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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  August 27, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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imited line for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get up to $800 off google pixel 9 phones. switch today! right now, on "andrea mitchell reports," ten weeks to election day. and the campaigns are sparring over how to lower every day costs. kamala harris also faces tough questions about when she's going
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to sit down with the journalist to face tough questions. the latest from the campaign trail in just a moment. plus jack smith files an appeal asking the 11th circuit court of appeals to reinstate the trump classified documents case. and the chair of the georgia democratic party joins me about their challenge about new rules to the election board and how those changes could impact vote this is november. good to be with you. i'm katy tur there for andrea mitchell. with the election just 70 days away, donald trump and j.d. vance are picking up pace. visiting michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania and as kamala harris heads to georgia with her running mate tim walz. harris is out with two now ads on the economy, trying to eat into donald trump's polling
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lead. where she admits the cost of living is too high. and touts her plans to make things cheaper. she's also trying to tackle another issue trump holds better on, that is immigration. but did texas just make that harder? as a judge there temporarily blocks a biden program allowing certain oun documented spouses to stay in the united states while they apply for legal status. both issues will certainly loom large in the first joint interview harris and walz are expected to take next week ahead of a potential and we say potential debate with donald trump two weeks from today. and finally on yet another subject, republicans usually have an edge, donald trump is going after harris on foreign policy. trying to stick her with the blame for the withdrawal from afghanistan. >> the humiliation in afghanistan set off the collapse of american credibility and respect all around the world and the most embarrassing day in the history of our country.
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under kamala harris, american veterans are treated worse by far. and illegal aliens -- >> and joining me now vaughn hillyard and erin haines, don callaway and david jolly from florida. it is kamala harris, not kamala. i'll put that out there. donald trump has two new people that are joining the campaign. are the effort to get him elected, two former democrats. but not a surprise that they're joining and who are they and why. >> robert f. kennedy jvr is now a part of the transition team for donald trump. tulsi gabbard is going to be part of the transition team. this is according to the trump campaign themselves. these are both one-time democrats who have really curried favor with the right-wing media and donald trump. tulsi gabbard, let's be clear,
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she's spoken at cpac and with the likes of kari lake, and robert f. kennedy jr. was on x treating about kehm trails should be a crime. and so this is part of for donald trump his effort to build a coalition now, i think a the lo of folks are understanding that this is a very specific coalition that he's trying to build and it is one that really placates the far right because these are individuals, tulsi gabbard, who has -- at the outset of the war in ukraine, laid blame at the feet of united states for putting russia in the position to defend itself by trying to expand nato that russia inherently needed to do what it could to defend itself against potential ukraine or nato advancements. >> the last i heard about kehm trails around donald trump was a protester outside of his -- his former home, trump tower wearing swirly eyeglasses with the
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bizarre hair and ranting about kehm trails. so now someone on his transition team could do that as well. let me ask you about rfk a little more. because we've heard about the worm that he said he found in his head. we've heard about the story about the bear that he found as road kill and then left as a joke in central park making it look like it was hit by a bicycle, at the time there were a lot of bicycle thefts in new york city. that was his version of a joke. and newtory from kick kennedy, his daughter, telling town and country about her family and had an anecdote about her father. i'll read it. when she was six word got out that a dead whale had washed oun squaw island and bobby who liked to study animal skulls and skeletons ran down to the beach with a chainsaw and cut off the whale's head and bungee corded it to the roof of the family minivan for the five-hour haul
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back to new york. and she talked about putting a plastic bag on her head and there was whale juice and families were flipping them off. but it was just a regular day for rfk and that family. i don't know, what is the question there and how do you answer it. >> other than, if we could, take a quick step back to 2016 and at trump tower when we were covering that transition as he was parading folks possible cabinet in the trump tower and what caught my attention and surprise was rfk jr. and he was coming there on the vaccination front. this is a complicated, unique man. and donald trump has even just last week said that he's interesting. he's a little bit different. is how donald trump described him, himself. and he understands that this person percentage of voters who may be rfk voters who help him here electorally and this for kamala harris, we're two weeks out from this pending debate between these two individuals
