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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  August 25, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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seen abortion bands, which will end up with states being compelled to report on women miscarriages. if this were to go through. i talked to so many people in michigan after -- who had multiple miscarriages, about how hard it was to get pregnant, to stay pregnant safely. this would just be for women and, you know, it brings this conversation together. this is what the republican party thinks of women. we are nothing but vessels for bearing children and that is how we are treated by ultra macho manly men who don't actually care about family. >> thank you to both of you this morning. great to see you both. michigan state senator mallory mcmorrow. pennsylvania state representative malcom kenyatta. happy birthday, mallory. i hope you're headed to brunch after this. i malcolm, you two . let's all celebrate mallory's birthday
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wherever we are. that does it for me. thank you for watching. stay right where you are. inside with jen psaki begins now. now. okay, the harris campaign is writing a wave of momentum and the contrast in the rays has never been more clear. senator cory booker is one of kamala harris's loosest friends in congress. he addressed the convention this week and he is coming at first. plus him after the prosecutor against the criminal framing was put on full display in chicago, i will talk to somebody who knows a lot about that dynamic. new york attorney general letitia james. later, rfk jr. endorses donald trump, and what members of his own family are calling a sad end to a sad story. rfk jr. sister, cary kennedy, is speaking and she joins me in just a few minutes. well, that was one hell of
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a democratic convention. like so many of you sitting at home, i laughed, i cried, i cheered. i was inspired. it overall felt like the message and the vibes of a winning campaign. and then, just this morning, the harris campaign announced a new numbers behind all their momentum. $540 million raised since the vice president took the reins of the campaign. that was a month ago, by the way. volunteers have signed up for nearly 200,000 shifts since the start of the convention. but beyond how things felt in chicago, one of the things that is really been on my mind and really stood out to me is the dramatic contrast with what we just saw a few weeks ago at the republican convention. >> i will be a president who unites us around our highest aspirations. >> we are, indeed, a nation in decline. >> you can always trust me to put country above party and self.
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>> we become a dumping ground for the rest of the world. >> it is now our turn to do what generations before us have done. guided by optimism and faith to fight for this country that we love. >> has anyone seen silence of the lambs? the late, great hannibal lector. he would love to have you for dinner. >> so kamala harris presented a bold, uplifting, inclusion vision for america, and donald trump bashed our country and praised the late great hannibal lector. i mean there is a contrast for you. i kind of think it goes without saying that this week reminded us there's not just a contrast at the top of the ticket, we
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also saw one in the forceful endorsements from former president's at the democratic convention. and on the other side, in the complete absence of former party leaders. he didn't see anything remotely like that the republican convention. there is no bush, no cheney, no romney, obviously no mike pence, and that also speaks particularly loud volume some of that time with. finally, of course, we saw a massive canyon sized contrast in the vibes. >> we want to remind all our delegates, our alternates and guests that maintaining order during the roll call is extremely important. >> yeah! ladies and gentlemen, we are here tonight to officially nominate kamala harris! >> west virginia, 32 points. president donald j trump. >> ♪ turned down for what! ♪ >> georgia. 59 delegates. >> everybody get your hands up now!
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we not going back! we are not going back! >> i mean, it wasn't even really a fair fight. but in all seriousness, this contrast, joyful first is pretty joyless and flat, future purses pass, unity versus division, love versus hey, those are the options right now. our country is more aligned with what was on in chicago. there's more for people, more that represented people in this country's democratic convention. how many people look at kamala harris family and thought that looks like my family? or that looks like a family i know down the street. how many people looked at gus walz and thought that is how i think about my dad and that is how he thinks about me. how many listen to michelle obama
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and kamala harris talk about their moms and the profound and lasting influence their moms have had on their lives and thought that is how i feel about my mom. and how many people listen to harris and walz and so many others talk about how much they love this country and thought yeah, i love my country, too. i mean how many americans simply saw something reflected in themselves during the convention? my guess is a whole lot. because here's the thing. what we saw this week, that is america. it is multicultural, diverse, joyful, unique, united, and it was that majority view that was on display in chicago. loving america over slandering it. celebrating diversity over rejecting it and embracing our neighbors rather than talking about kicking them out of the country. the other america that we saw the republican convention that only represented a narrow sliver of america.
