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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  August 27, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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be lives throughout the full broadcast. our understanding is trubisky handlers for the muted microphone because they don't think their candidate can act presidential for 90 minutes on his own. okay. pretty biting statement. a smart strategy. of course the microphone should be tuned in. don't mute the crazy. let the american people hear the crazy. they suggested trump, they wanted him muted which is very awkward. this is what they said. we suspect trump's team have not told their boss about this because it would be too embarrassing to admit they don't think he can handle himself against vice president harris without the benefit of a mute button. trump, for his part said today after all this went down, that he would rather have his microphone publicly on. you can make of that what you will. he hasn't agreed to the debate. i know the squabble over logistics might feel kind of silly are not that big of a deal. here is the thing.
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it's not really about the microphone. it's about much more than a microphone. it's really about something smart that the harris campaign tapped into. the fact the more people here donald trump, the less they like him. without a coherent message, he is prone to say very creepy and objectively false things like this. >> i am much better looking than her. i am a better looking person than kamala harris. i'm better looking than she is. >> is prone to talk about things that are weird like this. >> if there is a shark about 10 yards away, do i get electrocuted or go with the shark? i will take electrocution all day long. >> he is prone to remind everyone in his own words what he actually things about some of the issues people care about
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like the future the democracy and what happened after january 6 to those people? >> there has never been people treated more horrifically than j6 hostages. the j6 warriors, they were warriors but more than anything else, there victims of what happened. what's going to happen -- absolutely i would. >> that was trump over and over in his own words promising pardons for the insurrection is who attacked police officers and stormed the u.s. capitol. praising the people that some in his very own party once called domestic terrorists. i also understand when you hear lives of trump speaking, you might be thinking, don't want to hear from that guy. why are you playing this? i get it. the thing is, everyone needs to hear what he is saying. the unhinged and incoherent rambling and the attempts of explaining policy positions
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because he is telling us who he would be, what he would sound like. what his priorities would be and what he would do if he gets another chance at sitting in the white house. he is reminding us how chaotic and crazy he was the last time and signaling the second trump term would look like. that is what kamala harris and her campaign want to make sure the american people hear. joining me as don lemon. he was on the ground in chicago for the democratic convention and interviewed donald trump many times and traveled around the country and he is the author the upcoming memoir, i once was lost. my search for god in america. i can't wait to talk about your book. it looks so interesting as was your first one. i had to ask about the news of the day. let me start by asking you about this back and forth. i strongly feel the harris team pushing to unmute trump's mike is smart. what do you think? >> i think it is smart as well.
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thank you for inviting me. sunlight is the best disinfectant and i wish i had something witty to say about audio. we should hear exactly what donald trump is saying and how he is treating a woman onstage as she is speaking. he has found himself in a situation that is not used to finding himself in and that's answering to a very smart woman. in this particular case, he is answering to a black woman. i think he is on his heels and doesn't know how to respond to her. he was hoping he would go up against president biden and i was going against this black woman and she has this popularity and closing the polls and he doesn't know what to do. he is losing his mind and i think the harris campaign knows on the stage that his prone to have a fit and say something that will get him in trouble. >> you have interviewed him a number of times and covered him for years.
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one of the things that struck me about vice president kamala harris regarding -- regardless of politics she knows how to command a stage. she's quite compelling on television. do you think that gets under his skin? >> there is a lot about her that gets under his skin. again, he's not used to going up against smart women. is used to being in charge and having guys lead the way. i think anyone who calls him out on his yes, anyone who doesn't back down to him, i think is a problem. he understands that the world, after this convention, has many people, that fallen in love with kamala harris. the momentum coming out of the debate and he wants to slow the momentum down. it's one of the reason why he had rfk out days after the convention on the stump and
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endorsed him so publicly is because he's trying to steal the spotlight back. his campaign doesn't know what to do with the kamala harris campaign. i feel his running a campaign from times gone by. i've been saying this a lot. i feel it's a 2024 version of willie horton in the running this negative campaign, and i don't think anyone is buying it. maybe the maga part of the parties buying it but people told me they are sick of the victory all, they're sick of the negativity, and his act is wearing thin. it is old. >> same old dog and trick. let me ask you about your trip. traveling to chicago. you interviewed a lot of people. what are trends that surprised you buy some of those conversations? >> it was eye-opening to hear so many people, even people of color and women, saying they will support donald trump.
