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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  August 18, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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that's it for me. thanks for watching. i will be back and make saturday and sunday at 6:00 eastern. follow us yuki the handle take part. hello. i'm adrian and this is dateline. >> it can't be. it can be. he was so big in my life that the thought that anything bad could have happened to him
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didn't make sense to me. >> glamorous, good-looking, golden. the dashing hollywood movie executive. >> it was like a movie star in real life. >> so charismatic. >> he completely dropped off the face of the earth. >> where was he? >> my dad is not just a missing person. he has three sons and a wife. >> i thought that something terrible was wrong. i got scared. >> a handprint in blood in a musical chairs of affairs. >> yeah multiple affairs? >> yes, there was more women. >> i wanted to get away. scared. >> how with this act?
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>> i would just fear for my family. i did not want to lose my dad. >> like who are these people? >> hello and welcome to dateline. kevin smith was a larger-than- life guy who lived life to the fullest. he was not the type to slip quietly into the night. when he suddenly vanished without a trace, gavin sister wonder why his wife lisa wasn't doing more to find him. as the months turned into years, that the disappearance would uncover secrets about their marriage. here is keith morrison with dark valley. >> there is a kind of peace here here in our chosen exile, the vast for company. how else to live with what's
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impossible to understand or forget? what began that sunday afternoon far away in southern california san fernando valley, early may, 2012. >> something was really wrong. a lot more than what i could have imagined. >> it was the boy who knew something was wrong. his dad was supposed to take him to school that morning but after school. >> i was supposed to go to the school to pick him up after basketball practice. he said, that he didn't show up this morning. >> you can happen, busy families, people forget. people got to us? some other way. >> he said that he called different from around the corner. >> or sometimes things fall
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apart. >> the situation sounded too crazy. love affairs, love triangles, drug dealers. it just sounded too outlandish. >> once those they pull, loving pieces fall apart, how do they come back again? >> how do people sleep at night. how do they live with themselves? >> that afternoon lisa smith knew instantly something must be long. her husband gavin was a dedicated father. >> nothing would keep him from picking up his kid ever. >> because gavin was so good at these things that his sister tara said he was so impressive, so tall. >> you both got the tautology. >> we did. >> the whole family? >> the whole family. >> i was six foot six inches. >> he worked in the room and you noticed him and you were gravitated to him. >> he played basketball for ucla in 1975 and he was a
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forward. >> just to be on that team was fantastic. it was a once-in-a-lifetime. >> and then he drifted a bit, worked as a golf caddie and this being los angeles, and he a good-looking, towering athlete, people noticed him. movie people. >> they gave him a couple rules and he got the bug. >> the acting bug. first as a body double back on the basketball court in the movie inside moves and then as a bartender in cop. >> congrats, al. >> when he met lisa, he was acting and waiting tables. >> he was charming. mr. that he asked me for my number. >> they married, had three sons together and with a growing family to support, gavin gave up acting and took a job on the business side of 20th century fox and eventually as a film
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submission executive. >> box is a wonderful company to work for and he loved it. >> the first place lisa called when gavin failed to pick up her son. was he at work that day? >> they told me that he had just not showing up to work. gavin in 18 years has never, ever not shown up to work. >> lisa very worried now, went to the sheriff station to report gavin missing and waited and waited. days later, gavin's family went on nbc 4 in los angeles to plead for help. >> i'm not going to stop until i find him, so please let me find him. >> now i'm in panic mode. we have to do something. >> what did not feel like we being in that spot? >> it was surreal. >> the smith family put together a $20,000 reward leading to gavin's whereabouts. nothing turned up. >> i would think with every hour that went by, it would be
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more and more dire and darker for you. right? >> it's very dark. it's very, very dark. >> it wasn't just the family having to thoughts. >> there was suspicious circumstances. >> in this case, they call sheriff's detective tyler bay and his partner. >> the phone was missing and there was no use of it. we checked his bank accounts from the time he was missing. we checked his medical insurance to see if he checked himself into a hospital. he was completely dropped off the face of the earth. >> then out of nowhere, a siding, hundreds of miles north of los angeles, a businessman is in california cities all gavin smith and a beautiful woman at a cash on taco restaurant in morro bay. >> they clicked on the link, saw the photo and i said, oh, boy. >> the witness cooperated the