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now conventions do not win elections. that week was not going to win the election. this is going to be a close race and there's a lot of time left on the clock until november. but every election has a choice and the america we saw in chicago, the one the kamala harris and tim walz represent, that is what this country really is. 20 now is someone who knows vice president harris very well, democrat senator cory booker of new jersey. senator, thank you so much for joining. i hope you've gotten some sleep and i really appreciate you being here. just wanted to start. i was so struck by really the overall joy that we all felt throughout the convention. frankly, it seemed like the perfect convention for all the things that you've always been vocal about politics. how did you feel throughout the course of last week when you were there? >> soul resonated with my spirit, lifted my soul and i just felt overwhelming joy and i think that is where our country more and more needs to be. i am sitting in newark, new jersey right now. our community has seen so many challenges and tragedies but we know that joy is a choice.
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it's a muscle and it actually helps to forge a path forward when you remember the road that we have traveled. remember all that we have overcome. remember that all of us here in america are the envy of the world and our ancestors wildest dreams. to have a candidate that really gets everyone refocused that we can be joyful warriors. it doesn't diminish the urgencies of the issues. but it actually is an energy that is infectious and lifts us in our work. >> such an important piece. joy is not naoveti, it's optimism what we can do as a country. which is important to understand. one of the things that i wanted to ask you about that stood out to me or has stood out to me for the past couple weeks. both about vice president harris's speech and really her overall approach is how little she actually talks about the historic nature of her candidacy. it reminds me in some ways about how president obama purses, as well. she would be the first black
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woman, the first asian-american woman to serve as president. she didn't wear white. you know, why is that her approach and what you think about it? >> the power of her background, her gender, all the things that she had to overcome in every point of her career is self- evident and clearly, there is a reason to rejoice in that self- evident barrier breaking like ketanji brown jackson but i'm sorry, what made her such a powerful nominee by joe biden was not her race or her gender. it was that she is perhaps one of the most qualified people ever put on the court and you just look at her record. that she brought us up on of expenses that are going to enrich the court. kamala harris is an amazing candidate not simply because of her race and gender in the history making nature of this,
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but because of her ideas, because of the content of her character, because of her spirit and energy that she's going to bring to that office. actually like this. it reminded me of my election year in jersey. the first black person ever sent to the senate from new jersey, the fourth ever popular elected in the i've season history, but jersey folks didn't care about that, they wanted to know ultimately what i was going to do as a center i think that's what americans mostly want to know. it's an added benefit to get such diversity and the presidency, but the truth of the matter is in this urgent history i think what's most great about this candidate is that she's the right candidate for the right time to meet our challenges and help our nation move forward. >> that is what a lot of people out there care deeply about. one of the other things that struck me is if you close your eyes, there were portions of last week that could have felt like a pre-trump republican convention. in a sense that there were these classic american scenes like faith, family, you and football. i know you are a football fan, too. they were woven through.
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do you hope that message and that kind of continuous to be on display on the campaign trail over the next couple months? >> absolutely. i've been saying for years that the american flag is not the dominion of the republican party. we should be raving -- waving it more probably. we should be chanting usa, usa with all of r heart and spirit because this nation's history, the history of america is a perpetuated testimony to us achieving impossible things overcoming impossible odds getting to where we are right now. we need to restore a deeper pride in america for all of us and what makes us great and i'm sorry, big deep streams in our country our faith and family and this is great to see us beginning to own what is our providence. faith is not about condemning other people, demonizing or degrading or do the things that donald trump does. faith is about mercy and love.
