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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  August 18, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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>> good evening and welcome to
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politicsnation. tonight's lead, sweet home, chicago. >> ♪ ♪ >> i am here tonight in chicago just hours before the start of the democratic national convention, where democrats will -- around kamala harris as their presidential nominee in what has been a roller coaster election season. vice president harris has only been in the race for months -- a month since president biden step aside, and the polls showed she has gained enough ground already to push the contest to a dead heat. the latest nbc washington -- abc washington poll shows --
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and tim walz are on a bus tour of pennsylvania right now before heading to chicago later tonight. here is vice president harris earlier this afternoon in rochester, pennsylvania. >> through these next 79 days, we will continue to build community, build coalitions and remind each other that we are all in this together. >> joining me now from the dnc convention center in chicago, mitch landrieu, national co- chair of the harris-walz 2024 campaign. thank you for your time tonight. obviously, the mood among democrats going into this convention is much different than just barely a month ago, when president biden stepped aside and the party coalesced around kamala harris and we
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have new data from abc and the washington post showing just how much ground harris has gained. she is ahead of trump nationally at 49% to 45% among registered voters. we will note that's within the margin of error. it's a vast improvement of where we were just a month ago. how do you build on the momentum this week? >> reverend, thank you, it's great to see you and great to be here in chicago. a lot has changed in the last 30 days with the one thing that hasn't changed is donald trump is still a convicted felon. donald trump has been determined to be a sexual abuser, a business fraud, he was a terrible president who left the economy of this country in shambles and he's about darkness and greed. that is not not change and he is not said one thing to change
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the way people in america feel that him, but what has changed on our side is that this side of the ticket is fired up and ready to go as you can tell. there's a huge amount of excitement, hope, and optimism and, by the way, thanks to president biden for the incredible decision that he made, one of the most selfless decisions. i know you have witnessed in your incredible life to basically put us in a position where kamala harris and tim walz can bring us into the future that has been dying to be born for quite a long time. a lot of excitement, a lot of joy, and of course, you've seen people around the country responding to that. look at the folks showing up in the places where they usually don't. it's incredible. i've never seen it in my political lifetime and it's something to savor and enjoy. however, the vice president will tell us all time, keep your head down, keep your shoulder to the wheel. this will be a very close race. everyone has to get out and vote and if we do that, we will have a brighter tomorrow for all of us. >> now the harris-walz to get kicked off its bus tour of swing state of pennsylvania
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this morning and route to chicago and the convention. i want to play another moment from the campaign earlier in rochester, pennsylvania. take a listen. >> this campaign is about a recognition that, frankly, over the last several years, there's this kind of perversion that's taken place, i think, which is to suggest, which is to suggest that the measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you beat down, when what we know is the real and true measure of the strength of a leader is based on who you lift up. that is what we see as strength . we know what strength looks like. that is what strength looks like. >> mr. landrieu , what can you tell us about the vice president's message thursday night as she assesses the democratic -- accepts the presidential nomination? >> first well, a meant what she just said. second of all, they've been
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around the block and they are starting the second time. donald trump has been hanging around his place and talking about cheerios and whatever else he was talking about but in that very small clip, you saw a very clear difference between donald trump and kamala harris' vision for america. donald trump's vision is to tear people apart. he's pitted father against son, mother against daughter. he just wants to give tax cuts to the rich and tear everybody down because he think that's how you win and he think that's how you bring america back. kamala harris, her vision is listen, when we are together, when we lift everyone up and not push everyone down, that's when america is the greatest. she will put a little more meat on those bones but essentially what you really just need to know about it, she believes in america. that everybody has a seat at the table and donald trump believes in an america where
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only he is sitting at the table. >> former president trump held his own rally in pennsylvania last night, where he went on a tirade of attacks against vice president harris, calling her both a communist and a fascist, and going on an extended rant about her laugh. trump is also apparently changing his mind about campaigning during the democratic convention, announcing a series of events this week, supposedly on the economy, crime, and national security. what do you make of the message trump has been sending americans at this point in the race? >> well, a couple of things. when he's talking he's generally lying, and in the last couple of weeks, people have been wondering if he is craig cray -- you can hardly
