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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  November 9, 2023 10:35am-1:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] european territory, thick clouds cover karelia, the arkhanel region, there are already wet rains, in places with sleet, in petrozavodsk -2, further south in the pskov and novgorod regions , short-term precipitation and in places, during the day about 5-7 °, up to +10, thermometers they will be able to rise only on the shores of the baltic, in kaliningrad, but even there it will not do without a little rain, the same 5-7° throughout the middle zone, tomorrow it will be between two cyclones, one has not yet arrived, the second is leaving the middle. to udmurtia and further to the perm region, that’s how since it is associated with a whole bunch of troubles, however, on the banks of the volga the precipitation will practically stop by the evening, but in udmurt in the kirov region it will rain all day. in the south the temperature drops sharply, there is little precipitation , except for this wet spot over the caucasus, there is rain and sleet, on the black sea coast it is sunny and 15-17°. in st. petersburg tomorrow everything will be in the best traditions of late autumn: immaculately gray skies,
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rain, 5-7°c during the day. thanks to the southern winds, the above-zero temperature will remain at night. no drastic changes until the end of the week, by the middle of next year, even during the day it will be barely above zero. in moscow tomorrow there will be mostly no precipitation and the same 5-7°, and rain will return to the capital by sunday. by this time i have all the information about the weather, see you. yes, well , a little bit. higher, yes, yes, well, not that much, a little bit, it's a little bit, a little bit lower , no, that's a lot, higher, listen, you just said lower, just a little bit more, so stop, fix yourself, well now a little to the left, like this, well now turn it over, motherfucker, nest, it will stand here, well what did i tell you, i’ll satisfy you, you explain, you explain to him, how do you like it, what’s it
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like? photo, like a photo, like a photo, no damn, photo, like a photo, this is not a photo, this is a painting, look how alive he is here, by the way, i took this photo then, remember, i managed, yes, beyond the frame for the ribbon, i paid my own money, well, well done, not well done, lyosha, but let’s spend money on wine. chip in, i'll bring it tomorrow, how much? well , how much, well, there’s plus a coffin, a car, we still need to negotiate so that a place can be found, plus virtual services, music, listen, you understand clearly can you tell me how much? don’t huddle, lesh, for your best friend, don’t huddle, what’s wrong with the apartment,
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have you heard anything? draw up the will, so we can find the will. lyonov don’t
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forget to bring the money tomorrow. wow, come here, how did you find me, hear me, paw, give me a paw, i say, i understand, and so, it’s clear, my love, don’t be hungry, yes, yes, me too, okay, now i... we’ll come up with something, now we’ll come up with something, so, yes, hello, lesh, how are things with you there, everything
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is fine, your funeral is coming soon. not bad, who's the dog there? max, did the dog run away? ran away, how did so that? he ran away like that, we don’t know where he is, we’re looking for him, well, you see, you’re looking for him, and is he looking for me? i’ve already found it, okay, what am i calling, when you come to see me, you should eat something , take it with you, i don’t care, it’s good,
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you work proactively, you foresee five steps ahead, including dissponsorization in your plans, don’t put it off for later , you are stronger when you take care of your health, feel the innovations, one of the most fantastic treatment methods that exist in modern medicine is gene therapy: get on your feet, have scientists really learned treat incurable diseases, how is this possible, and what already treats this way, just open it, they say there were cases when travelers in trouble died because they had canned food, but could not find a knife to open it. what new devices will do a better job of opening cans, what innovations have been invented here and whether they help, as well as the robot paloter. look at
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my side, how cleaner it is here compared to your side. it's cleaner here, but the whole place is still dirty. a miracle of technology, sunday at 11:00 on ntv. ambulance, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv bank for business, how suitable it is for the scale of my business, and for a smaller business it is suitable, of course it is suitable, but for you it is profitable, this is the point of business, vtb bank for your business, on a green day a gift awaits you contribution when opening an investment piggy bank, protection for any case from savings insurance with a discount of up to 55% , cashback with bonuses in a scooter using a promotional code for clients, with a sperp subscription the green day is even more profitable and begins 3 days earlier, when the history of the developers lies on the surface, apartments have been verified by the russian register , all that remains is to simply choose, avita is a transparent selection
10:43 am
of real estate, the 11:11 sale is in full swing, a xiaomi smartphone for 9.499, a set of two books for 399, what is the cause of hemorrhoids? could this be a problem in the veins? venarus helps to increase the tone of the veins, and vinoproctalium has local effects: vinarus and vinoproctalium together against hemorrhoids. we would like to offer you a vacancy. and who are you? who? am i a gnome? fishhouse - variety. and fish, we carefully select them, without adding anything unnecessary, so that you
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enjoyed the amazing taste, once you bought it, you immediately fell in love with it, fishhouse is on the wave of diversity, alice, let's figure out what to name a white , soft fluffy rabbit, how to decorate a room for the day shopping days on wildbears, take care of your beauty with your favorite brands, choose cosmetics according to care and make-up
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at competitive prices, reinforced concrete, clearly, we check employees and mark them, choose a job with confidence, avito! how stressed are you? novopasit helps fight nervous conditions. novopas - double action against irritability and anxiety. order novopasit with a discount on pharmacy. she will appear now. let's. well, what's there? magic cashback. with a gazprom bank debit card, you can get cashback of up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. gazprom bank - time to make dreams come true. will you have more, more? be. addition to everyone who is in yandexlus additional cashback points when paying
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for yandex. what is power after all, in money, weapons, power, power is always in the truth, and the truth is always strong. how to spend time usefully, undergo a medical examination, oncological diseases detected at an early stage are curable in 90% of cases, maria, you look great, let it remain only our secret. omega-3 from wild kamchatka salmon from
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the ten fish processing plant. hey, hello, what did you bring, i brought the dog something to eat, but listen, i didn’t take you any food, well, that’s right, why does a dead man need food, yes, what does that have to do with it, listen, is it necessary? decide, this stupid funeral
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, len is suffering, gnezdilov is already collecting money for wine, but he won’t give it back, but i know there is some kind of plan, well, this number is one, i found an interesting one, kira’s nickname, remember, well , remind me, well, kirya ivanovna konstantinna, pony and klyte, and not banks robbed together , holding. i killed her as a lover, she promised to take revenge on me at the trial, so that was about eight years ago, well, suddenly it was about eight or nine, so maybe she was sending out an order, this will need to be checked, i swear, i was silent like a fish, hi, is this for you?