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i am not quite sure the polls are accurate as it relates to the tightening of the polls and who will support him. right-wing media, when i released my content, they said don lemon was surprised at the answers he got. there were a lot of black men who said they were supporting donald trump simply because he gave them a stimulus check. he gave them $1200 back when he was president. they did not remember that the current president also gave them a stimulus check except his name was and i on that. i had to remind them time after time that the check did not come from donald trump but from a democratic congress and he slowed it up to have his name on the check. when they got the check, and his name was on it, they automatically thought it came directly from donald trump. that's good marketing in the same for buildings around the
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country. a dozen on them but puts his name on them and it makes people think he owns them and his richer and bigger and more benevolent than he is. >> what did they think of harris? did they have anything to say? >> it depends on where you are. we went to a number of battleground states, pennsylvania, ohio, michigan, indiana, on our way to illinois on the way to chicago. it depended on where you were. pennsylvania, i should say pennsylvania but philadelphia is a bit more liberal in the answers to questions about her and him were quite different. for the most part in pittsburgh are at the jersey shore and atlantic city, ohio especially, many people didn't know who she was. they were not familiar with her. she has to reintroduce herself to the public. for him, i think they thought he is better for the economy. that he brought money into the community where he was on black
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people's side. i wasn't surprised by that. have been doing this long enough that you never know where people will fall and how they will vote. that's their personal prerogative. i think it's important for them to understand an to the voting booth with some knowledge. that they are informed as an electric and for other reasons they were telling me, the information was all falls. they didn't understand the correct reasons why they might vote. >> you have call donald trump a racist on television. you are talking to people, do you feel that way? >> yes. i think i was the first person to say he was lying. people were afraid to say it. i said let's call it what it is. call it a lie. why don't we call it racism. i wasn't saying it because it was an opinion.
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when i said that on television, backed it up with facts and gave examples, the reasons i was saying those things. of course i think he is racist. look at his rhetoric and his track record, and anyone can see that. spent keep going. >> anyone can see that. i don't think that was odd or something that was bold. i do think he is racist. is it surprising that so many african americans are supporting him? a bit. i think people tend to romanticize the past.#jh'y even though by most metrics, the economy is doing better and it's on fire, people vote with prices. they vote with their wallets. maybe the economy is better. the economy can be better but prices are higher and people of less money and less resources to put towards high prices and to feed families. we talk about low information voters. i like to call them low partisan information voters.
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many of the people i spoke to were not sitting in front of the television every single day and night following every microbe breaking news development about donald trump and what's happening in politics. they were quite aware of what they were doing for their families. how much or how little money they had on their pockets and they vote on that and not necessarily what they see on television. i asked people where they got their news from and how do they keep informed? most of the people who were really informed about the issues, quite frankly, weren't watching television. they were digging into it done digital media. they got to sit with the information. i said why don't you watch television? they say because it's so biased and by the time i get through a panel of people yelling, i don't remember what the issue was in the first place. >> that's important to meet people where they are.
