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tv   Politics Nation  MSNBC  August 24, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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good evening and welcome to
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politicsnation . tonight's lead : after party. there are 73 days till the election and, tonight, democrats are catching their breath and gearing up to capitalize on their historic convention. vice president harris wrote a wave of enthusiasm for her whirlwind campaign into chicago this week. thursday night, she brought the house down with a speech aimed not only at members of her own party, but independents and republicans, as well. >> i know there are people of various political views watching tonight and i want you to know. i promise to be a president for all americans.
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i will bring together labor and workers and small business owners and entrepreneurs and american companies to create jobs, to grow our economy, and to lower the cost of every day needs. >> in my capacity as head of the national action network, i had the great honor to participate in this celebration of the strength and diversity of our nation. standing in solidarity with my mentees, the men of the exonerated five, invoking the future of social justice, and honoring my mentor, the reverend jesse jackson. we will talk about everything that happened at the democratic convention, as well as what comes next ahead on politicsnation. plus , we will celebrate the life of a trailblazer who passed just a few days too soon to see the first african american woman ascent to the
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top of the democratic ticket. the daughter of congresswoman sheila jackson lee joins us to talk about her campaign to serve out the rest of her late mother's final term alongside former houston mayor sylvester turner, who is seeking to carry on the congresswoman's legacy for years to come. joining me now is congresswoman williams. my friend and a democrat from georgia. the congresswoman, it's great to see you again. you know we will get to george's moment during the dnc call this week, but, first, for my audience, i want to play more of the vice president's call to action thursday night. take a listen. >> america, we are not going back. but we never gave up because the future is always worth fighting for. and that's the fight we are in
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right now. a fight for america's future. i see a nation that is ready to move forward. ready for the next step in the incredible journey that is america. >> the vice president and governor walz are reportedly regrouping after the convention and then they will be in your state this week kicking off a bus tour of southern georgia and taping their first joint interview as they enter the final stretch. how would you characterize democrats' push over the next few weeks to capitalize on the momentum coming out of this convention? >> reverend al, i think you had it well. were capitalizing on the momentum.
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what we saw on the convention stage when my next president took the stage for the biggest address of her life was a joyful warrior. there was joy. but we know there is a fight in the struggle to make sure that we move toward the future so when she arrives with governor walz next week in battleground georgia, i cannot wait to welcome them, to get on the campaign trail in the state that i was born in, the state that i'll call home, to introduce her to georgians that may not know her as well as i do? so we are going to take this tour on the road. we are not going to be right here in metro atlanta. we will go and introduce her to some of those small towns like the one i grew up in. and so i am looking forward to it because we know that most americans, like most georgians looking for a candidate that can unite this country. they are looking for a candidate to lead us into the future, and we are done with the divisive politics of hate and the path of donald trump and his republican party. >> now you have been described as a protigi of the vice president, who you, like many, described as a joyful warrior. and that joy permeated
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throughout this convention. one of the best examples being george's roll call where you quoted atlanta rap group, outcast and rapper lil jon came out and turn the crowd all the way up. you also invoked another georgia giant, the late congressman john lewis. another one of your mentors, who you succeeded. and the peach state played an outsized role in president biden's 2020 success. but polls show them a drilling in georgia just before he stepped aside last month. now the latest new york times poll has the vice president four points behind donald trump in georgia. 46% to his 50%, among likely voters. that is within the margin of error. as the state's democratic chair described the state of play for us. >> what people need to realize
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is that georgians have always been counted out. nobody thought we would ever win in 2020 and deliver for the presidency for the first time in 28 years for democrat, but we did. because we know it was our job to change the polls and we are doing just that. that's why vice president harris and governor walz is coming back to battleground georgia to have those direct conversations with the voters. we are about a ground state. we don't expect to be way up in the polls and we know we will have to work for every single vote. but we are willing to do that because the fight for our future is worth it. so when we go and talk to voters, we will change those poles. we know the polls will go up, down and they would change but the final say will be the voters on the ground and we know that we defied the odds before. we defied the polls before we deliver the presidency for joe biden and made kamala harris the vice president. we delivered not one but two u.s. senate seats to give us the senate majority and we will deliver again to make kamala harris the next president of