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forgiveness and inclusiveness and so i'm so happy to see a convention that spoke to the themes that i think americans know in their heart. we have to get back to a country that understands that these issues are not lines that divide us. but that we all love our country, we are going to do the best we can to serve her and i think that the democratic party has a lot to offer those who are independent to republicans. if we can get them to slow down and listen to our policy ideas and especially, especially we did a good job in this convention with having so many republicans present. especially listen to our spirit right now if healing as opposed to the one that donald trump has of division. >> very powerful speakers to your point, i totally agree. don't think there's any debate about the energy behind the party for anyone who's debating it. especially after that convention but as you know well from running close races, it's going to be a close race and obviously, the convention was energizing and joyful the conventions to win elections. how are you hoping that the democratic party, the campaign, state parties out there channel this in the next couple of
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months? >> kamala harris has positioned this right. this is a david versus goliath moment. we are running as an underdog, or as tim walz said, using a football analogy, we are three points down and the clock is running out. we cannot afford to take any resting in a successful convention. we have to press hard, dig in and keep driving forward and that means that we need everybody. some of the best reality of this convention is coming out of it. we sought record donations from all types of americans. teachers are among the most -- volunteer shifts, excluding, more more people understand that we have to work for this at every single step and the victory has to be earned. this is not a time to come in anyway, rest. and one has to understand that democracy is not a spectator sport. we need you on the field and
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real joy, as you said earlier i'm a real enthusiasm. real joy is not letting despair have the last word. not letting darkness or pessimism at the last word. let the last word be joyful work towards a goal that will elevate, i think, all of america. >> let me ask you about what the trump team was trying to do at the end of last week. a day after the convention, -- donald trump after spending his own campaign. -- a spending his own campaign. there's a lot of -- what do you think? how do you think that endorsement impacts the race or does it impact the race? >> i mean, look. i've known rfk and followed him since i was a student and something happened that would
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from a guy who used to be with -- and talk about the environment where he spun out into a dangerous conspiracy theorist that has really had sort of negative impacts on the lives of people. i think the reason why he had such a marginal campaign is because the closer people looked, the more they realize that this was sort of trump light or in some ways from trump telling us that this was a guy just as dangerous as trump. ultimately, the people that chose him were people that did not like donald trump and now, they have a new possibility with this month long campaign to get to know kamala harris and i know she's going to be outreaching to those voters as she will to all voters. i don't think this was a big deal this week. i think donald trump and his campaign are having a tough time. they are undisciplined, they keep wanting to focus on the politics and the personal, demeaning and degrading, throwing out insults. that's not what america wants right now. >> senator cory booker, thank you so much. really appreciate you joining us. coming up, rfk jr.'s sister, kerry kennedy, is now speaking out following her brother's endorsement of donald trump. she's going to join me live in just a few minutes. but first, the prosecutor versus the convict was one of the main messages they hammered home in chicago.
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new york attorney general letitia james knows a thing or two about taking on donald trump and she joins me next. we will be right back. back. with usps ground advantage®. ♪♪ progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at so, you know, han is 22 years old, and we've been together most of my life. not often do you have a childhood dog that, that lives this long so i think it's really unique and special that we've experienced so many, so many things in life together. knowing that he's getting good nutrition and that he has energy is a huge relief for me and my dad. “such a good little bean.” we're so grateful to have had this time with him, so let's keep it going and make every day special.
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during this week's democratic national convention, one of the most consistent and effective lines of attack against him trump was driving the presidential election as a race between a fraudster and a convict and a former prosecutor who has spent her life representing the people. >> as a prosecutor, when i had a case, i charged it not in the name of the victim, but in the name of the people for a simple reason. in our system of justice, a harm against any one of us is a harm against all of us. donald trump tried to throw away your votes. when he failed, he sent an armed mob to the united states
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capitol, where they assaulted law enforcement officers. when politicians in his own party begged him to call off the mob and send help, he did the opposite, he fanned the flames. >> she did not hold back there. join me now is someone who's been very effective at holding donald trump accountable, new york attorney general letitia james. so great to see you, attorney general james. thank you so much for joining me today. there's so much to start with. there's so much the way there when it comes to legal cases and one of the reasons that democrats could go out there and call trump a fraud energy because you and your fraud case about trumped help make the case. what would you highlight about what that case says about him personally and as a candidate? >> a $454 million judgment
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where he wildly exaggerated the value of his assets and what we are seeking now is disgorgement. we are recovering his ill- gotten gains. -- not only to the benefit of donald trump, but his family and all those who work for the trump organization. no one is above the law and it was simply put and it was simply emphasize at the convention. the convention obviously was just magnificent. it was electrifying. the ground shifted from the first day when we gave flowers to president biden because he embodies the spirit of fdr to the great communicators, the obama family. then, to the clinton family, the great explainers. then, of course, the coach, coach walz , who is someone i would love to be my neighbor. he reminds me of mr. rogers i love mr. rogers. >> who doesn't? >> exactly.
