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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  November 5, 2023 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] well, your dream has come true, in general, i want to say that almost all our wishes have been taken into account here, the kitchen amazed me, i could imagine that there would be some kind of oven, but that it would be a whole kitchen with a stove, with a sink, with cabinets, where you can stack the dishes, with a hood, the very first thing i wanted was a cool seating area with sun loungers, sofas, so you can sit at the bar counter, and so on, and you just realized all of this. i really liked this corner with a small table and a sofa, it so cozy, bring a blanket there, some coffee, it’s generally great, when it seems like something is impossible, start and do it, yes they say , so you started, you did it, no, my wife did it, she made a wish for the new year, she believed in it , and i don’t tell anyone, no one believes about it, but that you had to pay money or something else, no , it wasn’t necessary, you just had to be patient and believe, and you did it, because
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... with this , don’t try it on, but i do, dacha answer, the most successful, red, white, sparkling. in all bottles of wine, it turns out clay, resin and fish giblets are added. we add fish bladder extract, for example, to white wines. wine is no longer made from grapes. this is a broth of strange additives, why don’t they list them in the ingredients? only chemistry will help you graze grapes. what brands package thin tomato paste, colored liquid with preservatives. such products cannot be called tomato
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paste. why does anyone mix alcohol into children's ice cream? mommy won't always understand. marketplace bestseller - steel soap saves several thousand rubles a year by replacing lump and liquid, how does it work? nothing at all, no smell, wow. for headaches, there is askafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. for those who are very afraid of gaining an extra kilo, there is popular advice: drink a little wine before dinner. it will help you become bolder. however,
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after what i will tell you now. courage may also be needed simply to drink wine, because everyone thinks that it is prepared from one single ingredient, grape juice, well, the most vigilant viewers are still aware of the preservative sulfur dioxide, which is always indicated in the composition, but what the label is silent about, well, maybe that a little sugar is added, maximum, what about fish bladders, pork offal, chicken eggs and calf's blood? no, this is not a polyjuice potion, but the same drink that was on the table yesterday, or today will be on the table in honor of the holiday, only there is no inscription on the bottle about these vile components, there is a scandal in europe because of them,
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having learned about this truth in wine, buyers there they reached into the bottle and beat european officials out of a new law, according to which all winemakers are required to indicate all the ingredients that go into the wine, but in russia they don’t think about this yet, it’s because we have winemakers with more traditional values, or because. .. this is you and me for now, about all this bue, don’t talk too much, one of the main ingredients for wine splashes in cold water, farm pools, no, there are no bunches of grapes in these baths, setters, these are
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the handsome ones you get. caviar and fillet elite fish will go to expensive restaurants, for waste, fish bladders, which keep sturgeons afloat and help breathe, you are now observing the sturgeon bladder, this organ is very rich... in collagen, winemakers use collagen from the bladder for their own purposes, yes, we are talking about that very thing collagen supplements, which are advertised as a means of prolonging the youth of skin, hair, joints, but when mixed with wine, this collagen is mixed, the italian winemaker laughs, not at all as a useful additive, we add purified extract from fish bladder, for example, such white wines to make them clear and clear. in order for grape juice to turn into wine, yeast must work on it; they eat sugar from the berries and convert it into alcohol and carbon dioxide. the process is long and lasts for months. during this time, the particles of vegetable protein are destroyed into fine
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dust, which, together with the engorged yeast , circles around the wine vat. and to make crystal clear wine, you need to collect this suspension of crumbs like a sticky roller for clothes. how to make wine. business has been broken for centuries heads, in the middle ages they came up with the idea of ​​pouring bovine blood, the molecules of which glued the flakes in the wine and sank with them to the bottom. by the way, this is why so many ancient winemakers are named after animals, but in the twentieth century this method of purification, or as winemakers call this process, fining, was banned, because it turned out that animal rabbits can contain parasite eggs and bacteria, then white wine can be purified guessed it? fish glue, strips of dried fish bladders. this substance is so sticky that it is used furniture makers, typographers, creators of musical instruments, paste from sliced ​​fish
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holds as well as superglue, but if glue from cheap shaking bubbles is suitable for guitars, armchairs, textbooks, then for wine - they explain at the st. petersburg igristovo plant. only asitre is included, this does not have a yellowish- brown tint, obsessive smell or taste, and the state bill does not prohibit such an additive. according to the law, wine must be transparent, but somehow no one thought about the transparency of the composition in this regard. there are guests for whom it is required that the finished product be free of alcohol. but in europe, winemakers who call themselves organic, since they do not use anything other than grapes, have urged people to think about this seriously. if you spend money on modern filters, then you won’t need fish offal, and there will be no need to cover up the savings by adhering to traditions. all products have their full ingredients written on them, but for some reason not wine. the so-called organic winemakers have achieved