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the united states pick >> now congresswoman, even as democrats were holding their convention this week, the georgia election board, which has and is packed with right- wing republicans they took steps monday that would make it easier for local members to disrupt the certification of the vote this november. republican secretary of state brad raffensperger has tried to downplay the move insisting all counties will follow the law. how concerned are you about what you are seeing from the state election board right now? >> reverend al, i'm very concerned. we have our legal team on top of this. we are monitoring the situation in all 159 counties in georgia. and the state board of elections. and it's interesting that her
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secretary of state is trying to downplay it because they removed him from the state board of elections. and if they were trying to do something nefarious than they would not need to change the rules. we play by the rules and we won and now they are continuing to try to change the rules. but we know we should not have to out organize our way out of voter suppression, but we are willing to do that because there is too much at stake. we have our attorney is ready. we are five litigation and the number of cases to make sure that when we tell you to show up and cast your vote, that the vote will be counted. and this isn't just for democratic voters are voters that want to vote for my choice in kamala harris, who is the best choice in the most qualified, but this is for all voters because the right to vote should be nonpartisan. it should not be about democratic votes or republican votes are independent votes. it should be about all people having free and fair access to the ballot. that's what we're fighting for here in georgia. >> now, several republicans, some of whom work in the trump white house address to the convention this week, endorsing the vice president. among them was your states former lieutenant governor,
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jeff duncan, who called the modern gop occult and had this message for republicans and swing voters. take a listen. >> let me be clear to my republican friends at home watching. if you vote for kamala harris in 2024, you're not a democrat. you are a patriot. [ cheers and applause ]. >> now georgia was central to trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. he'd resumed attacks, he is resumed attacks and going into continue attacking, i should say, governor brian kemp for resisting that effort, though they appear to be fen -- mending fences as the race tightens in georgia. but given trump's history and the state, do you get the sense that there are republicans in the state receptive to duncan's
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message? >> there absolutely republicans in the state and across the country that are receptive to this message because what i have found on the campaign trail here and across the state of georgia, not just in my deeply district, but this is a periwinkle state and people understand that it's time to put our country over partisanship and over that one person who will continue to put himself first, and not look out for the american people. donald trump doesn't care about democracy. donald trump does not care about the people in this country who are tired of just getting by and deserve to get ahead. donald trump only cares about himself and his friends that he continues to enrich. we are fighting to make sure that we can protect her reproductive freedoms, we can protect our freedom to vote, and our freedom to thrive so the american people can get ahead in life and not just get by. and donald trump cares about no one but donald trump pick so i
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applaud our former lieutenant governor jeff duncan. i served with him in the state senate and he led the chamber as a lieutenant governor. and what i found is there is a lot of policy things we don't agree on, but this is a time that we need to come together and look beyond those policy disagreements and look out for the country as a whole. look out for our democracy. we are hearing republican after republican willing to stand with kamala harris because she is standing with our country and not democrats or republicans. kamala harris will be a president for all americans? >> all right, thank you congresswoman williams of georgia. we go now to houston where democrats are celebrating kamala harris's presidential nomination, even as they continue to mourn the death of her late friend longtime houston congresswoman sheila jackson lee, who passed away last month after battling cancer. now lea's daughter is wanting to serve out the rest of her term, of her mother's term, and the city's former mayor is
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running to make it and take it from there. joining me now is former houston mayor sylvester turner, currently running for texas 18th congressional district, and erica lee carter, currently running in the 18th district upcoming special election to finish her mother's term. mayor turner and ms. carter, thank you for joining us tonight at the end of this momentous week. let me start with you, ms. carter. i have talked to your family just before your mother passed away last month after battling cancer just two days later, close friend and a pi kappa alpha sorority sister, kamala harris, declared her presidential candidacy and she attended your mother's funeral later that week, where you all graciously had her speak among some of us. on thursday, vice president harris accepted the democratic nomination, a watershed for millions of women, black women
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in particular, including those that never lived to see it, like your mother. but before we get into the weight of this moment, tell us about your campaign to serve out the rest of your mother's term, as you prepare for this november special election. >> thank you, reverend al, and thank you for your longtime friendship of my mother, congresswoman sheila jackson lee. i want to finish what my mom fought so hard for and that is to always serve the people of the 18th congressional district to stand up for america, stand up for justice, stand up for our children, including her wonderful grandchildren. she considered all children her children in the bills she sponsored whether working on the violence against women's act, the george floyd justice in policing act, and supporting funding that would help our community, whether it's recovering from disaster or building housing. i want to
