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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  August 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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all right, that's going to do it for us tonight. i want to apologize to my dogs again for always calling them each other's names. and i want to thank them for still liking me anyway or pretending to. there. we cleaned up all the mess i made. donald trump's sexist and
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misogynistic commentary about women has been out in the open for decades. now his running mate jd vance is infusing the ticket with his own brand of madmen and its era of sexism. here is the gaffe machine putting his foot in his mouth again on fox. >> all these suburban women. all they care about is abortion. they don't understand the decision is with the states now. not banned nationally. it is with the state. what do you say to suburban women out there marinating in this propaganda? >> i think suburban women care about the normal things people care about. >> according to a kaiser survey, three in four women of reproductive age in the united states think abortion should be legal in most or all cases. that figure even includes so- called normal suburban women.
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here is something the trump vance ticket should know a wall street journal poll found it was not just important to suburban women. it was a make or break issue for their vote. now if that wasn't enough this week, we saw another unearthed vance interview, this one from 2020. >> all the classic stuff that grandparents do to grandchildren. but it makes him a much better human being to have exposure to his grandparents. and the evidence on this is super clear. that the whole purpose of the post menopausal woman in theory. >> no woman is safe from the judgment of jd vance. childless cat ladies and now post menopausal females as they love to be called. he denies that he believes that despite us actually hearing him on tape agree with that
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sentence. it may not be obvious to republicans but 2024 is a terrible year to alienate and anger a large swath of women voters. remember it is the first presidential election since the supreme court overturned roe v. wade ending the federal protection of abortion access. in november, voters in eight states will vote whether to enshrine abortion in the constitution. we know women overwhelmingly support the right to abortion. and in every presidential election since 1980, women have voted at a higher rate than men. that's a fact. this rate has become tighter since kamala harris became donald trump's new opponent and vance is hurting him more than helping him. vance is now among the least popular vice presidential candidate in modern history. he is less liked than john
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mccain's running mate sarah palin, believe it or not. some of his unpopularity could be by him failing to mind his own business as tim walz would say. the right wing has tried to bring walz down to vance's level by calling him tampon tim. referring to a law he signed requiring minnesota public schools to provide menstrual products to everyone that needs them. that likely endears him to the vast majority of women unlike republicans who are turning this into a boy versus girl contest. joining me now the busiest person in the podcast industry. great to have both of you. i will start with you. give me your response to jd
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vance and his inability to take his foot out of his mouth and why he seems particularly obsessed with women and what women are doing all the time. >> he doesn't like women. that's the fact. every time he is given an opportunity to correct himself. he just finds a shovel and keeps digging. i think that this last audio of the post menopausal female, just the pure role of an older woman is just to cater to a younger woman having children. and when you listen to that audio, it was like isn't his wife's mother a doctor? like a biology professor? and he is like yeah, she should absolutely leave her job for a year and just take care of children because isn't that what their role is? and every time i listen to it, because i had to listen to it a couple of times. like no. he couldn't possibly. this isn't right. but it is. this is how he feels and he said when asked about the childless cat ladies what did he say? oh i have nothing against cats.
