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tv   Balabol-6  NTV  November 10, 2023 12:00am-12:55am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] listen, you’ll read about everything in tomorrow’s newspapers, go, maybe some juice, yes, i don’t want something either, well, calm down, much, margot just didn’t want lenya to find out about what happened, i don’t think she i would like me to tell you something, valentina, your friend is in a big bidet, we want to help her. do you know where she might be now? at home, probably where else to be, i need margarita’s address, you tell me it, i give you my word of honor that nothing threatens her from our side, on the contrary, we can provide the necessary protection, margot didn’t kill anyone, it wasn’t her, you know what happened, yes, she told me in a
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very confusing way, but i got the gist. her client was killed by some guy, your friend, she saw the killer, yes, so how can i help you, senior detective sidorov, i am interested in one of your acquaintances, ekaterina dolgov, oleg georgievich, you know him, oleg, yes, yes, at school together. we learned, yeah, and after that we continued the relationship like everyone else, no more, no less, he called a couple of times, i wished you a happy birthday, but you know, it was a long time ago, three or four years ago , yeah, then we met in a supermarket , by chance, we somehow crossed paths in the park, we exchanged a couple of phrases, that’s it, nothing special, you know that
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harboring a criminal is article ekaterina, 316 of the criminal code of the russian federation, up to 2 years, and excuse me, oleg , a criminal, i’m afraid so, and what did he do, he is suspected of murder, for you this is quite serious, yes, more than, but you know, i’m not hiding anyone, especially oleg, i don’t understand where you got this from, in general, why should i, listen, the investigation has your long... correspondence on social networks, from which it follows that you, excuse me, could you please show your id again, hello, anisimova ekaterina yuryevna, hello, yes , it’s me, we’re from the police, we can talk in private, we have a couple of questions for you, also from the police, also about
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the debt, yes, too, well, yes, right? there’s a comrade, he also came, and stand there, are you okay, it seems, yes, what was that, what’s that? left, i'm afraid i have questions for you appeared many times more, mrs. anisimova , who are you, what do you need, hello, i’m from the police, mayor balabin, as you understand it, margarita cherepanova, yes, it’s me, how did you get there so
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quickly? girl, don’t worry, i won’t do anything bad to you, i need your help, i wanted to leave, help me, why are you screaming, come on, why are you biting, but let me in, i don’t want to go to prison, there no one wants, how many years have i been serving in the police, no one expressed a desire to get there voluntarily, it was you who shot that man in the hotels, yes no, i swear, no, that’s it, that’s it, then the topic of prison becomes irrelevant, i only need testimony from you. calm down, i'm letting go, i'm just very scared, and i'm scared myself, usually girls in my arms behave differently, you bit me, i'm sorry, it's instinctive, i don't want
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to drink anymore, at first i thought it would help, then i realized, what, no, this is a person, they both stand in front of my eyes all the time, this? goes, well, usually goes, the client with whom you spent the night, there was something in his behavior strange, in the morning or the day before, maybe he was nervous, was scared, that’s definitely not the case, rather on the contrary, he was cheerful , joked all the time, you knew him before, no, but he told you something about what he does, not really , he said that he is a wind man. that he was rich, although he didn’t look like a rich man, even though he was generous with money, in this regard i have a trained eye, but when the shooter entered the room, he said something, well, before
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he shot, or maybe after, no, he didn’t say anything, but you remembered him well, what he looked like, yes, if i see him, i’ll definitely recognize him, he looked like a killer, most people shooting other people’s pistols look like killers, and if we ask you to make an identikit of him, can you handle it? most likely yes, but will you protect me from him? well, about this, rest assured, after the lady was in my arms , much less bit me, i, as an honest person, am not responsible, do not miss the central television, a national show about the events and people of the week. zaluzhny’s assistant died when he was blown up by a donated grenade, which this is a stupid, failed prank or disagreements in the ukrainian government have already turned into bloodshed. the americans discovered
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season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. that’s it, we’ve arrived, mamzel, the car isn’t going any further, the breakdown is serious, so let’s unload the delicious bodies and continue on foot, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, walks in the fresh air are also useful, i can’t help, i’m calling a tow truck. do you want to ride in a tow truck? well, here i am, what am i talking about , so excuse me, it was nice to meet you, are we sitting counting crows? here is our desired shooter, gentlemen , slackers, i hope the visual memory of the lady of easy virtue is good enough.