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story. gavin sister tara raced up the ghost of the restaurant and i said, here's my brothers pitcher. did you see him? >> and? >> no. that was truly heartbreaking to me. >> it was all a big mistake but it wasn't the last of the sightings. people seem to see gavin smith everywhere. >> because he stands out in the photo, a big, white smile, tanned face, tall guy, pretty much every tall, tan, blond haired man was getting the spotted as being gavin smith. >> weeks and months passed and no sign of gavin, and with no answers, lisa was forced to reveal something publicly. something painful, but may be crucial. >> coming up, what had happened to kevin smith. >> it didn't make sense to me,
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and so i just kept, no, it can't be. it can't be. >> we set i think this is a suicide and then we would go, i think this is a murder and our instincts are going different ways. >> you thought that she had something to do with this? >> it crossed our minds all the time. somehow it kept playing back. why won't you search? why? >> when dateline continues. co . it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin, some even achieved long-lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes
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gavin smith, was his family's golden boy. his sister tara grew up in his aura and idolized him. he, of all people, should not just up and vanish. >> it didn't make sense to me. so i just kept, no, it can't be. it can't be. i just kept hoping. i did everything i could. >> even as she ran down the herself, lisa, her sister-in- law, gavin's wife, wasn't searching. >> he disappeared and you could not give up on the possibility that he was out there somewhere and i wonder if there was darkness in your so where you
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wondered if she had something to do with this. >> it crossed our minds all the time. it did. it just did. did i think she could read responsible? no, but somehow it kept playing back, why won't you search? why? the only way somebody does a look for you is if you already know definitively they are no longer living. >> you must have a reason for knowing that. >> that's what i would assume. >> it turned out lisa did know something, just not what tara suspected. there were secrets, which was set and gavin kept hidden.
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>> i was the love of gavin's wife. he adored me. our family was exactly what he wanted to have, he just got lost. >> lost. it started in the early 80s, even before she met gavin, when he was a stuntman on the tv series remington steel. he played a shooting victim, falling from a second story window. the stunt went wrong and he broke his back. >> he would get pain pills for his back. usually percocet or something like that for pain. when that didn't work anymore, he was prescribed oxycontin. he was addicted to it. >> he went to a drug rehab center called the matrix institute here in the san fernando valley. >> he clearly stopped using and he was feeling healthier than he felt in years. >> when detective john o'brien learned about gavin's addiction, they had to consider a raft of new possibilities. >> he disappeared. maybe he overdosed. >> driving all over the valley, we would have moments in the car where we looked at each other and said, i think this is
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a suicide and an hour later we would interview somebody or something would happen and go, i think this is a murder and our feelings and gut instincts are going different ways very early on very fast. >> it has to be very unusual. >> it was very confusing. >> confusing for lisa to because here was another secret. the smith were underwater on their mortgage on the verge of losing their home. >> we were in a horrible position financially. >> lisa discovered that before he disappeared, gavin had been taken money from his retirement account and recklessly blowing through his six-figure salary and there were other signs of strain in the family. in april 2012, a month before devon disappeared, his son wrote this message on twitter. thoughts and prayers out to my amazing mom and brothers, please, my dad decided to leave the family last night. real family sticks together.
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>> he was struggling with losing what he had come to know and love for so many years and that was his family united and he didn't want to hurt those boys and that's what he kept saying. i don't want to be without them. >> as much as he loved his boys, detectives learned, gavin had been unfaithful to his wife and had been seeing a woman named melanie and now that gavin had disappeared without a trace. >> we went to talk to her and see if she had any information. >> did she? >> no, the relationship had ended and she had not talked to him and she did not know where he was at. >> although melanie was the reason he moved out before he advantage, he was not her first affair. there was a woman a cheney.