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and there is just a lot there at the feet of this democratic ticket. and you're playing the sound of donald trump talking about that afghanistan withdrawal. and in no way is the biden-harris administration unencumbered by any responsibility of what took place with the withdrawal of the troops in the passing of u.s. military service men and women. but when you look at the donald trump administration, they're the ones in february of to 2020 to put the doha agreement in effect releasing 5,000 taliban prisoners an this is where donald trump, right, you flood the field. rfk and tulsi gabbard, afghanistan withdrawal, this is going to be an intense debate here. >> it is funny, is it a good strategy or is it taking away from policies that donald trump could potentially win with? really focusing on the economy or immigration. as vaughn was saying, focusing on afghanistan, he shoulders
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some of the blame for setting that plan into motion. but even still he could try to put it all on the biden administration, instead the first question out of my mouth today is rfk and a dead whale that he chainsawed in half. >> yeah. let' be very clear about something. rfk is an extraordinary oddly constructed human being. it does not resonate with every day americans to, you know, receiver a whale head and carry it around or kill a bear and talk about kep trails and anti-vaxing. tulsi gabbard served her country but when the democratic party didn't give her a vacant senate seat when she was elected to congress out of hawaii, she went off the rails very, very quickly. so this is not a person who has been relevant to democratic constituency for some time. i get it, it is a woman of color and it is a kennedy. but it does not add to the campaign as a substantive
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addition. in fact, it is quite strange. all things considered, what it is not is substantive policy. and that is something that we've not seen from donald trump for ten years now. we've seen division, we've seen wedge social issues, we've seen name calling and believy ating but we still haven't seen a health care plan or how he's going to make things more affordable, he just said he will. so adding these fringe characters like elon musk, these the folks that come from this all in podcast think tree doesn't help him particularly in the next 70 days. >> this is an unprecedentedly short campaign and erin, you're writing about this. if we want to move over to focus on harris a little bit. she's got a sprint until november. do you think that the lack of time helps her or hurts her? >> well, i think that there are advantages and disadvantages to
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this collapsed calendar. i think that the immediate sense of urgency and excitement and having kind of this dramatic exit of president biden and this dramatic entry of vice president harris as the candidate and now the official nominee is something that is motivating a lot of people and it is generating a lot of excitement and curiosity about who she is and what she plans to do for the country. so there is that. there is also, you know, kind of this calendar it leaves very little room for error as i write in my column this week. there is not a lot of time to recover if there is a mistake made. after this point, the launch of her campaign has been pretty successful but yet people are looking for when is that first kind of misstep going to happen and how does she respond to that? i think that is also why year seeing so much attention around who and when this first interview is going to be with. because that is -- is certainly
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something that could be a potential challenge. she's been a candidate for just a little over a month and yet we're already saying, when is she going to do an interview and why haven't she done an interview yet. and we're talking four weeks in now. >> does she need to do an interview, what sort of journalist does it need to be? what does she have to show to the american public and does she need to choose someone in particular to get that done, erin? >> we don't know with whom or exactly whether this is going to be. but this is another huge mile marker in the campaign. as vice president she did something like 30 or 40 interviews but they were not with members of the press corp or the people that cover her regularly. she's had a lot of viral moments with shows like jimmy kimmel or drew barrymore, but they are people who have the kinds of audiences who are also voters that she's trying to speak to directly. but, you know, i think what i would say is that, um, you know talking to a journalist who has covered her leadership, as well
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as the kinds of issues that voters really care about, whether that is affordability or rights or democracy or immigration, that also matters. i happen to know one. if they're looking for one, we're all very interested in that. but the american people are already seeing a lot of her at this point and i think she's been focused on introducing herself to them. but this is certainly the next step in what that introduction could look like. >> so, david, we talked about just when we opened the show, a number of issues that harris is campaigning on or putting out ads on and one is the economy and another is immigration. and with the news that texas is temporarily blocking that immigration policy from biden, how can she -- can she eat into donald trump's lead, republican lead on immigration? >> yes, and on the economy and it starts by sitting down and doing interviews and telling the story.