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the adoption of a new law, which comes into effect in a month and which obliges to register full composition on the bottles, including means for clarifying wine. and besides izzatra glue, which, although not a screen, is also very good. on many labels there will also be a much more budget-friendly analogue of egg whites whipped with salt, this kind of eggnog is poured directly into a barrel of wine, egg whites work amazingly on red wines, they not only cleanse the wine, but also make the taste softer and remove harsh notes , unlike fish glue, egg white does not stick to the particles , weighing them down, but spreads them out on the surface, something like a cobweb settles, pulling them along there is a grape suspension at the bottom of the yeast and the expert of the french winemaking institute emphasizes,
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part of the tart canins, and this softens the taste. the egg additive has been used for 400 years, and if we just wanted to make wine clear, we would simply install a powerful filtration system, like in breweries. but the fact is that egg white makes the aroma of our wines recognizable and palatable. chicken egg white is mixed in the oldest wineries not only in france, but in spain, portugal, the usa, russia, and although in the crimea they claim that such components are up to the counters don't really reach the shelves. of course, it is completely output, it’s all output at the processing stage, nothing remains. and that the oldest wineries also use fillet. correspondent katya tikhaya was convinced that the equipment is not so ancient, in order for this mixture to become sparkling wine, it needs to go through such an installation and no, this is not some kind of carbonation machine, as many probably thought, but just a filter, but
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after the law is passed, wine lovers will only see the label and unusual components, of course will be puzzling, many are already upset with indignation, that is, it seems to us that this is a pure vegan product. and there are fish and eggs, but the most sought-after wine production technologist in what unesco experts consider to be the most unique wine region in the world, piedmont in northern italy. assured me that the truth is somewhere in the middle, there is nothing wrong with using additives like fish glue and eggs, however, defending their use, citing the fact that they soften the taste, is also wrong, because if you spend more effort on growing grapes and fewer chemicals, fertilizers and chemicals have not been used here for centuries, you see how the cheesecakes are raging, we
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are very proud of them, if these grapes are after... and most importantly, if you don’t be greedy and don’t crush the grapes too hard, then fight the astringency with the help of eggs and fish entrails, it’s simply not necessary, these grapes are pressed at a percentage... if you press it further, then the wine will then turn out to be of lower quality and you will either have to sell it cheaper or come up with something. the remaining juice cannot be obtained without cracking the seeds and vine, and they impart an astringent herbaceous taste , which makes both the head and the heart hurt, but the savings, which a winemaker near moscow confirms the words of an italian colleague, add nothing extra in the usual winemaking procedure. that is, if something bad happens, if
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some grapes are bad, something has to be saved , the wine is often saved with the help of another clarifier, the name of which many associate not with a noble bouquet, but with the stench of a cat’s litter box, after all, this is the name of the filler, bentonite. look at our consumer supervision, and after the advertisement, what i will show would be good for everyone to know. why do they mix cat litter and mold waste into wine? the well -known black and green mold that we sometimes see in the kitchen. which brands package non-thick tomato paste, colored slurry with preservatives? tomato paste contains more vitamin c than oranges, how much can you earn from knowing this? no one has ever left without money, i swear to you. why does anyone mix alcohol into children's ice cream? mommy won't always understand a bestseller
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marketplace steel soap saves several thousand rubles a year by replacing bar and liquid soap, how does it work? it's high time to change provider. tele-2 helped three times. include home internet in your tariff. there is no payment for it for 3 months, it’s easy to connect and you don’t even need to go anywhere. connect home internet tele2. as we age , changes in vision can change the way things are done. created for... and maintaining youthful eyes , it is recommended to use daily for 3 months. touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course use. and
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amazing pants, she's just gorgeous, why am i not a cartoon, amazing, magical, talented , avatar show - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv, ambulance, new season from november 7 at 20:00 on ntv, all day long from burns, and have you heard of promes, ames has a different approach, ames reduces the level of acid in the stomach, helping to fight heartburn. ames, treat for dogs bit 599 magnet - the price is what you need, i’m in the dungeon, and i’m in a ditch, and we’re in the elevator, and we’re waiting for you, not a second without each other, this is a continuous connection, like a reliable mobile internet billine for continuous communication with loved ones on your side, overboard -50, tea with milk, warm
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lash, take ambraxolval, bromhexine reneval, reneval, we trust reneval, we choose reneval, boys rule, boys don’t apologize, sorry , boys don’t give up on their own, never do that, boys don’t smoke, are you the most brooding, boys... look you in the eye, do you give your word as a boy? no, you can’t break the boy’s word, kryzhov’s crime drama... blood on the asphalt from november 9 , do good with the 12 good lottery affairs, tickets in post offices on, we will someday buy a larger refrigerator, wisely and profitably, you buy everything, now, at all prices, the almighty