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then, of course, the woman of the hour, vice president harris who gave the greatest summation that her. >> her speech was so powerful. it looked like she could walk right into the situation room. that's what i've been saying. one of the things that's been so interesting to me and i wonder how it struck you, is that one of her, another part of her powerful street is what -- her powerful speech is about abortion rights. trump is having a hard time responding to the democratic convention. the best he could do was try claim that his administration, will be great for women and their reproductive rights. that's what he said. and republicans are a leader on ivf. i have an obvious time keeping a straight face but you are very familiar with these issues. what do you make of that claim? >> listen. in order to have a functioning democracy, it's really critically important that individuals understand what is key to a functioning democracy is respecting the rights of individuals. having liberties and freedoms and all of those freedoms and
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liberties are at risk right now. trump and his administration represents an existential threat to always believe in. project 2025 is coming that democratic attorney generals are familiar with. back in 2016 we defended our democracy. they attempted to put forward aspects of project 2025 and we were successful 80% of the time in winning our cases. now, that manifesto has been written down and i am, and we are prepared, obviously, defend our democracy and our freedoms. standing up for liberties and justice, standing up for the rights of women, standing up for the rights of unions, standing up for the rights of seniors because it proposes to privatize social security. it's it's really important that you understand what donald trump represents and that's why all of us much margin -- and
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vote for freedom, vote for liberty and vote for democracy and vote for a functioning democracy that respects the rights of all individuals. not criticism, not grievances, not division but unity and that was reflected again with that rollcall during the convention. when everyone probably respected their states and, you know, i was sort of jealous of illinois when littlejohn came down which is why i grabbed spike lee and said you know work, we need you over here and he grabbed gladly joined us during the rollcall. >> you are feeling a little competitive. new york had to bring some fun. i saw that happen. >> we did. >> i mean the contrast is so stark and project 2025 is a good reminder. eventually done a studying of it. it's important to know what's in there. there is a darkness coming, of
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course from the other side. we are already seeing him dabbling in gross races, misogynistic attacks against vice president harris. i suspect that's going to become worse over the next couple of months. she seems ready for but you are also incredibly accomplished black woman who has had to deal with these kind of gross attacks from trump. is there anything you learned about dealing with that sort of thing that you hope people use over the next couple of months? >> yeah, i've been the subject of his attacks, but at the end of the day, the reality is that being the first in anything is nothing more than historical footnote. people want to know what are you going to do with the power that lies in your hands. how are you going to transform the lives of others? are you going to address their needs every single day? how can you use government as a tool of progress moving forward? that is what we have got to demonstrate. it's really not about us, it's not about these historical footnotes, it's about making and improving the lives of americans and, in my case, the lives of new yorkers. that is what i do each and every day. i walk into that office with this fire in my belly to see
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what can happen, how can we improve the life of new yorkers? how can we defend the law? what can we do to defend the rights of individuals who are under attack, members of the lgbtq community. women, workers, unions, seniors, individuals in upstate new york. farmers using antitrust laws, given the consolidation of power and it's important that individuals understand the consolidation of power in the hands of one man, donald trump is very, very dangerous. individuals have to know that as democrats, we must use the law book has a sword and a shield and, again, improve the lives of americans and new yorkers. that is what i do each and every day. again, focusing on corporations that are only concerned about the bottom line profit. again, fortunately, with these fees and with consolidation of power, and with antitrust laws and consumer fraud and landlords purchasing a property day in and day out, these corporate landlords. we've got to challenge those abilities and standing up for
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our democracy and standing up for our rights. it's important that individuals understand that is what americans would like to see in their government and would like to see in their attorney generals. as democratic attorney generals, we do that. we did it in 2016, beating back donald trump and his attorneys 80% of the time and it is an honor and a privilege to stand with a great group of democratic attorney generals. prepared to do it once again. >> i think anybody watching his thinking, new york attorney general, -- she has a fire in her belly sunday mornings,'s will. thank you for all the things you're fighting for. it was a real pleasure talking to you this morning. coming up, over and over again, they needle donald trump in ways that just make him seem small. former obama medications, my old boss, has been banging the drum on this strategy for a long time and he joins me next. [wow!]