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just help finish and support leader jeffries and give the district 18 residents there vote in congress. >> mr. turner, after serving two terms as the houston mayor, he became the democratic nominee to succeed congresswoman jackson-lee earlier this month. talk about her legacy and houston and tell us about your campaign to pick up her torch in january, which is when ms. carter's special term would end. >> and thank you, reverend al. i would tell you the congresswoman has a very strong legacy. i mean, she was active on the hill, but she was even more active on the ground in the 18th congressional district. there was a moment people thought congresswoman sheila jackson lee -- effectively in the shoes of others. well, she has answered that time and time again. she and i could be everywhere and meet the needs in her district. she knew them by name and they
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knew her. they saw her on the ground. if you needed help, whether you are in her district or not, she was responsive to their needs. so you can't replace a congresswoman sheila jackson lee. you can only hope to follow her and carry out her legacy and continue to do the work. >> now back to the weight of this moment, ms. carter. the vice president seldom talks about her race or ethnicity. the history she's already made the history she could make a november. but as you watched her make history thursday night , history that your late mother a trailblazing black woman, did not live to see, what goes through your mind? >> i certainly teared up. i was in the united center. i had to be there for myself, and my mother knowing that my mother always believed that the art bent toward justice and seeing women who have been the backbone of the democratic
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party rise to be -- she did see her being vice president which made her so proud and the leadership she showed. my mother worked with her. and she always held in her heart that kamala harris would go further. so whether she was there directly in person, i felt her and i felt that she is lifting us up in this moment. unlike michelle obama said, calling on all of us to do something, including myself. >> while there is still time, mr. turner, the vice president and other dnc speakers pounded trump for sabotaging bipartisan border security, the bill that failed in the senate earlier this year because trump wanted the broader issue to campaign on. now, the vice president says if elected she is reviving it and assigning it. as a former border state mayor, you dealt with the impacts of migration on one of the largest cities in texas and called on congress to take action. what is your reaction to the
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vice president's campaign pledge? >> i could not agree with her more. this was a bill that was supported by conservatives. they wanted it. and it would have made a tremendous impact on addressing the immigration crisis. trump did not want it. he called senators and told them not to do it, and they did not do it because he did not want it to minimize his campaign strategy. i am solidly in support of vice president kamala harris in her position and i look forward to being there with her to support it, to vote for it, and to make a huge difference not only for border states, but four states all throughout the united states experiment let me say i'm sure that congresswoman lee is very proud of you, erica, and jason, your brother, and all of those that continue in the family to
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keep her dream and her efforts alive. former mayor of houston, sylvester turner and erica lee carter, thank you both for being with us. coming up. i wish are my thoughts about what i heard and saw this week at the democratic national convention in chicago , and why it could go down as a pivotal moment in the history of our democracy. and later, america is getting to know vice president kamala harris. we will talk to a friend and former colleague of hers. >> when she goes into that oval office sheet -- when she goes into that oval office, i guarantee you she will take all of us with her. all of us. winds . this dove leaves you glowing. and this dove keeps you going. so whatever care you care about,
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that i've walked with in selma, alabama, to commemorate the 59th anniversary of bloody sunday. kamala harris spoke to me that day about unity and passing bills. all i ever heard from donald trump was how he could get an advantage. i see one candidate who wants to protect the right to vote while the other has tried to cook up 11,000 votes in georgia. >> on thursday i spoke on the closing night at the democratic convention in my capacity as president of national action network. although we do not endorse candidates, we certainly can report on where the candidates and the parties stand. this convention was unlike any other i have been a part of. it was a joyous testimony to
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what makes us strong as a nation , our diversity. that power was on full display when i and other civil rights leaders took the stage to pay her tribute to my friend and mentor, reverend jesse jackson, who was a pioneer in building the rainbow coalition that is now on centerstage. it was powerfully present when i had the honor to introduce the exonerated five, formerly known as the central park five, to share their thoughts on true justice and why after everything they have been through, they still love this country. everywhere i turn, i saw smiles, laughter and pride in our nation, as well as hope for our future. take a listen. ♪ ♪. >> i'm here, suited up and ready to battle. >> republicans have attacked to me by saying that i should go back to bartending.