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because that was supposed to endear him more to women? i don't think they believe women are able to vote in this election. i think they believe they are 19th century status. >> if it was up to them, they would probably not want women to vote. >> what do you make of the fact he is now hurting donald trump's ticket? it is hard to imagine something hurting donald trump. but donald trump managed to find the one guy who is actually hurting his campaign. and here he is obsessing about women and talking about them in this disparaging way. >> i think he picked jd vance to make himself look better. i can look less misogynistic next to this guy. i'm awful, but this guy is awful. stds are more popular than jd vance right now. he is sharing his views. the only women who have any value he says are the ones
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childbearing and they should have no choice in it. if they get pregnant, they could carry the fetus to term. the women who don't have children are miserable cat ladies. those who can't have children any longer are there to be carers for women of children. you couldn't get any more dismissive of women. he continues to say grocery prices and stuff like that. women can be concerned with grocery prices and repractive freedom. i think being forced to carry are fetus against your will to term is one of the most egregious things. it is not politics. nothing could be more personal in telling a woman you because of my religious beliefs, you are forced to carry that fetus to term. that is their arrogance and elitism on parade. >> what is the strategy here, right? at the end of the day, they are politicians seeking to win an election. and you know, i'm thinking about and i want to read you this quote from a political
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strategist who advised president bill clinton who wrote a public memo earlier this week. the gap between tow women vote compared to men is likely to widen and could determine the outcome of the upcoming election. what is the freaking strategy here? you to win this group of women over. why are you attacking them? why are you alienating them? why do you think these types of comments are going to somehow help you win an election? >> because i suspect they are going after this idea that somehow women want to be forced back into the home taking care of children and catering to men. there is a whole industry on tiktok and on social media that is all about glorifying the 1950s way of being. and i think in their mind because they live inside of this very weird bubble, think think that is what the majority of women want. you saw, right, senator katie brick sitting in that kitchen
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whispering in the creepiest possible way. what did her republican colleagues say about her? well, she's just a mom. actually, she an entire senator. not a good one, but she is one. they just dismiss women from beginning to end. and are hopeful that their handmaid's tale desires will come true. and look, here's the thing. i think if kamala harris had not become the top of the ticket, i think that we would have been driven by our hopelessness. and that is not something that gets people to the polls. it is something that we just acquiesce to. now that we have this brilliant woman at the top of the ticket, other women are saying yeah. we don't have to acquiesce to these men's desire of this 19th century handmaid's tale version of who we are to be. we have a model of what we can see and what is possible to move america forward. >> and what we should be as a country. and again one of the things the
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overturning of roe v. wade, you see in these state referendums taking place. some of them in staunchly red states. people have come out and enshrined abortion rights into the state constitution. as a republican, you see the results. you know that abortion as an issue is mobilizing voters to the polls in red states. yet again, they are doubling down on this kind of rhetoric. >> look, you mentioned, the handmaid's tail. jd vance, i think that's like a feel good comedy to him. let's take a look at this. the true believers will only change their tactics. >> so is this a play for the extremist religious male right? >> they are emboldened by
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overturning roe v. wade. chipping away. in case after case. not just the dobbs decision. this is their dream. they want to turn america to a theocracy. they want to turn their religion into law. and the taliban has been doing it. and these guys want to follow the same path. they are not going to change. it is not about losing. they will change the game. make it harder to vote. you can't change their minds. >> let me put up this new washington post poll that found more u.s. voters like tim walz than jd vance. 39% of u.s. adults have a favorable opinion of walz. and 32% for vance. do these initial impressions stick? >> i think they are going to grow. the more we see jd vance and the more we hear from him, the
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less we like him. he is not a likable person. that's the thing. >> that is probably why he was picked. >> but i think that donald trump and his campaign thought they had a home run. all they would have to do is ride out biden's age and they would be able to coast into november and then take over the country with their christian fundamentalism. so jd vance was the rubber stamp on the ticket because you know where he stood. he has been so outspoken on the fact that he doesn't believe that women should have the ability to have access to ivf, birth control, reproductive freedom. for donald trump, this is like the younger mike pence in a way for him. to nail down these white evangelical christians that were the basis of his election in 2016. >> he is mike pence without the boring snooze monotone voice of mike pence. >> but he is not actually entertaining either. >> and he would overturn the election results that mike
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pence wouldn't. >> jd vance comes from appalachian background. he should be like, you should get this idea, this is a working class guy. he comes across as an elitest. makes millions of dollars. everything he says, it is like he is talking down to us. >> stick around. we have a lot more to discuss after the break. a new secret video revealing trump's ties to project 2025 and how it is central to a second trump term. should he get one that no one is surprised about. one is surprised about. ♪ (man) yes! ♪ (vo) you've got your sunday obsession and we got you. now with verizon, get nfl sunday ticket from youtube tv on us and get every out-of-market sunday game. plus $800 off samsung galaxy z fold6.
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donald trump's campaign to distance itself from the radical dangerous project 2025 took another huge hit this week. a british non-profit called the center for climate reporting published video of a secretly recorded interview they conducted with one of its key authors. he served as the director of management and budget and now leads the center for renewing america. part of a network of conservative advocacy groups staffed by trump officials. listen to what he said to the two people he thought were conservative relatives of a donor about his plan. >> he has raised money for our
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organization. he has blessed it. i told him i what was going to do. he is very supportive of what we do. >> he also dismissed concerns about trump who has been trying desperately to distance himself and separate himself from project 2025. >> i exexpect to hear ten more times from the rally, the president distancing himself from it. from project 2025 and i'm not worried about it. >> danielle and dean are still with me. this is probably the least surprising video to. coout. it has come out, but i don't think any of us who have seen this circle of people around donald trump, are somehow surprised that this guy is coming out saying donald trump is in on this. >> anybody, right?
