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tv   Skoraya pomoshch-6  NTV  November 9, 2023 8:00pm-9:06pm MSK

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[000:00:35;00] this is katya, sister paradise, i’ve heard a lot, uh-huh, kostya, he said, you need workers at the substation, come in, sit down, everything is fine with the girl, well , it won’t be the same with you after the shift, i’m kidding, funny,
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sorry. doctor khlynin, did you want something? eh, i’m worried about evelina, i need someone to transport her home, and in general. and you, change? no, is that how you transport? but i don’t have transport. lisa, organize a car with a driver for dr. khlynnin, he ’ll be right up. get started, come on. yeah sorry. it means raya, oh my god, katya, he’s here, coffee you, at your age, drinking coffee is harmful, you need me, give dr. kholonin
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evelina a ride to... home , do it, different types of currencies are accepted for payment, a gentle look, a kind smile, a touch, control yourself, i would prefer hold you in my hands, lord, sums, not original, i will soften the dryness of your heart, in experienced hands it will become fresh crumb, monstrous, monstrous to keep me at a distance. already since you illuminated your beauty my bed all my life let's have dinner today no, tomorrow, never, never, don't say never, i i'll ask about it tomorrow, i'll ask about it
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the day after tomorrow, i'll ask about it after, after. harmful, so harmful, remind me where you worked, in a military unit , in the leningrad region, doctor kulykin, i believe that ekaterina herself is able to answer my questions, excuse me, that’s right, i worked as a traumatologist in a military unit, as i said kostya, you got a job right after graduating from the academy, did you bring any documents? yes sir. excuse me, what is this, spanish, a military traumatologist should have strong hands and a bright head, like cheers soon, wow, so, this is from a military unit, this is from the places where i did my internship,
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and this is from a medical academy. yeah, a diploma with honors, that’s right, i know how to study, i love it, but when kostya called me to you, i doubted it at first, i have a different specialization, pier, you can handle it, don’t even worry, olga kirillovna, i’m a concrete person, in i don’t have my head in the clouds, so i propose to do a crash test, insert me into some active team, and we ’ll see if i can be one of you or not, a change will be quite enough. well, i think the shift is not enough, well, here i probably agree with dr. kulugin, after all, the doctor needs to get used to it, somehow integrate into the team, understand the new rhythms of work, i know myself, by the end of the shift everything will be clear to me, i’m ready go out onto the field right now, what do you say, okay, i’ll make one call now, they’ll give you a uniform, konstantin will show you where
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the locker room is. i’ll think about which brigade to attach you to. you can attach it to me, in the sense that i am ready to leave ekateri for a shift. doctor kulykin. you can get out from under now station and go home to sleep after 24 hours? pharmacy, and san sanovich, now a girl will come up to you, give her a form, what form? filsherskaya? okay, well, i'll see you in 12:00, wow, that's why i'm shaking my hands, just a second, listen, maybe the clamagin brigade, what do you care? i want katya to infiltrate right away. kostya, if you want her to immediately infiltrate, then give her freedom, don’t rush the horses, eat, well , salsanich, ours for the taste there, i introduced you,
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here, you can change clothes in the middle of the corridor in the locker room, kostya, i i can handle it go home, after your shift, yeah, come on, go, that’s it, i’m going, i’m going, well, i’ll meet you and take you to our house, nina mikhailovna will be glad, glebka too, kostya, i didn’t say i’d stay, we can not to approach each other, we, i mean i’m an ambulance, well, yes, and then i’ll leave, and well, yes, it’s logical, of course, that’s it, wish me a quiet shift? i won’t, why, because if you think it’s a quiet shift, then it will just be a restless one, this one works for the whole table, okay, then just see you, come on, see you,
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i hope that’s it, go, go, go, hello-hello, vitya, you're on shift, well, of course, konstantin won't be here yet, i'll be brief, in general, arefieva, will now offer you katya for one shift in the brigade, don't even think about refusing, excuse me, konstantin, but who is katya? didn’t i say, katya is raya’s sister, remember, she came to the substation, what is she here? well, where should she be, if i’ve been telling you about this for half an hour, that’s it, don’t worry, konstantin, i ’ll call you back, something like that, but come on, but you don’t know anything, and this conversation didn’t happen, right? man, you got the wrong number, okay
