in the economic plan is building on the progress that she and president biden made together and we know under the biden/harris administration, more african americans have started
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businesses than ever before and we know we have the lowest unemployment rate of any on record and 16 million jobs created and lowered the price of prescription drugs including tapping the price of insulin at $35 a month and we know they treated the american infrastructure as an investment and now she is painting a clearer picture and the macro is going through the micro and that focus you saw north carolina isn't perfect but certainly progress. and it cut black child poverty and half and she made crystal clear that. >> and directly addressing some of the concerns of the middle class and let's stay on economics. president biden also announced a deal with the pharmaceutical company to cut the costs of medicare, the 10 most expensive drugs and the savings which
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range from 40% to 80% depending on the medication, made possible by the inflation reduction act and talk about who stands to benefit for this breakthrough and could we see more like it in the harris administration? >> everybody will benefit from this breakthrough and the progress we made to the biden/harris administration. so we can point directly to these things that would benefit everything in the constituency and while not a single republican support of the legislation, many of them have gone back home and taken credit and that is because these are not democratic issues or republican issues and they don't benefit one thing but all constituents. that is why the next layer as
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we look toward the future, the vice president is laying the groundwork for that in this political currency. >> i would because i guess i have mild surprise and i can't be too surprised but republicans were not only against it but voted against it. and the trump administration has responded to the vice president and the economic platform by claiming she still has ideas like no taxes on tips or by claiming a proposal of communist they said and we should point out that isn't true but let's talk about trump's own plan like massive tariffs on foreign goods and more tax cuts for the wealthy. won't it only make inflation worse? >> we have receipts for that as we say in my neighborhood and we have four years of receipts
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from the biden administration and when vice president harris took an active role in starting this train of progress getting down the track and now he was in front of a golf club where membership only as required and she was there in front of working-class people in battleground north carolina and i think that says everything all by itself when you get into the details of whether it is the child tax credit or housing and we know the rent is too high and the former hud secretary with bread-and-butter issues were donald trump is dealing with the wealthy issues and that is the contrast we have in this campaign. >> all right, the advisor to the dnc chair and also you can go on my radio show with me every monday to kick off the week. >> when we come back, there were gap in the convention
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on monday, the democratic convention will kickoff with president biden delivering a speech endorsing vice president kamala harris to be the next democratic nominee for president. the former democratic president barack obama and bill clinton will also speak at the convention. only 99-year-old jimmy carter is not expected to attend. he is sending his grandson in his place. having former democratic presidents show up to sing the praises of the parties current candidate may not seem unusual, but it hasn't happened at the republican convention. the only other living former republican president beside -- besides donald trump did not
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appear at that gathering because former president george bush may be figured out trump's politics or weird long before that and vice president pick cheney didn't show up either and after trump pushed his daughter out of congress and even trump's own former vice president mike pence was not in attendance and though that may have been for his own safety. the only other living former republican presidential nominee mitt romney wasn't on the guest list either and voted to impeach trump twice. the demands and responsibilities of the american presidency are a mess and nobody understands that better than the people who upheld the office before or came close to it and members of this exclusive club are not on your side and no amount of
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professional wrestlers or reality show influencers or ultimate fighters can make up for that. i got you. got you. [music playing] tiffany: my daughter is mila. she is 19 months old. she is a little ray of sunshine. one of the happiest babies you'll probably ever meet. [giggles] children with down syndrome typically have a higher risk for developing acute myeloid leukemia, or just leukemia in general. and here we are. marlo thomas: st. jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. tiffany: she was referred to st. jude at 11 months. they knew what to do as soon as they got her diagnosis.