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i think vice president and joe biden have a good economy. more people went to work. stock market is at an all-time high and access to health care and education and investments in infrastructure, the story is fantastic. and inflation is coming down and real wages are going up. get that message out there. and on immigration, sure, the initiative may have been temporarily stopped, but the reality is after the biden-harris administration first negotiated a bipartisan immigration deal that trump killed and then took executive action, we saw border apprehensions and border crossings come down. the problem with not having that conversation is donald trump gets to make these accusations and it is hard to respond to those accusations just in 28 second commercials. you raelly have to change the national narrative. republicans will win on immigration by the numbers. we know that. the question is, by how much. and the opportunity for the vice president to eat into that lead is real and it is right in front of us right now. >> and you do believe she do
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that in an interview with a journalist. >> we have ever reason to believe she would show a commanding presence in an interview and the longer this goes without one there is more questions. she must be able to sit down with a sober serious reporter and do a lester holt interview or with erin, you, katy, answer questions. what changed in your policy positions from 2019 until now, did you have a role in the execution of the afghanistan policy and what do you think about the future of inflation, and what do you think about our engagement in india or with china or with russia. have the give and take with a reporter. it is almost less about how -- what she answers than how she answers to show the command that we saw at the convention when she is pushed in real time by a serious reporter. i think she could do well. but not doing an interview is a real issue. it is a real issue for many
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voters but persuadables want to see this interview. >> thank you very much. in 90 seconds, i alook at the legal appeal special counsel jack smith is making to resurrect the classified trump documents case. you're watching msnbc. documents case you're watching msnbc. (♪♪) bounce back fast from heartburn with tums gummy bites, and love food back. (♪♪) ♪ [suspenseful music] trains. [whoosh] ♪ trains that use the power of dell ai and intel. clearing the way, [rumble] [whoosh] so you arrive exactly where you belong. honey... but the gains are pumping! the market's closed. futures don't sleep in the after hours, bro. dad, is mommy a “finance bro?” she switched careers to make money for your weddings. ooh! penny stocks are blowing up. sweetie, grab your piggy bank, we're going all in. let me ask you. for your wedding, do you want a gazebo and a river?
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uh, i don't... what's a gazebo? something that your mother always wanted and never got. could give these different investment options a shot. the right money moves aren't as aggressive as you think. i'm keeping the vest. special counsel jack smith is appealing, asking the 11th circuit court after peels to reinstate the classified documents case which judge aileen cannon dismissed last
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month. the appeals court has historically by critical of cannon's judgments overruling her in past decisions regarding this case in particular. joining me now, former sdny criminal division deputy chief and legal analyst christy greenberg. so walk us through what we should skpernt from this appeal and how long it will last. >> so i think, it going to take some time as these appeals do. i think it is going to be months of time for this to be fully briefed. after which there will be oral arguments and then we'll get a decision from the 11th circuit. but this is not going to be something that you'll see immediately. this is going to take some time to work through the process. >> all right. in this appeal, the expectation wasn't jack smith might have decided to ask to remove judge aileen cannon from the case, citing the way that she handled it so far. that is not in this brief filed from jack smith. any indication why?
