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tv   Segodnya  NTV  November 3, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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there are fighting in the north, attempts to leave the gas strip in the south, the latest news from the middle east. on the battlefield in the us team, the results of the vote in the house of representatives on a bill to allocate multibillion-dollar aid to israel. as well as the destructive power of storm ciaran, parts of european countries, the ministry of justice plans to further tighten responsibility for collectors and 145 years in art, the legendary giites celebrates his birthday. this is the program today in the studio of dmitry zavoy. hello. israeli troops entered gaza.
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the city was completely surrounded, the chief of the general staff of the israeli forces clarified that the military personnel, quote, are fighting face to face, they have to advance in a densely populated area, which, according to the command, requires great courage from the soldiers. in recent hours, artillery and infantry, in cooperation with the air force, have attacked hamas bases, headquarters, concentration points and other terrorist infrastructure, a matter of cessation. the israel defense forces are at war, they are waging war to destroy hamas. earlier, prime minister netanyahu wrote on social networks, nothing will stop us, the israeli military-political cabinet decided to officially stop all contacts with the palestinian enclave, palestinians working in israel, return to gaza and not hire new employees from the sectors, meanwhile, the day before, the army was under attack three schools, which had been converted to
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receive refugees, were hit, and a multi-storey residential building was also destroyed by a direct hit. palestinian authorities say 15 people were killed in the rubble. middle eastern the united nations agency called for the security of un-flag shelters, recalling that international humanitarian law requires the protection of civilians and objects. hamas does not give up and continues to attack israeli territory; the day before, air defense sirens sounded near the border with lebanon. eyewitnesses report that a rocket hit a residential building. according to recent data, the war in the middle east has already claimed more than 10,000 lives and has become the deadliest conflict for media workers who cover events in hot spots. by according to the committee to protect journalists, at the beginning of the escalation, 36 employees of various editorial offices of agencies were killed. and today it became known that the director of the new york office of the un high commissioner for human rights has left his post. worked in an organization. for 30 years
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, the official said that israel's actions clearly showed signs of genocide and explained his resignation by protest and the blocking of the ceasefire resolution in the gas strip by the states. washington, meanwhile, continues to act without regard for the international community. ward representatives voted to provide $14.5 billion in direct aid to israel. the bill was approved after long disputes with a very small majority of votes, there are no guarantees that israel will receive the money, the document must still be approved by the senate, then signed by the president, but biden wants to link 14 billion to israel and 61 to ukraine in one bill, according to the current version of the document, where ukraine is not mentioned; he promises to veto. europe is literally stormed ; the continental part of the british isles is dominated by a hurricane named kyaaran. reports of casualties come from
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several countries at once: in the belgian city of ghent, a tree fell on a grandmother with a five-year-old child, a resident of france also became a victim of ciaran, and several people were injured. the hurricane damaged cell towers and power lines, as a result, over 800,000 families in normandy were left without electricity; people had to be evacuated from the coastal zone; waves up to 20 m high were recorded there. emergency services called the disaster the strongest in the last quarter of a century. even after a day in the northwest the fifth republic remains at a red naive weather danger level. the hurricane has plunged residents across the lomanche in southern england, cutting off almost 17.00 people from the power grid. the water supply system is damaged. now it is powered by generators. hundreds of schools, shops and banks are closed. people are waiting out bad weather in their homes. it is simply dangerous to go outside due to the squalls of wind, the speed of which reaches 35 m/s. in spain the main one. the disaster hit the