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could i show up and say that? hey, you know. >> i'm donald trump's cousin here to fund raise for an event. >> and i'm a billionaire and the doors open wide. i think this video is really important, though. because i didn't know who russell was. you know who the other big names are that are associated with project 2025. but this man that they have essentially named him as the script writer. the one the republicans have welcomed in. for him to say don't worry about what is happening in public, because we got it on lock in private, and then the other clip i don't know if you all will show it, but the one where they are talking about this is the public play book. the other one, the transition plan. we are holding that close to the chest. the 922 page version was offensive enough. so we can only imagine as they are trying to divert the freedom of information act.
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how they are trying to navigate this space. because they know this is unpopular. the fact is they told them. donald trump insisting seeing himself in public. but he is all about it. that a boy in private. flying on private jets. giving them roles in his team. we know what the deal is. so the idea he can distance himself is just more lies. >> and it speaks to a bigger issue of what's happening now in the campaigns. you have kamala harris, tim walz talking economic policy. talking about the threat to democracy. they are giving us what the future and as you said a sense of oh, you know, that's out there. these guys, trump, is running backwards. he is running away from project 2025. he is trying to keep himself out of association with this authoritarian play book. >> he is going to say a few more times but don't believe
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him because he's a liar. project 2025 is their version of fubu. it is so many of the maga people involved in writing it. i do believe donald trump when he said he never read project 2025. >> that part is true. >> there is no way. if there's not pictures he's not reading it. but what he talked about doing in the second. on the trump website. people go look at it. agenda 47. agenda 47 is what is on the trump website of what they are doing to do. mass deportation. the idea of ending the department of education. it's the same idea. it is more spread out, but the essence of maga. >> it's like the diet coke version of 2025. >> diet coke might take offense of that. >> sorry. crystal pepsi. [ laughter ] >> let me play for you guys this other part of this clip
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which i think is an extremely dangerous part. and to your point, it is something that donald trump had said when he was in office. take a listen. >> george floyd, it was honestly not about race. it was about destabilizing the trump administration. we put out a 50 page paper designed for lawyers to know that the president has the ability to vote along the border and elsewhere to maintain law and order with the military. >> so, going after protester ins the country, something we know donald trump favored when it was during the george floyd protesters. something they did not want to do and did not do. but this really speaks to just not to your point, the project 2025 the public is debating
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about and discussing. but then there is this tined of secretive agenda that is way more dangerous they are planning in the pipeline should he win. >> we are not going to let democracy or freedom stand in the way of their dreams. they view donald trump as a vessel to deliver the dreams they have had for years and years and years. the idea first by george floyd. being used by people to destabilize society? it is outrageous on its own. and then you add the military stuff and it is consistent with everything donald trump. project 2025 was not out of the blue. it is all trump stuff put into writing. our freedom is at risk. and i think we all know that. we are all hopeful by kamala harris an the fear is going second bauds we are so tired of being run by fear.
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but we can't forget the fear part. >> this week will be split screen. the dnc will be taking place. you will see what i suspect to be protests. they are expecting 20,000 protesters in the city of chicago. you will see republicans pounce on these protesters and exploit them for their own political gain. how do you think democrats should counter message that? they want to shoot protesters in the knee and go after undocumented immigrants. >> look, i think that the harris walz team believe in democracy. part of democracy is defense. we have the right to speak out against actions that our government is taking that we don't agree with. we have a right to say that our tax dollars shouldn't be going to places that we don't want them to go. and so, i think that they use it as an opportunity to say you know what? we welcome dissent. we welcome people to criticize this country. because we have an opportunity with each generation to make it stronger, to make it better and
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i think that will be the split screen we need to see. first of all, we have to remember had the supreme court made that decision when donald trump was president of the united states, given the president's immunity, do you think he wouldn't have shot the protesters in lafayette square? he absolutely would have. what would have happened? nothing. >> an important point and a reminder of how bad the supreme court got it wrong with that immunity decision. we got a lot more to discuss after the break. i will switch gears. i will be speaking to my old friend and colleague about a new documentary offering a rare glimpse into israeli society's perception of the war in gaza. . eggs make all our family moments better.