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i know you, balabul, san sanich, i wish you good health, i hear your voice and it seemed to me that i heard raisa, and this is katya, you are her sister, and you have a good memory, well, it’s hard not to remember such things, you’re just a copy of her , olga kirillovna said that you... can you give me the form? i have a form right for you. true, it is not new. is this kind of good? our doctors know, i received a new form, blood will definitely be spilled on it. and if it’s not new, it won’t spill, no way. this is the sign. yes. clearly understood. thank you. if
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what, please contact me. definitely go crazy. what meaning do you want? life is a passion, not a meaning. charlie chaplin. oh, olga kirillovna recognized you by your steps, would you like a cookie? i want you to hire a new team. who's new to us? katya, sister of heaven. oh, so dark. oops, is something wrong? everything is fine, he just didn’t get enough sleep, don’t come, everything will be in the best possible way, which is not so , i’m not sure that this is a good idea, but you’re an egoist, you doctor, that’s what you think of yourself, kostya, he
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called me, warned, asked, even says, please, kostya, i called you, that is, you knew that she was coming to our brigade , well, you knew, well, well, well, i called, well, what are you saying, is it a crime, or something, well, the man is worried, he’s worried , i relate to kostya’s feelings, but i also have a feeling, i’m not sure that i can, but you can, that you can’t, somewhere, somewhere? now i’ll call konstantin, i’ll tell him everything, hello, hello, konstantin, breathe out, katerina is with us , now come on, if something is making you so nervous, isn’t she a very good doctor, no, she’s an excellent specialist, she’s just i worked in a different specialty, i wouldn’t want her to be disappointed in the ambulance, so my personal request is, let’s make sure she stays, don’t worry. so to speak, let’s fall in love with her in our ambulance,
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head over heels, i wish you good health, the lamagin team is alive, it’s inconvenient to talk about everything, bye! victor, if you remember, i remember, and this sad smurf, vladimir yuevich, yes, i remembered you last time, you told me about paradise, yes. i said, i’m glad to work in your team, we’re glad too, yes, what is it, doktorich, why did you sow the phone somewhere,
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i’ll go look, age sows everything. you know, it’s like i’m playing a game, find 10 differences, but there are so few differences , this, i’d like to offer you some tea, but can you , ugh, so, i’d like to offer you some tea, but i don’t think you
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you can drink it, why don’t i drink it, i’ll drink it, you won’t drink it, okay, you know, we have something like that, a belief at the substation, just a second, i’m hooked , that’s all, that’s it, run, run, run, funny, yes, that’s how it is as soon as you pour the tea, that will be enough, and we want to sip it, like immediately a challenge, and a very urgent dangerous one, how many superstitions you have, 214. a challenge, this is not superstition, this is already experience, katerina, well, katerina, the reaction is good, right, since you are
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a junior assistant, so you take the box after me , good, yes, valer, hi, i’m busy, well, we’re going to a patient’s call, and you, i’m taking our friend home, i knocked her out, of course, completely, the main thing is that she doesn’t get fired, yes, listen, well, we’ll hope that everything will work out, we have everything in force in the evening, huh? please remind me, what are we having in the evening? well, we wanted to arrange dinner together, tell grisha that i’m staying the night, and that it will always be like this? valerie, listen, uh, well, let’s decide after the shift, i just don’t know whether i’ll have any strength left after the call or not, we’ve already postponed it twice, we’ve arrived, valerie, that’s it, we’ve already arrived to see the patient, i can’t now talk, let's call you later, that's it,
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bye! oh, valer, you, valer, it looks like she wasn’t expecting to see you, no, valerchik, just right , katya, and you, well, in your military unit, that’s what your position was, traumatologist, yeah, yeah, and i also tried to leave... soon he’ll get a job in a paid clinic, just for the position of a traumatologist, well, it didn’t work out, he’ll get a job, yes, leave the ambulance, why? yes because it's a drug? i don’t know, dr. ivich, but you’ve been working in the ambulance for so many years, why? you can’t tell it in a few words, but i’ll tell you, because it’s adrenaline, adventure, you’re always rushing somewhere, flying, saving someone, or not saving, well, well, or not saving, but in the first case you you always feel like