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understand what he's saying. if you want chaos, if you want someone that's constantly tearing someone down, let me just say this if i might lean into this, he seems to have a real problem with the fact that he's running against a woman who is black and he can't understand that whether she is indian or she's black and he's concerned about it. let me try to explain it to him, although i can't understand it for him. you can actually be two things at once. you can be indian and you can be black. you can be irish and you can be italian, or you can be ignorant and arrogant, like he is. in america, we believe in everybody coming together and doing one thing and lifting everybody up. he doesn't have an economic plan. all he has is a plan for himself and his friends. she's got a plan for the future, and i think the energy that you are seeing out there right now is a wellspring of support across the political spectrum, by the way, across geographies where people are finally saying, you know what, i can see a brighter future. i like the fact that we can be strong and kind at the same time because that is what america is really about and she is the epitome of it. >> let's switch to the vice president's emerging economic plan. you serve the louisiana for several years as it dealt with natural disasters like
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hurricane katrina, your background was one of the reasons that president biden tapped you in to help with his signature infrastructure law. having seen how policy plays out in the real world for decades now, how will the harris economic plan centering middle-class tax relief, housing and lower cost, positively impact real people, and can it appeal to republicans and independents? >> 100% because she's going to be focused on building up the middle class. that is where her focus has always been. donald trump's is on tax cuts for the rich and hers is for dealing with all of the things that people suffer with everyday. tim walz and her have been talking about a little girl from oakland, a little boy from nebraska coming together to make sure that we lift up everybody who needs help and whether it's going to be going after corporations for price gouging or these new housing co- ops that are causing people to pay more rent than the -- than
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they used to, just giving people a chance, people who have talents, give them the opportunity to perform and then america is going to be fine. she's going to help make that happen. but we have to keep our shoulder to the wheel. tougher is coming. we have to work hard every day because it's going to be a borderline decision. we have to make it happen. >> all right. thank you, mitch landrieu, national co-chair of the harris campaign. i will probably see you sometime this week, i am sure. >> thanks a lot. >> the day after vice president announced she would be seeking the democratic nomination, more than 40,000 black men joined a zoom call to let the would be first black woman president no that they have her back. one of the organizers of that call joins me now. the attorney general of this state of illinois. we are speaking on the eve of the democratic -- given everything that's happened and
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in this race, what does it mean to have this historic event in your state this year? >> welcome to chicago, reverend. our city, first settled upon by a haitian man who embrace diversity, -- and thought of chicago as a center of trade in the midwest and it's lasted as such until this day. and as mitchell said, who try to undermine kamala harris' identity, having this in chicago, a place that lifts up our diversity, doesn't treat it as a bad word, looks at diversity as something that brings about economic -- exclusive -- inclusiveness. will further lift up kamala harris in the polls and start dispelling some of this misinformation can paid that seems to undermine the campaign.
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>> as i mentioned, you were part of the virtual fundraising call with black men, with tens of thousands joining and raising $1.3 million in just four hours. during the call, you made the distinction of what it means to be strong. you say it shows th to stand behind and support a black woman leader. what type of reception did you get from the other men on the call, and how do you measure the success of the call? >> the call was highly successful. not only because of the money, but because of the messaging. it's not isolated to the black community. the sort of misogyny that has historically existed that doesn't lift up women, either in politics or in corporate america or in church or in public places, we discard that. just like we played earlier with vice president kamala
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harris, lifting people up, we believe if you have a woman who is asked qualified as kamala harris, who served as local prosecutor, served as attorney general, served as u.s. senator, served as vice president, cast a deciding vote for the metrics that lifted us up out of the pandemic, you have to lift her up, and it doesn't diminish your strengths, it shows that you are stronger to lift her up. >> black men are going to be a key constituency in this year's election. right now, the black men vote pac is ramping up in states like michigan and wisconsin to get black men to turn out and vote for the vice president, kamala harris. meanwhile, donald trump has been trying to pick off some black support from democrats in ways that many people find