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with t-mobile for business. welcome back to politicsnation. in the 2024 election campaign, few battleground states no logic like michigan with haley stevens currently seeking the reelection in the 11th congressional district. thank you for joining us this evening and you have your own congressional race which we will get to but with the dnc opening in less than two days how are michigan voters feeling about the ticket for tim malls and kamala harris? >> it is a delight to be here on your show and i am a huge
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fan and thank you for your commitment for the discourse of democracy. i will say from the foothills of michigan and the sleeves are rolled up with democrats engaged in off years and we had 300 people at a pick -- picnic last year and this is mitt romney's whole town and it is an on year and we have precinct delegates, energy. we had energy and we have a good infrastructure and building off of that. people have really taken from the presidential nominee of kamala harris and her vice presidential pick for governor walz and it is a big deal for us and we are not taking anything for granted and people are clear eyed and focused and we are not going back which we won't do and we just had a resounding win last cycle with the governor and some of the
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pro's choice -- pro-choice values and it's also the economy. this is something i shared with president biden and i said we had the lowest levels of unemployment in 50 years because of what we did to get people out of covid mac and people working alongside of this administration with clean energy investments and revitalization, things that are helping to lead the way here in michigan. so vice president harris what she has done that already the cycle she is our motivator and lined up a year ago thinking where he would get her and now she is our tickets leader so i am so proud to see her vision. i think we are fired up headed into the dnc. >> the vice president unveiled an economic plan centered with tax relief and middle class
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families and lowering prices specifically going after price gouging and take a listen last night in north carolina. >> as president, i will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability, indignity. together, we will build when i call an opportunity economy. >> your thoughts on vice president harris's economic plan? >> she nailed it. it is a dovetail from the campaign of the joy, optimism, love and inclusion but it speaks to the heart of everybody and they are going to the grocery stores and she looked them square in the face yesterday and said i will tackle price gouging, and here
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is what i want to do. i can't remember the last time donald trump said the words middle class. we don't hear them talk about the middle class. we hear him talk about terrorists -- tariffs which will lead to more inflation any started in the presidential administration. we heard him talk about big corporate giveaways that don't trickle down or go into the hands of the hard-working americans. we have a real vision. i am here in oakland county, michigan. people are talking about how this has been a topic. we can't live in a country where the average home is a half-million dollars and people can't get a home for that with the interest rates they are. so vice president harris said as vice president i will build 3 million new homes. it will take a lot of work but we need it because people need to have housing security. >> let's turn to the race in
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michigan. the political report has vice president harris polling three points ahead of trump in michigan which is in the margin of error and they also have your colleague polling eight points ahead of the republican mike rogers in the michigan state senate race which is outside the margin of error and you are favored to win the election in your heavily democratic district this month and describe the state of play for us in michigan. >> michigan is what we know it to be, a sweet state with a good base of democrats and a recent trajectory of democrats winning statewide and looking at the governor, the secretary of state, the attorney general, somebody like myself who flipped a seat and my colleague out in grand rapids.
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and then what is being put together for the u.s. senate is she is showcasing that mike rogers is a big fake and endorsed by trump and over here questioning on national security and it's totally outrageous and he left michigan and was living in florida and tried to move back and do it and it's not working. in terms of the presidential race the democrats have their sleeves rolled up alongside of harrison walz. we know what we have to do and just a little under 80 days and i am looking under that early vote. this accounts and we have to get it out and it is full steam ahead. i am doing campaign events around the clock. i am not stopping until we win. >> staying with michigan, the auto workers union announced a nationwide effort to mobilize members, active and retired, on
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the behalf of vice president harris. a few weeks after the uaw leadership endorsed her for president. michigan is home of much of the unions membership and made up of a considerable share of president biden support in the state in 2020. what is it mean for the vice president to have the support ahead of the convention and the election? >> the uaw is huge and how they are focusing this election. it couldn't be more creative and brilliant in my opinion and i was a part of this kickoff action and we were doing uaw for harris. we had a blast and we did one of the zooms they did now which were trendy and on point and exciting and they would do anything from pet lovers to uaw women for harris on zoom. but what the uaw is doing is digging deep and getting into
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the trenches in a way that we have not seen a campaign do in a while, in part because of covid mac -- covid. she went to the union hall. not with huge glitz and glamour but meeting people where they are. it will play out. it is significant. it will matter in places like oakland county, wayne county, where we need to get out the vote and you see that tight margin. we can do this, but we just have to not relent. >> i do want to thank you very much for being with us, haley stevens for giving us that update from michigan. i do now want to go to a quick word that has occurred in a
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case we were working on and we talked about on the show and it is the case of aj owens, the 35- year-old black mother of four killed on her white neighbors front step when the neighbor shot her through a locked door during an argument last june in florida. yesterday, 60-year-old susan lawrence was found guilty of manslaughter and i spoke at aj's funeral and stayed in touch with the family and talk to the mother last night and we have been talking about that. i am glad to see that some form of justice has been served and we can't bring aj back but the children need to know that the life was valued with this verdict. up next, my political panel. stay tuned.