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your book is coming out september 10. it's called i once was lost. my search for god in america. you reflect on your last few years losing faith and finding it again. what did you learn about yourself and what hasn't changed in you? >> i learned i was resilient. i started writing before i left cable knows and then i took the summer off and then i went back to the book became a better book and the election was looming, i wanted to talk about that in relationship to evangelicals. the separation of church and state. i found the folks in the maga party, don't call it the republican party. the maga party were trying to erase the line between church and state. move us into a theocracy which moves us further away from democracy which moves us further away from jesus however you worship. i found the resilience and new
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hope. it's not just about me and not just about religion. this book was supposed to come out after the election. it was supposed to come out in november. focus groups read it and they said people needed to read this information before the election because it related, it relates to everything going on right now. especially a woman's right to choose. i have a chapter in the book on that. it talks about a woman in her second trimester whose baby was growing, organs were growing outside of the body and was not going to survive. she had to sit through pain for a week because she could not get an abortion because it was illegal. the book relates to what's happening right now. >> so many stories like that and important for people to hear real stories from people across the country. thank you so much. your new book is out september
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10. coming up. senator elizabeth warren was busy campaigning for kamala harris across wisconsin, and she will join me live in a few minutes. ian samson was a senior adviser in the debate about debates. he said, quote, someone should ask trump if he was aware his team wanted to mattoon. good question. en joins me live.
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considering donald trump backed out of the debate then agreed to it now threatening to drop out again, it seems like we won't have a definitive answer on whether he will show up until we see him standing on stage with kamala harris. in the meantime, the his campaign seems to be having some fun needling him. today, the campaign share this video writing are you scared donald trump?
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followed by a chicken emoji. >> why not debater? >> they already know everything. >> not doing the debate. right now, say why should i do a debate? i'm leading in the polls and everybody knows her and knows me. >> joining a senior adviser for the senior was campaign. we -- ian sams, thank you for being here. i gave my own take on this. it's a smart strategy to push for the microphones to be unmuted. the campaign feel strongly about that provision. why is that, from your end? >> the vice president thinks the american people deserve a real debate were candidates can go back and forth in real exchanges to talk about the issues of matter and respond in real-time to what you would see from trump. outlandish lies and attacks. we want the opportunity for the people to see donald trump for
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who he is and not censored or muted but the unfettered guy he will be if he becomes president again. especially now that the supreme court has given him the authority to have unfettered power. it's important the people can see these two live unmuted. i want to talk about the issue. we think trump may not of known his handlers were trying to keep him muted. whether susie or chris, don't blame them for wanting to keep donald trump quiet. his outbursts often get him in trouble. we heard from the horse's mouth today that he's willing to do this with an unmerited microphone and he said he would probably prefer that. >> what makes you think he did not know? >> in the negotiations with abc in their campaign over the debate it seemed to be the case. >> does he reference, he did today say that he would be open to doing it with the
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microphones on. let's watch that. i want to ask where you think it sits as of now. >> would you want the microphones muted in the debate when you are not speaking? >> we agreed to the same rules -- doesn't matter to me. >> he said i'd rather have a probably on. how confident are you that he will honor his word and show up at the debate? >> we have two candidates have agreed they want unmuted microphones so the country can see both of them for who they are. they can see trump and his dark, dangerous, divisive backward looking agenda. his outbursts and insults he can't get over. vice president kamala harris who represents something future oriented. a patriotic future looking person who cares about the real needs of the american people and not themselves which is all we hear from donald trump. to have those exchanges, have frank dialogue with one another in the debate,'s boat that --
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great they both want to do that and hopefully trumps team will keep him muted. >> i want to ask you about some of the endorsements that have come out. more than 200 mccain, romney, bush alumni endorsed harris. there are big names like mcmaster, kelly, liz cheney, and others. there's confusion over this. is the campaign reaching out task for the public endorsement? is it that they are not ready to? what's going on? >> we would welcome the support of any of these republicans were patriotic people who believe in the country and our founding principles and to see donald trump for the danger that he is. the unhinge dangerous person he is. you talked about hr mcmaster, this was his national security adviser and he said he is a dangerous guy. we hope is a campaign that welcomes those people in your mention 250 romney, mccain,
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bush alumni who endorsed her today. four star general who served under george w. bush in his first ever presidential endorsement today. this follows atkins finger and others who spoke of the convention last week, i cannot think of another time reconvention had so many bipartisan speakers electrifying the country. as a campaign goes on, you will see more patriotic republicans who stand up and say, we may not agree on every issue, but she's a patriot and believes in the country and the constitutional order. right now is the time for country first. country over party and hopefully they will find a home in this campaign. >> one of the issue trump basis that's largely fallen out of the day-to-day new cycle but today kind of came back because special counsel jack smith filed an appeal seeking to reverse judge cannon's dismissal of the case against trump. even if smith wins the appeal we will see a trial for some time. the question i have is what should voters be aware of when
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it comes to this case? it's hard to keep track of all the legal issues. >> it definitely is because he has so many. in this one, the courts and the justice department will work that out. the voters have a job to do. we have an election in 70 ad days where we can reject him. the same underlying behavior we saw where he mishandled information, the way he put the country in danger, the way his national security advisers called him dangerous, that someone we can do something about. we can all vote in november for kamala harris and a new way forward that turns the page on this divisive past, this dangerous past, that threatens all our freedoms that we hold so dear. we can turn the page. these cases will work their way through the courts and that's how it is supposed to be. we will vote. >> ian sams, appreciate you joining me. j.d. vance is trying to covance voters to trust him and donald
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trump when it comes to reproductive rights. as senator warren pointed out, women are not stupid. she joins me after a quick break.