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black friday is coming, discounts up to 50%, a bullet from tvness for only 25.55 rub. vvideo and eldorado. well, how are you with a cold, i’m filing a report, we’ll handle the report, but first the express, the two components strengthen each other, acting specifically against heat and pain, everything passed, together we are strength, double strength and booklin express double strength against heat and pain, who scored so much breather quest, we because it is 15% larger than ordinary noodles, and it also contains 10 times more vegetables , dashira kvisti, the choice is obvious, it’s easy to find new music, only vk music has snippets, the brightest fragments of tracks, based on them... right away you will understand whether this is your track or not. if you liked snipet, add the song to your playlist. listen to snippets and discover new things faster vk music. let's do the next thing. oh, and the internet is over. i have endless video traffic. not for you, the internet is completely
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gone. wow, they're all over the internet looked. the video is more likely to end than your traffic, choose more gigabytes in the app tariff and get it. endless videos, music and social networks, hold on, now they will listen to all the music again, billine is on your side, for different you, one magnet of cosmetics, gliskur shampoo 249, the price is what you need, i am a new nice active gel, when your back hurts, i am easy i penetrate to the source of pain and quickly disappear, it’s time to train, meet the new nice active gel. wine is often saved, it turns out, with the help of another clarifier, name which many associate not with a noble bouquet, but with the stench of a cat’s litter box, because that’s the name of the filler,
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bentonite. however, the toilet purpose should not be confusing, explains samilier, because bentonide is not some kind of chemical, but essentially a natural clay. which not only clarifies the wine, but purifies it, even saving marriage. ventanite will save your wine. for example, if the grapes are rotten, there is too much yeast in the wine, it over-ferments, it turns brown, bentonite will be captured and dragged to the bottom, both yeast and there will be no bacteria or foam, the wine will not turn rancid or sour. due to climate change, samilye confidently uses bentanite, even self -proclaimed organic... winemakers are simply disingenuous, if it rains, then only chemistry will help you save the grapes, a story about an italian winemaker who started raining during the harvest and he comes to buy all the chemicals, he says, what about my neighbor, who is for natural winemaking, and the seller tells him, what are you, how small, he’s just
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buying for an expensive legal entity, by the way, in in cooking, bentonite is used to prevent milk powder, grated cheese, and spices from sticking together. on the packages it can be found under the code e558, however, soon such packages will no longer be found, because this year this food was banned, with aluminum in the plate, 17 additives e will be prohibited from being used in products, the alcohol that purifies bentonites is dangerous, which is added into barrels of wine, which is made from unripe grapes, i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it. not very cheerful news came about something else holiday props: helium balloons, their price has soared, almost tripling compared to last year, why? and what procedure will become more expensive due to this? i will share the most important
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consumer news in a summary. crisis, russians do not deny themselves and their children entertainment during the crisis, experts say. therefore, the demand for flying. balloons this year grew by 10%. but at the same time, they did not produce any more gelai. there is only one plant in russia where natural gas is processed into helium, in orenburg. as a result, if last year a cubic meter of light gas cost 5,000 rubles. this year they are asking 4,000 for it. and helium is needed not only for balloons. they are used to power mri machines to prevent them from overheating. therefore , tomography may become more expensive. however, prices will definitely deflate soon, analysts promise, because another powerful helium production plant has already been built in russia, and just look at... the price tag, she remembers a joke about the fact that, in principle, if you don’t buy anything , then the prices are normal and by the way,
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some do just that, the number freeloaders and thieves are growing all over the world and they have become surprisingly cunning. for example, in these surveillance camera footage it is not a mannequin at all, but a man who pretended to be one in order to wait for the closing of a shopping center in warsaw and rob a jewelry store. the trick was a success, the next day the fraudster froze again in the window, and after waiting for the staff to leave, he had a snack in a bar and changed into new fashionable clothes, but this time the security service still caught the fraudster and called the police. it took a lot more acting skills to show a glutton in spain, who feasted on the most expensive dishes in restaurants, at the end of the meal imitated a heart attack, collapsed... the waiters called an ambulance, naturally, forgetting to issue the bill. the scam was pulled off as many
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as 20 times, but restaurateurs communicate with each other, and of course, a series of identical incidents led them to believe that this was a performance. they informed the police, they found the freeloader and found out that there was not a single hospitalization record in his medical record. healthy as a bull. buloshnoy’s client acted much more clumsily in russian cherepovets. he demanded that they give him croissants, and when the bakers refused, he threw a grenade over the counter, it turned out to be low-power for playing strike ball, but the hand of one of the employees was still seriously injured, and now the lover of free baked goods is facing seven years of government grub , however, the choice will not be very rich, but the assortment of stores has recently been replenished with an unusual new product, ice cream with alcohol, which has made... ice cream famous for children irrelevant and the level of sales has increased so sharply