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very good, zoya and i are ready to confirm this, i don’t understand, well, let’s get out of this place in more detail, and we already had the pleasure of meeting this guy today, how successful, but not particularly, we shot at each other a little, and then he disappeared, oh, how, i thought, it’s my hectic day today, i’m always outdo zhorik. where did this happen? in the hairdresser, we managed to find one familiar debt arrow, this one too, this is a real hunt, sasha, the killer has already been to the house of a potential victim and now, like us, he is confidently following the trail. it's a pity, it's just that this is for us the trail is small, the killer is always at least one step ahead of us. well, this is unpleasant, i would even say that this is bad, zhorik, do you think i don’t understand this? so, we need to accelerate, the faster, the better, what did you manage to dig up at home from the debt? not many, field holes, two in the hallway, two in the bedroom, we immediately contacted
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the laboratory, brumel will be there any minute, we hope for results, there’s little hope, we found another one, the day before debt had a card game, as far as i know about preference , this is a game for at least three, the killer is one of playing partners, well, as an option, or they are also on the list of victims, at least someone may know something, okay, i’ll talk to one of the card lovers, especially... since he has a fresh debt hanging on him, well, what did a friend of mine with a hairdresser show us? yes, she didn’t show anything, she had debts today, she was scared, she said that there was an attempt on his life. didn’t go into details, didn’t want to, and then left, where she doesn’t know, like to some little man who promised to straighten out new documents for him, that’s all, that is, it didn’t make the task easier for us,
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thank you, thank you, well, you missed me, denin, i see that it’s not very much. by the way, you owe me a favor, remember? alexander mikhailovich, well, i didn’t think then, you see how sometimes it’s useful to think, let’s do this, you’re helping me in my new business, and so be it, i forgive your mistake, it goes, so what, i have choice, you surprise me, dedin, of course not, where, what choice, okay, and what is your new business, you play cards with us, well, i play, no it’s very professional, but it happens. look at this sima, sima, sima, sima, in sima, sima, well, of course, it’s already interesting that you’re so happy with a familiar cliche, and not only that, look, this
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should interest me, well, i just see something what you don’t see, enlighten me, but the bullet is undershot, so what? sim is turned to preference, i have known this man for a long time and well, he is an avid preferenceist, when he sits down to play, his hands are shaking with excitement, all other parts of the body, i saw it myself, and if without intimate details, in short, something out of the ordinary can make a sim not finish a bullet, an earthquake , for example, or a fire, floods, and even that is not a fact, but here, here something worse happened, well, who is it? and the name, full name, is daniil semagin, yeah, who is the second? i don’t know the second one, well danin, not a bad job, not a bad job, yes, it’s a great job, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t have attached importance to this piece of paper, now don’t spread it,
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well, let’s just say, great job, but how find this simagin, you know, well, i visited him go, no, no need, i’ll figure it out myself. send me his address, well, melon, consider that you are forgiven for your joint, bon appetit, hello, doll, maybe we can go for a ride? hey, don’t build yourself up, don’t touch yourself, we won’t hurt you, on the contrary, we’ll have a wonderful time, silent, or maybe it’s for the best, and look at what an ass, just chic, do you hear, madam, let’s go to the nearest restaurant, champagne let's drink, we'll slobber on each other's ears, listen, get
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out of here, what are you, a man, think about it, and you 're stuck on my ass, i'd be in your place be more careful with something so dangerous. otherwise, you never know, get out of here, i said. bro, this is a man, and you're stuck on his ass, that's it, let's go, okay, san, let's go, well , answer your question, no, i haven't seen oleg since yesterday evening and he hasn't called me, to be honest, i this is disturbing, why? ok. maybe i’m insulting you, but it seems to me that i have to do it, my inner voice tells me that i have to tell you everything that i know, always trust your inner voice, it won’t give bad advice, i agree, although in fact, i don’t know that much, oleg didn’t find it necessary to share with me, but