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one of the things a has become pretty clear when it comes to the trump/vance ticket is they know they have a big problem with women, voters. the issue of abortion rights.
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there pretty freaked out about it because consider what trump did the morning after harris delivered her dnc address. he jumped on truth social to boldly, boldly not in a good way, and falsely claim the, quote, my administration will be great for women in their reproductive rights. yes. this from the guy who constantly breaks about killing roe v. wade. yesterday, in an interview with "meet the press" j.d. vance said he will not do the things that are clearly written out in project 2025. some of trump's strongest allies are pushing for and the things j.d. vance himself even advocated for in 2022. >> senator graham said i'm going to keep saying that there should be a federal ban. if such a piece of legislation landed on donald trump's desk, would he veto it? >> it's clear he would not support it. >> would he veto it? would he veto a federal abortion ban? >> i think he would.
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he said it explicitly he would. >> there's a lot you could say about that back and forth and his answer but i think senator elizabeth warren said it best. >> american women are not stupid. we are not going to trust the futures of our daughters and granddaughters to two men who have openly bragged about blocking access to abortion for women all across this country. >> women are not stupid. joining me now is democratic senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts. thank you for joining me tonight. it's good to see you. i want to start there and what j.d. vance is now claiming. as you said, women are not stupid but i'm raising this because they will keep doing this, claiming there defenders of women's rights and abortion rights. you are so good at many things including sis think they giving people information. how should people so simply
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remind everyone out there what trump and j.d. vance stand for an abortion rights? >> okay. let's start with we know what they are doing. they are gaslighting as. they think we cannot hear them when they talk to their radical base. they go to the radical base, trump did it last week, and braked again, i'm the guy who got rid of roe versus wade. he is the one that has put us and now he thinks he can turn to the overwhelming majority of women who think that what he has done is terrible. here is the thing. i want to focus on where we are. you can almost laugh at what they do except for the fact that 40% of all women in america now live in a state that effectively bans access to abortion. that means that a woman can be in the middle of a miscarriage
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and she can go to an emergency room and be examined, the doctor and say i know what is going to take, the medical treatment you need, but you can't get it in this state because you're not near enough death so please go to the parking lot and hemorrhage for a while longer. hours or maybe overnight, and then come back in just before you are about to die. we can perform the abortion you need. we can give you the medication you need. that is where 40% of the women live today, our sisters, our cousins, our friends. if donald trump and j.d. vance take over the white house, make no mistake, will not be 40%. it will be 100%. the way they can do that, they don't even need a republican congress. they know this and so does project 2025 that lay this out and said the law on the books, the comstock act back which if
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you get a donald trump person in the department of justice and they bring it in front of a donald trump judge, then it will be possible to affect an abortion ban all across this country. no medication abortion and no surgical abortions because the actual instruments themselves cannot be sent through the mail, cannot be sent across state lines. here is the deal. they've got their plan. they know what they intend to do, and donald trump knows that the only way he hangs onto his radical base is to follow through on that plan. he thinks if he lies to was, loud enough and long enough and since j.d. vance to lie to us, that somehow we will fall for it. we won't notice that j.d. vance sent a letter last year to the department of justice telling them to enforce that very law, the comstock act.