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>> so, i think jack smith doesn't want to count his chickens before their hatched. you have to win the appeal first. right. and then once you can win this appeal and i expect that jack smith will win this appeal. this is a very, very strong brief pointing out the ways in which judge cannon really just deviated from established precedent and she's an outlier and points out every other court of appointment of special counsel has found there is statutory authority for that and points out the fact that her decision is inconsistent with the history here, 150 years of history is pointed out by justice kavanaugh and points out her statutory interpretation is wrong. so for all of those reasons i think jack smith will win. and once he wins, then he can go back and point to this opinion and as well as the other times the 11th circuit has overruled judge cannon and then put together a strong brief. in addition to all of the other bad calls that she's made in this case, and then say, hey,
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this is our best case for why she really should be removed from this case. >> so win the appeal first and then present the argument to have her taken off. i want to read from the filing. we have a couple of breakouts from it. the district court deviated from binding supreme court precedent. misconstrued the statutes and took inadequate account of the long standing history of attorney general appointments of special counsel. we also have congress's long use similar provisions to authorize other department heads such as the secretaries of defense, state, treasury and labor to carry out critical work. why is he citing those in particular? why bring in the department of labor and the defense and state into it? >> i think that was an important part of the brief. where jack smith is saying, if you agree with judge cannon and, again, every other court to consider this question has not agreed with judge cannon, they have followed what they believe
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to be binding supreme court precedent here. but if you agree with judge cannon, they're going to be repercussions for hundreds, i think he said, in the brief, of appointments. so this is a consequential decision. it is not something that would just relate to this case. if you agree with judge cannon's interpretation, there are significant consequences to the rest of the department of justice's appointments and that is a significant point, i think, to raise for this court to consider. >> christy greenberg, thank you. and next israeli as celebrate the rescue of a hostage held for more than 10 months by hamas. and cease-fire talks are continuing in cairo. you're watching msnbc. iro. you're watching msnbc. why didn't we do this last year? before you were preventing migraine with qulipta®? remember the pain? cancelled plans? the worry? that was then. and look at me now. you'll never truly forget migraine. but qulipta® reduces attacks, making zero-migraine days possible. it's the only pill of its kind that blocks cgrp - and is approved to prevent migraine of any frequency.
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the strongest numbing pain relief available. it's the only solution with two max strength anesthetics for fast penetrating relief absorbine junior pro. nothing numbs pain more. an israeli citizen taken by hamas on october 7th and held hostage for more than ten months now was rescued today in what the israeli military called a complex operation in southern gaza. the 52-year-old beddo win father of 11 was kidnapped from his security guard job at a packk factory at kibbutz. they released this video of him moments after he was rescued. hostage families forum often critical of the israeli government for failing to reach an agreement to free the captives, said in a statement that his return home, quote, is nothing short of a miraculous. however, we must remember military operations alone cannot
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free the remaining 108 hostages who have suffered 326 days of abuse and terror. a negotiated deal is the only way forward. white house national security spokesperson john kirby said cease-fire talks are continuing in cairo for the next few days to iron out specifically issues. and the rocket and drone attacks by hezbollah over the weekend are not impacting the work of the negotiating team. joining me now from tel aviv, international correspondent matt bradley. do we have any more details on how they were able to rescue this man? >> reporter: no, actually, that is something that we don't know. and it is something that we need to hear about. the fact is, if you remember, katy, in some of the previous operations, just a couple of months ago, that three hostages were rescued. there was a very, very violent confrontation, a huge battle that palestinian health authorities said killed 200 people just to rescue those three. now the israelis said it was
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more like 100 people who were killed but that is still a massive disparity and so far we haven't heard about the circumstances of this man's rescue except for the fact that he was rescued in rafah from the tunnels, from the tunnels that are underneath gaza and it is thought that a lot of the hostages are being kept in that vast tunnel system that runs under the gaza strip. but other than that, we're not hearing a lot of details an the israeli military don't want to release the details for security reasons. >> what about the cease-fire talks. the israel launches from israel and hezbollah have not done anything to the talks. do we know if they're getting any closer today? >> reporter: we don't. and you know, we haven't heard much about them ever since they kind of broke up on sunday night. we understand from the white house that they've broke up into smaller working groups and still being discussed. but the white house has consistently, ever since last successful talks in november, been kind of overly optimistic,