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that it has seriously alarmed officials, ice cream with liqueur, wine, vodka, which, by the way, has a strong strength of 6%, began to be produced en masse only this year, but it has already appeared in the freezers of many supermarkets and convenience stores, and alcodesert is, of course, not in the alcohol department , and next to ordinary ice creams, where children often crowd, because according to the law, this is not alcohol, it’s a sweet. other rules that apply to alcohol - experts confirm, do not apply to the intoxicating ice treat, they don’t ask for a passport, they sell it around the clock, and this outraged officials who decided to urgently introduce a new product into legislation. besides the fact that the seller won’t tell you, mommy won’t always understand what she’s buying? because most often it is on the run, the child pointed his finger at the brightest, most attractive thing, and there is tequila, rum, cognac, wine and so on with
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a good degree, we believe that ice cream with alcohol should be sold exclusively with a license, and certainly never i wouldn’t have thought that i would be talking not about the percentage of cream, but about the percentage of alcohol in ice cream, although with milk fats are a problem in the country, this is regularly proven by the results... of checks on cheese, butter, cottage cheese, because they save on this most expensive component first of all, and they have learned to replace it so skillfully that you can’t tell the fake by taste, like in alcohol there has never been a shortage in russia, there was a shortage of reasons, but now it’s possible to celebrate a sunny day, so it occurred to the producers that now is the time to bring to life the bearded joke,
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why are you drinking vodka? because it's liquid... huh now, as promised, i’ll tell you about the quality of tomato paste, which is sometimes liquid, sometimes thick red, still not too rich, this is because in a liter jar, in such tomato paste in a good way, about 6 kilos of tomatoes should settle, but after the ruble of tomatoes in... decreased, they say, and their place in the summer was taken by zucchini and carrots, in the early fall by apples, this is now being used for pumpkin saving, or they just add water, what does the ruble have to do with it, because 96% of the concentrate for pasta is brought from abroad, mainly from china, and the cost of imports... has increased so that buyers do not blush with anger when looking
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at the price tags, manufacturers are being cunning, so here it is. tomato paste from the brands kubanochka, kukhmaster, tomato, boysad, glavprodukt, global village, red price, which pastes do not cost a penny, here are some substitutes, preservatives and other fruits, vegetables, which manufacturers we will only throw in tomatoes, unless of course, they will go rotten, although... rotten things don’t hurt as much as they do now, now that they’ve been boiled and pureed the tomatoes have turned into a paste, they need to be thickened, that is, the water from them must be evaporated, the more it evaporates, the brighter the taste, and if there is a lot of water left, then it is not paste, but tomato puree, which of course costs less,
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so to find out, not are manufacturers saving money, in the laboratory they measured... substances, this is what they call what remains after complete evaporation of water, according to the law, such a residue should be no less than 25%, but in the paste the dry substances in boisat turned out to be 23%, although they promised as much as 28 , such products cannot be called tomato paste, while the tomatoes from which the baysad paste was prepared seemed not to be very fresh and clean, otherwise why else would the manufacturer pour two preservatives into the jar at once, he is not sure that his products are of sufficient quality, that they will withstand a long shelf life in order to extend shelf life, he resorts to such tricks, adds preservatives, and sorbic acid turned out to be more than the permitted norm, the price of perebins in the jar is red, in the global village packaging,
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they added shelf life extenders to the sage, and since the tomatoes are so-so, then the paste will not be tasty, not aromatic, in the pastas that have already received red cards, baisat and the red price have too much salt and sugar, but they, at least on the packaging, were reported in the products of kubanochka, kukhmaster, global village, amplifiers were spilled from under the car, obviously, in order not to scare away buyers with unnecessary components in the composition, they added a ton of starch to these jars; he can add starch if, for example, the original raw materials are not of sufficient quality or there are very few tomatoes, and he adds water to in order for the consistency to be appropriate for the guest, well, at least you can’t get poisoned with this paste, although pesticides were also found in these jars, this is our consumer surveillance program, which proves that our life can be long, comfortable and
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safe, for this it is not at all necessary overpay. don’t switch, after the advertisement there will be what brands package tomato paste impregnated with pesticides, the best seller of marketplaces is steel soap, it saves several thousand rubles a year by replacing lump and liquid, how it works, how much is in wine prohibited food with toxic aluminum, and that’s me, check out the difference, why do they mix cat litter and mold waste into wine , for pensioners in sberbank a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan, transfer your pension to sberbank , online or in the department, there is no less than four liters of blood, the kuntsovsky case is stupid to review again , every squiggle, kuntsovsky,