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capital region, there was torrential rain, also accompanied by strong gusts of wind, in madrid, dozens of trees and lighting were knocked down, shop windows were broken, and a girl died. now, in the special operation zone, russian artillery in the donetsk direction has destroyed a stronghold of the nationalists. it was from there that the enemy launched attack and reconnaissance drones into the sky. with another accurate hit, our fighters hit a warehouse with large-caliber shells. aviation strikes at ukrainian oporniks. the raid on enemy positions was carried out by a flight of famous su-25s. the attack aircraft moved at an extremely low altitude, only 25 m above the ground, so the pilots bypassed the radars of enemy air defense forces and delivered a precise strike on the target. after the attack , the planes fired so-called heat guns, a standard maneuver to avoid enemy return fire. our units
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, which hold the defense under fire, show high efficiency ; the fighters are armed with a formidable sanitary weapon, one of the most powerful weapons in the russian arsenal. at the moment of impact, its projectile lifts up at the epicenter. this fact alone is enough to keep the enemy at a considerable distance, i saw how flamethrower systems are prepared for battle rostislavskydan. loading is an ordinary procedure, but in the case of the sun it is one of the most exciting, the cost of an error is too high, the explosion of one such projectile will incinerate 200 squares of land, and there are 16 rounds of ammunition in the loading machine. we meet with the flamethrowers of the vostok group not far from coal tar, to the contact line. 10 km, here artillery and loitering ammunition of the ukrainian armed forces fly into the so-called technical zone. now the flamethrowers are preparing for the next combat mission, loading thermoboric shells, not taking on board more than seven pieces, this is the optimal number, it is enough for combat work and for the safety of the crew itself.
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flamethrowers spend no more than 10 minutes loading, during which time the vehicle is defenseless, during the day the armed forces reconnaissance drones are constantly on duty in the sky, and the autumn forest no longer provides shelter. at night, there are fewer birds flying, so-called from the enemy side, we mainly work at night, since it is less noticeable than during the day, one fire, exit, gap, gap took, because of its firepower, the sun armed ukrainian forces have been in special regard since the first days of the special military operation; only this crew over the past year has left the enemy without several dozen strongholds on the front line. the number one goal for the enemy, so, well, in connection with this we have to constantly choose firing positions, but it’s not just that he came, got up, fired back, we go to reconciliation, we work three times faster, if it’s not work, we always get a response , the artillery works well, for
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safety reasons, the crew scalded the entire vehicle with the so-called second armor against shock drones, chains protect against contact, detonation, also welding. this is also what protects us from cumulative attacks, we kind of bypassed all of this as if well, a precautionary measure, it should always be after loading into a protected capanier even closer to the line of combat contact, the crew of the sunburner goes to the firing lines, this is a combat vehicle on duty quite close to on the front line, the distance to the enemy is about 5-7 km. valerian kushnir, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, yuzhnodon direction of the special military operation. the russian military ensured the safe rotation of the magathe mission at the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, despite dangerous provocations from ukraine. in the transition area, observers declared a ceasefire, which our units
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strictly observed. unexploded foreign ammunition was found near the station, these are the consequences of new shelling from the ukrainian side. explosive items were destroyed on the spot. charge. and already during the rotation in the sso , 10 attack drones were brought down on the city of nuclear scientists at once. the drone attack was repelled with using small arms, as well as electronic warfare. the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova, called the actions of the kiev regime, i quote: playing with fire, a criminal and irresponsible provocation. end of quote. the diplomat called on magathe's leadership to take advantage. moscow, rotate experts at the station only through russian territory, so as not to endanger the lives and health of russians, including those who ensure the safety of magat specialists. the ministry of justice is preparing to sharply tighten the responsibility of collectors, the law
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providing for particularly intrusive debt collectors, even prison was adopted long ago, but stories where collectors are essentially engaged in outright extortion still occur. how they are now going to protect the borrowers, he found out. a phone call has recently been like an alarm signal for him, several times at any time of the day nikita receives calls from strangers in an aggressive manner demanding money, once they even came home and introduced themselves as police officers, they gave him a certain receipt there. no stamp, just literally small, well, to show up at such and such a place, at such and such a time, they say that we will arrive there, well, we will beat it out, relatively speaking, that is, this is the whole story that happens, then there’s something there, we’ll take it away, we’ll force it to work somehow, that is, it’s like they’re exerting all sorts of pressure, i don’t want to get involved with them, because it’s difficult to talk to them, to enter into some kind of adequate dialogue, nikita asked for help to legal. and there they explained that no one without court decisions, especially in a boorish manner, he has no right to call