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phone records show that gavin called here on may 1st, the day before he disappeared. cops tracked her down too. >> what did she tell you? >> she acknowledged the prior affair and she said she had not been in contact with him for some time but they started communicating via email. >> that would explain the fact that he called her on the phone. >> she said she didn't see him. >> we felt the vehicle was still out there somewhere. >> so find the car and maybe found out what happened to gavin and nine months after gavin vanished, they finally got the break they were looking for. >> i said i'm here to talk to about your daughter and he started crying and he said, she saw everything. >> coming up. >> we waited until she showed up and surprised her.
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>> a new witness in a game changer of a clue. >> is my partner on the cheek. it was really exciting. huge moment. >> you think you can't be shocked, but you can be. >> when dateline continues. co i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds. i lost some weight. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®.
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like it or not, it's a fact, an element of human
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nature, some people have affairs. some of them just planes and others, a lot more and as detective tyler faith poked through gavin's life, one name kept popping up, chan d. she had already told the detectives that she and gavin had an affair years earlier and that he called her right before he vanished but now, nine months after gavin disappeared, the detectives got a tip, her father knew more. >> her dad started telling a tale about something his daughter may have seen and he was distraught and wanted to talk about it and he still, well, do you know reina? and i go, yeah, i know the name. >> reina lynn lived with sandy and took care of her grandmother. she said that she knew something, something portland. >> he goes, i think she knows
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where the car is. >> they drove out to see reina. >> we waited until she showed up and surprised her. sometimes it works better that way. she was very nervous and startled i wasn't quite sure what to door but she provided us with the paperwork to the storage locker. >> reina storage locker was a big one, 10 feet by 20. >> we pulled the door open the only thing in it was the black mercedes-benz. >> wow. >> huge moment. >> a black mercedes. atopy his vehicle. >> i kissed my partner on the cheek. >> crime scene, yes. suddenly all other theories seemed to fall away. >> passenger seat was covered in blood, and at one point it was very eerie where you looked
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at the blood and you could see the hand mark of gavin smith as he died in that seat. >> soon the news reached gavin's family. tara was devastated. >> there is no going back from that. >> there was no going back. >> you accepted it? >> you know, you are forced. trauma happens to people all the time. you don't think it is going to happen to you, but it does. you know, when you are ready expect the worst, you think that you can't be shocked, but you can be, is all i can say about that. >> but if gavin was dead, and certainly it looked that way, where was his body? how did his car wind up in the storage locker and above all, who would have wanted him dead? reina lynn seemed an unlikely suspect. she said she had rented the storage unit for someone else. meanwhile, detectives looked
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further into the affair with gavin and discovered the two had met in rehab. listen two years before gavin disappeared, lisa found out about it. >> i was heartbroken. >> she took an extreme step to save her family. she and two of her sons, then 14 and 20 went to her house to speak family to family. >> i was really upset when we were driving there, so i stayed in the car and that my sense going the house. >> but they didn't meet cheney in there, they met her husband. his name was john, john creech. >> when i came out, they were both crying. >> they told their mom that to creech threatened to kill gavin and 17 months later he vanishes after calling her. lisa had a very bad feeling.
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>> everything change rather than for me. >> detectives were suspicious too. remember, she told them she did see gavin that night, but there was evidence to the contrary. cell phone record shows gavin's and hers were in the same place that night. a little triangulation narrow down just where. >> game on the street your and thought, this is a likely spot. >> a likely spot for a twist, that is. >> the parking lot would be empty at night. >> this is a pretty lonely spot. >> it is. >> it seemed that on the night he disappeared, gavin smith met her for sex or comfort or just a talk, something. quite a lot to learn from those phone records, but there was more. a third phone, john creech's phone in the same spot on the same night and this was eerie.
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creech's phone seemed to be moving in sync with gavin's. >> john and gavin's phone parallel to each other. >> together? >> together. sometimes hitting off the exact same towers or parallel towers. >> what was that like? >> that was an eye-opening moment. >> when they interviewed him. >> he said he ever met with gavin smith. one thing we didn't have with gavin smith. >> that is, they had no body, no way to prove who killed gavin or that there was a murder at all. that is, until a dog named buddy went for a walk. >> a real life doggie detective who makes a deadly discovery on a deserted trail. coming up. >> i-, but he, stop. he was just looking at the bush
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and i was like, wow. that looks pretty strange. i was without words. you know? i didn't know what to do. >> and a young woman finds herself in the middle. >> i discovered that he had scrapes on his hands and on his arm. >> when dateline continues. bef. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪
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much of the northeast is recovering after heavy rains on thursday and this led the flash flooding across the region. a restricted hurricane ernesto brought current as well. we are hours away from the kickoff the democratic national convention in chicago and president biden is set to deliver the keynote speech tonight as protests expected to continue across the week. now, back to dateline.