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there is nothing wrong with working for a living. >> crazy conspiracy theories. this weird obsession with crowd sizes. >> well, we broke with you for a reason. >> north carolina gives 131 votes to the phenomenal, kamala harris. >> america, hope is making a come back. >> let's us choose joy. >> kamala harris is tough. kamala harris is experienced. and kamala harris is ready. >> in the first ever black chair at kansas, i am proud to cast our 39 votes for the first black woman president, kamala harris. >> let's go!
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>> as inspiring as the convention was, we have hard work ahead. the days between now and election day won't always be a party. in her keynote address, vice president harris spoke to the important roles each of us can play from now until november . take a listen. >> our nation with this election has a precious, fleeting opportunity to move past the bitterness, cynicism, and divisive battles of the past . a chance to chart a new way forward. not, not as members of any one party or faction, but as americans. >> both parties have now held their conventions and put forth their vision of america.
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republicans claim we are a country in decline that can only be saved by one man democrats, instead of celebrating the contributions of americans from every walk of life and suggest that we have the power to move ourselves forward. it will be up to voters to decide which version of the country they prefer. we will be right back. with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. (♪♪)
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welcome back to politicsnation . after an action-packed week, now let's bring it my political panel to talk about it. susan dell persico, republican strategist and msnbc contributor and former democratic senator, doug jones of alabama. susan, i want to start with robert f. kennedy
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jr. suspending his presidential bid and endorsing former president donald trump on friday. trump made a big show of this by bringing out rfk at his rally in arizona last night. but do you think this alliance helps trump or simply adds to the weirdness that already surrounds his campaign? >> it certainly adds to the weirdness. let's not forget rfk jr. recently admitted to leaving a dead bear cub in central park. he's had a worm in his brain. things seem pretty odd. but you know donald trump. you've known them for a long time. you know he love the idea of having a kennedy endorse them, and that's probably what most of this is about because politically it's not really going to do much help. he would much rather have the anti-vaxer with him than with kennedy. but i think they are still going to pick anyone but the
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democrat of the republican. at the end of the day, no. not much difference. >> i wonder what robert kennedy junior thinks of sharks but we will find out in due time. doug, the tv ratings for the democratic convention are out and donald trump isn't going to like them. democrats averaged 22 million viewers per day during the four day event in chicago. 14% higher than the republican convention last month in milwaukee. when vice president harris gave her acceptance speech thursday, 28.9 million viewers watched. half a million more than trump. what do you conclude from these numbers about the state of the race? >> you know, i think those numbers are reflective of where this race is going and how much kamala harris is not just unifying the democratic party,
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but she has brought in people from all across the country, whether they are independents or republicans. people wanted to see this and i think those numbers are reflective as they grew each day. reflective of the convention we had. i heard you talk about it earlier. it was a remarkable atmosphere in there. it was remarkable the messages that were coming from that stage and the visuals coming from that stage. i think the people are yearning for that unity. i think people are yearning to see what the democrats have finally -- anna say this finally -- because i think this is something that democrats in the south have been saying for years. claiming patriotism, freedom, waving the flag, telling people how much we love this country. that was on full display here and she knocked it out of the park on thursday with a very presidential address. >> susan, knowing donald trump, as you say i've known him and fought with them for 40 years do you think he will freak out
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over these ratings, that clearly says the convention, the democratic convention, had much more viewers than the republican convention and vice president kamala harris had much more viewers to her speech than his? >> yes. the former president will be very upset with that. and let's not forget the former president gave his speech after an assassination attempt, just a few days before. a lot of people were tuning in. of course they turned out after he went completely off the rails. but on top of the numbers, what gets the former president is there were a ton of celebrities and that really gets under his skin. he's been complaining about that since 2020. that he has no big names. that's why he lies about taylor swift endorsing him, putting out that false tiktok. i think that will get donald
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trump stirred. and i think is what keeps him so often this race. he can't find his rhythm. and going forward, i don't see where he gets it. the one thing the vice president has done has thrown him for a complete loop. and even the idea of beyonce potentially performing, even though she did not come, and what was the song she was going to sing? freedom. and it's a new, bright, energetic convention that we saw versus the old, study republican one. >> doug, this wednesday, harris and her running mate, tim walz, will kick off a bus tour through south georgia. that will culminate with a rally in savannah on thursday as the vice president looks to sustain the momentum from her