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welcome back to politicsnation. the democratic convention is two days away. the new york times college poll shows vice president harris has gained significant ground on former president trump in the sunbelt swing states of the numbers are within the margin of error. there is a slim lead for harris in arizona north carolina and
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last week the same poll revealed harris was ahead of trump in three crucial midwestern states also within the margin of error. let's bring in my political panel joining me now as our political analyst and former republican congressman of florida and the democratic strategist and president of the strategy group. those numbers reflect a very different electoral map we saw with president biden in the race just over a month ago. if you were advising the biden campaign -- harris campaign, would you be -- where would you be focusing in on more heavily right now? >> definitely the south and southwest for sure and i say that primarily because a lot of the face of the democratic party and independence are in north carolina and georgia,
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arizona, nevada. a lot of these key states and no disrespect to wisconsin and michigan, pennsylvania. but these are additional places that i think we will need the energy because those margins were a lot tighter in 2020. >> vice president harris unveiled her economic agenda on friday which includes a ban on grocery price gouging, homebuyers and about to extend the child tax credit. listen to part of her speech. >> the middle class is one of america's greatest strength. to protect it then, we have to protect basic the polls, such as salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life.
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such as, no child should have to grow up in poverty. such as, after years of hard work, you should be able to retire with dignity. >> many of her proposals are popular with democrats. will they appeal to republicans and independents as well? >> i think what is as important as what vice president harris is proposing, which, sure, i think a lot of conservatives will reject is the way she is saying it and the way she talks about her proposals are very unifying. what she just said in that clip, most people will agree with those points she made. that is what she is seeking to do. she has the democratic base behind her. she energized that base. you are seeing these numbers
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shifting now. she is talking to swing voters in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, arizona, and north carolina. she is taking a message that most people can relate to. it is the opposite of what donald trump is doing. donald trump is launching personal attacks, being aggressive in his rhetoric. he is repelling the swing voters. vice president harris by just the way she is talking about, with these important themes, she is bringing people into her tent. >> earlier today vice presidential candidate tim walz went to the state he was born in the minnesota governor made a campaign stop in omaha with state electoral rules to allow democrats to pick up a single electoral vote if they are able
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to win nebraska's second congressional district which went for biden in 2020. let's listen to part of his speech. >> this guy is the opposite of everything here. every opportunity he has, he weakens the country to strengthen his own hand. he mocks our laws and sows chaos and division among us. and that isn't even counting the time he was president and the traditional republican party before donald trump contributed much to the state and this great nation. but he isn't that. >> talk about why this tiny district is so important. >> in the tight electoral count, it is important and a single vote like that could decide the election and hopefully we see the campaign is doing all the work to prevent that but that is an area we need to pick up as democrats.
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we have a great shot. he is the home state boy. that is the least republican congressional district in the state. as well as very diverse and has a lot of people who really respond to the message and i really excited about seeing a midwesterner going to the white house and the rest of them have been doing great work to organize that area and i know a lot of the folks there. i think of that as very likely we will pick up that electoral college and it will be very important in the final count. >> donald trump is back in pennsylvania for a rally coming after a week of him struggling to stay on message with several long rambling appearances such as his interview on x with elon musk and his unfocused speech on the economy in north
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carolina and lengthy prince conference at his golf club in new jersey. also, this week, he brought back his former 2016 campaign manager who coined the phrase let trump be trump and what is going on right now in trump world? >> what is going on there it has what always gone on he doesn't listen to anybody but himself and he was asked about this at the press conference and was sincere. he said he will continue doing things his way. things have not gone his way while he has been doing things his way. if we rewind a few weeks, this is a man who has survived an
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assassination attempt. there was a lot of goodwill in the country in the wake of that assassination attempt. he had the opportunity to unite the country behind them and he refused to do it. he let whole cold and -- hulk hogan introduced him and he has gotten more negative since then. this is donald trump being donald trump and not even that assassination attempt could change that. >> thank you both for being with us. up next my final thoughts. stay with us. with us what will you do when the power goes out? power outages can be unpredictable and inconvenient,
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i will be leaving for chicago tonight and preaching at the church of god with bishop frazier and spend the week around looking at people in the democratic convention and not endorsing candidates and not endorsing anyone, but trying to deal with how we bring this country back on track. this is not about an election of a democrat or republican. in my judgment it is something i would call a see election on whether or not democracy can survive with a system in society and not for the powerful or for those in the considered lower classes. that does it for me and thank you for watching and join me tomorrow for another hour of
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politicsnation. i will be live from chicago, illinois, ahead of the dnc convention. after a short break, it is the saturday show. is that tiny troy? the ingredients in head & shoulders keep the microbes that cause flakes at bay. microbes, really? they're always on your scalp... but good news, there's no itchiness, dryness or flakes down here. i love tiny troy. and his tiny gorgeous hair. make every wash count! and for stubborn dandruff, try head & shoulders clinical strength.
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maga meltdown. an angry donald