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kuntsovsky, who is kuntsovsky, and he swung at her to cut off her head, boris khvashnyansky, we are not seeing people, and yours ideas about them, let me too be like in the cheap movies, yes, it’s scary , elena sever, we punish those who humiliated us, dmitry ulyanov, very blue beard, premiere, envy, envy, like this, and become real people , new season, today at 20:20, a cold knocks you out of your usual rhythm. mom, we are already on our way, koltakt, the active ingredient is active in 10 minutes, a cold is not included in our plans, koltakt, the internet has run out, i have
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endless video traffic, but not you, the internet has completely ended. they are all we looked at the internet, choose more gigabytes in the app tariff and get endless videos, music and social networks. beeline is on your side. descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at... from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries to be at home, take an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition in russia moscow vdnh forum from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024. find a new one music is easy, only vkk music has snippets. the most striking fragments of the tracks, from them you will immediately understand whether this is your track or not. if you liked the snippet, add songs to your playlist, listen to the snippets and discover new things faster on vk music. unlike the usual
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remedies for digestive problems, i offer something more: the production of your own enzymes. i am fistal and available on the yandex market. no matter what kind of businessman you are, an enterprising entrepreneur, you burn, you grow. jozh, for real business, you need a bank for business, psb, bank for the present, my new invention, there is an easier way to clean the toilet with bref. bref - colored water for a clean , fresh toilet with every flush. bref number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. boys' rules: boys don't apologize, sorry. the boys don't give up theirs. never do that. the boys don’t smoke, and what are you, flirting with me, the boys look me in the eye, you give the boy’s word, no, the boy’s word
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cannot be broken, crime drama by zhorira kryzhovnikov, the boy’s word: blood on the asphalt, from november 9 on vink, how are you? i'm growing up, i 'm filing a report, we'll deal with the report, but first. the two components reinforce each other, acting specifically against heat and pain. that's it, i passed, together we are strong. double power. and booklyn express is double strength against heat and pain. avatar show - new season. today at 20:20 on ntv. attention, don't miss the best offer of the season. luxurious hat made of natural fur: a winter fairy tale at an unprecedented low price of only 990 rubles. thick, soft fur. rex rabbit perfectly warms in cold weather, practical and durable, it will retain its shine texture for a long time. the knitted wool base made of natural fibers does not cause irritation to the skin and has increased
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hygroscopicity. the winter tale hat is available in three classic colors: black, gray and elegant stripe. special processing gives the fur an amazing, noble shine. we offer a luxurious hat made of natural fur: winter's tale for only 99. this is the best offer of the season, call to order a hat made of natural fur winter's tale at a unique price price for only 990 rubles. universal size and three colors to choose from, hurry up, limited supply. avatar show new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. true, pesticides were also found in these jars, but only in quantity. not dangerous, in the end i can only recommend tomato paste pomodorka, and even then with a stretch , and the best part is that our consumer supervision is now not only important, up-to-date information
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that helps save the family budget and choose quality goods and services, those who this knowledge is applied, now they can earn some extra money, good afternoon, my name is oleg, ntv channel, we are filming a section for the program our consumer supervision , and we give the opportunity to those who bought well, how do you get this money back, no one has ever left without money, i swear to you, it’s a deal , well, well, well, well, that's it, well, why be shy, that's it, let's go. is this your weekly shopping or some kind of celebration or what? no, this is for a week, for a week, okay, i don’t see tomatoes or tomato paste here, you don’t like this product, it’s just already there, i
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i’m just asking, because the questions are about tomato paste, there will be only five questions: we will round up your check to 10,000 rubles. for each correct answer to a question you will receive a fifth of this amount of 2,000. first question: which region is considered the birthplace of tomatoes, is it southern asia or south america? i talk about this often, and those who watch my program have seen a lot. business trips from these countries, as you think, south america, south america, and that 's right, everything, everything is fine, everything, let's go, let's go, let's go, congratulations, well done, second the question is, tomato paste is a concentrate, but how many tomatoes do you need to cook 1 kg of tomato paste, 3 kg of tomatoes or five, think about it, have you ever tried to fry
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tomatoes in a frying pan, how much? does not decrease, 3 kg, 3 kg, why three, i completely trusted her, you cook, cook there, they fry too much or not much , it’s normal, on a five-point scale it’s normal, it ’s three, yes, i understand, okay, i won’t torment you, this is the correct answer, three, great, well, there is such a substance as lycopene, this antioxidant, very good for the heart, have you heard from? lycapine, no, no, is it true that there is more of it in tomato paste than in tomatoes, we talk about procopine, but almost through the plot, how useful and affordable this thing is, it turns out that there is more lycopene in tomato paste than in tomatoes, i it seems true, so, well, true, this is true, this is true, yes, this is true, which one?