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thank you, and this is for you, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, lenochka, you, you should have done it, you, i came up with everything, how did you screw it up, firstly, i work in the police, secondly, i’ve known you for a long time, so, will someone tell me what’s going on? everything is on me, everything is on me, and i also need to prepare a speech, so let’s organize people, unload it all, and why are you driving around in someone else’s car? what do you mean, you don’t
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know, or what? maksimov bequeathed to me, what, you don’t believe it, or what? i forgot the will at home, i’ll show you later, of course, come on, unload, everything is ready, the client is dead, yes, i already know. money tomorrow, where we met, they will be waiting for you at 6 pm, i will be, i hope you are not going to go there alone, what am i going to do, well and very stupid, leonid. he’ll go with you and take the dog with you, here, in general, a deaf team is useless like leonidov, i don’t understand , what does leonidov have to do with it, have i let you down at least once, well, tell me, you handed over this money for new products,
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handed it over, well then let’s go, how to spend time usefully, undergo medical examination, oncological diseases detected at an early stage are curable in 90% of cases, he ru, i want you to hire a new team, who is new to us, hello, kostya, katya, an excellent specialist, just her worked differently specialty, don’t worry, we’ll make her fall in love with our ambulance, head over heels, it seems like our client, it’s just a matter of opening it in a couple of seconds, picking up the dog, closing it, leaving, and where’s katya, kostya will kill us, what do you have? ambulance, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv , avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, i become a businessman, i register
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a business for zero, i open an account for free, services for business, we connect thousands of rubles, i just get it, the 11:11 sale is in full swing, guudji game set for 2.299, demix hat for 399, dishwasher tablets for 749. are you sure you chose this dress yourself? or did someone tell you? at bikfest , four nuggets for 39 rubles and other offers for. very competitive price, only tasty and to the point. sberbusiness presents a green week of discounts. become a client of sberbank and take advantage of the best offers for your business, only from november 9 to 17. mulinvila frying pan for 783 rubles at a green price. we would like to offer you
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a vacancy. and who are you? who? i'm a gnome. 11:11 sale is in full swing, baon jacket for 2,099, fitness bombard cookies for 449, set of frying pans for 4,999. open a deposit in tinkov with a yield of 15% and move towards your goals. we have increased the rate for new customers and for each of our 38 million customers. make a deposit with a yield of 15. if you want new furniture , let's go, on avito thousands of manufacturers are ready to offer you completely new furniture at a pleasantly low price, new furniture, low prices, avito for the home, meeting place today
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at 14:00 on ntv, attention, notification from the imperial mint, to all in times, especially in the most difficult times, faith helps us live, because we so need the support of our patron saints, one of the most revered heavenly patrons, st. nicholas the wonderworker. millions of people turn to him for help in prayer to ask for protection for themselves and their loved ones. today especially, each of us needs a patron saint. the imperial mint is proud to present a consecrated medal in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker. order a saint medal. patron saint of nicholas the wonderworker, the medal is absolutely for you free, subject to postage payment of 299 rubles. call the phone number provided or order on the holy chutvorec website. rf, the medal is plated with pure silver and is made in the highest quality of coinage. call right now, the call
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is free. the most holy theotokos, who gave the world the savior of mankind, is highly revered. orthodox christians. christians all over the world have been praying in front of the kazan icon of the mother of god for more than 500 years. tsars and great commanders prayed to her, russian lands were liberated with her, and they entrusted their sorbs to her, asking for health and assistance with everyday needs. every believer needs a patron to be nearby. the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal dedicated to the miraculous image of the most holy theotokos of kazan. the medal is plated with pure silver. order a free medal by phone number or kazanskaya medal website. rf. the medal is absolutely free for you. you pay. delivery only 299 rub. all medals are illuminated. call and order right now by phone
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or on the medalkazanskaya website. prf. avatar show new season. sunday at 20:20 on ntv. happiness is when the light is on in the windows of your house. and we lit hundreds of thousands of these windows. the housing lottery is 11 years old. we will raffle off apartments for 5 million rubles. and thousands of cash. there will be only one ball left in the lottery machine, two out of three tickets win, we invite you to come see us, because we win, on sunday, november 19, at 8:20 on ntv, you work ahead, you foresee five steps ahead by turning on don’t put off your dissponsorship plans until later, you are stronger when you take care of your health.
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hey, you're from kira, but you brought money, you can't be deaf, or what? keep the money, get out, it's too small. i would like a prize, why, what prize, i failed one cop, i want a prize? yes , this is a trifling matter, validov, well, i wouldn’t say, damn you, stop!
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run, run. well, stand there, hands behind your head, hands behind your head, i said, let’s go, come on, run after her, run after
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her, come on, quickly, take it, take it off. i’ll kill you anyway, scum, oh, definitely, you’re welcome after give it here, death has called out a worthy comrade from our ranks, we will remember you always. yes, maxim maximov, you and your
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stinking dog, no, there’s probably no need to talk about the dog, you nesting bastard. how does the earth carry you? what's happened? this is a joke, this is humor. my friend was a cheerful man with a great sense of humor, my only, only friend, saw the keys to his apartment, stole it, bequeathed leonov, not to you, so where did i stop, don’t interfere, knocked me down, we will always remember you, rest in peace in peace, dear friend, someone will definitely
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take revenge for you. bravo, i'll definitely be back, bitch, maksimov, you bitch, nul, nul, well, forgive me for being alive, i organized everything, i am the wreaths, the coffin, the aggressor, and you, well, don’t worry, so i bequeath the coffin to you, live in it, i am the keys to apartments, choke on your keys, thank you, it would be better if they really killed you, because no one fucking needs you with your dog, and the dog? you’re deaf, but be so kind as to tear up his favorite pants, don’t, don’t, then i ’ll ask for the car keys, choke on me, i can’t stand it, excuse me for having to lie, it’s just nobody i shouldn’t have known, leonidov, i know that you ’re lying even before you
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say the first word, by the way, this also concerns you, right? what to do with this, okay, it’s good that it all ended like this, it’s probably time for us to go home, yes, and you and the dog want to rest too, len, can i spend the night at max’s, why suddenly, what if kira hired someone else to kill him , killer, you don’t know that the customer is no longer there, and the final is today, simply. maksimov doesn’t like to watch football alone, yes, max, i really like it, you know, lesh, go, go, go, is it true? well, yes, i’ll rest, have fun, where are you going, kuzu,
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come on, with pleasure. touch.