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offensive, claiming that they would vote for him because he has been arrested, has a mug shot or selling trump seemed sneakers. do you think his entry into the race has undermined trump's pitched a young black man, or is there still more work to be done? >> there still more work to be done. the excitement of a call gives me great confidence that we can be successful and meanwhile, concurrently, the trump campaign, it continues to try to divide us to undermine and you talk about offensive, as a fellow caribbean american, i don't stand up to nobody saying i'm not black. i'm a descendent of slavery, but at the same time, i would a descendent of the indigenous people who were in the caribbean way before columbus arrived there. that doesn't make me any less black. that doesn't make me any less acceptable to the
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disproportionate negative impact of a lot of historical policies within my country and to have some of, a candidate like kamala harris who spoken against it, active against it, it's critically important. >> now let's turn to your work with other state attorney generals who had joined forces to back federal regulation of interstate gun sales. this would restrict individuals from receiving or transferring firearms across state lines without proper approval. this is one example of the importance and the work that you do as ag. as you know, kamala harris is the former california attorney general. as you say, format attorney general of california. talk to me about why this job is an important part of her resume? >> it's critically important. you know. unfortunately when people talk about that, they highlight chicago to frequently although -- national but i can
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tell you that the communities that are disproportionately affected by gun violence in chicago, those communities, we don't manufacture guns, we don't legally sell guns, those are manufactured elsewhere. they are illegally trafficked into the community, into the hands of people who are ineligible to possess them, and taking the lives of our children. gun violence has overtaken car accidents as the number one killer of children in america. not just in chicago, but throughout america. i am proud to, as an ag and collectively with my ag's and working with the vice president to work against gun trafficking and to make sure that we take steps for, to make sure that we make -- take steps to end the trafficking and have reasonable respect of the second amendment, but reasonable
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policies to keep our children and keep our communities safe. >> before you go, i am out of time, but i wanted to get your thoughts on sonja massie, fatally shot by law enforcement. in her springfield illinois -- announced his retirement in the wake of the incident. as you know, i did a rally on behalf of her in -- -- calling for new legislation to -- improve police hiring practices admits the reports that the deputy who shot and killed massey may have had red flags because he had been on six other law enforcement departments. your thoughts? brief, but i had asked you about it. >> no, i appreciate it.
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just days ago, i met with sonya massey's family, along with attorney ben crump. first of all, we've done a lot in law enforcement. i personally sponsored a state senator and attorney general. however, officer grayson should not have been hired from the first police department. he worked at six other police departments within four years. he should not have been hired from the first apartment with two duis and a dishonorable discharge for serious misconduct from the military. if it was me or anyone else, if it was you, someone who look like you or i who applied, at the same police stations, i promise you, we would not have been hired. that is a travesty, just at the cost of life and it should not have happened. >> and you are going to rally around her kids as well, and her mom. thank you, illinois attorney general kwame raoul. coming up, kamala harris winds the endorsement of the national black caucus of the
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welcome back to politicsnation. this week, the national black caucus of the teamsters union endorsed vice president kamala harris. even as the larger union, with -- withhold its -- sean o'brien, who spoke at the republican convention, said the union plans -- after both parties convention. joining me joining me is james kirby. thank you for being with us tonight. let's start with this. why did you ultimately decide to endorse harris-walz ticket before the national teamsters
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have made their announcement of whatever they are going to do? >> you know, we made that decision on tuesday morning. we was less than 90 days before election, and we know that we cannot chance 45 to be re- elected. not after harris and biden championed the savior of our pension funds. not after they took a stand, president biden. the writers when they were on strike. tim being -- championing organizers across this country. all of our members that were affected by the pension cuts. we've got to take our hat off
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to vice president harris for helping us and being there for us whenever una -- nobody else was. >> teamster president sean o'brien angered some teamsters and others in the labor movement by speaking at a republican convention last month. he has argued he wants to bring the union message to people of all political parties. a spokesperson for the teamsters says o'brien has not yet received an invitation to the democratic convention. although they do have plans to host vice president harris for a roundtable discussion in the near future. what are your thoughts? was his appearance at the rnc a good idea? >> opinions vary on that. we have some members that was ecstatic that he showed up to the rnc to speak. his message, some people lost it. some people think that he endorsed donald trump that day at the rnc, which he didn't. his message was clear that the