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okay, well, there was a lot of uplifting talk and definitely a lot of joy at this convention about the harris- walz ticket. democrats also didn't hold back on belittling donald trump . >> it has been a constant stream of gripes and grievances that has actually been getting worse now that he's afraid of losing to kamala . there is the childish nicknames, the crazy conspiracy theories. this. obsession with crowd sizes. >> he claims to be very rich, but take it from an actual billionaire -- trump is rich in only one thing, stupidity. >> i joined the army when i was 17. in fact, i was too young to sign the paperwork. i had asked
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my mom to sign the paperwork for me because i don't have bone spurs. >> the only personal vanity i want to assert is that i'm still younger than donald trump. >> they all have their different spin on it. joining me noun -- now is dan pfeiffer, he is now a cohost of pod save america. okay, dan, you have been banging the drum on the need to kind of make trump smaller, for some time. i am betting you are pretty thrilled watching some of these beaches. messaging always need to be adapted, of course, but where does it go from here for democrats and all the surrogates in the campaign? >> i think there are couple of takeaways from this convention. one is that after years of accidentally doing doldrums bidding by sort of amplifying his straw man, want to be straw man persona by talking about all the terrible things that we finally understood that the way to be a strong man is to expose
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their weaknesses, to make them seem small. he may have taken that a little literally, perhaps, but it was great. >> i think you like that joke. >> that is a classic -- crowd size or nothing else. i'm not sure what you're referring to but the second thing is there was a consistent narrative, particularly among the -- governor walz and vice president harris that donald trump is in it for himself, right? that makes him small. he small and selfish and petty. the last and most important thing is, for all of the fun moments that you put out there, what i that was most impressive was how little the convention was about trump. all of our politics for the last three years have been about donald trump you what he's going to do, responding to what he just said, reacting to the tweet. they obviously talk about trump and project 2025, but this is
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to the great credit of vice president harris who said over the last month, she's made politics for the first time in nearly a decade about something other than donald trump and that is what is driving down donald trump antillean same. >> no question, he's losing his mind. he's reportedly been complaining about how people perceive him as not being as active or campaigning out there is much as his opponent, which, by the way, it is fact check true. multiple campaigns trying to understand what to do with the -- they all have different strengths. what would you be doing because they need to be active in out there. the convention doesn't win the election. >> their advantage is that they can campaign in a normal campaign pace and that voters like them. that is where their advantage over trump is. he is 78 years old. he's quite lazy, he doesn't
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campaign. he does a couple of events at most and we are usually seeing him at mar-a-lago complaining about something. j.d. vance is a net negative everywhere he goes. then, i would say we have seven battleground states, and although states, be in different markets, very pleased to see that the harris-walz campaign is doing a bus tour through rural georgia. you when these races by maximizing turnout in your democratic areas and then minimizing the margins in more red areas. it's all very smart. get them out there. they are all net positives and campaign aggressively of they've done for the last month here. >> i love the georgia bus tour. it's a good idea and it's also how -- was showing up places. you wrote this piece this morning titled why you shouldn't panic about rfk endorsing trump, which a lot of people i think were feeling the joy of the convention and they saw that they started panicking. why shouldn't people be freaking out about it? >> i would tell you that's
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exactly right. they were so happy during the convention but because we are democrats, you can sort of see the sense that things have been going too well for too long so they are waiting for the other shoe to drop here's a reason not to panic about it. in most of the polling, if you take rfk jr. out, it doesn't change the margin. about half of his supporters go to harris, half go to trump. the other reason is, there's two kinds of rfk jr. supporters. most of them don't know anything about him. he's just a vessel, a person who didn't like the original trump or biden message and not yet sold on kamala harris. third, the second kind are people who do like rfk jr., but what they like about him is his outsider appeal. here's the best way to get rid of an outsider appeal, which is to sell your endorsement to the highest bidder. he met with trump seeking a job and he also sought, but was denied -- so there's nothing more traditional politician than a quid pro quo for a government -- that is an argument that they can making door-to-door conversations, phone banking with these former rfk jr. supporters.