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he has problems, that’s for sure, serious problems, last night we visited him, he himself, vlad and i played preference, and who is vlad, forget about yes, he is of no use to you, he knows absolutely nothing, he won’t be able to help in this matter, that’s not important, what’s important is something else, what’s important is how oleg behaved in this wind, we started playing, then someone called, and this call, to put it mildly, to put it mildly, upset oleg very much, he was all choked up, and then he said that he needed to leave urgently, and we had just started playing, you know, and in general the wind was just... just starting, suddenly there was such a sudden change, and you didn’t ask him what was the matter? well, of course, i asked, and he told me, i'm in trouble, sima. sima is my nickname, derived from my last name, i guessed, yes, well, he told me, i have troubles sima, and did not go into
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details and then, no answer, no greetings, since last night, this is strange, it's very strange, you know, i even, i even started worry, can you tell me what 's going on? i'll tell you only one thing, your friend's life is in danger and we urgently need to find him, do you have an idea where he might be, we need to think about it, my, my chops, i hope you don't mind if we have lunch today burnt pork, i'm
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not hungry. i can’t eat all this alone, madam, i don’t have to chase you all over the area to return the phone, you know, i’m very bad at running, well, i assure you, your phone is not worth it, i i’ll literally talk for a minute, i’ll return it to you right away, okay, uh, you don’t need anything else, maybe call an ambulance, no, no, thank you, i’m fine. well, now, just a minute, hello, sim, hi, it’s me, oleg, listen, bro, i urgently need your help, old man, very, very urgently, help me out, you can come pick me up, but now, just a second, the corner of the ninth company and the lower dead end, yes, yes, bro, i’ll explain everything later. bro, come quickly, please, take the money,
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take the money, thank you, come on, bye, bye, i i’m very, very grateful to you, i was glad to help , maybe i’ll see you off after all, well , you know, now they’ll come for me, but then all the best, goodbye, goodbye. was it him, debts? there is no need to remain silent, this is not the right decision, your friend is in mortal danger, was it him? yes, he, what did he say? why on earth should i trust you at all? i'm from the police, isn't that a good enough argument for you? and if oleg is hiding from the police, if he has problems with the law, he didn’t really explain anything to me at all. even if so, in any case in case he needs help, he won’t be able to run and hide all his life, i hope. do you understand this? do i understand what he said? he asked me to pick him up at the corner of the ninth company and the lower dead end and bring him some
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cash. did you call from your phone? no, from some other one. come on, give me this number just in case. are we, are we going to save oleg? no, i'm the only one going, you stay home, don't go out, keep me informed if debts come calling again. and don't do anything
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stupid. haratso. come on, hello, i'm your aunt, lady, you don’t look marketable, you don’t need help, fuck off. madam, where are your manners, and since childhood you have not been taught respect for elders, let me go, please, okay, man , let me go, can’t you see that i’m a man, unfortunately, i see, well, as they said, in the immortal movie , everyone has their own shortcomings, let's go for a ride, that everyone is trying to give me a ride today, listen, so this means, either i'll cut your head off now, or you'll let me go , you pervert, you're a pervert, almost, i'm from the police, mayor bolabin, and you, what? i understand, debts oleg georgivich? where did you know this? i’m talking from the police, it’s my job to know everything about everyone, major,
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please let me go, don’t be stupid and don’t make me feel like this. i don’t need your help, i’m fine, although you can’t tell from your appearance, let’s go to the department, you’ll tell me everything about what happened, don’t wait for your friend, he won’t come, i’m for him, so this sima ratted me out, why did he do that , he didn’t rat me out, but took the only correct decision in this situation, let’s get in the car and go, otherwise it’s already on us they look at me, i
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feel somehow uncomfortable, and you? zhora, come here, sash, i found him lapin andrey kirillovich, born in the year of birth, graduated from police school with honors, promotion courses, actually a former employee of the ministry of internal affairs, worked there for 6 years, an information security expert, and so he figured out a credit card. old skills never rust; he was fired for abuse of power. is there a reason? not specified. oleg georgivich, don’t get distracted. do you have a home address? do you have an address, can you send it to me? no need, i'm already on my way. well, ryzha. here, meet the shooter's potential victim. yes, hello. oh, zhorik, you’re here too, i’m glad. here. i'm waiting for instructions. comrade mayor.