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convention. the trump campaign is singing they expect only a modest bump of a few percentage points for harris out of the convention. what do you expect? >> i think it's going to be more than a modest bump. she has been on the rise. i think she gets a very good bump out of this. there was nothing that went wrong. this is one of the most remarkably well done conventions i've ever seen. and coming off the republican convention, i mean, j.d. vance is numbers went down after the republican convention so they did not even get anything after the republican convention. i think he will continue to see this wave of enthusiasm. i think you will continue to see a rise in the polls for kamala harris. they will be able to go into areas and get votes that democrats have not gotten in a long time. i will tell you. one of the most enduring moments for me in this convention was watching tim walz 's old football team and their old uniforms. those guys coming out on stage. i'm telling you pick that
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speaks to a lot of people in america. a lot of friday night lights fans. a lot of folks in the south. that speaks to the unity we have and it is a message about how we are moving and how we will be representing everybody in america, not just a select few. >> susan, i'm out of time but do you think it will be a big bump or just a few points, as the trump people are trying to predict? >> it will probably only be a few points and the reason why is that we know trump has a ceiling and his floor. and he is going to be around 45 or 46% pick and we know there is also going to be a certain amount of undecided, even if it's a small number. so, any bump is significant. but i would not look for a five point bump. i would think would be in the realm of two or three points, which may be enough to put her out of the margin of error in certain polls? >> all right. thank you, both, for being with us. coming up, kamala harris
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from the perspective of those who know her best. simon brought the house down at the democratic convention with her emotional memories of the vice president's early days as a san francisco prosecutor. she joins me tonight right after the break. (♪♪) start your day with nature made. and try new zero sugar gummies. getting a fresh deal at subway has never been easier. just buy any footlong in the app, get another free. the only hard part is, telling travis he doesn't get the second footlong. wait, seriously? i got you next time, buddy! order now in the subway app. with bugs, the struggle-is-real. that's why you need zevo traps. zevo works 24/7 to attract and trap flying insects. for effortless protection.
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because there is something about kamala harris. for those who know her, you know. when she hears your story, she carries it with her. when she sees you, she truly sees you. she truly sees you. she is the best among us. >> that was california congressional candidate, lateefah simon , speaking about her longtime friend and mentor, vice president harris, at the democratic convention in chicago on wednesday. simon was one of the many former colleagues of vp harris who shared their experience with her as both public servant and a person. this week, she joins us now to talk about it. ms. simon, thank you for joining us. i want to first ask you about
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your very moving speech and we both have the honor and privilege to address the crowd at the convention. what are your thoughts about the mood in the arena as democrats came together to nominate your friend and mentor, kamala harris? >> well, hello, reverend, so wonderful to see you. that energy inside that space and that place was something i never experienced before ever. and up into a couple of conventions. there was joy. there was music. the diversity, the diaspora of the united states was in that space. it was beautiful. >> now, you have worked with vice president harris for about four years while she was the san francisco district attorney pick from that experience, what can you tell us about her. not only as a prosecutor and a boss, but as a person. tell us about her as a person. >> well, reverend, a bit before
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she got elected she came to san francisco as someone who had been a prosecutor in oakland for 10 years prior but she came into san francisco to work with other advocates before she got elected to stop the pattern and practice of young kids who were being bought and sold on the streets. they were being charged, arrested and jailed and those were girls that i was working with. and she really wanted to have folks understand these children were not child prostitutes. they were being victims of trafficking. i got to know her that way. she ran for d.a. and asked me to come work in her office and build every entry unit. she was the toughest boss i've ever had and the best leader that i've ever worked with. she expects the best of you. if you are going to work for the people under kamala harris, you are going to need to come early and leave late. she is a phenomenal meter and i respect her dearly. >> many americans are taking a fresh look at the vice president since president biden stepped aside and she was
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catapulted to the top of the democratic ticket. why do you think she is the right person for this historical moment? >> okay. we're talking about somebody who was raised, i mean, five blocks from her house where i live right now in oakland, california. raised by a single mother who was working at a public college. sent those kids to school every night. had folks from the community pick them up and drop them off. she goes to undergrad to howard university. goes to a public law school. dedicates her life, her early years to supporting victims of sexual assault. are you kidding me? she rises and works day in and day out to the white house. there is nobody more set to take this country in the direction then kamala harris.