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i've got to say on this, i go through all the nerdy details because they are important because it matters what's happening to women across this country, and the threats we face. i also want to say on this, we will not be fooled here. people's lives are at stake. we're talking about access to abortion. access to contraception. we're talking about access to ivf, and we do not believe as democrats that the government should be making those decisions. women should have the freedom to make those decisions with their doctors. that is right there, the difference between donald trump and kamala harris and republicans and democrats. >> we will not be fooled is a thing women should be saying across the country. let me ask about the debate about the debate. when i talked to you the night
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that joe biden decided he was no longer going to seek the nomination, you basically said that trump is scared of a tough woman. a tough woman scares him. do you think that's what's going on here? >> i think trump is really afraid of kamala harris or as i like to think of it, the fell on is afraid of the prosecutor. for good reason. she is smart. she is disciplined and she's not afraid of a bully. there it is. donald trump is scared. i think his whole team is scared and that's why they are trying to find ways to muzzle him, make the debate not happen, if possible. kamala harris, she will wipe the floor with donald trump. >> we have to sneak in a quick break. with dexcom g7, managing your diabetes just got easier.
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massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> we are back with democratic senator elizabeth warren. i wanted to play that because it was moving to watch and one of the reasons people were so passionate and you got the response is you are champion of progressive economic policy and people knew that. you were quite overcome. what was it like? what was going through your head? >> i felt so deeply grateful to be there. you know me and you've known me for a long time. i've always been a total policy nerd. i never thought i would have the chance to be in a fight and to be able to fight for so many
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important things. to be there was so many other people who are in the same fight was, it was overwhelming. >> policy nerds are important. i love them too. i think you've been an advocate for so many important economic policies. they don't always get the attention they deserve and one is affordable housing. vice president harris put forward an officious clan -- plan including 25,000 dollar tax credit and $40 billion fund to encourage local governments to build more affordable housing. they don't get the attention they need and we want to give this attention. why is it an important policy for the public? >> we have a housing shortage. why are prices high? it's econ 101. we need more housing.
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do you know who we need a for? almost everybody. housing for first-time homebuyers. we need housing for people in apartments. housing for seniors and people with disabilities. we need housing for single zipper people who are growing their families. we need urban areas and suburban areas, rural areas. we don't have enough. we have known this for decades. we sit by and the problem gets what vice president kamala harris is proposing is something , pushing and i'm 100% on this, we need the federal government to be a good partner in building or housing locally. federal government should not come in and tell communities you need to build this and that. but to say instead, if you alter your policies to your building or housing for those
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first-time homebuyers, for those renters, for those seniors and people with disabilities, we will do the part the federal government can do and that's be a partner to your community. we can put up the money so you can have a new elementary school or new sewage system, revitalize your downtown. spend it in ways you need in your community if you will bring down the price of building houses and getting or housing. the goal is 3 million new housing units all across this country. think about it this way. for middle-class families, being able to get on the train to buy that first house, that's the number 1 way that families build wealth and wealth that lasts. it's the number 1 retirement plan in america and the number 1 way to be able to pass well
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done and help stabilize the next generation. more housing as a way to be able to help close the racial wealth gap in america. it's a way to build more economic security for everybody in the country. it's a fabulous proposal. >> love the fabulous proposal. before i let you go, i have to ask about the kennedy legacy. you know what well in your senator from massachusetts. i know you have seen rfk jr. has endorsed trump after dropping out. i wonder what you think of this and what you think of him endorsing trump given the kennedy legacy and fighting for working people? >> i don't understand who this man is anymore. he is someone who used to be a strong environmental activist. he seemed to have a strong call to public service. he has become this guy who
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kills a bear and leaves it in central park is a joke? a conspiracy theorist. i don't think it will make a difference in the campaign and i don't think he was going to do it. he is in this about himself which, by the way, when you have one guy about himself endorsing another guy who's all about himself, you could say you understand how the match works. ultimately, kamala harris is out there. she is pulling ahead and those guys are in the rearview mirror. >> they can be with each other. thank you so much. coming up. republicans can't figure out how to attack tim walz so they're bringing his dog into it. i am not joking.