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saying that we're near a deal, and every single time the deals have fallen apart and now we're not getting the same sense of optimism from the israelis or from hamas and so it is hard to take what the white house is saying with any sense of real truth because up until now, we've kind of been hearing they are sort of the boy who cried wolf when it comes to the success of the hostage negotiations. blinken has been to middle east nine times since the october 11th attacks and still we have no deal. now the israelis have not said they're optimistic and the leadership has not sounded the same optimistic notes and certainly hamas have been talking in pessimistic tones for last several weeks. both of those really belying what we've been hearing from the white house and again and again the white house's line hasn't matched up to what we're hearing from the parties involved and to
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what eventually ends up happening to the negotiations. >> still so much suffering in gaza and there was the first case of polio there in 25 years. there is now vaccines being distributed. how is that working under the current conditions in gaza? >> startling. startling, because you don't hear about polio that much any more. and you like you said, the first time in 25 years that we've had a case in the grauza strip. so the 1.2 million different doses, that is for a little more than half a million children to be distributed to children under the age of ten. each child is supposed to get two doses. it is not just a matter of getting the kids together and shooting them in the arm once, you have to keep track them and they have to be administered over a period of time and that is even more complex for an operation that is obviously so complex because it is in the middle of a war zone. added to that, the united nations just suspended humanitarian operations for a couple of days starting just yesterday on monday. so, you know, and that was
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because they felt as though there was all of these evacuations that had been ordered around the area and other places in the gaza strip that had made the distribution of humanitarian aid so complicated. so as you could imagine, humanitarian aid distribution is complicated for the united nations, getting vaccines in children's arms is going to be complex even in an on going war. so the details are so much on the ground in the gaza strip. >> and the vaccines need to be re strij rated. how could they keep things safe and effective. matt bradley, thank you very much. and coming up next, protecting the vote. what democrats in texas and georgia are doing about what they say are republican's efforts to suppress voters. and sow election chaos. what it could mean for november. you're watching msnbc. watching. and if you want a successful business,
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the nation's oldest latino civil rights group is accusing texas attorney general ken paxton of targeting activists and raiding their homes violating the voting rights act. the league of latin american citis said several members along with local politicians were unfairly targeted in the august 20th searches ordered by paxton. the wide-ranging search warrant ordered the seizure of electronic devices and open of
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business organization and election related documents and authorized swabbing for dna. according to the warrant, the purpose was to look for evident of voter fraud. joining me now lisa rubin. so they're asking the department of justice to look into this. >> yeah. and based on what we know so far, perhaps with some good reason. because some of the efforts, while described as an attempt to enforce texas laws for voter integrity as part of ken paxton voter integrity unit they seemed designed more to intimidate people who are trying to encourage and incentivize citizens to vote. there is no indication so far that these voter registration efforts are tied to voting for about 1900 noncitizens in texas, law enforcement efforts with respect to that noncitizen voting is separate and apart from the raids. so what we don't know that the department of justice will
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follow up on the complaint, it is a complaint that thus far based on what we know sounds well founded and something within the department of justice's wheelhouse to investigation in its voting component of this civil rights unit. >> that is what ken paxton presented to get the search warrants, the undocumented voters? >> it is not clear what ken paxton presented to get the search warrants and we know that the raid earlier last week, that they were extensive, that as you mentioned in your opening, that many of those who were targeted are long time activists not only in the latino community, but also democratic activists. one of those whose home is running for a state house seat against the former mayor of uvalde, someone in their 70ths or 80s. while we don't know what evidence is presented, the fact that they're swabbing people's cheeks for dna in an investigation that is apparently about voter fraud, definitely has me scratching my head about
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what that could be about. and, also, whether this is, stin he had of trying to road out voter fraud, some sort of preemptive event to say the latino community, we're watching you and to extent that you're going through voter harvesting efforts that are unlawful in some way, we're going to disincentivize you from doing that even if the illegality here is incidental and not intentional. >> all right. i want to ask you about georgia. we've been talking about the election board out there changing the rules to say that you can ask for an inquiry, that is reasonable. they use the word reasonable inquiries or fair. but because that word is so vague, the democrats, the party down there, is saying it is too vague and it is going to sow chaos. you also have secretary of state raffensperger saying he too believes this is too late in the game and it will be chaotic come election day. do they have a case? >> i think they do have a case. first of all, there are 159
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different counties in georgia. so when people like secretary of state raffensperger complain about the chaos that could be sewn here, there is reason to say that. there are so many different counties in elections. the rule that has been sued on, there are two of them. one is that reasonable inquiry rule that you just spoke of. there is another rule that allows board members to demand any and all election related documentation prior to the certification of results. but there is a georgia state statute that said all counties have to certify election results by a time and date certain. and that is the concern of the plaintiffs here who are not just the democratic national committee, and the democratic party of georgia, but a number of local election board members who say right before the election to implement these rules seems to suggest that they have discretion that they don't. we need to know clearly and concisely what those rules are so that we could carry out our own duties. i think they have a case, and