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t-mobile's 5g network connects a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. this the soldier saying they destroyed the university. there is no more education in gaza. >> it is humiliating. >> i don't see. there is nothing. >> that was a clip from the new documentary israel's real extremism. the film offers a rare glimpse into israeli society through the eyes of soldiers, politicians, and even prominent media figure and it features everyday people being unfilters in describing the war as the
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world inches toward one year of violence and devastation inside gaza. joining me now is maggie, editor and chief. my good friend maggie, it is good to see you. it shows through extremism that is running through israeli society. you have been covering this war from the very beginning. we have been talking about it ten months now. is there anything new? >> look, we all saw the tiktok of instagram videos that israeli soldiers have put out, stealing children's toys, wearing women's underwear. pretty disgusting stuff. so in basement films in the u.k. came to us with this pitch. this proposal of this film where they were going to talk to israeli soldiers and get them on tape talking proudly about how, you know, they don't see the palestinians really as people. one of the soldiers says in the
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film, of course i'm superior to them. you saw that israeli media personality. he played a clip saying i see nothing wrong with humiliating the palestinians. the boldness of the rhetoric, the complete lack of any shame, the idea that what they are doing is horrifying. it is the normalization of this extremism within israeli society. >> you said one of the most shocking moments was an interview with an israeli mother actively trying to block food aid from getting into gaza. i want to get your reaction to it but i want to play it for our viewers first. watch. >> how is your baby doing? >> it's hard. but i can't stay home. >> are you not concerned by blocking the aid going to gaza, a lot of palestinians who are
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already suffering are starving? >> the aid goes to hamas. >> when you see something like that, people might watch this and say it is a one off or random, it is much more widespread than one mother saying she doesn't want mother to go into gaza because she thinks it is going to hamas. >> first of all, it is shocking to see a mother with her baby trudging across the desert in whatever it is to stop palestinians from getting food on the grounds it is only hamas that gets the aid which is of course nonsense. you're right. it's not just one person. she has a growing group of act cysts. since we made the film, they have been going out and wrecking trucks, setting trucks on fire. it is just this idea that ordinary people in israel have become so numb to the idea that
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palestinians are people with rights, dignity, with a need for food. the idea of playing that clip right there. soldiers laughing on the front line in gaza as they blow stuff up. as they destroy people's houses, schools, universities. for fun. run along the beach as if they own the place. that for me is a sign that israeli society we knew would be moving to the right. to the far right over the years but since october 7th, that has been given booster rockets. the fact these videos are going viral, they are not just producing this stuff, but it is welcomed by a lot of people in israel. one of the soldiers say that my commander wants me to do this. >> the film featured an interview with one of netanyahu's former bodyguards. i want you to elaborate on that. so much of the discussion around whether israel is legally committing genocide in gaza or not is based on the
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rhetoric or the words of officials coming out conducting this war. what their goals are. and you also hear commentary from everyday israelis to that end. >> we wanted to have defends voices in the film as well. >> it is important to recognize, now one of netanyahu's biggest critics. leads protest in the streets against judicial reports. he made a very important point in the film which is lookings we can go after these soldiers. be horrified by what the soldiers are doing. call for them to be prosecuted. punished. we have to deal with netanyahu. and the head of the israeli military, the commanders who are okay with these filming going out. and that is so important. that is where the culmination of the film is.
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and it is called israel's real extremism. but again, where do these videos come from? who is approving them? who is allowing this to happen? you have to go all the way to the top. >> i hope this movie is seen wide and far. what do you hope viewers will take away from this documentary? i know we see this stuff on social media. but, it is not being reported in mainstream media in the united states at large. these horrific accounts, it is not commonly covered to say the least in u.s. media. >> one of the reasons they wanted to fund this film, major media networks decided not to. basement films have worked with major networks but no major networks wanted to touch this
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film. but it is very important we look specifically at what is happening on the ground. too often in our media coverage, in our political debate, politicians are able to get by in talking in broad sweeping statements. abstract statements about we share values and support israel's right to defend itself. great, let's talk specifics and what this film has is specifics. defend the specifics. i would like politicians to watch and say am i okay funding this stuff? >> thank you so much for the incredible and important work you are doing there. >> thanks so much. >> and all of you at home, stay put. worst of the week, the ring kisser's edition is up next. kisser's edition is up next. before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible.