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a superhero, yeah, but in the second you curse yourself, you swear to yourself that next time you will definitely save, you go again, fly to save, save, save, until you forget that you didn’t save someone, you save, and you feel like a superhero, well, the withdrawal, in short, is like this, it would be wonderful if our internal mechanisms worked as primitively as vitya described, primitive vitya, of course, will not be offended, but they will ask how they work, lyubovych, and i will tell you if something bad happened when you lost... it hurts you to the very heart, and even if it happens later something good, even very good, new and different, old wounds, losses, still bothers you, well, of course you can’t
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argue with that, so here we come. only this is a parking lot near a supermarket, and a man feels bad in the car, well, there are so many cars in it, a white minibus, parking lot, parking number 19. oh, ah, b-19, white car, oh, ugh, you, well, you
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scared me, it seems like our client, hello, how many times did you call, i understand. listen , dr. yurievich, maybe he’s drunk, man, can you hear me, man, you scared me, go away you stupid, lord, okay, i’m with you now i’ll make an agreement with her, kasya, i know dog language, calmly, calmly, well, let’s talk to you about cats, bones, or what interests you have, hobbies, it’s clear everything didn’t work out, a man of about 40 years old, pale, looks like he’s unconscious, i does he seem to be trembling, yes, i see a convulsive twitching,
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this is bad, we need to get him out of here. we cover any distance cama tires tires are on air the second episode of the new season of the avatar show, let's go, today is a holiday for the girls. dear little fox, i feel like a kolobok in front of you, alyonushka’s vocals are very telefaced,
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such a soft, beautiful, dense timbre. like a stream, did your voice just flow? fire and water, claim to be my favorite number in the entire history of avatar, the show avatar - new season, we will definitely solve someone today, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, superstar, new season, on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, on green day, all goods enter the megamarket only through the price one. small, for example, a smart tv with a virtual assistant salute for only 18,990 rubles. all black fridays in five, time for bargain shopping masters, discounts from 50%. looking for. black price tags, register receipts from 600 rubles and win x5 club points. pyaterochka helps out, i have
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helps fight nervous conditions. novopas - double action against irritability and anxiety. order novopasit at a discount at pharmacy. mulinvila frying pan for 783 rubles at a green price. superstar: new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. yes, yes, i really liked it, i went there, oh, look, she’s coming, look, how happy she is, hello, hello, she’s so happy, vomit, i told you, buy him prostatricum, now by this age almost all men suffer from this, and why are you whispering like that, i want it too, mine is today, oh well, yes, and mine disappears all day long in the garage with the men,
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as you say, it’s called prostatricum, i remember, and also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, prostatricum is something that you will definitely appreciate, prostatricum is a modern complex that men order for themselves and women for their men, prostatricum was developed in switzerland and created on the basis natural ingredients, you can order prostatricum right now by calling our toll-free line, and by calling right now, you will receive professional advice from a specialist on the action and use of the modern prostatricum complex, men, we repeat specifically for you, as you say, it’s called prostatricum, i remember, and also remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, tatricum is something that you will definitely appreciate. call right now and we will try to create an individual
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offer for you. now for those who have not yet managed to order prostatricum, as well as for our regular customers, there is an opportunity right now to receive cremarlux for themselves or a loved one completely free of charge. you just need to dial the number on the screen to receive your gift. hurry, offer limited. a very familiar picture, broom, where are you, there’s a corpse, you have an alebi for this time, you know it, this lady, lenya, lenya, and she looks so feminine, you’re trembling, yeah, now, wait, catching. bait, exactly the old proven old method, balabol, lost someone, or
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are you looking for a bed, today at 22:15, the weapon is unloaded, the safety is on, on ntv, so light and clean, breathing is carried out freely, pressure 85x65, pulse 110, saturation 97 , yes. the throat is not red, the tonsils are not enlarged,
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there is no swelling. we rule out angina overbias, watch now. with a flashlight, please, the pupils are the same, no stagma, but then what gives the temperature, let’s look at the stomach, it hurts so much, and so, well, damn, well, that’s exactly what, damn it, and what’s wrong with me, doctor, well, i don’t know , bye, now we’ll think, quietly, quietly, so, come on, that’s it, get some sleep, i’m off, i hope you