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don't move don't move, listen, you're probably mistaken, we're yours. we unfastened it in this place, who doesn’t understand what? and how could you all take turns at once
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, please, bring your phone number , thank you for your help, just so you know, i don’t have money for a new phone, understand? so come on, why, what a casino, but i understand, i understand, come on, we’ll be right there, have a drink again. let's go to work, it's time, come on,
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come on, come on, i need evidence in large denominations, yes, today you will get the maximum in wreaths, you will win, what an asshole, and i think that your place always stinks like that, oh, fuck off, he thinks. who is our cat in mishkatler? the manager of a funeral service salon and an underground casino part-time stole the baton, yeah, i see they often took everything out , and even took away the chips, today they just delivered the cash, well , they acted on a tip, on what tip, what are you scratching, it’s all on your mind , how could they know that there is a casino here, even if i’m talking about it i didn’t know, it’s logical, well, i stupidly went to buy a few monuments, and then i got a ride, well, that’s it, maybe i’ll go home, oh, i’m sorry, i didn’t mean
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to, i didn’t do it on purpose, i saved my panties, even dry ones, there’s a conversation, i chose an intimate place, you want i want to sell the coffin at a discount, i want money? offer for charity, as the first day you know me, i’m not interested, i can offer you semyon brick, what, find the one who did it, he’s a clever person, even cheerful, and competitors like to drain their money back, handsome, what did you hear, your coffin discount, interested, ugh, not interested, return the lighter, think about my offer. so we have a murder
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robbery. there are zero suspects. are you sleeping or something, max, speak, speak, lyosh, if it’s easier. i'll tell you everything now. come on, robbers. they didn’t know that there was a casino there, they wanted to rob a funeral parlor, there’s simply no respect for the deceased, and that they were going to steal a coffin for the deceased, lesh, lesh, lesh, lesh, well, you have respect, you have a version, that’s it, here is the version, and these cards told you what it has to do with it cards, i’m all crazy, oh, it’s noticeable, more precisely from the flashlight. someone from sidov’s circle brought the information, someone who knew the accumulated stock, that is , everyone who knew about the money is suspected, and i
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’m telling you again, they were just stupidly lucky, unlucky. they stole my colon on the bus, hi, lenka, hi, are you unpleasant, of course, i’m lining up, well, let’s buy you a new one, lesh, you’re crazy, this is a family jewel, it’s being sold from grandmother to granddaughter, even maximov remembers how illness, very funny, this is a priority for you, i don’t know how, but find me please. this pendant, waste your lunch break on me, i’ll be left without lunch, oh, what are you whining about, you can’t find a fucking pendant
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for your wife, policeman, you said something just now, no-no-no, i have lunch, okay, i'm going to look for the family jewel, are you with me, max, no, your wife, your priority, oh, and it's time for me to have lunch, bon appetit, thank you! wow, you are our volcano, oh, yes, come on, come on, quickly , catch harrypotnik, yes, yes, come on, come on, so, get up, who is it that we have here, and lured money from passers-by, well, like a trick show and
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an ordinary swindler, not a wizard at all, this is not fraud, and art, but... yours, not a damn thing, but like sleight of hand and no fraud, that's it, free, i 'm taking it, so i'll arrange it myself, that's it ok, free, let's go. go ahead, let's sit on a chair, now i'll find the keys, i'll take your handcuffs off, thank you, i have my own, oh , i don't care that i don't have keys like that , wow, how is this, how is this, such a performance, no ,
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i got it, yes, sleight of hand and no fraud, performer, tricks, in short, i i understand, listen, come on, let’s come to an agreement with you, you’ll teach me all this trick, and i’ll believe that you didn’t deceive anyone, ala? holy shit, wow, cool, well, so what is this book, you and one trick, i studied from it myself, that’s all, now everyone is trending, so, i went, wait, wait, yeah, here you go, this , it’s clear, it’s here, it’s clear, ah, that’s also clear, well,
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morons, it’s clear. girl, did you drop this, ugh, bastard, wait, you robbed him, hello noob, who would write that off? and so it was my wife who sent me shopping, some we have a household chore, two riddles for my wife, the first question is, who is driving around the city on the bus, amon in the form of amon, amon?
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funny, i'll say it again. here, follow me, forward, take it, i tortured the owl, or something, to bite people, you, loose helmet, damn it, huh? let’s punch the barcode, don’t, don’t, don’t, well, i agree, i agree to everything, to everything, to everything, my first riddle, remember, and this is the one who travels around the city on the amanovsky bus in the amanovsky uniform, well done, who sells them this uniform, and let me clarify, let me clarify, riddle number two, pendant, you see, it’s necessary
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find out who stole, okay, i’ll find out, oh, i can go, yes, to my wife, uh-huh, well, let’s go, no, no need, max, oh, and i was just heading towards you, you, how name, grandma, anxiety can be treated, new, afabozold, gradual release of the active substance, just one tablet a day, afabozole, anxiety can and should be treated, and fire and water, for you and me. one fire, one water, and fire and water, everything that breaks visual patterns, water, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, superstar, new season, saturday at 20:20 on
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ntv, 11:11 sale is in full swing, caress gel for 699, blanket for 390. nine dishwasher for 22,999. now it will appear, come on, what a magical cashback. with a gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. gazprom bank - time to make dreams come true. pay less. rod front 3590 bars. pyaterochka helps out. this is an opportunity to take care of those who are far away, they always remember us, we came up with a vtb debit card and the best application, as for yourself, to make your life more convenient,
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go to vtb, right now, lived, was one sniper, who, this is actually a fairy tale, well, not a sniper, but this archer, we would like to offer you a vacancy. and where is the boss, and i’m the head of the department, i ate youthful apples, and who are you, who, i’m a gnome, the furniture is new, prices are low, avito for the home, open an investment in tenkov with a yield of 15% and move towards your goals, we have increased the rate for new and for each of our 38 million clients, open a deposit with a yield of 15%. sinkov. superstar: new season, saturday at 20:20 on ntv. attention, notice from the imperial
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mint. at all times, especially in the most difficult, faith helps to live. after all, we so need the support of the patron saints. one of the most revered heavenly ones. saint nicholas the wonderworker. millions of people turn to him for help in prayer to ask for protection for themselves and their loved ones. today , especially, each of us needs a patron saint. the imperial mint is proud to present a consecrated medal in honor of st. nicholas the wonderworker. order a medal of the patron saint nicholas the wonderworker. the medal is absolutely free for you. subject to payment for packaging postal forwarding. 299 rub. call the phone number provided or order on the holy chutvorec website. rf. the medal is plated with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage. call now. the call is free. the most holy theotokos, who gave
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the world the savior of mankind, is highly revered by orthodox christians. christians all over the world have been praying in front of the kazan icon of the mother of god for more than 500 years. tsars and great generals prayed to her, russian lands were liberated with her, and they trust her with their sorbs, asking for health and help in everyday needs. to each the believer needs a patron to be nearby. the imperial mint issued a commemorative medal dedicated to the miraculous image of the blessed virgin mary, the kazan mother of god. the medal is plated with pure silver. order a free medal by phone number or on the medalka website. the medal is absolutely free for you, you only pay delivery of 299 rubles. all medals are illuminated. call and order right now by phone or on the medalkazanskaya website. rf.