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that's why i love you, it's because you're always at the right time... in the right place and like a pioneer you're always ready, zoey, drop me an address, well, let's gather the operational teams, go to the specified address, if you're lucky, we'll take it arrow until sunset, well then everyone to the restaurant, sanya, about the restaurant, we seem to have already, yes i remember, no one invited me, but that’s not what we’re talking about now, the task is yes, that’s right, but what should i do, you, but you talk to oleg georgivich, take a statement, let’s go, be careful, i don’t want to. have dinner alone , don’t worry, i won’t miss such an important event for anything, have a seat, don’t you mind, i
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’ll take it off, you won’t believe why alla pugacheva comes to russia? they say they sold the castle, perhaps i didn’t buy it, why doesn’t grigory lep communicate with his illegitimate son? yes, yes, god, everyone has them, what is philip kirkorov spending his millions on? it was sold on the market for some century, why? igor nikolaev, just 2 months after heart surgery, is not taking care of his health? lord, have mercy, lord, save, how vladimir the distiller spoils his wife. i can at least brag about the nevaza, which is standing and no one needs, you won’t believe it, on saturday immediately after the superstar show on ntv. ambulance, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, 11:11 sale is in full swing, coffee machine
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irrigator for 1699, caress gel for 699, set of cosmetics for 449, there lived, there was one sniper, who , this is actually a fairy tale, well, not a sniper, but this archer, we would like to offer you a vacancy, and where is the boss, and i am the head of the department , ate rejuvenating apples. and who are you, who? i'm a gnome. pay only 25% of the amount and the new sneakers are yours right away. and then pay them in equal shares, shares. this is a service for paying in installments, without commission or overpayments. all actions in one application in just a couple of clicks: i understand that it’s your
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first day, katya, but it’s not every day for us such shifts, i don’t remember this at all, i’ve never had anything like this happen with an ax, and this injury is clearly not from canada, but from what, from handcuffs, take him away, he’s gone crazy, i would just like to survive in this madhouse, survive! have you changed your mind about working with us? ambulance, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on
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ntv. police, don’t move, stand, police, comrade major, but there’s no one here, well , luck didn’t happen, don’t despair ahead of time, zhora, sooner or later he ’ll show up here, so - zhora, stay in in ambush until tomorrow morning, i will send a replacement. i obey. sanya, is it possible to move up the schedule somehow, i had plans? well, korshinova probably also had plans, but what can you do, life has its adjustments, or death? tifu-fuh, fu, fu, okay, don't hang your nose, midshipman, there is one thought on how to speed up the process, yes, what, roll your lip, it's just a thought for now, short, like pinocchio, how do you say it? your client, viktor zagursky, the same one who was caught
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murdering a woman and her little son, yes, zagorsky prepared himself fake albies for the night of the murder, and i was supposed to voice this albie in court, but somehow i didn’t get around to it. yes, he’s still a small child, zagursky is guilty, it’s not even discussed , so he went to prison, but all the stones - then i suggested filing an appeal, and zagursky replied that if the appeal fails, i’m dead. dangerous uaz from a lawyer in the profession , oleg georgivich, you’re wondering who you got into, what ’s next, well, then the promised holiday began, in general, i realized that i was screwed, that’s when did you play preference with your friends?
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yes, it was then that zagursky himself apparently wanted to say goodbye to me, and then the killer came to my house, and to be honest, i’ll tell you, i didn’t know that i could run so fast, adrenaline works wonders, i panicked, i see how did another person get your credit card? i think he stole it from me at the bar. i just ran into a bar, it was still crowded, i decided to have a couple of glasses to calm my nerves, in the end i occasionally threw myself, also due to nervousness, you have to think, you have to think, but how you want, you can’t use the phone , it’s dangerous, you can’t use the card either , it’s also dangerous, you wouldn’t wish your enemy to live in such fear, it feels like you ’re on an exciting safari.