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there were tomatoes that first came to europe, red or yellow, yellow, the word tomato, the russian word, what do you think, yes namely tomato, yes, this is an italian word, and pomo ioro, pomo, in general... yes, in europe, all the fruits and vegetables that were brought to them, they called them apples, so pomu is an apple, they called pineapple apple cone, orange in holland, apel sino is also a chinese apple, everything was called an apple, so it is also an apple, and dioro is gold, so the yellow ones were, of course, right, i don’t know how you do it, how
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you do it you do, yes, is it true? than in oranges, true or false? that's it, in season prostut, i really want to know from you, and not tomatoes, yes, less, yes, this is the wrong answer, unfortunately, but you are still in the big one. buy it, yes, it’s still powerful, i’ll still explain to you and all the viewers this cold season that tomatoes are one of the most acidic fruits, so even when fried in a frying pan, it is recommended to add a little sugar to the tomato paste, the sweetness will not be felt , but it extinguishes acidity, which can cause heartburn, something else, precisely because of the amount of acids, including including ascorbic acid, in general, don’t get sick, thank you very much, and i... money
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there, there, pubs, your honestly earned 8,000 rubles. yes, well done, it’s always useful to know something new , but i didn’t know that tomatoes, they give such sourness, now you can eat tomatoes when you have a cold, thank you very much again and have a good evening, thank you, the more it hits the country wave of colds and flu, the more soap sales grow, as they say, hands... remember how during the pandemic we were taught from all sides to decontaminate ourselves, at the same time, some have an ironclad argument in favor of such bar soap, it is cheap, familiar, it is clear what to do with it, remind you that it is so liquid, but it does not disintegrate, but the impenetrable argument of those who chose
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steel soap can nail everyone down , which several months ago became a best-seller on marketplaces , it is eternal, that is, if you buy one piece and not even that big, you won’t have to spend more on soap, besides, it seems to have a unique ability to disinfect, remove odors, the most persistent and the most disgusting, fish, garlic, guests will definitely be surprised, so is it really possible that the era of ordinary soap is leaving and the future belongs to terminator soap. but isn’t it toxic, what alloys is it made of, how does it work, if it works at all, in general, isn’t this just empty talk , let’s figure it out, you’re looking,
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but i need to finish something, charge the battery, in the box change gear shift oils, check suspension arms, tanks are not afraid of dirt, evgeniy assures, only if the owner knows a good mechanic, but he needs experience and to wash off a mixture of hands, motor oil, metal shavings, earth and bitumen, you can’t use simple soap, you usually wash your hands with a cleaning paste, here for the sake of experiment i agreed to wash my hands with iron soap, maybe we’ll see how it copes with this... task, in the instructions for metal soap is told that they need to rub their palms under water for at least 30 seconds, then the result will be brilliant, and it will delight you indefinitely, the soap
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never runs out, and the price is not at all exorbitant, ordinary soap sometimes costs the same, and a bottle of liquid much more expensive, only the buyers who read the instructions after... aren't you ashamed that this is metal, horror, it's just that it's not soap, it's metal, scammers, well, basically, as i thought, the piece of hardware can't wash your hands, it seems , there is only one form of soap, because unlike the usual soap, steel soap has no components capable of washing away dirt, the oldest mention of soap... historians found solutions on sumerian tablets, in the recipe there is wood ash, which was boiled for a long time in water, and animal fat , which was mixed into the vat. the sumerians used goat fat, like the skinniest, everything has cooled down, thickened and can be washed and washed, since then, if you remove
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fragrances, dyes, and skin softening cream from the composition, the soap recipe has hardly changed, but it has become clear how it works on the molecular level. strong alkali, like ash, but there are a lot of them now, sodium hydroxide is used when it comes into contact with fat, now it is most often beef, but both vegetable and synthetic ones are used, it corrodes its structure, and if an ordinary drop of fat is not mixed with water, then the new soap molecule can fat cling one end to the water, that is , at first such molecules are rubbed in, firmly stuck in drops of sebum with dirt poured onto them, and then just as willingly grab onto the water molecules. of course, there is no alkali or fat in a bar of soap, so it does not foam and cannot wash anything , and it seems logical that calling it soap should be illegal, because there is a strict guest on it, which
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describes the term: a product consisting of sodium salts, fatty acids, dyes, fragrances, bleaches, possibly with an antiseptic cream, iron and steel are mentioned in the document: zero times, that’s all the document is called, gost for toilet soap, here is standard laundry soap, and since the term soap in one word is not in the gost, then the entrepreneurs decided that they can call something soap with impunity you like, because this is exactly what, for example, packers of fake honey do, natural honey is booked for a visit, they often write simply on the jars: honey, and testing showed that in such jars there is often just caramel sweet syrups. it’s not quite the same with soap, experts explain, and you can be charged violation of the law by sellers who