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teamsters union is not beholden to neither party, but sometime, perception is other people's reality and -- that he was actually endorsing and some of our members paid attention to the message, some of our members did it, but we cannot do is wait and i say this. the teamsters union, the black caucus could not wait to actually get our boots on the ground to actually help harris to be elected as our next president. >> now labor leaders have lined up in support of vice president harris and yet many rank and file union members, especially in manufacturing industries have drifted towards donald trump and the republican party. how do democrats -- what do democrats need to win them back? >> i think we need to --
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democrats need to actually be honest with the working people and have a clear message, direct message, about the working people in america and there's a lot of people that are not waving to the republican party. they are staunch democrats, they actually understand that vice president harris, a champion of labor, she's fighting for us, she's fighting to help keep our pension funds active in where they need to be at and i think we just got to amplify that message in the swing states. we've got to amplify and move the numbers and -- new hampshire by actually putting boots on the ground, talking to current union members, moving them and their fellows up. we have to actually make sure we move our members in wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, nevada, arizona, georgia. georgia being one of the lowest states in union density, but if we actually get out and talk to
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our membership, the family, and the neighbors, we can really -- we can even possibly move north carolina back to the democratic party, but we have to put boots on the ground. have those hard conversations. >> now, lastly, according to government numbers, there were a record 14.4 million union members in the united states last year, with nonwhite workers driving the increase. black union membership increased by over 120,000. the highest in two decades. can you speak to the situation for unionized black workers right now? >> unionized black workers are stepping up because they are not taking anymore bs, i would say. they know they're worth. they know their power. just as teamsters national black caucus, we know our power.
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they will not be so short anymore. they know they're worth in stepping up and holding corporate america accountable. >> okay, thank you for being with us, james curbeam, chair of the national black caucus of the teamsters union. coming up, will we see chaotic scenes in anti-israel demonstrations, and how should nominee kamala harris address these groups? politicsnation's will be back, live from chicago. ground shipg from the united states postal service. ♪♪ frizz. dryness. breakage. new dove 10-in-1 serum hair mask with peptide complex. fortifies hair bonds
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at a molecular level. helps reverse ten signs of damage in one minute. keep living. we'll keep repairing.
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and is honored to be with this leader, i'm honored with someone who's out doing politics with a smile on her face and a sense that everyone matters and we are in this place to say it's not just a
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cliche. our future is with you and we have a responsibility to deliver to you in good shape to give you a good shot at the future. >> that was vice president kamala harris and running mate minnesota governor tim walz just minutes ago campaigning at a high school in beaver county, in western pennsylvania. they attended a football practice and the vp also delivered pastries to the firemen at the fire station nearby. tomorrow, the democratic national convention is set to begin here in chicago, not only will there be a focused on what's happening inside of the united center, but also we will be paying attention to activity outside of it. right now, there are at least six major protests planned on the streets of chicago during the dnc, the biggest one is planned for tomorrow night, where a pro-palestinian group says tens of thousands of are expected to march just blocks away from the convention. let us now bring in my political panel, matt down, former chief of -- former chief
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strategist purplish-cheney 2004 , and basil. -- democrats obviously don't want a chaotic scene during the dnc. is there something vice president harris and governor walz can do to seek these concerns? >> i think it will protest anyways, whether they engage the individual groups before hand or after the convention or not. i think they are still going to be there. i don't know that you would have a similar situation as you did in michigan where they are actually in the building, interrupting speeches, that might be possible, but the truth is, you know, these protests have been ongoing for several months now, unless there is some kind of cease-
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fire or some kind of other, some other solution, i imagine that these protests are going to continue and the convention is not going to be immune from that. the campaign might decide to meet with them beforehand. again, i don't know that that necessarily tamps down the protests or the intensity of the protesters themselves. >> matt, today, we are getting our first look at the lineup for the week's convention and it features many democratic party favorites like x president obama, clinton, as well as the former first lady, michelle obama, who is speaking on tuesday. do you think we should also see some appeal to republicans and independent voters as the republicans did with celebrities like hulk hogan, and who do you think those people should be?