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but on the other hand, by the way, what happened to that man? with which? who stole my wallet, and he’s dead, they killed him, i guess, instead of me? i suppose that’s exactly it, what will happen next? and then we will solve your problem, sign the interrogation protocol, are you serious, or what? this is that very brilliant thought, oh to whom did you speak? i didn’t say that she was a genius, so zhurik, don’t take
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the words out of context, you’re not a journalist. well, in general, you’re right, yes, this is the same idea, fishing with live bait, namely, the old proven old method, it’s risky, sash, there are other ideas on how to quickly take lapin, no, well, we’ll look, we don’t have time, lapin is eager to meet with the debtor, we will give him such an opportunity, the idea, frankly speaking , is so-so, but this is not scary, the main thing is that i like the idea, and i like it, yes will everything be... all right or do you want to live in fear for another couple of years? oleg georgivilyat in a lady's dress? no, i don’t want to, well, great, our desires coincide, let’s take lapin, you’ll live happily as before, women cards, clients from the rotten one, in this phone, your sim card, listen, well, you understand how dangerous all this is, i take all the risks yourself, well, you don’t need to tell me about it, i work in your structure, i myself understand, what if anything goes
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wrong? some little thing will go wrong, that's it, it won't work, it should work, he's quite was quickly spotted in the right place as soon as your bank card lit up in the diamond sky, if he was tracking the card, then his mobile phone even more so, lapin lived for many years thanks to such professional skills, call, oleg georgivich, who to call, well, it doesn’t matter at all, call tell your friend, simagin, that you are at home and waiting for him, this will be enough for us, the main thing is that your phone is activated, and its geolocation, ha sim, hi, yes, hi, i need to see you, i’m at home, just popped in to pick up something which
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things, no, no, it’s not... urgent, what are you, i’m still going to spend a couple of hours, yeah, well, jump up around eight , it’ll be fine, yeah, great, thanks, come on, come on, i’m waiting, gotcha, you little bastard , yes, what yes? why are you still chilling there? he's dead, did you solve the problem? i'll decide as soon as possible. yes, why the hell was i looking for a professional who wouldn’t be like... for so long, you assured me that you ’re one of those people, today everything will be over, i guarantee, okay, you’ll report right away, i understand, of course, keep in mind if you won't understand today tomorrow i will find those who will deal with you,
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moron, here's a kazalina. what's next? that's all for you, in what
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sense is that all? well, in a good way, of course. lost someone or lost someone? damn, the weapon is unloaded, it's on safety, don't let's do without a dance, my hands hurt, you just give up and
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we'll go, i wanted it better, zhorik, shoot the ambush, i happened to tie him up and he 's laying down here with me, i understand, i’m filming, yeah, what the hell, oh, but there will be some kind of life, an exclusive interview with dmitry smith, audience: esports are estimated at 15 million. what is the secret of victories of russian esportsmen at world championships? they always try to buy as foreign players. who are spoiled by the millions in prize money, and is it really doping here too? so -called scam programs, cheats. what can i say to those who consider such competitions
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draws, reminiscent of yours. lapin, you’re a former police officer, you have to understand, i took you with a stick , that is, lukewarm, is there any point in locking yourself away, but is there any point in being frank, i still won’t get a sentence for this, yes, they won’t give you a sentence, well what about justice? do you
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believe in justice? i believe, you can laugh at me, but i believe, well, besides , it would be a shame for me to take the rap not only for my own sins, but also for the sins of others, are you really so afraid of zagorsky? yes, i’m not afraid of anyone, especially since zagorsky is such a jerk, that’s what i’m talking about, this is the correct position. but these are just words, just don’t treat me like a child, mayer, you need evidence against zagursky, i’ll give it, i’m just a performer, and there’s no point in taking over the organization of makrokha, it makes no sense to me,
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you’ll take off the handcuffs, it’s easy. let's. tell me lapin, by the way, why you were kicked out of the authorities, this is personal , has nothing to do with this case, no, i ’m just curious, you won’t share without a protocol, no, well, whatever you want, i ’ll find out anyway, go ahead, it’s your right . you can not prove that i am somehow involved in the assassination attempts on this lawyer, what do you have, my word is against his, and they will believe him more, because he is free, and i am here, so in your opinion, actually no, that’s all not so, in fact , ivan ignatievich, at the risk of upsetting you, little respected ones, but testimony of a debt is not
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the worst thing that is against you, yes, well, you take it, oh-oh, where. you’ve picked up some big words, but what do you have for me, check it out, what is it? this is andrei lapin’s testimony against you, a strong move, of course, you came up with it yourself or someone suggested, i hope you understand that this is not the original, i’ll kill him, i’ll kill them all, i’m his goat, well, as stanislavsky said, i don’t
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believe it, the guard, i’ll kill him, zoya, i’ve long wanted to confess to you how much my life has changed, everything my existence, from the moment you appeared in it, you know, it was as if i saw the world in other colors , zhorik, oh, no, yes, sasha, what am i, not sasha, and not you, sasha, there sasha is coming to us , damn him , we agreed on everything, discussed everything, well, i’m not too late, so i dropped by buy flowers, zonya, this is for you, zhorik, this is for you, put it on your desktop, you will feel nostalgic for your homeland, sanya, what are you
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doing here, come on, you guys are going to have dinner, this is the anniversary of your acquaintance. seriously, a candle? don’t you think this is too much, but what are we drinking, champagne? no, let's order something stronger, oh, what, just two devices, should you put on some unknown ritual of your tribe, sanya, can i have a few words with you and then, i just sat down, hungry as a dog , well, let's see what zhorik us today there will be a treat, sanya, sanya, okay , zhor, calm down, i was joking, i was just passing by, i stopped by, congratulate you, that’s it,


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