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welcome back to dateline, i'm andrea canning. it had been over two years since gavin smith, a charismatic entertainment executive and family man had vanished. detectives had a major break in the case when they discovered gavin's missing mercedes and his buddy handprint on the passenger seat and there was also a person of interest, the jealous husband of the woman that kevin was having an affair with, but there was still no body until an inquisitive dog named buddy bounded on the scene. here is keith morrison with dark valley. >> rocky ramos liked to drive his truck out to the outskirts of the angeles national forest, a place where people continue to talk things, like old tvs and maybe some furniture. rocky liked the poke around up here always with his dog buddy by his side.
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>> he would be mad if i didn't take him. >> in october of 2014, they were five minutes into the hike when something curious happened. >> we were walking up this area right year and he runs to a bush and i go, but he, stop and he's just looking at the bush. we go up there and we are looking and it's like, wow. that looks pretty strange. >> buddy had made a grim discovery, a human skull. >> i was just totally amazed. i was without words, you know? i didn't know what to think. >> when police arrived, they found a shallow grave nearby. >> that's where they found him. >> him. the corner soup confirmed it. after 2 1/2 years, here is the body of gavin smith. >> the clothing was intact and he had been wrapped in his own blanket. >> the corner found the cause
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of death, and it was grim, blunt cranial facial trauma. that is multiple close to his face. he was beaten to death. >> it was repeated hitting. very violent. >> there were also fracture to the right forearm and gavin had tried to fight, but clearly he was no match for his killer, whoever did this was strong, very strong. >> powerhouse gym was gossipy, so if you told the wrong person something, your secret would be all over the gym. >> lauren, just 18 years old back then, asked us not to use her last name, not after she found herself in the middle of a homicide investigation when police came across her while doing surveillance on john creech. maureen used to work at the pro shop at the powerhouse gym in california and that is where she first met creech.
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>> it was beautiful. he was tall and he was muscular and a lot of women, especially when it today him and a lot of men wanted to be him. >> lauren fell for him and he told her he was separated from his wife, but that didn't stop her from calling warren. >> she texted and called me and was very belligerent and rude. >> angry, perhaps, that her husband then 39, was dating a high school girl. in fact, sheer coincidence, lauren went to high school with gavin smith sons, show she knew when he disappeared in may of 2012, but made no connection between that and something she noticed about her boyfriend, john creech. >> i discovered that he had scrapes on his hands and his arms. >> she didn't think that she had anything to do with the disappearance? >> when the detective o'brien heard about his grades, he
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thought about gavin smith swanson needed to talk to john creech again and he found him in jail serving eight years on a cocaine charge, his second conviction and dealing drugs, not an upstanding citizen, but could they prove that he murdered gavin smith? >> he went to him and did asking many questions and just put a picture down in front of him with the shallow grave with the wrapped up body. >> how did he react to that? >> not very well. his other phone call was to his attorney. >> there were phone calls from creatures cell phone when gavin vanished. >> it was calling multiple people very intensely. >> three or four calls to the same person? >> some work to his buddies at the gym. >> we had a search warrant and we had everybody that might've
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helped on the evening, we had all those houses all at once. >> one by one those buddy turned. they told how he showed up that night and persuaded one for him to get rid of gavin cell phone and got another friend to hide gavin's car and body in his garage and another told detectives that she saw them burning their own close in the fireplace after gavin was killed. >> this was a strange case. you don't normally find a body two years later after somebody is killed. you don't normally have key witnesses who don't come forward until years later. >> in january of 2015, nearly 3 years after gavin smith disappeared, creech was charged with first-degree murder he pleaded not guilty and chan d,
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well. >> we didn't know if she set it up or had something to do with it. >> coming up, an undercover sting and chan d is the target. >> i was like, stop it. you are going to kill him. he comes out and says, you are next. >> next, a stunning message in the courtroom. >> i was scared. >> when dateline continues. co check. and when my doctor saw damage, rinvoq helped visibly reduce damage of the intestinal lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and visibly reduced damage. check, check and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant.