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ambulance, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. the academy of russian television conducts the final event of the twenty all-russian television. i don’t need anything better, i need exactly the same pendant as in the photo, no, not almost the same, but exactly the same, how much? okay, i agree. max, did you forget your phone? i haven’t forgotten, but i did, such a trick, sleight of hand
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and no fraud, what are you doing? something is important here, yes, i’m listening, he’s curly, i asked around, there’s one company, they give weapons and uniforms for rent, so to speak, write down the address, so, so, so, i’m writing, just hurry up, you’re not alone, i got it. thanks, who was it? yes, we made a mistake with the number, i need to get rid of that one on business, just don’t say that, maximo, and for this i’ll teach you how to cook a rabbit in a hat, what, in the sense of hiding, that’s it, i’m off, come on, come on, come on, i'm in a hurry, where did this nest go? and someone called you on your phone, did he answer and ran away? and
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who? so, what about no tricks? i’m a magician myself, don’t be of any use, lord. nest calm down, what, he attacked from behind, i was defending myself, i saw brother parazma over there killed, oh, i like these jokes of yours, i figured out that
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i figured out about the robbery, ugh, i have to, i have to here to set up an ambush, but it looks like there’s no need, what’s this, we’ll find out who the seller is, we’ll understand who attacked the casino, but it’s not pointless, you won’t tell anything to me , but i’ll talk to anyone, let’s surprise, it’s easy, brute, deny , said, to whom, ma let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, friend, come on, take your friend, friend, you'll be captured, yes, maksimov, well, i 'm answering you, it's not me, no, that's understandable, because i'm behind, but the fact that in the building it ’s not me, the nest, it’s been 2 hours already, how can it be baked into the roof, well done, can i ask one question, any, this is why, this is yes, well, firstly, this is evidence, this is right, secondly, well
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, i have an interest, the focus is just visual, but intimate, yes, listen, this is blue, you found the one who he put me up for money, you’ll be surprised, i didn’t even look, in vain, i have an offer. which you can’t refuse, i’m not sure, i’ll tell you where the stolen pendant is, okay, i bought it, i’ll tell you, if you promise to find and give me the robbers, let’s do it, you send me a piece, if the pendant is there, then i ’ll do it, i can say what i can. what do you need? where
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now? i don’t know, i’m looking for casino robbers, and you’re hoping for brain cats? maksimov, i cannot leave you alone, alone to criminal measures. can you show me one? easy, disappear izil. oh hello
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damn it. ugh, don’t eat it kako, come on, now they pulled it off cleverly, they knew that you wouldn’t go to the police, right? what do you want, open your mouth, yeah, ro, open your mouth, interesting, open me up, yeah, the magic word, listen, who are you anyway, oh, it’s good that at least you don’t know, well, what are you looking for here, also those, who robbed an underground casino, do you know anyone like that? yes, i don’t know anything, yeah, okay, second question, i need a stolen brooch, there is one , well, i’m like an honest businessman , i don’t have anything to do with the stolen one, you don’t, okay, useless person, let’s go, dog, uh, wait,
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wait , wait, wait, wait, what, don’t, i have some rubbish, yeah, but, but. you know, it’s like, i don’t just give away goods without money, oh, well, you’re right, i also don’t untie anyone without money, i realized, in the drawer in the table, these idiots took all sorts of rubbish from the polo is cheap, yeah, but i have everything valuable in my drawer, why are you, take it all, no, oh, here. by the way, should you leave these or what? no, this is like a load on the pendant,
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take them too, yes, this is a side, you got your pendant, you got it. you promised to find and give me the robbers, i work to give you money and how? well, not a lot yet, the weapon didn’t shine anywhere, the bus was stolen, the one who gave the uniform was killed, why with the same weapon, oops, i saw, i saw, you didn’t even notice how i replaced it for you, you didn’t notice, well, how do you like mine peflomer, from your nest, or what? well why the hell did you do that, that was my last prop, and don’t be so stupid at all, your gums still hurt, i’m not afraid of you, understand? doesn't it hurt me, does it hurt you? idiot, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, what's
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the pin code here? and so it seems you don't remember the correct answer, if a simple question turns into a quiz, can... helps improve brain function, memory recovery and concentration . let's get our head working. every third resident of russia dreams of hosting a travel show. now you have this opportunity anyone. you are my traveling companion! timur rodriguez and his traveling companion go on a gastronomic journey. but where? it’s as if we are on an island, but at the same time with urban infrastructure. who is waiting for them? the cookie will decide! is it good or is it bad? it pierced right there, right, perhaps this jellyfish bit a couple of tourists today. and now we just took revenge for these guys. what's serious? not to taste, not tasty, not in essence, not tasty. and you know how we will live this day with you. i choose soup with
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pork blood. this is minced snake, and this is goulash from toad. paputchik. do you see how cool it is to be my traveling companion? saturday at 13:10 on ntv. now she will appear, so what? magic cashback. with a gazprom bank debit card , you can get cashback of up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. gazprom bank - time to make dreams come true. ambulance, new season, today at 20:00 on enter. a bank for business, what is it, modern, and for you, fast, and what do you say, profitable, that’s the point of business, vtb is a bank for your business, misha, yes, it’s a shame
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entrepreneurs starting a business with us ambulance - new season today at 20:00 on ntv. what woman doesn't dreams of a beautiful and warm fur coat, but how much can a fur coat cost? 20.000, 40.000, 60.000. we will make your dream come true. we have it for you. unique seasonal offer: hot discounts during the cold season. hurry up to buy a stunning primadonna fur coat at a starting price of only 5,990 rubles. the fur of the fur coat is resistant to breakage and loss. the fur coat does not shed or shed. the primadonna fur coat will warm you in severe frosts. an expanded range of sizes from forty-six to seventy and two stunningly beautiful colors to choose from: graphite and mother-of-pearl. we have a unique seasonal for you offer. hurry up to buy a stunning primadonna fur coat at a starting price of only 5,990 rubles. and that's not all, place an order today and receive a winter tale fur hat as a
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good, fuck you, leonidov, you want a trick, fuck you, oh, well, at least one of us is investigating the case, that’s right, what is it that i think better this way, i ’m thinking about a robbery, maksimov, if you want i ’ll show you a trick, you want a map i’ll guess, i don’t want to , i want you to guess who robbed the casino, i understand, it’s easy, i’ll bet on shelban, on hold card, take it, take the card, take it. and what take it, take it, well, i remember, yes, tulet chervina, well, are you kidding me, or what, take it, remember, but don’t tell me, and i’ll turn away so that i don’t see, come on, oh, shadow, bus for sure multiple, let's break through it, with pleasure, oops, she, maksimov, she, ah, she, she, no, well, how is it not, no, well , because it’s not, there’s two kopikiy, well, you’re completely, what are you, you that you didn’t put the card in the deck, you didn’t say, oh, you’re unfortunate, god, how
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did you go to the circus as a child and serve, oh, that means, look, hold the card, remember it, turn it up, don’t tell me, and put it back in the deck, well, i remember everything that you, go ahead, look, yeah, put it down, great, so, let’s hang out, there’s something to be done, shut your mouth , interferes , what, she, no, yes, how is it, no, she, no, there was an eight of hearts, so, i don’t understand, what? yes, i don’t understand anything, wow, what do you have this, where did you get it, what is this , i came in and saw that lesh, a pendant was found, what are you saying, only leonida, i wo n’t just give it to you now, for you'll give away your knocked out teeth, look, and for the trick, for the trick, look,
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you will solve the trick, the pendant is yours. lyosh, bring the stapler, leonidov's treaty, treaty, pendant, put it, leonidov's treaty, okay, uh, what are you, wow, this is a trick, this, this is klavin, this is a gift, and klav gave it to him, yes, carry it, so, look, remember, well, catch, put down your hands. please, put the second one, easy, let me put it in, like that, like that, come on, look, come on, don’t pinch anything there for me, like that, carefully, two, wait, i don’t see, come on, look, like that, four times, like that four times, and the final stroke, so the gal filled everything out, yes, there are two here and two there, one here, and wait, i don’t see, yeah,
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i see, come on. like that, great, like that, like that, well, what's the trick? uh, pendant, pendant, well, you didn’t figure out the trick, but what a problem , now, so think, hat, go ahead, what is it, what is it, bitch, goats, oh bitch, goats, oh goats, bitch, well, bitch, goats, bitches, suddenly it’s not
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the same again, okay, let’s take a risk, yeah, you take a risk. lena, yeah, negative result, also a result, well, yes, the bus you're looking for, we just saw where, but i don't care for you i didn’t say otherwise, where are they me?