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as someone who has worked for her, i know that she loves our families. literally. like i said in my speech. day in and day out you have black and brown mothers lining up who had lost their children waiting only to speak to the d.a. harris because they knew that she cared so deeply about our communities. it kills me to look at the stuff that says the opposite. i've worked with her. i know this woman. >> having said that, how do you react to the attacks that she is a communist or socialist, and other things that they attacked her? how do you react when you hear these attacks? >> you know, it's pretty ridiculous. what kamala is is the epitome of the american story pick she is a child of immigrants, who came to this country for a better life. and you heard from maia harris and folks who know her best, who grew up with her. kamala is a consummate professional who deeply believes in hard work . you get it done. you fall down.
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you try again. we created a program for second chances based on that very understanding. let's start looking at fact instead of these crazy conspiracy theories about a woman so well vested to do what she has been doing and that is lead. >> as we mentioned, you are running for congress in california's 12th district to succeed the great barbara lee, who i have worked with. barbara lee has decided not to seek re-election after 26 excellent years in the house of representatives. we would like to have you and your democratic opponent on in the future to talk about the issues, but can you talk a little bit today about the significant legacy of congresswoman barbara lee, what she leaves in the district and on capitol hill? >> well, ms. lee is a phenomenal woman and i'm so happy to have her support. she has been a mentor to me for two decades.
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both set the standard so clear for this district that centers oakland. we care about what the nation cares about. people being able to put food on their tables. folks being able to afford a home and put braces on their teeth and send their kids to school. i got to tell you something so special about this district. this district is 98% democrat and we believe in peace. barbara lee has been consistent in her understanding that to do right is to be about, literally, tenets of the civil rights movement and we were, again, agents of peaceful struggle. i will follow in her footsteps. you know what you will get out of me if you know what you have seen from ms. barbara. she is a living legacy and she is nowhere near done. she will be working with me and she will have an international footprint she was the first person to call for a cease-fire on that floor and i stand with her. >> i remember, among many other
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things i did with congresswoman lee, we were both in south africa for the first election in 1994 that they had ever had there and we were observers together with nelson mandela and the african national congress became the ruling party and new president of south africa. lateefah simon, thank you for being with us. next, my final thoughts about two great political fighters , who made this week's democratic convention possible. stay with us. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene.
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before i go, i want to bring to your attention that we never get anywhere without those who paved the way and two political and social fighters helped pave the way to where we are and what we saw at the convention. president joe biden, who took this country out of the depths of the pandemic, out of a place
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with the economy was shaky, and restored the democratic principles and the respect of this country. and he walked off the stage of presidential incumbency two-handed to the vice president. but he handed her something full of accomplishments. we are indebted to joe biden. and jesse lewis jackson, who marched, went to jail, ran for president, change the rules of the democratic party, and was the architect of the rainbow coalition. and finally got some measure of his due at the democratic convention on monday night. we must not forget that the path we are walking on, we did not lay the groundwork. there were those that paid the price and if it had not been for joe biden, but he did as president, and jesse jackson
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for almost 60 years of stellar leadership, we would not be the country that we are being now and strive to be even better. we will be right back here .
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that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for another live hour of "politics nation." " the saturday show with jonathan kay part" starts right now.