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him, this is an interference in his personal life, practically extortion, and so it’s not far from a criminal case, another question is, who to involve, almost always nothing is known about extortionists, now lawyers have connections with another collection company, from where nikita receives threats, they are helping the young man with the bankruptcy process, he says that the pandemic has greatly affected the financial situation, he had to get loans. i couldn’t pay everything back, i further plunged into debt, banks sold them to bureaus microloans, the amount grew every day, now almost a million has accumulated, he gets by on earnings, but this is not enough, they just come and put physical and moral pressure on a person, that is, well, in such a situation it is quite difficult to get out, lawyers say, despite various initiatives to close collection agencies firms, debt collectors continue to work, are looking for legal loopholes, at the same time... and the methods of working with clients cannot be called legal, unfortunately they have not been abolished, but their activities were regulated
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in 2016 in sufficient detail, in law 230 have regulated their activities, the procedure for their interaction with debtors, does not honor a certain register in which collectors should be included, only under this condition can they engage in activities for the return of overdue debts and interaction with debtors; the representatives of the collection business themselves do not consider this type of activity illegal or in general, it was wrong; after all, no one forced the debtor to go to the bank for a loan. another thing is that many companies really go beyond the limits; lawyers are all the term racketeering is often remembered; the owners of microloan agency companies hire specialists who know how to intimidate and how to extort debts. the goal is one - to take everything you can. and now we are talking about colossal sums, which will only grow if the activities of these organizations are not regulated. if the collector is allowed to take over. for this mass of debtors, a multimillion-dollar mass, begin
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to take away property from all of them, as they would like to do, as many microfinance organizations would like to do for which, as it is believed that our commercial banks are standing, then this is an unprecedented ruin in the country , that is, this means that russia will be largely thrown back into the pre-soviet period in terms of property, it turns out that almost every tenth adult is potential food for collection agents structures. now the ministry of justice is working on amendments that will be proposed by the legislator, among the ideas are large fines for creditors and even a complete ban on activities. clients often do not know that collectors even have the right to call a limited number of times. if you understand it’s clear that this is definitely not an investigation, that this is definitely not the police, stop communicating. in general , debt collectors are required to keep a record of everyone.
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conversations according to the law, but if this is not the case, you don’t know, for sure, you can record on a dictaphone, and even current legislation allows debtors to protect themselves from collectors, but usually they are simply lost due to the pressure applied, amendments to which the ministry of justice is only working on stages of thinking, you need to analyze everything, so people like nikita from kaluga now have only one way out, keep in close contact with lawyers, there are many companies that work with... moscow! in brest, the days of russian culture in belarus were solemnly opened, they began with the laying of flowers at the brest fortress. the ceremony was attended by the ministers of culture of the union state and anatoly markevich. at a joint meeting, colleagues of the head of the department discussed general tour plans, joint exhibitions, and the digital library of the union state. the ministers also agreed on a bright joint project for the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. it's very important to meet
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we started work not in offices or from a meeting, but from a trip that was so significant for all of us in the absolutely sacred space at the brest fortress, we all met together with common tears in our eyes, with a common memory, with a common laying of flowers, a very dear undertaking for us, it is very important that our museum community works together, that exhibitions are prepared together, in such iconic spaces in small regional museums. the days of russian culture in belarus were opened by a concert of the legendary big band of the jazz chamber orchestra named after oleg lunstrom. today the musicians can be heard in minsk, at the belarusian state philharmonic. the legendary gites celebrates his 145th birthday. the history of the institute began back in 1878. it was then that the famous pianist and teacher pyotr