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nice cops. lyosh, how are you on time, the fastening is calling , everything, i can’t say everything, bye, bye, bye,
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behind where you’ve been walking for so long, how many of them were there? there were five, now there are two in mind, the pestle of affairs is good. fucking shame, they cleaned me out a second time, but i’ll skin them. where's my money? where is maksimov? again, a lot of revenue had accumulated, again they were waiting for collectors , and i say that these are visiting gastrolers, it’s a pity that you
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don’t know how to shoot a damn thing, at least one robber would survive, he would be right there if he split, they would already know everything, how was that command to trendet, well, please, don’t want to listen to me, i won’t speak at all, i’ll generally be silent, like a fish about lightning, well, actually, he’s right, if at least one one of them survived, then it would have been much easier, well, look, but no one knows that they are in the morgue, why no one knows, i know, but you won’t tell anyone, well, i won’t tell. you promised to find and give me the robbers, well , you promised, so you did, you can come and
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pick them up, you have them, yeah, both two, one in morgue, the second one is giving evidence, said who brought them up? said one of yours, one of mine, who, well, here, not on the phone, i’ll come now, i’ll tell you everything, wait, it seems like a beak, let’s go, let’s go, so i’m with you, no, no, no, why, what are you , well, you still haven’t figured out the trick with breaking through, but i’ve almost lost it, no, well, if you want, of course, please, do it yourself , let all the glory go to you, i’m not greedy, this is the right decision, and we’re in the casino of these ritual we'll stop by for services, that's right, but in the meantime i'll read a cell or a book
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i’ll cook, come on, so gnezdinov bought it, let’s go, it seems we have a rat, now maksimov will come from... he’ll say who, whoever it is, he doesn’t have long to live. it’s nearby, strange, there’s not a single car in the yard, maybe you decided
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to talk confidentially, without witnesses, who? maybe this is a trap? i wonder who it is, that's funny. they shot at point-blank range, he didn’t even stop, apparently one of
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his own, but here i look like i know it. yeah, yeah, hello, boss, this is gnezdilov, i covered a gang of robbers, but i need help. why maksimov, your maksimov hangs around forever i don’t know where, and here i’m the only one who revealed everything with my own hands, oh, don’t, don’t overpraise
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me, no, no, continue. continue, sberbank has a special attitude towards pensioners, we have a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, so that we can please ourselves more often. cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself , a discount on a loan to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and receive special, favorable conditions. ntv is back on the air, our incredible superstar show, and what about the topic? today, favorite hits, nastya, you, you are just a bomb, why do we need lady gga when there is
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nastya makarevich, and you haven’t heard. you're kidding me, it's such a swing, my heart can't stand it, it's drawing on the windows, reminding yours of what you've done , it's fantastic, i'm flying away, i can't live without you, it was great, it was exciting in a new way, damn it what kind of program is this today, superstar: new season. and this is what the superstar project is all about. on saturday at 20:20, on ntv. ambulance, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. five percent gel diclofinac akos in a package with a man. the gold standard for pain relief is a maximum concentration of 5%. trust of millions. we would like to offer you a vacancy.
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business with sper, i register a business for zero, open an account for free, services for business, i connect a thousand rubles, i just get it, the business is dead. millions of entrepreneurs start business with us, when she was seven, she found out that her beloved father was not related to her by blood, since then she has dreamed of meeting her biological father, she asked, mom, why is your sister’s last name zhgunov, and i nadezhda, mom said dad left for his homeland, well, he never returned from there, but the woman’s sister is against this idea, when dad’s support was really needed, the years have already passed, and the official daughter of the alleged father is shocked that he has another child, i was very amazed, so why did a loving father forget about his daughter from his first marriage for 33 years? there was a call, you said: i was going to get married, i didn’t even have a girl at that time, my mother-in-law’s hand, there’s a new family,
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there’s nothing you can do here, my mother and i didn’t have such a conversation, your mothers unfortunately decided for you, i i open the dna envelope. today at 17:50 on ntv. oh, boss call. the nest no longer exists. yes, while you are wandering around somewhere, gnezdilov found the robbers. nest, igor, he went to funeral services, how is he? it's there. found it, says they are loading money and are going to run, he needs help, get there quickly, he didn’t do it for the elder, i understand, i hope the elder has already managed
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to hide, i hope maybe for coffee, come on, iva, uh-huh, who are you? such a scarecrow, i, i need it, i need to take the coffin away, get out, do you want me to show you one of my tricks , watch your hand carefully, just carefully, one, two, hop, hands up, funny, i’m kidding , this is a trick, you’ll have to remember, no, don’t, you hear, if i shoot you with your own pistol, that’s it you’ll think that this is suicide, it’s not a fact, far from a fact, if you shoot me in the back, no one will believe you, you’re so
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funny, you’re a clown, i’m from the police, i give up, oh, wow, where is that clown? hi, hello, bye, no, no, don't, no, don't beat me up, don't, guys , i'm afraid, i have clavostrophobia, don't, well, how are you, good thing, try, free yourself, come on, come on, good evo. hello, they grabbed the holturka, yes, you know that it’s not good to rob and kill, but to rob and kill your own is even worse, but i didn’t kill good people, he’s batman i got into trouble in the city, you see, maksimov,
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get me out of here, let gnezdilov go,
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now. take your breath away from your friends, well done, well done, you'll say thank you to lina, maksimov, what are you talking about, i have clavastrophobia, it's a pity that gnezdilov died in the line of duty, what are you, what are you, maksimov, i 'm alive, no one has shown such things better than him idiotic tricks, don't say anything. yeah , the most idiotic ones, yes, this will be his best disappearing trick, yes, that's it, guys, bury it, well, bitch, i'll still rise, burn the water, what, mister? we come in peace, it would be better if you had a pendant
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detectives came, just know how to fight, but basically the dog came with a bow, back in the ranks, even bit the criminal to death, look, he completely recovered, i should pick up the bag, yo, dude, what are you doing, huh? but it’s interesting, the kids are beaching, i don’t know, linochka, tell me if it’s him or not, god, what a shame, mommies, what a shame, maksimov, i, he probably fell behind the lining, and i almost lived in leonid’s head , nightmare, i need something with character, len, i found a pendant, this lyusha
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, what a great guy you are, how lucky i am to have you, thank you very much, thank you thank you very much, thank you very much, we haven’t read them, so i understand, some have trophies on women, and others only have trophies, i ’ll remind you of that, come on, you, simulator, which simulator, i said so, i’ll hear that,
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well done, stood up. departed forward, very funny, you were nested by soulless, inconsolable colleagues, yes, go, see him all in the grave, there is no need to generalize, you and i were not lying in the same coffin, and what kind of crap is this, as the leader of a successful operation,
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you are burning everything is wrong, along with... hello, great, i thought you were in prison, in ran, paid off, understood, but why did you want to see me, i gave away my entire share, i need money, half of your share, i think it
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will be fair. and you saw this, you sat down, what are you driving, what?