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it is time for worst of the week. doug ducey who once publicly defied donald trump's denialism. he famously ignored a call from trump as he certified the election result ins his state. for a time, that snub made him enemy number one to donald trump. fast forward to this week when ducey chose to endorse him for trump and kari lake for senate despite denouncing her conspiracy theories. and there is former senator richard burke of north
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carolina, one of several republicans who voted to convict him during his second senate impeachment trial saying the evidence is compelling he is guilty of inciting a resurrection against a coequal branch of government and the charge rises to the level of high crime. now, burr, guess what? he has suddenly seen the maga light. >> will you be supporting trump? >> i will be supporting trump. >> i think some people will be surprised to hear you will vote for trump given you voted for impeachment. >> that's not a disqualifier as to whether he can serve. it is a bad choice that i thought the president made one time. >> not a disqualifier to serve. launching an insurrection apparently is not enough to get you disqualified. who do you have? >> bad one time. he chose the wrong tie to go
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with his shirt. a little bit of a clash, for me, it is richard burr. first of all, the man is retired so i don't understand what you are doing this tap dance for. you literally were on the record saying that donald trump was responsible for the insurrection. you were one of a handful of republicans who decided to side with democrats and i would say our democracy and hold donald trump accountable. now you are saying you know what? 34 felonies, adjudicated sexual offender, he's my guy. he did a bad thing once. it's okay. for me i'm like you are a fool. and i don't understand what he is trying to maneuver for here. what he get out of the deal. ducey may be wanting to get back in. but burr is sitting on his couch. >> he is invited to all those mar-a-lago parties. >> he can visit trump in
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prison. >> this is unbelievable. you have richard burr. looking at all the evidence. to overturn an election. it is one time. come on. it doesn't make sense. there are many republican who's are not silent. they are silent they agreed the power. and the tax cuts and everything else that will benefit them. >> we have had this conversation before. when it comes to dictators overseas. part of the fear is actually the threat of violence. you had leaders and dictators
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who would actually kill their people if they were disobedience. what is this fear that that? we understand mitch mcconnell. but i don't understand why people like ducey and burr are doing this. what is the fear factor that has gripped people like this? if people like burr and ducey do not have the courage and the conviction to stand behind what they have said and done previously, why would voters
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who may have shunned trump in 2020 not do the same with their vote this time around? >> yeah. honestly i don't understand it but the republican party is filled with men that cosplay. right? in a way their toxic masculinity. the reality is they couldn't take the insult from donald trump. you had donald trump insult people's wives. insult people's wives on social media and they shook his hand and kissed the ring. if you are a man like that and you can't stand up for your own wife, like, we really think you are going to stand up for democracy? it is silly for us to think that. the thing is about these people, they want to be liked and they want to be in donald trump's club. they do not want to have his ire. the reality is why we may not have had people accidentally get pushed out of windows or die of food poisoning like they do in russia, the reality is we have seen an escalation in violence in this country. we have seen people need to get their own security like mitt romney had to do and pay for it out of pocket. they are both living in fear. living in the spotlight of what maga can provide them.
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>> we are talking about richard burr. nobody thought we would be talking about him for any other reason. let me give you a bonus pick here. president biden told reporters this week that if trump were to win, he would attend his inauguration. he said i have good manners. not like him. this is a show of decorum. can biden say a second trump term will mean the end of democracy as we know it and turn around and come to guy who is ending our democracy? it doesn't compute for me. i don't know why he said that. i don't expect him to attend. if you tell the world he is going to end our democracy, you do not want to be in the photo with the last time our democracy is functioning. donald trump was the first president in over 100 years to not show up to the transition. but you can stop the swearing
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in. sorry, no swearing in on january 20th. i have absolute immunity. what are you going to do about it? joe biden's got it. use it. are you listening? just give me a call. we are going to win the election. vice president harris, tim walz are going to win the election. we don't have to go through this horrific scenario where we are doing the future from canada. >> i believe that joe biden has 40 years of being inside of this democratic institution. he wants to believe that we will proceed into the future. even if donald trump is president of the united states but we all know that is not the case. so unless you are showing up to an inauguration in your pajamas with a sign saying run now run to the american people. get out now, leave. unless you are going to do that. i don't know why you would be there. >> i did not get a chance to ask you about george santos.