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can handle it, alone, yes, that’s it, bye, oh, quietly, quietly, well, this won’t work, wait, let’s move on in plan b, or maybe she just barks and won’t rush, there’s a popular saying, bark, bark, don’t bite, funny, thank you, well, let's try, i'm ready, i have experience working with service dogs , or with service dogs, that's the key word service, this dog is not a service dog at all, well , he sits without a cap, without a uniform, funny, thank you, maybe the door is closed , oh, no, openly, openly, our comrade’s convulsions have intensified, convulsions, what should i do, let me distract the dog, and you get the owner, that’s out of the question, why, but because, because
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i’ll distract the dog, uh do you have any experience at all? with dogs, katerina, i have the same experience with dogs, especially female dogs, a dog, she is a primitive creature, you and food anate love, that’s right, and you ekaterina, please take a walk to the car and bring me my lunchbox, yes, and i’ll go get ready, vladimirovich, this dog is not a food eater, food it won't work with her, i know what i'm talking about, i can carefully take him out of the car, let me do this, katya, what? and i am responsible for the lives of all crew members, i already said, no, let the least valuable crew member try, the dog is aggressive, why? because she's hungry, that's why katerina, maybe you can still bring food from the car, but for now i’ll still keep
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you from getting into the car, i’m scared, 214th brigade, why are you yelling, sveta, who made the call? yes, a girl passed by and saw that the man was feeling unwell in the car, but what? but nothing, only there is not only a man in the car, there is also a dog. i hope she is small, kind, smart. no, big, aggressive and stupid. oh, you need a dog handler, that’s for sure, svetochka, of course, go ahead and call the dog handler. i'll do it, connections. and you see, bye. try to feed her i’ll try, which means that before you start eating, you first need to actually get to know your opponent, uh-huh, hello, doggy, that means my name is vitya, that means i’m a good dog, i’ll call him cutie, that’s him, that’s what , man, boy, what are you doing, man, i’m with you, that means, look, i
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’m opening the door now, i’m pushing it in, it means it won’t work, it will work. of course, i told you that you’re letting me down, but he won’t eat, this is a smart dog, so vitya, get out of there, you’re only annoying him, let’s do this, i’ll distract the dog now and take him out her from the car, i know the tactics, i just need to find some kind of shield, what other shield , well, if she attacks, i will need to protect my legs, you need a sword, funny, that’s it,
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katya, you are a military man, yes, when the eldest title, he says no to you. you usually obey, that’s right, so i, as the eldest, was called, i tell you, no, or whatever you are supposed to do, set it up, there is, well, i don’t like you right away well, what kind of nonsense are you talking about, look there aggressive animal, maybe she actually has rabies, 214 brigade, light, well where is the dog handler, cinema, funny, already on her way, when the temperature rose , last night, just like that, nestan took nothing and got up, wait, but something had to precede her, but it doesn’t happen, that’s exactly what it is, -what are we missing? yes, i see, so what? disease is a crime against the body, right? yes, well, if
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there is a crime, then there must be traces, are there traces or what? i agree, but where to look for them? what's in books about detectives? faces, they are always in a visible place, you just need to look at everything carefully, see, maybe be, what to look at carefully, this, this is your photograph, and this is your dress, yes , we and photographs, wow, what did you want to say, that this is it, this is you, wow, quiet,
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so, sit down, that’s it, help, oh, i'm confused, that's it, sweet dreams. so far, what else, i ate
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sweets, but didn’t brush my teeth, okay, let’s go, so, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, you’re sitting, uh-huh, like that, one, two, holding on, uh-huh, you have a robe, i’m not ours , for what? that's it, let's go, here you go, brush your teeth, no need to call, when was this photo taken? new year, what? this? for this new year? how much did they weigh here? by the way, women don’t ask such questions, i do. listen, further tactics of providing assistance depend on this , a lot, in numbers for 100, 120, 130, 170, 127
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kg, and now you weigh 65, and the reason for such a sharp weight loss is the rest of the will. can i quickly answer the call, i’ll quickly, yes, i’m on a call, you have something urgent , lyubasha, we have karau, evelina can barely stand on her feet, i had to help her undress, and that i’m calling just so that you don’t i thought, well i wasn’t jealous, valerie, i’m not jealous of you, i don’t have time for everything.