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phone, bring the phone, i say: bring it , uncle, don’t you understand? no, i’m not deaf, i’m just tired, i just hear from you, sit, lie down, give it, bring it, you’re talking, or something, what should i talk about with you , about women, we don’t have common interests, just work, what am i talking about, hello, day, no, and you sit, i, i myself, i’ll take it, you, the main thing is, keep quiet, yes, lesh, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, calm down, speak up, i understand,
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we’ll be there soon, let’s go. that's it, well, let's go? max will arrive later, and lena and the experts are already there, what kind of experts, and who am i, what the fuck expert are you, quietly, quietly, i don’t understand at all, they shot a guy in the car, why the hell do we need maximo, we’ll figure it out without him, well maybe we’ll figure it out, but with max it’s somehow more fun, and faster, let’s go. dad, wait, leonid, i'm with you, i think the old fart is dead, okay, get on it, let's do it, vakhtan, come on, blow on the back seat, what is it, well, what is it, what is it , i’m getting seasick in the back seat, or do you want me to splash leonidov’s whole car, oh, come on, no, no, no, no, wait, vokhtanku, give way to the disabled person, okay, come on, come on, sit down, kollekka, from
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kollekka i hear that you are at the door? are you clapping? you 're not on a minibus, are you? well, by chance, what are you yelling at? have you gone crazy or what? how am i going to drive the car now? well, on the snot, well, nothing, that ’s all, look, i’ll support you like this, just don’t hold the steering wheel. buckle up, oh, let's go, morons. i have no idea, i called 20 minutes ago and
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said that i was on my way, at least i should go. why did it take you so long to go to the car wash, gnezilov vomited in the car, that’s it, i’ll never take you again, oh well , i felt sick, i vomited a little, it’s because you were driving incorrectly, you got sick in the first seat, well, your face is of course crumpled. document addressed to semyon morozov. morozov? is your name familiar? robbery collector, a year ago. three robbers, no money found. this is one of the three, right? yes. well, why is it so interesting? probably because of the money. i'll interrogate these the remaining two, i’ll find out where they are sitting. there’s no need to interrogate anyone, everything is clear to me here,
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like morons, it’s clear. of course, you are our best. naturally, killed by no frost, who? yes, what the hell does it matter who planted some homeless person, mutilated his face, planted documents, why, use the operative’s brains, so that you can live peacefully with the stolen money, but who solved the crime without doing it, brilliantly, well, that’s it, you said, i didn’t understand a word, but he says that you, nesters, smell like that like your moronic version, go ahead, you’re in charge, yes you’re in charge, that i’m smarter than yours, but we’ll still carry out the examination, igor, lenka, and you too, no, okay, these two, no, well, whatever you want, of course, well, that's it, that's it, let's go, maksimov, i'm with you, the composition of ocepol is unique, it contains the component kefiran to strengthen the immune system and live lactobacilli
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to restore the microflora. ocepol, improve the intestines, strengthen the immune system. sberbank has a special relationship with pensioners. for us, a free sbercard, a favorable rate on contribution to please yourself more often. cashback with bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and get special, favorable conditions, i want you to hire a new team. who's new to us? hello, kostya, katya, she is an excellent specialist, she just worked in a different specialty. don’t worry, we’ll make her fall head over heels in love with our ambulance. but it seems our client. it's just a matter of a couple of seconds to open it and pick it up dog, close and leave. oh, what, where is katya?
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kostya will kill us. what do you have? yes, we have a mess, a bone, a coma. like a godfather. ambulance, new season. today at 20:00 on ntv. we'll see on saturday. superstar, on sunday avatar at 20:20 on ntv for lunch, lunch, for lunch, king, for lunch. top for lunch, only at burger king. we would like to offer you a vacancy. and who are you? who? am i a gnome? shopping day at sportmaster only in the mobile app, discounts up to 70% on clothes and shoes from your favorite brands. i do
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business with sperm, i register a business for zero, i open an account for free, connect business services, and receive thousands of rubles just like that. millions of entrepreneurs start business with us. misha. yes, it’s a shame to forget where your cart is, misha, or to forget the cat’s food, or even to forget what you came for, but the most offensive thing is to forget at the checkout about the x5 club card to leave your points in the store. exactly , show your card and get up to 20% cashback on purchases at perekrestok and pyaterochka and up to 50% for services package, it’s beneficial not to forget, the avatar show, new season, on sunday at 20:20. ntv, you have become hard of hearing , don’t enjoy life, it’s not surprising, because hearing is necessary for each of us just like air, with a sound amplifier, miracle hearing about, you can return to a full life again.
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over the past couple of years, i have noticed that my hearing has begun to deteriorate significantly, and since i live alone, no one can help me, this situation is very sad. the sound amplifier miracle hearing pro is a new generation device with which you can enjoy all the colors of life. attention, we have reduced the price, today only you have a unique opportunity to get it for only half the price, hurry up to call. thanks to digital sound processing and high power, miracle hearpro provides high sound quality and speech clarity. even the weakest sounds will become understandable, strong ones , on the contrary, will be softened, and there will be no extraneous noise. the sound amplifier miracle hearingpro has six volume levels allows. sounds at a distance of up to 10 m. the ergonomic design of the device allows it to be almost invisible, the light weight does not cause any problems discomfort, and the durable casing extends service life for many years. after purchasing
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the device, i returned to the world of sounds that i had been missing so much. now i hear everything perfectly, the alarm clock, the doorbell, and the telephone, and i respond to everything immediately the first time. i really like using this device, i have never regretted purchasing it. attention. take advantage of our seasonal offer, call and order the universal sound amplifier miracle hearpro right now with a 50% discount. you will not only save almost 1,000 rubles, you will receive a complete set of a sound amplifier, three silicone earbuds and three batteries, all for 999 rubles. this is the best price, it won't be lower. hurry up, the promotion period is limited, call right now, your call is free. ambulance, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. the man attacked his partner with a knife and stabbed her 13 times. the first one. blow, i say, don’t, don’t
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, calm down, then a second, then a third blow, i crawl, and the blows kept going on and on so that he would stop killing her, the woman had to pretend to be dead, her lung, liver, intestines were damaged, there were three blows to the spinal cord, what a nightmare, the doctors were able to save her life, but now she is confined to a wheelchair, you are a helpless woman, yes, she lives alone in a wheelchair, but why is her daughter, mother, all the relatives turned away from the miracle of a surviving woman, he killed her friend, hid her in a cave, they searched for her for a month, she still loves him, they will do eco, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv, hello, play, by the way, tow me to sto, i have a foreman friend there, says from mine. we’ll make the beast’s cars, out of
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some joy, uh-huh, do you feel sorry for it or what? lyosha, you and i are under bandit bullets together, and you, you take his car , you’re afraid with him, it’s just right, well, exactly , thank you, what prison is he in, that’s it, that’s it, goodbye, i learned something new, yes, you taste that timur tsuraev was released, who is this, an accomplice, the late mar, so what do you think, he could bang it? and if not, i’ll just find out, i’ll go and talk to this chernobai, nickname, or what? what is the name, maxim chernobay, the third accomplice, he is famous god, he’s still in prison, maxim, wait for me for 2 minutes, i’ll finish the box now , insanity will wait for you for 2 minutes, well, the tugboat told you to tow leonida, well, he’s a redneck, but no, well, he’s not a redneck, well, at
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least me... he’s not vomiting in car, it seems to me that you won’t get anything from chernobai, that this is some kind of bully, and it seems to me that his brains have gone crazy, why did the security hear that he was talking at night, well, they thought he hid his mobile phone, they looked everywhere, even, well okay, it doesn’t matter, they didn’t find it, and then they took a closer look, and it turns out that he’s with the living creatures... with mice, cockroaches, bedbugs, until they poison him, in general, he’s gone crazy, but maybe he’s just eating something stupid , i don’t know, see for yourself, start, well, chernobai wants to talk to you about what, and your friend, timure tsuraenivi, you know maybe i know where he is.