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detective john o'brien and tyler bay had a problem, an important witness that when it talk. there is more than one way to get a story. they found an associate, somebody who knew cheney and convinced him to wear a wire and meet with her. it worked. >> you want to know the story? >> wants cheney felt safe, she spelled it, all of it, how she and gavin met in secret at that secluded cul-de-sac and got close in gavin's car. >> all of a sudden the door opens and i push myself out this way, god out the driver side. >> creech burst in like a machine, said shandy and started sucking and what it
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quit. >> i was screaming my head off and then he comes out of the car and he's like, your next and i drove off. >> she was terrified, she said, afraid he would kill her too or told the cops that she set the whole thing up, so did she? again and again the detectives listened to the undercover tape. >> i believe 100% that she didn't know that was going to happen and she did not set it up. >> that they wondered if she helped cover it up. it's serious business. she agreed to testify. >> members and ultimate members of the jury. >> in june, 2017, john creech went on trial. on the face of it, it looked like a solid case in the truly appalling crime scene in gavin's carpet did it add up to first-degree murder? gavin smith had been dead five years.
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>> he was killed in his mercedes-benz in an act of almost stunning brutality by the defendant, john creech who is sitting in the courtroom. this became gavin smith too. >> what happened was in an outburst rage. creech had been plotting for two years ever since he found out about chain d and gavin and after that date back in december of 2010 when at their mother's request, gavin son met with john creech at his house. >> we wanted to make sure about my dad. >> were you stopping and crying? >> yes. >> and what were you saying? they testify that creech told them that they did the right thing. >> he said that he saved his life by coming that were day.
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>> there were rules. that's what she said when she took the witness stand. >> as long as their father stayed away from me and had no communication whatsoever, their father would be fine. >> did he say what would happen if he didn't? >> that he would kill gavin smith. he did not want me to see gavin ever. >> still attraction is a powerful thing, isn't it? in 2012, they were separated, but still living together and gavin and lisa were separated too and that old magnetic force, gavin met chandy on that secluded road. >> did the two of you become romantic? >> guess. >> did that include kissing? >> yes. >> while you were kissing
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gavin, did something happen that caught your attention? >> yeah. >> what happened? >> something just popped up and appeared. >> was that something the defendant, john creech? >> yes. >> gavin didn't have a chance, she said. >> he repeatedly punched him in the face. i wanted to get away. i was scared. >> but before she drove away, she looked back. >> john had gavin panned down. >> later she said creech wanted him to drive to the crime scene and she refused to go closer and drop creech off. >> why didn't you take a month away back to the scene? >> i was afraid of what i would see. >> gavin was dead by then and the prosecutor said, creech was not going to the hospital. he was setting out for cover-
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up. >> the first when he causes jorge. >> it was a series of friends who told an incredible tale. >> did you ask anybody, what were you thinking? >> they all ultimately said that they were trying to help john out. >> because he was such a nice man. >> it was such a nice guy. >> when he showed up, he was driving gavin's black mercedes and jorge saw something in passenger seat. >> it looked like a body. >> you said it was wrapped up? >> it was wrapped up. >> eventually jorge got rid of gavin cell phone. >> yes if you could come over and park his car in my garage. >> was the body still in it? >> yes, he allows him to keep
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the body at his house for 5 to 6 days. >> really? >> yes. >> that is when creech turned to rain on. >> and then he uses a van to drive up to angeles national forest and he finds a secluded area to bury gavin smith's body. >> where buddy the dog later found it. the mercedes-benz was still in stan's garage. >> did that upset you? >> very much so. >> weeks later, two men arrived with a trailer. >> did you watch them take the mercedes out of the garage? >> yes, i did. >> that is when they moved the mercedes into the storage locker where months later, the detective notice one crucial detail that survived the attempted cover-up. >> i was looking at the lysing plate and i see that it was not
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there. >> it was gone. >> i see that there is once grimacing and once crew screwed back in halfway and that screw came back positive be dna from john creech. >> bingo. phone records, chandy's testimony, the friends, the dna and they all condemned john creech, but the surprise was coming from everyone. >> raise your right hand. >> coming up. >> i was scared from my life. >> a dramatic tell from the stand. who attacked who? who would the jury believe? >> my skin was crawling. it was really hard. he's a cool man. >> when dateline continues.