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asking for that clarity from the court, the question is how fast can they get a ruling from the fulton county superior court. so i'm expecting for someone to say we need to get this case moving and we haven't seen that come yet. perhaps in the days to come. >> and part of the issue is if they don't certify the election by that date, what happens after that? and can those votes be sent to congress for counting for the official count that happens in early january? it was january 6th, a few years ago. is it the same date again. lisa rubin, thank you very much. joining me now kogwoman nick -- congresswoman sneak emma williams. i saw you last week next to lil jon. >> too many letters. >> i seem old. let me ask you about these
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rules. the dnc down there is saying this is not fair. it is too vague and it is problematic. just explain the legal issues at play. how do you see it playing out at the polls and in the days after? >> so, i'm a chairwoman of the democratic party of georgia and so we have been monitoring this situation in all 159 counties. georgia has a lot of counties, only second to texas. what we know is that even county has election results and because of rules that were change and laws that were passed in the aftermath of our historic victories in 2020, we saw republicans changing the laws. we played by the rules so they changed them. and so what we're seeing now is more changes in the rules where they want to give independent or individual county parties the opportunity to not certify election results. where state code does not allow
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for that. the state code said that each county must certify the election results. but we saw this leading up to the november election. and in my county right here in fulton county, where atlanta is, we have republicans on the county board of elections refusing to certify the primary election results because of all of these random document requests that she was requesting. so we know they've been trying to set up this case so they that could not certify a very valid election that is going to be in november. so we are not taking anything for chance and we have filed a lawsuit yesterday, the democratic party of georgia so we could make sure that all election results are vert fied in line with the state statute. >> i think it is interesting that donald trump knows the georgia election board members by name. let's listen to him. >> that should tell you a lot. >> let's listen to him at a rally in georgia just the other day. >> i don't know if you've heard, but the georgia state election
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board is in a very positive way, this is a very positive thing, marjorie. they're on fire. they're doing a great job. three members. john johnson, rig jeffries, and janelle king. three people. they are all pit bulls fighting for honesty, transparency and victory. they are fighting. >> it is on august 3rd. what do you make of -- is it normal for a presidential candidate to know the members of a state election board? >> that is so far from the norm for not only elected officials, but a presidential candidate to call out election board members by name. these are people who should be doing a job that does not rise to the level of the media or a presidential candidate. because it is about certifying lin an election. it is not about independent or democrats. >> it is about every vote should
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be counted. and that raiseds that there is something nefarious at play. but we've seen this time and time again. when donald trump came back after the 2020 election and asked our secretary of state to help him find those votes, those 11,780 votes that he lost georgia by every time that we counted results, he tried to overturn the will of the voters and he's trying to get ahead of it this time. but we're also watching everything that he's doing. we've already filed a lawsuit. it was just filed yesterday. and we are hopeful that we will get some relief from the superior court here in fulton county so we could assure voters, not democratic voters but all georgia voters if they show up and cast their ballots, it will be counted. >> kamala harris and tim wall street are going to be doing a bus tour in georgia coming up. and they're not going to be in fulton county and dekalb county and by savannah, they are doing southern georgia. what does it say to you they're
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going beyond those places? >> so we've been clear that the win in georgia, we're not ceding any territory. we're looking at every corner of every county and that means urban and rural georgia, all votes matter and this election and we're going to take our message of freedom and opportunity to everyone on this campaign trail. i am enthused to welcome them back to the peach state and i'll be meeting them tomorrow down in south georgia for the bus tour so we have direct conversations with the voters because at the end of the day, the vote lrz have the final day when we send kamala harris to the white house. >> is georgia still purple? >> georgia is not purple, it is not through or red. we're periwinkle and we have to do the work to make sure that we continue to deliver for all georgians, not democrats or republicans because we know that kamala harris will be a president for all georgia. >> congresswoman, thank you very much for joining us. we do appreciate your time. we're going to be watching the state of georgia to see what
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happens next. thank you. >> thank you. and coming up next, new warnings for tens of millions of americans under heat advisories. from texas to new york, where there is going to be triple digit weather. don't go anywhere. go anywhere. ♪ ♪ not every decision you make will be as good as getting a volkswagen at the savvy vw summer sales event. 2024 volkswagen models cost less to maintain than honda. get 1.9% apr financing or a $2500 customer bonus on a new 2024 tiguan.