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but i won’t tell you, why such dumbness, and that they haven’t given their wife a date for six months, and what are they, because last time you persuaded your wife to bring weed in paste tubes, so what did i say? that i won’t do it anymore, and i don’t need anymore, okay, if i want you i’ll organize a meeting with my wife, show you where timur is, i’ll show you, only at the beginning of the meeting, and this? let's see, here is a resolution from the prosecutor general's office signed by the general prosecutor, i am taking the investigative experiment under my responsibility for 2 days. okay,
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a man will come with us. come on, taste, wait, i’ll talk to him, what did you tell him , i know how to communicate with animals, they understand me, i understand them, but now what he said, he says, you pay little attention to him, he’s bored, me, hello, timur's address, no, no, no, yes, he promised
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to take me to his wife, first to timur, then to my wife, you promised to take me to my wife, not to come to her at all, a little later, slightly different things, count to three. hello. translated by krishnevsky. promptly, we arrived, on our way out. no, no, no, no, i don’t want to shine there. what are you saying, he lives with our mutual friends, but god forbid, he finds out that i ratted him out, damn it, he ’ll find me in prison and kill me. what's the seventh apartment, be so kind, go ahead, watch out
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, man, be so kind, let's switch, come on, come on, come on, come on, buddy, calm down, you know, i i need to see my wife, you know, what do you want, i remember from timur, buddy, or what? yeah, almost,
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police, come in, joker. yes, let him go, i’ll call the police, it’s late, the police have already arrived, he said who i am, who are you, masters, masters, are we wild or something, rushing at people, making references, but i thought it was timur, they thought, where is he, oh, let him go, he’s already in pain, let him go. it doesn’t hurt fools, i ask again where , and how do i know, he’s been gone for a week, he left with our money, dude, i’ve been here for a whole year,
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you understand, but i won’t do anything with the car, well everything, everything, everything, calm down, i’m just sitting. oh , max , are you a monster, what a monster, but i wanted to talk to my wife, i think i told you that everything will be after we find timur. i don’t know another address, that means you’re useless to me, let’s go back to the slammer, in a bar, in a bar, well, he often happens in one bar, in which one, i ’ll show you, oh, you’re a cunning imaginary, you, what
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it’s the old proven old method, balabol, you’ve lost someone, or you’re looking for a place, today at 22:15, the weapon is unloaded, the safety is on, on ntv. don't scream, i'll kill you, be quiet, what do you want? i ’ve run out of money, i want to know where your husband hid his share, he hid it without me, i don’t know, not temporarily, otherwise you’ll end it
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life of suicide, jumping out of this window, here, here, here, listen, well, undress, well, no shame in front of my wife, i can’t , i lost the key, tell him, what are you driving, i wasn’t going to run away anywhere, that’s why without unfastening, i realized why because, maybe, i’m not crazy, i’m crazy.
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the door is open, anya, anya, anya, yes, it's her phone, look, dog , anya, anya, dog, anya, look, anya, he said, there, anya, it's him, he, he'll kill her, stop, i i beg you, take off the handcuff, i swear, i won’t move anywhere, i can’t, i said no. and so it is this is alena, how do you know that she is white, what did the dog tell me, what did the dog tell you, i apologize, but what does that same one mean, len? well, he kept telling me all about you, i was silent, what are you saying, but not max, the dog, he says that you are kind, beautiful, he
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loves you, no, the dog says, who? no, well, his wife disappeared, he became a little crazy because of this, i’m not crazy, i’m not crazy, clearly, he told a lot about max, what does he tell about me, that you love her, shut your mouth now, wholeheartedly, yes boss, let's go, that's it, yes, yes, in my opinion, they both are not in yourself, yes, now, the boss shouldn’t know that you’re here, otherwise you’ll come back, so we stand and look at the wall. and let me sit, maksimov, yes, come in, i’ll stand here, it’s okay, what are you hiding behind the door, what a dog, he’s shedding a lot, i’m afraid everything will be in your fur here, tell me, timur
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suraev kidnapped the chernobai’s wife, apparently trying to find his money through her, everything moves in a green bmw, stolen, that’s all, oh, flea-loving one, where’s your lead? quiet, quiet, are you swearing, it’s a madhouse, it’s like a dog, are you wondering, why the hell are you hanging around here, timur took my wife hostage, we need to put him on the wanted list, well, it’s not a fact, it’s not a fact, well, because you have no faith. to you criminals and your wives, or maybe she did it on purpose, or maybe she limited her kidnapping in order to divert suspicion from herself, and what did you say that’s right, you idiot in the hat, are you crazy or something, you idiot, i don’t understand, what are you doing? what are you doing to me, oh you, oh you
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scum, why? maxim, what kind of circus is there, he
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really wants to go to the toilet, yeah, well, while he’s looking all over the city for timur, we need to find what he is looking for, chernabai’s money, yeah, and he told where he hid it? no, no, but if you take it for yourself, san filter the market, your wife knows where the money is, let’s say she knows, well, that means timur will soon be in the know, do you want to save your wife? well, yes, that means we need to be the first to come to the money and wait there for timor, in the garage of a friend ahead, leonid. i’ll give you a ride, to hell with it, let’s go on the tram , i bought you polishing products, i’ll polish it so that it will shine like a cat’s, and it will also repel water, okay, you’ll fix everything that’s here, it’s easy,
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of course, lena told me not to let me in, i’ll agree, okay, sit down, come on, the chair is uncomfortable. how is there a lenka here, the seat slides back, they drive away, wow , i’ll fix it now, and excuse me, i accidentally, on the snot, it’s just, that’s it, fucked up, who, you, me? for
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both of us, buckle up, what's something here? there was a garage at this place, where is the garage? maybe i got it mixed up? no, no, there were garages here, in the center there was oleg’s garage, well , he hid money there in the basement, or maybe he spent it? no, i trust him, oh, barran, i’ll explain for the stupid, your friend cheated bobos dumped you and your wife, is it clear what you said? what, well, repeat, uh, quietly, quietly, quietly, calmly. let's go, there's nothing to do here, the dog says we can't touch you, he says correctly, you won't stink, well
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, i'm telling you, that's right, he says what you hear, quietly, quietly, calmly, he didn't find the money, which means your wife is alive, let's go . i'll definitely kill this rotten thing, hello, hello, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, everything is rotten , sit down, and the mirror, and the mirror, well, he said to buy a new one, and the smell, the smell, the detergent . malanda, i mean lavender, i'm coming on foot, wait, i fixed everything, i just need to secure it a little, let the one who
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broke it be in order, i’ll force him, he ’ll gnaw at my earth here, well, you force him, and i ’ll go home, bastard, where? money for car repairs, give me a chair, a mirror, a door, well, well, why are you nervous, everything will be fine, i’m answering you , don’t you understand, you moron, that lena will kick me out of the house because of you, yeah, well wo n’t kick you out, don’t worry so much, lesha, well, i don’t have money now, if you want, i have a good friend for a hundred, 2-3 days and 2-3 days - that’s long, no question, give me the keys, everything will be ready in the evening, no big deal, he’s such a master , he can do anything... he makes his hands out of my ferrari, well, i haven’t finished it yet, well, it’s already a ferrari, well, you don’t want it, as you want, mine
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offer a case, okay, take it, if something, lyosha, is not a drive, everything will be fine, you don’t want it, but take it off the handbrake, everything is all right, vascular disorders, blood clots, varicose veins, the cause of these health problems can be bad blood vessels , medications... the drug angionor helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angion