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shostakovsky asked the authorities for permission to open a private music school. over the course of a century and a half, it has turned into a theater forge. personnel, the largest in europe and one of the largest in the world, anton talpa saw how and what is taught in gitis today. seeing this, perhaps gogol himself would have thought about adding new characters to the notes, however , unlike paprishchin, these characters are in perfect order, gittis’ actors have such activities, it looks like a madhouse, in fact it is... and according to how many hours can they do such exercises? oh, it's different. so, it’s been here since the end of the nineteenth century in the sense that there is creative freedom everywhere, in some classrooms they stage choreography, in others they learn choreography. the fifth is deep. well, while the freshmen are learning
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the intricacies of the fifth position, gitis himself is strengthening positions in domestic teaching. everything is the same here. in this case, it was time to go back in time on the institute’s birthday; in grigory zaslavsky’s office , the first documents related to the history of gitis were neatly folded in folders. here is pianistovsky, one of the founders of the institute, writing to the minister of tsarist
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russia. the minister of internal affairs, and a former teacher at the moscow conservatory. open a music school in moscow for those who come. in the 145 years since the formation of the school for newcomers, gittis called differently: the moscow philharmonic society, the music and drama school, the state institute of music drama in sevlatolt created a theater there, but what textbooks are modern actors now taught using? yes, with us, every master is his own textbook. we have morozov boris apanovich - this is a textbook, another textbook, sergei vasilyevichovich too. kudrishov's textbook, another textbook, happiness in gits, the fact that students are the kind who come at 10 in the morning and then they say, can we not leave at 10:00 in the evening, at 11:00, can we be there today we'll finish rehearsing by 0:30. it is possible that nemirovich danchenko’s students also rehearsed late into the night, as their contemporaries do.
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nemirovich danchenko, after all, taught at gitises together with stanislavsky at the beginning of the 20th century, founded a director's theater, and only then, stanislavsky... created a system according to which he has been preparing actors for more than 100 years, but no matter how the eras change, gitis remains the place where people are born great directors, actors and musicians. anton talopa, roman vekmanes, olga afonina and vyacheslavev ntv. on this program for spectators in the central part of russia is completed, thank you for being with us. that the sale will come to us big discounts we are not lying growing up every day tell me what its name is zagrebuk long-awaited hands zagrebuk game set for 2.299 demix hat for 399 tablets for the dishwasher for 749.
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below. in siberia, warm air moves in from the urals and displaces the cold into the eastern half. in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory it freezes to -5. in altai there are not only frosts, but snowfalls, in barnaul -7. at the same time , in the western half the weather will be windy, in omsk around zero, in the urals the air will warm up to +6. this voice is a record. heat from european territory. on the russian plain, a ridge of high pressure is taking the place of the cyclone with its incredible heat. of the good ones news, in the center the rains will stop, the sun will come out, not very pleasant, it will get a little colder, but the temperature will still be noticeably higher than the november norm. in tuli and smolensk + 6:8, voronezh and samara 9:10. the southern regions will have to say goodbye to the sun, but this is just general cleaning before the holiday. jdi will pour literally one day and one night. in crimea, in the kuban there is cargo in places, but there will still be air. phenomenally warm, in yalti +18, in sochi +21, on saturday all 25 are possible. in st. petersburg
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today it’s still +3, but mostly without precipitation, in moscow it’s also moderately rainless +6, then again up to new records, but i’ll tell you about this in the next issues, that’s all for me, see you. meeting place, today at 14.00 on ntv pay less monarch tropical 3990 five comes to the rescue thanks to the alps for the austrian brand northland. thanks to the alpine cold for warm and windproof clothes, snow and ice for the reliability of equipment, and the mountains for light and compact equipment. 50 years of improving clothing and labeling so that we can be born here again. northland, born of the alps. pay less. paper towel zeba 990. pyaterochka helps out, avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv.


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