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i cleaned it, i decided to wash myself, after jokes, oh, everything is fine, i think i fell, hit myself, no, but i can’t get it, can you help me, just a minute, we at bks understand that professionals value unique solutions and first-class service, that’s why we have created a modern platform for managing your capital, go to bks, more, international television children's competition: our generation 2023, world level only on ntv, live broadcast on november 18 at 16:30, open a deposit in tinkov with a yield of 15% and move towards your goals, make a contribution to
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to us, honor, memory, the present. and the future, dear, sincere, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind, and we do not abandon our own, join your own, as i understand it, this was not compiled by a nutritionist, but i am my own nutritionist. ask a nutritionist, i i bet, you know, 62 kg in such a period is a very good result. what is all this for? look, do you really want to know? curious, well, since childhood i was a fat child, at first i seemed cute, my mother said, but she’s not fat, all the children have cheeky cheeks, oh, but only all the kids began
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to stretch out, oh, except for me, my cheeks grew with me, and in kindergarten i was already pinched on the belly, at school they actually beat me for eating cafeteria rolls, see? and i hated every change, no one dared to tease me in disbelief, but you know, somehow i stopped and making friends, somehow kept aloof, and my husband, well, what’s surprising, surprise, surprise , i have a husband, he actually spent 7 years trying to get a first date, and i went on this date, spent 3 hours convincing him that he needed to go to a psychiatrist and get checked, well, because really, no, well, a person would suddenly date me, once we went with him to the food court, the chair under me broke. yes, i ran to the toilet, well, i was terribly embarrassed, and a woman caught up with me, so beautiful, slender, tall, in a blue dress, she said, girl, why are you upset, here i am more cheerful than you, showed a photo, i was stunned, can you imagine, there was just a huge
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woman there, i said, how did you manage to lose so much weight, oh, baby, you know, you just need to not... eat, i started not eating, just for the sake of what? listen, well, you are thin, slender, beautiful, you still don’t understand, i really don’t understand, and a young, seemingly not stupid woman kills herself like this, please pester me, i need to watch your back. kidneys decided to check them for the sake of their back pain, it’s a protrusion, no, it’s not a protrusion, excuse me, do you happen to have any problems with
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throwing swords, well, actually, i probably haven’t walked for a day, somehow i’m not even surprised, okay, let’s start treating. and tsha, give me prednesolone 120 natriverenna, matemizole, sodium, idrotoverine, add, well, and answer it’s already annoying, sorry, yes, continue , yeah, yes, valera, i said that i’m busy, what’s the problem, lyuba. evelina went to the shower, fell, knocked, but she says no, but she asks you to help her get up, well , lift her up, well, i need to go there, so
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come in, what’s the problem, she’s naked, lyuba, naked, valera, you are a doctor, you see such pictures that once a day, just come in and help her, that’s logical, that’s it, i don’t have time to talk, i’m providing assistance to a patient, she really needs it, that’s it, sorry, sorry, i’ll call you back later, excuse me, what is infectious-toxic shock, and where did i get it from, so we’ll tell you on the way to the hospital, no, no, thank you, i don’t want to go to the hospital, well then you’ll die, otherwise you have a chance, you’ve already done enough to ruin your health, grief, and... give me oxygen, i’ll drag you to the seventh floor, 203 apartment, you have someone to tell you that you are going to the hospital, husband, well, he’s unlikely to want to talk to me, he was against
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me losing weight, i had to ask him to leave, classic, oh, this will definitely help us, hello , thank you for coming, and the dog is there, and the patient is also there, the car is closed, it’s open, it’s a matter of opening it in a couple of seconds, picking up the dog, closing it and leaving, big guy, excuse me, what’s your plan, and what will my answer give you, attention situation, i 'm going to let the dog go to the very bottom of the hierarchical system, curing him of dominant dog syndrome, but i don’t think this dog is dominant, it seems to me that he just look at this pestilence. he feels his physical superiority and