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- keep blood vessels normal. unfortunately, not all of our guests leave this studio with their loved ones; it also happens that long-awaited meetings are delayed for various reasons. lilia has already come to the studio twice to find her relatives. left alone in a foreign country, in uzbekistan, in shorts, in a t-shirt, in a t-shirt, in a t-shirt, you were about 15 years old, yes, 15, since then you have been looking for your mother, brother and sisters, right? yes, i really want to, just understand that with them, of course, we couldn’t... show you the denouement of this story, and also sayura's family secret, we always had a black suitcase in the house, it was always closed, my mother always forbade me so as not to touch it, this is my father's suitcase, i finally decided to open the suitcase, having traveled more than 3,000 km, two borders, the suitcase got here
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today at 14:00 on ntv. thank you for reminding me that this is a man’s world, it can be performed by a very sensual musician, very free, boorish, experienced, avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, the money was hidden in oleg’s garage, i didn’t know, that the garage was demolished, so where does this oleg live? i don’t know his address, i only have his phone number, call this oleg,
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make an appointment with him, wait, quietly, calmly, i see a dark green bmw, there is a man and a woman in the car. check the identities of the suspects. good afternoon, show your documents, for whom and not good? hello, max, they found a dark green bmw, timur
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killed two policemen, a woman was wounded, let's go, you'll pick me up, what's wrong with your car? gnestilov took her to his familiar masters for some hundred. you’ll be smarter with us, so will i, it’s a big deal, timur showed up, anya is with him, you’ll find out everything there, take off the handcuffs, you bastard. it will come off, you pull it again,
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i’ll shoot you, anya, anya, anya, anya, it’s impossible, i can’t do it now, she’s seriously wounded, but from the police, he’s her husband, everything’s fine, anya, it’s me, he forced me to assign it to him. with oleg, where near his house, let's go, let's go, i won't leave her, but they won't take care, they'll kill oleg, follow me, an, anya, anya, i'll come back, an, i'll kill him, i'll kill him, i'll kill him, don’t twitch, you’re freaking out, look, lyosha, where are you, at the service station with gnezdilov, i’m picking up my car, i understand, like this, lyosha, gnezdilov
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promised, gnezdilov did, what is this, what is this, lyosh, the main thing is, don’t be nervous, not be nervous. i’ll explain everything to you later , come here, i’m at the helm, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, don’t worry, sit down, i’ll sit down, i ’ll explain everything now, that’s it, hold on, the main thing is, buckle up, you see, it’s fine,
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calm down, no move, get in the car, quickly. your mother, you ruined my car, what does my mother have to do with it, this is the master, bitch, strange, he said that he did everything, i promised lena that i would shoot you, oh well. you dad, they always exaggerate everything, and you are not leonid’s ancient, we will solve everything, he will do everything for you for free, it seems we have something it fell off, but the rear axle, yes, everything is fine , we’ll get there with front-wheel drive, there’s no one there, we go out there all the time, my car, my
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door, fucked up. hello, hello, we've been standing here for a long time, what do you care, you're just being rude, no need for the police, so what, we're not breaking anything , guys, don't make him angry, i ask you, you see, he's been confusing me all day, the green bmw has been standing here for a long time , did the drivers see? he left in another car with some guy in which car , i think it’s a silver skoda to brake what kind of
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brakes there are no brakes, the brakes don’t work. oh, well, you see, the handbrake was fixed, go ahead, yes, well, don’t be so upset, this is what it is , this is my car, you’ll find out, with difficulty, after the repair, i can agree, they’ll fix yours, no, what are you... then the guys are shackled, squeezed, there is a key, of course. now, oh, key, just a minute, both of you, what did you do, quietly, quietly, quietly, and why are you laughing, the dog says you’re an idiot, i agree with him, absolutely, max, where is timur, timur drove off in a silver skoda together with oleg in an unknown direction, i know where they
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went, where, to the cemetery, burial site? nothing i’m not lying, oleg hid the money there, why didn’t you wait until timur killed everyone , let’s go, lyosha, let’s go, i’ll drive, why are you nervous, lyosha, nerve cells, they ’re recovering, no, it won’t start, it won’t start , well, you see, but i started from half the side. let me, no, sit, wait, wait, wait, we need your tow truck, police, thank you, i’ll drive, i’ll drive, you don’t have a category, but i have a desire to shoot someone, this is a destructive desire, lyosha, we , i'll probably return it someday. i didn’t share what you need, open the door, come on
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climb in, thank you, so, well, you're a destroyer, oh well, well, everything here is in snot, let 's taxi, we'll load the car, it's easy, that's it. take it off, come on, that's it, i'm free, i'm sorry, i don't like to leave witnesses, motherfucker , i'd say where balek would remain alive, give me a gun, timur should kill you himself, do you want a gun to go to the police, what?
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he says, someone is walking there, it’s him, ah, ah, your mother’s leg, show me, this is already bad, come here, if you get out, he will shoot you. he says that he will go from the rear, he will go wherever,
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don’t even try, or else he’ll kick your leg i’ll shoot, the third one is for luck, bastard. lose weight, oh well, oh, thank you, that’s all , yeah, i’ll lie in the hospital, but with my wife, and then back to the bunk, be a dog, maybe we’ll see each other, okay, don’t be so rude, i’ll put in a good word for you, maybe you ’ll get lost. for helping the investigation, you’ll tell them that i’m crazy, i’m telling the dogs, they’ll definitely let them out, definitely, yes, by the way, i’m dogs, how did you know that he’ll run around, are you kidding me, that he himself told me, you don’t want to, don’t say, you have a great friend,
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max, yes, i’ll go out, i’ll definitely get myself a charm, friend, everything is fine, no one was hurt, yes, everyone is fine, well, except for you, mash, listen, lyosha , this is our car, can you imagine, no, gnezdilov drove: the monster is really not a machine, a beast, just calm down
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, and here you are, you are not a beast, you are a golimai animal, and i’m talking about him, leonidov, you will soon have almost exactly. the same, only worse, tell me gnezdilov, while we, by your grace, are without a car , you will carry us in your own, lenka, i would love to see you, well, well, you’re with leonidov, and i have the interior cleaned, only literally half an hour, so let's get out of here already, and the engine, listen, listen, the engine, i 'll shoot this master in the leg in five places, bitch , well, let's go home, how to get there, well, we can take a taxi, we can go to gnedilov over there, we can use a
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tow truck or with maksimov, well, taxi, maksimov, what do you need? be a friend, tow me away, please, it’s not far from here. oh, yes, yes, i would love to, but today the dog makes all the decisions for us, ask him. is it towing? oh, thank you, have you forgotten how to be a beast, you know, to say in pure dog terms, nest, go, yes, yes, he’s not that he said, oh no, go to the other dogs over there.
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goat! extended meetings and face-to-face negotiations vladimir putin arrived on an official visit to astana, which is on the program of the russian and kazakh presidents. how long will the central bank maintain a tight monetary policy? when we see that inflation is steadily decreasing, we will be able to move on to a gradual reduction in the key rate. nabiulina explained in the state duma how the central bank collects. middle east conflict spreads, arab media reports fighting between the kurds and


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