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ever since he was launched
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onto the national stage earlier this month, republicans have been desperately trying to land an attack on kamala harris's running mate tim walz. because nothing so far has seemed to work, they have narrow resorted to attacking the family dog. i really wish i was joking. i am not joking. the dog has a sweet history. back when he announced he was running for governor, he may not -- he promised his son that the family could get a dog if they won the election. well, one contest later, walz won the election and gus made sure he made his deal. the first thing out of his mouth was i get a dog which is a 10-year-old thing to say. a few months later, governor walz made good on his promise and adopted scout as a puppy and walz posted about scout a number of times including in
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recent months. some republicans in the darkest corners of the internet, dog conspiracy. they pointed to this tweet of walz with a different dog from nearly two years ago as some sort of smoking gun. walz wrote, couldn't think of a better way to spend a beautiful fall day then at the dog park. scout enjoyed it. and in the photo walz was posing with the dog other than scout. one might be insidious conspiracy theory be? was he lying about having a dog at all? using a rotating cast of dogs? who knows. as crazy as it sounds, bad faith right-wingers said it was all evidence that tim walz was lying about something. well, no, actually. as you can see from the very same day also shared by walz, he took scout to the dog park where there are usually
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multiple dogs. including the puppy from the picture that the trolls tried to misrepresent. mystery solved, i guess. this is a ironic attack, coming from the party's own rising star , kristi noem, posted about hating her own family talk so much that she took it to a gravel pit and shot it. you know what? tim walz had a response showing this picture and social media with the caption, quote, post a picture with your dog that doesn't involve shooting them and throwing them in a gravel pit. i will start. better luck next time. in the meantime, my advice would be to take a page from the fdr playbook. listen to how he reacted to equally ridiculous claim from his opponent about his own dog and is 1944 reelection campaign. >> republican leaders, attacks
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on me or on my wife or on my son's. they now, my little dog. >> he won that election thanks in part to that speech and he was immortalized with the statue of his own next to his dad at the roosevelt memorial. i think there's an important lesson. fdr was right. if you attack a candidate's dog, you are probably losing and deserve the ridicule coming your way. i have one more thing to tell you about.
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12:58 am
i know it's been a crazy election cycle and it's only going to get more crazy. if you're like me, you're looking for experts, friends, new friends, old friends to break down what matters most in these final weeks leading to november.
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we have the thing for you. scan the qr code to join us msnbc live in brooklyn on saturday, september 7. come out with me and my friends, rachel maddow, joy reid, alex wagner and so many more. it's a nerdier version of the avengers. if you go, and you should, you will get the chance to watch the new movie produced by rachel, from russia with love. it will be there before it hits theaters. i can't see it and i can't wait. it breaks down the scheme that led to trump's first impeachment. that is up for me. the rachel maddow show starts right now. >> thank you for that. i'm glad you did that. this hour we will release the first clip that anyone has seen ever from that movie. nobody is seeing a trailer any clips. we will show the first clip this hour so people -- >> i can't wait.
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i will run upstairs. >> thank you, my friend. i'm nervous but excited. thank you for joining us this hour. i am happy to have you here. we are going to show that clip of this thing i have been working on for ages and ages and i hope you like it. in a presidential election year, allies understandably, two major party residential campaigns. we have had the republican national convention and the democratic national convention. new rounds of polling that come out both national polls and swing state polls. they are telling the same story right now. they are telling a story that -- vice president kamala harris is doing significantly better against donald trump than president biden had been doing in his campaign. that is comparatively good news
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