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is not shy about using it, sit, be quiet, i ’m in charge here, i’m in charge here, sit, you’re a very aggressive individual, you’ll help us, open the car, go straight. so dangerous for life, that’s what i thought, but i won’t leave you in trouble, i have one thing, i ’ll knock him out, i have a strong sleeping pill, it’ll knock him out instantly, and then where, to the station, with such behavior he is an obvious candidate for euthanasia, but this is a domestic dog, its owner is just feeling bad, but it will get better. will take her, he will have 2 weeks to do this, and if
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after 2 weeks he does not recover, my condolences, the replacement has used up all the ampoules, which means i’m getting the ampoules, wait here and under no circumstances approach him, the animal is very dangerous, no wait, well, you 'll be back, which means, of course, 40 minutes there and back, wait, like 40? we have a sick person in the car, he may die, don’t worry, i’ll be quick, understand, it’s 40 minutes too much, we'll be waiting for you, i'll be quick, where's katya?
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i don’t know, yo-my, kostya will kill us, quietly, quietly, come on, sit down, and bay, bay, bayushki, bay, don’t lie down on the edge, that’s it, little evelina, sleep, sleep, sleep, that’s it, sleep, sleep, that’s it . i’m so hungry, evelina, then you’ll eat, but that’s it, sleep, sleep, why are you yelling at me, but i’m not yelling, you understand, you need to sleep, it won’t go away any other way, come on, close your eyes, you’ll stay, i’ll stay,
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you promise, i promise. why, hello, kostya, we tried to stop her, but she doesn’t listen to anyone, doctor the lawyer said in russian that there is no need to climb towards the dog, it’s mad, it climbed, who , katya, who, what does the dogs have to do with it, throw a bone, we had a man on the call feel bad, he’s in the car, there’s a dog next to him, such a huge wolfhound, she went to subdue him, why, well, we need to get into the car somehow, and why didn’t you go instead of her, well , firstly, i want to live, and secondly, she said that she has experience communication with service
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dogs, wait, if i said that, it means there is, we have something to do, so, well, come on, firstly, don’t push, but don’t leave without attention, i mean, kostya, it’s not a dog there, i just don’t know, it’s a fighting elephant, there are only teeth there that stand, so, vitya, that’s it, let’s not have your hysterics, katya, she probably knows what she’s doing. yes, but you be close to her, okay, goodbye, kostya, goodbye , i mean, lord, this was not enough, what is the password, if a simple question became a quiz, it can help on apept, it helps restore attention memory, on apept, to my head was working, again on ntv air, our incredible superstar show, well, today’s topic, favorite hits, nastya, you, you are just a bomb,
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the curve, take out a loan for business development, find out the loan amount in 2 minutes without opening an account . tenkov’s business and the job is being done, katya, what are you doing, don’t come up and make noise, you ’re scaring him, katya, what’s here, we need to stop her, in my opinion she’s already standing there, i ’m just standing there, i don’t wish you harm. svetlana ivanovna, we could use a place, we have acute pilonephritis, complicated by tshe, we need a place in intensive care, take us to the fifty-second , accepted, but i also had nephritis, put the mask back in its place, you can explain,
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return the mask, you need oxygen, losing weight quickly is very harmful, in this case the brain and vital organs suffer. along with the kilograms , your health reserve goes away, well, instead of good immunity, you get a donut hole, as well as weakness , depletion of all reserves. these are all general words. will you return the mask, do you want details? i tell you i'll explain now. our nature is designed in such a way that the kidney has three protective capsules, one of them is fatty. so, when a person quickly loses weight, the fatty membrane rapidly depletes. the kidney descends, along with the kidney the nerve and vascular bundles descend, the ureter bends, and the removal of fluid from the body is disrupted. fluid accumulates in the ureter, which... a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria, hence the kidney infection, you think that you have osteochondrosis, but you have pilonephritis, so you need to lose weight under