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how to defend a man like john creech? it was very simple, creech never intended to kill gavin smith. this was the case of self- defense. >> he had to defend himself against the intruder, the intruder into his marriage. >> and she said only one person
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could tell that story. >> who is the first was you were going to call? >> my client. >>'s attorney asked him about that meeting. >> at any point did you tell them that you were going to kill their father? >> that is absurd. >> two years later when it all happened, they were separated and lived in the same house and he still worried about her and thought she might be drinking and driving, so he installed an app on his phone that allowed him to track her phone and followed her only because he was worried. and then he saw his car parked near gavin's and thought it best to talk to them, but he didn't sneak up on them, he said. >> i knock on the hood of the car. >> was chandy sitting on the left of this guy? >> she was sitting in his lap. i knocked on the passengers window. >> what happened? >> chandy opened the door.
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>> i walked around the door and i was anita to tell him to mind his own business and when i leaned down to tell him he was choking me in my throat. >> it was gavin who through that first punch, so of course he fought back. >> do you recall how many times you hit him? >> four or five. >> when you were doing that, what were you thinking? >> i was thinking, how did i get in the situation. i was scared for my life. >> then gavin got out of the mercedes. there was something in his hand. >> i thought it was a knife and we fell to the ground and went at it in exchange punches. >> did you get that weapon? >> i kept punching him until he dropped the weapon. >> what did you do with the weapon? >> i threw it on the backside of my company.
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>> it was gavin who provoked the fight. >> of stephanie my life. i was not going there looking for a fight. >> i think he lied about everything he said. >> on cross-examination, the prosecutor went straight for that multipurpose tool. >> so tell us why in the world you would get rid of this weapon that gavin smith had used to attacked you with. why would you get rid of that? >> i didn't get rid of it, there are behind my house where i knew it would be all right. >> why would you do that? why wouldn't you just leave it where it was? >> at the time, it seemed like the right decision. >> he admitted he had made wrong decisions too, like asking friends help them dispose of gavin's phone and car and body. >> i take full accountability. if i could change it, i would. >> sir, actually you never took full accountability, because you never came forward.
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>> no, and i still take accountability for that. >> lisa smith was in the courtroom to hear his testimony. >> my skin was crawling. it was really hard. it was really hard. he's a cool man. >> jury deliberation stretched across two days and then the verdict. >> we the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant, john creech, not guilty of the crime of first- degree murder of gavin smith. >> not guilty of first-degree murder, but the jury wasn't done. the verdict guilty of voluntary manslaughter. in other words, they believe john killed gavin smith in a moment of blind passion. >> i was devastated by the verdict. i'm still devastated by the verdict, because he did absolutely plant to murder my husband and thought about it for years and did it. >> what about jorge's friends?
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>> they both had significant criminal liability. >> why weren't they charged? >> we needed to be able to have them tell their story about how this man was killed and what happened to him. >> they both got immunity. same thing for chandy. >> it seems that everyone got deals and got off and gavin was a victim long after he was murdered. so are we. >> john was sentenced to the maximum for manslaughter, 11 years in prison. >> the da in detroit, michigan, indicted mr. creech on federal traffic charges. >> in 2019, he was convicted of conspiracy and he was served 10
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years in a california state prison. lisa smith has done her best to restart life. she lives in hawaii now, far from the wreckage of that california life that never was quite as perfect as it looked. >> it's painful to remain there. so it's starting fresh. it feels like sanctuary. >> that's all for this edition of dateline. i'm injury a cannon. thank you for watching. texan who everybody seemed to ed love. >> caring, loving, compassionate. >> why did she have this remnant


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