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>> well i definitely think you are going to see that. i think the harris campaign is really smart. they've been really smart in the last few weeks and have shown by what they've done. i think they will have republicans and independents , but one thing that you want to keep in mind, two of the most popular people among independents and republicans who are likely to vote for a democrat are michelle obama and former president obama. and so yes, people like adam can finger are already -- kissing your -- but using michelle obama and former president obama -- powerful voices to convince independents and swing voters to vote for this ticket and i would say that half or more of the speakers at this convention are going to be far more popular than anyone that spoke at the republican convention, just a month ago. that is the benefit. >> now, basil, the loophole
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from the -- the pole from washington post, abc, and ipsos, given the margin of error, that's pretty close, but definitely an improvement from july when biden was tied with trump in the same pole. some republicans have suggested harris' numbers may have plateaued, but do you think she has significant room to grow in the polling, postconvention and the postconvention debate? >> i think she can get a convention bump, the kind of bump that donald trump really didn't get so i expect her to get a bump out of the convention. i expect there will be a bump from any debates, not just between kamala harris and donald trump. but also between tim walz and j.d. vance, assuming that tim walz
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-- expected, given what we have heard from him so far. so i do think that those bumps will come and it is incumbent upon the campaign to keep that momentum going, particularly with a timeframe here. but i will caution everyone, democrats and independents who are looking at this, that there will be some challenges ahead and how to face those challenges really will make them different in this race. from any criticism that sort of weighing them down. i think quite frankly, he's already logged it at them, it hasn't stuck. that's a good sign. that's a really good sign for them. >> match, staying with the same poll, khmer harris -- kamala harris has favorable ratings of 45% and 44% unfavorable. donald trump's approval rating is just 35% with 57%
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unfavorable. as you pointed out on x this morning, his favorability is lower today than when he lost in 2020. do you think these numbers could be leading indicator of some softening in his support, which has remained very steady all your long? >> i think that's a very good point, reverend. i think with what happens in the polling, the first number to change is enthusiasm, and we have seen that number change over the last few weeks. the next numbers that change our favorability of a candidate, and that number has pointed out, it's fundamentally changed, and now we are seeing the head-to-head ballot number change, which is the last of this. i would suggest that what we are seeing today is actually underestimating vice president harris' support, i don't think
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this race is going to expand very far from a five or six point lead. i think that's the longest, that's the highest delta that you are going to see in a polarized country. what i think could happen coming out of the convention and as a debate, as basil has mentioned, is not so much an expansion of a lead, but a solidifying of the lead based on the favorability numbers and based on the enthusiasm numbers. so that is a tough thing to do. she doesn't necessarily need to get beyond five or six points ahead, but if she can solidify that number so it's hard to change, it makes it very difficult for donald trump to move this race and be competitive. >> matt and basil, thank you for being with us. coming up, black church leaders say vice president kamala harris is the perfect warrior to fight trump to help take on christian nationalism, to fight against project 2025. we will speak with one of them after a short break. break. a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. still have symptoms from moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease after a tnf blocker like humira or remicade?
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welcome back to politicsnation. the black faith community is mobilizing around vice president harris, with some black faith leaders calling her the best choice, not just to take on donald trump, but also a growing christian nationalist movement aligned with him. driven by race, racism, homophobia, and exclusion. joining me now is this a -- bishop joseph, founder of interconnected justice.