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supervised by a nutritionist, good, my husband told me the same thing, what a wonderful person, put the mask back in its place, put it back in its place, and your husband too, did you tell him that you were being hospitalized, did you offend? a person has a sin, especially in your situation, in my situation, it means i’m fat and i have to take care of my husband , because no one else will fall for me, i didn’t say that at all, doctor, that’s not what i meant, absolutely, oh well , what else could be the point here, i refuse hospitalization, let me sign the papers, so let us take you to the place, and there you are already make a decision, okay, i refuse hospitalization, it is harmful to you, you understand, you need someone nearby who
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will tell you, yes stop, i’m right, can i call my husband, great idea, call your husband, that’s how everyone would perceive criticism ? if you didn't have a price, what's there? he is not aggressive or dominant, he is in a panic, despite his size, he is a very insecure dog, he barks because his self-preservation instincts are working, he doesn’t even need visual contact, he just has to understand that i mean nothing to him
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i'll do it. look, this is a rope, i agree, it doesn’t look very good, but i don’t have a leash, you don’t have one , so i’ll use it, but it won’t do you any harm, you can even smell it, it’s not dangerous, well done, here i am about you, but i’m not pulling you, i’m not restricting your movements, nothing has changed, now i ’ll gently pull, let’s go, well done, good, let’s go there, and in the meantime my colleagues will help your owner, fantastic, how different they are , yes, that’s right, vitya, give me the gurney quickly, and i
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’ll look at my comrade, bone, what are you doing, i'm hungry, you're fine, yes, but what? well, you’re just dipping dumplings in honey, but i feel that’s not it, in short, katya has a difficult challenge, tell me, some man felt bad, what’s wrong with him is still unknown, but he ’s in the car, so what? it’s difficult, like with him, there’s a huge aggressive dog in the salon, and katya went.
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in this car, maybe we can already start, i left work for an hour, i thought we were waiting for someone, like pavel dmitryevich, but he won’t be there, why did we want to talk about his condition, i’ll tell him, but let me... . guess the first time, pavel dmitrievich changed his mind, no, he’s at work, not such common things, but what happened. the process of conceiving a child is a very intimate thing, and the fact that a third person appears in it, in this case me, does not reduce the intimacy, it increases it, i don’t understand, can you do without lyrical introductions, what are you talking about? if we make a child, i want you to trust me, and trust me completely, i usually see this
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picture, olga keilovna, women come who dream of a child, they ask for tests, they do all the procedures and are ready to do anything to get pregnant, but if the conversation comes up, god forbid, some anomalies are revealed, oh, you can’t even imagine what ’s happening here, chest beating, screams begin, because they have everything is fine, and bad doctors are to blame for everything, then the path forks, leaves me and never returns, saying goodbye to the idea of ​​motherhood, the second half goes to a more cunning path, and what kind of path this is, i’ll show you now, so
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look, briunettes, dolandins, briunettes. at pavel dmitrivich's mustache hair? yes, but are your eyes light blue? yes, here you go, who is this? a donor, ready, clean, with good sperm, we can fertilize at any time, his sperm is in our bank, and is eager to fight, are you kidding? do you want me to get another man pregnant? olga keilovna, if one guy doesn’t want it, there’s always another guy, you want my death, we had such a scandal because of his lazy sperm, but here, if i tell him about another donor, why tell him, look, child will look like him what problems? take a closer look, olga
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kirillona, ​​look, take the file. read his house, take a good look, read everything about him, and don’t rush to answer, you go to work now, and i’ll wait for your call, can i give you the file? avatar show - new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. so what? does it fly on all devices at once? for everyone. where are we, the new, flies stably on all devices. sportmaster
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