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everything matters in a close race but the idea that this is some big boon to donald trump does not show up in the polling. it doesn't show up in common sense, either. >> you can subscribe to dan's excellent message box. dan pfeiffer, thank you so much for joining me today. coming up, we'll pick off -- we will pick up where dan left off. rfk jr.'s sister, kerry kennedy, is here to talk about his endorsement. but first, i've got a few thoughts of my own. we will be right back. back. for the ultimate gillette shaving experience. the best a man can get is gillettelabs. (vo) you've got your sunday obsession and we got you now with verizon, get nfl sunday ticket from youtube tv on us... and a great deal on galaxy z fold6... for a total value of twelve hundred and fifty dollars. only on verizon. (jalen hurts) see you sunday!
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conspiracy theories in the country, his endorsement of trump on friday was a long time coming. and, frankly, they have a lot in common. because of enormous egos, that definitely cloud their judgment. both rely on misinformation to prey on people's fears and both leverage their last name for their own self interest. but for kennedy, this also marks another active rebellion against his own family and the institutions that they helped to build. so he may share the same name as his father, but he could not be more different. his dad, the real robert kennedy, was driven by a genuine concern for the health and welfare of the american people. he was a champion of the underprivileged and vulnerable. he appealed to people's better angels, not their worst instincts. and when it came to modern medicine, he said those with power and influence head of a obligation of responsibility.
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>> i think, i said the beginning, i think the medical profession has made a major difference in the united states and will continue to make a major difference in the united states, but i think we have to recognize those who have the advantages that you have and that i have that we have an obligation and a responsibility to those who do not. >> kennedy was saying there to a group of doctors in indiana. that was the audience, that it's not enough to merely do no harm. he felt strongly that people in a position to help others have an obligation to do so. needless to say, the apple has fallen pretty far from the tree. it's out of the orchard. rfk jr. has not only failed in his obligation and responsibility, he's actually done the opposite. he's used his privilege and his name to encourage the most vulnerable americans to turn their backs on modern medicine. he used falsehoods to stoke widespread fear of even routine vaccines, including the vaccines that eradicated measles, mumps, and polio.
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now, if trump and kennedy have their way, parents will once again have to worry that their kids could be susceptible to life-threatening diseases at school. but here's the thing. rfk jr. is not only insulting his family's legacy, he is also trying to sabotage the party that his family helped shape and influence for more than six decades. remember, his endorsement comes just days after new reporting shows his candidacy was costing trump more votes than harris and don't forget, rfk jr.'s political ambitions were financed by donald trump's biggest billionaire donor. so by endorsing trump, he has confirmed what we suspected all along, that his entire goal here was to be a spoiler for the democratic ticket. we still don't know what the real impact of this endorsement will be, maybe as dan pfeiffer just said, there isn't a big one at all, but it should not read kennedy endorses trump. they should read dangerous conspiracy theorist joins forces. he no longer represents the kennedy family. he is the opposite of the legacy that his father, his uncle, his siblings, his
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cousins have tried to carry forward for the case. lucky for us, we have someone sitting by who does represent the family. kerry kennedy is a human rights activist, a lawyer, and rfk jr. sister, and she joins me next.