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lure buyers, we call it soap. for example, there is a state called solid toilet soap, general technical conditions, which defines what soap is, in particular, soap is a product based on sodium... fatty acids , metal soap or adamser, it does not correspond to this definition, in such a well-known classifier as the tnv commodity nomenclature for foreign economic activity, there is a definition that the term soap can only be used for soap, which dissolves in water, so, accordingly, metal soap is not such, sales would not be much ... if the price tags did not say soap, here is an adonizer, that’s what this invention is actually called, ador translated from english smell, adonai -
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this just promises to eliminate odors and james is trying to remove the smell of money from his hands, we need coins, wow, this is strong, like you've been sorting through coins in a jar all day, this is probably the worst smell i've smelled, that's the main similarity to soap so that he can earn money at least 30 seconds, judging by the information on the packaging, you need to squeeze it in water, then a special... the metal alloy oxidizes, it seems, special compounds are formed, which destroy the aromatic molecules on the palms. and to begin with, correspondent anna shishmintseva opened these remnants, and whether the adonizer alloys, the cost of which differs by 10 times, are different, with the help of an angle grinder we will find out. you watch our consumer supervision and do not
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switch, because i again have something to surprise. what's inside the steel soap, does it get rid of the smell or is it shiny fraud. how much of the prohibited amount of toxic aluminum is in wine? why do they mix cat litter and mold waste into wine? well known black and green mold. which we sometimes see in the kitchen. the composition of ocepol is unique. it contains the keferan component to strengthen the immune system and live lactobacilli to restore microflora. oscipol, improve the intestines, strengthen the immune system. the musical family of vladimir kiselev and elena sever. when you just meet you understand, yes, that you are, well, this is your person. it's a huge problem get out of the aura of their parents, but if they prove it, then they become huge persons. we gathered guys from all over the village, sang, played, we generally grew up with
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music from early childhood, the queen of spades of dmitry bertman, the very autobiographical music of tchaikovsky, and at the same time some kind of cat of the planet earth, and the female friendship of ekaterina gordon and lera kudryavtseva, we as individuals fell in love with each other, because we are both the best in our own way. we have a lot of points. the touch turned out to be that we actually hooked up at the age of not 16, one day, today at 14:05 on ntv, avatar show, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv, come on next, oh, but the internet is over, i have endless video traffic, but not you, the internet in general.. . all over, wow, they watched the entire internet, the video will end sooner than your traffic
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differ due to the amount of steel or due to differences in its quality? all stainless steels are made on... the basis of chromium and additives of either nickel or manganese, uh, no significant differences in composition have been identified, well, maybe one the experts liked the sample a little more, by the way, it’s the cheapest, it’s a steel based on manganese, and as a rule, such steels are used for medicine, but does this affect the fight against persistent odor on the palms? veronica from moscow hopes so, because she really wants herring under a fur coat. tasty, but smelly, soak the finished fur coat in the refrigerator for 2 hours, put an adonizer in your hands. sausage aroma, banana, mint in toothpaste, herring in new year's salad - this is a set of special molecules that come off
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a cutlet, chewing gum or cologne and fly apart around, we puff in part of our nose with air , which drives... through this area between the eyebrows, an area of ​​2 cm. this area is covered with a thick lawn of neurons that stretch straight from the brain, when there are odorous molecules, they are called odorants. you see where the name of deodorants came from, they get onto these neurons and go into them almost like keys into keyholes. at this moment , short circuits occur in the neurons and millions of electrical signals are sent to the brain, which puts them together like puzzles. olfactory image, compares it with what the eyes see, ears hear, skin receptors sense, having determined that it smells like honey, the brain unarchives emotional memories of drinking tea with grandma, for example, and it becomes warm not only in the soul, but even literally,
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physically, and although james is from the usa, and veronica is from moscow, both, to their surprise, after washing their hands with sodonizers, got rid of us. smell, the soap is definitely clean, we check the handles, come on, well, it actually has an effect. why at all, there is no smell, wow, but the same effect would be and take the experimenters in hand, anything else - the scientists assure. none of the substances that smell strongly react with chromium oxide, some of these substances come off your hands and stick to the metal, and are immediately washed off in water, in principle, you can even take a piece of anything, odors can be washed off from your palms by using dissolves fat, meat, there is fish, mainly... these are some kind of amines, that is, they are quite unstable in any acidic environment, onions and fish, yes, in general it ’s quite easy to acidify it later
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wash everything off with soap, so lemon juice or some weak vinegar, they are guaranteed to get rid of it quite effectively, and therefore this is not soap, and not even an adanizer, but just a shiny blank that manufacturers and sellers use for duping. and now it’s time to return to the topic of additives in wine, we have already found out that fish giblets, beaten salted egg whites and a powder called bentonite help get rid of cloudy sediment, it is added at large factories, for example, this st. petersburg, where champagne is prepared. beenttonite is essentially clay; it absorbs protein stains. and in family wineries, like this one in bulgaria. on the left is ordinary wine, on the right is purified with bentanite, check out the difference, bentonite was used not only in drinks, but in food, but