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thank you for joining us tonight. you are one of several -- and this republic in -- and for that recently -- eat that vice president harris is the perfect warrior at this warrior. can you elaborate? >> thank you so much. very good to be with you, reverend sharpton. we definitely believe that vice president harris is the perfect warrior to partner with a new liberation christian of movement that will put -- push back against project 2025. when we look at the movement of autocracy that's sweeping the globe, it has a very hyper masculine defense. when we look at putin or even -- vice president harris certainly and biden's -- and
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bodies of feminine strength and power, and what she embodies onto herself as a direct confrontation to this hyper masculine -- that you see driving autocrats around the world. >> i'm seeing a lot of black national groups, -- franklin richardson, in chicago this morning, one of the major churches, the church of god, reverend briber and, bishop byron, many are not officially making endorsements of a candidate, but are really, really taking a hold against project 2025, but this week, and banjo for -- heavily featuring the late evangelist billy graham and criticizing trump over his comments on faith over the years and as vice president harris tries to make inroads into christian
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voters like having the granddaughter of billy graham, who endorsed the vice president this week on a zoom call held by evangelicals for harris, adding that she thought donald trump's support from some faith leaders was turning people away from christianity. do you get the sense that more white evangelicals would reject trump and this election and support harris and despite that , she has views that some may disagree with on abortion and lgbtq rights? >> i do think that there are white evangelicals that will potentially come out in their support for vice president harris, but i think it is important for us to be very clear about the history of the involvement of the religious right as a political force that, for many years, has been leveraging christian -- in
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order to drive the nation toward becoming more autocratic. it's important for us to go back to the supreme court decision in the 1980s in which the court stated with relation to bob jones university that any entity that would discriminate on the basis of race would lose their tax exemption status. in response to that decision, the extreme religious right made a decision that they were going to take back the nation. so, in fact, the maga movement was cooked up in the laboratory of the extreme religious right and they were the ones who decided that they were going to undermine electoral politics, capture the supreme court, and that they were going to erode the rule of law, all in the interest of imposing their corrupt radicalized version of christianity onto the rest of the country. so in this movement, in this moment, there is an opportunity for christians at large to take on the liberation mantle of social justice to leverage the faith, to push back against white christian supremacy.
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>> now you and i have mentioned in this program, project 2025, you have been sounding the alarm in the black faith community about the pro-trump right-wing playbook. taking as a man of god, what do you find particularly offensive about the things project 2025 threatens to do, if it were to be enacted? >> project 2025, we must understand, is a modern-day rear articulation of the christian faith as a tool of oppression. the components of project 2025 that i feel are so destructive it is it is fully intended on undermining the gains of american civil rights movement. it is fully focused on making sure that the black church on many levels does not have the leverage that it used to have many years ago in order to really come back and combat this particular movement. it's the ways in which project
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2025 is promoting a sense of whiteness as the only viable social alternative for people to achieve. we often talk about folks on the right religiously who say they don't see race, but the truth is they don't. all they see is whiteness and what project 2025 is doing and is we will eradicate and destroy the idea of blackness and black solidarity in the interest of moving all americans towards assuming or adopting whiteness not only is the cultural identity but really as the religion, as well. >> all right, bishop joseph tolton, thank you for being with us tonight. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us.
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growing old is part of the journey, even when you have heart failure. but when he had shortness of breath, carpal tunnel syndrome, and lower back pain, we wondered, could these be warning signs of something bigger? thank goodness we called his cardiologist because these were signs of attr-cm, a rare and serious disease... ...that gets worse over time. if you see any of the warning signs, don't wait, ask your cardiologist about attr-cm today.
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as the democratic national convention begins tomorrow, many people are coming from different ways of approaching this election and i have said to people, no matter who you ultimately support, this is not about whose side you are on. trump or harris. it is about who is on your side. what do you believe in? what do you stand for, and what do you think is best for this country? what is, in my opinion, not an option, is not to vote at all. this is the clearest in terms of what candidates stand for and how they see the future of
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this country. the clearest election i have seen in my lifetime. it also puts a lot at risk, civil rights of blacks, of latinos, of lgbtq, of people that want, as women, the right to make decisions over their own body. we have so much at stake here that it should not just be around personalities. though personalities can symbolize causes, but you must ask yourself, what it is you stand for and what it is you believe in and you may never be one to be on the news or one to be a prominent person in social media, but you have the power of one vote and if you use that vote, it will tell you who you are and what you are about. use that vote to defend your
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rights and the rights of others and make this country what it should be. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i will see you back here next weekend at 5:00 p.m. eastern. until then, stick with msnbc for this week's coverage of the democratic national convention in chicago. i will be joining multiple shows throughout the week. after the break, it's the sunday show with jonathan capehart. t-mobile's 5g network connects a hundred thousand delta employees so they can make every customer feel like they've arrived before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t-mobile for business. (husband) we just want to have enough money for retirement. (wife) and travel to visit our grandchildren.s further (fisher investments) i understand. that's why at fisher investments we start by getting to know each other. so i can learn about your family, lifestyle, goals and needs, allowing us to tailor your portfolio. (wife) what about commission-based products? (fisher investments) we don't sell those. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in your best interest. (husband) so how do your management fees work?
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