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you are in miami. >> reporter: i know. i know. wouldn't it be ridiculous if i was covering midwest heat and i just went to florida to make it easier on myself. no, we are in chicago, along lake michigan as are a lot of other people who frankly came clean to our crew yesterday and told us they were skipping work and school to be here. do what you will with that. just to be clear we are talking about the heat index that might hit 115 today in chicago, that's heat plus humidity. it's going to feel that hot. it already is brutal, it hurts us physically. it's not the only severe weather happening across the country, we've also been watching overnight flooding in minnesota, there was a crazy storm there that sent floodwaters into of all places the minnesota state fair sending people running into the 4h building on the fairground, the midwest cliché of settings to take shelter. out east there were torrential downpours there and crazy state line winds topping 70 miles per
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hour that did a little damage, but fortunately no injuries we are hearing about in any setting. chicagoans are used to heat and heat in august but this is exceptional if not painful. here is what we heard earlier. >> heat index of 115. >> horrible. >> how does that hit you? >> it's terrible. i'm from texas, i moved up here to get away from the heat. >> okay. it's followed you. >> yeah, it followed me here. teddy is not a fan, he's ready for winter and the show. >> we got in yesterday and i was like, oh, my gosh, this is so hot and it feels warmer than normal. it really does. you can't reject the heat, look at my nose it's already sweating, we are just getting into our walk. >> the sand will burn your heat. i love it, it's still summer. people are ready for fall and hoodies. no. no. it's still summer. >> reporter: good to think about fall, though. i want to clarify the woman out walking teddy that was way earlier this morning when it was
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much cooler. teddy thankfully is safe inside unlike myself. our climate team telling us on a more serious note that cities across the midwest, dozens of them, are seeing their top three hottest years on record so far. they link that clearly to our worsening climate crisis. cities on the west coast and east coast, katy, a lot seeing their hottest years on record ever. it's not just feeling hotter, it definitely is by the numbers getting hotter and today it feels like it in chicago. >> maggie, if you decide to take your mic off and walk away from that camera, ditch a little bit of work -- >> reporter: 1,000% doing that. >> i won't tell anyone and no one will notice. >> reporter: private moment. >> maggie vespa, it's good to have you. before you go, what was it like earlier. when was it okay for teddy, the dog, to be out? >> reporter: okay is debatable. it was -- it's all relative, katy, thank you for asking. it was like 80 and it felt like
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80, the humidity hadn't kicked in yet so he was fine. he has a huge fur coat on. it looks miserable every day of his life frankly. >> except for the winter when it's wonderful probably. good thing he is in chicago. maggie vespa, thank you very much. and that's going to do it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember to follow the show on social media @mitchellreports and i will see you back here at 3:00 p.m. eastern. chris jansing picks up our coverage after this short break. r coverage after this short break. ♪ (woman) c'mon c'mon ♪ (man) yes! ♪ (vo) you've got your sunday obsession and we got you. now with verizon, get nfl sunday ticket from youtube tv on us and get every out-of-market sunday game. plus $800 off samsung galaxy z fold6.
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♪♪ good day, i'm chris jansing live at msnbc headquarters in new york city. millions of voters, hundreds of lawyers, and one big mess of a legal battle. 70 days before the election georgia is ground zero for the fight over free and fair elections and over what exactly that means. could new rules hold up election results in that key swing state, and then by extension, stall results for the rest of the country? the latest from the new lawsuit and the legal firepower on both sides, already armed and ready for combat. plus, republicans and democrats launching an all out ad blitz with a common goal, selling voters on their version of kamala