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rfk jr.'s endorsement of donald trump prompted a strongly worded response by members of his own family. on friday, several of his siblings sign on to a family statement issued by his sister, kerry kennedy, saying, quote, our brother, bobby's decision to endorse trump today is a betrayal of the value that our father and our family hold most dear. it is a sad ending to a sad story. kerry kennedy is a human rights activist and a lawyer, she's also robert f kennedy jr.'s sister. thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. i really appreciate it. just wanted start. i was a very powerful statement and i imagine it was pretty painful to have to do but why
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do you feel so compelled to speak out at this moment? >> you know, i think this is really, the stakes this november could not be any higher, which is exactly why my whole family will be fighting so hard to re-elect, players and coach walz who have been champions for the -- that my family has fought for for years. donald trump is the polar opposite. he -- -- for women to control our bodies. the right to live in communities safe from gun violence to love me love and i think if my dad were alive today, the real robert kennedy would have detested almost everything that trump represents . his line, his selfishness, his rage, his cynicism, hatred, racism, fascist sympathies, deliberate misinformation about
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vaccines, criminal felony convictions, he was the attorney general of the united states. his -- e jean carroll, ethics, democracy. his cruel sneering at human rights for -- and these are the causes that -- love so passionately by the real robert kennedy. i am outraged and disgusted by my brother. his obscene embrace of donald trump. and i completely disavow and separate, dissociate myself from robert kennedy jr. and his flagrant efforts to trample -- my father's memory. >> i imagine it's incredibly
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painful, given how much her family has done for so many decades and i touched on that in my opening. i know you touched on in your statement. i wanted to ask you about something j.d. vance said about your brother's endorsement. he said he wishes he could see his grandmother's reaction to rfk's son and namesake and, let's be honest, the most authentic to his dad's legacy, endorsing the people's president, donald j trump. what do you make of that? >> you know, there's not much that j.d. vance says that holds any water with me. i think what you need to do is people need to look at the facts. . wages are up in the country, small businesses are booming, manufacturing jobs are coming back. harris and biden have -- capped the cause of insulin to $35 for those on medicare lowering prescription drugs and
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healthcare costs across the board. student loan relief has reached nearly 4 million americans. first bipartisan gun safety legislation in 30 years and you know, since 1989 there have been 51 million new jobs created in the united states. 51 million. 1 million by republicans, 50 million by democrats. so if you care about your children, you care about your grandchildren, there's only one way to vote in this election. and it is for harris and coach >> your brother was on fox this morning and he said he has a big family ana few are troubled by his actions. it doesn't seem that way from
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the statement, but you know your family well. what is your reaction to that? >> so, every single one of my, of the people -- except for bobby and one cousin are for, all of us, all of the rest of us are endorsing president -- kamala harris. and walz. so, you know , that is where it is. and that one, i don't know if he is for or against trump at this point. i imagine he is against trump. so i think bobby is pretty much on his own here. >> it seems like it. can we expect you and other members of your family to be out there campaigning on the trail over the next couple of months for harris and walz on the ticket? >> i am very excited and i'm going to nevada and arizona on tuesday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday.
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happy to be out there and campaigning. but, you know, to me, this isn't just about a campaign. and the campaigns are always important. this one is particularly important because i think that the country institutions are at stake. i think that donald trump is incredibly dangerous to us and i think with bobby, what he has done here is -- not only our family stands for, but bobby has given his life for. he spent so many years out there working on protecting the environment and that is the opposite of what trump intends to do. >> i know this has been painful on a personal level. and the legacy and the legacy of your dad is so tremendous.
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kerry kennedy, thank you so much for being with me today. i really appreciate it. i have one more thing to talk about before we go. we will be back after a very quick break. quick break. ♪♪ when the sawdust settles and the engine finally roars the thing you care about most is a job well done. ♪♪ but when you get your tools from harbor freight something about the job feels a little different - your wallet. because we believe no matter what you're working on you need high quality tools at a great price. and that's what we're all about. ♪♪ whatever you do, do it for less, at harbor freight. ♪♪ growing old is part of the journey,
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that does it for me today, but we are already working on a great show for tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern. massachusetts senator elizabeth warner will join me fresh off of her speech at the dnc. plus, don lemon is stopping by


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