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this year it was forbidden to do so, because this mineral contains toxic aluminum, however, experts insist that there is no clay in the wine of this clay remains, and filter the wine with bentonite, so it’s possible, although it’s possible. do without it they assure georgian winery: the best substitute for cleaning powder is earthenware, so even in this modern winery , wine is matured in clay jugs; in order for the wine to be clean and transparent, long aging is needed. according to our tradition, this is done in clay vessels, the clay is like magnetizing the sediment, does not add filtering additives and soda from the moscow region, but simply allows the wine to brew. cold, i don’t do this , there are a lot of operations, and the wine aerates, oxidizes, but here again, poor thing, and we
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don’t want to oxidize anything, grapes poor thing, because the climate in the moscow region is not as friendly as in the russian south, in georgia, italy, the berries simply do not have time to ripen before frost, so they are picked slightly unripe, and a special enzyme helps the fruits and berries to ripen right in the vat gives pectin, a special sugar that consists of many sucrose molecules held together. pectin is not sweet, but when the fruit ripens, plants begin to produce the enzyme pectinase, which, like wire cutters, cuts the links of the sugar chain and divides pectin into simple ones. sugar, so they already feel sweet, that is, the more unripe cherries, apples, grapes, the more whole, non-sweet pectins they contain, but when preparing wine, yeast eats individual monosaccharides, and cannot chew a long chain, so
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from unripe grapes do not make wine, hungry yeast produces little alcohol , does not give taste, aroma, strength, so the winemakers themselves add, when squeezing such juice, the change in ripe grapes, the same enzyme-helper pectinase, so that it... and chews pectins for yeast, and so they do, it turns out that not only winemakers from cold regions, the grapes are picked slightly unripe, this makes them easier to transport, since ripe grapes can be cracked, can be damaged, or for one reason or another may not reach the processing factory, and this way there are fewer losses, which means the cost falls by the way, they also get pectinase, no, not from fruits, from mold, for example, it can be either aspergillus or penicillium, the well -known black and green mold that we sometimes see in the kitchen. black pectinase
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mold, few people will buy wine with such an inscription; at least for themselves, they also use other mold enzymes, pepsin and trypsin, in winemaking. in order to feed the yeast with a protein base, so that they gain biomass faster and accumulate more alcohol, the following are used... a growth activator. and although mold enzymes are non-toxic and do not infect wine with microfungal spores, and mold in cheeses does not surprise anyone, but still, wine connoisseurs, having studied its full... composition , will discover a lot of new things, but new ethics obliges food professionals to be as transparent and frank as possible with customers, but you and i must be prepared to learn the less-than-appetizing details of preparing our favorite foods in order to make informed choices. and on weekdays from monday to friday, watch the most important, bright and useful investigations of our consumer supervision on
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the air. morning program , the best, don’t miss who killed the old woman, and whether she was a witch, once dmitry bertman took on the investigation of this crime under the cover of his own mother, for some reason i the flowers stopped growing well, we dug it in there, and it’s standing there. one day, vladimir kiselyov and elena sever gathered the whole family at the table on the occasion of their mother’s debut in thriller. to find the truth between entering the market hungry and getting through the rejection of society well-fed, believe me, these are approximately equal two factors. once upon a time, the tv diva lera kudryavtseva and the diva of jurisprudence, ekaterina
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gardon, to the envy of their evil aunts, realized for two. we sniffed, but not in the normal sense, we get rich, we interpenetrate and uh, show business is doomed now. what not happens, in our respected program, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, a television history magazine about famous people and significant events in the world and art, culture and show business, i'm sergei mayorov, hello, let's bring on pyotr ilyevich background, beautiful and atmospheric, tchaikovsky is an all-weather genius , with him autumn is not so depressing, winter is fabulous, let alone spring
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and summer... it’s not worth talking about, the world flies and rejoices in flowering, like bees from clover to clover, our hero bee- hard worker, everything's fine thanks to the russian musical theater, we are flying to the family nest of the outstanding director dmitry bertman, where his mother set the table for the most important event in the life of her dimochka. bertman didn't celebrate another day last week. birth disappeared, but not from us, we found him in an old family house , which is within the boundaries of multimillion-dollar moscow, a bourgeois place, this is the village of larin, what kind of larin is this, such a person worked in lenin’s government, here all our streets are named in honor someone, here is our shmita street, for example, this the same shmit, a wonderful person who worked with polar explorers and so on,


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