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but that is probably for the better. we will save it. there is always next week. we'll have you guys come back on. everyone is sticking around. we do have a bonus round of worst of the week after this. worst of the week after this. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. don't take if allergic to nurtec odt. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. gum problems could be the start of a domino effect parodontax active gum repair breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the 4 signs of early gum disease a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. [music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame.
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round of worst of the week. this goes to robert f. kennedy jr. he beliefs he still has a path to the white house. the washington post reported he tried to set up a meeting with vice president kamala harris. to discuss the possibility of serving in her administration should she win. it is an offer that kamala harris did not respond to or show any interest in. kennedy has denied he begged harris for a job. thursday, he lashed out and denied the vice president an endorsement which guess what? she never asked for. now you have to give it to rfk jr. for being a true independent candidate. last month, he also spoke with trump about a possible job at a second trump administration and guess what? he got absolutely nowhere. my panel is back with me. so, what does jfk, sorry, what does rfk jr. , what is his story? is he trying to be relevant? >> he want to be secretary of
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conspiracy i think. or department of homeland craziness. here's the truth. he was at 9% in the average of polls before vice president harris became the candidate. now he is down to 5%. he had no chance before. he just want to stay relevant. so he lashes out that ridiculous statement. saying he is for freedom? and democrats aren't? he spoke at the moms for liberty convention where they are banning books. he is all anti-vax. conspiracy. he should have run as a republican. he is a right winger. he should be in the maga party. >> so what do you think is happening here with rfk jr. you have to be pretty bad if donald trump doesn't want to have anything to do with you. >> he wants the job right? he should just go on linked in. i don't know why he is not knocking on everybody's door. we heard him on audio with
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donald trump where trump was saying great job. thanks for the work that you are doing. so he knows that there isn't going to be a role for him some place inside of donald trump's cabinet. because he fits right in. he is maga. >> the truth is politically he hurts donald trump more. if there is the incentive, he peels away more from donald trump than he does from democrats. so if there is someone out there who is going to try to make a deal with him to bring his voters in, he would be donald trump. endorse me with your seven voters. if you are robert kennedy, do you take donald trump at his word? >> there was breaking news in
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the commercial, he called jill stein. he is a kennedy! you are a kennedy. i hope someone else in the family, give you something to do. it is so sad. congressman kennedy on my show a lot of times. and john kennedy, bob kennedy. his own family has come out to publicly denounce him. they don't support him. democrats would want him to run, because polling shows in states where he is running he is pulling more are the trump than he is from harris. >> so listen. i said we weren't going to talk about santos but we have 60 seconds. give me your thoughts on him pleading guilty to fraud. expected to on monday. expected to plead guilty on charges related to campaign fraud. surprised? >> no. he is going to prison. i guess i'm surprised he is admitting that he is guilty.
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i thought he would go to his grave being like i did nothing wrong. on his way into prison. but there is video. i mean, the receipts. so maybe he is looking for a lighter sentence? >> which of his personalities are pleading guilty? >> donald trump should take a lesson from this dude. if donald trump loses, he is facing felonies. >> i expect he will spin it to some way saying he is pleading guilty but that doesn't mean he is guilty. >> always a pleasure. thank you so much. have a safe trip to chicago. check in with us next week? >> i will. >> all right. and thank you for making time for us, be sure to come back
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tomorrow when we speak live with former congressman beto o' rourke. and why he believes the republican stronghold could swing in harris' favor. i'm ayman mohyeldin live in new york. have a good night. york. have a good night. the general gives you one with flexible payment options. look, a chemical reaction! oh! [robotic sound] for a great low rate, go with the general. hit it again, gen! nothing makes a gathering great like eggland's best eggs. they're just so delicious. with better nutrition, too. for us, it's eggs any style. as long as they're the best. eggland's best. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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